Bridging the “Application - File System” divide with promises Raja Bala Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
[email protected] Abstract that hook into the file system and the belief that the underlying file system is the best judge File systems today implement a limited set of when it comes to operations with files. Unfor- abstractions and semantics wherein applications tunately, the latter isn’t true, since applications don’t really have much of a say. The generality know more about their behavior and what they of these abstractions tends to curb the application need or do not need from the file system. Cur- performance. In the global world we live in, it seems rently, there is no real mechanism that allows reasonable that applications are treated as first-class the applications to communicate this informa- citizens by the file system layer. tion to the file system and thus have some degree In this project, we take a first step towards that goal of control over the file system functionality. by leveraging promises that applications make to the file system. The promises are then utilized to deliver For example, an application that never ap- a better-tuned and more application-oriented file pends to any of the files it creates has no means system. A very simple promise, called unique-create of conveying this information to the file sys- was implemented, wherein the application vows tem. Most file systems inherently assume that never to create a file with an existing name (in a it is good to preallocate extra blocks to a file, directory) which is then used by the file system so that when it expands, the preallocated blocks to speedup creation time.