HORNING REACH The PARISH PAPER For Horning and (Associated with the NIB magazine)

SEPTEMBER 2020 No. 514

From your Parish Priest

The older folk among us may remember Boney M having a hit single with the song “By the rivers of Babylon”, which of course was an adaption of Psalm 137. Many will have known the exact reference but most would at least have recognised the story as Biblical in origin, even if Boney M’s version was rather more up beat and up- tempo. Another hit from the time was The Byrds singing the rather more reflective “Turn! Turn! Turn!”, which was also Biblical, adapted from Ecclisiastes 3, although many would not have recognised it as such. On the face of it, the passage speaks contrast. For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. A time to sow, a time to reap. A time to weep, a time to laugh. A time to keep silence, a time to speak. A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing – very pertinent in the current pandemic! But that passage speaks also of balance in God’s creation - not so delicate that the slightest perturbation will upset it catastrophically, but sufficiently well-tuned that we will feel the effects of it being off-balance. Many of us remember our earlier cars with a manual choke. Too little – the engine wouldn’t start. Too much - you flooded the engine and got a lot of coughing and spluttering from under the bonnet! On a cold morning you had to get the choke balanced ‘just right’ until the engine warmed-up. There is a definite sense of un-balance in our current situation as we struggle to restore what we consider to be ‘normal’ life whilst still coping with the effects of the coronavirus. Whether at home, at work, at church, at the shops, life seems un-balanced in so many ways. We are being told to find and accept a ‘new normal’. Some may take this to mean tacit acceptance of the inevitability of the present restrictions – “just learn to live with it”. Perhaps the real point in adapting to this so-called “new normal” is, as in the song, to find the things that will help us to restore the balance. We are made in God’s his image. God has endowed us with creativity, and it is that which will help us find the innovative ways both to combat the pandemic, but more importantly restore the balance in our individual lives and in our communities

With every blessing, David

September 2020 - Church Opening Times

And Holy Communion Times 10.00am – 1.00 pm 1.00pm-5.00pm Sunday (4.00pm HC) Monday Horning Tuesday Ashmanhaugh Wednesday ( 10.00 am HC) Neatishead (4.00pm HC) Thursday Barton Turf Friday Horning ( 11.00 am HC) Saturday Ashmanhaugh ( 10.00am HC) Irstead

THE BENEFICE of ST BENEDICT ASHMANHAUGH, BARTON TURF, BEESTON ST LAWRENCE, IRSTEAD, HORNING and NEATISHEAD Rector: Reverend David Smith, telephone 01692 630216 Readers: - Barbara McGoun and Pauline Simpson

NEATISHEAD BAPTIST CHURCH Chapel Road, Neatishead, NR12 8YF Sunday service has resumed at 10.30 am. Please wear a mask in the church. Sorry, no coffee at the moment. Pastor: Ian Bloomfield – [email protected] Secretary: Sue Gibbons – [email protected]


300 Club Winners - August 2020 No. Name. Amount 283 Mrs S Blasket £25.00 141 Mrs W Gambling £15.00 194 Mr B Hill £10.00

There may be a few numbers available if you wish to join contact Lin Galley 01692 630330. For hire bookings of the Village Hall or the Mill Suite. Please contact; J. Wright 01603 782260 Email; [email protected]


On 2 nd August, the Museum re-opened to visitors. It was lovely to welcome people back onto the site and onto both boats for the first time in 2020. In accordance with Government regulations, the numbers are limited, people are being asked to wear face coverings and keep their distance, and boat passengers are only seated within their family group or social bubble. Although things may look a bit different, the Museum is still bringing the stories of the Broads alive!

At the time of writing, the days the Museum is open are Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday each week. Full details are on the website, including the online booking of admission tickets and boat trips. Phone bookings may be possible on the day of the visit too.

Unless the situation changes, the Museum will also be open for 2 of the National Heritage Open Days, on Sundays 13 and 20 September. Although entry will be free of charge, booking will be essential and there will be a cost for the boat trips. Again, please see the website.

Stay safe, and all at the Museum hope to see you soon!

BETTY WOODCOCK-MOORE In the last issue of the Reach Barbara conveyed a big thank you to the Villagers for the help they have given with shopping and collection of medicines etc to those vulnerable residents who have been in lock- down. I would like to bring those thanks closer to home, in particular the environs of ”Staithe End” and all the friends who continue to do shopping and lots of other jobs for me that crop up. Whilst the Government has issued some relaxations, I have been advised by the medics to maintain a certain isolation in view of my age as I shall be 96 on 31st August (the day Princess Diana died in 1997). So, it is to those friends who are “keeping an eye on me” that I give my thanks and aren’t I lucky to be living at 18 Lower Street.


We may stand on the Horning bank of the and throw a stone that will come to earth on the soil of Thurne parish, but to set foot on the same spot a detour of more than eight mils is needed by way of Bridge. It provides a plausible reason why some Horning residents never have set foot in the neighbour parish which was one of the thirteen benefactions of the Saxon, Egelwinus the Ealdorman, following King Cnut’s endowment of St Benet’s. Thurne manor must have taken its Old English name from thorn trees prominent among its vegetation and then gave its name to the river to replace an earlier name forgotten after the Anglo- Saxon settlers forced the earlier dwellers westward. Thurne and Horning have more in common geographically than a shared boundary. Each is the final spit of a range of higher ground, Horning coming down from the heights of Ashmanhaugh, and Thurne from the heights of Martham. Their churches each stand a little above the twenty-five foot contour and each is part of that group of five equidistant from the abbey gate, like outposts. The metaphor seems more apt when we push aside a panel in the west wall of Thurne church and reveal a spy hole of about six inches in diameter running the three foot eight inches thickness of the flint wall and bearing like a telescope on the abbey. When the abbey church still stood it would have been its east end and the eastern end of the cloisters that were observed. Why did Thurne church alone of the five sentinels need to keep the abbey under close observation? Of course, a spy-hole can be looked into as well as out of. More that usual, the church in this small parish of Thurne is the nucleus and the repository of this history of centuries for there are few, if any other visible signs of the distant past. The thatched nave and chancel have a pastoral simplicity, enriched internally by the Jacobean communion-rai l and a few architectural features of the sanctuary, the embellished double piscina, the sedilia and aumbry. The roof is supported by the simplest of oak arches on wall posts and the rood-beam remains, too plain to have aroused the destructive Puritan ire. Like our own, the parish register began in the first year of the reign of the first Queen Elizabeth and so small was the parish that during the first hundred years of the register, fewer than one marriage a year took place. Horning register averaged seven marriages a year during the same period. Memorial slabs in the floor of Thurne church invoke the lives of bygone parishioners. Of John Saul who died in 1794 at the age of seventy we read-

4 “No more his faults or merit can appear Then let us hope his frailties are forgiven That all his punishment’s exhausted here And all his Virtues find reward in Heaven.”

John’s will shows that he was a farmer and I suspect that in the eyes of the writer of the epitaph he had more frailties than virtues, just like the rest of us. Another m ore handsome slab is inscribed in high flown Latin in memory of the parson who died in 1723, here remember by his “most grieving wife”.

“Charles Trimnell, M.A. Respected of men and most worthy Rector of this church, who, sprung from honest country folk of Witton, took fever and died, 6 th November in the year 1723 of the Christian era and the 41 st year of his life.” Beneath tis epitaph is remembered Richard, son of Charles, who lived only nineteen weeks from birth and died in 1721.

Few in number thought they may have been, Thurne inhabitants played a prominent part in the Peasants Revolt in 1381, joining in the destruction of manorial records, supposing that with the success of the rising, they could hold their lands free of feudal dues of money and labour. With the collapse of the revolt, the manorial court promptly sat again and on the dusty parchment written on that occasion we may still read: “…as all the rolls…touching this lordship have been entirely burnt by the lord’s serfs…it is ordered to seize into the lord’s hands all the lands and tenements which were held in villeinage until the lord by his council shall have arranged thereon…” Then each tenant swore an oath of fealty and acknowledged his servility, receiving back his land on payment of a fine, some of them only a penny. The lord of the manor was, of course, the abbot.



Will be reopening on Thursday 8 th October at 7pm In the Horning Village Hall

5 HEALTH MATTERS – AUGUST 2020 An occasional update from & Medical Centre


• You may be aware that the NHS is making extra efforts to minimise the risk of both flu and Covid-19 co-circulating this winter. Consequently, the flu immunisation programme has extra importance this year. We are prioritising our efforts to ensure those most at risk are protected.

• Our Clinics. To maximise everyone’s safety we will be conducting immunisation clinics behind the medical centre building in the shelter of our Gazebo tent. Please: 1. be punctual. 2. wear a mask when you attend the clinic. 3. come dressed to enable our nurses to access your upper arm quickly.

• Over 65s. The vaccines will be delivered on 24 September so we have already started booking appointments starting 29 September. A text has been sent to patients. Please contact reception via our website or by email or phone to book your appointment.

• Care Homes. We are working closely with our care homes to ensure all residents are immunised on or around 28 September. • Under 65s. When we know the date that the different under-65 vaccine will be delivered, we will contact patients by text/phone. This will be after clinical assessment with the most vulnerable patients taking priority. o Please note that whilst the NHS intends to extend the vaccine programme to the entire 50-64 age group, we at Hoveton & Wroxham Medical Centre are dependent on vaccine supply. Currently the anticipated time period for the wider vaccination of this group is November/December.

• House Bound. We will be out and about to vaccinate our housebound patients.

• Pre-School. Pre-schoolers will get invites as soon as we have the vaccine as will the eligible 12-17 year olds. The latest updates on our flu immunisation campaign will be on our website.


Horning Covid-response group The Parish Council would like to offer its wholehearted thanks to the Horning Covid- response group. David B put together the group, with the assistance of the Chairman of the Parish Council, and a wonderful group of parishioners offered to purchase and deliver provisions and medical supplies. Particular thanks to Roys, the Galley, The Staithe and Willow, the Horning Post Office and the Little Shop at Womack Staithe.

Next Parish Council Meeting: The August meeting was held on Zoom and was a virtual meeting. The Parish Council will continue to hold Zoom meetings until such time as the government legislation dictates that it can reasonably hold meetings in person. That may be in September, or may be at some unforeseen time in the future. The next Parish Council meeting will be held on 7 th September at 7pm

Children’s Playground The Children’s playground is open again, following an easing of the regulations from the government. This will be reviewed as lockdown eases or tightens. Please take responsibility for social distancing and sanitising before and after use of the playground

Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer Jo Beardshaw

E-mail: [email protected] Parish Council Website: Horning.norfolkparishes.gov.uk


Although all our scheduled sailings have had to be cancelled this year, we were delighted at the end of July to be able to take out our first charter party. They were a family group who hired two of our wherries, with skippers, for a cruise through the northern rivers. Then, at the start of August, we were able to take the Rt Revd Graham Usher, Bishop of from staithe to St Benet’s Abbey for the annual open-air service. The service actually took place a week earlier than originally planned for this year and was for a handful of invited attendees only, due to the current Covid-19 restrictions. It was wonderful that the traditional service could go ahead, but disappointing that neither the public, nor our usual WYC passengers, could be there this time. The annual service takes place at St Benet’s Abbey because King Henry VIII gave the Abbot of St Benet’s the position of Bishop of Norwich, in return for land owned by Norwich Cathedral. Although the site is now a ruin, the abbey was never formally dissolved, so to this day the Bishop of Norwich is also the Abbot of St Benet's. WYC first transported the Bishop of Norwich to St Benet’s Abbey for the open- air service in 1976 and has been doing so regularly ever since. Despite varying weather conditions, the Bishop has always been delivered on time (or nearly!). A selection of different wherries has been used over that period, but that first trip, like this year, was fittingly on our wherry yacht Olive. Pleasure wherry Hathor has featured quite often and in 2017 the Bishop’s party travelled aboard our largest and youngest (at a mere 93 years) wherry, Ardea, accompanied by wherry yacht Norada. At that time it was our former WYC Patron, the Rt Revd. Graham James who was Bishop of Norwich and Abbot of St Benet’s. WYC is pleased to announce that the new Bishop of Norwich, the Rt Revd. Graham Usher has recently agreed to become the new Patron of WYC. Bishop Graham said: “I am honoured and delighted to become a Patron of the Wherry Yacht Charter, building on the work of my predecessor in this area. Jesus spoke from a boat to the listening crowds and taught about the water of life. I hope that I will be able to encourage and enable others to enjoy and experience the spiritual connection that can be found through exploring the waters and landscape of the Broads on one of your five beautiful wherries.” WYC is happy to accept charter bookings until the end of September. If you would like to support our ongoing work please become a Friend of WYC by emailing [email protected]

8 HORNING BOWLS The Sixers League has started with encouraging wins against , Plantation Park and Rollesby all at home. Club tournaments are also being played. Late news – Craig Bassam and John Bond are winners of the Swan Hotel Cup.

TALKING OF BOWLS……………………. You may be interested in this piece from the Horning Reach dated April 1976!

Like most villages round about, Horning has a long tradition of bowls and in the past had flourishing greens at both the Swan and the New In, but now all is concentrated at the club green on the recreation ground. The club has some forty members, a very happy bunch, some expert, some natives, some “furriners”, and all very keen. We open the new season on April 27 th at 7pm. If you would like to know more about it, or if you feel like joining why not contact the Hon. Secretary, Mrs K Heath, Parkland Crescent. You are never too young or too old for bowls and you never get fed up with it. It was the inspiration of this great British game which sank the Spanish Armada so just think what it could do for you! Talking about bowls, I well remember a very hot day in July 1969 when we came to Horning to live. The furniture van had just unloaded and left and there we stood, just looking. A car pulled up at the gate and out jumped the Vicar. ‘Hello’ he said ‘welcome to Horning. It’s a friendly little place. The women do all the work and the men play bowls, you’ll still soon get used to it.’ ‘Thank you ‘ said I, ‘I’m sure we will, we were both born and brought up just up the river from here.’ ‘Oh!’ says he, ‘then you know all about it.’ And jumped back in his car and went. Needless to say, I soon joined the club and now we both play.

9 HORNING FOOTBALL CLUB September Fixtures List Horning vs 5th September - Friendly 2pm KO Horning village hall

Horning vs Colkirk 12th September - league match 3pm KO Horning village hall

Horning vs 19th September - Cup match 3pm KO Horning village hall

Litcham Reserves vs Horning 26th September - league match 3pm KO Litcham youth club


In recent weeks we have seen an unprecedented demand on not only the Independent Lifeboat service but on all the other lifeboat stations along the coast, the HM Coastguard teams and emergency services. It is so often the case that people get into trouble with the use of inflatables or do not realise the strength of the tides and rip currents that are found along our coastline which can sadly can lead to tragedy. If you are going to the coast, please find out about the area you are visiting and better still only go into the water where the lifeguards are patrolling and leave the inflatable for the swimming pool. Everyone at Sea Palling Independent Lifeboat would like to thank you for your support during these difficult times, with our resources being severely pressurised every donation or purchase of our supporters’ merchandise helps us remain on service. As we do not receive funding for our running costs, we cannot provide this service without your help. For details of our supporters’ merchandise, memorial plaques or how to make a donation please see our website, face book page or e-mail [email protected]


You can reduce your chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 by taking some simple precautions:

• Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands. • Maintain at least 1 metre distance between yourself and others. Why? When someone coughs, sneezes, or speaks they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person has the disease. • Avoid going to crowded places. Why? Where people come together in crowds, you are more likely to come into close contact with someone that has COVID-19 and it is more difficult to maintain physical distance of 1 metre. • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and infect you. • Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and wash your hands. Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene, you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19. • Stay home and self-isolate even with minor symptoms such as cough, headache, mild fever, until you recover. Have someone bring you supplies. If you need to leave your house, wear a mask to avoid infecting others. Why? Avoiding contact with others will protect them from possible COVID-19 and other viruses. • If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention, but call by telephone in advance if possible and follow the directions of your local health authority. Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections. • Keep up to date on the latest information from trusted sources, such as WHO or your local and national health authorities. Why? Local and national authorities are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.


Make yourself a little paper bird and then go out and find some autumn leaves.

HORNING REACH Editor: Barbara McGoun 01692 630663 Distribution: Bernice Dunham 01692 630913 DEADLINE FOR OCTBER REACH - 15 h SEPTEMBER email to [email protected] Contributions welcome, but the Editor reserves the right to amend, copy or omit unsuitable articles at her discretion. No responsibility can be accepted for errors or omissions, although the Editor does her best to ensure that the information printed is correct. Views expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily those of the Horning Reach.

ADVERTISEMENTS For SMALL advertisements the rate for each insertion is £2.00 for each 20 words . For copy and payment instructions please contact the Editor. Please note that all adverts are placed in good faith in this publication. The Editor suggests you take up references where applicable before engaging the services of any company or persons advertising in this publication.


12 BURNT FEN ALPACAS Burnt Fen Alpacas – For details of our alpaca walks, cream teas or courses

please check our website FLI – HI www.burntfen.co.uk or call Annie on 01692 630553

COMPUTERS Problem solving and tuition, please call Jamie Nickerson 01692-630553

07747-450776 or [email protected] AIRCRAFT SIMULATION FLIGHTS Logs for sale - seasoned hardwood, delivered Enjoy the experience of being at the locally - £1 12 a load - Jamie Nickerson 07747-450776 [email protected] controls of a Spitfire or Boeing 747.

A truly memorable gift for someone special! 1 hour £50 – ½ hour £30 Aeronautical memorabilia for sale in shop.

Pictures – Models – Books – DAVID’S Miscellanea.

Gardening services. For more information or to book,

contact Reg: No job too large or small.. 37 Lower Street, Horning, Norfolk

NR12 8AA Telephone 07778565178 Telephone: 01692 630271 –

01692 631 553



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Auditing of books.

BREATHE, RELAX, BE Have a question? Bliss Yoga Give me a ring on 07899 796271 Friday 10am Mallards, 42 Lower Street, Horning Village Hall, Mill Hill Horning NR12 8AA

Come along and enjoy a gentle flowing style of Yoga creating strength and stability in the body. Drop-in £8 Ten class pass £70

New additional class: RANDALL CONTRACTORS

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Horning Norwich NR12 8AA DECORATORS Tel: 01692 630434 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTER AND DECORATOR For All Your Needs ---.-... EST. 1987 In-Store Bakery – Orders can be taken Tel: 01692 631366/ 07748 257176 Chilled Fruit & Vegetables ‘BENITA’ NEATISHEAD ROAD, Groceries * Confectionery * Ice Creams HORNING, NR12 8LB * Maps * Books & Stationery MEMBER OF NORFOLK COUNTY * Medical * Papers & Delivery COUNCIL’S TRUTED TRADERS * Off Licence * Lottery

THE GALLEY HORNING L Harmer - Tree & Garden We stock a variety of food Services

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‘ODD JOB’ STAITHE N WILLOW HORNING Fully equipped Handyman and Gardener. Available 7 days a week. • Hedge cutting We are still serving Fish and Chips • Grass cutting on Fridays for delivery or take-away. • General DIY • Small painting jobs • Other meals are available for Flat pack assembly • Home waste removal collection throughout the week. • Fencing Any Home and Garden general Call 01692 630915 maintenance. Call Tom on 07711185154


Rats, Mice, Moles, Wasps, Bees, Rabbits, Fox, etc


Orchard Cottage, School Road Tel/Fax: 01692 631173 Neatishead, Norwich NR12 8XN Mobile: 07711 391839



Lions are a great subject for drawing. They can be fierce, expressive, and proud or simple, cute, and cartoonish. To create a masterful lion drawing, make a few simple guidelines to give your realistic lion structure and proportion. Then, define the lion's outline and add details, such as a furry mane. To make a fun cartoon lion, exaggerate the head and any facial features you like. Add colour if you'd like your lion to really stand out.


When you're stuck at home for some reason, use the time to declutter an area of your home that's been bothering you. Clean out that junk drawer in your kitchen, organise the garage, or finally go through those boxes in the loft. Take it one project at a time and enjoy the process of streamlining your stuff.

19 VILLAGE INFORMATION USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS Doctors’ Surgery Hoveton 01603 782155 Doctor’s Surgery Ludham 01692 678611 Norfolk & Norwich Hospital 01603 286286 Hospital 01263 513571 NHS Help Line 111 – or visit

Norwich Practices Health Care (Walk in Centre), Rouen Road, Norwich – Open seven days a week. Contact 01603 677500.

DEFIBRILLATORS Village Hall, Mill Hill NR12 8LF The New Inn, Lower Street NR12 8PF Ferry Marina Reception Ferry Road NR12 8PS

Norfolk County Council 03448008020

North Norfolk District Council 01263 513811

Veterinary Surgery Wroxham 01603 783920

Citizens Advice Bureau 03444 111 444

Police non-emergency 101

Samaritans FREE PHONE 116123

MOBILE LIBRARY – Horning and Ashmanhaugh Coronavirus update Considering the current advice from the Government, we have taken the decision to suspend the mobile service for the foreseeable future.

AND FINALLY: ‘What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.’’

Ecclesiastes 1.verse 9