Cheers to 40 years! Our 2018 Community Giving Report

1 What’s inside.

What made us unique then makes us unique now! 04 New members welcome. 06 Thank you from your Board Chair. 07 Access7 is plugged in to the community. 08 Raising funds & warming hearts. 10 Our mission Funding student dreams. 12 We are a community-owned co-operative dedicated to Every child deserves a chance. 13 providing exceptional communications and entertainment services and unique opportunities for local expression. Bright smiles. Bright futures. 14 Report of the Independent Auditors 16 on the Summary Financial Statements Our vision Summary Financial Statements 17 Delivering unrivalled communications and Meet the 1,673 community partners 19 entertainment services. we supported last year. Group hug! Our values • Integrity — We live by our belief in honesty, respect and trust in everything we do. • Employee-Centered — We enable everyone’s involvement, growth and contribution in a challenging, safe and fun environment. • Customer-Focused — We deliver extraordinary value, reliably, dependably and consistently. • Community-Oriented — We are an integral part of the communities we serve, contributing to their energy and progress. • Innovative — We create and embrace change that enhances customer service, the community and our organization.

2 The little cable company that could and DID! Before cable TV came to Regina, “change the channel” meant change it to the other one. Either you had an antenna on your roof or you fiddled and fiddled with set-top rabbit ears, desperate to get a clear picture. In 1974, citizens and non-profit organizations banded together as the Regina Co-operative, believing that a cable company could do more than provide entertainment to the community. It could better it. Two years later, they were granted CRTC approval for a broadcast license. On February 15, 1978, Cable Regina went on the air with one community programming camera, seven channels and 1,400 excited subscribers. Today, the little cable company that served only one city has grown to provide Internet, TV, Phone and Security monitoring to more than 235 communities and rural areas across — but that’s not all.

“The best thing was walking into people’s houses, hooking that cable up to the back of the TV and getting a crystal clear picture. The look on their face!” Jim Barnes, Technician, 1981-2010

1993 Rebuild construction 3 What made us unique then makes us unique now! As a not-for-profit co-operative, Access Communications invests 100% of our earnings right back into where we live and do business. Pumping millions into local economies. Helping food banks. Supporting children at risk and in need. And, with our Access7 community channels, empowering neighbours to share their stories. That just goes to show you: When Saskatchewan people come together, there’s nothing we can’t do!

4 Proudly serving 235+ communities and rural areas across Saskatchewan.

1992. Camera operator & van on Long Lake ice

295 employees live in Saskatchewan 1,600 charities & non-profit groups supported last year

57% of executive team are women

5 New members welcome!

Help guide your co-operative, give back to your community and enjoy some sweet 1978 discounts at other co-operative businesses. Not a member, join us! Jean Freeman, Community Programming Who can be a member? Anyone 18 or older residing in an Access Communications service area or any organization with community, member or patron objectives based in any of those communities. What do members do? At district and general meetings, members can have their say on issues facing the co-operative. You also have the opportunity to run for our member-elected Board of Directors (like those fine folks you see below did). Is there a cost? Just $1 a year for individual members, $5 for community organizations. How do you apply? Online at or pop in to your nearest Access office.

We are the people in your neighbourhood! Meet your 2018 Board. Left to Right: Brenda Watson, Patrick Kelly, Doreen Polischuk, James Lainton, Twila Walkeden, David Dekker, Dick DeRyk, Kama Leier, Hiedi Pearson, Alan Bachynski, Bernadette McIntyre, Dale Ripplinger

6 Thank you from your Board Chair.

From pushing a stranger’s car out in a snowstorm to helping neighbours take their crops off, from hurrying hard to bleeding green, there’s no place like Saskatchewan to call home. We really are all in this together. And that’s especially true at Access Communications, where we re-invest 100% of our earnings into the same 235+ communities where we live, work and do business. Our co-operative model could not exist a single day — let alone thrive for 40 years — without our dedicated members, employees, customers, volunteers and community partners all across the province. Every day, for more than 14,600 days now, you are living proof that not-for-profit community ownership works — and works well. To each and every one of you, on behalf of the board of directors and our entire Access family, a great big Saskatchewan-size THANK YOU!

Here’s to another 40-plus years… together!


Dick DeRyk, Chair Access Communications Co-operative Board of Directors

7 Access7 is plugged in to the community. Make that over 235 communities! Thanks to the combined efforts of our staff, members, customers and volunteers, Access has built a reputation second-to-none for community involvement. Nowhere are these efforts more evident than on our Access7 community channels, where families, friends and neighbours celebrate life in our great province! Lights! Camera! Volunteers! As a not-for-profit co-operative, Access Communications has a special connection with our amazing volunteers. Many are behind the scenes, but all are stars in our eyes! We love throwing Volunteer Appreciation Parties across the province during National Volunteer Week. (Of course, every week is volunteer week at Access!) Our Community Producer Program offers individuals and groups the hands-on opportunity to learn how to produce quality TV shows to get their message out. It’s a smash hit! More than 55% of Access7 programming is now produced by local volunteers! The more Access7 expands and revitalizes our mandate, roster of 2,500 programming and hands-on community involvement, the more we hours of attract viewers, volunteers and rave reviews for shows like the local first-run award-winning Access7 Sports, Invisible Wall, RezX, The Four, programming Saskatchewanderer — just to name a few!

55% of content produced by local volunteers

235 volunteers making it happen

8 1979 Cable 3, now known as Access7, Camera and Operator

9 Raising funds & warming hearts. We are so proud to support over 1,600 community groups with in-kind sponsorships, fundraising help and promotion on Access7. All year long, Access staff and volunteers work together to enrich the lives of those less fortunate — and we have a lot of fun doing it! Here are just a few highlights of our very EVENTFUL year!

Labour Day Show N Shine for the Regina & Food Bank St. Joseph’s Hospital Radiothon Access Salvation Army Christmas Dinner United Way of Estevan Telethon Ignite Adult Learning TV Auction Regina Humane Society Telethon & District United Way Communithon Regina Food Bank’s Annual Food Drive 1993 Regina Rotary Carol Festival Gainer attends Cable Regina Community Park Opening

10 We strongly believe in reducing our impact on Saskatchewan’s environment.

Doing Saskatchewan a world of good.

We live in a beautiful province, and Access Communications strongly believes in reducing our environmental footprint through recycling, raising awareness and embracing sustainability in our everyday operations. Our employee Green Team is leading the way! Completed projects include paperless pay statements, payroll deduction transit passes, email and online programs that save printing, reducing vehicle idling emissions, low energy light fixtures, and a comprehensive recycling program including electronics, pens, batteries, computers and general ‘blue bin’ items. Every October, we participate in Waste Reduction Week and host a swap meet for staff that raises money for charity. Access was even declared a 2018 REfficient Waste Diversion Champion! This celebrates companies that demonstrate a higher level of commitment towards waste diversion through buying, selling and recycling surplus assets. We were awarded the Leader Level for 1,000-10,000 pounds of waste diverted! Don’t be green with envy. Come do some good with us! Did you know our offices are public Call2Recycle depots for recycling batteries and cellphones?

Last year, Access Communications recycled: 90,000 3,952 8,100 690 pounds of pounds of pounds of pounds of set-top boxes batteries metal/tin plastic and technical equipment

11 Funding student dreams. Congratulations! 2018 ACCESS COMMUNICATIONS SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS ommun C ic s a s t i e o c n


s A

S c m ho ra la og rship Pr Anya Illingworth Ashley Stratton Brett Friesen Brittany Andreas North Battleford La Ronge Melville Wadena

We may be celebrating 40 years of history, but Access has always been dedicated to making a better tomorrow for Saskatchewan. That’s why we believe in investing in students. They are the future of our province! Did you know that grade 12 graduates across Saskatchewan Carson Leach Codee Scott Elenna LaPlante Hussain Awan Leader Eastend Regina Regina have the opportunity to apply for 20 $1,000 Access Communications Scholarships? We also award the $1,500 Access Communications/Fred Wagman Entrance Scholarships in Film & Video to deserving students at the . Know a young person who inspires you with their community involvement and academic achievement? Encourage them Jenna Giddings Jessica Goebel Kaitlyn Arvidson Kheva Tulp to apply! Humboldt Churchbridge Balgonie Outlook

Landon Jarman Mackenzie Moore Naomi Wall Nicole Becker $318,000 1,283 Frontier Regina North Battleford Tisdale in scholarships students supported awarded since 2005 from the program

Presley Onufreychuk Shaunesy Diemert Shayla Olafson Vibya Natana Manor Kindersley Kindersley Regina

12 Every child deserves a chance.

That’s the dream behind the Access Communications Children’s Fund. Since launching our registered charity in 1992, we’ve raised $1.7 million to help make that dream come true! We are so proud of this number, because it demonstrates the support people of this province show for one another. Thanks to proceeds from our wildly popular TV Bingo show and throughout the generous support of public donations and Access staff fundraising, the Children’s Fund has donated to projects that focus on education, literacy, health and wellness, pathways out of poverty and crime prevention for kids at risk and in need. And 100% stays right here in Saskatchewan. To our volunteers, caring members of the community and Children’s Fund board members: I thank you. The children thank you. Saskatchewan thanks you! Take a moment to review our 2017 audited statements.


Doug Alexander Chair of the Access Communications Children’s Fund

Access Communications Children’s Fund 2018 Board of Directors

Doug Alexander (Chair) Brent Allin Tom Boyko Beth Drozda Bernadette McIntyre Ainsley Scott Ryan Youck

13 Bright smiles. Bright futures. Below are the incredible non-profit organizations who received donations from the Access Communications Children’s Fund in 2017. What you don’t see here are the faces of the hundreds of people — each doing wonderful work to brighten the lives of at-risk and in-need children in our province. For that we thank you ALL! • Arthritis Society | Family Day • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Weyburn | Big Group Activities • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Regina Area | Big Group Activities • Camp Monahan | Back to Nature Fund • Carmichael Outreach of Regina | Children’s Need Program Making a difference. • Ecolé Wascana Plains School (Regina) | Playground Upgrade • EYES (Regina) | Summer Camp Bursary • Girls Rock Camp Regina | Summer Program • Lanigan & District | Water Park • Lumsden Beach Camp | Camp For All • Pre-Cam Community School (La Ronge) | Family Literacy Night • Regina Open Door Society | Early Learning Experience • Regina Treaty Status Indian Services | Youth Employment Training Initiative • Sacred Heart Community School (Regina) | Mental Health Fair • Sask Alexander Graham Bell Association | Summer Camp • Sask Abilities Council | Summer Fun Program • Sask Deaf and Hard of Hearing | Early Childhood, Youth and Family Services • Sask Young Readers’s Choice Awards | Willow Awards • SCEP Centre (Regina) | Summer Friends Program • Shaunavon Wellness & Leisure Committee | Summer Program • St. Nicholas School (Regina) | Playground • Stoughton Central School | Kids Matter • Tamarack Foundation | Camp Tamarack • United Way Regina | Summer Success Literacy Inititive • School Community Council | Playground Upgrade

You can learn more about our Access Communications Children’s Fund at

14 Health & Well Being Education & Literacy

$1.7 Million donated to help kids since 1992.

Crime Prevention Pathways Out of Poverty

15 Report of the Independent Auditors on the Summary Financial Statements

To the Directors of Access Communications Children’s Fund Inc. The accompanying summary financial statements of Access Communications Children’s Fund Inc., which comprise the summary statement of financial position as at December 31, 2017, and the summary statement of operations and changes in assets for the year then ended, are derived from the complete audited financial statements, prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, of Access Communications Children’s Fund Inc. as at and for the year ended December 31, 2017. We expressed a qualified audit opinion on those complete financial statements on our auditors’ report dated March 27, 2018. The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations applied in the preparation of the complete audited financial statements of Access Communications Children’s Fund Inc. Reading the summary financial statements, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the complete audited financial statements of Access Communications Children’s Fund Inc. Management’s Responsibility for the Summary Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation of the summary financial statements, in accordance with the basis described in Note 1. Auditors’ Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summary financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standard (CAS) 810, “Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements.” Basis for Qualified Opinion In common with many not-for-profit organizations, the entity derives revenue from donations and fundraising, the completeness of which is not susceptible to satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly, verification of these revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in the records of Access Communications Children’s Fund Inc. Therefore, we were not able to determine whether, as at or for the year ended December 31, 2017, any adjustments might be necessary to donations or fundraising revenues and excess of revenues over expenses reported in the statements of operations and current assets and net assets reported in the statement of financial position. This caused us to qualify our audit opinion on the financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2016. Opinion In our opinion, except for the possible effects of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the summary financial statements derived from the complete audited financial statements of Access Communications Children’s Fund Inc. as at and for the year ended December 31, 2017 are a fair summary of those complete financial statements, in accordance with the basis described in Note 1.

Chartered Professional Accountants March 27, 2018 Regina,

16 Summary financial statements ACCESS COMMUNICATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND INC. Summary Statement of Financial Position As at December 31, 2017 General Bingo Total 2017 Total 2016 Current Assets Cash $ 72,599 $ 50,396 $ 122,995 $ 103,349 Accounts receivable 9,981 117,217 127,198 93,788 Inventory - 19,275 19,275 15,856 $ 82,580 $ 186,888 $ 269,468 $ 212,993

Current Liabilities Accounts payable $ 6,544 $ 47,467 $ 54,011 $ 35,616 Net Assets 76,036 139,421 215,457 177,377 $ 82,580 $ 186,888 $ 269,468 $ 212,993

ACCESS COMMUNICATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND INC. Summarized Statement of Operations and Changes in Net Assets Year ended December 31, 2017 General Bingo Total 2017 Total 2016 Revenues Net bingo fundraising $ - $ 129,754 $ 129,754 $ 185,775 Charitable gaming grants 32,439 - 32,439 46,394 Fundraising 8,341 - 8,341 8,408 Donations 7,071 - 7,071 13,414 47,851 129,754 177,605 253,991

Expenses Donations - 112,900 112,900 131,257 Administrative 12,416 - 12,416 12,051 Travel 13,726 - 13,726 9,177 Advertising 483 - 483 - 26,625 112,900 139,525 152,485 Excess of Revenues Over Expenses 21,226 16,854 38,080 101,506

Net Assets, Beginning of Year 54,810 122,567 177,377 75,871 Net Assets, End of Year $ 76,036 $ 139,421 $ 215,457 $ 177,377

See accompanying note to the financial statements. Approved by the Board: Director Director 17 Summary financial statements

ACCESS COMMUNICATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND INC. Note to Summary Financial Statements Year Ended December 31, 2017

1. Basis of Accounting These summarized financial statements of Access Communications Children’s Fund Inc. are derived from the complete financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2017, prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit entities, of Access Communications Children’s Fund. The preparation of these summarized financial statements requires management to determine the information that needs to be reflected in them so that they represent a fair summary of, the complete financial statements. Management prepared these summarized financial statements as follows; • The summarized financial statements include a statement for each statement included in the complete financial statements with the exception of the statement of cash flows; • Information in the summarized financial statements agrees with the related information in the complete financial statements; • Major subtotals, totals and comparative information from the complete financial statements are included; and • The summarized financial statements contain the information from the complete financial statements dealing with matters having a pervasive or otherwise significant effect on the summarized financial statements.

The complete financial statements of Access Communications Children’s Fund are available upon request.

Access Communications Children’s Fund Phone: 306.565.6642 Toll Free 866.211.6334 ext. 6642 Email: [email protected] 2250 Park Street Regina, SK S4N 7K7

18 Meet the 1,673 community partners we supported last year. Group hug!

41 Hercules Air Cadets Squadron (Regina) CAA Saskatchewan CP Holiday Train for Food Bank Gainsborough Swimming Pool 50 Plus Dance Club (Regina) Cadral Area Community Association (Regina) Craik Fire Fighters Gay & Lesbian Community of Regina 5th Weyburn Scout Group Calvary Baptist Church (Regina) Crash Bang Labs (Regina) George Taylor Housing Co-operative Ltd. (Regina) 7th Day Adventist Church (Battlefords) Camp Easter Seal Craven Rink Association Girl Guides of Canada Saskatchewan 29th Annual Ross & Russ Barlow Camp Monahan Association Crimson String Quartet (Humboldt) Global Faith Healing Ministries 97th Regina Ladies Open Golf Tournament Canada Strong Football Crohns and Colitis Canada (Regina) Global Holy Spirit Learning Institution Abernethy Horse Show Canadian Bible Society Ladies Auxiliary (Regina) Cross Country Saskatchewan Global Miracle Healing Church (Regina) Act One Productions (Bienfait) Canadian Cancer Society Cudworth Lions Club Globe Theatre Active Saskatchewan Canadian Club of Regina Cudworth School Golf Saskatchewan Affinity Credit Union (Lake Lenore) Canadian Diabetes Association Cultural Connections (Regina) Good Life Community Network (Regina) Affinity Place (Estevan) Canadian Federation of University Women Cupar & District Nursing Home Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (Melville) Ag in Motion (Langham) Canadian Italian Club CurlSask Good Spirit Community Church Ag Society (Kelvington) Canadian Mental Health Assoc. (Regina) CWL (Weyburn) Gordon Denny Community School (La Ronge) Agland (Lashburn) Canadian National Institute For Blind (CNIB) Davin School (Regina) Government House (Regina) Agricultural Producers Assoc. of Saskatchewan Canadian Red Cross (Melville) Deer Park Ladies Club (Yorkton) Grace Mennonite Church (Regina) AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan Canadian Red Cross (Regina) Dekker Centre (Battlefords) Grace United Church (Weyburn) Air Cadet Local RCACS Squadron (Battlefords) Canadian Red Cross (Yorkton) Dewdney East Community Association Grace United Church (Yorkton) Air Force Assoc. of Canada No. 600 (Regina) Cancer Survivor Support Group (Battlefords) Don Ross Community Centre (North Battleford) Grandmors 4 Grandmors (Regina) Air Ronge Community Library Board Canora Composite School Downtowners Optimist Club GrassRoots Regina Al Ritchie Community Assoc. (Regina) Canora Hospital Auxiliary Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Grenfell Transit Albert Park Community Association (Regina) Canora Ladies Golf Club Dunlop Art Gallery Group Of Ten Photography Club (Regina) Alex Robertson Library (La Ronge) Canora Seniors Dance Eagles Club Ladies Auxiliary (Regina) Habitat for Humanity (Estevan) All Saints Anglican Church (Melfort) Caring Place Early Years Family Centre (Regina) Habitat For Humanity (North Battleford) All Saints Anglican Church (Regina) Toastmasters (Humboldt) East. Shore Arts & Crafts Tour (Strasbourg) Habitat for Humanity (Regina) ALS Society of Saskatchewan Carlyle Fun Dayz Easter Seals Habitat for Humanity (Yorkton) Angels 4 Warmth (Regina) Carlyle Library Eastview Community Association (Regina) Half Century Club (Kinistino) Anglican Church (Unity) Carlyle United Church Eastview Community Center (Regina) Handmade Saskatchewan Anime Convention (Regina) Carmichael Outreach (Regina) Eastview Rotary Club Harmony 2 Go Youth Barbershop Chorus (Regina) Antique Riders Club (Regina) Catholic Family Services (Battlefords) Echo Valley Railroad Guild Inc. Harvest Hoedown Committee (Indian Head) Anxiety and Illness Behaviour Lab (Regina) Catholic Family Services (Regina) Edam Curling Club Haven of Hope Ministries (Regina) ARC Creative Studios (North Battleford) CDBO Community Services (Carnduff) Edam Early Learning Centre Healing Hands (Regina) Archbishop M.C. O’Neill High School (Regina) Centennial Market (Regina) Eden Care (Regina) Healing Haven Wildlife Rescue Inc. Arcola Daycare CFA Society Saskatchewan Ehrlo Sport Venture Library (Regina) Healing Through Humour (Regina) Arcola Public Library Chabad Jewish Centre (Regina) Elizabeth Place Inc. (Humboldt) Heart & Stroke Foundation Art Gallery of Regina Chaban Ukrainian Dance (Regina) Esterhazy Centennial Special Care Home Heartland Artist Guild (Regina) Artesian Club (Regina) Child Find Saskatchewan Esterhazy Curling Club Heartland Baptist Church Aurora Art Guild (Regina) Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan Esterhazy Legion Hall Heartland Girl Guides (Regina) Autism Resource Centre (Regina) Chinese Cultural Society of Saskatchewan Esterhazy Lions Club Henry Braun School (Regina) Balfour Collegiate (Regina) Chiropractors’ Association of Saskatchewan Esterhazy Royal Canadian Legion Heritage Christian School (North Battleford) Balgonie Natural Health & Healing Expo Christian Women’s Assoc. (Regina) Estevan Arts Council Heritage Community Assoc. (Regina) Battleford United Church Churchbridge Canada 150 Committee Estevan Bruins Jr A Hockey Club Heritage Saskatchewan Battlefords Boys and Girls Club Churchbridge Lions Club Estevan Christmas Market Heritage United Church (North Battleford) Battlefords Chamber of Commerce Churchill High School (La Ronge) Estevan Curling Club Heritage United Church (Regina) Battlefords Community Players Circle Project Association (Regina) Estevan Diversified Services Highland Curling Club (Regina) Battlefords and District Labour Council City Kidz Regina Estevan Family Resource Centre Inc. Highway 14 Hockey League Battlefords Immigration Resource Centre City of Estevan Estevan Humane Society Hill Avenue Seventh-Day Adventist. Church Battlefords Live Well Expo City of Humboldt Estevan Legion Hall Hillsdale Alliance Church Battlefords Mental Health Centre City of Martensville Estevan Parkinson Support Group Historic Battleford Lions Battlefords Union Hospital City of Melville Estevan Public Library Hitch’n Vine Round Dance Club (Estevan) Battlefords United Way City of North Battleford Estevan Senior Centre Hockey Regina Battlefords Wildlife Federation City of Regina Estevan Tankard Committee Holiday Light Festival (Regina) Beatty Community Hall (Melfort) City of Warman Estevan Vilcu Karate Club Assoc. Holy Child Parish CWL (Regina) Berry Jam Fest. (Kincaid) City of Weyburn Executives Association of Regina Holy Child Social Justice Committee (Regina) Better Business Bureau of Saskatchewan City of Yorkton EYES Summer Camp Holy Cross Church (Regina) Better Living Centre (Yorkton) CKCK TV & Radio Old Timers Annual Reunion Farm Progress Show (Regina) Holy Family Parish (Regina) Big 6 Hockey, Carnduff Red Devils Class Act Performing Arts (Regina) Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Holy Trinity Parish (Regina) Big Brothers Big Sister of Regina & Area Classic Car Cruise Night (Moosomin) File Hile Qu’Appelle Tribal Council Hospitals of Regina Foundation Big Brothers Big Sisters of Melfort Club 66 Social Club (Regina) Fillmore Health Care Auxiliary Humboldt & District Arts Council Biggar Majestic Theatre Club 70 Dance (Regina) First Nations University of Canada Humboldt & District Gallery Biggar New Horizons Project Collectors Car Club of Saskatchewan First United Church (Melville) Humboldt & District Kinettes Biggar Town and Country Fair Days Colonsay Diamond Dinner Committee Foam Lake Curling Club Humboldt & District Birthways International (Regina) Communities in Bloom (Kinistino) Football Saskatchewan Humboldt & District Museum & Gallery Bison Manor (Weyburn) Community Caring Place (Humboldt) Forever Events (Estevan) Humboldt & District Refugee Coalition Bowl For Kids Sake (North Battleford) Community Production (Yorkton) Fort Qu’Appelle Christian Women’s Club Humboldt Bantam AA Broncos Bredenbury CPR Holiday Train Community Youth Choir (North Battleford) Fort Qu’Appelle Royal Canadian Legion Humboldt Big Brothers & Sisters Bredenbury Lions Club Compassionate Friends (Regina) Fort Qu’Appelle Winter Festival Humboldt Canadian Blood Services Bredenbury Tundra Junior Hockey Club Confederation Centre (Regina) Four Directions Community Health Centre (Regina) Humboldt Chamber of Commerce Bredenbury United Church Conference Series LLC (Regina) Four Points by Sheraton Humboldt Community Caring Place Bright Eyes Dog Rescue (Regina) Contemporary Singles Club (Regina) Friendly Folk Concert (Regina) Humboldt Community Trails Broadway United Church (Regina) Co-op Humboldt Friends of Library (Melville) Humboldt Culture Days Brushworks Art Guild (Regina) Coronach Community Hall Friends of Museum & Gallery (Humboldt) Humboldt Curling Club Buddhist Center of Regina Coronach Kinettes Friends of Wascana Marsh Humboldt Dance Club Burstall & District Fall Fair Coronation Park Community Association (Regina) Friendship Club of Oxbow Humboldt Gallery Business and Professional Women (Regina) Country Gospel Sing Along (Regina) Gainsborough Library Humboldt Humane Society

19 Humboldt Knights Of Columbus Marathon Matters Running Club (Regina) Overflow Ministries Incorporated (La Ronge) Regina Ladies Choir Humboldt Legion Ladies Auxiliary Marigold Market (North Battleford) Oxbow Friendship Club Regina Lawn Bowling Club Humboldt Lions Club Market Days Carnduff Oxbow Health Care Auxiliary Regina Lions Club Humboldt Midget AA Broncos Mary of Magdala Inclusive Catholic Community Oxford House Society of Regina Regina Little Theatre Humboldt Museum (Regina) Oxford Manor (Regina) Regina Living Skies Chorus Humboldt Peewee AA Broncos McKnoll School Community Council (Yorkton) Pack Project (Regina) Regina Lutheran Home Auxiliary Humboldt Royal Canadian Legion Melfort & District Senior Citizens Club Pangman School Regina Lyric Musical Theatre Humboldt Seniors Club Melfort Ag Society Parkinson Canada Regina Chapter Regina Mandolin Orchestra Humboldt St. Andrew’s Anglican Church Melfort Elks Lodge Parkinson Canada Yorkton Chapter Regina Memorial Cup Committee Humboldt St. Elizabeth’s Ladies Auxiliary Melfort Evangelical Covenant Church Parkland Regional Library Regina Minor Football Humboldt Ukrainian All Saints Catholic Church Melfort Royal Canadian Legion #30 Parkland Right To Life (Yorkton) Regina Morning Christian Women’s Club Humboldt Water Tower Tours Melfort United Church Parkland Valley District Regina Multicultural Assoc. Humboldt Westminster United Church Melville Association of Christian Churches Parkland Writers Alliance Regina Music Festival Ice Breaker Cheerleading & Dance Championships Melville & District Arts Council Pasqua Hospital Auxiliary (Regina) Regina Musical Club (Regina) Melville & District Chamber of Commerce Pense Fundraising Committee Regina Newcomers Club Ignite Adult Learning Corporation Melville & District Donors Choice Appeal Pense Initiation Bulldogs Hockey Tournament Regina Oddfellows No. 6 Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church Melville & District Food Bank Peter Ross Memorial Pairs Crib Tournament Regina Open Door Society (Regina) Melville Community Thrift Store (La Ronge) Regina Optimist Baseball India Canada (Regina) Melville First. United Church UCW Pile O’Bones Derby Club (Regina) Regina Palliative Care Inc. Indian Head Seedy Sunday Committee Melville German Club Pilot Butte & District Lions Club Regina Pat Canadians Indigenous Cultural Society of Saskatchewan Melville Kinette Club Pilot Butte Rodeo Regina Pats Inner Circle Creative City Development (Regina) Melville Kinsmen & Kinettes Pinty’s Grand Slam of Curling Regina Philharmonic Chorus Inpower Young Women Living Well (Regina) Melville Legion Pipestone Archaeological Society Regina Pipers’ Club Jasper Cultural & Historical Centre (Maple Creek) Melville Lions Club Positively Parenting Inc. Regina Police Service Jeff Loewen Ministries (Estevan) Melville Minor Hockey Association Potashville ProLife (Langenburg) Regina Pride Inc. Jewelry Artists Guild of Regina Melville Parks and Recreation Potashville Singles Club Regina Prostate Cancer Support Group K.G. Harmonie (Regina) Melville Prairie Fire Hockey Prairie Animal Health Centre Regina Pub Dart League Kelvington Seniors Club Dance Melville Senior Citizens Centre Prairie Artists Guild Inc. (Regina) Regina Public Library Kidney Foundation (Yorkton) Melville Theatre Prairie Danceland (Watrous) Regina Public Schools Kidney Foundation of Canada Memorial Bonspiel (Regina) Prairie Gold Chorus (Regina) Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region Kidsport Men’s Over 50 Golf Club (Yorkton) Prairie North Health Region (Battlefords) Regina Queen City Kenites Kikinahk Friendship Centre (La Ronge) Metis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc. Prairie Peony Society (Regina) Regina Rebels Female Midget Hockey Kinette Club of Assiniboia Metis Federation of Canada - Estevan Branch Prairie Valley North Music Parents Assoc. Regina Red Sox Kinistino Cemetery Society Metochos Camp (Estevan) (Southey) Regina Riel Metis Council Kinistino Half Century Club Midale Lions Club Prairie Winds Adult Band (Regina) Regina Riot Football Kinistino Kinsmen Club Mighty Geese Charity Curling Classic (Regina) Prairie Women Snowmobiles 2017 Regina Royal Canadian Legion Kinistino Skating Club Mission Zero Preeceville-Sturgis United Church Regina Royals Cricket Club Kinistino Sports Complex Moose Mountain Elks Project Management Institute (Regina) Regina Scottish Country Dancers Kinistino Tigers Hockey Moose Mountain Health Care Promotions of Praise Inc. Regina Senior Citizen Centre Kipling & District Arts Council Moose Mountain Hockey League Prostate Cancer Support Group Regina Senior Fitness Assoc. Knights of Columbus (Regina) Moosomin Armoury QCVC (Regina) Regina South Zone Recreation Assoc. Knox Presbyterian Church (Weyburn) Moosomin Arts Council Queen City Brass Band Regina South Zone Senior’s Bridge Knox-Metropolitan United Church (Regina) Moosomin Family Dancers Quill Plains Regional Arts Council Regina Speed Skating Club Kolos Regina Ukrainian Dance Ensemble Moosomin Public Library Quota International of Weyburn Regina Summer Stage Kronau Heritage Society Mossing School of Music (Regina) Rainbow Social Dance Club Regina Symphony Orchestra La Ronge & District Arts Council MS Walk of Saskatchewan RCMP Heritage Centre Regina Synchro Skating La Ronge & District Music Festival Committee St. Gregor Knights of Columbus (Muenster) REALM Regina Thunder Football Club La Ronge Board Gaming Club Murray Women’s Golf Club (Regina) Regina Apostolic Church Regina Transition House La Ronge Senior Citizens Centre Myeloma Canada Regina Aquarium Society Regina Victory Church Lac La Ronge Food Bank National Doukhobor Heritage Regina Art Collective Regina Wildlife Federation Lac La Ronge Indian Band Health Services Nations West. Field House (North Battleford) Regina Beach & District Lions Club Regina Women’s Network Ladies’ Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion (Regina) Nature Conservancy Canada Regina Beach Leisure Time Club Regina Woodcarvers Club Ladies Evening of Elegance (Regina) Nature Regina Regina Beach Lioness Club Relay for Life (Regina) Ladies Golf Fore Cure Charity Tournament (Regina) Nature Saskatchewan Regina Beach Lions Club Resort Village of Manitou Beach Danceland Ladies of Grace Presbyterian Church (Yorkton) Neil Squire Society (Regina) Regina Beach United Church Riffel High School (Regina) Lake Lenore Lioness Club New Dance Horizons (Regina) Regina Bridge Club RM of Edenwold Lampman Royal Canadian Legion New Hope Lutheran Church (Regina) Regina Celiac Association Robbie Burns Night Humboldt Langenburg Warriors Hockey Nipawin Fish & Game League Inc. Regina Christian Women Rolling Barrage 17 (Moosomin) Langham & District Parks, Culture & Recreation Nipawin Jr. A Hawks Regina Community Clinic Ron Rurak Cancer Fund (Yorkton) Lanigan & District Waterpark Committee Norman Kennedy Presbyterian Church (Regina) Regina Crime Stoppers Rose Valley Community Players Lashburn Centennial Museum North Battleford Boys & Girls Club Regina Deanery Pastoral Council Rosemont Mount Royal Community Assoc. (Regina) Lashburn Community Hall North Battleford Chamber of Commerce Regina Early Learning Centre Rosetown Royals Speed Swim Team Last Mountain Lake Cultural Centre North Battleford Good Neighbor Network Regina Elks Lodge Rosthern Junior College Choirs Leask Recreation Board North Battleford Leisure Services & CPTED Regina Fan Expo Rotary Club of Regina Lebret Art Show & Sale North Battleford Lions Club Regina Farmers’ Market Rotary Club of Regina Eastview Lego League North Battleford North Battleford Public Library Regina Federation Of Artists Rotary Club of Weyburn Lieutenant Governor’s Office North Battleford Royal Canadian Legion Regina Fish and Game League Rotary Club of Yorkton Lighthouse Church (Milestone) North Battleford Royal Purple Lodge 173 Regina Floral Conservatory Rouleau Library Lintlaw Golden Glory Club North Battleford Seniors Regina Flying Club Rouleau Manor Wellness Clinic Living Faith Chapel (North Battleford) North Battleford Twin Rivers Curling Club Regina Food Bank Rouleau Palliser Library Living Skies Student Film Festival (Regina) North Central Community Association (Regina) Regina Fringe Festival Rouleau Wilcox United Church Lonsdale Boxing Club (Regina) North Saskatchewan Archives Regina General Hospital Auxiliary Royal Canadian Legion (Regina) Lucas’s Fund (Regina) North Star Gallery (Humboldt) Regina German Club Royal Canadian Legion (Birch Hills) Lumsden Community Quilters Notre Dame Church CWL (Battleford) Regina Girl Guides Royal Canadian Legion (Bienfait) Lung Association of Saskatchewan Odessa Recreation Assoc. Regina Good Shepherd Lutheran Royal Canadian Legion (Estevan) Luther College High School (Regina) Old Tyme Dance (North Battleford) Regina Gujarati Samaj Royal Canadian Legion (Melfort) MacDonald School Community Council (Regina) Old Tyme Dance Club (Estevan) Regina Harley Owner’s Group Royal Canadian Legion (Regina) Macklin Daycare Inc. Old Tyme Dance Club (Humboldt) Regina Horticulture Society Royal Canadian Legion (Yorkton) MADD Operun (North Battleford) Regina Humane Society Royal Canadian Legion (Humboldt) Maidstone Chamber of Commerce Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Councils Regina Hungarian Cultural & Social Club Royal Canadian Legion Branch (Stoughton) Maidstone Hospital Auxiliary OSI-CAN Regina Industrial Parks Rotary Club Royal Canadian Legion Saskatchewan Command Maidstone Senior Citizens Drop In Centre Osteoporosis - Regina Chapter Regina International Film Festival Royal Purple (North Battleford) Make-A-Wish Saskatchewan Our Lady Of Peace Church (Regina) Regina Irish Dance Parents Association Royal Saskatchewan Museum Mall in Hall (Unity) Outlook Skating Club Regina Jazz Society Royal Winnipeg Ballet Professional Division Mallard Diversified Services (Wadena) Ovarian Cancer Canada - Saskatchewan Chapter Regina Kennel and Obedience Club Ruthilda UCW (Biggar)

20 Sacred Heart Church (Lebret) Spiritwood Area Recreation Town of Canora Education Sacred Heart High School (Yorkton) Spiritwood Cowboy Church Town of Carlyle University of Regina - Cheerleaders SADD Saskatchewan Spring Free From Racism (Regina) Town of Carnduff University of Regina - Choral Activities Safe Communities Humboldt & Area Square Dancing (Regina) Town of Carrot River University of Regina - Computer Science Saltcoats Ball Park Improvement Committee St. Andrews Anglican Church (Humboldt) Town of Churchbridge University of Regina - Concert Series Saltcoats Historical Society St. Andrews United Church (Kinistino) Town of Conquest University of Regina - Department of Computer Saltcoats Laketown Players St. Andrew’s United Church (Lumsden) Town of Craik Science Santa Maria Volunteers (Regina) St. Andrew’s United Church (Yorkton) Town of Dalmeny University of Regina - Faculty of Arts SARCAN Recycling St. Anthony’s Roman Catholic Polish Church Town of Davidson University of Regina - Film & Video SARCS Spiritwood Area (Regina) Town of Dinsmore University of Regina - Innovation Centre Sask. African Canadian Heritage Museum St. Athanasius Byzantine-Ukrainian Catholic Town of Foam Lake University of Regina - Institutes Francais Sask. Arts Board Church (Regina) Town of Fort Qu’Appelle University of Regina - School of Journalism Sask. Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum St. Athanasius Church (Regina) Town of Gravelbourg University of Regina - Theatre Sask. Brain Injury Association St. Augustine Parish (Humboldt) Town of Grenfell University of Regina - Women & Gender Studies Sask. Business Teachers Assoc. St. Basil’s Parish Centre (Regina) Town of Gull Lake UWAC Ladies Canora Sask. Country Music Assoc. St. Basil’s Catholic Parish (Regina) Town of Hudson Bay Van Johnson Ministries - PCGI Sask. Cultural Exchange Society St. Brieux & District Volunteer Emergency Town of Indian Head Variations Weyburn Sask. Epilepsy Inc. Services Town of Kerrobert Vawn Community Hall (Battlefords) Sask. Express St. Cecilia Parish Hall (Regina) Town of Kindersley Vet’s Helping Vet’s (Nipawin) Sask. Genealogical Society (Maryfield) St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic Church Town of Kinistino Village of Bradwell Sask. Music Alliance (Stockholm) Town of Kipling Village of Leask Sask. Pharmacy Association St. Elizabeth’s Ladies Auxiliary (Humboldt) Town of La Ronge Village of Meota Sask. Snowmobile Association St. Francis School (Regina) Town of Lampman Village of Punnichy Saskatchewan All Age Championships St. George Orthodox Cadral (Regina) Town of Langham Village of Theodore Saskatchewan Band Association St. George’s Anglican Church (North Battleford) Town of Lanigan Visually Impaired Paddling Committee Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame St. George’s Church (Kinistino) Town of Lashburn Vohon Ukrainian Dance Ensemble (Battleford) St. Gerard`s Parish (Yorkton) Town of Leader (Fort Qu’Appelle) Saskatchewan British Car Club St. Giles Anglican Church (Estevan) Town of Leoville Volunteer Resources Sask. Saskatchewan Choral Federation St. Henry’s Parish (Melville) Town of Lipton W. H. Ford School (Regina) Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association St. James Anglican Church (Regina) Town of Lumsden Wa Wa Shrine (Regina) Saskatchewan Co-operative Association St. James Anglican Church (Regina) Town of Luseland Wadena & District Museum Saskatchewan Council for Archives and St. James Presbyterian Church (Melfort) Town of Wadena Baptist. Church Archivists St. John Ambulance Town of Maple Creek Wadena Composite School Saskatchewan Council for International St. John’s Lutheran Church (Humboldt) Town of Meadow Lake Wadena Curling Club Cooperation St. Joseph Calasanctius Parish (North Battl- Town of Melfort Wadena District Lions Club Saskatchewan Dachshund Club eford) Town of Moosomin Wadena Farmers Market Saskatchewan Epilepsy Inc. St. Josephs CWL (Estevan) Town of Nipawin Wadena Girl Guides Saskatchewan in Motion St. Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary (Estevan) Town of Osler Wadena Hockey Blue Line Bids Saskatchewan Safety Council St. Joseph’s Hospital Foundation Town of Outlook Wadena Social Club Saskatchewan Science Centre St. Joseph’s Parish (Canora) Town of Pense Wadena United Church Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism St. Joseph’s Parish Council (Langenburg) Town of Pilot Butte Wadena Wildcats Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame St. Mark Orthodox Church (Yorkton) Town of Redvers War Amps SaskGames St. Mary’s UCWLC (Yorkton) Town of Regina Beach War Memorial Association SaskOutdoor St. Matthew Anglican Church (Regina) Town of Rosetown Warm Welcome Kitchen (Estevan) Save Children Canada St. Michael’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church Town of Rosthern Warman Library Save Children (Battlefords) (Regina) Town of Rouleau Warman Art Council SCEP Centre (Regina) St. Paul Lutheran Church (Yorkton) Town of Saltcoats Warman Canadian Blood Services Schizophrenia Society of Sask St. Paul Lutheran Home (Melville) Town of Shaunavon Warman Community Association School of Rock (Regina) St. Paul’s United Church (Tisdale) Town of Shellbrook Warman Community Band Scleroderma Society of Canada St. Paul’s Anglican Cadral (Regina) Town of Spiritwood Warman Community Garden Scott Collegiate High School (Regina) St. Paul’s Anglican Church (North Battleford) Town of Springside Warman Cross Country Ski Trail Scott Nicholson Fine Arts (Regina) St. Paul’s Lutheran Church (Melville) Town of St. Walburg Warman Dance Club Selo Gardens Personal Care Home Ltd. St. Paul’s United Church (St. Walburg) Town of Stoughton Warman Diamond Arena Selo Gardens Seniors Club St. Paul’s United Church (Tisdale) Town of Theodore Warman Emergency Response Team Senior Citizens’ Centre Ltd. (Regina) St. Peter’s Chorus (Humboldt) Town of Tisdale Warman Farmers’ Market Senior Power of Regina St. Peter’s Church (Regina) Town of Unity Warman Fire Department Seniors University Group (Regina) St. Philip Anglican Church Town of Wadena Warman Girls Prairie League Softball Serbian Club (Regina) St. Vital Parish (Battleford) Town of Wakaw Warman High School Seventh-Day Adventist Church (Battlefords) Star Theatre (Regina) Town of Watson Warman In Motion Sewciables Sewing Group Stoney Lake Bible Camp (Melfort) Town of Whitewood Warman Kidsport Shekinah Eagles Centre (Regina) Street Culture Project (Regina) Town of Wilkie Warman Lions Club Skate Battlefords Summer Activity Program (Meadow Lake) Town of Wynyard Warman Mennonite Church Skate Humboldt Sun Country Health Region (Weyburn) Trinity Lutheran Church (Estevan) Warman Minor Baseball Skate Regina Sundown Optimist Buffalo Gals (Regina) Twin Lakes Community Association (Regina) Warman Minor Hockey Skate Yorkton Sunrise Health Region (Yorkton) Twin Rivers Curling Club (North Battleford) Warman Skate Park Sons of Scotland Camp Balmoral (Regina) Taste of Maple Creek U of R Cougar Women’s Hockey Alumni Warman Toboggan Hills Souls Harbour Rescue Mission (Regina) Terry Fox Foundation Ukrainian All Saints Catholic Church (Humboldt) Warman Wildcats Soup Haven (Yorkton) Terry Fox Foundation (Meota) Ukrainian Canadian Congress (Regina) Warman/Osler Skating Club Souris Valley Museum (Weyburn) Theodore & District Recreation Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League (Canora) (Regina) Souris Valley Theatre (Weyburn) Theodore United Church Ukrainian Orthodox Church (North Battleford) Wascana Dog Obedience Club (Regina) South Horizons Area Girl Guides (Regina) Third Ave. United Church (North Battleford) Ultimate A & B Youth (Regina) Wascana Freewheelers (Regina) South Saskatchewan Lily Society Titans Sports & Social Club (Regina) United Church Women’s (Weyburn) Wascana Rhythmic Gymnastics Club (Regina) South Shore Art Group (Regina Beach) Toastmasters International (Weyburn) United Way Estevan Waskimo (Regina) South Shore Community Council (Regina Beach) Topline Social Dance Club (Battlefords) United Way Regina Watrous & Area Arts Council South Zone Recreation (Regina) Tor Hill Ladies Golf Club Unity Anglican Church Wellness Clinics (Maidstone) South. Regional Library (Indian Head) Tourism Estevan Unity Baptist Church Wesley United Church (Regina) Southey Senior Citizens Club Tourism Melville Unity Ministerial Westminster United Church (Regina) Southside Pentecostal Assembly (Regina) Town of Allan Unity Old Time Dance Club Westview United Church (Yorkton) Southwest Hockey League Town of Arcola Unity St. Peter’s Catholic Church Weyburn and District United Way Sparkle Tour (Regina) Town of Balgonie Unity United Church Weyburn Beavers Football Saskatchewan SPCA Town of Battleford University of Regina Weyburn Car Club Show and Shine Speakers Corner Toastmasters (Regina) Town of Bienfait University of Regina - Aboriginal Student Centre Weyburn Chamber of Commerce Special Olympics Saskatchewan Town of Biggar University of Regina - Athletics Weyburn Dance Club Spinal Cord Injury Saskatchewan Town of Bredenbury University of Regina - Centre for Aging & Health Weyburn Farmer’s Market Spiritwood & District Health Complex Town of Burstall University of Regina - Centre for Continuing Weyburn Gold Wings

21 Weyburn Hospital Foundation Weyburn Humane Society Weyburn Kinsmen and Kinette Club Weyburn Lions Club Weyburn Ministerial Group Weyburn Public Library Weyburn Regional Economic Development Weyburn Rotary Club Weyburn Special Care Home Auxiliary Weyburn Wheatland Senior Centre Weyburn Young Fellows’ Club Wheatland Senior Centre (Weyburn) Wheatland Senior Hockey League Whitewood Community Drama Whitewood Recreation Association Inc. Whitewood Tourism and Heritage Association Whitewood U.C.W. Whitewood United Church Whitmore Park Comm Assoc. (Regina) Willowbrook Lions Club (Yorkton) Witness To All Nations Wynyard Festival of Wreaths Yellow Creek Parks & Recreation Yellow Grass Dinner Theatre Yellow Grass School Yellowhead Flyway Birding Trail Assoc. (Saltcoats) YMCA of Regina Yorkton & District Horticultural Society Yorkton & District Labour Council Yorkton Animal Rescue Team Yorkton Arts Council Yorkton Brick Mill Heritage Society Yorkton Exhibition Ladies Auxiliary Yorkton Farm Toy Show Yorkton Film Festival Yorkton Food Bank Yorkton Girl Guide Yorkton Holy Trinity Yorkton Immanuel Baptist Church Yorkton Kalyna Dance Yorkton Kinsmen Kinettes Yorkton Lions Club Yorkton Ministerial Assoc. Yorkton Navy League and Sea Cadets Yorkton Nursing Home Yorkton Paper Bag Players Yorkton Parks and Recreation Yorkton Public Library Yorkton Regional High School Yorkton Regional High School Yorkton Seventh-day Adventist Church Yorkton Springers Gymnastics Club & Gridders Cheerleading Yorkton Terriers Hockey Young Athlete Saskatchewan YWCA Women of Distinction (Regina) Zichydorf Assoc. Zion Lutheran Church Zion Women of Faith Zone 7 Square & Round Dance Assoc. Inc. (Regina)

22 23 INTERNET | TV | PHONE | SECURITY | 1-866-363-2225

Regina (Head Office) • 2250 Park Street • S4N 7K7 Estevan • 1126 6th Street Humboldt • 645 Main Street La Ronge • 712 Finlayson Street Melfort • 620 Saskatchewan Avenue SE North Battleford • 1192 99th Street Weyburn • 120 10th Avenue SE Yorkton • 22 Sixth Avenue N • 826 57th Street E