Proc. IEEE Canadian Conf. Electrical, Computer Engineering (St. John’s, NF), pp. 470-473, May 1997 COMPARISON OF VOICE ACTIVITY DETECTION ALGORITHMS FOR WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMSy Khaled El-Maleh and Peter Kabal TSP Lab oratory, Dept. of Electrical Eng. McGill University Montreal, Queb ec, Canada H3A 2A7 email: fkhaled,
[email protected] ABSTRACT (VBR) co ding has b een recently adopted for CDMA- based cellular and PCS systems to enhance capacity V oice activity detection (VAD) algorithms havebe- b y reducing interference. A V AD device is an indis- come an in tegral part of many of the recently stan- p ensable part of any VBR co dec as it controls b oth the dardized wireless cellular and P ersonal Communica- a verage bit rate, and the o v erall qualit y of the co der tions Systems (PCS). In this pap er, we presentacom- [3]. parative study of the p erformance of three recently pro- This pap er is organized in ve parts. Section 2 posed VAD algorithms under various acoustical back- starts with a general review of the basics of a V AD ground noise conditions. We also prop ose new ideas to design. It then describ es, in some detail, three selected enhance the p erformance of a VAD algorithm in wire- V AD designs for the this study. Section 3 rep orts the less PCS sp eech applications. results of a simulation study that has b een p erformed to study the p erformance of the three VADs under var- 1. INTRODUCTION ious background noise conditions.