Node.js MongoDB – Examples Node.js MongoDB

Node.js MongoDB – In this Node.js Tutorial, we shall learn to integrate MongoDB to Node.js Applications.

Prerequisites to work with MongoDB from Node.js

1. Make Sure MongoDB is installed. If not Install MongoDB. 2. Install mongodb package using (if not installed already).

arjun@nodejs:~/worksp ace/nodejs/mongodb$ npm install mongodb n pm WARN saveError EaNrjuOnE@NnTo: dneoj ss:u~c/wh ofirlkes pace/nodejs/mongodb$ npm install mongodb or directory, open '/nhpomm eW/aArjRunN/ wsoarvkesEprarocre ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/arjun/workspace/nodejs/package.' /npomde jWs/ApaRcNk aegneo.ejsnot nE' NOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/arjun/workspace/nodejs/package.json' npm WARN enoent EnNpmOE WNAT:R nNo nsoudcehj sfi lNe o description onrp dmir eWctAorRyN, onpoedne js No repository field. '/home/arjun/workspace /npomde jWs/ApaRcNk angoed.ejsjso nN'o README data npm WARN nodejs No dnepsmcr iWptAioRnN nodejs No license field. n pm WARN nodejs No repository field. n+p m oWngAoRdNb@ no2d.2e.j3s3 No RaEddAeDdM 9E p daactkaages in 9.416s npm WARN nodejs No l icense field.

+ [email protected] added 9 packages in Nod9e.4.1j6ss MongoDB Tutorial Index

As we learnt to make a connection to MongoDB, in our subsequent tutorials, we shall learn following concepts :

Node.js Connect to MongoDB Node.js Create Database in MongoDB Node.js Delete Database from MongoDB Node.js Create Collection in MongoDB Database Node.js Delete Collection from MongoDB Database Node.js Insert Document(s) to MongoDB Collection Node.js Query Document(s) in MongoDB Collection Node.js Update Document(s) of a MongoDB Collection Node.js Delete Document(s) from a MongoDB Collection


MongoDB Tutorial – Learn Basics of MongoDB with Examples.

Conclusion : In this Node.js Tutorial – Node.js MongoDB, we have learnt to interfaceM ongoDB Database with Node.js Applications using examples.


⊩ Node.js Tutorial

Get Started W ith Node.js

⊩ Install Node.js Ubuntu

⊩ Install Node.js Windows

⊩ Node.js - Basic Example

⊩ Node.js - Command Line Arguments

⊩ Node.js - Modules

⊩ Node.js - Create a module

⊩ Node.js - Add new functions to Module

⊩ Node.js - Override functions of Module

⊩ Node.js - Callback Function

⊩ Node.js - forEach


⊩ Express.js Tutorial

⊩ What is Express.js?

⊩ Express.js Application Example

⊩ Install Express.js

⊩ Express.js Routes

⊩ Express.js Middleware

⊩ Express.js Router

Node.js Buffers

⊩ Node.js Buffer - Create, Write, Read

⊩ Node.js Buffer - Length

⊩ Node.js - Convert JSON to Buffer

⊩ Node.js - Array to Buffer

Node.js HTTP

⊩ Node.js - Create HTTP Web Server

⊩ Node.js - Redirect URL

Node.js MySQL

⊩ Node.js MySQL ⊩ Node.js MySQL

⊩ Node.js MySQL - Connect to MySQL Database



⊩ Node.js MySQL - ORDER BY


⊩ Node.js MySQL - UPDATE

⊩ Node.js MySQL - DELETE

⊩ Node.js MySQL - Result Object

Node.js MongoDB

⊩ Node.js MongoDB

⊩ Node.js - Connect to MongoDB

⊩ Node.js - Create Database in MongoDB

⊩ Node.js - Drop Database in MongoDB

⊩ Node.js - Create Collection in MongoDB

⊩ Node.js - Delete Collection in MongoDB

⊩ Node.js - Insert Documents to MongoDB Collection

⊩ MongoError: failed to connect to server

Node.js Mongoose

⊩ Node.js Mongoose Tutorial

⊩ Node.js Mongoose - Installation

⊩ Node.js Mongoose - Connect to MongoDB

⊩ Node.js Mongoose - Define a Model

⊩ Node.js Mongoose - Insert Single Document to MongoDB

⊩ Node.js Mongoose - Insert Multiple Documents to MongoDB

Node.js URL

⊩ Node.js - Parse URL parameters

Node.js FS ()

⊩ Node FS

⊩ Node FS - Read a File

⊩ Node FS - Create a File

⊩ Node FS - Write to a File

⊩ Node FS - Append to a File

⊩ Node FS - Rename a File ⊩ Node FS - Delete a File

⊩ Node FS Extra - Copy a Folder

Node.js JSON

⊩ Node.js Parse JSON

⊩ Node.js Write JSON Object to File

Node.js Error Handling

⊩ Node.js Try Catch

Node.js Examples

⊩ Node.js Examples

⊩ Node.js - Handle Get Requests

⊩ Node.js Example - Upload files to Node.js server

Useful Resources

⊩ Node.js Interview Questions

⊩ How to Learn Programming