Journal of the 10 T1.25
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T1.25 JOURNAL OF THE JANUARY 5 the result of the same shall be delivered to When said concurrent resolution was Foglietta, Pennsylvania; Esteban Edward the President of the Senate, who shall there- considered and agreed to. Torres, California; George (Buddy) Darden, upon announce the state of the vote, which A motion to reconsider the vote Georgia; Nita M. Lowey, New York; Ray  announcement shall be deemed a sufficient whereby said concurrent resolution Thornton, Arkansas; Jose E. Serrano, New declaration of the persons, if any, elected York; Rosa L. DeLauro, Connecticut; James President and Vice President of the United was agreed to was, by unanimous con- P. Moran, Virginia; Douglas ``Pete'' Peter- States, and, together with a list of the votes, sent, laid on the table. son, Florida; John W. Olver, Massachusetts; be entered on the Journals of the two Ordered, That the Clerk notify the Ed Pastor, Arizona; Carrie Meek, Florida. Houses. Senate thereof. Committee on Armed Services: Les Aspin, When said concurrent resolution was Wisconsin, Chairman (when sworn); G.V. T1.27 DAILY HOUR OF MEETING (Sonny) Montgomery, Mississippi; Ronald V. considered and agreed to. Mr. MOAKLEY submitted the follow- Dellums, California; Patricia Schroeder, Col- A motion to reconsider the vote orado; Earl Hutto, Florida; Ike Skelton, Mis- whereby said concurrent resolution ing privileged resolution, which was souri; Dave McCurdy, Oklahoma; Marilyn was agreed to was, by unanimous con- considered and agreed to (H. Res. 7): Lloyd, Tennessee; Norman Sisisky, Virginia; sent, laid on the table. Resolved, That unless otherwise ordered, John M. Spratt, Jr., South Carolina; Frank Ordered, That the Clerk notify the the hour of meeting of the House shall be McCloskey, Indiana; Solomon P. Ortiz, Senate thereof. noon on Mondays and Tuesdays; 2 o'clock Texas; George J. Hochbrueckner, New York; post meridiem on Wednesdays; 11 o'clock Owen B. Pickett, Virginia; H. Martin Lan- T1.25 JOINT COMMITTEE FOR THE ante meridiem on all other days of the week caster, North Carolina; Lane Evans, Illinois; ARRANGEMENTS OF THE up to and including May 14, 1993; and that James H. Bilbray, Nevada; John S. Tanner, INAUGURATION from May 15, 1993, until the end of the first Tennessee; Glen Browder, Alabama; Gene session, the hour of daily meeting of the Taylor, Mississippi; Neil Abercrombie, Ha- The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. House shall be noon on Mondays and Tues- waii; Thomas H. Andrews, Maine; Chet Ed- MFUME, laid before the House a privi- days and 10 o'clock ante meridiem on all wards, Texas; Don Johnson, Georgia; Frank leged message from the Senate, which other days of the week. Tejeda, Texas; David Mann, Ohio; Bart Stu- was read as follows (S. Con. Res. 2): pak, Michigan; Martin T. Meehan, Massachu- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- T1.28 REPORT OF COMMITTEE TO NOTIFY setts; Robert A. Underwood, Guam; Jane resentatives concurring), That effective Janu- THE PRESIDENT Harman, California; Paul McHale, Pennsyl- ary 5, 1993, the joint committee created by S. vania; vacancy; vacancy; vacancy. Mr. GEPHARDT was recognized and Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Con. Res. 102 of the One Hundred Second said: Congress, to make the necessary arrange- Affairs: Henry B. Gonzalez, Texas, Chairman; ments for the inauguration, is hereby contin- ``Mr. Speaker, your committee ap- Stephen L. Neal, North Carolina; John J. La- ued with the same power and authority. The pointed on the part of the House to join Falce, New York; Bruce F. Vento, Min- joint committee may accept gifts and dona- a like committee on the part of the nesota; Charles E. Schumer, New York; Bar- tions of goods and services to carry out its Senate to notify the President of the ney Frank, Massachusetts; Paul E. Kan- responsibilities. jorski, Pennsylvania; Joseph P. Kennedy II, United States that a quorum of each Massachusetts; Floyd H. Flake, New York; SEC. 2. That effective from January 5, 1993, House has been assembled and is ready the provisions of S. Con. Res. 103 of the One Kweisi Mfume, Maryland; Maxine Waters, Hundred Second Congress, to authorize the to receive any communication that he California; Larry LaRocco, Idaho; Bill Orton, rotunda of the United States Capitol to be may be pleased to make has performed Utah; Jim Bacchus, Florida; Herbert C. used in connection with the proceedings and that duty.''. Klein, New Jersey; Carolyn B. Maloney, New ceremonies for the inauguration of the Presi- York; Peter Deutsch, Florida; Luis V. dent-elect and the Vice President-elect of T1.29 ELECTION TO COMMITTEESРGutierrez, Illinois; Bobby L. Rush, Illinois; the United States, are hereby continued with MAJORITY Lucille Roybal-Allard, California; Thomas the same power and authority. Mr. HOYER submitted the following M. Barrett, Wisconsin; Elizabeth Furse, Or- When said concurrent resolution was egon; Nydia M. Velazquez, New York; Albert privileged resolution (H. Res. 8): R. Wynn, Maryland; Cleo Fields, Louisiana; considered and agreed to. Resolved, That the following named Mem- Melvin Watt, North Carolina; Maurice Hin- A motion to reconsider the vote bers, Resident Commissioner, and Delegates, chey, New York; vacancy; vacancy; vacancy. whereby said concurrent resolution be, and they are hereby, elected to the fol- Committee on the Budget: Leon E. Pa- was agreed to was, by unanimous con- lowing standing committees of the House of netta, California, Chairman; Richard A. Gep- sent, laid on the table. Representatives: hardt, Missouri; Dale E. Kildee, Michigan; Ordered, That the Clerk notify the Committee on Agriculture: E de la Garza, Anthony C. Beilenson, California; Martin Senate thereof. Texas, Chairman; George E. Brown, Jr., Cali- Olav Sabo, Minnesota; Howard L. Berman, fornia; Charles Rose, North Carolina; Glenn California; Robert E. Wise, Jr., West Vir- T1.26 ADJOURNMENT OF THE TWO HOUSES English, Oklahoma; Leon E. Panetta, Cali- ginia; John Bryant, Texas; John M. Spratt, The SPEAKER pro tempore, Mr. fornia; Dan Glickman, Kansas; Charles W. Jr., South Carolina; Charles W. Stenholm, Stenholm, Texas; Harold L. Volkmer, Mis- MFUME, laid before the House a privi- Texas; Barney Frank, Massachusetts; Jim souri; Timothy J. Penny, Minnesota; Tim Cooper, Tennessee; Louise McIntosh Slaugh- leged message from the Senate, which Johnson, South Dakota; Mike Espy, Mis- ter, New York; Mike Parker, Mississippi; was read as follows (S. Con. Res. 3): sissippi; Bill Sarpalius, Texas; Jill L. Long, William J. Coyne, Pennsylvania; Barbara B. Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- Indiana; Gary A. Condit, California; Collin C. Kennelly, Connecticut; Michael A. Andrews, resentatives concurring), That when the Sen- Peterson, Minnesota; Calvin M. Dooley, Cali- Texas; Alan B. Mollohan, West Virginia; ate recesses or adjourns on Wednesday, Jan- fornia; Eva M. Clayton, North Carolina; Bart Gordon, Tennessee; David E. Price, uary 6, or Thursday January 7, 1993, pursuant David Minge, Minnesota; Earl F. Hilliard, North Carolina; Jerry F. Costello, Illinois; to a motion made by the Majority Leader or Alabama; Jay Inslee, Washington; Tom Bar- Harry Johnston, Florida; Patsy T. Mink, Ha- his designee, in accordance with the provi- low, Kentucky; Earl Pomeroy, North Da- waii; Bill Orton, Utah; Lucien E. Blackwell, sions of this resolution, it stand recessed or kota; Tim Holden, Pennsylvania; Cynthia Pennsylvania; Earl Pomeroy, North Dakota. adjourned until 3:00 o'clock p.m. on Wednes- McKinney, Georgia; Scotty Baesler, Ken- Committee on Education and Labor: Wil- day, January 20, 1993, and that when the tucky; Karen L. Thurman, Florida; Sanford liam D. Ford, Michigan, Chairman; William House of Representatives adjourns on Bishop, Georgia. (Bill) Clay, Missouri; George Miller, Califor- Wednesday, January 6, 1993, pursuant to a Committee on Appropriations: William H. nia; Austin J. Murphy, Pennsylvania; Dale E. motion made by the Majority Leader or his Natcher, Kentucky, Chairman; Jamie L. Kildee, Michigan; Pat Williams, Montana; designee, in accordance with the provisions Whitten, Mississippi; Neal Smith, Iowa; Sid- Matthew G. Martinez, California; Major R. of this resolution, it stand adjourned until ney R. Yates, Illinois; David R. Obey, Wis- Owens, New York; Thomas C. Sawyer, Ohio; 10:00 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, January 20, consin; Louis Stokes, Ohio; Tom Bevill, Ala- Donald M. Payne, New Jersey; Jolene 1993, or until 12 o'clock noon on the second bama; John P. Murtha, Pennsylvania; Unsoeld, Washington; Patsy T. Mink, Ha- day after Members are notified to reassemble Charles Wilson, Texas; Norman D. Dicks, waii; Robert E. Andrews, New Jersey; Jack pursuant to section 2 of this concurrent reso- Washington; Martin Olav Sabo, Minnesota; Reed, Rhode Island; Tim Roemer, Indiana; lution. Julian C. Dixon, California; Vic Fazio, Cali- Eliot L. Engel, New York; Xavier Becerra, SEC. 2. The Majority Leader of the Senate fornia; W.G. (Bill) Hefner, North Carolina; California; Robert C. ``Bobby'' Scott, Vir- and the Speaker of the House, acting jointly Steny H. Hoyer, Maryland; Bob Carr, Michi- ginia; Gene Green, Texas; Lynn Woolsey, after consultation with the Minority Leader gan; Richard J. Durbin, Illinois; Ronald D. California; Carlos Romero-Barcelo , Puerto of the Senate and the Minority Leader of the Coleman, Texas; Alan B. Mollohan, West Vir- Rico; Ron Klink, Pennsylvania; Karan House, shall notify the Members of the Sen- ginia; Jim Chapman, Texas; Marcy Kaptur, English, Arizona; Ted Strickland, Ohio; va- ate and the House, respectively, to reassem- Ohio;