Interview with Pieces from the AP Austrailian Art Exhibit Exchange Student Page 7 Page 3 The Delbarton Courier February 28, 2014 230 Mendham Road - Morristown, NJ - 07960 Vol. 74, No. 3 A Letter from Abbot Giles 3D Printing By: Greg Kacergis ‘15 By: Abbot Giles Hayes ‘56 Thanks, Delbarton! Yes, Their buzz has even reached the gratitude I express is first from the Courier office. I’m being literal; me, for your total cooperation and one constantly whirrs and beeps just assistance in making Sandy Relief a few feet away from the top guns as this year so successful. But, I know the latest issue is put together. It ac- that the thousands of people we tually gets somewhat annoying. But served in Hazlet and Red Bank feel its implications for the future are the same. So many of them ex- vast–one has to consider, what will pressed their personal gratitude to adding a new dimension to print- so many of us for showering upon ing add to our daily lives? Here’s my them the thousands of toys we were personal predictions. able to distribute, the two thousand First of all, a whole lot of Hess trucks that were added to that small objects are going to become group, and the many other major much more replaceable. Your Yale gifts we received, not the least of doorknob doesn’t have the same which were three to four hundred twisty action you used to love from basketballs. it? Print a new one. A crazed bur- Consequently, Delbarton, glar busted your lock in pursuit of once more you have stepped up wealth and the thrill of kleptoma- marvelously. And you did so just nia? Print another lock. Your door a few days after you completed the most successful Thanksgiving “A whole lot of small Food Drive we’ve ever had. That is an illustration of the generosity objects are going to and the sensitivity of the students, Abbot Giles Portrait Courtesy of Justin Baiter become much more parents, and extended Delbarton Church in Red Bank on December people we served. Our program on community. Just as we made a major 15, when we distributed, from the December 15, preceded by more replaceable. Your Yale difference in the Morristown area late morning until the late after- than a week of collecting material, doorknob doesn’t have with our food drive, we also made a noon, thousands and thousands of was particularly successful, because major difference among the poor in gifts to 1,700 to 1,900 families. I had we, with the help of the advice of the same twisty action the “Bayshore” area of New Jersey been to Appalachia for thirty five the Diocese of Trenton, found the you used to love from devastated by Hurricane Sandy. consecutive years and have worked right people to work with. Specifi- One hundred Delbarton in the Central Ward of Newark as cally, the leaders on the ground, so it? Print a new one. A students, thirty six Delbarton dads, well as other areas of significant to speak, who were Patti Dickens crazed burglar busted and four Delbarton faculty mem- poverty, but, personally, I was totally of the Raine Foundation in the bers journeyed on two busses and surprised by the poverty that I saw “Bayshore” area, her pastor, Father your lock in pursuit of many cars to a warehouse location in the faces, in the clothes, in the wealth and the thrill Continued on page 2 in Hazlet and St. Anthony of Padua desperation of so many of the of kleptomania? Print More to Love than Meets the Eye another lock.” downward into a state of despera- artificial intelligence. To many, this slams into the wall as you storm By: Timothy Welman ‘14 tion. It is this desperation for a new movie is just “a lovestory with Siri”, from the room, enraged and infuri- These days, it has become partner that ultimately leads him to however, beneath its shell, it is much ated? Print a doorstop. And take a incredibly difficult to find good meet Samantha, an operating system chill pill, which unfortunately you movies. Sure, we’ve seen a lot of with a groundbreaking amount of Continued on page 4 will have to obtain over-the-counter entertaining ones in the past few rather than by a quick print from the months, but nothing worthy of convenience of your home. “masterpiece” status. However, in And, beyond the economic the myriad of gimmicks and special implications of the ability to manu- effects, there lies an underappreci- facture whatever item you please for ated gem that this world has been the price of its plastic, I am looking blessed with. This movie is none forward to a lot more customizabil- other than Her. ity. My fellow at the Courier office Her centers around the life broke that thing on your backpack. of Theodore Twombly, a gentle, You know, the thing that holds the compassionate man who makes his strap that bestows the convenience living writing personal, prewritten of carrying one’s backpack on the letters for others. The audience is back. That thing. Well, not only can exposed to an introspective main character as he recovers from a divorce, which causes him to spiral Joaquin Phoenix full of emotions Courtesy of Continued on page 6 Page The Delbarton Courier 2 The Delbarton Courier Faculty Advisors Mrs. Loveday Mr. Wyatt

Editors-in-Chief Timothy Welman ‘14 Will Agathis ‘14 Greg Kacergis ‘15

Delbarton Life News Opinions Paul Shuler ‘15 Nicholas Serratelli ‘14 Charlie Niebanck ‘14

Arts Visions and Voices Sports Tommy Cusano ‘14 Will Nixon ‘15 Sheamus Craugh ‘14

All rights reserved. All contents © 2014 The Delbarton Courier. Please recycle after use.

A Letter from the Editors

Who would have known that this winter would be so bad? This year has seen every corner of New Jersey piled with snowdrift after snowdrift, and it has shown in our attendance. As Brother Paul said, this can have a sort of lethargic effect on the stu- dents and teachers alike. It is difficult to get back into the flow of things when you are so often taken out of it, and so the end of this winter term was likely not the strongest many of us have seen. However, there is still a chance to get back on track in this last trimester. Take this spring term to prove yourself, and represent the Delbarton spirit to the best of your ability. You go to a great school–you can pull it off.

Timothy Welman ‘14 Will Agathis ‘14 Greg Kacergis ‘15 Thank You: A Letter from Abbot Giles To give you some idea of pooled their money and went to the moments, the Delbarton guys in Red Continued from page 1 the poverty we saw, the Raine Foun- nearest Kmart to purchase another Bank had the opportunity of playing dation bussed in from Union Beach, three thousand or more dollars’ games with the three year old, four Dan Swift of St. Benedict Parish in Port Monmouth, Keyport, Keans- worth of toys. Our group in Hazlet year old, and five year old children Hazlet, the parish of St. Anthony of burg, Asbury Park, and Toms River also had just enough toys for the of these undocumented immigrants, Padua and the organization “Lunch some of the folks who were most completion of the crowd that came much to the joy of the children but, Break,” which serves the poorest devastated by Hurricane Sandy two to us. I suspect, much to the joy of the of the poor in the “Bayshore” area. years ago. In many cases only the Not only did we serve those Delbarton guys as well. The non-profit organization “Lunch parents came, but, especially in Red most in need, but, in my opinion, A very careful record of ev- Break” brought to Red Bank hun- Bank, the children came with the we were able to care for and pro- ery gift presented to our week long dreds of mostly homeless people. parents. As indicated above, the con- vide a Christmas for the children of drive was kept by Mrs. Monaghan This organization in 2012 served servative figure was 1,700 to 1,900 many undocumented immigrants. and Mrs. LoBiondo of the Mother’s 56,000 meals in their soup kitchen families, but we are probably talk- At least four or five of our student Guild and a great deal of muscle and provided over 17,000 emer- ing about a number closer to 2,500 volunteers, including Tom Abel, the and leadership was provided by gency food and clothing provisions families, and easily 5,000 to 5,500 in- Rosario twins, and Brian Monaghan, Kevin Feeley, President of Fathers to the poor from Keyport down to dividuals. We totally underestimated had their Spanish skills tested by and Friends, and men of the Fathers Toms River. Without their coopera- the group that came to Red Bank, so speaking to and helping the dozens and Friends who came to work in tion and their leadership, Delbarton we ran out of toys. As is typical of and dozens of Latinos, mostly from would not have been as successful Delbarton friends, a dozen or more Mexico, who could not speak Eng- Continued on page 3 as it was this year. dads in the Red Bank distribution lish. In a number of very beautiful The Delbarton Courier Page Delbarton Life 3 Australian Students Visit Delbarton Herrick: Yes, it was my Herrick: I believe that the interesting and fun. By: Will Agathis ‘14 first time at an American school transition was really easy for me At the end of the 2013-2014 and it’s very different from ours, In because both of our schools are school year, a select number of Del- One noticeable aspect of we don’t have “M blocks” Benedictine and I was already used barton students will travel to Austra- Delbarton is how welcoming the for each year; only the juniors and to the way the school works. lia as the other part of this exchange. school is to people from other na- seniors have that privilege, and we TDC: What was your favor- Fortunately, these students will not tions and backgrounds. The school only have senior study rooms, not ite class at Delbarton? have to go to school because classes currently offers an exchange pro- like your Senior Commons. Herrick: My favorite class at Rosebank College will not be in gram in Ireland, but 2014 was the TDC: What is one thing was probably Music Theory with session. Instead, they will be able to first year of an exchange with Aus- that you like about Australia more Mr. Blazier. I thought he was a really see many of the countless sights in tralia’s Rosebank College in Sydney. than the US? cool teacher and the class was really the Sydney area. After taking the time to Herrick: Most probably the speak with one of the two exchange weather mostly because we’re used students, Herrick Feng, I am here to to “Polar Vortexes” but the rest of debunk all of the myths about how America was pretty awesome. different America and Australia are. TDC: What advice do you The Delbarton Courier: Was have to the students going to Aus- this your first time in the USA? tralia this summer? Herrick Feng: No, this Herrick: Don’t believe the wasn’t my first time in the USA I stories of dropbears, Box Jellyfish went with my family a few years ago and Great Whites; we’re not all that TDC: What big differences crazy here in Australia. about living in the US stuck out to TDC: Would you come to you as someone from Australia? Delbarton again? Herrick: There weren’t any Herrick: Yes, I would big differences, just the small things definitely come back to Delbarton. like driving on the wrong side of the I thought everyone was really cool road, the toilet flushing the other and the atmosphere was really awe- way. Also, the curriculum is slightly some. different from ours’. TDC: How did transfer- TDC: Was this your first ring from one Benedictine school time at an American school and how to another affect the ease of your is it different from your own? transition? If the dog can trust him, so can we Courtesy of Jack Lynch ‘14 It’s Never Too Late for Christmas Gifts exact.) Although the purpose to go out and buy new things for By: Shan Rizwan ‘17 Clothes were also popular of this article is to recognize the someone else who needs it. Despite Christmas being this season. They made perfect luxuries that Delbarton students are Yes, Delbarton students over, it is interesting to take the time gifts since they are both necessary, fortunate to have, it is important, received many nice gifts, but is it to reflect upon our lives and answer according to state law, and stylish. as trite as it may seem, to reflect really necessary to explain all of the age-old question: What did Del- Who wants to be arrested for public upon the true meaning of Christ- those things in a school newspaper barton students get for Christmas? indecency on a holiday? mas. As the saying goes, it’s better to article? I should use the power I I surveyed many different Other popular gifts included give than to receive. Here are some have to spread a positive message, in people as to what they were blessed Xbox Ones and PS4s, video game things to consider when Christmas order to teach something important with on Christmas morning. Rough- consoles that will become obsolete shopping in 2014. about the holiday season. Hopefully, ly, 86.52% of Delbarton students in approximately 10 years. Interest- If somebody is happy in everybody will think about the less received monetary payment of some ingly, nobody mentioned hug cou- life, there is no need to go out and fortunate instead of complaining sort. (Yes, the measurement is that pons and coloring books. buy new things. Instead, it is simpler and dreaming about material goods. Thank You: A Letter from Abbot Giles thinking ahead to the many ways in had the Appalachia activity, and now Continued from page 2 chia next year, after a hiatus of two years since the coming of Hurricane which we can serve the poor in our we have the Sandy Relief activity. the sub-freezing weather that we Sandy when, on Appalachia’s recom- backyard, one hour away, as well as Importantly, in the last ten years had prior to filling the trucks and mendation, we had a responsibility in the poorest area of the United we’ve regularly served in missions leaving for the “Bayshore” area on to respond. I think everybody who States, Magoffin County, Kentucky, in Ghana, Kenya, and Tanzania, December 15. Special thanks should was involved in the Sandy Relief this or anyone of the counties in West under the egis of two non-profit go from all of us to the leadership year, however, would agree that we Virginia. organizations that we run, SBIG and of the Fathers and Friends and cannot abandon “Bayshore.” Even As our Delbarton students BEADS (Benedictine East African the Mother’s Guild for making this now I’m thinking about how we can have learned not only in the teach- Delbarton School). On top of this, activity so successful. A number of organize ourselves for a December ings they have heard, but also in hundreds of Delbarton students in the moms showed up at each of the 2014 successful collection which we their own experience, we mature recent years have worked in medi- locations and witnessed what the would be able to make available to and grow into whole human be- cal missions all over Asia, Africa, boys and their dads were experienc- both Appalachia and “Bayshore.” ings to the degree that we learn Latin America and South America ing. Most important, however, was In order to make this happen, we to reach out and give of ourselves with Operation Smile. What joy each the experience of the dads, working need many Delbarton students and to people in ever widening circles. one of us should take in what our with their sons in this remarkably families to consider, even over the Consequently, we have thirty-two School and its students, faculty, and successful community service activ- next nine months or so, where we community service activities right parents have achieved! Once more, ity of the school. will be able to secure the kinds of here in our own backyard, many of Delbarton, thanks for everything In my heart of hearts I hope gifts that are needed. The School which are total immersion activities. that you do for each other, but espe- we will be able to return to Appala- thanks everyone in advance for For the last thirty-four years we’ve cially for the poor all over the world. Page The Delbarton Courier 4 ARTS Delbarton’s West Side Story AP Art Exhibit cast members met their adversaries definitely taken a lot of work.” By: Will Nixon ‘15 By: Tommy Cusano ‘14 center stage for a stare-down and The show took an enormous some improvised combat. amount of time and energy, and all Visitors to the Fine Arts This winter, Delbarton’s Ab- Oscar Lopez ’14 was one of looked to plan ahead as much as Center in the coming weeks will no- bey Players took on West Side Story, a many Delbarton actors who found possible. Even parents and family tice some dramatic exhibits spread colossus in the canon of American it difficult to assume his character’s members were recruited to pitch in throughout the ground floor. Del- musical theatre. Rehearsals began hostile attitude: “I couldn’t believe during the inevitably stressful week barton’s senior AP Studio Art schol- in early November for the selected I had to hate some of my closest of dress rehearsals before the show. ars proudly present their work from actors and actresses, who faced a friends. It definitely took a lot to Jules Baumann—one such con- the past two years of the program. number of unique challenges in completely shift the way I thought tributor and sister of Alex Baumann Art student Garreth Helm states, interpreting the classic. about my Delbarton brothers.” ‘15—said she was happy to help “The art show is a great opportunity West Side Story first opened Other performers struggled support the theater program. for AP students to showcase their on Broadway in 1957, and it contin- more with the technical aspects of “The Odyssey was pretty abilities. For myself and my fellow ues to see revivals today. The play the show. The rhythmically challeng- good,” Jules Baumann raved about artists, the displays represent the has a book by Arthur Laurents, mu- ing score and heavy choreography the Abbey Players’ fall drama. “I go culmination of work spanning over sic by Leonard Bernstein, and lyrics were especially difficult obstacles to to a lot of plays because I’m Alex’s a year.” Certainly, their long hours by Stephen Sondheim. overcome. sister. I saw West Side Story, too— hunched over the drawing table have Best-known as a moderniza- “It was hard to get a handle also good.” paid off in the form of some gallery tion of William Shakespeare’s Romeo on the music,” said John Sciales ’14. The play ran on February 7th, 8th, space to themselves. and Juliet, the story features romantic “I’m used to boop bop beep and and 9th. Each show sold out its Each booth in the exhibit features leads—Tony and Maria—attempt- this is more of bop bop boop or pre-sale tickets and the majority of an artist. The individual announces ing to build a relationship in a New even biddly-boop beep beep. It’s walk-in seats. himself and his vision via a custom York City milieu of gang violence name piece and his own personal and racial division. The Jets, who statement. The personal statements count Tony in their ranks, struggle tie in the artist’s own experiences continuously against their rival gang, with the growth of their art, and the Sharks, consisting of Puerto some explain their concentration Rican immigrants like Maria. explicitly. Auditions saw a record num- The artist’s concentration ber of boys and girls, so some tough represents the type of work or sub- decisions had to be made in cast- ject he most wants to explore. For ing. From the initial pool of about example, Matthew Gambetta con- 60, only half were selected for the centrates on sketches of busts, or production. statues of heads. In contrast to the From the first day of re- various mediums that the students hearsal, actors had to begin aban- have trained in, the concentration doning real-life friendships for the typically focuses on one. Not to be sake of realistic social division. Each outdone, Matthew Caldwell high- gang warmed up on separate sides lights his interest in digital design of the stage, and, after stretching, All dance and no bite Courtesy of Ms. Fiddes “The art show is a great Movie Review of Her opportunity for AP stu- strengths that allows it to stand out from most modern films in that it’s dents to showcase their Continued from page 1 from most modern movies is its a rare exploration of the human abilities. For myself more than that. The more Theodore aesthetic beauty. The oversaturation condition. It doesn’t concern itself communicates and falls in love with of scenes makes everything appear with buzzwords or recycled plots and my fellow artists, Samantha, the more she grows as happier and more alive, while the to guarantee profit; it prides itself the displays represent an operating system, learning how soundtrack adds an extra layer of on presenting a truly heartwarming the culmination of work to express herself with human-like sophistication that lends to its pure story which will delight even the emotions. As strange as this rela- beauty. Each piece is composed most cynical of audiences. Most spanning over a year.” tionship sounds, the movie per- to perfectly match each scene and of all, it asks us a simple question, fectly utilizes it in order to stress the really seal the emotional connec- “What is a human?” For this reason, importance of a relationship built tion you begin to develop with the I do not simply consider Her to be a -Garreth Helm ‘14 on communication and nonphysical characters. work of great cinema, I consider it love. All in all, Her distinguishes itself to be a masterful work of art. and photo manipulation for his The movie takes place in concentration. a future , however, it At the end of the year, the never reaches a point in which the seniors will submit a selection of setting feels foreign to the audience. their work for the AP Studio Art Her, through the use of classic sci- portfolio to be graded by the Col- ence fiction writing, creates a world lege Board. The College Board ac- in which we can explore ourselves. cepts portfolios in 2D or 3D design In this case, we explore human- and drawing, and each portfolio ity through something that is not must contain works for a concen- human, technology. The setting is tration, breadth, and quality por- presented in a way that leads the tion. Each section of the portfolio audience to believe that this is a emphasizes different qualities in the plausible world, one that could po- pieces submitted, and the seniors tentially become a reality in a couple this year—based on the talent they of years. have already shown—will be well- Another one of Her’s More emotional imagery of Joaquin Phoenix Courtesy of prepared for the critical eye. The Delbarton Courier Page NEWS 5 Chris Christie Under the Bridge By: Liam Ganon ‘16 labeled a “traffic study” by the Port but all email evidence and personal these stories are presented without Authority of New York and New apologies point to the contrary. substantial evidence, just with lot In early January, Governor Jersey. He has issued personal Christie fired the members of speculation and random people Chris Christie came under fire for a apologies, and maintained that he of his team responsible, but the making unfounded accusations. scandal now known as “Bridgegate.” did not know of the lane closures. media keeps bringing up obscure Perhaps we may never find The media reacted harshly when At this point, the media stories that could harm Christie’s out if Christie really is this “bully” emails sent to and from members should let the issue go. They main- image, involving his “Stronger Than that the media portrays him to be. of Christie’s team provided evidence tain that Christie is a political bully, The Storm” movement. All of However, all developments in the that a member of Christie’s team “Bridgegate” and all of his chari- closed several lanes on a highway table work within the Delbarton in Fort Lee as political retribution community and New Jersey would against the mayor for not endorsing not support this claim. Christie during his governmental Unfortunately, as the media campaign. continues to personify Christie as a Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokol- “bully”, his reputation, both within ich has since reconciled with Chris the state and around the country, Christie and emphasizes Christie’s has taken a hit. Christie, before lack of involvement in the issue. In the “Bridgegate,” had emerged as a fact, Sokolich is open to advocating worthy representative of the Repub- for Chris Christie in his future cam- lican party in the 2016 Presidential paigns. However, the media refuses Campaign. The media’s reaction to let go of this issue. to the scandal has and will certainly The governor has fired the have an effect on Christie’s cam- members of his team responsible paign hopes. for the lane closures that were New Jersey Governor Chris Christie Courtesy of Winter Olympics The New Jersey Polar Vortex all likelihood, Sean White will once ventured onto the roads had to turn By: Jesse Reina ‘15 again take home gold in exciting By: Aidan McLaughlin ‘19 back within five miles. Snowplows fashion, so that will give Americans and Salters were parading around The Winter Olympics are set something to cheer about. Fans This December, a strange the streets making the ice but a mi- to start on February 7th, 2014 and should also look forward to seeing occurrence struck the Northeast nor hindrance. The vortex brought lasted through the 23rd of February. the Jamaican bobsled team back to its core. A Polar Vortex collided the coldest weather this year to the The games are taking place in Sochi, in action after missing the last two with the usual East Coast wintery New Jersey area. It eventually wore Russia, where fun is being allowed winter games. mix to form a monstrous cold snap off and retreated back to the North- for the first time in over 100 years. But most of all, hockey is directly from the North Pole. Frigid ern lands, leaving the icy wasteland All the normal and exciting events, the major attraction during the Win- winds swept down directly from the of what was once a holiday deco- such as hockey, skiing, snowboard- ter Olympics. For two weeks, every Pole into the northeast region and rated wonderland behind it. ing, bobsledding, speed skating, and 4 years, Americans pretend they love brought along multiple blankets of Brent McGrath ’19 says, “It so forth will be the reward for tun- the sport of hockey, as if they even snow. froze my fish tank…his name was ing in to watch. But do not forget watched it outside of the Olympic Residents were forced to Guppy.” Some thought the vor- about the always captivating event season. Canada defeated the U.S. bundle up and snag their shovels tex was one of the coolest events of curling, an event in which quickly in the gold medal match in the last for a hard winter’s work out in the they had seen in 2013 but others, sweeping a broom makes somebody games, and they had something driveway. Regan Paris ’19 says, “It like Brent, looked down upon this an Olympic athlete. to cheer about. This year, the U.S. was very strange that it happened so storm. We are now back to our nor- What are the United State’s hockey team features many of the quickly. It felt like the winds were mal January weather, but the Polar chances in these games? Well, in same faces and some new ones, and 2010 at the Vancouver games, the will take the ice against Slovakia on U.S. took home a total of 37 metals February 13th for their first game. including 9 golds. Highlighting these Although it is easy to fall asleep were Apolo Ohno, who took home during events like curling and figure the record number of medals for a skating, the Olympics never disap- speed skater with 8, Sean White hav- point otherwise. Although finding ing the greatest run on a snowboard a figure skating fan would be like in the half pipe event in the history finding a needle in a haystack, events of the Olympics, and such as luge, bobsled, and speed taking home the gold in downhill skating are pretty exciting to watch. skiing. The 37 medals won by the Even though the creator of these U.S. were a Winter Olympic record. events probably looked like a lunatic, So it would seem as though we stand luge and bobsled are now highly Now thats a lot of snow Courtesy of a good chance in Russia. competitive, captivating sports. However, this year the U.S. It is always amazing to see Sharknado all over again.” At Delbar- Vortex took its toll on New Jersey team will not have the same fa- what an athlete like Sean White will ton, the school granted students a with icy roads and snow-capped miliar faces. Lindsey Vonn took a do–how will he flip or contort his couple days off to steer clear of the trees. pretty serious tumble in the qualify- body? And will he land it? Hope- roads (and finally finish the video Next year many will be on ing round, tearing ligaments in her fully, the entire Green Wave will be games that most students got for the lookout for another occurrence knee, which will keep her out of tuning in to watch the games, both Christmas). similar to this one. Just be sure that the games. Apolo Ohno is going to for the good and the bad that the The roads iced over, and you never leave a warm building be watching from home enjoying Winter Olympics will bring in 2014. tires’ attempts to grasp the road without a parka, hat, and gloves, his retirement. Where is the U.S. to became futile. Commuters were because as we just found out, cold turn without these superstars? In forced to stay inside, and many who weather can come from anywhere. Page The Delbarton Courier 6 OpinionS What Will 3D Printing Mean? joys of printed toys. In fact, you will heavenly wrath by engaging, intellec- even more strides can be made after Continued from page 1 probably be able to spend as much tual stimulation. those. And even more after those. he print that, but he could print it time on them as any child will; their So there you have it. This One has to wonder, what will our with a spike, or studs, or something novelty is appealing to young and is only one guy’s take on what the lives be like in the future? When this manly and macho. Just a plain circle old alike. Idle hands are the devil’s future of 3D printing will hold. generation finally ends, what will it does not approach the level of mas- workshop, so you and your children And a very early take, at that. You have given the world? culinity we will be able to express will be able to achieve salvation have to realize that if we can make The answer is, really, nobody once we have three dimensions of from the likes of Miley or Justin or many steps in the next several years, knows. printing at our disposal. But that is not even my favorite part. Naturally, once that girl-you-always-liked sees your manly backpack-spikes, she will be falling head over heels for you. And before you know it, your own worldly de- sires are overtaken by concerns for your beautiful children in this world full of role models like Miley Cyrus or–the horror!–Justin Bieber. The easy solution we will have to this dreadful problem is probably the most exciting part. Print toys! And not the kind of silly toys we used to play with, but intricate, folding, sliding, turn- ing mechanisms that boggle even the greatest of minds for hours and hours of fun. Even the erudite scholars of the Courier office have oft found themselves lost in the Some assembly required Courtesy of Greg Kacergis ‘15 Thoughts on Super Bowl XVIII be one for the history books, but it huge project. enjoyable and easy to listen to. As By: Joseph Lee ‘15 never panned out that way. The commercials had mixed a RHCP fan I thought they were As for the other surrounding reviews but all had a very American awesome, they could have picked a Super Bowl XLV was one parts of the game, it was exception- theme which is awesome for such better song, but overall both acts did set up for the record books; it had al. The New Jersey/New York Super an international event, and we all an amazing job. the highest-powered offense in NFL Bowl was a risky gamble and it paid love America. Which leads me to All in all, this Super Bowl history, one of the best defenses off. Although the weather was warm the halftime show by Bruno Mars had the makings to be one of the ever, and was the first ever Super and wasn’t perfect for a colder game, and a guest appearance by the Red best ever and did an amazing job Bowl in a cold setting. If all of these the two states put together a remark- Hot Chili Peppers. I thought it was with everything, except you know, elements came to play, it would be able setup. Everyone who attended fantastic, especially as a person who the actual game. one of the most memorable games the game seemed to be happy it and doesn’t usually like Bruno Mars, ever, but only one out of the three they both did a great job with the he really did a great job making it actually did. Right from the begin- ning it was not going to be the cold they expected, but rather a very moderate temperature, which had its positive and negative impacts on the game. But the most disappointing thing was the abysmal performance by the dominant Broncos offense, led by debatably the most intelligent quarterback ever, Peyton Manning. The first play of the game was a misfired snap, which led to a safety for the Seahawks, and it set the tone for the rest of the game. The dominant de- fense took over the game from this point and never looked back. Many people overlooked their defense and thought that Denver’s offense would win the game, but it was the oppo- site, and in doing this the Seahawks’ defense is recognized as one of the best ever. They stepped up to the plate and shocked the nation with their unstoppable play. Overall the game itself was very disappoint- ing because it had the makings to The ol’ pigskin Courtesy of The Delbarton Courier Page VISIONS AND VOICES 7 The Prince and the Pigskin right through Liam’s grip and hit the into the back of his head and he Sammy. “And where is here?” fireplace. They assumed it was ok. flopped flat on the ground. When “Well, here is whatever you By: Aidan McLaughlin ‘19 They never should have assumed. Sammy’s eyes opened, he wasn’t on want it to be. And you are here Liam was picked up and Sammy the pavement of his driveway, but because I’m giving you another shot. Sammy just stood there star- went upstairs to do some home- he was on a soft, wispy substance I am going to send you back to the ing blankly ahead of him. No words work. As he shut the basement door, almost like…clouds. He looked up very moment that your friend Liam escaped his lips, and no life was the hinges came off of the fireplace to see an oak desk accompanied by set foot in your house. It is your shown in his body. He was glaring and the flames came licking up and a photo of a long brown haired man choice to make the right decision.” at the charred, ashy remains of his caught the curtain…which caught on an older man’s shoulders and a “Okay, but…” house. 32 minutes ago he had been the rug, which caught the hardwood, desk tag. The cloud layer underneath playing Assassins Creed 4 in his which reached the entirety of the “Mr. G,” Sammy read out Sammy disappeared and he was sent basement when he went over to his basement. Luckily, the fire alarm loud. Suddenly a large stern face hurtling into air. He blanked out. gas fireplace to light it. rung its shrill, piercing tone and peered down at him from over the When he woke up he was sitting in In a little while his friend Sammy and his family escaped un- desk. It was the man in the photo. front of his basement TV. He looked Liam had come over and they were harmed. But the house went down. “That’s right,” he responded, “that’s to his left. The gas was flowing, tossing around a football. Sammy Sammy just stared. Before me! Mr. G.” creating blue artificial flames. Sammy threw one wobbly pass that slipped he could stop himself, his eyes rolled “Why am I here?” asked turned it off.

AP Art Exhibit Pieces

Courtesy of Garreth Helm ‘14

Courtesy of Matthew Gambetta ‘14

Courtesy of Garreth Helm ‘14 Courtesy of Jerry Donini ‘14 Page The Delbarton Courier 8 SPORTS Protected View of Penalties in Sports By: Nick Diana ‘16 running back in the world, Mar- address issues both on and off the spect. His audacity to step on the Fines have been levied shawn Lynch, was recently fined field. On the field, issues include field and attempt to obstruct Jacoby throughout the sports world, but $50,000 for refraining from talking excessive celebrations, excessive Jones’ punt return earned him a are they justified? For example, New to the media throughout the regular violence or blatant disrespect during deserving $100,000 fine. Suffice it to York Knicks guard J.R. Smith was season. This was a little overboard the game. There have been count- say, it was not a Happy Thanksgiv- indeed reprehensible for his most for the NFL, especially if Lynch was less examples of excessive violence ing for Tomlin. recent fine of $50,000. Untying an never warned about refraining from and celebrations, but outright disre- Nowadays, the most com- opponent’s shoe, in two separate speaking to the media. However, spect for the game is most worthy mon way to be fined is through so- games, is absurd, unsportsman- this is not of top concern to Lynch, for a fine. Recently, on Thanksgiv- cial media. Many athletes are foolish like, and unacceptable. Was Smith as he and the Seattle Seahawks won ing, Pittsburgh Steelers’ head coach enough to post tweets that embar- thinking he could accomplish this the Super Bowl. Mike Tomlin displayed one of the rass themselves, teammates, coaches, task without being caught by the Professional sports fines most ridiculous examples of disre- or the logo they wear. Essentially, cameras in the arena? Or was that it cannot be determined whether his goal? Did he just want publicity, athletes receive creditable fines. despite some change taken from his Truthfully, their fines do pocket? No one will ever be able to not mean too much considering the comprehend the thought processes money they are required to pay is of J.R. Smith or other athletes such hardly anything to them. However, as Terrell Owens, Chad Johnson and sometimes the MLB, NFL, NBA, Metta World Peace. and NHL should just ignore their On the other hand, it can athletes, withhold these proverbial be argued that many athletes do slaps on the wrist, teach the play- not deserve the penalties instituted ers to be more media savvy, and let by their leagues. The arguably best Penalty! Courtesy of them be. Delbarton Indoor Track Back to Back County Champions By: Charlie Niebanck ‘14 to defend their title. Performances truly a collective effort, as the team fending champs, the team definitely in every event were critical to cap- only won one individual event. The felt we had to rise to the occasion. The Green Wave winter ture the victory, including Teryon team instead relied on solid output When Chris Beute and I competed track team won its second consecu- Lowery’s personal best on the high from distance, sprint medley, and in the pole vault we knew there was tive Morris County Relays Title. De- jump. shuttle hurdles teams, all of whom a lot on the line. It was awesome spite the team’s loss of key players Lowery ’14 said of the placed. to see the entire team step up their to injuries and college matriculation, event, “When Tommy and Brendan Another key star on the Del- performance as well.” Delbarton managed to edge Ran- were out we went in just trying to barton team was pole vaulter Mike With the Randolph’s victo- dolph 48-46 for the school’s third do the best we could. We placed in Benz ’14, who cleared a meet best ries in high jump and 4x400 meter ever county relay title. almost all of the events. We would at 14 feet. Together, he and Chris relays, the meet was certainly no With thrower Tommy have tied for first with Randolph if Beute ’15 managed to take home walk in the park. However, under Rhodes ’14 and sprinter Brendan we didn’t get those two points in the Delbarton’s only gold in an event Coach Dave Sulley’s tutelage, the Kenny ’15 sidelined with injuries, high jump.” in the pole vault relay. He noted, team was able to step up and defend the rest of the team had to step up The Green Wave victory was “Coming into the meet as the de- its title. NFL Mock Draft 2013-2014 – Projected Top 10 chise quarterback, and that would Next, the Jacksonville Jag- By: Steven Yang ‘17 here, and Manziel did throw for 37 be Teddy Bridgewater. 2013 start- uars will select Jadeveon Clowney, touchdowns and 13 interceptions, so To say that the 2013-2014 ing quarterbacks Matt Schaub and DE, South Carolina. The Jaguars he’s no amateur. NFL regular season was full of Chase Keenum are clearly not the still cannot find any rhythm on Selecting fifth, the Oakland surprises would be an understate- future of this franchise. offense or defense. Thus, they will Raiders will take Black Bortles, QB, ment. Who saw the Texans finishing UCF. The Raiders need a quarter- a lowly 2-14, and the Jets attaining back because Matt McGloin is not a respectable record of 8-8? Fur- the answer. Do I think Bortles is the thermore, nobody, including my- answer? Maybe, but this is a pros- self, thought that Denver Broncos pect with an upside too high to re- running back Knowshon Moreno fuse. This pick addresses the biggest would rank fifth in total yards from of the Raiders’ problems. Bortles scrimmage with 1,586 yards, while threw for 3,581 passing yards and hyped backs like Ray Rice, C.J. completed 67.8% of his passes. Spiller, and Trent Richardson made Imagine what he will be able to do if their fantasy owners rip their hair Drafting season Courtesy of he learns how to throw a football. out on a weekly basis. However, the With the second pick in look to pick the best available player Afterwards, I see the Atlanta 2013-2014 season is now over, and the draft, the St. Louis Rams (from here. Say what you want about the Falcons selecting Greg Robinson, without further ado, here is how I Redskins) will select Junior from South Carolina, but OT, Auburn. Then, the Tampa see the 2014 NFL Draft, an essential Sammy Watkins, WR, Clemson. The there is no disputing that he is a Bay Buccaneers will go with Texas part of the NFL offseason, playing Rams finished at a decent 7-9, but beast. Easy pick here. A&M’s OT, Jake Matthews. Then, out: they are the ultimate beneficiaries to Then the Cleveland Browns Minnesota takes a new quarterback, With the first pick in the the Redskins’ terrible season. That will select Johnny Manziel, QB, Derek Carr of Fresno State. With draft, the Houston Texans will select being said, Sam Bradford needs Texas A&M. I am by no means a the ninth pick, the Buffalo Bills will Teddy Bridgewater, QB, Louisville. a true number one receiver, and Manziel fan, but the Browns front take a chance on local hero, Khalil Seen simply through their horrible Sammy Watkins – with 1,464 receiv- office is disgustingly incompetent. Mack, the outside linebacker from record, the Texans are a team with ing yards along with 12 touchdown Do I think that the Browns should Buffalo. With the tenth pick, the a lot of trouble, however, what they catches – is the best receiver in this wait for Jameis Winston? Yes, but Detroit Lions will select Darqueze really need is a competent, fran- deep class. it’s the Browns we’re talking about Dennard, CB, Michigan State.