photographs Ms. Coll. 330 Finding aid prepared by Clémence Scouten.

Last updated on May 24, 2021.

University of , Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts

2015 April 30 Eugene Ormandy photographs

Table of Contents

Summary Information...... 3 Biography/History...... 4 Scope and Contents...... 7 Administrative Information...... 8 Related Materials...... 8 Controlled Access Headings...... 9 Collection Inventory...... 10 Series I. Before 1930...... 10 Series II. 1930s...... 11 Series III. 1940s...... 15 Series IV. 1950s...... 26 Series V. 1960s...... 47 Series VI. 1970s...... 71 Series VII. 1980s...... 93 Series VIII. 1990s...... 99 Series IX. Undated...... 99

- Page 2 - Eugene Ormandy photographs

Summary Information

Repository University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts

Creator Ormandy, Eugene, 1899-1985

Title Eugene Ormandy photographs

Call number Ms. Coll. 330

Date [inclusive] 1880-1992

Extent 16.75 linear feet (76 volumes and boxes)

Language English

Abstract Eugene Ormandy served as the conductor/musical director of the Minneapolis from 1931 to 1936 and the Orchestra from 1937 to 1980.This collection of photographs documents the career and life of Eugene Ormandy from the early 1880s to the early 1990s, with the bulk of the photographs dating from the 1940s to the 1970s. Many of these photographs are available online

Cite as:

Eugene Ormandy photographs, 1880-1992, Ms. Coll. 330, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts, University of Pennsylvania

- Page 3 - Eugene Ormandy photographs


Eugene Ormandy, born in in 1899, grew up Jenö Blau, first son of Benjamin Blau, who began training his son on the at an early age. A musical prodigy with perfect pitch, he studied as a child at the Royal Academy of Music under the tutelage of his namesake, Jenö Hubay. By the age of 17 Ormandy had not only graduated (three years prior) but was teaching at this same academy, and soon thereafter he began touring Europe as a soloist. In 1920, after a concert in Vienna, two American entrepreneurs, who claimed to be concert agents, persuaded Ormandy to come and concertize in America, where they promised to procure for him 300 performing venues and to pay him a total of $30,000 in fees. Ormandy accepted the offer, anxious to go to the , where opportunities for musicians seemed to abound. Upon his arrival in in December, 1921, however, the promised contract evaporated. In need of money, Ormandy found a job with the orchestra of the Capitol Theater, a movie house that featured musical concerts as well as silent movies with live musical accompaniment. Ormandy rose in the ranks quickly, concertmaster within a week of taking the job. By 1926, having occasionally substituted for the conductor Erno Rapee, Ormandy had become the Capitol Orchestra's associate music director. In that capacity he was eventually discovered by the manager, , who, taking the young conductor into his stable of performers, began to employ him in the Dutch Master Hour and other radio programs. Judson also began booking important live performances for him. In 1929 Ormandy appeared at the in New York, the -Symphony, and in 1930 he made his conductorial debut in Philadelphia, where he conducted the city's orchestra at the Robin Hood Dell. Over the next year several subsequent Philadelphia appearances included a successful two week guest engagement substituting for , who had been suddenly taken ill at the start of the fall season. As a result, the 's administrators, who had begun thinking about a successor to , invited Ormandy back as guest conductor many more times over the next few years. Ormandy had, in the meantime, become engaged by the Minneapolis Symphony as its conductor. From 1931 to 1936 Ormandy did what he could to improve the orchestra and to bring it into more national prominence. Ormandy, with the help of Judson, obtained a recording contract with RCA Victor, and soon this Midwestern orchestra was the most recorded orchestra in the country. Though neither Ormandy nor the players received extra compensation for their recordings, the orchestra and perhaps particularly Ormandy profited from the increased publicity produced by their popular recordings. Ormandy and the Minneapolis Symphony were the first in the United States to record Mahler's Symphony No. 4, Rachmaninoff's No. 2, and Sibelius' No. 1. When Ormandy's five-year contract with Minneapolis ended, the Philadelphia Orchestra invited him to become its co-conductor, an invitation Ormandy readily accepted. For the next four years Ormandy shared the podium with Leopold Stokowski, an arrangement that apparently went smoothly enough, even after Ormandy was made music director in 1938. When Stokowski finally left, at the end of the 1940-1941 season, Ormandy made no big adjustments in programming or in the management of the Orchestra.

- Page 4 - Eugene Ormandy photographs But these years, however successful professionally, were decades of personal challenge and even upheaval for the maestro. He had married professional harpist Stephanie Goldner in 1922, who gave up a position with the New York Philharmonic in 1931 to join her husband in the Midwest. The couple twice had babies that subsequently died of RH complications. Furthermore, with the advent of World War II and then, later, the Soviet occupation, Ormandy expended no small effort and money assisting family, friends, and friends of friends out of Europe, many of whom he put up at his own home (at one time the Ormandy's lived in a house in Wynnewood that they called "Journey's End," where they accommodated some of the emigrés). Among those he helped were members of his wife's own family, emigrating from Austria. Yet despite all the couple had been through together in these decades, or perhaps because of it, Ormandy and his wife Stephanie divorced in 1947. In 1950 he married Margaret (Gretel) Frances Hitsch. While the new Mrs. Ormandy devoted herself to her husband, he devoted himself to the Orchestra. This is not to say that he did not care about the people in his life. Indeed he dedicated himself to the welfare of his brother, Martin, whom he assisted financially and professionally (Ormandy was estranged from his other brother Laszlo). He kept in touch with family back in , telephoning and sending money whenever he could, and he also continued to assist his first wife and her family. In 1952 Mrs. Ormandy and he also unofficially "adopted" a young Austrian woman from Czechoslovakia named Renata Huebscher (later Harrison); the Ormandys helped put her through Bryn Mawr College and remained close to her after she married. Thus in many respects, Ormandy's familial relationships seem to have been fairly simply defined; though his work generally came first, he used his earnings and his position to help anyone for whom he cared. The only return he apparently expected was loyalty. And he had need for family loyalty and affection during two difficult occasions in the 1960s. The first one involved an automobile accident in which both Ormandy and his wife were terribly injured, and from which it took them months to recover. The second incident was the death of Stephanie Ormandy in 1962 from cancer. In these instances, family and friends, including members of his first wife's family, rallied to lend their support. In contrast with these relationships, his relationship to the Orchestra, his other "family," was more complex. He liked to view himself as a kind of father or uncle to the Orchestra members, to whom he was often quite loyal, personally. He helped individuals through illness and personal problems, assisted players with obtaining loans, raises or bonuses from management, and threw the Orchestra lavish parties once a year. In general, however, he aligned himself with the Orchestra Association or Board when it came to general employment policy; he, for instance, asked all the Orchestra members to go back to work during the strike of 1966 and refused otherwise to get involved. Many say that in this instance and others, Ormandy could not, in any case, have had much influence with the Board and therefore had no choice but to take a neutral, middle ground. Yet one can easily believe--and there is evidence that some players did--that because for Ormandy work and the business of orchestra management were so important, he would not have sided with players even if he had had more ability to affect Board policies. Likewise there are those who, in remembering Ormandy, have described him as a kind of factory foreman, particularly with regard to the production and sales of orchestra recordings. Certainly it can be said that he put the Orchestra's financial well-being and reputation above all other considerations, a priority that sometimes brought him into conflict with the instrumentalists. Ormandy was known for his business acumen, practicality, and efficiency, traits perhaps developed in his early days as movie-house maestro and radio performer. In the 44 years of his Philadelphia tenure, he and the Orchestra made many recordings with RCA (1936-1943, 1968-1985) and with Columbia

- Page 5 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Records (1944 and 1968), a great number of which sold quite well. Ormandy readily accommodated these companies' technical and economic needs, helping to make recordings in "record" time, and going along with whatever plans they had for producing a best-seller, however, gimmicky. The Orchestra also frequently went touring, in part to sell records, in part just for the added exposure, and many of their tours were historically quite significant. For instance, in making the 1949 tour to Great Britain, the Philadelphia Orchestra was the first American orchestra to play overseas since before the war. Other important tours included those to Finland in 1955 (when they met with ), to Latin America (1966), to Japan (1967), and, perhaps most famously, to (1973). While increasing the ranks of the Orchestra's overseas listeners, Ormandy also labored to obtain new audiences through the media of radio and television. In fact, the Philadelphia Orchestra was the first orchestra to appear in a televised broadcast, when on March 20, 1948, the CBS television network aired a live performance. In these and other areas Ormandy's efforts to keep the Orchestra in the public eye paid off, making the Philadelphia Orchestra one of the best known of the American . Ormandy made such efforts not simply for profits, however, but also for the sake of music and the Orchestra's music-making capability. Keeping the Orchestra financially healthy enabled Ormandy to hire topnotch, even well-known players for the Orchestra and made possible the Orchestra Association's practice (which Ormandy established) of lending money to players, interest free, for the purchase of high quality instruments. And though he had a reputation for performing only conservative, crowd-pleasing (i.e., money-making) programs, the record shows something different. Indeed, Ormandy frequently played 20th-century composers and premiered works by such American composers as , , , and , to name a few. In addition to helping composers by performing their works, Ormandy frequently aided young performing artists. He ran conductors' workshops in the 1950s, worked directly with the Curtis Institute of Music student orchestra in the 1960s and 1970s while arranging to have other professional conductors do the same, and generally promoted any individual musician that he felt had promise. In fact, in 1972 Ormandy brought the then little known to Philadelphia to make his American debut; one of many young artists Ormandy assisted, Muti, of course, was to become the maestro's own successor. Six years later Ormandy announced that he would retire at the end of the 1979-1980 season. By some accounts he had become somewhat sharper or more bitter in these years, and a shift in feelings towards his work seemed evidenced by such statements as the following, written in a letter to his friend Earl Vincent Moore: "If we could steal a day between concerts we would fly down to see all of you but concert managers nowadays are cold blooded business men who have to fill in every day and the old horse has to keep on plugging" (December 2, 1976). There is some evidence that Ormandy had been running up against an increasingly uncooperative management, but he must also have been discouraged by growing friction between himself and Orchestra members hoping for his retirement. At the same time the late 1970s saw a decrease of recording sessions with RCA, which, while it continued to make records with the Orchestra and its guest conductors, produced fewer new recordings with the aging maestro and tended instead to release previous Ormandy recordings from its archives, to his disappointment. Most of all, Ormandy was impeded by his own growing frailty. He had hip replacement surgery in 1970, which had sufficiently relieved the pain under which he had been operating to enable him to walk and to continue his work but did not eradicate that pain. There were other problems as well, such as an impairment of his vision, his hearing, and his once legendary memory. Yet Ormandy went on conducting even after his official 1980 retirement. He frequently appeared with the Philadelphia Orchestra as conductor laureate and guest conducted all over the U.S. and in Europe, recreating the famed "Philadelphia Sound" wherever

- Page 6 - Eugene Ormandy photographs he went. Ormandy gave his final concert at on January 10, 1984. Despite the onset during intermission of an illness that would put an end to his public appearances, he completed the concert leading the Orchestra in a faultless performance of Béla Bártok's Concerto for Orchestra, which he conducted from memory. Ormandy's last ten to fifteen years were filled with honors, awards, and achievements. In 1970 he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom; in 1973 he made the historic trip to China with the Orchestra; he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth during a celebration of America's bicentennial; and he received the Golden Baton Award in 1979, the same year that both he and the Philadelphia Orchestra commemorated their 80th birthdays. The City of Philadelphia awarded him its Medal of Freedom in 1980, and he received in 1982. His life was one filled with such distinctions, and whatever the value of his accomplishment, there can be no denial that he worked hard for these honors. For 44 years he made the Philadelphia Orchestra his life, and he had little or no outside activities or pastimes. He had friendships, but many of his friends were musicians with whom he worked in some capacity. Socializing with non-musician friends often took the form of their driving Ormandy to a concert or sharing a box with his wife. Mrs. Ormandy herself, even in that most private and personal of relationships, had in a sense become a business partner to her husband. Her own early comments on this matter are telling: upon marriage she thought she might teach her new husband "how to play," but instead, she said, "he taught me how to work" ( Newsweek, March 2, 1953, p.55). It is no exaggeration to say work was truly his life. Thus there is something quite fitting ab out the fact that so few biographic details are known about Ormandy outside of the professional arena, for he clearly made no distinctions between the personal and professional aspects of his existence.

Scope and Contents

This collection of photographs ( many of which are available online), documents the career and life of Eugene Ormandy from the early 1880s to the early 1990s, with the bulk of the photographs dating from the 1940s to the 1970s. Most prints are black-and-white; some are color. There are numerous photographs of Eugene Ormandy conducting, in particular at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia. This collection also documents his tours with the Philadelphia Orchestra in Europe, the People's Republic of China, Japan, and Latin America. In addition, researchers will find many photographs of Eugene Ormandy with other musicians and supporters of the Philadelphia Orchestra. In order to find photographs of specific individuals, researchers are encouraged to perform key work searches (all individuals are entered first name, last name). The collection is intellectually arranged in chronological order. Physically, volumes 1-56 are arranged chronologically; boxes 57-63 contain duplicates of images in volumes 1-56; box 64 contains a photograph album from National Music Camp, Interlocken, Michigan, dating from August 26 to 29, 1996; box 65 contains a photograph album from the dedication of the Eugene Ormandy Listening Center, University of Pennsylvania Library on November 15, 1989; box 66 contains a photograph album given November 18, 1956, from Public Relations Department; boxes 67-71 comprise oversize photographs

- Page 7 - Eugene Ormandy photographs arranged chronologically; box 72 contains duplicates of images in boxes 67-71; boxes 73-75 house negatives; and box 76 contains glass slides.

Administrative Information

University of Pennsylvania, Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts

2015 April 30 Finding aid prepared by Clémence Scouten.

Access Restrictions This collection is open for research use

Use Restrictions Copyright restrictions may exist. For most library holdings, the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania do not hold copyright. It is the responsibility of the requester to seek permission from the holder of the copyright to reproduce material from the Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts.

Source of Acquisition Gift of Mrs. Eugene Ormandy, 1987 through 1999.

Related Materials

Related Archival Materials note At University of Pennsylvania: Eugene Ormandy papers, 1921-1991, Ms. Coll. 91. Stephanie Goldner collection on Eugene Ormandy, 1911-1982. Eugene Ormandy family home movies, 1932-1947, Ms. Coll. 1051 Philadelphia Orchestra Latin American tour collection, 1961-1966, Ms. Coll. 929

- Page 8 - Eugene Ormandy photographs

Controlled Access Headings

Corporate Name(s)

• Academy of Music (Philadelphia, Pa.) • Philadelphia Orchestra


• Negatives (photographic) • Photograph albums • Photographs

Personal Name(s)

• Ormandy, Gretel • Ormandy, Stephanie Goldner, 1896-1962


• Concert tours • Conductors (Music) • Music • Symphony orchestras

- Page 9 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Series I. Before 1930

Collection Inventory

Series I. Before 1930.

Volume Item

Johann Strauss II and Johannes Brahams, Bad Ischl, Austria (copyprint), 1 1.1 early 1880s.

Eugene Ormandy age 3, Budapest, Hungary, 2 copies, 1902. 1 1.2-3

Eugene Ormandy, Budapest, Hungary, 1909. 1 1.5-6

Eugene Ormandy, Lazlo Ormandy and Martin Ormandy, Budapest, 1 1.4.1 Hungary, 1909.

Lazlo Ormandy, Budapest, Hungary, 1909. 1 1.5.1

Martin Ormandy, Budapest, Hungary, 1909. 1 1.4.2

France and Austria tour, Vienna, Austria, photographs include Eugene 1 1.7-8 Ormandy (photographer: F. Wunderlich), 2 copies, 1920.

France and Austria tour, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 57 1 (photographer: F. Wunderlich), 1920.

Europe, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (inscribed in Hungarian), 1 1.9.1 1922.

New York, NY, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: H. 1 1.10.1 Tarr Co. Inc., inscribed in Hungarian), 1923.

Minneapolis, MN, 1920s. 67 1

- Page 10 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Series II. 1930s

Series II. 1930s.

Volume Folder

New York, NY, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, circa 1930. 57 2

New York, NY, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, circa 1930. 1 1.12.1

Eugene Ormandy, circa 1930. 1 1.13.1

New York, NY, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and Eddie Bachman, 1 1.11.1 circa 1930.

1931-1932 season conducting Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra 1 1.14.1-2 (photographer: Minneapolis Journal), circa 1931-1932.

Atlantic City, NJ, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 1 1.15.1 Adrian Siegel), 1932.

Vladimir Horowitz (copyprint), 1933 December 3. 1 1.16.1

Vladimir Horowitz, negatives, 1933 December 3. 73 1

Ruth Slenczynski (inscribed in English), 1934 February 13. 1 1.17.1

New York, NY, photograph includes H. [Vectrunski] (photographer: 1 1.18.1 Underwood and Underwood, inscribed in English), 1934.

Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy at rehearsal with, 1935 1 1.19.1-2 November.

Sergei Prokofiev, Lena Prokofiev, and their children, , France 1 1.20.1-2 (inscribed in English dated 1958), 1935.

Adrian Siegel with his portrait of Eugene Ormandy, circa 1935. 1 1.23.1-2

- Page 11 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Series II. 1930s

Adrian Siegel with his portrait of Eugene Ormandy, circa 1935. 57 3

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), circa 1935. 1 1.23.3

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 1 1.21-22 Richard Dooner), circa 1935.

Strobl, Austria, photograph includes Lotte Lehmann, 1936 August 18. 1 1.24.1

Strobl, Austria, photograph includes Reggie Allen, 1936 August 27. 1 1.25.1

Tel Aviv, , photograph includes Arturo Toscanini (inscribed), 1936 1 1.26.1 December 25.

Albert Einstein, negatives and copy of photograph (inscribed), 1936. 73 2

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Fritz Kreiser and 67 1 Eugene Ormandy, circa 1936.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Marian 2 2.5.1 Anderson, Charles O'Connell, and Eugene Ormandy, circa 1936.

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Bert Lawson for Columbia Broadcasting 2 2.3.1 Systems), circa 1936.

Eugene Ormandy and Charles O'Connell, circa 1936. 2 2.4.1

Eugene Ormandy and Charles O'Connell, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, 67 1 PA, circa 1936.

Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, circa 1936. 2 2.1.2

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, circa 1936. 2 2.1-2

- Page 12 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Series II. 1930s

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, circa 1936. 57 4

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 1 1.30.1-2 David S. Loeb), circa 1936.

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 57 4 David S. Loeb), circa 1936.

Steinway Hall, New York, NY, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 1 1.28-29 Josef Alexander Pasternack (photographers: Adrian Siegel and Howard Stein), circa 1936.

Wynnewood, PA, photographs include Reggie Allen, Harl McDonald, and 2 2.6.1 Eugene Ormandy, circa 1936.

Philadelphia Orchestra RCA Victor Tour, Denver, CO, photographs include 2 2.7.1 Jose Iturbi, Dean Lewis, and Eugene Ormandy, (photographer: O. Roach), 1937 May 7.

Philadelphia Orchestra RCA Victor Tour, Minneapolis, MN (photographer: 2 2.8.1 Adrian Siegel), 1937 May.

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 2 2.9.1-2 Adrian Siegel), 1938 October.

Mary Louis Curtis Bok (inscribed in English), 1938. 2 2.10.1

Mozart , St. Laurent, Quebec, Mozart Requiem, photograph of 2 2.11.1 Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1939 June.

Eugene Ormandy, "in a cast after operation from torn 2 2.12.1 ligament" (photographer: Peter Pan Prints), 1939 July.

- Page 13 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Series II. 1930s

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Leopold Stokowski conducting 2 2.19.1 Philadelphia Orchestra, 1939.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Emanuel 2 2.13-16 Fenermann and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1939.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 2 2.17-18 Ormandy and (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1939.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Nelson Eddy and 57 5 Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1939.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, circa 2 2.21.1 1939.

Eugene Serkin and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), circa 2 2.20.1 1939.

Arthur Rubinstein and Eugene Ormandy, 1930s. 2 2.31.1

Mrs. Lauritz Melchior, Mr. Melchior and Eugene Ormandy, 1930s. 2 2.32.1-2

Mrs. Lauritz Melchior, Mr. Melchior and Eugene Ormandy, 1930s. 57 6

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1930s. 67 3

Eugene Ormandy, early 1930s. 2 2.23.1

Europe, photographs includes Zoltan Kodaly, Eugene Ormandy, Ernst von 2 2.22.1 Dohnanyi, and , early 1930s.

Havana, Cuba, Eugene Ormandy and Mrs. Verna Scott aboard ship to 2 2.24.1 Havana, early 1930s.

- Page 14 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Series III. 1940s

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, late 2 2.28.1-3 1930s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy on podium, late 2 2.25.1-3 1930s.

Jesse Taynton, late 1930s. 2 2.30.1

Eugene Ormandy, late 1930s. 2 2.29.1

Eugene Ormandy, late 1930s. 57 6

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1930s. 2 2.27.1

Robin Hood Dell, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, late 1930s. 2 2.26.1

Vienna, Austria, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 67 1 Trude Fleischman), late 1930s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes 67 2 and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Richard Donner), circa 1930s.

Series III. 1940s.

Volume Item

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 3 3.1-2 Ormandy and (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1940.

Eugene Ormandy, circa 1940. 3 3.3.1

Eugene Ormandy and Stephanie Goldner Ormandy (photographer: 3 3.4-5 Associated Press), circa 1940.

- Page 15 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Series III. 1940s

Eugene Ormandy and , circa 1940. 3 3.6.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Hellman), 1941 January 16. 3 3.7.1

Ann Arbor Music Festival, Ann Arbor, MI, photographs include Mr. and 3 3.8.1-3 Mrs. Heifetz, Charles Kullman, and Eugene Ormandy, 1941 May 7-10.

Arturo Toscanini and Eugene Ormandy, Philadelphia, PA (photographers: 3 3.9-14 M. Robert Rogers and Adrian Siegel), 1941.

Arturo Toscanini and Eugene Ormandy (inscribed by Toscanini, 71 2 photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1942 January 13.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 3 3.16-18 Ormandy and (photographers: NBC Management and Adrian Siegel), 1942.

Eugene Zador and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1942. 3 3.15.1-2

Adrian Siegel photography exhibition, photographs include Elise Flun, 3 3.20.1 Fritz Kreisler, Charles O'Connell, Eugene Ormandy, and Adrian Siegel (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1943 January.

Fritz Kreisler (photographer: Adrian Siegel, inscribed in English), 1943 3 3.21.1 January.

9th Symphony performance, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Adrian 3 3.19.1 Siegel), 1943.

Arturo Toscanini and Stephanie Ormandy, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: 3 3.23.2 Adrian Siegel), 1943.

- Page 16 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Series III. 1940s

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Sol Katzen, William Kincaid, Charles 3 3.23.1 O'Connell, Eugene Ormandy, Marcel Tabiteau, and Arturo Toscanini (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1943.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Alexander Hillsberg, Sol Katzen, 57 7 William Kincaid, Charles O'Connell, Eugene Ormandy, Marcel Tabiteau, and Arturo Toscanini, Marcel Tabiteau (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1943.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Alexander Hillsberg, Sol Katzen, 3 3.22.2 William Kincaid, Charles O'Connell, Eugene Ormandy, Marcel Tabiteau, and Arturo Toscanini, Marcel Tabiteau (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1943.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Mrs. Hillsberg, Mrs. Katzen, Eugene 57 7 Ormandy, Stephanie Ormandy, Sophie Siegel, Arturo Toscanini, and Mrs. Toscanini, (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1943.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Mrs. Hillsberg, Mrs. Katzen, Eugene 3 3.22.1 Ormandy, Stephanie Ormandy, Sophie Siegel, Arturo Toscanini, and Mrs. Toscanini, (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1943.

Australia trip, arrival in Sydney, Australia, photographs include William 3 3.24-25 James, Eugene Ormandy, Benye Ross, Frederic Marquardt, Bearun, R.C. MaCall, and Leith Stevens, 1944 May 23.

Australia trip, Sydney, Australia, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and 3 3.26.1 Allison Nelson Loebbaka, 1944 May 28.

Australia trip, Sydney, Australia, reception for Eugene Mayor, Clive Evatt, 3 3.27-28 Eugene Ormandy, and Mr. Bartley, 1944 May 31.

Australia trip, Sydney, Australia, ABC Party, Eugene Ormandy and Lady 3 3.29.1-2 Mary Gordon, Australia, 1944 June.

- Page 17 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Series III. 1940s

Australia trip, Melbourne, Australia, photograph includes B.J. Nesslefold 4 4.1.1-2 (photographer: Edwin G Adamson Yell, inscribed in English), 1944 July 20.

Australia trip, Brisbane, Australia, the Brisbane Symphony Orcestra 4 4.2-4.1 conducted by Eugene Ormandy and a section of the audience of men and women in uniform at the concert for the troops given by the Australian Broadcasting Commission in the Brisbane City Hall and Mrs. Douglas MacArthur congratulating Eugene Ormandy on the success of his concert, photographs include Neville Amadio (flautist in Australian Army), Colonel Sydney I. Huff, Mrs. Douglas MacArthur, Eugene Ormandy, and Stephanie Ormandy (photographer: E.H. Turnor), 1944 August 13.

Australia trip, Lt. Hilda and Eugene Ormandy, summer 1944. 5 5.3.1

Australia trip, bust, summer 1944. 4 4.26.1-2

Australia trip, Eugene Ormandy conducting, summer 1944. 4 4.17-23

Australia trip, Eugene Ormandy conducting, summer 1944. 67 3

Australia trip, Melbourne, Australia (photographer: C.E.Flint), summer 4 4.16.1 1944.

Australia trip, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, summer 1944. 57 8

Australia trip, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, summer 1944. 4 4.25.1

Australia trip, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, summer 1944. 5 5.4.1

Australia trip, photograph includes Hayden Beck (inscribed in English), 5 5.6.1 summer 1944.

Australia trip, photograph includes Zara Gowrie (inscribed), summer 1944. 5 5.5.1-2

- Page 18 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Series III. 1940s

Australia trip, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, summer 1944. 4 4.31-5.3

Australia trip, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Stephanie 4 4.27-28 Ormandy, Australia, summer 1944.

Australia trip, photographs include Eugene Ormandy; Mr. J.D.G. Mealey, 4 4.30.1-2 President University of Melbourne; and The Lord Mayor, B.J. Nessleford, summer 1944.

Australia trip, Sydney, Australia, summer 1944. 4 4.6-8

Australia trip, Sydney, Australia, Eugene Ormandy and Australian Union 4 4.4.2-5 Rugby Team, summer 1944.

Australia trip, Sydney, Australia, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 4 4.9-15 Stephanie Ormandy (photographer: Rob Hiller), summer 1944.

New York, NY, return from Australia, photograph includes Eugene 5 5.7.1 Ormandy, Stephanie Ormandy, Eugene Ormandy's mother, and Lazlo Ormandy (photographer: Larry Gordon), summer 1944.

Hayden Beck and Eugene Ormandy, summer 1944. 4 4.24.1

Hon. J Latham, Eugene Ormandy, Stephanie Ormandy, and Mr. and Mrs. 4 4.29.1-2 [Wonall], summer 1944.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes 5 5.8.1 and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1944.

CBS Studios, photographs include Eugene Ormandy conducting the 57 8 Philadelphia Orchestra and Lee Stevens, circa 1944.

CBS Studios, photographs include Eugene Ormandy conducting the 5 5.9-12 Philadelphia Orchestra and Lee Stevens, circa 1944.

- Page 19 - Eugene Ormandy photographs Series III. 1940s

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 5 5.13-14 Ormandy and (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1945.

Dearborn, MI, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 67 4 Dorsey), 1945.

Annual recorded music award, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 5 5.15-17 Wanda Landowska, Louis Untermyer, , (photographer: Ben Greenhaus), 1946.

Zoltan Kodaly, 1946. 57 9

Zoltan Kodaly, circa 1946. 5 5.20-21

Zoltan Kodaly and Eugene Ormandy, circa 1946. 57 9

Zoltan Kodaly (photographer: Blackstone Studios, inscribed), circa 1946. 5 5.19.1

Zoltan Kodaly (photographer: Carlyle Studio), circa 1946. 5 5.18.1-2

American Southwest, Eugene Ormandy, 1947. 5 5.22.1

Dana Andrews' yacht, off Coast for the filming of "Night Song" 5 5.23.1-3 starring Dana Andrews with appearances by Eugene Ormandy and , circa 1947.

William Kapell and Eugene Ormandy, circa 1947. 5 5.24.1

First TV symphony orchestra broadcast, CBS TV, Philadelphia, PA 5 5.25.1 (photographer: Jules Schick), 1948 March 20.

First TV symphony orchestra broadcast, CBS TV, Philadelphia, PA 57 10 (photographer: Jules Schick), 1948 March 20.

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Hollywood Bowl, , CA, Madame Butterfly (photographer: Otto 6 6.1-3 Rothschild), 1948 September 3.

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Ginette Neveu, Eugene Ormandy, 6 6.4.1 and (photographer: Jules Schick), 1948 October 15-16.

On tour train, photograph includes Norman Shirk, circa 1948. 6 6.6.1

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes , Alexander Hilsberg, 6 6.6.1 and Paul Rosenbaum (photographer: Jules Schick), 1949 January.

Great Britain trip, on board "Parthia," photographs include Orville Bullitt, 67 4 Harl McDonald, Eugene Ormandy, Helen Traubel, , and orchestra instruments being hoisted into the hold (photographers: Jules Schick and Adrian Siegel), 1949 May.

Great Britain trip, on board "Parthia," photographs include Orville Bullitt, 6 6.8-11 Harl McDonald, Eugene Ormandy, Helen Traubel, Margaret Truman, and orchestra instruments being hoisted into the hold (photographers: Jules Schick and Adrian Siegel), 1949 May.

Great Britain trip, , photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Orville 6 6.12.1-2 Bullitt, and Harl McDonald (photographer: Jules Schick), 1949 May.

Great Britain trip, London, England, photographs include William Kincaid 6 6.13-15 and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: George Konig), 1949 May.

Great Britain trip, Birmingham, England, photographs include Marilyn 6 6.19-22 Costello and Jesse C. Taynton (photographer: George Konig), spring 1949.

Great Britain trip, Edinburgh, Scotland, Usher Hall, rehearsal with 6 6.16-17 Philadelphia Orchestra, spring 1949.

Great Britain trip, England, Eugene Ormandy (white shirt), spring 1949. 6 6.23.1-3

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Great Britain trip, Eugene Ormandy, Alexander Hillsberg, Harl McDonald, 6 6.24.1 Jesse Tayton, England, spring 1949.

Great Britain trip, Eugene Ormandy, England, spring 1949. 6 6.23.4

Great Britain trip, Manchester, England, photographs include Eugene 6 6.18.1-3 Ormandy, spring 1949.

Temple University Commencement , Philadelphia, PA, photographs 6 6.7.1-2 include Eugene Ormandy, Virginia Mae Watters, Dr. Robert Johnson, (photographer: Jules Schick), 1949 May.

Philadelphia Orchestra, plaque, 1949 June 28. 57 11

Philadelphia, PA (inscribed), 1949 June. 6 6.25.1

Eugene Ormandy conducting (photographer: Jules Schick), 1949 October. 6 6.26.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 8 8.23.1 Ormandy, 1940s.

Eugene Ormandy, 1940s. 8 8.21-22

Eugene Ormandy, 1940s. 8 8.31.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1949. 6 6.28.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1940s. 8 8.26-27

Eugene Ormandy center, 1940s. 8 8.16.1

Eugene Ormandy center, 1940s. 8 8.18.1

Eugene Ormandy center, 1940s. 8 8.24.1-2

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Eugene Ormandy center, standing, 1940s. 8 8.19.1

Eugene Ormandy on podium, 1940s. 8 8.17.1

Eugene Ormandy on podium, 1940s. 8 8.20.1

Gretel Ormandy, 1940s. 9 9.1.1

Harl McDonald and Eugene Ormandy, 1940s. 9 9.6.1

Harl McDonald and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Jules Schick), 1949. 6 6.27.1

John Conte and Vladimir Horowitz, 1940s. 9 9.4.1

New Orleans, LA, photograph includes Mrs. Herman Barnett and Corrine 9 9.2.1 Mayer, 1940s.

Orville Bullitt, Anton Horner, and William A. Schmidt, 1940s. 9 9.3.1

Orville Bullitt, , Eugene Ormandy, and Red Wallerstein 8 8.29.1 (photographer: Adrian Siegal), 1940s.

Pablo Casals, Eugene Ormandy, Mr. Tortellier, and Mr. van der Mueler 8 8.28.1 (photographer: Paul Moor), 1940s.

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 8 8.30.1 Faust's Photo Services), 1940s.

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 8 8.25.1 Triangle Publishing, Philadelphia Inquirer Division), 1940s.

Sergey Prokofiev, Moscow, (inscribed by Lena Prokofiev), 1940s. 9 9.5.1

Eugene Ormandy, , David Oppenheim and Alexander 68 2 Hilsberg; New York, NY; Die Fledermans, the Met; Hungarian Ambassador

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and honorary degree from Lehigh University (photographers: Fred Plant and Editta Sherman), 1940s-1950s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, early 7 7.9.1 1940s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 7 7.12.1 Ormandy, early 1940s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 6 6.29-7.5 Ormandy conducting and Harl McDonald (photographers: Sydney M. Schonbrunn and Adrian Siegel), early 1940s.

Eugene Ormandy, early 1940s. 7 7.7.1

Eugene Ormandy, early 1940s. 7 7.10.1

Eugene Ormandy, early 1940s. 7 7.11.1

Eugene Ormandy, early 1940s. 7 7.13-14

Eugene Ormandy, early 1940s. 7 7.21-23

Eugene Ormandy, early 1940s. 7 7.27.1

Eugene Ormandy, early 1940s. 72 1-2

Eugene Ormandy (foreground), early 1940s. 7 7.8.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Emil Rhodes), early 1940s. 7 7.18-19

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Ray Lee Jackson), early 1940s. 7 7.20.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Ray Lee Jackson), early 1940s. 72 2

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Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Ray Lee Jackson), includes one 68 1 photograph with Arthur Judson, early 1940s.

Eugene Ormandy and Miklos Rozsa, early 1940s. 7 7.25.1

Eugene Ormandy and Stephanie Ormandy, New York, NY (contact sheet, 7 7.15.2 photographer: ), early 1940s.

Eugene Ormandy, New York, NY (photographer: Fred Fehl), early 1940s. 7 7.6.1-2

Eugene Ormandy, New York, NY (photographer: Fred Fehl), early 1940s. 7 7.16-17

Eugene Ormandy, New York, NY (photographer: Fred Fehl), early 1940s. 57 12

Lazlo Ormandy and Eugene Ormandy, Washington, DC, early 1940s. 7 7.26.1-2

New York, NY, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (contact sheet, 7 7.15.1 photographer: Fred Fehl), early 1940s.

Oscar Levant, Goddard Lieberson, and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 7 7.24.1 CBS Records), early 1940s.

Stephanie Goldner Ormandy, early 1940s. 7 7.28.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy on podium, mid 7 7.29.1 1940s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 7 7.32.1 Ormandy, mid 1940s.

Eugene Ormandy, mid 1940s. 8 8.3-5

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), mid 1940s. 7 7.30.1-2

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Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), mid 1940s. 57 12

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Alfredo Valente), mid 1940s. 8 8.1-2

Eugene Ormandy conducting, mid 1940s. 7 7.31.1

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, mid 1940s. 57 12

Rudolf Serkin and two daughters (photographer: Adrian Siegel), mid 1940s. 8 8.6.1

Alexander Hilsberg, Eugene Ormandy, and , late 1940s. 8 8.11-12

B.J. Nesslefold and Anton Horner (photographer: Jules Schick), late 1940s. 8 8.15.1

Eugene Ormandy on stool and standing, late 1940s. 8 8.7-9

Hollywood, CA, photograph includes Lionel Barrymore and Eugene 8 8.13.1 Ormandy (photographer: Otto Rothchild), late 1940s.

Lionel Barrymore (inscribed in English), late 1940s. 8 8.14.1

William Kincaid, Eugene Ormandy, and Marcel Tabuteau, late 1940s. 8 8.10.1

Series IV. 1950s.

Volume Item

South America (photographer: Cooperativa Fotografica), 1950 February 15. 9 9.7.1

Washington, DC, Eugene Ormandy receiving French 9 9.8-9 award, photographs include Harl McDonald, French Ambassador Henri Bonnet, Madame Bonnet, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1950 March.

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Worcester, MA, Eugene Ormandy after receiving gold key from Mayor 9 9.10.1-2 Andrew B. Holstrom (photographer: Harry Rubenstein), 1950 October 23-28.

Strawbridge and Clothier window, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Mitchell 9 9.11.1 Studios), 1950 November 21.

Atlantic City, NJ, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 9 9.13.1 Ormandy (photographer: Bob Barrett), circa 1950.

Alexander Brailowsky and Eugene Ormandy, circa 1950. 9 9.14.1

Sir (inscribed in English, photographer: Adrian Siegel), 9 9.12.1 circa 1950.

Florence, Italy, photographs include Maggio Musical, Eugene Ormandy, and 9 9.15-21 Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Foto Levi), summer 1951.

Milan, Italy, summer 1951. 9 9.21.2

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy returning from Scandinavia, circa 9 9.23.1 1951.

Berlin, Germany, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, circa 1951. 9 9.22.1

Virgil Thomson (inscribed in English, photographer: Berko), 1952 January 9 9.24.1 20.

Jayce Awards, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include 9 9.25-26 Eugene Ormandy, J.W.F. Leman, Earl Cunerd and Kenneth Kamp, (photographer: Bell), 1952 March 12.

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Chexbres, Switzerland, home of Swiss physicist Professor Jacques Piccard, 9 9.27-32 photographs include Nicolas Nabokov, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Auguste Piccard, Virgil Thomson, summer 1952.

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, summer 1952. 9 9.33.1

Berlin, Germany, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 9 9.34.1-2 Ormandy, Berlin, Germany (photographer: RIAS Rudolph), 1952 September.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 10 10.1.1 Adrian Siegel), 1952 November 15.

Menotti premiere, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, 10 10.2.1 and , 1952 December 5.

Arthur Honegger's "Jeanne d'Arc au bucher," photograph includes Eugene 10 10.5.1 Ormandy and (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1952.

Concert for closing of Broad Street station, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 10 10.6-9 include William Kincaid and John Krell, 1952.

Denmark, Eugene Ormandy receiving Knight Order of Dannebrog 1st class 10 10.3-4 (photographer: Illustrators Photograph), 1952.

Fritz Kreisler, negatives, 1953 January. 73 3

Vienna, Austria, Grosser Mukikvereinsaal, photographs include Rudolf 10 10.11-17 Bing, Clemens Krauss, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Felix Prohaska, Mrs. Schoenfelder, Eleanor Steber, Jonathan Sternberg, and Hans Swarosky (photographer: Wilfred Broneder), 1953 June 12-15.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy (photograher: 10 10.18.1 Illustrators Photographers), 1953 September 28.

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Jacob Krachmalnick and Eugene Ormandy, filming for WFIL-TV 10 10.25.1 (photographer: Adrian Siegal), 1953.

Rudolf Serkin and (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1953. 10 10.26.1

Lehigh University, Founders Day Exercises, Eugene Ormandy receiving 10 10.19-20 honorary degree from Dr. Martin D. Whitake, 1953 October 11.

Carnegie Hall, New York (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1953 November 7. 10 10.21.1

Emma Feldman's 20th anniversary party, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 10 10.22.1-2 Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1953 December 10.

Herman Beerman (inscription in English, photographer: Fabian Bachrach), 10 10.23.1 1953 December.

Igor Stravinsky, negatives, 1953 December. 73 4

Igor Stravinsky, Vancouver, Canada (inscription in English, photographer: 10 10.24.1 Skipsey), circa 1953.

Bellevue, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel 10 10.10.1-2 Ormandy and friends, circa 1953.

Alan and Emile Charpentier, circa 1953. 10 10.27.1

Caracas, Venezuela, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: 10 10.29.1 Foto Studio Moderno), 1954 January.

Caracas, Venezuela, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (inscribed in 10 10.28.1-2 English), 1954 January 10.

Youngstown, OH, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, 57 14 and Carl W. Ullman, 1954 February 16.

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Youngstown, OH, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, 10 10.30.1 and Mrs. Carl W. Ullman, 1954 February 16.

Philadelphia, PA, 1954 March 11. 10 10.31.1

Gretel Ormandy, 1954 June. 11 11.1.1

Music Teachers Dinner, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Jules Schick), 11 11.3.1 1954 October.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Marilyn 11 11.4-25 Costello, Marcella Decray,Anthony Gigliotti, Elsa Hilger, Fred Hinger, William Kincaid, Jacob Krachmalnick, , Eugene Ormandy, and Jules Serpentine (contact sheet, photographer: Eugene Cook), 1954.

Anthony M. Gigliotti, Mason Jones, William Kincaid, Sol Schoenbach and 11 1.26.1 John de Lancie, 1954.

Anthony M. Gigliotti, Sol Schoenbach, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, 11 11.28.1 PA, 1954.

Franklin Fach and Eugene Ormandy (inscribed in English), 1954. 12 12.6.1

Nathan Milstein and Eugene Ormandy, 1954. 11 11.2.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy, 1954. 57 14

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy, 1954. 12 12.2-4

Academy of Music Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Saul Caston, 12 12.7.1 , and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1954.

Philadelphia, PA, photographer includes Gretel Ormandy (photographer: 12 12.10.1 Triangle Publications), 1954.

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Jacob Krachmalnick and David Madison, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, 11 11.28.2 PA, 1954.

Jacob Krachmalnick and Lorne Munroe, 1954. 11 11.29.2

John De Lancie, 1954. 11 11.27.2

Lorne Munroe, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, 1954. 12 12.1.2

Marilyn Costello, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, 1954. 12 12.5.1

Old Original Bookbinder's, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes 12 12.8-9 Eugene Ormandy, John Taxin, Gretel Ormandy, Danny Kaye, Jean Taxin, (photographer: Dufor Studios), 1954.

Philadelphia Orchestra basses, Carl Torello and Roger Scott, Academy of 12 12.1.1 Music, Philadelphia, PA, 1954.

Philadelphia Orchestra floutist, 1954. 11 11.27.1

Philadelphia Orchestra String Quartet, Frank Costanza, Francis dePasquale, 11 11.26.2 1954.

Philadelphia Orchestra, floutists, John Krell, 1954. 11 11.29.1

Eugene Ormandy, Max Rudolf, and Eleanor Steber (photographer: Ben 57 14 Greenhaus), circa 1954.

Eugene Ormandy, photographs include Lily Pons, Jan Peerce, Max Rudolf, 12 12.12-15 and Eleanor Steber (photographer: Ben Greenhaus), circa 1954.

Norman Black, Arco-Arte Sinfonietta (photographer: Adrian Siegel), circa 12 12.11.1-2 1954.

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Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, day of Harl McDonald's death 12 12.17.1 (photographer: Bob Phillips for LIFE), 1955 March.

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, day of Harl McDonald's death 57 15 (photographer: Bob Phillips for LIFE), 1955 March.

Dwight D. Eisenhower and Eugene Ormandy, Philadelphia, PA, 1955 April 12 12.18.1 27.

European tour, Paris, France, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy 12 12.19-23 arriving for Philadelphia Orchestra European tour, photographs include Alan Charpentier and Emile Charpentier, (photographer: Gerard Decaux), 1955 May 15.

European tour, Melsbroeck, Belgium, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 12 12.24.1 Ormandy arriving for Philadelphia Orchestra European tour, 1955 May 17.

European tour, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1955 May 18. 57 15

European tour, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Concertgebow Hall 12 12.25-29 (photographers: Schima Kaufman and Particam pictures), 1955 May 18.

European tour, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1955 May 20. 12 12.30.1

European tour, Paris France, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 13 13.1-9 conducting Philadelphia Orchestra at the Palais de Chaillot, Anatole Heller, Heller's secretary Carlotta, Arthur Honegger, and Adrian Siegel, 1955 May 23 or 24.

European tour, Vienna, Austria, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 13 13.10-17 rehearsing at Grosser Musikvereinssaal, Hilde Gueden, Martin Markoff, Eleanor Steber, members of the (photographer: Charlotte Till-Borchardt), 1955 June 13 or 14.

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European tour, Vienna, Austria, Vienna Philharmonic, photograph includes 57 15 Hilde Gueden and Eugene Ormandy, 1955 June 13-14.

European tour, Helsinki, Finland, Jean Sibelius and Eugene Ormandy, 73 5 negatives, 1955 June 17 or 18.

European tour, Helsinki, Finland, Jean Sibelius and Eugene Ormandy, 1955 57 15 June 17 or 18.

European tour, Helsinki, Finland, photograph includes Mr. Sweins, Assistant 13 13.19.1-2 Director, Mr. Spaens, President of Philips, Mr. van Sendenburg, Jean Sibelius and Mrs. Sibelius (photographer: Aarne Pietinen Oy), 1955 June 17 or 18.

European tour, Helsinki, Finland, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 13 13.20-27 Jean Sibelius, Nils-Eric Ringborn (photographers: Bertil Dahlgren; Keystone Press, London; Adrian Siegel; and Schima Kaufman), 1955 June 17 or 18.

European tour, Helsinki, Finland, Jean Sibelius Festival, Messuhalli, 1955 13 13.18.1 June 17 or 18.

European tour, Zurich, Switzerland, photographs include Clifford Curzon 13 13.28-29 and Eugene Ormandy conducting (photographer: Klaus Hennch), 1955 June.

European tour, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, , 13 13.30.1 and (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1955.

Academy of Music, "Tastycake Christmas Hour," Philadelphia, PA, Eugene 14 14.1-4 Ormandy filming, photograph includes Andre Eglevsky, Eugene Ormandy, and (photographer: Edgar S. Brinker), 1955 December 15.

Baby twins: Randy and Christopher, 1955. 14 14.5.1

David Oistrakh (inscribed not in English), 1955. 14 14.10.1

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Emil Gilels (inscribed in Russian), 1955. 14 14.9.1

Emil Gilels and Eugene Ormandy, Philadelphia, PA (inscription not in 14 14.7.1 English, possibly Russian, photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1955.

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1955. 14 14.6.1

Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1955. 14 14.12.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 14 14.11.1 Ormandy, David Oistrakh, and Isaac Stern, 1955.

Atlanta, GA , photograph includes J.K. Bauer, Marvin MacDonald, Eugene 12 12.16.1 Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, and Joseph Sautarlasci (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1955.

Emil Gilels, Mrs. Gilels, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Mary Louise 14 14.8.1 Curtis Zimbalist, and Efrem Zimbalist (inscribed not in English, signed, photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1955.

London, England, Royal Festival Hall, photographs includes Eugene 13 13.31-32 Ormandy and David Oistrakh (signed, photographer: Erich Auerbach), 1955.

Ann Arbor Music Festival, Ann Arbor, MI, photograph includes Hilde 14 14.15.1-3 Gueden, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy, 1956 May.

Midway Airport, , IL, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and 14 14.16.1 Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Metro News), 1956 June 24.

Matinee Musical Club, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 14 14.19.1-2 Ormandy and members of the MMC (photographer: Jules Schick), 1956 October 29.

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Worcester Music Festival, Worcester, MA, photographs include Eugene 14 14.17-18 Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (inscribed, photographer: Marvin Richmond), 1956 October 15-20.

Columbia Records, PR Department, photograph album, 1956 November 18. 66 8

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 14 14.27.1-2 Ormandy, 1956.

Celebrating 20 years with the Philadelphia Orchestra, photographs include 14 14.21-24 Mrs. Bay, wife of Embassador to Norway; Arthur J. Kinsolving; Mrs. Kinsolving; Andre Kostelantz; Alexander McLanahan; Eugene Ormandy; Gretel Ormandy; Lily Pons; David Rockefeller; Mrs. Rockefeller; John E. Slater; Mrs. Slater; and Mrs. Joseph A Thomas, 1956.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy and the 57 15 Philadelphia Orchestra, 1956.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy, 1956. 57 15

Jamaica, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, Paley, and Ed Sullivan 14 14.20.1 (photographer: William S. Paley), 1956.

Philadelphia, PA, Princess Grace Kelly, Prince Ranier, Eugene Ormandy, 14 14.25.1-2 and Gretel Ormandy (contact sheet, photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1956.

Mary Louise Curtis Bok Zimbalist, 80th birthday party, photograph includes 14 14.26.1 Mary Louise Curtis Bok Zimbalist and Gretel Ormandy, 1956.

Bellvue-Stratford, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 14 14.13-14 Gretel Ormandy, , and Nathan Milstein, circa 1956.

Rudolf Serkin, Academy of Music (photographer: Adrian Siegel), circa 14 14.28.1 1956.

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Ormandy home, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 15 15.1-2 and Gretel Ormandy (for the Philadelphia Inquirer), 1957 January 16.

Hartford, CT, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Ted 15 15.3.1 Kosinski), 1957 April 8.

Zurich, Switzerland, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and Isaac Stern 15 15.4.1 (photographer: Klaus Hennch), 1957 June.

Chexbres, Switzerland, home of Swiss physicist Professor Jacques Piccard, 15 15.5.1 photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and Auguste Piccard, 1957 July.

Finland, Jean Sibelius's funeral, 1957 September. 15 15.17.1

Helsinki, Finland, 1957. 15 15.6.1

Nora, , photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Toben 58 1 Christian), 1957 September.

Nora, Sweden, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Toben 15 15.11-16 Christian), 1957 September.

Copenhagen, , photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 15 15.7-10 Ormandy (photographer: Thomas Andresen), 1957 September 8-12.

Copenhagen, Denmark, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy 58 1 (photographer: Thomas Andresen), 1957 September 8-12.

Carnegie Hall, New York, NY, photograph includes Gretel Ormandy, 1957 15 15.18.1 October 1.

Carnegie Hall, 1957. 58 1

Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA, 1958 August. 18 18.17.1

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Philadelphia, PA, photographer includes Gretel Ormandy (photographer: 18 18.18.1-2 Jules Schick), 1958 December 3.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting (contact 18 18.19.1-2 sheet, photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1958 December 13.

Havana, Cuba, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy flying (photographer: 15 15.20.1 Jules Schick), 1958 January 12.

Eugene Ormandy with two nieces, Carnegie Hall, New York, NY 15 15.21.1 (photographer: Impact Photo, Inc.), 1958 April.

Philadelphia Airport, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 15 15.22-23 Ormandy, "the weather girl", Mrs. Manny Roth and Manny Roth (photographer: Jules Schick), 1958 May 10.

European tour, Paris, France, party for Eugene Ormandy receiving the 15 15.24-26 French Legion of Honor, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Marguerite Long (photographer: D. Berretty), 1958 May 18-19.

European tour, Bucharest, Romania, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy 15 15.27-29 arriving in Bucharest, Romania (photographer: Rumania Today Illustrated Monthly), 1958 May 20.

European tour, Romania, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and 15 15.32.1 William Kincaid, 1958 May 20-26.

European tour, Bucharest, Romania, 1958 May 21. 15 15.30.1

European tour, Kiev, 1958 May 22-23. 15 15.31.1

European tour, Moscow, Russia, Eugene Ormandy conducting the Bolshoi 16 16.1-17.10 zal Konservatorii, photographs include George Dreyfus, Emil Gilels, Harry Gorodetzer, Dmitri Kabalevsky, William Kincaid, Amran Khachatrian,

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Jacob Krachmalnick, Rostapovich Khachatriam, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Mrs. Prokofiev and her two sons, , and Jerry Wilgler, 1958 May 27-30.

European tour, Moscow, Russia, 1958 May 27-30. 58 2

European tour, Leningrad, Russia, Eugene Ormandy conducting the Bolshoi 17 17.11-17 zal Konservatorii, photographs include Alexander Hilsburg, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy, 1958 June 1-4.

European tour, Leningrad, Russia, 1958 June 1-4. 58 2

European tour, Katowice, Poland, Silesian State Philharmonic Hall, Eugene 17 17.25.1 Ormandy conducting Philadelphia Orchestra, 1958 June 15.

European tour, Stuttgart, Germany, reception for Philadelphia Orchestra, 17 17.26-27 photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Joseph Hirn, Mrs. Arnulf Klett, Arnulf Klett, Gretel Ormandy, Mrs. Allen Moreland and Allen B. Moreland, 1958 June 23.

European tour, Vatican City, Italy, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy in 58 2 Papal audience, 1958 June 26.

European tour, Vatican City, Italy, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 17 17.28.1-2 Gretel Ormandy and Pope Pius XII, 1958 June 26.

European tour, Vienna, Austria (photographer: Fayer), 1958 July. 17 17.29-32

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy at home, Philadelphia, PA, 18 18.20-23 photographs include Mary Krause, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Louis Lux), 1958.

European tour, photograph includes Louis Gesensway and Eugene 58 2 Ormandy, 1958.

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European tour, Antwerp, Belgium, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 18 18.2-8 Gretel Ormandy, and Theodore Pitcairn, (photographer: Philippe), 1958.

European tour, Hungary, 1958. 18 18.1.1

European tour, Hungary, 1958. 58 2

European tour, photographs include Eugene Ormandy conducting, flying 18 18.9-16 over Eastern Europe, Louis Gesensway, Gretel Ormandy, and Isaac Stern, 1958.

European tour, Russia, photographs include Don Engle, Jacob 17 17.18-24 Krachmalnick, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, a Russian interpreter, and , 1958.

European tour, Flying over Eastern Europe, 1958. 58 2

Columbia, SC, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy and 18 18.31.1 Gov. Ernest F. Hollings (inscribed in English), 1959 February 13.

University of Miami, Oxford, OH, Eugene Ormandy receiving honorary 18 18.32.1 degree (photographer: Audio Visual Service, Miami University), 1959 February 18.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include W. Baylis, Stuart Lockheim, 18 18.33.1-2 Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, and Mary Louise Curtis Bok Zimbalist, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1959 April 23.

Israel trip, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy arriving in Israel and 19 19.1-21 Eugene Ormandy conducting, photographs include Hannoch Nenner, Mayor of Eliat, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, and Isaac Stern (photographer: Isaac Berez), 1959 May 11-25.

Eugene Ormandy sitting for sculptor, 1959 May. 19 19.22-23

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Israel (photographer: Sam Frank), 1959 May. 58 3

New York, NY, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy returning from 19 19.25-26 London greeted by Roger Hall, 1959 September 19.

Dimitri Schostakovich and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 58 3 1959 November.

Eugene Ormandy, Rostapovich and Shostakovich, negatives, 1959 73 6 November.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 19 19.27-29 Ormandy, , Dimitri Shostakovich, Boris Yarustovsky, (photographers: Adrian Siegel and United Press International), 1959 November.

Governor Robert B. Meyner, Helen Stevenson Meyner, and Eugene 19 19.30.1 Ormandy, 1959 December.

Columbia Records, commemorative gold record, 1959. 19 19.32.1-2

Columbia Records, commemorative gold record, 1959. 58 3

Columbia record, negatives, 1959. 73 7

Envelope addressed to Eugene Ormandy from Elizabeth Fieher, 1959. 19 19.24.3

In letter from Elizabeth Fieher of West Germany, 1959. 19 19.24.1-2

Unknown, 1959. 19 19.31.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 57 13 Eugene Cook), 1950s.

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Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 57 13 Philippe Halsman), 1950s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting 21 21.15-24 (photographers: Eugene Cook and Adrian Siegel), 1950s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 22 22.2-3 Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1950s.

Adrian Siegel, 1950s. 22 22.19.1

Albert Schweitzer and Pable Casals, 1950s. 22 22.23.1

Argentina, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1950s. 57 13

Argentina, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Stanlee 22 22.12.1 Photo), 1950s.

Columbia Records recording session, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include 21 21.31.1-2 Eugene Ormandy and Rudolf Serkin (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1950s.

Constitution Hall, Washington, DC, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy 21 21.14.1 with Philadelphia Orchestra (photographer: Woltz), 1950s.

Elias Wolf, president of the Academy, 1950s. 57 13

Eugene Istomin (photographer: Fritz Henle), 1950s. 22 22.27.1-2

Eugene Ormandy, 1950s. 57 13

Eugene Ormandy, 1950s. 21 21.25.1-2

Eugene Ormandy, 1950s. 21 21.27-30.1

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Eugene Ormandy, 1950s. 22 22.1.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1950s. 22 22.14.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1950s. 22 22.4-6

Eugene Ormandy, 1950s. 22 22.9.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Tasnad), 1950s. 21 21.26.1-2

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1950s. 57 13

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1950s. 57 13

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1950s. 22 22.13.1

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1950s. 22 22.18.1

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 22 22.17.1 1950s.

Eugene Ormandy, London, England; with Grace Kelly at the Philadelphia 68 5 Museum of Art; with Rudolf Serkin (photographers: Lotte Meitner-Graf, and Adrian Siegel), 1950s.

Eugene Ormandy, painting by Agnes Allen, 1950s. 22 22.8.1

Gretel Ormandy, 1950s. 22 22.20.1

Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1950s. 22 22.24.1

Jean Sibelius, inscribed portrait (photographer: O. Varing), 1950s. 22 22.26.1

Munich, Germany, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, 1950s. 22 22.16.1

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New York, NY, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 22 22.7.1-2 Philippe Halsman), 1950s.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Grace 57 13 Kelly and Eugene Ormandy, 1950s.

Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Grace 22 22.10.1-2 Kelly and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Seigel and Rosen), 1950s.

Philadelphia Orchestra members, 1950s. 22 22.21.1

Standard Oil Company, New York, NY, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 22 22.11.1 Ormandy (photographer: Standard Oil), 1950s.

Unknown, 1950s. 22 22.14.2

Unknown (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1950s. 22 22.28.1

Unknown child, 1950s. 22 22.25.1-2

Unknown, inscribed, 1950s. 22 22.22.1

William Kincaid and Eugene Ormandy, 1950s. 21 21.30.2

Worcester Music Festival, Worcester, MA, photograph includes Eugene and 22 22.15.1 Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Telegram Gazette), 1950s.

New York, NY, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 68 6 Philippe Halsman), includes one photograph autographed by Halsman, 1950s-1963.

Leontyne Price, circa 1957. 15 15.19.1

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Eugene Ormandy, circa 1958. 18 18.30.1-3

European tour, Berlin, German, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 18 18.27.1 Adrian Siegel, Don Engle and Gretel Ormandy, circa 1958.

European tour, photographs include Don Engle, Elsa Hilger, Mary Krause, 18 18.28-29 Eugene Ormandy, and Professor Auguste Piccard, circa 1958.

French Embassy, Washington, DC, photographs include Henri Bonnet, 18 18.24-26 Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy, circa 1958.

Arthur Judson and Mrs. Garner, New York, NY (photographer: Ben 20 20.10.1 Greenhaus), early 1950s.

Bellevue Stratford, Philadelphia, PA, Mrs. Jacob Bauer, Mrs. Boles, 20 20.12.1 Judy Colt, William Kincaid, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), early 1950s.

Chart for record 20.12.2, early 1950s. 20 20.12.2a

Eugene Ormandy, early 1950s. 20 20.2-5

Eugene Ormandy, early 1950s. 57 13

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Columbia Records), early 1950s. 20 20.6.1

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, early 1950s. 20 20.8.1

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, early 1950s. 20 20.15.1-2

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Grace Line), early 20 20.13.1 1950s.

Gian Carlo Menotti and Eugene Ormandy, early 1950s. 20 20.7.1

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Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), early 1950s. 20 20.11.1

Jacob Krachmalnick and Eugene Ormandy, early 1950s. 20 20.1.1

Mrs. Arthur Judson, Erik Tuxen, Gretel Ormandy, New York, NY 20 20.9.1 (photographer: Ben Greenhaus), early 1950s.

New York, NY, photographs include Mrs. McLanahan, Eugene Ormandy, 20 20.9.2 and Erik Tuxen (photographer: Ben Greenhaus), early 1950s.

Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: 20 20.14.1 Evening Bulletin), early 1950s.

See record 20.12.2a, Bellvue Stratford, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: 20 20.12.2 Adrian Siegel), early 1950s.

William Kapell with wife and son David Kapell, early 1950s. 20 20.16.1

Arthur Judson, Eugene Ormandy, Lily Pons, and Max Rudolf, mid 1950s. 20 20.20.1

David Oistrakh and Eugene Ormandy, mid 1950s. 20 20.18.1

Eugene Ormandy, mid 1950s. 20 20.17.1

Lily Pons and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Ben Greenhaus), mid 1950s. 20 20.19.1

Philadelphia Orchestra, mid 1950s. 57 13

Roger Hall and Catherine Knight wedding, photographs include Roger Hall, 20 20.21.1-3 Catherine Knight, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Tom McCoffrey), mid 1950s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, taping by WCAU TV, late 1950s. 20 20.22-23

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Emil Gilels and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1950s. 21 21.10.1

Eugene Ormandy (contact sheet, photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1950s. 21 21.4.2

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1950s. 20 20.33.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1950s. 21 21.4.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1950s. 57 13

Eugene Ormandy conducting, late 1950s. 20 20.24.1

Hamburg, Germany, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 21 21.3.1 Berger), late 1950s.

Hilde Gueden, Elinor Gueden, Mrs. Feuchtinger and Gretel Ormandy 21 21.9.1 (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1950s.

Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA, Eugene Ormandy conducting 20 20.26-32 (photographer: Franz Roehm), late 1950s.

Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA, Eugene Ormandy, conducting 68 4 (photographer: Rothschild), late 1950s.

John Coute, James Fawcett, and Eugene Ormandy, late 1950s. 21 21.12.1

London, England, photograph includes (photographer: Lotte Mietner-Graf), 57 13 late 1950s.

London, England, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 72 3 Lotte Mietner-Graf), late 1950s.

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Macon, Georgia, photograph includes Corrine Claiborne "Liddy" Boggs, 21 21.11.1 Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Oscar Huff), late 1950s.

Mormon Tabernacle , Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy with 21 21.13.1 members of the Choir, late 1950s.

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 21 21.8.1 Philadelphia Inquirer), late 1950s.

Samuel Barber, Donald Johanos, and Eugene Ormandy, late 1950s. 21 21.1-2

Washington, DC, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, late 1950s. 20 20.25.1

Series V. 1960s.

Volume Item

Margaret Nelson Hausen, wife of composer Howard Hausen, and family, 22 22.29.1 1960 February 6.

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: 22 22.30.1 Philadelphia Inquirer), 1960 April 9.

Singing City Award, Eugene Ormandy receiving award, Philadelphia, PA 22 22.31.1 (photographer: Jules Schick), 1960 April 27.

Eugene Ormandy conducting, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Janice 23 22.30-23.5 Harsanyi, Eugene Ormandy, and Herve Presnell, 1960 April.

Harald Saeverud, New York, NY (inscribed), 1960 April. 23 23.6.1

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Eugene Ormandy, Janice Harsany and , Philadelphia, PA, 58 4 1960 April.

Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1960 April. 58 4

1960 May 6. 73 8

Eugene Ormandy, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: 23 23.15.1 Jules Schick), 1960 May 16.

Rutgers University, NJ, Eugene Ormandy receiving honorary degree, 1960 23 23.7.1 June 8.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and 23 23.8.1 Gretel Ormandy, 1960 September 11.

2400 Architects Building, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Alfred 23 23.9.1-2 Bendiner, John Harbeson, Eugene Ormandy, and Beryl Price (photographer: Jules Schick), 1960 October 12.

Annual UN Day concert, Philadelphia Orchestra and Temple University 23 23.10.1 Choir, United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY, 1960 October 24.

Sviatoslav Richter and his mother, Boston, MA, 1960 November. 23 23.11.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1960. 23 23.12.1

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include , , 23 23.13-14 Jerome Hines, and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1960.

1961 March 7. 73 9

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University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy receiving 23 23.16-17 honorary degree, photographs include Gaylord P. Harnwell and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Jules Schick), 1961 June 5.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 23 23.18-21 Gretel Ormandy, (photographer: Berkshire Eagle), 1961 July.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 58 5 Gretel Ormandy, (photographer: Berkshire Eagle), 1961 July.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 73 10 Gretel Ormandy, (photographer: Berkshire Eagle), 1961 July.

Sviatoslav Richter and his mother, 1961 August. 23 23.22.1

Eugene Ormandy and Dag Hammarskjold, 1961 September. 58 5

Eugene Ormandy and Dag Hammarskjold, 1961 September. 23 23.23.1

London Daily Mail's gold medal for classical recording of the year, 1961. 23 23.24.1

Bernard Haitink and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), circa 23 23.25.1-2 1961.

Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1962 February 6. 23 23.26-27

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, formal without baton, negatives, 1962 April 73 11 17.

Topeka, KS, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 23 23.29.1 1962 May 15.

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Philadelphia Orchestra and Mormon , , UT, 23 23.30-32 photographs include Richard Coridie, director of Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Howard C Moore), 1962 May 19.

Seattle, WA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 24 24.1.1-2 1962 June.

Eugene Ormandy and Wallis Warfield, Duchess of Windsor, England, 1962 24 24.2.1 June.

Albert Schweitzer (inscribed), 1962 August 29. 24 24.3.1

Albert Schweitzer, negatives, 1962 August 29. 73 12

Lincoln Center, Avery Fisher Hall, New York, NY, rehearsal for Aaron 24 24.4-5 Copland's "A ," photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Adlai Stevenson (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1962 September 25.

Jussi Jalles and Eugene Ormandy, 1962. 23 23.28.1

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1962. 23 23.28.2

Philadelphia Orchestra and Mendelssohn Club recording Schostakovich's 24 24.6.1 Symphony 13, Town Hall, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, 1962.

Salt Lake City, UT, 1962. 58 6

Isaac Stern, Eugene Ormandy, and Philadelphia Orchestra (inscribed, 24 24.7.1 photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1963 January.

Isaac Stern and Eugene Ormandy, negatives, 1963 January. 73 13

Eugene Ormandy, 1963 March 13. 24 24.8.1

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Michigan State University, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 1963 24 24.9-18 July 12.

Philadelphia Orchestra, negatives, 1963 July 16. 73 14

Eugene Ormandy, informal, conducting, negatives, 1963 July 16. 73 15

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, 24 24.19.1 and Lee Annenberg (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1963 October.

Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Vincent Primavera), 1963 December 3. 24 24.20.1

Robert Craft, Lowen Driscol, and Vera Zorina negatives, 1963 December 73 16 12.

Washington, DC, photographs include Perle Mesta and Gyorgy, Christa and 24 24.21.1-2 Pegue Sandor, Washington, DC (photographer: de Kon), 1963 December 31.

Mary Louise Curtis Bok Zimbalist, 1963. 24 24.22.1

Stuard Louchheim (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1963. 24 24.23.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 24 24.24.1 Ormandy, Raoul Querze, M. Dec Stewart, Max Mill, Robert J. Pfeuffer, Glenn Janson, James Fawcett and Neil Courtney (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1963.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 24 24.25-29 Gretel Ormandy, 1964 May.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 58 7 Gretel Ormandy, 1964 May.

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Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 69 1 Gretel Ormandy, 1964 May.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 72 4 Gretel Ormandy, 1964 May.

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, 24 24.30-25.4 photographs include Dick Leach, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, and "Kay--some of my favorite people--Bob" (photographer: Bob Mayette), 1964 June 30.

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, 1964 June. 58 7

Eugene Ormandy, conducting informal, negatives, 1964 July 7. 73 18

Eugene Ormandy, conducting informal, negatives, 1964 July 10. 73 17

National Music Camp, Interlocken, MI, photograph album, 1964 August 64 8 26-29.

Milwaukee, MI, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 25 25.5-15 Ormandy, 1964 August 31.

Eugene Ormandy, conducting informal, negatives, 1964 September 11. 73 19

Rancho de la Vista, San Bernardino, CA, photographs include Eugene 26 26.4.1 Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, "Eliot, George, Ruth and Pepita", 1964 September 16.

Rancho de la Vista, San Bernardino, CA, photographs include Eugene 58 7 Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, "Eliot, George, Ruth and Pepita", 1964 September 16.

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1964 September. 26 26.1-3

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Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1964 September. 58 7

Eugene Ormandy, conducting formal, negatives, 1964 October 13. 73 20

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, 1964. 25 25.16.1-2

Boston Symphony Orchestra, Tanglewood, MA, photographs include Serge 25 25.17-32 Koussevitzky, Mrs. , Samuel Mays, Charles Munch, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Todd Perry, Norman Racusin, William Schumann, Joseph Silverman (photographer: Whitestone Photo), 1964.

Boston Symphony Orchestra, Tanglewood, MA, photographs include 58 7 Eugene Ormandy, 1964.

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1964. 69 1

Los Angeles, CA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, 26 26.5.1 Van Cliburn, Cliburn's mother, and Boris Sokoloff, circa 1964.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, 26 25.6.1 , and Richard Tucker (photographer: Adrian Siegel), circa 1964.

Eugene Ormandy, portrait, formal, negatives, 1965 January 24. 73 21

Washington, DC, photographs include Hubert Humphrey, Muriel Buck 26 26.7.1-2 Humphrey, and Eugene Ormandy (contact sheet, photographer: Del Ankers), 1965 March 1.

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, semi-formal, negatives, 1965 March 8. 73 22

Palm Springs, CA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 26 26.8.1-5 Ormandy, 1965 March.

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Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, taping by WCAU-TV, photographs 26 26.9-18 include at , Eugene Ormandy conducting, and Judith Raskin (contact sheet), 1965 April 10.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, taping by WCAU-TV, photographs 26 26.19-21 include Eugene Ormandy and (photographer: Roy Chaney, WCAU-TV), 1965 April 10.

Helsinki, Finland, Silbelius's grave, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 26 26.22.1 and Sibelius's daughter and husband, 1965 June.

Eugene Ormandy, conducting formal, negatives, 1965 August 24. 73 23

Bartok Archives, New York, NY, photographs includes Zoltan Kodaly, 26 26.24.1-2 Zoltanna Kodaly, and Benjamin Suchoff (signed, photographer: G.D. Hackett), 1965 August 28.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 26 26.28-30 Gretel Ormandy (photographer: John Ardoin), 1965 September.

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, negatives, 1965 October 1. 73 24

Leopold Stokowski and Eugene Ormandy (signed, photographer: Adrian 26 26.31.1-2 Siegel), 1965 November.

Leopold Stokowski and Eugene Ormandy, negatives, 1965 November. 73 25

Eugene Ormandy, 1965. 26 26.23.1

Zurich, Switzerland, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 26 26.25-26 Anthony Altaffer), 1965.

Eugene Ormandy, 1965. 26 26.27.1-2

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Time Capsule Photographs, World's Fair, New York, NY, photographs 26 26.32.1-2 include Count Bernadotte, 1965.

Eugene Ormandy, 1965. 58 8

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center under construction, Saratoga 26 26.33-35 Springs, NY (photographer: Burns Brothers), circa 1965.

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, circa 1965. 58 8

Eugene Ormandy, circa 1965. 69 1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Mary Costa, 27 27.1-11 Eugene Ormandy, and Isaac Stern (contact sheet, taping by WCAU-TV), 1966 February 16.

Mary Costa, negatives, 1966 February 16. 73 26

Eugene Ormandy with young patient at a hospital, Philadelphia, PA 27 27.12-13 (photographer: Jules Schick), 1966 February 19.

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1966 February. 27 27.14.1

Latin American tour, Caracas, Venezuela, photographs include Eugene and 27 27.15-30 Gretel Ormandy, 1966 May 13-16.

Latin American tour, Caracas Venezuela, photograph includes Gretel 58 9 Ormandy, 1966 May 13-16.

Latin American tour, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Eugene Ormandy arriving for 28 28.1-2 tour, photographs include Eugene and Gretel Ormandy, 1966 May 17.

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Latin American tour, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, photographs include Eugene 28 28.3-8 and Gretel Ormandy, Stan Skorowski, and Boris Sokoloff (photographer: Alan D. Hewitt), 1966 May 17-20.

Latin American tour, Buenos Aires, Argentina, photographs include Eugene 28 28.9-24 Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Jeannette de Erize, Alberto Ginastera, Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, Ambassador Edward M. Martin, president of Argentina, Mary Krouse, 1966 May 26-31.

Latin American tour, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1966 May 26-31. 58 9

Latin American tour, Buenos Aires, Argentina, photographs of newspaper 69 2 clippings from trip to Buenos Aires (originally in scrapbook), 1966 May 26-31.

Latin American tour, Santiago, Chile, photographs include Eugene and 28 28.25.1-2 Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Luis Orazio Mancini), 1966 May 31.

Latin American tour, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 1966 May. 29 29.8.1

Latin American tour, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy being greeted, 29 29.9.1 1966 May-June.

Latin American tour, Mexico City, Mexico, photographs include Eugene 28 28.26-29.6 Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1966 June 8.

Latin American tour, Mexico City, Mexico, photographs include Eugene 58 9 Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1966 June 8.

Latin American tour, Puerto Rico, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 29 29.7.1 and Alfredo Matilla Jimeno, 1966 June 16.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 69 3 (photographer: Eugene Cook), 1966 July 31.

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Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, 58 9 photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Nelson and Happy Rockefeller, 1966 August.

Bartok Archive, New York, NY, photograph includes Benjamin Suchoff, 29 29.20.1-2 Victor Bator, Mario de Bonaventura, Stefan Bauer-Mengelberg and Zoltan Kodaly, (signed), 1966 September 16.

Eugene Ormandy, conducting informal, negatives, 1966 October 4. 73 27-29

Eugene Ormandy, portrait informal, negatives, 1966 December 29. 73 30-31

Eugene Ormandy, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, 1966. 29 29.21.1-2

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, 1966. 58 9

Eugene Ormandy, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, 1966. 58 9

Eugene Ormandy, C. Wanton Balis and Oliver Bullitt, Academy of Music, 69 1 Philadelphia, PA, 1966.

Happy Rockefeller, Governor Nelson Rockefeller (signed), circa 1966. 29 29.22.1

Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Roy Chaney, WCALL-TV), 1967 March 3. 58 10

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA (taping by WCAU-TV), photographs 30 30.1.1 include Rosalind Elias, Byron Janis, and Eugene Ormandy (some photographs by Adrian Siegel), 1967 March 28.

Rosalind Elias and Byron Janis, negatives, 1967 March 28. 73 33

Japan tour, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy arriving in Osaka, 30 30.11-22 Japan, at Kanazawa Station, and "in Japan," photographs include Minnie Frost, Tom Frost, Mary Krouse, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Boris

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Sokoloff, and Nancy Sokoloff (some photographs by Katsujii Abe), 1967 May 1-20.

Japan tour, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Akiva 69 4 Tanno), 1967 May 1-20.

Japan tour, return from, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 30 30.23-25 Ormandy, 1967 May.

Japan tour, return from, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 58 10 Ormandy, 1967 May.

Eugene Ormandy, Wanton Balis, Fredric Mann and Paul D'Ortona, 30 30.26-27 Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Jules Schick), 1967 June 27.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 30 30.28-35 Robert Milillo), 1967 July 12.

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Robert Milillo), 1967 July 12. 58 10

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Bernard 29 29.23-33 Garfield, Gilbert Johnson, and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1967 September 21.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 58 10 Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1967 September.

RCA Victor Contract Signing, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Roger 31 31.1-2 Hall, Norman Racusen, and Wanton Balis (photographer: Jules Schick), 1967 November 28.

RCA Victor Contract Signing, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Roger 58 10 Hall, Norman Racusen, and Wanton Balis, 1967 November 28.

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George Rochberg, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: 31 31.3.1-2 Adrian Siegel), 1967 December.

Alberto Ginastera and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 31 31.4.1 1967.

Columbia Recording Session, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 31 31.5.1 Ormandy and Rudolf Serkin (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1967.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 31 31.6.1 Ormandy a Isaac Stern (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1967.

Eugene Ormandy, circa 1967. 58 10

New York, NY, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 31 31.7.1-2 Susan Schiff Faludi), circa 1967.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 31 31.8.1 Adrian Siegel), circa 1967.

Eugene Ormandy, circa 1967. 31 31.9.1

Eugene Ormandy, negatives, 1968 January 24. 73 32

Eugene Ormandy, negatives, 1968 January 24. 74 1-2

Chicago, II, 1968 January 9-12. 31 31.10.1

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include , Eugene Ormandy, and 31 31.11.1 Robert Page (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1968 March.

Villanova University commencement, Eugene Ormandy receiving degree 31 31.12-15 from Reverend Robert Welsh, Civic Center, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Ramsey Clark, Reverend Welsh, and

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Eugene Ormandy (photographers: Jules Schick and Adrian Siegel), 1968 May 13.

Villanova University commencement, Eugene Ormandy receiving degree 59 1 from Reverend Robert Welsh, Civic Center, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Ramsey Clark, Reverend Welsh, and Eugene Ormandy (photographers: Jules Schick and Adrian Siegel), 1968 May 13.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 31 31.16-19 Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1968 May 20.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 59 1 Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1968 May 20.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 31 31.20-25 Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1968 May.

Peabody Institute, Baltimore, MD, Eugene Ormandy receiving honorary 31 31.26.1 degree, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, Sidney Lausburgh, and Ray Robinson (photographer: Hughes Company Commercial Photographs), 1968 June 2.

Peabody Institute, Baltimore, MD, Eugene Ormandy receiving honorary 59 1 degree, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, Sidney Lausburgh, and Ray Robinson (photographer: Hughes Company Commercial Photographs), 1968 June 2.

RCA recording session, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 31 31.27.1 include Eugene Ormandy and Norman Racusin (photographer: RCA Press), 1968 June 5.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Eugene Ormandy receiving honorary 31 31.28.1 degree from Dr. Richard Folsom, Troy, NY, 1968 June 7.

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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Eugene Ormandy receiving honorary 59 1 degree from Dr. Richard Folsom, Troy, NY, 1968 June 7.

Philadelphia, PA, Krysztof Penderecki and Eugen Ormandy reading St. 31 31.29.1 Luke's Passion, 1968 October 7.

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1968 32 32.1.1-2 October.

"10,000 Pennsylvanians" Performing Arts Award, Eugene Ormandy 32 32.2.1-2 receiving award from Gov. Raymond P. Shafer, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gov. Raymond Shafer, Milton Baker, Pearl Buck, Homer Bigart, Dr. J. Presper Eckert, Robin Roberts, Dr. John W. Mauchly (photographer: Jules Schick), 1968 November 21.

"10,000 Pennsylvanians" Performing Arts Award, Eugene Ormandy 59 1 receiving award from Gov. Raymond P. Shafer, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gov. Raymond Shafer, Milton Baker, Pearl Buck, Homer Bigart, Dr. J. Presper Eckert, Robin Roberts, Dr. John W. Mauchly (photographer: Jules Schick), 1968 November 21.

Gina Bachauer, London, England (signed, photographer: Lotte Meiner- 32 32.3.1 Graf), 1968.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Andre Segovia 32 32.4.1 and Eugene Ormandy (signed, photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1968.

Harl Sands, 1968. 32 32.5.1

Howard Johnson's, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Maureen 32 32.6.1 Forrester, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), circa 1968.

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Autograph signing, John Wanamaker, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 32 32.7.1 include Richard Bond, Mrs. Hatfield, Eugene Ormandy, and Norman Racusin, 1969 January 4.

Autograph signing, John Wanamaker, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 59 2 include Richard Bond, Mrs. Hatfield, Eugene Ormandy, and Norman Racusin, 1969 January 4.

Civic Center Museum, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Mrs. Sylvan 32 32.11.1 Cohen, Mrs. Ernst Lemberger, Mrs. Howard Mitchell, Gretel Ormandy, and Mrs. James Tate, 1969 January 15.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA , Eugene Ormandy, the Romeros (the 32 32.12.1 first four), Teresa Stratas, 1969 March 30.

Philadelphia Orchestra and Eugene Ormandy, negatives, 1969 March 30. 74 4

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, informal, negatives, 1969 July 16. 74 5

Gretel Ormandy, 1969 August 4. 32 32.14.1

Eugene Ormandy, head shot, informal, negatives, 1969 October 3. 74 3

"Those Fabulous Philadelphians", Philadelphia, PA, display for 32 32.15.1-2 (photographer: Jules Schick), 1969 October 20.

Autograph signing, John Wanamakers, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 32 32.16-17 include Eugene Ormandy, Reeves Wetherill, and Herbert Kupforberg, Life (photographer: Jules Schick), 1969 November 1.

Autograph signing, John Wanamakers, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: 59 2 Adrian Siegel), 1969 November 1.

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Autograph signing, John Wanamakers, Philadelphia, PA, negatives, 1969 74 6 November 1.

Golden Slipper Club Fine Arts Award, Eugene Ormandy receiving 32 32.18.1 award from Bernard Cooper and Edward H. Rosen, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Lindell Studios), 1969 November 13.

Eugene Ormandy, negatives, 1969 November 13. 74 7

RCA dinner, Zurich, Switzerland, photographs include Gretel Ormandy, 32 32.19.1-3 1969 November 19-22.

Eugene Ormandy conducting (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1969 59 2 November.

(photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1969 November. 32 32.20-22

Eugene Ormandy, RCA building, London, England (photographer: Doug 32 32.23.1-2 McKenzie), 1969 December 12.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1969. 32 32.24.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 69 6 Adrian Siegel), 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy (taping by WCAU- 36 36.1-16 TV), 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 59 5 Adrian Siegel), 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 36 36.21-23 Adrian Siegel), 1960s.

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Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1960s. 35 35.21.1-2

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1960s. 35 35.23-26

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1960s. 36 36.18.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting 34 34.30.1 (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting 35 35.1-18 (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting 34 34.18.1 (photographer: Alan D. Hewitt), 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia Orchestra (photographer: 35 35.28-30 Adrian Siegel), 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia Orchestra and Eugene 59 4 Ormandy conducting (some photographs by Adrian Siegel), 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 59 4 Ormandy, 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 34 34.24.1 Ormandy, 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 37 37.9.1 Ormandy, , Leah Luboshutz (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1960s.

Artur Rubinstein and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 36 36.25.1 1960s.

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California, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, Leonard Pennzrio, and 37 37.22.1 Miklos Rosza, 1960s.

David Rubinstein, 1960s. 37 37.28.1

Detroit, MI, Eugene Ormandy, Mrs. Feuchtiner (Gretel's sister), and Gretel 37 37.20-21 Ormandy, 1960s.

Efrem Zimbalist and Mary Louise Curtis Bok Zimbalist, 1960s. 37 37.30.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1960s. 72 5

Eugene Ormandy, 1960s. 69 7

Eugene Ormandy, 1960s. 34 34.26.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1960s. 35 35.22.1-2

Eugene Ormandy, 1960s. 35 35.27.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1960s. 35 35.32.1-2

Eugene Ormandy, 1960s. 36 36.24.1-2

Eugene Ormandy, 1960s. 37 37.13-14

Eugene Ormandy, 1960s. 37 37.4-6

Eugene Ormandy, 1960s. 35 35.19.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1960s. 34 34.25.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1960s. 36 36.19-20

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1960s. 36 36.28-31

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Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1960s. 37 37.3.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Ben Spiegel), 1960s. 69 5

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: CBS), 1960s. 35 35.31.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Gerald Ahronheim), 1960s. 34 34.27-29

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1960s. 37 37.16-19

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Robert Striar), 1960s. 37 37.27.1

Eugene Ormandy receiving honorary degree, 1960s. 37 37.10.1

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, 1960s. 35 35.20.1

Eugene Ormandy, conducting (photographer: Gene Cook), 1960s. 69 6

Frankfurt, Germany, 1960s. 69 7

Gretel Ormandy, 1960s. 37 37.25-26

Gretel Ormandy, 1960s. 59 4

Hilde Gueden, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Adrian 37 37.29.1 Siegel), 1960s.

Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA, Eugene Ormandy and Hilda Guden, 72 6 1960s.

London, England, Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Lotte Meitner-Graf), 37 37.1-2 1960s.

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London, England, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 59 4 Lotte Mietner-Graf), 1960s.

Long Island University String Quartet, C.W. Post College, Brookville, NY, 36 36.27.1 photographs include Felix Eyle, Martin Ormandy, Roy Sonne and Arnold Magnes (photographer: Whitestone), 1960s.

Mrs. Herbert Morris and Eugene Ormandy, 1960s. 37 37.23.1

Munich, Germany, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 69 6 Werner Neumeister), 1960s.

Palm Beach, FL, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 37 37.15.1 Ormandy, 1960s.

Philadelphia Airport, Philadelphia, PA, Mary Krause and Eugene Ormandy, 37 37.11.1 1960s.

Philadelphia Orchestra members, 1960s. 36 36.26.1

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Mrs. James S. Hatfield, Eugene 37 37.7.1 Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy, (photographer: Sunday Bulletin), 1960s.

Philip (signed), 1969. 32 32.13.1

Richard Lewis, Eugene Ormandy, and Robin Wilson (photographer: Adrian 37 37.8.1 Siegel), 1960s.

Rome, Italy, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy and friends, 1960s. 59 4

Rome, Italy, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 37 37.12.1-2 1960s.

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South Carolina, Eugene Ormandy conducting (photographer: Jerry L. 34 34.19-23 Stafford), 1960s.

Town Hall, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting (photographer: 36 36.17.1 Adrian Siegel), 1960s.

Wanton Balis and Grete Ormandy (photographer: Tom M. Coffrey), 1960s. 37 37.24.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, early 1960s. 32 32.26.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy, for television, early 32 32.25.1-2 1960s.

Anshel Brusilow (photographer: Adrian Siegel), early 1960s. 33 33.6.1-2

Blanche Thebom as Medea (signed), early 1960s. 33 33.7.1

Eugene Ormandy, early 1960s. 32 32.27-30

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: CBS), early 1960s. 33 33.2.1

Eugene Ormandy and Martin Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), early 33 33.4.1 1960s.

Los Angeles, CA, Hilde Gueden and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 33 33.5.1 Rothchild), early 1960s.

Los Angeles, CA, Hilde Gueden and Gretel Ormandy, early 1960s. 33 33.3.1-2

Philippe Entremont and Eugene Ormandy, early 1960s. 33 33.1.1

Rudolf Serkin (photographer: Adrian Siegel), early 1960s. 33 33.8.1

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Eugene Ormandy, Gov. George Romney, William Warfield, Ann Arbor, MI, 33 33.9.1 mid 1960s.

Eugene Ormandy, Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga 33 33.10.1 Springs, NY (photographer: Margaret Norton), mid 1960s.

Eugene Ormandy, Nathan Milstein, Montreux, France (photographer: Jean 33 33.11.1 Waldis), mid 1960s.

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), mid 1960s. 33 33.12.1

Women's Committee Lunch, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include 33 33.13.1-2 Eugene Ormandy, Cecily Geyelin, Wanton Balis and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), mid 1960s.

Eugene Ormandy, Lee Annenberg, Red Skeleton, mid 1960s. 33 33.14.1

Beverly Hills, CA (photographer: Floyd Huff Studio), mid 1960s. 33 33.15.1

Eugene Ormandy, Saratoga Springs, NY (photographer: Margaret Norton), 59 3 mid 1960s.

Eugene Ormandy, mid 1960s. 59 3

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia Orchestra and Eugene 59 3 Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Artur Rubinstein 34 34.17.1 and Eugene Ormandy, late 1960s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 33 33.21.1-2 Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1960s.

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Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 69 4 Ormandy (photographer: Ivars Kushevics), late 1960s.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photograph includes Zoltan Kodaly and Eugene 59 3 Ormandy, late 1960s.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photograph includes Zoltan Kodaly and Eugene 34 34.12-14 Ormandy, late 1960s.

C. Wanton Balis, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: 34 34.9.1-2 Adrian Siegel), late 1960s.

Eugene Ormandy, late 1960s. 59 4

Eugene Ormandy, late 1960s. 33 33.22-26

Eugene Ormandy, late 1960s. 34 34.7.1-2

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1960s. 69 4

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, late 1960s. 34 34.10.1

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (contact sheet), late 1960s. 69 5

Eugene Ormandy and Isaac Stern (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1960s. 33 33.29.1

Eugene Ormandy receiving medal (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1960s. 34 34.8.1-2

Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy and Van Cliburn (photographer: Franklin 59 3 Wing), late 1960s.

Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1960s. 34 34.16.1

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Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA (photographer: Franz Roehm), late 34 34.1-6 1960s.

Los Angeles, CA, Beverly Hill Hotel, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 34 34.15.1 and Gretel Ormandy, late 1960s.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Richard C. Bond, Mrs. Bond, Grace 34 34.11.1-2 Kelly, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Anna Daly Tate and Mayor James Tate (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1960s.

RCA, Eugene Ormandy recording (photographer: RCA), late 1960s. 33 33.28.1

Richard C. Bond, Mrs. Bond, Grace Kelly, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel 59 3 Ormandy, Anna Daly Tate, and Mayor James Tate (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1960s.

Richard Lewis, Eugene Ormandy, and Robin Wilson (photographer: Adrian 59 4 Siegel), late 1960s.

Town Hall, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, late 33 33.27.1 1960s.

Town Hall, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 69 4 (contact sheet), late 1960s.

Van Cliburn and Eugene Ormandy (photographers: Franklin Wing and J. 33 33.16-20 Mark Rottschafer), late 1960s.

Series VI. 1970s.

Volume Item

113th Anniversary Concert, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, rehearsal 38 38.1-12 and concert and Freedom Medal award, photographs include C. Wanton

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Balis, Mrs. Balis, Richard Bond, Mrs. Richard Bond, , Dene Loucheim, Stuart Loucheim, Pat Nixon, , Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970 January 24.

Eugene Ormandy's birthday, performance of a piece written for, 1970 38 38.1.2 January 24.

Philadelphia Orchestra's 70th anniversary concert, Academy of Music, 60 1 Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Dene Loucheim, Stuart Loucheim, Pat Nixon, Richard Nixon, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970 January 24.

Philadelphia Orchestra's 70th anniversary concert, Academy of Music, 70 1 Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Dene Loucheim, Stuart Loucheim, Pat Nixon, Richard Nixon, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970 January 24.

Richard Nixon and Eugene Ormandy, negatives, 1970 January 24. 74 8

Philadelphia Award, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene 38 38.27-28 Ormandy receiving award from Stuart Loucheim (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970 March 18.

Eugene Ormandy, on podium, negatives, 1970 March 19. 74 11

"This Land is my Land", Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 39 39.1-9 include , Evelyn Lear, and Eugene Ormandy (contact sheet, for CBS TV), 1970 March 24.

"This Land is my Land", Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 60 1 include James Earl Jones, Evelyn Lear, and Eugene Ormandy, proofs (photographer: CBS TV), 1970 March 24.

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"This Land is my Land", Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 74 9 include James Earl Jones, Evelyn Lear, and Eugene Ormandy, negatives, 1970 March 24.

Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting (photographer: Richard A. 38 38.13-16 Weisgran), 1970 March 3.

Pension Fund Concert, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Jacqueline 38 38.17.1 de Press, Mrs. Nelson Leidner, Nelson Leidner, and Gretel Ormandy, 1970 March 4.

Freedom Foundation Honor, Eugene Ormandy receiving, Academy of 38 38.18-20 Music, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970 March 6.

Mrs. Bacon's party, Washington, D.C., photographs include , 38 38.21-26 Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Chase Photography), 1970 March 9.

"Bon Voyage" reception for European tour, Washington, D.C. , photograph 39 39.10.1 includes Eugene Ormandy and Secretary of State William P. Rogers (photographer: Otto Dekom), 1970 April 21.

European tour, Hamburg, German, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 39 39.11-20 and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Friedhelm von Estroff), 1970 May 19.

European tour, London, England, Eugene Ormandy receiving RCA plaque 39 39.21.1 for European tour from Norman Racusin (photographer: Doug McKenzie), 1970 May.

European tour, London, England, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 39 39.22.1 and Ernst and Fleishman of the (photographer: Art Wood), 1970 May.

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Academy of Music, opening night gala, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 39 39.23-26 include Wanton Balis, Richard Bond, Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Hartfield, Theodore Hazlett, Gretel Ormandy, Gov. Raymond Shafer, and Mayor and Mrs. Tate (photographer: Jules Schick), 1970 September 16.

Academy of Music, opening night gala, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: 60 1 Jules Schick), 1970 September 16.

La Salle College, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy receiving honorary 39 39.27.1 degree, (photographer: News Bureau La Salle), 1970 November 1.

Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, recording session 39 39.28.1 (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Robert Page, and 39 39.29.1 Krzysztof Pendrecki (photographer; Adrian Siegel), 1970.

Vienna, Austria, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 70 1 Erich Lehner), circa 1970.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Elias Wolf, 39 39.30.1-2 President (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1971 February.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include William Smith 40 40.1.1. and Vincent Persichetti (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1971 March.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Garrick Ohlsson, 40 40.2-8 Eugene Ormandy, and Roberta Peters (contact sheet, for CBS-TV), 1971 April 6.

Eugene Ormandy, Roberta Peters, Gerrick Ohlson, Academy of Music, 60 2 Philadelphia, PA (for WCAU-TV), 1971 April 6.

Roberta Peters and Garrick Ohlsson, negatives, 1971 April 6. 74 10

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Philadelphia Orchestra transcontinental tour, Stephens Auditorium, Iowa 40 40.9-12 State University, Ames, IA, 1971 May 13.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 40 40.13.1-2 Gretel Ormandy, 1971 June.

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY 40 40.14.1 (photographer: Jack Rottier), 1971 July 14.

"The Lovers" rehearsal, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 40 40.15.1-2 include Samuel Barber, , Eugene Ormandy, and Robert Page (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1971 September.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 40 40.16.1 Ormandy and Arthur Rubinstein (inscribed, photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1971 November 15.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 74 12 Ormandy and Arthur Rubinstein, negatives, 1971 November 15.

Phyllis Curtin and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Eugene Cook), 1971. 40 40.17.2

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 40 40.18.1-2 Ormandy and Van Cliburn (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1971.

Norman Carol, Van Cliburn, and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian 40 40.19.1 Siegel), circa 1971.

Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, Washington, D.C., Eugene Ormandy 40 40.20-22 receiving, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, and Ambassador Egidio Ortona, 1972 April 3.

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Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, Washington, D.C., Eugene Ormandy 60 3 receiving, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, and Ambassador Egidio Ortona, 1972 April 3.

Japan tour, photographs include Wanton Balis, Mrs. Wanton Balis, Ilona, 40 40.23-30 Mary Krause, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, and Harold Shaw, 1972 May 15-28.

Japan tour, photographs include Wanton Balis, Mrs. Wanton Balis, Ilona, 41 41.1-7 Mary Krause, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, and Harold Shaw, 1972 May 15-28.

Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, Washington, D.C., Eugene Ormandy 70 1 receiving, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, and Ambassador Egidio Ortona, 1972 April 3.

Tanglewood Music Center, Stockbridge, MA, summer 1972. 41 41.12.1

Tanglewood Music Festival, Lenox, MA, photograph included Eugene 41 41.15.1 Ormandy, , Vera Ozawa and family, (photographer: Whitestone), summer 1972.

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY 60 3 (photographer: Wayne Shilbert), 1972 August.

Vienna, Austria (contact sheet, photographer: Erich Lehner), 1972 June 24. 41 41.8.1

Philadelphia Orchestra opening night, Saratoga Springs Performing Arts 41 41.11.1 Center, Saratoga Springs, NY (photographer: Wayne Shilbret), 1972 August.

Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA, 1972 August 14. 41 41.9-10

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include , Van Clibur, and 41 41.13.1 Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1972 October 21.

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Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 41 41.14.1 Jules Schick), 1972 October 21.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include George Crumb, 41 41.16.1 Samuel Mayes, and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1973 January.

Town Hall, Philadelphia, PA, William Smith conducting Philadelphia 41 41.17.1 Orchestra, Joseph Castaldo (photographer: Adrian Sigel), 1973 January.

John F. Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, FL, tour, photographs 41 41.18-21 include Eugene and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: NASA), 1973 March 30.

ASCAP Lunch, Le Poulailler, New York, NY, photographs include Stanley 41 41.22-23 Adams, Grace Belt, Martin Bookspaln. Aaron Copland, Eugene Ormandy, Robert Cumming, Alexander Dunkel, Morton Gould, Elaine Heifetz, Mme. Shostakovich and ,, 1973 June 20.

Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Jules Schick), 1973 July 26. 41 41.24.1

People's Republic of China tour, the Philadelphia Orchestra arriving in 42 42.1-4 China and being greeted by , , China, 1973 September 12.

People's Republic of China tour, Beijing, China, 1973 September 12-19. 70 2

People's Republic of China tour, Beijing, China, Li Delun conducting, Mrs. 44 44.8-12 James Hartfield, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Daniel Webster, 1973 September 12-19.

People's Republic of China tour, photographs include Deborah Balis, Mrs. 44 44.18-22 C. Wanton Balis, Mrs. James Hatfield, Wanton Balis, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy, 1973 September 12-23.

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People's Republic of China tour, photographs include Deborah Balis, Mrs. 60 4 C. Wanton Balis, Mrs. James Hatfield, Wanton Balis, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy, 1973 September 12-23.

People's Republic of China tour, Beijing, China, Eugene Ormandy 42 42.5-6 conducting at rehearsal, 1973 September 14.

People's Republic of China tour, Beijing, China, Eugene Ormandy and Yin 42 42.7-8 Cheng-Cheng, 1973 September 14.

People's Republic of China tour, Forbidden City, Beijing, China, 42 42.9-17 photographs include Mrs. Wanton Balis, Mrs. James Hatfield, Norman Carol, Winifred Mayes, Roger Scott, Herbert Light, Marcel Fargo, and Leonard Mogill, 1973 September 15.

People's Republic of China tour, Central Philharmonic Society, Beijing, 42 42.18-36 China, photographs include Gilbert Johnson, Michael Bookspan, Anthony Orlando, Eugene Ormandy, Anthony Gigliotti, Li Delun, Bernard Gafield, Norman Carol, Mason Jones, and Gretel Ormandy, 1973 September 15.

People's Republic of China tour, Mme. Mao, Beijing, China, photographs 43 43.1-11 include Mrs. James Hatfield, Gretel Ormandy, Li Delun, Wanton Balis, the Philadelphia Orchestra and members of their administration, Deborah Balis, and Eugene Ormandy, 1973 September 16.

People's Republic of China tour, The Summer Palace, Beijing, China, 43 43.12-17 photographs include Mrs. James Hatfield, Wanton Balis, Mrs. Wanton Balis, Norman Carol, Li Delun, Bernard Garfield, Murray Panitz, and Deborah Balis, 1973 September 17.

People's Republic of China tour, Great Wall of China, Beijing, China, 43 43.18-28 photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Li Delun, Mr. Lui, C. Wanton Balis, Mrs. James Hatfield, Irving Stein, William Smith, David Madison, Boris Sokoloff, and Joseph H. Santarlasci, 1973 September 18.

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People's Republic of China tour, The Children's Palace, Shanghai, China, 43 43.29-30 photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Wanton Balis, Mrs. Balis, Mrs. James Hatfield, and Sheng Hsu-San of the Shanghai Friendship Committee, 1973 September 19.

People's Republic of China tour, The Children's Palace, Shanghai, China, 44 44.1-7 photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Wanton Balis, Mrs. Balis, Mrs. James Hatfield, and Sheng Hsu-San of the Shanghai Friendship Committee, 1973 September 19.

People's Republic of China tour, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, 44 44.13.1 members of the Philadelphia Orchestra and their administration, cast of "The White Hair Girl", Hotel Cheng Ching, Shanghai, China, 1973 September 20.

People's Republic of China tour, China farewell banquet, Shanghai, China, 44 44.14-16 photographs include Hsu Tsing-Sheng, Harold Schonberg, Wanton Balis, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy, 1973 September 21.

People's Republic of China tour, Whangpoo River, Shanghai, China, 1973 44 44.17.1 September 22.

People's Republic of China tour, negatives, 1973 September. 74 14

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Chinese 41 41.30-31 diplomats, Eugene Ormandy, and Rudolf Serkin (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1973.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Chinese 60 4 diplomats, Eugene Ormandy, and Rudolf Serkin (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1973.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA , photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 1973. 41 41.25-29

Belvedere, Monterey, MA , photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 1973. 60 4

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Belvedere, Monterey, MA , photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 74 13 negatives, 1973.

Philadelphia, PA, Resolution for 1973 China Tour, Eugene Ormandy, 44 44.23.1-2 Norman Racusin, Richard Bond, and C. Wanton Balis receiving resolution (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1973.

William Penn Award, Eugene Ormandy receiving award from Mr. Rousch, 44 44.24-25 Richard Bond (photographer: Jules Schick), included in photographs are Mrs. Rousch and Gretel Ormandy, 1974 April 27.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Tedd Joselson, Arthur Judson, and 44 44.26-27 Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1974 April 28.

Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy and Arturo Toscanini, photo collage 44 44.28.1 (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1974 June.

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, 44 44.29-30 photographs include Eugene Ormandy and (photographer: Adrian Siegel), some photographs include Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1974 August.

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, 70 2 photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1974 August.

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, 70 2 photographs include Norman Carol and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1974 August.

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, 72 6 photographs include Norman Carol and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1974 August.

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Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, 60 5 photographs include Eugene Ormandy and George Shirley (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1974 August.

Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy 44 44.31.1 receiving honorary degree from Peter Herbut, Public Relations Department (photographer: Thomas Jefferson University), 1974 September 17.

Eugene Ormandy, 1974. 44 44.32.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, Pinchas 44 44.33.1 Zuckerman, (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1975 January 25.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Curtis student orchestra concert 44 44.34-35 (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1975 March 2.

Frankfurt, Germany, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 45 45.1-4 Lutz Kleinhaus), 1975 May 14.

Milan, Italy, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: E. 45 45.5-6 Piccaglinani), 1975 May 21.

Florence, Italy, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, 45 45.7.1 Christina Muti, Ricardo Muti, Ormandy and Muti's first meeting, 1975 May 24.

Vienna, Austria, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, 45 45.8-9 Maria Feuchtinger, Mrs. Wiener, and Clara Takacz (niece), 1975 May 29-30.

England, photograph includes Joy Crispin Wilson, Robin Wilson and 45 45.10.1 children (photographer: Oxford Mail and Times), 1975 May.

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Vienna, Austria, Wolf Trap Farm Park for the Performing Arts, photographs 45 45.11-12 include Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1975 June 19-21.

Fritrens, 1975 July 12. 45 45.13.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1975 September. 45 45.15.1

Model of the Mann Music Center, 1975 October 12. 45 45.16.1-2

75th anniversary of the Philadelphia Orchestra, receiving Franklin Mint 45 45.17-21 Medal, Richard C. Bond, Charles Andes, Eugene Ormandy and H. Oberhess, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1975 November 21.

75th anniversary of the Philadelphia Orchestra, receiving Franklin Mint 60 6 Medal, Richard C. Bond, Charles Andes, Eugene Ormandy and H. Oberhess, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1975 November 21.

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 70 2 Ormandy (photographer: John Condax), 1975.

Eugene Ormandy, circa 1975. 45 45.14.1

Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA, Eugene Ormandy receiving honorary 45 45.22.1-2 degree from Lily Peter and President Herman E. Collier, 1976 May 30.

Moravian College, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 1976 May 30. 60 7

Robin Hood Dell, Philadelphia, PA, some photographs of Eugene Ormandy 45 45.23-28 conducting, 1976 June 14.

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British Empire Awards, Washington, D.C., photographs include Walter 45 45.29-33 Annenberg, , Eugene Ormandy, Dean Rusk, (photographer: DeKun Photographs), 1976 July 1.

British Empire Awards, Washington, D.C., photographs include Walter 60 7 Annenberg, Bob Hope, Eugene Ormandy, Dean Rusk, (photographer: DeKun Photographs), 1976 July 1.

Hollywood Bowl, Lost Angeles, CA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 46 46.1-9 Isaac Stern (contact sheet, photographer: David Weiss), 1976 July 13-15.

England, photographs include Joy Crispin , Robin Wilson, Jennifer Wilson, 46 46.10.1 Prime Minister Harold Wilson, and Catherine Wilson (photographer: Oxford Mail and Times), 1976.

Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, photographs 46 46.11.1 include Eugene Ormandy and Isaac Stern (photographer: Allen J. Winigrad), 1976.

Kennedy Center, Washington, D.C. (photographer: Louis Hood), 1976. 46 46.12-15

Robin Hood Dell, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 60 7 and the Philadelphia Orchestra, 1976.

Dilton Award, Eugene Ormandy receiving, 1977. 46 46.16.1-2

Dilton Award, Eugene Ormandy receiving (photographer: Louis Hood), 61 1 1977.

Eugene Ormandy, negatives, 1977. 74 18

Carnegie Hall, New York, NY, Eugene Ormandy and the New York 46 46.17-21 Philharmonic (photographer: Marianne Barcellona), some photographs include Vladimir Horowotz, 1978 January 8.

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Mendelsshon Club, New York, NY, photographs include Eugene 46 46.22.1 Ormandy (photographer: Kathrine M. Carpenter, Mendelssohn Club staff photographer), 1978 May 2.

Japan, Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1978 May 15-June 3. 46 46.23.1-2

Japan, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy and C. 46 46.24-25 Wanton Balis, 1978 May 15-June 3.

Japan, "Ormandy and his Orchestra: Japanese Odyssey," filming of and 46 46.26-28 publicity for, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and David Macmillan, 1978 May 15-June 3.

Japan, "Ormandy and his Orchestra: Japanese Odyssey," filming of and 61 2 publicity for, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and David Macmillan, 1978 May 15-June 3.

Japan, Eugene Ormandy and Mike Mansfield US Ambassador to Japan, 46 46.29.1 1978 May 15-June 3.

Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, includes Eugene 47 47.1-7 Ormandy receiving key to the city, 1978 August 8.

Academy of Music, opening night gala, Philadelphia, PA, includes 47 47.8-10 photographs of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bond, Mrs. James Hatfield, C. Wanton Balis, and Eugene and Gretel Ormandy, 1978 September 21.

Academy of Music, opening night gala, Philadelphia, PA, 1978 September 61 2 21.

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include 47 47.11.1 Eugene Ormandy, 1978 September 24.

Eugene Ormandy, 1978 October. 47 47.12.1-2

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Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Norman Carol, 47 47.13-29 Eugene Ormandy, Rudolf Serkin, and Isaac Stern (photographer: Louis Hood), 1978.

Metropolitan House, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Norman 48 48.1-10 Carol, Eugene Ormandy, and the Philadelphia Orchestra (photographer: Louis Hood), 1978.

Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy and 61 2 Philadelphia Orchestra recording for RCA, 1978.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 61 2 Ormandy, 1978.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 48 48.11-15 Ormandy (photographer: Louis Hood), circa 1978.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA , Unitel recordings, circa 1978. 48 48.19-26

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA , Unitel recordings, circa 1978. 61 2

Contemporary American Composers dinner honoring Eugene Ormandy, 48 48.27.1 photographs include Peter A. Zambelli, manager of PR Eastern Area Atlantic Richfield Company, circa 1978.

Robin Hood Dell, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 48 48.16-18 and (photographer: Allen J. Winigrad), circa 1978.

Robin Hood Dell, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy 61 2 (photographer: Louis Hood), circa 1978.

Atlanta, GA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, photographs include Norman 49 49.1-4 Carol and Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Marianne Barcellona), 1979 March 19.

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Dr. Friedrich Siebert, conductor of Baden-Baden Symphony Orchestra, 1979 49 49.5.1 May 5.

"Musical Fund Honorary Lifetime Membership," Philadelphia, PA, 49 49.6.1 photograph includes Dr. Adolph Vogel, Stanley Myers, Daniel Layman, and Eugene Ormandy receiving award (photographer: Jules Schick), 1979 May 16.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting 49 49.7-16 (photographer: Louis Hood), 1979 June.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1979 61 4 June.

BMI gift, Valley Forge Sheraton, Valley Forge, PA, Eugene Ormandy, 49 49.17.1 Edward M. Cramer and Jerry Lee, Eugene Ormandy receiving gift from BMI (photographer: Walter M. Faust, Newspix), 1979 June.

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Louis Hood), 1979 June. 61 3

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, TV taping, negatives, 1979 June. 74 15

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, Eugene Ormandy signing sheets for "The 63 8 Ormandy Era" collection distributed by Franklin Mint, 1979 August.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, Eugene Ormandy signing sheets for "The 49 49.18-19 Ormandy Era" collection distributed by Franklin Mint, 1979 August.

Eugene Ormandy, negatives, 1979 November 9 or 10. 74 16

Nathan Milstein, New York, NY (inscribed), 1979 November 12. 49 49.20.1

Eugene Ormandy's 80th birthday, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, 49 49.21-22 photographs include Michael D'Orio, 1979 November 17.

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Eugene Ormandy's 80th birthday, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, 61 4 1979 November 17.

Eugene Ormandy's 80th birthday celebration, Penn Mutual Tower, 49 49.24-50.8 Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Boys Choir of Philadelphia, Isaac Stern, Philadelphia College of the Performing Arts String Quartet, Hernan Constantino, Philip Kates, Joseph Lanza Jr, Anthony Pirollo, Kasimir String Quartet, Diane Monroe, Karen Dreyfus, Kathryn Lucktenberg, Vivian Barton, Ricardo Muti, Sophie Siegel, Joseph Denver, Zubin Mentha, David P. Eastblum, Barbara Coffin, Eleanor Carol, Mrs. James S. Hatfield, Gretel Ormandy, Wolfgang Granat, Louis Rosenblatt, Seymore Rosenfeld, Louis Lanza, Norman Carol, Deborah Smith, Anthony DiTommaso, 1979 November 18.

Eugene Ormandy's 80th birthday celebration, Penn Mutual Tower, 74 17 Philadelphia, PA, negatives, 1979 November 18.

Eugene Ormandy's 80th birthday party, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 61 4 Ormandy, 1979 November.

Eugene Ormandy's 80th birthday party, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 50 50.13-14 include Mrs. James Hatfield, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy, 1979 November.

ATT "Silver Baton" luncheon, Newark, NJ, photographs include Steve 50 50.9-12 Hiller, Kurt Nikkanen, Eugene Ormandy, Michael Redmond, Mark Stewart, and Don Van Lenten (photographer: George Kemper), 1979 December 18.

Eugene Ormandy and Vera Zorina, CBS party for Eugene Ormandy, Stork 50 50.15-17 Club, New York, NY (photographer: Ruth Bernal), 1979.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy and Philadelphia 62 1 Orchestra, 1970s.

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Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1970s. 70 2

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1970s. 51 51.17-30

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1970s. 52 52.26-28

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1970s. 53 53.1.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy conducting 52 52.13-14 (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy, conducting, Rudolf 52 52.23.1 Serkin,, 1970s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 62 1 Ormandy, 1970s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 62 2 Ormandy, 1970s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 52 52.25.1 Ormandy, 1970s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 53 53.10.1 Ormandy, 1970s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 51 51.13-14 Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 53 53.15.1 Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 52 52.20.1 Ormandy (photographer: Louis Hood), 1970s.

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Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 52 52.21-22 Ormandy (photographer: Louis Hood), 1970s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 53 53.4-9 Ormandy (photographer: Louis Hood), 1970s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Norman Carol 52 52.24.2 and Eugene Ormandy, 1970s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, recording for RCA,, 1970s. 52 52.24.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, recording for RCA, Eugene Ormandy 62 1 and Philadelphia Orchestra, 1970s.

Alma Jean Smith (photographer: Christian Steiner), 1970s. 53 53.30.1

Anatole Heller and Eugene Ormandy, 1970s. 52 52.4.1

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1970s. 53 53.29.1

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 62 2 Gretel Ormandy, 1970s.

Boulogne, France, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 62 2 M.H. Remy), 1970s.

Boulogne, France, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 52 52.6-11 M.H. Remy), 1970s.

Chicago, IL, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, Ms. Ryerson, Mr. 53 53.22.1 Ryerson, Gretel Ormandy, Mrs. Ryerson, 1970s.

Eugene Ormandy, 1970s. 52 52.1.1

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Eugene Ormandy, 1970s. 52 52.3.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1970s. 52 52.5.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1970s. 53 53.11-13

Eugene Ormandy, 1970s. 53 53.16.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1970s. 53 53.19.1

Eugene Ormandy, 1970s. 53 53.2-3

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970s. 62 1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970s. 52 52.15-18

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970s. 53 53.20-21

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970s. 53 53.14.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970s. 53 53.17.1

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1970s. 53 53.23.1

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, 1970s. 53 53.27.1

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: John Condax), 1970s. 53 53.28.1-2

Eugene Ormandy and Rudolf Serkin (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970s. 51 51.12.1

Eugene Ormandy conducting, Vladimir Horowitz, 1970s. 52 52.19.1

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, 1970s. 62 2

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, 1970s. 70 2

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Eugene Ormandy, conducting (photographer: Adrian Siegel), 1970s. 52 52.12.1

Eugene Ormandy, Steven Samas and Steven Samas's son, 1970s. 53 53.26.1

Isabella Frost, Mary Kraus, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy, 1970s. 53 53.21.1

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C., Eugene 62 1 Ormandy and the Philadelphia Orchestra, 1970s.

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C., 52 52.2.1-3 photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 1970s.

Mary Krause and Eugene Ormandy, boarding plane (photographer: Adrian 53 53.25.1 Siegel), 1970s.

Minnesota Symphony Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy conducting, 1970s. 51 51.16.1

Walter Annenberg and Eugene Ormandy, 1970s. 53 53.24.1

Washington, D.C., photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, (photographer: 53 53.18.1 Sorab Modi), 1970s.

Zen Obara, 1970s. 53 53.31.1

Eugene Ormandy, early 1970s. 50 50.18.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy and Isaac Stern 50 50.19-20 (photographer: Adrian Siegel), early 1970s.

Bahamas, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy, early 50 50.24.1 1970s.

Eugene Ormandy, early 1970s. 50 50.22.1

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Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, photographs 50 50.23.1 include Mr. and Mrs. Garner, Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), early 1970s.

Sviatoslav Richter and Eugene Ormandy, early 1970s. 50 50.21.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 61 5 Ormandy (photographer: Louis Hood), late 1970s.

Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Commercial Studios, late 1970s. 51 51.10-11

Eugene Ormandy, late 1970s. 50 50.25.1

Eugene Ormandy, late 1970s. 50 50.29.1

Eugene Ormandy, late 1970s. 51 51.1.1-3

Eugene Ormandy, late 1970s. 51 51.3.1

Eugene Ormandy, late 1970s. 51 51.8.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1970s. 61 5

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Allen J. Winigrad), late 1970s. 50 50.28.1

Eugene Ormandy and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: John Condar), late 51 51.2.1-3 1970s.

Eugene Ormandy conducting, late 1970s. 50 50.26.1-3

Eugene Ormandy, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: H. Earle Shull), late 51 51.7.1 1970s.

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Mann Music Center, Philadelphia, PA, Eugene Ormandy and the 70 2 Philadelphia Orchestra, late 1970s.

New York, NY, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, late 1970s. 51 51.9.1

New York, NY, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, late 1970s. 61 5

Norman Carol, late 1970s. 70 2

Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy and Isaac Stern, 51 51.4.2 late 1970s.

Saratoga Springs Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, photograph 50 50.27.1-2 includes Eugene Ormandy, (photographer: Adrian Siegel), late 1970s.

United Nations concert, Washington, D.C., photograph includes Eugene 51 51.5-6 Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, and Mr. Wagner after the concert (photographer: Natlchayan), late 1970s.

Series VII. 1980s.

Volume Item

Scheie Eye Institute Benefit, , Washington, D.C., photographs 54 54.1-3 include Rosalynn Carter, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, and Dr. Harold Scheie (inscribed, photographer: Official White House photograph), 1980 February 4.

Scheie Eye Institute Benefit, White House, Washington, D.C., photographs 62 3 include Rosalynn Carter and Eugene Ormandy, 1980 February 4.

Hamburg, Germany, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 54 54.4.1-2 Bernd-Jurgen P. Fisher), 1980 March 25.

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ARCO Press Announcement, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Jim 54 54.5-10 Carson, David Eastbourne, Philippe Klein, Ricardo Muti, Cristina Muti, Eugene Ormandy, Gretel Ormandy, Seymour Rosen, 1980 April 10.

ARCO Press Announcement, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 62 3 Ormandy and Ricardo Muti, 1980 April 10.

New York, NY, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 1980 spring. 62 3

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA (photographer: Berry and Homer), 54 54.12.1 1980 May 4.

Avenue of the Arts, Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, photographs includes 54 54.12.2-15 Eugene Ormandy and note from Neil Courtney (photographer: Berry and Homer), 1980 May 4.

Avenue of the Arts, Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, photographs includes 62 3 Eugene Ormandy, 1980 May 4.

Eugene Ormandy (inscription), 1980 June 6. 54 54.17.1

Mandarin Restaurant, , CA, photograph includes Eugene 54 54.18.1 Ormandy, 1980 June.

Medal of Freedom Awards Ceremony, Philadelphia, PA, photographs 54 54.19-21 include Rachel Dozan, Mayor Bill Greene, Cardinal Knoll, Walter Mondale, Mrs. Walter Mondale, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy, 1980 July 4.

1980 World Series game 1, Veterans Stadium, Philadelphia, PA, 54 54.22.1-2 photographs include Bob Boone, Eugene Ormandy, and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: George Reynolds), 1980 October 7.

New York, NY, photographs include Eugene Ormandy, 1980. 54 54.11.1

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Philadelphia Orchestra Board of Directors Retirement Dinner for Ormandy, 54 54.23-24 Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Deborah Balis, Mrs. James C. Hatfield, and Eugene Ormandy, 1980.

Philadelphia Orchestra Board of Directors Retirement Dinner for Ormandy, 62 3 Philadelphia, PA, 1980.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Norman Carol 54 54.25.1 and Ricardo Muti, circa 1980.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 54 54.26.1 Ormandy and Isaac Stern, circa 1980.

Eugene Ormandy and Ricardo Muti, passing of the baton, circa 1980. 54 54.28.1

Eugene Ormandy (photographer: Susan Ragan), circa 1980. 70 2

Long Beach, CA, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 54 54.27.1-2 Susan C. Ragan), circa 1980.

American-Israeli Cultural Foundation Dinner, Philadelphia, PA, 54 54.29-32 photographs include Vladimir Horowitz and Eugene Ormandy (inscribed by Horowitz), 1981 April 26.

American-Israeli Cultural Foundation Dinner, Philadelphia, PA, 62 4 photographs include Vladimir Horowitz and Eugene Ormandy, 1981 April 26.

Crystal Cathedral, photograph includes Jane Kelly, Bill Kelly, and Eugene 54 54.33.1 Ormandy, 1981 September.

Carnegie Hall, New York, NY, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, 54 54.34.1 Gretel Ormandy, and (photographer: Alice Smith-deKonig), 1981 October 13.

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Ormandy's 82nd birthday, St. Louis, MO, Eugene Ormandy cutting cake, 55 55.1.1 1981 November.

Eugene Ormandy, 1981 December. 55 55.2.1-2

Eugene Ormandy, 1981 December. 70 2

London, England, photographs include David Amram and Eugene Ormandy 55 55.4.1-2 (contact sheet, photographer: Malcolm Crowthers), 1981.

Eugene Ormandy, sent by John Lettang, New York, NY, 1981. 72 6

New York, photographs include Eugene Ormandy (photographer: John 70 2 Lettang), 1981.

PBS "" airing October 5, 1981, Philadelphia, PA, 55 55.3.1-2 Eugene Ormandy's publicity shot, 1981.

PBS "Great Performances" airing October 5, 1981, Philadelphia, PA, 62 4 Eugene Ormandy's publicity shot, 1981.

Harold Lawrence and Amelia Haygood, Harold Lawrence, and Eugene 55 55.6.1 Ormandy, circa 1981.

United Nations concert, New York, NY, photograph includes Eugene 55 55.5.1-2 Ormandy, , Gretel Ormandy, Daniel Moynihan, and Nancy Kissinger, after UN concert, circa 1981.

Hershey Ballroom, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, 1982 April 26. 62 5

Hershey Hotel, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy, 1982 April 26. 55 55.7.1

Avery Fisher Hall, New York, NY, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy 55 55.8.1 (inscribed by Smith-deKoning), 1982 May 5.

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Breskens, Holland, photograph includes Eugene Ormandy (photographer: 55 55.9.1 Franz Gittenberger), 1982 September 22-25.

John F. Kennedy Center Honors, John F. Kennedy Center, Washington, 55 55.10-11 D.C., photographs include , , , , Eugene Ormandy, Nancy Regan, and Ronald Regan, (photographer: Official White House photograph), 1982 December 5.

St. Louis, MO, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Mayor Vincent C. 55 55.12.1 Schoemehl Jr., circa 1982.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA (photographer: Donald B. Victor), 1983 July 23. 55 55.13.1

Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and Gretel 55 55.14.1-3 Ormandy (photographer: John Condax), 1983.

Pennsylvania Hospital Ball, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Ricardo 55 55.15.1-2 Muti and Gretel Ormandy, 1985.

Florence, Italy, photographs include Isaac Stern and Fabricia Vollerra, 1987. 55 55.16.1-2

Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Kelly and Massa), 1988 April 14. 55 55.17.1

Eugene Ormandy Memorial Dedication, University of Pennsylvania, 65 8 Philadelphia, PA, photograph album, 1989 November 15.

James Galway (photographer: Frank Ruggieri), 1980s. 56 56.13.1

Unknown, 1980s. 56 56.14.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 55 55.21-27 Ormandy (photographer: Louis Hood), early 1980s.

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Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 55 55.30.1-2 Ormandy (photographer: Louis Hood), early 1980s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 62 6 Ormandy (photographer: Louis Hood), early 1980s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 55 55.31.1 Ormandy conducting, early 1980s.

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Eugene 70 2 Ormandy conducting, early 1980s.

Belvedere, Monterey, MA, photographs include Eugene Ormandy and 56 56.7-9 Gretel Ormandy, early 1980s.

Eugene Ormandy, early 1980s. 55 55.20.1

Eugene Ormandy, early 1980s. 55 55.28-29

Eugene Ormandy (some photographs by Roger Pluijm), early 1980s. 56 56.1-6

Eugene Ormandy, early 1980s. 62 6

Gretel Ormandy, mid 1980s. 56 56.11.1

Martin Ormandy and Ronald Regan, New York, NY, mid 1980s. 56 56.10.1

Bob Dole, late 1980s. 70 2

Billy Graham, Ruth Graham, and Gretel Ormandy (photographer: L'Image), 56 56.12.1 late 1980s.

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Series VIII. 1990s.

Volume Item

Gretel Ormandy (photographer: Jean Brubaker), 1991 October. 56 56.15.1

Ricardo Muti, Cristina Muti, Ricardo Muti, and Gretel Ormandy 56 56.16.1 (photographer: Jean Brubaker), 1992 February.

Gretel Ormandy being interviewed, 1992 March 13. 56 56.17.1-4

Ricardo Muti and Gretel Ormandy, 1992 April 22. 56 56.18-19

Ricardo Muti, 1992. 62 7

University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, photographs include Ricardo 56 56.2-21 Muti and Gretel Ormandy, 1990s.

Series IX. Undated.

Volume Item

(photographer: Adrian Siegel), undated. 56 56.22.1

Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, photograph includes Eugene 56 56.23.1-2 Ormandy (photographer: Adrian Siegel), undated.

Ardmore, PA (photographer: Jean Sardon, Strawbridge and Clothier), 56 56.24.1 undated.

Beethoven's Home, Vienna, Austria. 56 56.25.1

Capitol, Washington, D.C. 56 56.26.1

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Eugene Ormandy, Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA; with Jean Sibelius 56 56.28.1 in Helsinki, Finland; with David Oistrakh and Isaac Stern; conducting the Philadelphia Orchestra; in Copenhagen, Denmark (contact sheets, photographers: Eugene Cook and Thomas Andresen), undated.

Eugene Ormandy, and others, two dozen single, unlabeled negatives, 56 56.29.1 undated.

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, formal, negatives, undated. 56 56.30-32

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, formal, negatives, undated. 62 8

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, formal, negatives, undated. 68 3

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, formal, negatives, undated. 69 3

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, formal, negatives (photographer: Hood), 70 2 undated.

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, informal, negatives, undated. 70 2

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, informal, negatives, undated. 75 1

Eugene Ormandy, conducting, informal, negatives, undated. 75 2

Eugene Ormandy, negatives, undated. 75 3

Eugene Ormandy, portrait, informal, negatives, undated. 75 4

Eugene Ormandy, portrait, semi-formal, with contract, negatives, undated. 75 5

"Famous American Opera Houses," copy of print. 56 56.27.1

Flutist, negatives, undated. 75 6

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Negatives, undated. 75 7-8

New York, NY. 75 10

Philadelphia Orchestra, full view of Eugene Ormandy conducting, informal, 75 12 negatives, undated.

San Francisco Symphony wreath (photographer: Adrian Siegel), undated. 75 13

Saratoga Performing Arts Center, Saratoga Springs, NY, photograph 75 14 includes Eugene Ormandy and Isaac Stern (photographer: Allen J. Winigrad), undated.

Unknown. 75 15-17

Unknown, undated. 75 21-33

Unknown, undated. 75 35

Vienna, Austria (with inscription in German), undated. 75 36

Wheeling, WV (photographer: Studios), undated. 75 37

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