Arxiv:1801.06086V1 [Nlin.PS] 18 Jan 2018 Late Time Dynamics, in the Absence of Dissipation

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Arxiv:1801.06086V1 [Nlin.PS] 18 Jan 2018 Late Time Dynamics, in the Absence of Dissipation Phononic Rogue Waves E. G. Charalampidis, J. Lee and P. G. Kevrekidis Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Massachusetts Amherst MA 01003-9305, USA C. Chong∗ Department of Mathematics, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME 04011, USA (Dated: January 19, 2018) We present a theoretical study of extreme events occurring in phononic lattices. In particular, we focus on the formation of rogue or freak waves, which are characterized by their localization in both spatial and temporal domains. We consider two examples. The first one is the prototypical nonlinear mass-spring system in the form of a homogeneous Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou (FPUT) lattice with a polynomial potential. By deriving an approximation based on the nonlinear Schr¨odinger(NLS) equation, we are able to initialize the FPUT model using a suitably transformed Peregrine soliton solution of the NLS, obtaining dynamics that resembles a rogue wave on the FPUT lattice. We also show that Gaussian initial data can lead to dynamics featuring rogue wave for sufficiently wide Gaussians. The second example is a diatomic granular crystal exhibiting rogue wave like dynamics, which we also obtain through an NLS reduction and numerical simulations. The granular crystal (a chain of particles that interact elastically) is a widely studied system that lends itself to experimental studies. This study serves to illustrate the potential of such dynamical lattices towards the experimental observation of acoustic rogue waves. I. INTRODUCTION Extreme wave events, such as freak or rogue waves, are waves that seem to appear out of nowhere, and then vanish without a trace [1{3]. The term rogue wave was first coined to describe an ocean wave that has an amplitude greater than twice the significant wave height [1]. Based on the classical description of waves that assumes a Rayleigh distribution of wave heights, a rogue wave should be an extremely rare event [1]. The measurement of an ocean rogue wave (the Draupner wave) in 1995 initiated an intense interest in the subject of extreme events. It has been found that ocean rogue waves occur more regularly than the statistical description predicts [1], and a number of alternative mechanisms for the formation of rogue waves has been produced [1]. One such approach is through the derivation of simple modulation equations such as the nonlinear Schr¨odinger (NLS) equation from the underlying equations of motion [4]. The Peregrine soliton solution of the focusing NLS equation sits atop a finite background, and is localized in both space and time [5]. The maximum amplitude of the Peregrine soliton is three times greater than the background upon which it sits, and is therefore a prominent rogue wave candidate. Such structures have been studied in various media, including nonlinear optics [6{9], mode-locked lasers [11], superfluid helium [12], hydrodynamics [13{15], Faraday surface ripples [16], parametrically-driven capillary waves [17], plasmas [18], ultra-cold gases [19] and electrical transmission lines [20]. A unifying theme of these varied physical settings of rogue waves is the relevance of the NLS setting as an approximate model equation. Rogue waves in discrete systems are far less studied. One example of such a study concerns rogue waves in the integrable Ablowitz-Ladik lattice [21], which is known to have an exact solution that has similar properties as the NLS Peregrine soliton. At the level of granular systems, the pioneering work of [22] was the first one to recognize the potential of such systems for unusually large (rogue) fluctuations in arXiv:1801.06086v1 [nlin.PS] 18 Jan 2018 late time dynamics, in the absence of dissipation. The present study concerns a different discrete system, namely phononic lattices, which are systems that manipulate pressure waves (as opposed to photonic latices in which light waves are manipulated). Arguably, one of the most prototypical phononic lattice is the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou (FPUT) lattice, which describes a one-dimensional system of masses coupled through weakly nonlinear springs [23]. While the amount of research efforts in the direction of the FPUT lattice is immense (see the book [24], but also the recent review [25]), rogue waves in FPUT lattices have not been reported on, to the best of our knowledge. In the small amplitude limit, the NLS equation is once again a valid modulation equation, suggesting that Peregrine-soliton-type dynamics are possible in phononic lattices. To demonstrate that a phononic rogue wave could in principle be observed experimentally, we conduct a study in the case of an one-dimensional chain of beads interacting through Hertzian contacts, i.e. granular crystals. Over the ∗ [email protected] 2 2 3 12 3 (a) (b) Temporal Profile (x=0) (c) 2.5 10 Spatial Profile (t=0) 2.5 2 8 2 ) ) 2 k 1.5 k 1.5 ( 6 ( |A| ω ω 1 4 1 0.5 2 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 -5 0 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 k X,T k FIG.FIG. 1. (a) 1. Dispersion(a) Dispersion relation relation for for the the monomer monomer FPUT FPUT lattice lattice with withK2K=2 1,= which 1, which consists consists of an of acoustic an acoustic branch branch only. (b) only. The (b) The spatialspatial profile profile of the of the Peregrine Peregrine soliton soliton at at tt == 0 and the the temporal temporal profile profile at x at=x 0.= (c) 0. Dispersion (c) Dispersion relation relation for the for dimer the FPUT dimer FPUT latticelattice with withK2 K=32 =/2and 3=2 and⇢ =0ρ =. 08,:8, which which consists consists of of an an acoustic acoustic branch branch (lower (lower branch) branch) and opticaland optical branch branch (upper (upper branch). branch). dynamiclast two responses. decades, granular At the crystals same time, have receivedit is possible considerable to easily attention, access as and is now arrange summarized the media in a wide in a range wide of range of reviews [26{32]. Granular crystals are remarkably tunable, which permits one to access weakly or strongly nonlinear configurationsdynamic responses. (homogeneous, At the periodic, same time, chains it is possible with impurities, to easily accesschains and with arrange local resonators, the media in disordered a wide range chains, of etc.). Theseconfigurations aspects make (homogeneous, the study of periodic, granular chains crystals with fascinating impurities, chains from both withfundamental local resonators, and disordered applied perspectives chains, and [30]. Themany remainder others). of These the paper aspects is make structured the study as follows. of granular In Sec. crystals II, we fascinating examine afrom homogeneous both fundamental FPUT and lattice. applied We derive a focusingperspectives NLS [31]. equation, which describes the modulation of small amplitude and rapidly oscillating plane waves in time andThe space. remainder The of Peregrine the paper soliton is structured of the as NLS follows. equation In Sec. is II, used we examine to initialize a homogeneous the FPUT FPUT system lattice. which We leads derive to rogue- likea wave focusing dynamics. NLS equation, The prediction which describes based on the the modulation NLS approximation of small amplitude coincides andrapidly with the oscillating numerical plane simulations waves in of the FPUTtime lattice and space. up until The Peregrine the formation soliton of of the NLS large equation amplitude is used wave. to initialize While the the FPUT NLS system approximation which leads sees to rogue- a decreasing andlike “vanishing” wave dynamics. of the The large prediction amplitude based wave on back the NLS towards approximation the background, coincides the with presence the numerical of a modulational simulations of instabilitythe causesFPUT the lattice formation up until of outward the formation propagating of the large waves amplitude from the wave. center While of the the lattice. NLS approximation We also explore sees a generalized decreasing pulse and \vanishing" of the large amplitude wave back towards the background, the presence of a modulational instability like initial data (in the form of Gaussian wave packets), which can lead to wide variety of behavior including soliton causes the formation of outward propagating waves from the center of the lattice. We also explore generalized pulse dynamics,like initial breathing data (in dynamics, the form of and Gaussian rogue wave wave packets), dynamics. which The can leadamplitude to wide of variety the initial of behavior value including “selects” soliton the type of observeddynamics, dynamics. breathing In Sec.dynamics, III we and consider rogue wave a diatomic dynamics. granular The amplitude crystal lattice. of the initial Using conditions a focusing \selects" NLS equation the type derived as anof envelope observed dynamics. approximation In Sec. of III this we diatomic consider a chain, diatomic we granular once again crystal use lattice. the Peregrine Using a focusing soliton solution NLS equation of the NLS equationderived to as initialize an envelope the lattice approximation dynamics. of We this find diatomic qualitatively chain, we similar once again behavior use the to that Peregrine reported soliton for thesolution homogeneous of FPUTthe lattice NLS equation for all massto initialize ratios the tested. lattice A dynamics. noteworthy We finding find qualitatively is that the similar sensitivity behavior to to boundary that reported e↵ects for depends the on the chosenhomogeneous mass FPUT ratio. latticeSec. IV for draws all mass conclusions ratios tested. and A discusses noteworthy future finding directions. is that the sensitivity to boundary effects appears to depend on the chosen mass ratio. Sec. IV draws conclusions and discusses future directions. II. HOMOGENEOUS FERMI-PASTA-ULAM-TSINGOU LATTICES II. HOMOGENEOUS FERMI-PASTA-ULAM-TSINGOU LATTICES A.A. Theoretical Theoretical Set-up Set-up TheThe prototypical prototypical Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou (FPUT) (FPUT) lattice lattice has has the the form form u¨n = V 0(un+1 un) V 0(un un 1) (1) u¨n = V 0(un+1 un) V 0(un −un 1) (1) −− −− − − − with with 2 3 V 0(x) = K2x + K3x + K4x ; (2) 2 3 V 0(x)=K2x + K3x + K4x , (2) where n I, with I a countable index set, and un = un(t) R is the displacement of the nth particle from equilibrium 2 2 position at time t.
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