Property of the Watertown Historical Society

XTowThne Wotertown - Oakville Weekly Timely Coverage Of News In Jhm Fastest Growing Community in Litchfield County

'VOL. 27 NO. 211S Subscription Price, $5.00' Per Year PRICE 15 CENTS APRIL 12, 1993 We're ,000 Richer! Federal Revenue Sharing First Fire District Adopts Boosted Retroactively 'Christmas has come early to to receive this, year is about a, 50 Revised Zoning Ordinance Watertown this year... about per 'Cent increase' over the $209,- eight and. a 'half months early. Revisions in its Zoning' Or- and members of the Chamber of ''Where.' the destruction is 75% or '000 originally announced as the dinance' to bring it more into line ..jCommeroe.. 'The' federal government this town's share last fall. with the Town's Zoning Or- . One change would permit the' 14. Par. 21.6.1 is modified week presented the town, with a Mr. Smith was 'ecstatic over dinance were adopted by Hie construction of hotels or motels to specify 25 feet, as 'the required Christmas gift worth, some $400,- the news, and. quickly dispatched Watertown, Fire District's Zon- in the' central 'business. Another .'Setback from, a street line in R- '000'. memos to notify' members of the ing Commission Monday, -and, would provide for "multiple 20F Districts, rather than 35 Town. Manager Paul F. Smith- Town Council. The'., new status of will teke' effect on Friday, April dwellings in 'the Westfaury Park: feet. announced 'that the 'town, ap- the revenue 'Sharing' funds un- 13. . * area and a 'portion of French St. 5. Par. 22.6.1 is modified "' parently has won its months-long doubtedly will be one' of the Included, among the changes is The full text of the zoning or- to specify 25 feet as 'the required fight" over its share: of Federal items, .for discussion next. Mon- the upgrading of lot sizes 'in the dinance' is on file at the District setback from, a street line in. R- Revenue Sharing Funds. day when the Town Council Balmoral .Estates area, to a office. - - 10F Districts, rather than 35 Graham W. Watt, Director of the 'meets at "the high, school... 'Office of Revenue' Sharing, lias minimum of 39,000 square' feet, "A .resolution, adopted by 'the feet. . "'Another form letter'" as Mr. 1 notified .Mr. Smith that the according to District Superinten- Commission on Monday lists 6. Par. 23.4.Kb) is Smith described it, but 'this, time dent Harry Owens. Lot sizes in 'modified to 'Specify 4,000 square government has capitulated and a 'welcome one, said that the Changes in. the ordinance as is admitting that it .goofed in us- this area previously .bad called follows: feet, rather than 5,000 feet, as -$15,699' check was, Watertown's for only 6,000 square feet, and the minimum additional lot area. ing the formula it did in com- payment for the first, half of the A. .1. 'The title 'page .is modified puting Watertown's revenue this was the subject of heated to incorporate an additional in R-GF Districts for each dwell- 'third entitlement period which controversy during toe1 .'winter ing unit in the 'dwelling in excess sharing funds, - began Jan.. 1,1.973,, and. ends June date, namely "Revised March 9, SO; 1.973. A. second check, for this, when the 'Balmoral developer !§»'"'." on one (1). As a result, the town. Monday sought permission for construc- 2. Far. 4.1 .Map is 7. Par. 31.1 Permitted received a check for $75,699 as period, will 'be sent in the first tion of additional bouses on the .modified to incorporate an ad- Uses in 'Central 'Business B-CF one-quarter of its 1973 revenue week 'Of July .and., for" the: years small size lots. ditional date' on the Zoning' .Map, .Districts is modified, to' include funds which should total about ahead, checks will be sent every Mr. 'Owens said some of the namely "Revised March 9; 'hotels and. motels (Par. 31.1.6) 1302,000.. In addition, Mr. three months. changes incorporated into the or- and,, subject to a 1,000 foot spac- Graham admitted, that the Mr... Watt said the'check covers, dinance are the result of citizen 3. 'The' second sentence ing limitation, .'motor vehicle ser- government erred 'in alloting the the first three months of 1973 and, comments made at a recent of Par. 6.10 Casualty is corrected vice stations and, motor vehicle town only some $98,000 for 1.972;, that the one in July will be' for public hearing, and at a meeting to specify 75% rather than 25%, repair 'garages,. washing and and indicated, 'this would be' cor- the same amount, covering 'between tie Zoning Commission 'SO' 'that such sentence begins rected .with retroactive funds April, May and June. He also (Continned on Page 1?> after the first of July which said, 'that funds allocated in 1973 should total close to $200,000. will be higher than dis- Recycling Unit So, instead''of receiving just bursements for 1972 because Three Roys In Trxmp 55 under $200,000 from Uncle Sugar Congress has appropriated for the two-year period, it slightly more money for 'this en- Advanced To Eagle Scout appears the town's share will 'be1 titlement, period, .and still, more closer to $600,000, or nearly a. for each of the coming entitle-' -Three members of Boy Scout Group, and is. listed in 'Who's . 'There' will be a. meeting of the $400,000 increase. 'The $302,000 Troop 55,.. sponsored by the Who Among: American High Recycling Subcommittee of 'the which the' 'town appears destined. (Continued, on Page 17')' Water-Oak Post, No. 5157, " School students. Watertown Conservation Com- Veterans of Foreign Ware, were' George McCleary, of mission tonight (Thursday) at 7 .promoted to Eagle Scout at a. Guernseytewn Rd., was 'bora o'clock in the Laube Auditorium. Court, of 'Honor Wednesday night. June 19, 1.954', and. joined Cub on the Taft School Campus. 'The they are John. Bierdermann, Scouts, at the age of eight and. auditorium, is located, in. the James Leach and George Boy Scouts at 11. He is a. member basement, of the Taft library, McCleary. of the Order of the Arrow, which can be reached by the John. Biedermann, of 44 attended Schiff Scout Reserva- ' driveway marked. "'Shipping and Wedgewood Drive, was born - tion for leadership 'training, "has Receiving'". March 16, 1969, and, joined. 'Cub been a Junior Counselor at Camp .. The purpose of the meeting is. Scouting at the age of eight. He Mattatuck .and a Junior Assis- to' solicit and discuss ideas 'to was the first Scout in Ms Pack to {Continued on .Page 20) promote the 'use of the' Recycling earn, the Arrow of Light and; join- 'Center at'the bottom, of Depot ed Boy Scouts at the age' of II. Street. The public is invited. Me has served as a Patrol Leader " Curriculum Day -'The time for' 'the' meeting has of the Eagle Patrol for two years Scheduled For " been, moved up from. 8 o'clock to and now is assistant Senior allow people to attend the Patrol. Leader. Next Wednesday Litchfield Audubon Chapter's Other achievements include A Pubic School Curriculum film-lecture later in the evening Brotherhood rank in 'the Order of Day has 'been set up for Wednes- in. the: Bingham Auditorium at the Arrow, the Scout Honor day, April. It. for both the Taft. Society; membership in the Blue elementary and secondary Interest .in the recycling center 'Trail Tapout team.; and. Editor of schools. Schools will 'be in; 'ses- has teen growing steadily the Order of the Arrow quarterly sion, for a half day. The High and the operation was taken over by TOWN 'MANAGER, PAUL. F. SMITH happily displays check in the newspaper. Me 'has been, active Junior High Schools will dismiss the town, earlier in the: year'. amount of $75,699, Watertown's first, three-month payment for in Little 'League since the' age of at 12 Noon and the elementary However, to be an effective 1973 revenue 'snaring funds. On an annual basis 'the' 'town will nine;, is active, in "various clubs, schools at 1 p.m. force' in reducing: 'the solid waste receive just, over $300,000, more than 'three' times 'the' $96,000 the soccer team and is in the The' program for 'the elemen- problem in. Watertown, and. 'to alloted for 1972,. Corrected data for the past year will result in Honor Society at Swift Junior tary teachers is scheduled for postpone the time when, a new retroactive payments, which, will add nearly $200,000 more to the' High, Under 'the guidance• of 1:30' at the Swift Junior High dump site must be- found, town's treasury. (Filippone Photo).. Connecticut Fish and Game A u d i to r i u m. D r. D on aid citizens will have to recycle biologists he has organized con- Protheroe of 'the 'Open. Education;' their paper, clean glass,, and. old servation projects in the Scovill Center of the University of tires. Game 'Preserve. Taft School has 'Connecticut will be the speaker. Good Friday CZommunity accepted John, -'who earned 'the His topic will, be 'Open 'Education . George Valaitis rank of 'Eagle Scout before' his Service Scheduled April 20 14th' 'birthday, for the fall The Junior .and Senior1 faculty, Places Fourth semester. nurses and administrators, will In. Science Fair A Community Good Friday 'The service will get. 'underway James Leach, of 165 'Edge Rd., attend a. 'Session scheduled for 1 Service' will 'be held Friday even- at 7:30 p.m. and will feature was bom July 30,1166, and join- p.m.. at the High School George Valaitis, Linkfield Rd., ing, April 20, at Christ Episcopal Gospel dialogue and brief ed Boy Scouting 'March f, 1969. Auditorium. The speaker' .and 'won a fourth, place award, 'in the Church, with four local parishes meditations' on, the characters' in- He is Brotherhood rank in the discussion leader will,be 'Dr. Junior' Physical Division of the participating. volved at the foot of' the cross,. 'Order of the Arrow,, a former • Randolph Edwards of Southern. 24th Annual 'Connecticut State Tbe .Rev. Jeffrey Kittredge, Special choir 'music will be Senior Fated Leader, sewea as Connecticut State College, His Science' Fair held, Saturday in. Rector of Christ; Church:,,, said provided by the combined choirs leader of 'the Blue Trail. Tapout topic will, be The Venereal Norwalk. that members of the Trinity of the parishes:,, under the team and is a Boy Scout life Btease Epidemic and How We " The son of Mr. and Mrs. Lutheran Chapel, First leadership of their directors, guard. Jim. is a senior at Water- Can Combat It as Ad- George Valaitis, .he is a seventh Congregational and United. .Mrs,,., Joint S. Ferguson, Christ town High 'School, member of ministrators and. Teachers in. the" grader at Swift Junior High Methodist Churches will join in Church, Mrs. George the track, crass country and. 'Public School System... School. His exhibit, an electrical the service, along with their Schermerhorn, 'Trinity' Chapel; chess teams, a member of 'the* .Interested citizens of the 'com- tic tac toe game, also won a, pastors, the Rev. Harry Frank:, Frederick. .Black, First corresponding secretary of the munity .are invited to attend. special award, from the Society the Rev. William Zito and, the Congregational; and Mrs. Lee Litehfidd County Conservation " " ' " i if they so 'desire.. of 'Manufacturing .Engineers. Rev. Richard, C. PurneH., Nfcnmcher, United Methodist.. Page'5—Town Times (Watertown, Conn!), April 12,1973 Property of the Watertown Historicaldisadvastaged children. 'If the ySocietycil of Voluntary Agencie s for ~ Local Couple's " For ;ign Service and of tbe Inter- Sponsorship Aids' earn a. good livelihood, they may net Dual Council of Voluntary escape the cycle of poverty that Agencies. An individual, school Young Greek Girl has caught up their parents. or , roup interested In helping a watertownhistoricalsociety.orgBesides providing urgently- chi 1 should contact. Save the An orphaned Greek girls needed material aid, the spon- Chidren Federation, Norwalk, stands on. the brink of a promis- sorship is the source of en- Coi necttait MBS. ing career, thanks' largely to' 'the couragement to 'the child, 'and his friendship of a Watertown cou- ftmly. It 'provides' a great inoen* ple. five to know that they have .. 'Dr. .and. Mrs. Wilbur H. Caney, friends, even though far away Jr.7 190' Buckingham Street, and unseen, who care about their Watertown, sponsor 15-year-old welfare and. are willing to' 'help Anthonia" through the self-help 'them to' brigher tomorrows. PIANOS program, of Save the Children The sponsor receives a & Federation (SFC), international photograph and case history of child welfare organization with - the 'Child., .and; an .annual .report. ORGANS headquarters in Nor walk, 'Correspondence is 'encouraged, Connecticut, because 'the' 'exchange' of letters. S ales - a nd Rentals Since her mother's death three bridges the miles and brings years ago, Anthonia and her about a. warn, personal yyoungeg r brother Joseph have liv- relationship. SPIOTTI MUSIC ed with thei thir g d gdpp dt The'Federation, is registered 654 WOLCOTT ED. THE ANTIQUES FAIR, held .last Saturday i The grandparents have only a with the U.S. State Department of the Watertown Junior Woman's Club was a very successful af- small pension and a tiny proper- Advisory 'Committee' on. Volun- fair. Looking over some of the: Items displayed are Mrs. Mary Joe. ty and two mipit'ly, From this, tary Foreign Aid, ta a member of 811-2535' Clccbetti, of tie Juniors, and, Ed Clerk, one of the exhibitors. ' they derive barely enough in- the' International Union, for Child 274-8622 - . ... (Fllipponc Photo)." come to pay for fooa for the four Welfare" and. 'toe American Coun- off 'them.. UConn Branch The production marks a. Jew. opousorsoip tuiKis arc nig King 'firsts. It is the first, time, a tour- it possible for Antbonia to stay In Theatre Group To ing 'Company has been 'Created at She is ambitious to con- any of the University of Connec- Perform At Tail ' ticut branches, the first, time a currently wants to become a On, Friday, April 20, the local theatre group bar per- beautician, attending a special Traveling Players, from, the formed at Taft, .and the first school for' this, 'purpose. Sue' has' Waterbury Branch of the Univer- time-this particular adaptation been able, with sponsorship sity of' Connecticut will present of Ovid's Metamorphosis ever funds, to pay her school expeases Olympian Games, a " story has been, performed. and meet part of the cost of theatre adaptation of Ovid's Among' the. featured per- clothing and supplementary DAVIOLAltGAY KtXANOURGAY Metamorpboais, at Taft School's formers is Tom. McGrath, a. food. • Bingbam Auditorium. Curtain nrancn stuaeni .gum tjannie, Joseph, who is li yean oU, lunch is but of fki' question for dawa«ft'.Maib«s during ibu month of time' is 8 p.m.. who plays - Hercules and goes to 'the' last grade of elemen- Ramadan, for they fast Irani' daw n ufttfl tumat «vwy dory during "ttw Pygmalion. There are six'stories - tary school. He would like to go "inoffitfi'... No* need to molce. out oi iviftieni list 01 iftsflut 'OurciKned' :in all, with, all parts, hitman and.' on to secondary school, hot he to abroad unhti. ttwir ratal valtw exceed* Sf 00.... In Denmark, "hatf- non-human, played by 12 not a very good student, and may three" means half on.hour before fhfm The Daiwt, whan tpeokmg students ...through." the: acting decide on technical training -In- of the hoi hour,, refer to tin next half hour rather than the patt hour* device of transformations. ' stead...... 'Newer, never wear new .shoes, on a trip. Always take comfortable The" production .'has been con- Save 'Che Children Federation shorn, already "broken in" (o blister on your heet could "wbtract a ceived and directed by Shelly was founded in 1932, originally to day or two from your sJohrjeeing!) ... - • Frame, Watertown. resident and. help the underprivileged 'Theatre Director' at the Water-" children of Appalacbia, and 'to-

bury 'Branch. Dances have' been day also operates 'programs' on .•wlIM L«« IL^^JMILIXM^ wlnm.* •"'*-&- I I I 1*1 created for the production by his '.American ''Indian reservations ff ITI|p W^f OwwRliip ffiWfli1 Up mn&WFW9WQWwH99 p wife, Susan, along 'with original, 'and in II countries overseas. - LARGAY TRAVtL INC. Our lorge ^onprtMit Hafff hot Irawalwi music by ftuss Campoli, a sta- "" Education, is one of 'the' prin- 'ttWlvillStVViy1' flflifll 'Will' 'Jllfflwly1 'CWSW'l W©U 'WPtlWI COWI|PIMT9 'IVWWWI' WHf™, dent at the Branch.. cipal 'aims of sponsorship, ''«ic*. $•• u* tint. Then nHmm G* Away" .... lAHOAV TRAVB. because it is education tint holds INC., 131 W«l Main St., 'WatwAjury,. 757-9481 and H«tita«« Proceeds from, the sale of" 1 tickets .are the Players' only 'the' key to' the future.' for many - -••' aM^Si'l " source of .revenue. Further infor* mation may be 'Obtained by call- ing 274-0470. READY FOR YOUR GARDEN 1VA MAE'S YARNS Bazaar ROBERT L. MADEUX, 104 Heritage Village STRAWBERRY PLANTS 'Cutter St., lias 'been promoted to Southbury foreman 'of central office $ /S $ 0- repairmen by Southern New Crewd Kite . Robinson 25 for 3 25fcr 5 England Telephone, Waterbury. ' Mr. Madeux joined Hie telephone company in ISIS and was a cen- ASPARAGUS . 25 ptots for tral 'Office repairman at the: time' 'Of his recent promotion. Me is1 a member of the Watertown GRAPES - Concord, Coco, Nagara Young Republicans, the Water- Yam A Supplies town Volunteer Fire Depart- Tote Bap FRUIT TREES - Apples, Cherry, Pear, Peach, Plum ment, and assistant Scoutmaster Mat Dunbar of Troop 471. Mr. and Mrs. Madeux have two' children. tl mum Ltt fester Paraders JACKSON & PERKINS ROSES ...with i crisp, THIS FERTILIZERS WEEKEiD frn outlook Sparkling... that's l§4-4 50 Ib. Luzenw the way the whole 104-4 50% organic - 50 Ik . family should step out this Easter. 5-10-5 50 Ib. We're experts at 10-10-10 80 ,b. cleaning and press-. Superphosphate - SO Ib. ing family ward- - robes. Stop here,. ^ - first, 'then shine:! JAMES S. HOSKING LAWN SPREADER

BUSY? HE'LL PICK "OP MB DELIVER NURSERY GARDEN CENTER . ALLYN'S"/'• f6 Porter Street, Watertown CLEANEES AND,DYERS ' ' Tel. 274-8889 . ; 15 Echo Lake Road . HOURS: .M«n>. ffira. M. ^ 9 A.M. to 5:30 laiertowi 274-1636 • Sat. f *• 5 • Op«i Sun. Sfarffni April 9, 1-5 P.M. mtirtn Town Times (Watertowii, Com,), April 3, tiffS-Flap* 3 Property of the WatertownBlue Ribbon HistoricalAluminum 2, Westbury 'Room 2. threeSociety, Sandy Butterfield, St. Ma's high single and three, John's. 124 and 318; Team single Bowling Results Marcel Descoteaux, Rene's, 157 and, 'three',. O'Neill's, '433' and Watertown Men's League and 365; 'Ladies high, single and 1:21,5.,'s 'Coffee' Shop 3, Tony's P'ainf Service, 1&-Watertown VFW S, Bine 'Ribbon. 0; Gorton's "2. Old Timers, 1; Oakville VFW 2, Ernie's Auto' Body 1; Davehiy's says DRESSES 2, P&M Auto 1. High, 'Single, Bruce Austin, Watertown, VFW, 184; High three, Roy Lampron, ARE IN FOR Watertown.. VFW,, 41:9; Team single and three, Watertown -I VFW, 6S7 and. 1910. EASTER 2 ._ JUNIORS S-1S Daveluy's Restaurant 4. Oliver's 0; Chaine Bros 3, ' MISSY - S-M / Scully's Restaurant 1; Pat's HALF SIZES - 12V4-24W Barbers 1, .Mike's 1; Bethlehem 3, Independents 1; Blue Ribbon 'shop m friendly comfort" ' 2, Iylie's 2; High single, 'Pete: &DCHELE E2Z0, right, was the topGir l Scoot Cookie salesman Beach, Daveluy's, 150; High ' in Watertown-Watertown-Oakville daring the recent annual sale. three. Art; Boivin, Davebay's, [davids on's , of Troop 4832,, sold 166 boxes. Above she Is presented a 387; Team single and three',, • " " Cootie Chairman of Daveluy's, 655 and 1889. DftEftS SHOP... tificate by Mrs, Bernard WATfRTOWM-UTCHFIElD-THOAUSTON Troop 4S22. . •' ... Blue Ribbon Laifes (Koslosky Photo) Allyn's Cleaners 4. JUt 0; Dynamic Washmobile 4, John- Stan Freemi "Come-ona-my-House" ... as ny's 'Floor Service' 0; Leo's 3. In Waterbury - . wetf as his own mimerotts L.P.'s. Matty's Paving 1; Davetay's Pfe- ..WE HAVE As a composer, Stan Freeman :sa 3, Beadle Plastics 1. High, Benefit Apr. 21 'has written two Broadway single and' 'three, Vera Poplis, scores and his songs have been Daveluy's Coif funs, 136 and 392. LOVELY The Waterbury Civic Theatre recorded by such greats as Louis Team single and three, is now making plans for a benefit, Armstrong, Sammy Davis, Jr., Daveluy's Coiffures, 524 and EASTER BLOUSES performance' starring one of - Peggy .Lee, Judy Garland, "'Sarah, 1545. Waterbury's better known ex- Vaughn, and Nancy Wilson, to Sizes 8-46 ports, Stan Freeman, on .April, name a few. ,21, at the Civic 'Center'., for the Alves 3, Leo's 0'; Mike's 2, PRINTS - SOLIDS - A one-man comedy show of LaBonne's 1; LU' 2, L&L 1; Performing .Arts* 117' East, Main "Keys., and Comedy" will be LONG SLEEVES 'St.. Waterbury.. Fusco's 2, Watertown VFW 1; . presented by Stan Freeeman at Cole Screw .'Products 3, Blue Rib- Stan, Freeman, who was born 'the: Civic 'Center Benefit Show.- 1 SHORT SLEEVES and raised in Watertmry, 'has bon 0. High single' and three ,,. Art, Proceeds of this 'benefit will go Boivin, LaBonnes, 161 .and 410',; \f "*\_. -""shop '« friendly comfort" , made a very successful mark in towards continued growth and, practically every "area of' the T e a, m s i n g 1 e - a, n d t h r e e,, development of the Civic Center LaBonne's. 636 and 1110. music field. He has appeared' for' the Performing Arts. A, non- fd avidson' s 7$ with 'major' symphony 'Orchestras profit organization, 'not federally St. John's League V_^ . DRESS SHOP... as a, concert pianist, and his or State' funded,, the Civic 'Center O'Neill's 3, Rene's 1; St. work is known 40 jazz, af- is dedicated to -furthering John's '2, Leo's 2; Colonial icionados for his' inventive cultural growth, in, the greater pianism, on such records as Waterbury area' and depends on "Charlie Parker 'With, Strings** 'local and area community sup- and RosemaryTlooney's port for its continued 'existence. Ralph E. Aronheim is chair- "" White Birch man for the event with assistance, from, committee WE HAVE Ordered To Cease members, Paul Freedman, Bur- Some Activities ton Lazarow, Marie San- topietroroberta Aronheim and MORTGAGE MONEY Joseph Rinaldi. Tickets are Tie'.White Birch Day Camp,, available in area towns at any off Litchfield Rd., has 'been Colonial 'Bank' & Trust Branch, ...IF YOU HAVE ordered 'by 'the' Planning and, Zon- or by writing" P.O " Box IS, ing .Commission to restrict,' all Waterbury. activities at the site which are "THE HOUSE" not compatible with the opera- ' tion of a children's day camp. HAPPY TRAVELING * The matter was brought 'before' With Margaret lynch 'the Commission after residents Of "lib' of the' area complained that ac- tivities were 'taking place for Wflttrfcwy which, no permission .had been 'Travel. gran ted. They cited snow- mobiling, trap shooting, closing EITOH in of a building and, alleged late lOIIY night parties. 'Owner Joseph DeBlasi was 754-414* ordered by the Commission to Well,, ail* fares abide: by stipulations' which ac- ning to' settle down - finally! companied, permission to open The liR Trans-AtkBtic fares the camp three years' ago. 'These' remain, the',same except for include-the paving of French. an approximate •% increase Mountain Rd., construction of a to off-'set 'Dollar' devaluation. 50-foot wide private road 'and. 'the Some modifications in rules You've found a, house... planting of a. 25-foot 'buffer' strip pertaining to 'the 'popular How- THE HOUSE! We have the 'between the camp parking lot c«pt" Group Inclusive Tour mortgage money^rou need to make it: yours. and 'property .of 'George Jotanqn. fare (GIT to yon, and us) mak- ing booking and payment Come in. We'll-be happy to arrange a sensible, roles slightly less stringent. sound Home Mortgage Loan for you. And we'll SUMMER EXCURSION *l« it quk-kly, eflftcientl)'. We have been serving the FARES to FLORIDA have home neefls of people like yourself in the community May 1st through December for many, many years. You can depend on our 'Kith (except for some Holiday experience, and service...,., let's get together today. periods). This amounts to about a 25% discount off regular coach fares Tuesday EXTENDED BANKING HOURS through Thursday and 211%' off for your convenience Friday through Monday. This discount has been approved Monday through Wednesday 9 A.M., - 3 P.M. for Eastern Airlines and. we expect the same to follow for •('drive up window service) 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. 'Delta and. National. Will ad- vise' you. 'Thursday 9 A.M. - 7 P.M. Special 'lower fare 'tariff has Friday 9 A.M., - 5 P.M., been filed by American Airlines for .travel to West YOUR FAMILY SERVICE BANK" 'Coast areas fat least 1000 'miles from, point of origin). SHOP 'Some: of these: fares represent NOW OPEN a 30% discount no, regular coach fares. This has not yet Thomaston Savings Bank POT1MT - MtfOBTS 'been approved. Will keep you- SILVER WOflK - PEWTEI ad vised. on Sovik Street Wei, it seems as If SOME Thormwton TerryvilU Wofrtown UTCHFiELD im and. let as tell you Open: TuM.-Sai:. 9:304:30 get' ''the MOST oat of 567-0644 ". vacation plaaninc. thhe* (Watertoifr, 'Cfttnilv Adults Invited cemen's Corneij ninProperty inmi it in M HI n i nitiui uuiiwiiuiiinititi i n mofi i inn n M H I I Hthe I it i M i MHH u • • H i WatertownM 111 • i M I m > Herman Name Historicald Society Town Times, Inc. " To Scout Meeting SHREVEPORT, La. — U.S. Tennis Club Adult.." promotion in Girl Force Technical Sergeant, Published Weekly 'Scouting is the' topic of a new oaizer, - son ox Mr. Second class postagwatertownhistoricalsociety.orge paid at Wiatertown. Conn Pro Fir 1973 program, in the Watertown- Mrs. Richard T. Saber, 81 Office located in the George Building. 678 Main Street. Oakville area. The first .meeting' Awe., Oakville, has Watertown For news or information call 274-1968 or 274- is scheduled for Tuesday, April lor duty at Barksdale 4610 Address mail to TOWN TIMES Bon. S3. Oatvitle. or " M, at 7:30' p.m. at 'Christ 'Church .La.. . Box 1. Watertown Conn "' .. off 'the Green. . _ - - ^ Sergeant Sater, a weapons -. William E. Simmons. Editor & Publisher Toe purpose of the program, is controller, is assigned, to a unit iiiHitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiHiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiitiiitNiiini . get parents, of Girt-Scouts and i f the Strategic Air Command, 'Other .adults in the community, J .merica's nuclear deterrent men as we'll as women, to par''* ,1 sree of long range bombers and ticipate In Scouting. Involve- intercontinental ballistic 'mis-' Notes From Scott's : is an important step to the' i lies.-He previously served at U- mem is an important step w ume ' 'apao Airfield, Thailand. success of the Girl Scouting • April S, 1973 — Spring comes program. For' more information • slowly up this way. Sun shines to- . To have or not to' 'have',, 'that is on 'this new "program, call Mrs. PRINTED the Question. _ '- Wallace Palmer, 274-M33, or . 'day. Yesterday, quarter inch | Miss.Sally Wlber, '274-1214." mixed percipitation. Snow very Question submitted by two CIRCUIT pretty on the green things .and young.' intellectuals who describe Glory-of-the-Snows. Ground themselves as "total ignorami nament tennis.fur 12 years and BOARD froze last night. Four inches of1 -vis, a, vis gardening1"', who want has rankings in Maryland and water in'tie rain-gage (last to "build and use a garden ef- Washington, D.C. Last year be DESIGNER week's .accumulation). Weather ficiently"*: . . taught underprivileged children 'wry "seasonable." "Do you, save enough food in the Philadelphia area. A Excellent opportunity lor growth 1958 — "very wet, wry: cold 'money to justify the time spent recipient of the Moorbead with in our medical electronics April.." "Up to .May 41b rainfall., gardening it - canning/freezing? ' Scholarships, he will attend the University of-Msrtfc Carolina in equals up to September '57." .1. Must we' ""'Justify everytime Nick A minimum of 5 year* experience "By May Tlh up to October." we spend — and debit or credit it 'tie fall. ' • Me "has considerable ex- iff printed circuit oo0r0 closiojn is "May 9th stopped raining." (But at 'the minimum hourly wage Nick Herman, of Chevy Chase, necessary. Some sWeet metot and just for the day I guess. Like the " scale? Are we the .'Payers or the perience in teaching juniors and 1 Md,, currently a, 'senior at Taft electronic packaging experience is sundial, 'unless otherwise .men- Payees,? Must: we justify the ,Schaol,, has been; named club pro is anxious' to get the junior desirable. tioned " I -recorded, only the time we spend playing 'bridge, . for the 1973 season at 'the 'Water- membership actively engaged, in. Sunshiny Days.) "Coldest,, golf, checkers, watching 'Other 'town Tennis Club. learning and playing. Nick will Send resume and salary re- wettest June since 1927, accor- people play ball,, walking in 'the- .be at 'the" clubhouse six days a, quirements to Mrs. G. Rust. He has played 'varsity tennis at week to maintain the .courts,, ding- to radio.:" "July 1st. woods or just a-sittin' and '- Taft, for four years and is captain Summer came yesterday. Today give 'lessons,,, sell equipment and PHILIPS MtilCAt of the 1973' team. He ate plays supervise club activities. stinking hot." .2. We do eat better than most varsity soccer and sojiiasb and is SYSTEMS, IMC. " All. our weather is seasonable. of the uppermost income- captain of the squash 'team. Weather permitting,, the' club When can Spring mark really bracketed- idle rich. We 'don't • 'Mr. Merman has, played tour- will open, in early May for those' A Oiv... of No. American Philips, get.' started, here? 'The new lawn deduct any loss of income, who are' .anxious and, are willing Corp. mower, champing at the' hit, 'took therefore' we can't really 'be "in to sweep-up the court when they ILL. for a trial run on. the back the hole'"'. Possibly we could do. are finished, but the formal 70 Bridgeport Avt. fit. t) terrace. He has. rolled'the' lawn... some moonlighting and. earn, | OBITUARY | 'Opening 'day is June 3, 'with, a Leading his 'iron, mute 'by 'the'ear, enough' to' "" what we raise. luncheon and round robin. Am equal opportunity employer M-F he has picked, up and raked 'the Who wants it? 'What's money? "Mrs Fred Dickinson ' winter accumulation of the 'lawn. 3. We have a great deal of Funeral services for Mrs. Spread 'manure on. the Rhubarb. satisfaction,, a fundamental Nellie Dickinson, 86, off 80 Mango COUNTRY CINEMA .Fertilized and mulched the .'satisfaction,., from, cooperating Circle, Oakville, wife of Fred Blueberries with Chips. I WE are "with 'the' land to produce' food,, Dickinson, who died, April 8 at among 'the privileged 'people or 'the' freshest and, the best,,. "Who Waterbury Hospital 'after a long Shown. Nightly at 7:00 & 9:20 Is this illness, were held, Wednesday, JACK LEMMON in 'this world: We have a manure, - doth ambition shun/ and .loves to v pie and' a chip pile.) 'The grapes live in the sun,/ seeking the food April, 1,1,, at the O'NeiU 'Funeral. the perfect Home',, 712 Main St. Burial was in. "AVANTI" E have been pruned. Lime spread he '.eats,/ and pleased, with what Special Rates, For Golden Age on the' lawn.s . - he gets," "That's or' \ Northfield " Cemetery, NorthfieW. ' Kiddie Matinee - Datsun? .When, will 'the Vegetable gar- 4. WE get some good, free Sat. & Sun,, at 2 P.M. den, 'be .ready to. be worked? healthful exercise and frequently 'Bora .in. Halifax, Yorkshire, England, Jan. 1.1, 1M7. she was BILLY "THE KID vs DRACUU 'When, will it dry out enough? the satisfaction of 'being: good* "JESSE JAMES, MEETS' Reiterated prophecy: A very and, tired. the: daughter of the late Henry and Hannah (Crossley) Highly. FRANKENSTEIN'S late garden on 'this side of Scott's '5. We eat, all winter long on our' DAUGHTER - .Mountain, ~ summer's toilful recreation. She came to 'this country in 1B20 9 f9t for all-Maintee Only Many garden patches 'will be Must we "justify" Why? • and to Oakville 35 years, .ago... 'Mrs. Dickinson was a member of 'ready 'white 'we are still cham- Practically anyone can raise a l»0 Sport Cmpe ping bits;. Many mew gardeners vegetabte or1 so. -A government. the Union Congregational Wfe slice will find, their soil FRIABLE, document, on. container gardens," Church and the Church's Ladies Ask the expert. easily crumb;led" long' 'before. .gives practical instruction, for Aid Society . your hooting ours. The test: Pick up a handful raising'-things in pots 'and 'bushel In addition 'to. her husband she Your Datsun dealer is of 'mil, let it 'drop'.. It. crumbles, it baskets. 'Good; 'sunlight, 'makes a is survived by two sisters, Mrs,... ,-' bills into the Small Car Expert, is ready. "If it maintains its. tiny garden possible. Vegetables Millie ' Johnson, .of .'Detroit, even poyments. Let him. show you what shape, wait. Of' course if it ooaes tucked into flower gardens add Mich., and 'Mrs. Elsie Briggs, of .'makes 'the' 1:200' Sport 'through, the fingers as ours does, interest and .are' surprising! fun. 'England; and several neioes and, Coupe1 so 'perfect. .go for a walk, or .go fishing. ('On Don't ever try to "justify" .in nephews,. - " * dollarjind cents, or you'll spend • Reclining front, buckets, April 21') WortfW too soon the " tart* Pelt*' • 4-speed stick shift or soil will cake and be unworkable HHPi tti" Seita. Feira will .meet, Friday, Bonier. • watching other people play. April 13, at 3 p.m. at the' home of 'option! 3-speed , 'Mrs. Harold Lattin, Nova Scotia automatic transmission " Hill Rd. Mrs. Henry P. Stearns • Fold-down .rear seat. will 'present .'her paper entitled • 'Up to ,30 miles per gallon "Much to My Surprise." HURRY! ONLY - • The 25 IN' STOCK Basket Barn •WITH 39 Grove SU, Thoaaston lours: Mon. through Sat. - PRE-DEVALUATION 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. PRICE TAGS? TEL.,,2»"S«1. .Drive a Datsun... And that's what we're offering with our heating oil budget plan WINDOW ClIANliS that spreads your payments . ComiMfcial - Industrial evenly over the. months. - Residential - What you pay In June, you pay in January. You get heating efficiency alt • comnm FLOOR CARE year round with clean, depend- "• CIlPfT SHAHPOOING able Mobil Healing Oil, and con- venient monthly payments you "• OfFKI CLEANING can count on. COUNTY • IU1UMNG HWINTfNANa Call us now. We're horn* healing specialists. And.Budget CaH Denaki P. Forgu« Organizers, to make your win- 274-304* tars more comfortable. - „ mint Mobil* MOTORS heating oil * INCORPORATED AttAS QfHY Tfeur comfort Is our business AUTHOMZH) DATSUN ARMAND3 SAUS « SVCt. STffAITS • TURNMKI • FUEL CO MIDOlfBUHY SPRING FASIONS by Davidson's and, week' at a, fashion show at Watertown, High School, edby 131D«vtsSt.,O«fcvine the Council of Catholic Women of St. John's Cborcfa. Hcturedare GUILD OPTICIANS IMSI Diane McGough, seated, Giimy Coffey, standing left, and Shelley Contact L«n»«t 758-2409 Pazera. (Filippone Photo). Property of the WatertownTom'Tliiie Historicals (Watertown,-Cgaii«.) Society, April-12., .tSff3-rPa|g e 5 WATERBURwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgY SAVINGS GIVES YOU

SAVINGS CERTIFICATES . Now you can brighten up your life today, while you build up your nest egg for tomorrow. Waterbury's Instant Interest Plan. The instant you buy a Savings Certificate, you -can get your interest in advance. And you can take your interest in your choice of great items or in cash. Our Savings Certificates are available in a variety of denominationis. . " ... " And you can't find a better way to save your money. $1250 $1350 $2350 INSTANT INTEREST INSTANT INTEREST INSTANT INTEREST Savings Savings Savings Certificates Certificates Certificates This two-year Savings Certificate can This two-year Savings Certificate can This two-year Savings Certificate can help you whiz through your lawn mowing help you sew up a storm with a Singer brighten your life with an 18-inch Port- chores with a 21-inch Torn Whirlwind model 418 stylist zig zag machine. able RCA "Vogue" color television set. salf-propeHed rotary mower. This 'power- This deluxe model features built-in ful beauty is powered by a rugged 3ft fashion discs, a button-holer, snap-on horsepower, 4-cycle engine. presser feet, flexi-stitcrt discs for sewing on knit and stretch fabrics, push button reverse control for fast reverse feed and carrying case.

or or '143.12 •154. '269.06 in cash in cash in cash

All of these Instant. Interest Savings Certificates yield a 5.4% annual rate of sim- ple interest on your investment. That's because we pay you the interest on a pre-paid basis. Our regular 'two-year Savings Certificates still pay you the highest rates allowed by law 6.27%.. ,

North Miin S S»»in(t St. 211 Men-Men ttmt Wstwturr «. snapping f t»m Miff ton Am Milf 9:00 • 540 Mm. - W*d. 9:00' - 3:00 Chase Avenue Shopping Plaia Man, -Wed. 10:00 4:00 800 Wolcott Strtet Ttairs, *tlf 640 Tlwrs. 9:00 - 7K3C, Man.-Wed. 10:00-4:00 Ttairs. ft Fri. 10:00 • 8:00 MM - Wed. 10:00 - 4:00 Frl. 9:00 - 5:00 Thin. ft. Ffi. 10:00 - 8:00 Thurs. t Fri. 10:« - 8:00

WHTttTOWK PtOSKCT WOtCOTT 197 High HwJ 1021 S. M» In St. Straits Turnpike W« toy Rd. near Scott Rd. SlSWofcottM. -(«•. It Rpriti) i(ilt. 10 South) Mm. - Wed. 9:00 - 3:00 Mon. - Wed. 9:00 - 3:00 Mon. - W«J. 9:30 M on. • Wed. 9:00 • 3:00 Mwi. - Wed. 10-00 - 4:00 Ttiurs. 9:00 - 7:00: Thun. 9:§0 , 740; THu-s. 9:30 - Thun. 9:00 - 5:00; Thun. 10HM • 7:00; Ffi. 9:00 • 5:30 Fri. 9:00 • 4:00 Fri. 9m - ? r Fachral iDtpasIt liwunnca Corporation F SM 7M Page fr^Toyn Times (Watertown, Cwm..),, April 12, 1973 Property of the WatertownJSBUW Btmd THistoricalo Perform Society At WHS.Spring.Concert SEEP POTATOES Lpwn - Garden --Farm Participating in ' the High " Bock and Mr. Pettinicchi to the School Spring Concert,, schedul- tune: 'Of Sweet Georgia Brown. It FERTILIZERS watertownhistoricalsociety.orged for May 11, will be the Water- will bring: back memories of town High Jazz Band, directed drum, duos, by 'Gene Krupa and H. S. COE, CO. 'by Robert Pettinicchi. Buddy Rich in the 1940'3. 45 fretqht St. 7S4-AI77 'The' group, which rehearses on The jazz band also will per- ' Monday evenings, has caught, the form for the students at 'the high InUrwr Eilwrior attention, of many passersby, school and at another concert who often stop in to listen to' scheduled for April in' Water- PAINTING ' '"Big Band Sound," ..created by 14 town. - ,- , 10% OFF talented musicians. April Only - Members of the 'band include: Richard Natale, Mack Anderson, MI'S LANDSCAPE FREE ESTIMATES Robert Bertollette, Tom Wilber WARNER & SONS and Glenn Mazzamaro, Trumpets; Ion "Black, Mike. LANDSCAPE SERVICE PAINTING Murphy. Richard Cady, and Bil j u d ge „ T rombon es; John 274-6898 274-4497 ' Sbelhart and Jim. Budris, Sax- ophones; Bill, Langelotti, Bass Guitar; Mark Lafraniere, Elec- tric 'Organ; and Randy/' Rock, Drums. " " , Included in the' repertoire of' the group are such tunes as Mon- day, Monday. My .Sweet. 'Lord, Light My Fire, Watermelon. .Man and Spinning WheeL A special, arrangement of" Lionel Hamp- - Everyone is stopping to ton's Hey Bob-a-re-bob is per- formed with Richard, Natale as see our shop. Thank you. . .. JOSEPHINE MOZONSKI, Thomaston, recently goct an early vocalist. An'Old, fashioned, drum We have - "• . • retirement -after 48 fears, of service with the Setto Tttotnas Divi- duo 'will" be performed 'by Randy sion, General Time Corporation, Sbe was presented with a Setb * PERMANENT EASTER Thomas Legacy Westminster Chime dock by Ron*'Weaver, General .Manager of Seth Thomas and Vice-President of General, Cl ftiJtJ! FLOWERS *3 - *4 a plant Time, ••••••• . •• • CAN'ED ' RUSHED •SPLINT * MOPPET & LEFTON'S : Students Hear Keating of the Southern New England Telephone Company 758 9413 HGURINES SNET Co. 'Official Personnel, Department, spoke to a group 'Of approximately 100 GIRS FOR EVERY On Wednesday,. April 4, students of the 11th and 12 grades Registrationi now open ' through the arrangement - of "Stephen Adamski, Career enrolled' in the .technical for Fall 1973-74 " CASSION AT PRICES Guidance' Specialist at, Water- vocational 'Courses at Watertown town High School, Joseph High. . , • FOR EVERYONE Mr. Keating explained how a OWL & PUSSYCAT person would go about applying RED TAG SALE • 10%-20% Off Easter Parties- for' a position, with SNET 'CO. .He NURSERY SCHOOL Slated Next Week discussed, the job application and, 'The Junior Woman's Club has some 'Of 'the types of questions Ml "Maim St. announced plans for pre-schooler that are asked during an, inter- CWM. PANDORAS BOX Easter parties, On Tuesday, view. He also 'Snowed a," short CARD AND GIFT SHOP April, l?,, there will be a party at film showing.people in. all 'the' CM! «rv !•% »WW «t 0MHS 731 -Main St., Watertown 274-4343 the Oakville Branch Library at different occupations involved m. 1

liances. Hallmark prescription AIRWICK JOHNSONS SOLID WEATHER ROOM 59< DEODORIZER WAX LARGE List 98" SELECTION for: cars S1J§ list SCOPE OF Mouthwash It nz. * COUPON Family CANDIES, TOYS, ie SLSf L $t - good ihru April 17 Size ' §- ' ZIPPO BASKETS, GIFTS, ANIMALS PLAYTEX HALLMARK Disposible BotHes pack of 55 leg. list *1.1§

* COUPON * good: thru April 17 MAALOX 86 Antacid, liquid • • - 12 ox. DESITIN id PLEDGE limit one per customer FURNITURE OINTMENT $ free BABY CUP 1.08 96< 14 oz. regular anil lemon


WATERTOWN PLAZA open 7 days 1161 MAIN ST., WATERTOWN 274-5425 8 a.m. -lOp.m Page 8-Town Timea (Wat^town, Com), April 11, li>73 Property of the Watertown HistoricalSquare Dance Hel dSociety For 150 Patients IARIBAULTS watertownhistoricalsociety.orgTbe Watertoiro-Oakvilte 'lien-' «• MAIN ST.. OAEVUXE a Square Dance' Party for 150 W.tlt-aMirPt-ltlf patients at FairfieJd Mills Hospital last week. Mrs..Robert. Sbelhart was the KAY'S HARDWARE caller. Music was supplied by David Stance cm. tbe electric .Til. 274-1038 ,. Twenty-two members of the Smic* A Quality 6»fort Met Watertown-Oakville Mental Health Volunteer ^orps tool ' part and served about '450 sandwiches' to the. patients. 6*» - Nat Coffee .and. 'Easter' candy also 'Were' part, of the refreshments. HO Mi: LITE

ECONOMICS CLASSES at Watertown High School beard a presentation last Thursday by Jeff Nye of the Utchfield County Extension Service as part of their study of the U.S. agricultural problem. The classes nave been examining the historical American farm problem regarding low farm income, sur- pluses, price supports and conservation efforts and resultant effects on consumers over tbe past several weeks. Mr. Nye presented tbe farmers* case regarding farm income vs. investment of capital and labor, and proposed several answers to stmient questions directed toward present high market prices for meat, grains and farm products. Mr. Nye's visit was arranged by Steve Adamski, Career Guidance Specialist at Watertown High, who introduced toe speaker. - ,'• « Board Approves quired 18 credits be would lie Month, currently being held at allowed' to leave fur the the high'." school. • Program To Permit remainder of the fear. Superintendent of Schools Early Graduation Tbe possibility of smoking If James Holigan announced that students at the-high school was according to reports, he has The'. Board., of 'Education for- raised by Franklin Wilson, .received.,' 25% to 40% of all mally approved a program Board member, and John elementary school children in providing for early .graduation.' Burger, representative Iran the the state are in "urgent" .'need, of from high school at the meeting Student Council,, and. in. a vote,' denial care. He urged the Board HANGING Monday evertng. which did not change the to consider 'reinstating monies, in Principal William P.. Williams positions, taken at the March 'the budget for '(he services of a GRASS SEED • FERTILIZER • GYPSUM outlining tie program, mted .meeting, tbe issue was defeated. 'dental hygenist. that very i'ew students would ex- Mr. Sweeney, Spanish teacher "The cirriculum meeting for HOSS ercise the option, .because it at Watertown High, outlined for April will te held on. tbe 16th. IJACOBSEN • ARIEN$ • HAHN-ECUPST[ would require planning at the the 'Board, plans for an upcoming "The topic of discussion will be end. of 'tie sophomore' year, ap- excursion by 24 students and. four proposed new' programs and 523_Main St. (rear County Cinema) Watertown proval by guidance counselors advisors to Spain for 'tbe week of - staffing needs for" tie' 1973-74 -and parents, recommendation of Spring vacation. school year. 'The1 meeting' is open 274-4434 • ______'the teachers, as well as carrying Hay 20 tentatively was set for to the' panic. • an exceptionally heavy schedule 'tbe.1 dedication ceremonies of tbe through the junior year in order Frank If. Reinhold Pool.' at to meet. all. tie requirements, for Watertown High School, Twater graduation. carnival will be staged as. enter- ' Some concern, was voiced, 'by tainment at 'the "event. Board member Donald' Poulin John. Burger' outlined for 'the 'that a student's 'basic education. Board, programs planned by the WE HAVE MOVED - might 'be shortchanged if allow- Stydent Council for Earth. ed to complete high school in. three years.. • IJ. BLACK 1 SDH, IHC. '- 'The Board approved the Sales & Service to more spacious quarters • program, "and asked' for a report VMM Pumpi, '••*•!' S*fan«rs .. at 'the end of two years. They also understood 'that should a Hi- . senior in tbe middle of 'that, final 274-8853 year have completed1 the •re- k at


on Sfitttti s Pof Wateitown Our Prompt,- Courteous Service

: and Excellent Worionafrtsliip

• • • ONLY $50.00 Remain the Same $5.00' discount if registered by May 1st. Memorial Day to' Labor "Day For All Your Residential or Commercial Needs clip and return to: ' ' .. " GLASS Waterbury YMCA - Youth Department 136' West Main. St., Waterbury, Conn. O67Q2' - or call 754-2181 " Please send information about the FAMILY CENTER PAR GLASS -i .Address. Zip now at -also interested in — Day Camp 117 Ecin» Lake -Rd. 274-21511 Watertown .Resident.. Camp Property of the WatertownTow Historicaln Times (Watertown, Conn.) Society, April 12,

V- ' •'•• F''s pobcy fo immediately PUT THEM BOTH TOGETHER>'!•* LJa• 1 y "A'hnle sail! meat drops . .. •Ail* Is nil the savings posted in our Everyday Low Prices & immediate price WHOLESALE reductions at our meat case n idfiitinn tn these repuiar savings Weekly Sales Specials They add! up to MEATPRK -CK THE MEAT PRICES IN THIS AD the fact that YOU CAN TRUST Fl- THEY SAVE YOU FROM 10 to 46 NAST FOR HONEST VALUE' DROPPING-. p-jund below the ceiling prices hi:.! at our stores

Dear Shopper- USDAClwice USD A Choice Here is an excerpt from a |elter


20 off Chudt - T«nd«r, Flavqrfuf MMI for' Mine, SaJad or: Frieasaw Fresk _ Fowl 20 off ntAWKFUITS. Bomltn Chuck USDA Choice M ikkkM USOACttotee M Steaks

Bone4e» ShouMer "*TIM King of Brotts" ftmtass - Wsal to Broil or Pan Fry I *- vsv Chopped Ham Turkey Roll * Steaks m Swiss Cheese •CaHn| Ma IM itaHd b MM: D^wWinl M M S»*t BATHROOM CHARNIN TISSUE TURBOT FILLET BREAKSTONE it YOGURT 69 Haddock FUlet R 1% I Scallops s?s R lu CAMPBELL'S RH S 99» Ckerrystoae Claiu ^ Aaei. Cheese Fiifc Cakes -- »


TUeDetejgeat v 83* Lady Scott « Z^Z9" u^s^M»-,^ eAt t=-3-89'N Ckeese Pizza - 09 Minute llaU ^ l« FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT Grape Juice 4 1 Natzos SK. »2P "| UBJUH|T lIHUHHaWRE' lit^Batfl attain 'ta a^SaWH ^^^BM Gefilte Fisk V3 Mr NNI MI ftmmmt,m mmm kr a MTOMI. Bonefct A -39' 8 1 I MM M • •• IBM1 Bsi • !•' MM VlM Mi aMiat ft• pi MMm«• a^i MI • M» 6-49' A g J ^ ^ il M JoAoCdexy .29'

• • • • • THE W8HT TOUW T OMfOTnB lM, 1973 Page 10-Twm Times (Watertown, Coon.), April 1973 GirPropertyl Scout News of the Watertown Historical Society A. ..very' - date' to remember, April 17, your service 'unit 'meeting. Again this month it 'Will be run at '" - 'different. * times1 tor1 'your con* venience: ' 9:30 a.m. at' First Congregational Church and 7:» p.m. at Union Congregational Church. There is a great deal, of' business to be taken can of 'this month, Please try to attend or if this, is .impossible .maybe one .of your 'troop committees would at-.. 'tend for .you.:. Our 'Cookie 'cupboard is.'hare for -another' .year. Town, cookie chairman Mrs. Richard Estey TED TIETZ, JR. reports that everyone did very TRUCKING well this year. As many .of you know., cookie money.. is used ' primarily Cor' camping in the VOUCAIUWEHAUL council and many times the ANYTIME;ANY PUCE 'troops, use' theirs for this purpose ' CRUSHED STONE too. " •" GRAVEL-LOAM-SAND In Watertown-Oakville 'this BULLDOZING ' year 11,0011' boxes were' sold by 1 REASONABLE HATES 239 girls, which averages 45 box- LOOKING EVERY BIT .UKB PROS, children in. Miss Marsha Mabooey's first, grade at Judson School rehearse a routine for the. Baktwin-Judsoa PTA's physical education demonstration to be presented Yo*i'r« Always Ahtod es per girl. 'This is a 'big" jump . Whan Yov Call T«f over1 last year's S per .girl. tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 o'clock, in. the Judson School Gym. A brief business meeting, at 7.: IS, will 'The .girls worked hard, 'this 'precede the program (PTA photo). . year. All the troops 'made posters, 'which 'Were: placed in • District -.Art: <' .,, many stores. Mrs. Estey has .an-' Slide-Lecture UX PERMANENT - Judging Today' nounced that three of them WAVES deserve honorable mention. Seven members of "Hie Junior They were . made by'.. Jane Woman's Club will attend the APMJ. 16 - APRIL 21 Amatruda 4301, Kathy Wick 4021, Tonight At Taft District. 1.1 Day arts, crafts and. Marie Dunlavy .and Barbara. Zap- .Donald. Robinson, lecturer .and .sewing contests .in Woadmuy 'to- Regular Special pone 4301. Cadettes did 20 second rapher, will present a day '(Thursday). ''" Those entering items for' judg- 20.00 17.50 the sate. -. ' .. ' . 1 '"72: "A. Relief .Effort'" at Taft " ing are 'Mrs... James. Mullen, .Mrs.. 17.50'.. 15.00 'The three! troops 'with, the School's Laube Auditorium ' William. O'Donnell, Mrs. John < highest sales were 4322, Mrs. ttursday) at 7 p.m. O'Bar, Mrs. Richard 'Carlson .and 15.00 : 12.50 Mary Ellen Lukosevage, Chair- .Mrs. Edward Dwyer. .Mrs. Fred man; 4206, Mrs. Loretta ~pnesen.ta.tion is open to the public. ' Gyurkako,. president,'' and 'Mrs. Wasilauskas Chairman; and Eric Kuegler, vice president, 4083, .Bin.. Barbara Vera Chair- Mr. Robinson was in. also will attend. First. : man. '"' * Bangladesh "from May to winners • will, be eligible to enter" Wishing Michelle Ezzo 4322 was. top in. September of 1972 after the Indo- * the' state contest in. Hartford on you a sates with .165 'boxes to her Pakistan War working.. for .a May I and 2. credit. British company overseeing the 1 - 'Saturday, four members will Nappy Easter 'Our list of girls selling over 100 use""of Sea 'Trucks, 'in" relief 1 . attend the - Junior . Spring boies this year grew. They are: operations... His activities, en- Conference in 'Stamford at which Season 4021 - Heather Dyer and Michelle tailed work with U. N. .officials.' . awards, will be 'made to. clubs for - Jalbert; 4028 - "Jenny. Jones., .as well as with representative* 'Outstanding project* undertaken" Cynthia .Mitchell -and ' Kathy of "the British and Bangladesh this 'past 'year. They are: Mrs. Ziegler; 4054 - Stacy La governments. Mr. Robinson's Frank Wujick, Mrs. Walter Perriere, Mary Jane Finateri "'work .also brought him into dose Fischer, .Mrs. Gyuricsko .and JONATHAN'S and Charlene Cole; 4083 - Char- contact with the " " ' 'Mrs. Carlson. - ..." _ maigne Vera; HOT - Christine countryside and people. Also scheduled for Saturday is '274-5459' - WATERTOfWN • •274-5450' Rodia; 4107 - Mary Ellen His film and sikJesinclode war 'the1 club's annual scboiaship ball Palmer, Carol Maskable, and damage, the floods, and U.N. ac- at 'the Castilian Room. Proceeds ' 'Open Mon. - Sat, 9 00 a.m. - 5:30 p m. Sue Me Bennett; 4157 -Debbie tivities. A Rutgers University will, enable the dub' to' award two. Thursday Ew•'#" 9 00 p.m. Yeske; 4200 - Diane Thomburg; 1400 scholarships. 4322 - Lorraine Lucewict, graduate, Mr. Robinson present- Michelle Ezzo and Jennifer .An- ly is making another f Una at the drews.. Rhode Island School of Design in Providence. Our 'congra.ta1b.l0ns. '.and our $ .. thanks to all. the girls .and. to 'their cookie chairman for a fob wry '1.25 DYNAMIC 1.25 well " TOWB Committee The Watertown-Oakville Republican 'Town. - Committee will meet tonight (Thursday) at WASHMOBILE .1 o'clock at .the Watertown, Library with 'Chairman Michael Galullo presiding. Completely Automatic

effective SARTORI CAR WASH April 1

LANDSCAPING, INC Pre-rinsingi & Wax Inchjded A Complete Landscaping and Maintenance Service ' Commercial > Residents! • Industrial " - MONEY SAVING SPECIAU SPECIALISTS IN • LAWN MAINTENANCE Book of 11 tickets for $10°° » SODDING ill a *13.75 value — save $3.75 YARD RAKING ask (he attendant for information THATCHING 2 WASHMOBILES TO SERVE YOU LICENSED GROUND SPRAYING 3 MINUTE CAR WASH WATERTOWN 274-2M4 Charles Sartori Crawford Slason ECHO LAKE RD., WATERTOWN Property of the WatertownT^;1?itiM'(Watcfftora,'Coni.) Historical Society, April 12, lf»—Pag e II our newly remodeled Water town Office

Hand Painted Ceramic Pins aysteHes & goM fmislied safety cbsp

Your pin money really adds up at First Federal. Deposit $25 or more to a new or existing savings account' and you may take your choice of nine fashionable hand painted under glaze ceramic pins, with safety clasps and gold finish mountings. LIMITED OFFER-ONE PER ACCOUNT WHILE SUPPLY LASTS First Savings 656 Main Street Watertown -i

Page 12-TOWP Times (Watertown, Conn.), .April, IX 1ICT Property of the Watertown Historical Societyand Mrs, Irvin g DooUt- " Bridge Results > - East and West:" "Peter' ., Remits in the Tuesday, .April: and Mrs. Edward 3, session of the Asbworth 133; John Doyle and Duplicate Bridge Club are as O'Brien. 11IU; Mrs. watertownhistoricalsociety.orgfollowi. North and South: Mr Hurlburt and Newell and Mrs. Hubert Hodgson, l»%; 116; and. 'Thomas Mr. and 'Airs,. Edward "Walker. .and Miss Sandy-Robin 127; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lopez,


MR. ANTONUOCn fourth grade class at Poll School recently presented Ila March program entitled PRE-EASTER SHOE SALE Spring Rwer. He program consisted of Spring and March poems, a play and songs sung by the children and accompanied by Mr. Antonucci on his guitar. Pictured, seated, left to right, are: Todd Boll, Lori TIRED OF Franzese, Elizabeth Masayda and Brian LeClerc. Standing: Harold Chapman, Nelson Pabey, Billy HEAVY SHOEST WALK-OVfR MEN'S SHOES Talmadge and Hark Camsillo (Koslosky Photo) ^ 4 BOOTS CUB PACK 55 Webelos. They are as follows: 1' Silver Arrow; David Sweety r sioti ZIPPER ^ f9ffS Cub Pack 55 ferid it's Pack Andrew Carlo..David Sweet, Bob Bear .'Badge; and Chris Mattson, Meeting' recently, at 'Christ LeClair, David Cyr, Steven. tfOHCW* - ' Leisring, and. Randy Pirie., ' . Rocket kits were distributed to MENS ROOT'S mm 1J Church Hall, The Green. Six flexibb leather sole boys moved up from Cubs to be .made up for' the Rocket Derby Entertainment for. -evening rubber fop piece heel was in 'the' form of competition to be held at the next Pack . Friends Annual 1 Meeting on April 27 at Christ MENS SHOES up .among - the boys. Two if the Church. Any 'hoy I to 10 yean of Meeting Tuesday events were jousting and discus age who is interested in joining SPECIA SALE throwing. Fun.' was had by all. Pack "55 .should, contact Cub- W.A. Frankel, Librarian, at 'The following boys were CHILORENS SHOES up Taft School, will 'lie tie guest awarded 'merit; badges. Steve master Ed Kosinski at 274-0638. speaker Tuesday, April 17, at the' Leisring. 3 Silver Arrows; Roger annual meeting of the Friends of Bovin, 3 Silver Arrows; Steve the Library from 1 to 3 p m. in Anderson, 1 Silver and 1 Gold the Friends Gallery. " " arrow; Andrew Carlo, 1 Gold The topic will 'be Illustrated .Arrow; DM Jamieson, Athlete'; Manuscripts, how they were Keith Longley, Naturalist; Gor- produced and different styles of: dotn Campbell, 'Traveler .and manuscripts from the 6th to the Geologist; -Ray "Anderson, 15th century. Slides will, be Geologist; John Zappone, 1 Gold shown, and. 3 Silver1 Arrows; David Cyr, ' There: will be an election and installation' of. a president, and. vice-president., 3**^ '1091 W. MAIN ST. WA'fltMM'1 INSURANCE H«MS Rcpoir«d •IM ESTATE Bogs - ••tor nuns J.ANDRE FOiiNIl " to ltd* MfftmSt.,.O«fcwa •ifjute MfKA VACUUMS 274-2569 I flV'PIMff' 'Ilil'. LISTINGS WANTED Twa, FAMILY CYCLE CENTER

NOW AT OUR NEW LOCATION „ ' ' ' . ;.." 140 HOME! ST., WATERBURY "' (opposite th« 25u car wash) OPfN: n-§ HH . Daly . 9-2 Sat. _____ 757-7130 " • " •. BOX STORAGE YOU'LL BE SURPRISED! While you're downstairs how' thrifty— tallang up a storm, how convenient—' upstairs you may be halving one. saves closet It happens... ' . • • '; space for you) "' . - You're upstate getting ready to re.|ax#an d ; the phone :rings, • •'• All GARMENTS Downstairs. And. it's Mom ,*... and : COMPUT ELY CIE ANED how're 'the kids?...,... and, guess- what? Your sister's engaged! • • FREE MOTHPROOFING You lose: track. The tub doesn't. ' .• PICK UP" AND DELIVERY .An extension phone up there in. the hall or 'bedroom would :ha¥e ke^t you closer to what you were, doing. ' A.T. STANARD CLEANERS - For just pennies a day. PHOlii 447 MAIN ST. 27*3713 OAKVILLE • ' "An. extension phone is worth it STORt Town Times (Watertown, Conn.), April 12, 1973—Page 13 ReservationPropertys Still New Yor k Ofoff Radi theo City Mus kWatertownformation, caO the Recreation- HistoricalThis, year's show is the: world, two-parSocietyt stage show, "Tie: Glory Hal Annual Easter Show. A 'Oflte 274-5411, Extension 221 premiere of the new musical Of Easter," 'This, stage show will Available 'For chartered bus will leave Water- between the hoars of 1 p.m. and 5 version of' Hark Twain's .great feature the Symphony Music Mall Trip town at 9:30 a.m. en Thursday, p.m. daily Director of Recrea- classic "Tom Sawyer." Also Orchestra, New York Ballet April 26, travel to New York for tion Don Stepaoek saM, "Any featured with the' movie will be a Company and the Rockettes. Seats still are available for the the watertownhistoricalsociety.orgtnatioee performance and Senior Citizen from the trip that OK Watertown Park then return to Watertown. Watertown-OakviUe area will be and Recreation .is sponsoring to Wat reservations and, more in- .Riven, a reduced rate for this trip." WOODBURY LANDSCAPE & LIGHT FIXTURES TREE SERVICE, Inc. ALL STYLES We or© now taking orders for dormant and foliage spraying. • SPRING CLEANUP • FERTILIZING, Lawns & Tree* • PLANTINGS • TREE PRUNING and BXTURI SHOWN REMOVAL . - It" TIFFANY 5TYLI • STAItif© GLASS MNflS • BRUSH CHIPPING MANY • SHRUBBERY MAINTENANCE *39. COLORS RICHARD F. WARNER - CHARLES NEURAK1S, first grader at Polk School, brought Us GLENSTONE ¥erj special pet to school Friday to entertain his classmates. Fred- SUPPLY Insured LICENSED ARBORIST N* dy 'the' moneky delighted the youngsters and was the model of Illl Emt MM, 7S7 344I PHONE: 263-2060 - decorum.' - Church St • ' (Koslosky photo) Woodbury WATERTOWN PLAZA GRANTS SAT. - APRIL 14th -10 a.m. - 9 p.m.


* On Everything in the Store EN.'OY BETTER LIVING WITH That's Our Gift to You, GRANTS CREDIT OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW For a Happy Easter!

— Come Ekirly for Best Selection — (Charge Your Purchases) Ask Any Salesperson * Except Fair Trade Items

More For Your Moneysworth Store Watertown Plaza -1141 Main Street Page: 14—Town, Times (Watertown, Conn.), April 12, 1973 Staff Positions ArtProperty League To Host of Lecturethe Watertown Historical9 Society By Noted Artist H.E. Abrams Opep n At Girls' Imbimlm ® Formal Wear' Club Day Camp - • 20 Union St. - Waterbury | - Applications ^ now are being' watertownhistoricalsociety.orgaccepted for positions at 'fie ' .. . . 753-8«M» • 1 Girls Club Day Camp which mil be held this summer at Lake ' Our personal supervision <' Quassapaug for the month of Ju- ly. " • _ and years of experience The camp meets five days a week, with a tun leaving Water- insures perfect fittings. < town at 9:30 a.m. and returning by * SomS e of the pasitiotts open in- Finest cleaning - Puritan Pry Cleaners - 754-2955 clude: Crafts Counselor, Active Gates Counselor, two Water' Safety Instructors, Waterfront Director, and seven Senior Life 'Savers. ... • - GAS PAINS??? • For more information call Mrs. William O'Donnell at 274- STILL YOUR BEST BUY 1973 VOUSWAGEN Ml 48 Mo. F»xmcitsq If Quo!Wad ' Janet M. Hotchkisa, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. John C. Hotchkiss, Butternut Lane, has Works As Well As A Konair Volkswoo**' The Watertown Art League considered a master' himself at 'been named to 'the 'Dean's List ' will present a lecture by Herbert ""'capturing' the drama' and ex- for tie fall semester at Drew ON DISPLAY NOW! E, Abrams on Monday, April 16, citement created 'by light irfov- University, Madison, N.J. She is at 8 in the First ing from its source .across' and. a 1971 graduate of St. Margaret's PIQNHRVOLKSWAGEN Congregational Church Hall, 40 around a subject," School, Waterbury. OeForest Street. .- - Mr. and Mrs. Abrams and, Mr. Abrams is' one of - the" their two children, Kathy and,. MO StroitJ t*n,p*e Rt. a-W«tartfn~2M4Mf leading portrait. artists in Billy live in Warren, where Mr. CAWuic UMOUSINIS America today. Among the many Abrams, also maintains 'his Wedding* & Otter' Occasions famous people whom he has been studio.' He is very active in many . Any Day - ,Anv Time - commissioned to paint have been art organizations including the Any Weather I. General William Westmoreland, National Arts. Club, Salmagundi, IXMUSSWAJT AUTO UVMY 93 Meridtn Rd - 754 4151 " I" Mrs. WestmoreIand, Ed Art Students, League, American THE NATIONAL Si COUNCIL Fitzgerald - and General Anna, Artists Professional, League, - -' Mae Hays of the Army .Norse Hudson Valley Art Association, Corps. and Kent Art Association. - " A 'New England native, Mr. This lecture, because' of the* MATTY'S I . Abrams attended, art schools in < HERBERT J. SHAW fresh every meek FIELD UNDERWRITER" Individuals, Clubs, Organizations .,., As Wetlands Agent' Tie Town Council will be re- ffilf f Ml, lip: PHSTf rST-9833 quested to designate the Conser- Mswjmcim »r 2744244 vation Commission as agent to implement the Inlands Wetlands Act for Watertown. Chairman Jack Traver was in- structed to write the Council ask- ing that the appointment be 49'DflFamtSt.,,,Wfl P©*t Office Dr»9 .Slow made. The matter presumably •towns: f' am m IS noon _ n«at l* T'wwn Hill _ will be taken up at next Mon- day's meeting of the Council. 274-4960 274-1056 . .. CLEANUP TIME IS HERE! i

wmrs•iiicn WASH ONION DRY SETS 39( Yellow/ Ib. SPRING wmm, VINYL, FOLD TOOLS SERVICE Hoes - Rakes Shovels Hand Cultivators SHIRT SERVICE KWIK KOIN WASH WATERTOWN ." #f» COMPLETE FABRIC CARE CENTER FEED & GRAIN STORE Westwood Shopping Plaza " " . ., - of Garassino itruction Co., Inc. 1626 Watertown Ave., Waterbury 753-8565, 753-971? 41 Depot St., We 274-1221

irr Town Times (Watertown, Com.), April 12, 1973—Page 15 Property of the Watertownproval of state and national HistoricalGreg Mischou, Derek Therrien, BotelleSociety, Bob Botelle, Greg g horse: stow associations' of a. date Steven Cote:, ' Louis Penned, Hunt, Keith Hunt, Marek BETHLEHEM NEWS of August 12 for the 35th annual Victor Noseworthy and Richie Mierzwinski, Donald Wells. - 'Bethlehem, Horse Show. O'Neill .... Promoted to' second, 'Skill, awards went to' Mark if Paul Johnson Bethlehem-Morris Garden class scouts were1 Guy Gonzales, Cote, Gregg Hunt, .Robert Mad- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgClub 'meets Tuesday at 7:45 p.m.. Donald Wells, Jeff Rudzavice, dox. Bill Carlson, Jeff Wildman. Last week's town meeting Nelson Jordan. in Bellamy Hall, with. Mrs. John Joe Downey and Karl Hunt. .'Donald Wels, Keith. Hunt, Jeff voted, to adopt 'the state' wetlands This Friday is date of annual Computzzi to speak on "The Art, Merit 'badge winners are Jack 'Cote, Bill Cohen and Karl Hunt, legislation, and a seven member Chinese auction given by the of Bonsai" ... Mrs. Computzzi conservation commission is tob e PTO as means of helping; fund will demonstrate with small in charge of its administration the .scholarship program ... Sale shrubs and trees she uses in her WATEKTOWN HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT and enforcement locally ... The gets under way at Elementary work ... A silent auction is to 'vote approving ..the legislation School at 6:30' p.m., and those: precede and follow her COMING: FRI. EVE MAY llti, 8:W p.m. was 81-17, with mstny voters ob- who have items to contribute demonstration ... Members are viously uncertain- as to may bring them to the school asked to' bring items for the auc- Spring Concert and Arts Festival operations of the new set which throughout the day on Friday or tion .... Visitors are to be Featuring has many phases and, becomes may contact Mrs. Waiter. welcome at 'this meeting off 'the quite Involved in its application Seiderer, PTO president. club. * Jazz Band * Chorus * Concert Band * Under the adopted vote the Newly organized business has .Planning Commission .has • Concert Choir * Art Exhibit * conservation commission can, purchased, property and is issued notice of public hearing to R. Pettinicchi — C. Collier, Directors adopt regulations governing preparing the start, of operations be held .May 7 at town, office wetlands without a further vote, on 'Main Street "... John, Ben- building on application filed by but must hold a public hearing to savage, Albert Johnson and, Joao Ernest Schmidt to' subdivide land RESERVE THE DATE — MAY lltii obtain opinions which may or Fernandes have acquired a on Judge Lane ... Board of may not aeffeet the decision ... house and, two acres of land from, Finance members are winding Such procedures in the past have ' William and Helen Rinko at a up work on 'the budget they will proved unpopular among folks cost of $33,500, and will, 'Open the suggest 'be adopted, for fiscal 7X23 who. .view with suspicion any Maple Leaf nursery at the loca- year to' start July 1 ... Little program,, which 'takes decision tion ... 'Business will, provide Fella's baseball league is to open power away from the town landscaping operations, primari- for 'the season at Hart Field meeting and .the voters Op- ly to housing developments 'in. the April 2$ ...'. To help finance their activities the league plans a spr- SO. LEONARD ST. EXT. ponents of the hearing system in- area ...... 'The property is at the in- WATItiUIY clude at least one member of' the tersection of Route 61 and Green ing 'tag sale, and players will Oil CO. conservation commission, with. Hill Road. welcome contributions of items, Robert Can stating he feels the Officers and directors of the which will .be called for upon powers should remain with the Bethlehem. Fair are .to meet phoning 266-7903. COMPLETE FUEL OIL and town legislative body. Wednesday eve at Memorial Special services plaques have Town meetings often produce: Hall, 'to plan annual meeting of been awarded, by Scout troop 99 BOTTLED GAS SERVICE some home-spun humor worth organization, which will, be held to Wallace Gallop for his work repeating, and in 'that category April '28. starting with a. dinner at with the Babe Ruth baseball we list toe comment that "it is a. 6:15 p.m...... Dates of the 1973 'team and to Roy Shappard for good, thing Bethlehem 'built its fair are on September 8 .and 9, his services to' the. troop 'Com- Main Street before the wetlands and event will be the 49th, annual mittee Advanced to scout rank 756-4471 vote or' it would have 'to be ... Organization has received ap- in an annual ceremony were located, elsewhere" ... "The abun- dance of water on each side of the street is a cause of frequent concern to' residents ... In addi- tion 'to the wetlands vote 'the' town 'meeting' gave approval to' naming of a five member study group to report on advisability of erecting a new town hall. Group of firemen and several STATE NATIONAL explorer scouts, have 'Completed.' a. 'Course in cardiac pulmonary resuscitation, for' which Lt. Alex Agnew and. Fireman 'Neil Burrows of the Watertown, Fire-f Dept. served as instructors ... Bethlehem firemen .graduating''' are Chief Emil .Detlefsen, Capt. ANNOUNCES Thomas Fitzgerland, Lt. John Rudzavice, Lt. Tony Bosko and firemen 'Art Severson, Peter White, Francis Corden, John Stocfcwell and Dan Donovan ..." Explorer scouts who completed the 'course are John Bignelli and, - 57 INSTALLMENT KIRCggO SMABgU APPLUNCg E * VACUUM CLEANER . REPAIRING ft «Om UUMOSM. UQANS,.

Sedimf to get you out of the pickle you're in. You can depend on State-National to have exactly the SUmq t •••fiif' 'SpwiariistS' loan you need to pay for the things you want. " all styles & colors Ask for a swimming pool 103,0., vacation loan. sewing Window* machine loan...... stereo loan dental bill loan..,. See America, loan straight teeth loan. air conditioner loan - chandelier loan...consolidation loan .wardrobe loan... - new lawn loan nursery loan...just plain personal loan. inboard loan.. .outboard loan,.,.. pool table loan... mobile home loan. .color TV loan...camper loan...ride-a-mower tar %m-Vm HHM tapnwMri ftrtr loan,. car loan,.,,.. 2nd1 car loan new playroom loan 'water, softener' loan,: emergency loan ...2nd honeymoon 274-6679 loan..,., new carpet loan... medical loan plumbing loan 407 Main St., ... new 'dock, loan..,., new furnace loan... catamaran loan..,., . pony loan expansion' loan,.,.,. landscape' loan.... kitchen loan...sprinkler system loan....garage bathroom loan...Europe vacation loan...refrigerator loan .. snowmobile loan {you should get a good deal on that)... fishing trip loan.. .summer 'vacation loan ...income tax loan...fireplace loan. insurance'.payment furniture loan...finish the attic siding loan. storm, window roof loan .waterproof-lhe- cellar loan....220 volt loan...patio loan...anything loan. NYIONAND POLYESTER SEWING THREADS State m A WATERTOWN National INDUSTRY SINCE BANK OF 'CONNECTICUT' 1888 F.D.I.C. Afkwmbaf FMfcral Rattrwt Page 16-Town Times (Watertown, Conn.), April 12, 1973 Property of the WatertownKay's Hardwar eHistorical Changes Ownershi Societyp Effective Apr . 15 Kay's Hardware Store, 607 Hennessey, of Torrington. filiation with, the American Watertown High Notes .Main St.,. will come under new *. Mr. Hennessey' recently was Hard rare'Chain.i " and. will coo- ownership on April 15:. discharged from 'the' U. S. Air tinue to' offer 'the same quality by Cathwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgy Roianski- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Weston, Force' after four and a half .yean and. service 'which has been its who have operated toe store for of service as a Logistician. "At halln ark. 'under the ownership of The 9lh Annual Gymnastic be judged on creativity 'tinier' the - 'the past 12 and a half years, have the time of .'his discharge he held the Westons. Stow will be held on Friday, topic, Ecology. The •; winning announced the sale of the the-rank of Captain. The couple April 13, in, the High School Gym. mural 'will collect a $50 prize for to Mr. and Mrs. David have' 'HO' children, I Wins Trophy Featured in the Show will 'be'tie its Class Treasury. Mr. Weston will stay on''with Harry Spohrer, West bury Park boys performing on the Flying Twenty-Five W.H.S. Students Joan Kari To . .' 'Mr. Hennessey for a "few-week. " Rd. won a. second place trophy Rings, High Bar," Elephant, and 'their Chaperones will be period to 'the - transition, to last'. Sunday in. a judo competition" 'Parallel Bars anil the Side- leaving lor Spain on .April 20. In Address Garden. - new ownership. He has express- in. Derby. "The meet was spon- Horse. The boys also will 'Spain, the students 'will sightsee, ed tte desire for his many sored by Tony Puzzuta's Judo demonstrate Pyramids.' The view a. Bullfight, ' a < Hub Tonight . friends, 'to stop in to' see him .and. Club. Spohrer fought in. the' 146 to girls will., tie featured on the .'Donkey Safari and the .'Easter 'The Watertown Garden Club 'Mrs.. Weston. before they enter 160 pound weighf class, He is a Balance Beam and Uneven Bars, Festivities, there. 'The four will meet a half hour earlier than. 'their retirement. meniber of the Wesibury Judo Floor Exercise and 'Vaulting'. Chaperones are1: Miss Janice usual, at 7:30 p.m. tonight The store will, continue its af- Clubl The modem Dance club will per- Sweeney, Mrs. .Angle Curulla, '(Thursday)-in. the meeting room. form, at the Gymnastic Show for Mrs. "Angeline Becca and Miss of the Thomaston Savings Bank. the first time. Former members Anna-Mae Sieniawski. Joan. Kari.. manlier' and .past of the Gymnastic Club will par- Mrs. Mary Wallingberg, Girls president of the East Lyme ticipate with the present Softball Coach, announced this Garden Club, 'Will be 'the speaker Regarding safety in. relation to oil heat, 'the paramount point members in various routines. week that tryouts have; begun for and will 'use a .few slides to il- is the fuel itself. It is delivered in a liquid state and will not . Gymnastic Club Advisors are the 73 season. The following is lustrate.' her talk which Is '-en- burn until vaporized or atomized, which is why Miss -Marie Sampson,' Miss the 1973 Girls Softball Schedule: titled, "Fragrance' in Your Guarino, Mrs. Mary Wallingberg .April 26-Uwis Mills- Away- Garden", She also 'Will discuss and Mike. Moffo. 'The' Modern; 3:30 ' -. briefly successful and. proper Dance Club Advisor is Miss May 1-Wolcott- Home- 3:1.5 methods of growing plants in . Janice Sweeney. May 2-Bristol Eastern- Home- order to get perfect horticultural OIL HEAT IS SAFE 9:15 ' " specimens such as are required, Tickets will 'be on sale at the' May 8-St. 'Pails- Home- 3:15 in flower shows. door Show time is ft p.m. May 9-Southington- Away- 9:15 Mrs. Kari is a well-qualified " A Mural Contest will be held at May 16-Bristol Eastern- Away- speaker. She has .studied, at the tie" High School on April 12. lie 3:15 - Botanical Gardens .in ICY. 'and. WESSON Contest, which will be belli from May 1»-Wo)cott- .Away- 3.15 also at the' Universities of Penn- 7 to 11 p.m., is one .of the many - May 22-PlainviUe- Away- 3:15 sylvania and CcMin.ecti.ciit with' activities coinciding with Earth May 25-Southington- Home- primary work, in .Botany, CAREFREE HEAT Month, " 3.15 'Ecology, Landscaping and use of .; Each class .may organize as May ML Pauls- Home- 3 15 'native plants. many 'teams as they wish, with May 31-Plainville- Home 3:15 PHONE 756-7041 each team 'Consisting of 'between June. 4-Uwis Mills- Home- jj S to 10 members. The Murals will 3:15 ' ' . INVITATIONS - ——-HUTIWCOH* •" OUMMNflrS 100 for*7.00 taining program .will 'be RAY'S PRINT SHOP <'- Final Audubon presented by wildlife » UdtfOtt AVt OAKVtllt ' GRASS!! Lecture Tonight photographer Fran. William 'Mall, 274.3109 from NorthfieH. THAT'S WHAT WE DO '"Small World" is the title of : "fhe proceeds from 'these lec- Mts. the final Audubon. film and, lec- OW fcithtwwd ture' to' be presented . tonight tures, are used, to further the (Thursday) at' 8 p.m. in Taft education and. conservation' IJtlft CANDY i-- School's Bingham Auditorium, programs of .Flanders. Nature 771 Woodbury M. —MOW 0RASS— "under the sponsorship of -Center. Tickets, may be purchas- WoUrtown 274-1202 ed at the door.. Flanders Nature Center, Wood- Op*n Ooify 9-5 Sunday. 12-6 THE VILLAGE LAWN SERVICE bury. • m i » m m « n MM « « « t « « • t The tiny creatures 'that, inhabit' Spring and.Fall\'Chtan-Up the. earth hold much of interest vincent o. palladino for those who take the time to know them... ""Small" World" real tit ate broker GREASIN, inc. COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL - ESTATES brings to the screen fascinating sequences on 'the .daily lives of 274-S942 753-41II some of our smaller creatures, ELECTRICIANS 1-489-3078 Watertown particularly 'the .insects. This highly informative" and enter- .-HOME-' FREE ESTIMATES Call Collect JOHH IS. 0i iElil - .-BUSINESS-- .'*. Little League --FARM-- Tryouts Slated FUNERAL HOME 742 Mo.n St., SIOHain St. Oofcvll* FAIR-CREST POULTRY Candidate for 'the Water-Oak Little League-will 'try out for PHONE 274-3005 . • •. fJ4-S4il - GRADE A FARM- tfn. mftButm. <•<* lira.., positions' on. 'the various: teams FRESH EGGS lot, this weekend, weather permit- IHJIUIUIUIUIlllllllllHMIll M.IJ.. tin*. '. ' LAMOTHE Ml SIZES The schedule' is: Boys born • s ENGINEERED between Aug. 1,1961 and July 31, rtum • encsr - BROTHERS I SINTERINGS f .AMOUC •*« • 'QUID 1.25 1962. Saturday. April 1.4,12 Noon CHICKEN " •i to 2 p.m., Delaiid Field; Boys LIGHT CONSTRUCTION .Mill' - IIOASTID C11C1.EI1..1S CHICKEN • ntcis bom between Aug.' 1, 1962, and. • Asphalt Paving 2" July 31, in, Saturday, April 14,,. 1 PLASTICS, INC. wmmw f meo * meet .2 to'...4p.m. , Delaud Field.; Boys • Landscaping i - born between Aug. L, 1963. and . • Tv** Surgery A GRADE A FARM FRESH EGGS July 31,1964, Sunday. .April IS, 2 . 769 BUNKER Mill 10. to 4 p.m., Deland field; and boys WATERTOWN ; born 'between Aug.. 1. 1967, and WATERTOWN "ALLS/iES- ' • " ' '• July 31.1960, Sunday, April 15,. 4 INDUSTRY to' 6 p.m., Deland Field. "274-8131 * JUMBO .80 rowvt mism m BOAW EXTRA LARGE .70 H ywrtw mbsed LARGE .60 dO2.


A GIFT SHOP OF RiNOWN FAIR-CREST Our giftworld .is full of fascination anil fun. Gilts from, all over at all POULTRY price, friendly atmosphere and service (including gift 'wrapping, mailing, area delivery and Master Charge). . • . SOB SOUTH fc WE ARE DIFFERENT - SEE FOR YOURSELF! PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE

Tues - Sat. 10-5 HoUow Road, Woodbury FARM FRESHPOULTRY Sundays 1-5 . 263-4757 OUR6 CM*; BUSINESS Town" times (Watertown, Ccum.),. April 12, 1973—Page '17 $400,000 Richer the fourth, entitlement period is how it ..actually Property of the Watertown ofHistorical repealing the Zoning Society3'.. to lessen congestio n in (Continued From Page 11 scheduled for early October. revenue sharing' funds,. "If ..your government 'is one of 'Last, fall the Town Council had Regulations for the Watertown the streets; to .secure' safety ment 'periods. - those that are affected by depen- - discussed the possibility of using Fire' District, adopted effective from, fire, panic, flood and, other Referring to towns which bad dent school system changes, you the revenue sharing funds for 'the September IS, 1947, and all. dangers,; provide adequate light appealed earlier payments, Mr. havwatertownhistoricalsociety.orge already 'been 'notified of the construction of a. new Police! Sta- amendments thereto, which and air; to prevent the'over- Watt said: "Many of you recalculation effort and will soon tion and a Fire' Department sub- repeal shall be''effective coinci- crowding of land; to avoid undue responded 'when we gave all of 'be notified of 'the result. We .have Station on the east side. The cost dent with, the effective date: of concentration of population; and you the opportunity to tell us if already used the recalculated was estimated at about $600,000, the comprehensive revision to' facilitate the adequate provi- you thought' that there were data for the: enclosed, check. We and, officials had 'hoped, to use specified in Paragraph C. sion for transportation, water, errors' in, toe 'data, we used when will make any needed adjust- revenue sharing from a three- E. Said comprehensive revi- •sewerage, schools and otter , we 'calculated your checks. The sion of the zoning regulations', in-' public requirements; ment for earlier checks when we year period to pay the cost. eluding the zoning map, is Treasury Department,' working calculate amounts for the fourth If thinking remans the same, 4. to conserve the value' with the' Bureau of 'the Census,, adopted for the following of land, and buildings and to'en - entitlement period that starts in the 'projects could be ac- reasons1.: has just finished reviewing your July." complished presumably in a courage 'the most appropriate' inquiries about tie data used to .Mr. Watt also said, the govern- shorter time. 1. to 'protect 'the public use of land 'throughout the Fire calculate' the first two entitle- ment 'Will send, out .next 'week the health 'and. safety and to promote District; and . ment payments. If your govern- first Planned Use Report form, Fire District the general welfare; 5. to regulate the use of ment sent us a data inquiry, you and instructions. It will deal with 2. to establish, a. com- 'land, and other struc- will soon be notified of the fin- the money the town is receiving (Continued Fran, Page 1) prehensive plan of zoning in. sup- tures, the location and bulk of dings. If 'the' data we used' before in the current entitlement, ' -and. rental. (Par.. 31.1.7), port of the orderly growth, buildings and other structures was 'wrong, we have already cor- 'period., .plus the check to be mail- and such uses, are eliminated 'development and preservation of and 'the area, shape' and. frontage rected it for calculating the ed 'early in July. from. Par. 31.2 Prohibited Uses. land and buildings within the' of lots to the degree necessary to enclosed check. If the earlier 'The' law requires each 'town to 8. The Zoning Map is Watertown Fire District: accomplish, 'the above purposes'. checks- should, have been send the Office of Revenue Shar- modified to' incorporate an ad- different, we will add Cor sub- . .ing a planned use report for each, ditional date, 'namely "Revised tract) 'the adjustments in. the March §,, IW1". LINOLEUM C\RPET entitlement 'period which begins . CERO1IC fourth entitlement period, that' on or' after Jan.. 1.1973. The town 9. The Zoning Map is cor- TILE 'Starts in July;. The first check for rected' to include an area of lots also must report each year on. on tie west side of Hamilton Lane, between Hamilton Avenue CHAINE BROS. and Woodbury 'Road,,, as annexed to' 'the Fire District, such area . Floor Covering being designated as Residence R-20F District. 10.. The Zoning Map is cor- 7,13 Main, 'Street Watertown, Conn. rected: to' include an area, of two 274-503,1 lots on 'the' west side of Atwood Street, south of 'Prospect Street, as annexed, to the Fire District. Don -.Frank. Majauskas Phil such area 'being designated as Residence R-10F District. * 11. The Zoning Map is modified to redesignate as Residence R-10F District all. of that area, in the-Fire District, TRANQUILLITY FARM located" on the-east side of North Street and north of Hawley COOKED TURKEY FOR EASTER? Street, Woolson Street and Northfield Road. B. Said comprehensive revi- Let your 'mind dwell upon a delicious, time-saving sion of the zoning regulations in- Tranquillity Turkey, Cooked-to-Order for Easter. Then, cluding the zoning map, dated • call in your order. December 19, 1972, as Cooked-t&Qrder Turkeys, or Chicken, still foil hereinbefore revised under date wrapped 'to preserve moisture — and cooked with of March 9, 1973, are adopted. Tranquillity Poultry Stuffing (at moderate extra cost) C. The Commission establishes if you wish — will be ready from, noon. Sat. April 2.1, Friday, April 13, 1973 at 12:01 until Farm Salesroom closes at 5:00 p.m. Sorry, closed A.M. as the effective date of said Easter Day... Right now is the time' to act... zoning regulations, including the zoning map, and the Superinten- dent and Zoning Enforcement 'Tranfuillify Road at Route 64, Middlebury Officer is instructed to give Telephone 758-2965 notice of the adoption as re- quired by law. D. Said adoption has the' effect

MRS. MICHAEL ZUBK, JR., 'tie 'former' .Margaret: Ann Rode, was married to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zubik, 156 Eaton St., Oakville, on Saturday, March 10. in. the First. Congregational Church, Portland, Goon. MR. Zubik is 'the daughter of 'Mr', and .Mrs. Otto J. Rode, Portland. The bride-was .given in marriage' by her father. She is a 1971 graduate of the University of Maine, Oromo where she majored in journalism. She now is editor of the1 Maine Alumnus. Mr. Zubic is a. 1:970' graduate of the same school and 'is employed as a campus 'policeman in Orono. Following a wedding trip to Canada, they took up residence' in. Old Town, .Me'.. ROOT & BOYD INC. Insurance I'nderurritera Since ISS3 GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE W ATERTOWN: Mi Main St. 274-2591 WATERBURY: 481 Meadow St. iover Nathan Male Baick) If you've been in the counting house counting out your Ttt-ttU money, and you're a, bit dejected - like a, lot of us at 1 this time of year * consider a. Royal Treatment Loan. DAVELUY'S RESTAURANT Use a Royal Treatment Loan for TAXES or anything you wish. Simiply apply at either of our offices - you'll - - 150 Echo Lake Rd., Wofertown be1 treated royally and have the money you need at Phone 274-3226 budget-minded rates the Gentle Payments will NOW SERVING PIZZA be spread over Take out orders or served' in our large - dining room. Facilities f">r large group many months., pizza parties. Starting ot 4 P.M. - 7 do ys a week Also Serving - WOOOBURU SAVINGS BANK Main'St. Woodbury. Conn. 06798/Heritage Village, South bury. Conn. '06488 Spaghetti dinners with meatballs and sausage. Member ol F.D.I.C. .,. Grinders Page 18—Town Times (Watertown, Conn), April. 12, 1973 *«*^*-****^*-Propertyi ' FbrWatertar of them BBgfrWatertown- Historical Society SPEARIN601 0PEN10W1ING , nlnltliy of o SPORTS watertownhistoricalsociety.org19-CZame Schedule On Tap $at. A Sim.. tlt«l"Wi' •lil IlHOI ALtiYS Watertown High's baseball Watertown *s second opponent to- thus far in five exhibition games. team will. play"' a. - It-game day (Thursday) at 2 o'clock at He's hoping that the swingers ' Several people have asked me' schedule this spring in. 'what may DeLand Field. Other games on will get their batting eyes before what my thoughts are about be its last season: in the the schedule are as follows. long and that the Indians will be Naugatuck Valley League. . 12:30 - .5:30' p.m. Watertown High's intentions of Monday, April 16, Torrington, able to make a run for the title in $0t a withdrawing from the The season was scheduled to away; Wednesday, April 18, the Valley League. Naugatuck Valley League and be kicked off Wednesday Kennedy, .home; Saturday, April against—who else?—Naugatuck 21, Sacred Heart, home; Mon- applying "tor admission 'Into' a High, which has picked up where day, April as, Holy Grass, away; new circuit to" be called the it left off after suffering its first Tuesday, April 24, KaynorTecb, MALE IMAGE HAIR STYLING & BARBERSHOP Colonial .League. defeat in 85 games last summer away; Thursday,' April 26, Strangely, r have had little by winning its first two games of Naugatuck, away; Monday, April .30, Wilby, away; Friday, "". "• SAECIAU&NGJ IN I remember a-few 'fears back Crosby high is scheduled as May 4, Torrington, hone; Satur- when they joined the NVL. I day, May 5, Crosby, away; Mon- shouted a lot of borrays. "Great the competition is day, May 7, Wolcott, away; JEOFHEft KMT num. Good competition. It wil talented. Wedeniday, May i,. Kaynor boild a. Int. 'Hi' tradition will. Che * Make no mistake about It, Tech.- home'; Friday, May 1.1, 6115 .Main.St., Waferijown, Conn. city schools." I recall, saying. Leo" Durocber off the .1 don't believe it's worked Houston 'Rockets has found' -"Id fiajmail HMmmmt aMW/n..' Call for Appointment 274-4143 ' 'iintte that way. 1' 'don't believe himself .another' (well maybe not tv, siacnu nearx, awsy, Watertown High or its. athletes quite) Willie Mays. day. May II, Holy Cross, home - ' • RAY 1ICHO' Pfop. have improved their respective Saturday, May If, Taft, .away. images one bit by playing the "the' greatest, young'baseball Monday, May 21, Wolcott. Valley 'League teams, anymore player in the country in the per- and Wednesday., May 23, Wilby, than they will playing in .any son of' Ceaser Cedeno. Name it home. " " " . WHY WJUf FOR SERVICE? ami tiis boy can do it. Coach Charlie'' Brown has a The Naugatuck Valley' not hit the ball with quite number of. veteran players retur* CAIL-i is a good, sound, competit _ 'home' run explosiveness that "ning from last, year's squad .and ! and outside of basketball • Mays once did. But Cedeno .has ZILIO'S APPIIAHCE SERVICE Watertown holds its own 'with thcr power — "double and triple pitching staff is beaded by Tracy .= fiduciary named below on or and. Effective Date and Repeal. Patrick, Jr.. LEGAL NOTICE 'before' July 6, 1973 or-be barred The adopted' Zoning Map is en- Harry G. 'Owens, Jr. EMIL'S JEWELERS — 709 Maia -bylaw. The •fiduciary is: titled "Zoning Map of Watertown Superintendent and Very 'Rev.. Joseph Pishtey St., Watertown. Expert, watch, ' ' • LIQUOR PERMIT Fire District," Town of Water- Zoning 'Enforcement Officer repairing and guaranteed CM Atty. Sherman R. Slavin town", 'dated December 19, .1972, •TT '4-12-73 " NOTICE, OF APPLICATION 671 Main St. Revised March 9,1973, "The Map This is to give notice' that I, "' Watertown., Conn. shows the location and. 'boun- JUST ARRIVED at Chintz: 'N 'WUIS JOSEPH MARCHETTI TT 4-12-73 daries of zoning districts Prints of Newtown, an enormous - of"S3, Eddy St., Oakville, 'Conn,, throughout the Watertown. Fire number of .Decorator' Slipcover, 06779 'have filed, an application ZONING COMMISSION District, WATERTOWN FIRE DISTRICT Drapery & Upholstery Fabrics placarded 31st March, 1973 with 1 Adoption of said Zoning Mrs... Florence Byrnes, a. at enormous savings. S. Main , the Liquor 'Control Commission WATERTOWN, CONNE'CTICUT Regulations and Zoning .Map 'has member of Watertown Grange, St., (Rte. 25) .Newtown.,. 'Conn. for a PACKAGE LIQUOR lor the effect, of repealing the .zoning' has, been elected Chaplain of the the safe oCal.cobo.tic liquor on the Adoption of Zoning; regulations and zoning map Northwestern Connecticut Past REDUCE EXCESS fluids with. premises Watertown Liquor Regu.lati.ons and. Map previously in effect within the 'Master's Association. Fluidex tablets, only fl.60 at Store, 667 'Main St.. Watertown, Drug' City of Watertown. 'Conn., 06795. The business will 'The' Fire District Committee: .be 'owned by Louis J. Marchetti of the' Watertown 'Fire: District, SPIOTTI MUSIC SCHOOL of 83 Eddy St., Oakville,. Conn,, Watertown.,. Connecticut, acting DUHAMEL'S 422 Main St., Oakville '06779 and will 'be conducted by as the Zoning; Commission, 2M4BZ, 274-1556, 878-2535 .Louis J. Marchetti as 'permittee.'. hereby/ gives, notice of adoption Lessons On All Instruments Louis J. 'Marchetti of a comprehensive revision of SPRING CLEAN-UP Dated: 31st March. 1973 the zoning regulations and zoning TENNIS DRESSES and TT 4-573 map applicable within the 'boun- sweaters... Monogramming . .and daries of the' Watertown Fire re weaving. FREE clothes for DISTRICT OF WATERTOWN',,, District... SALE Club Captains. Phone Davidson's ss. .Probate Court. Apr. 3, A.D., The adopted Regulations are Dress Shop. 274-2222. 1973 entitled "Zoning Regulations of ESTATE OF ADA S. the' Watertown* Fire District, Watertown, 'Connecticut'"'", 'dated. §t Diagonal PAJ CERAMICS, 33 Rockdale LAMPHIER, late of Watertown, Black g Mil* $9995 Ave., Oakville. Fall, classes, in. said District, deceased - in December IS, 1972, Revised 16 Mon. through Thurs. evenings, ? Trust. March 9,1973, .and consist of the . to' 10. 274-8554. - Upon, the application, of following Articles: CASSETTE $ 95 Russell F. ToUes, Trustee: pray- • ' ARTICLE! TAPE PLAYER 19 OLD' THINGS WANTED. Top ing that 'lie may be authorized to GENERAL PROVISIONS, prices paid for one item, or sell, certain real estate belong- concerning Jurisdiction; Cer- houseful. Check cellar, attic or ing to said Estate - as per tificate' of .Zoning 'Compliance; Iff COLOR CONSOLE barn. Country Bazaar, Main St., application on file more fully D i s t r i. c t s; Z o n i n g Map; 25 SOLID STATE $53995 Woodbury, 263-2228 or 263-7758'. appears,, it is ' Definitions and Use' Standards; ORDERED, That said applica- Nonconformity; Permitted DRESSMAKING in my home. Uses; and Area, 'Location and tion be heard, and. determined at FOUR SPEAKER Solid Staita Reasonable prices. Call between the' Probate Office in. Water- Bulk Standards. AM-FM $188°° . 6 and. 9. 2M-WW. " town, in said District, on. the' 17th ARTICLE II STEREO CONSOLE Sl«w» day of Apr. AD., 1973 at 10:30 RESIDENCE DISTRICTS, EX P E RIE N C E D ' M A SON:. o'clock, in 'the forenoon, and that concerning permitted uses and Fireplace**, - patios, cellar's, notice' be given .of the pendency standards in the Residence R- EASY TERMS — BEST SERVICE wails, etc. Topicality, of said application, and the time 20F and. R-10F Districts and the reasonable prices, Call 274-1687. and place of hearing 'thereon by General Residence R-GF CARPENTER AND MASON publishing this order one time .'in District. 408 Buckirtgbam St., Oakville 274-1974 some newspaper having' a cir- ..ARTICLE III WORK, reasonable. Bui.lding.aiid SALES SERVICE ANTENNAS repairing. Free 'estimate'. .Tel... culation in said .District, also by BUSINESS DISTRICTS, con- leaving with, or by mailing in cer- cerning permitted uses. and. stan- 274-8397. HOURS: Tu«.-Wed. Thim.-Fri. .. So*. tified letters,, postage prepaid,, a dards in the Central. Business B- 1 9 onv-4 LOST: Thomaston Savings Bank - copy of this order to all 'parties CF District, Office! Business B- 9 om-6 pm 9 atn-8 pm Book No. 02002216. Payment interested and. residing without applied for... the Probate District of Water- ' 'town, on or before the 12th 'day of BABYSITTER WANTED for Apr. vm. six-month-old girl, 9 a.m. - 4 Attest. Joseph M. Navin, ROSE HILL MEMORIAL PARK p.m., Monday-Thursday. $1.00 Judge •per' hour. No cleaning, 'etc. Own. TT 4-12-73 transportation. Reply c/o P.O. MEN & WOMEN COUNSELORS Box 1, Watertown. HOMES FOR FOR SALE: 1.965 Chevrolet Im- pala. 59,000 miles, Call. 274-4154. EVERYONE Founded In' 1930 Rose Hill Memorial Park has long been| FOR SALE: IMS ChneOe. W, Leo Fabian considered one of the most beautiful cemeteries in Conn,., 350 hp. 'I speed Hurst, 'Mags, plus .. Bill Scully extras.. Reasonable.' 'Call 729- For 43 years It has been our purpose to introduce | 7124. Real Estate Brokers thousands of families to the protection and peace' of mind SARAH ~ COVENTRY 671 Main St. . JEWELRY won. free. Earn ex- afforded through-advance planning. tra, cash. NEW FOR SPRING. Watertown 274-2410. 274-8382 Counselors at Rose Hill have" long been respected for the! LOST:Thomaston Savings 'Bank service they perform and have enjoyed the prestige of 'Book. No, 02006676. Payment If you'are considering selling, working for a line organization with many benefits. applied for. contact this office for prompt TWO' HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS service. A free appraisal, Because of our growth, Rose Hill is now seeking intelligent DESIRE BABY SITTING JO'BS based on twenty years com- AFTER 2:3d1. bined experience, without men and women who enjoy meeting and launching a Call 274-6813. - any obligation is offered to career dedicated to service. Draw vs. commission. •a 11 p r o s pe c t i v e se 11 e r s. 'FOR SALE: 'Two 'bottled gas Whether buying or 'selling stoves, used, for heating pur- contact Leo or Bill. OUT If you think you are that man or woman, please call poses. Good condition. Suitable satisfied clients are" our best for cottage or home. Call 758- 529-3381 between the hours of 9-3 P.M. 9977 or 758-1161. recommendation. 'Page 20—Town Times (Watertown, Conn.), April 12,1973 Property of the WatertownEaster Egg Hun Historicalt Society ' Scheduled Apr.* 21 The Easter Egg Hunt to lie watertownhistoricalsociety.orgsponsored by the Watertown Park and. Recreation Commis- sion will be beM on Saturday, April 21 at the Youth Center. The time for the bunt will be from 1 to 3 p.m. and all youngsters win are residents of Watertown- Oakville and in kindergarten or younger are invited to- attend. .. The .'Buster Egg .Hunt chair- "Mikes.Coffi&e Shoppe man, .Miss. Christine Hills, is J. H asking all interested persons to Where do all roads lead? To' Each .-'year 'they mack, the' .an- please call the Watertown different places at different niversary 'with, gifts for their Recreation Office at 274-5411, times. But In Watertown ' at customers, and a special treat for. Extension 22 so that the Easter lunchtime a good many, if' not.all Irishmen of al nationalities — Bunny will have .some 'idea of 'the' roads,' lead to Mike's Coffee - corned, beef .and cabbage. number of children to' expect , Shoppe, 599 Main St., tie 'domain In addition to the in-store ser- M Mike and; Mary Calabrese. vice, -Mike offers, a catering ser- < In case of rain the event will be A' PRE-SCHOOL REGISTRATION screening session for One of the more 'popular eating vjce which will supply held the following Saturday, children who will enter Baldwin .or. Schools 'in. tie' fall was spots in town,,' Mike's serves refreshments for groups large1 or .April 28. held last week at Judson School. Kyle j .gases uptaptly at good food at reasonable prices. small. He provides the coffee . Miss Jennifer DeSantis, who will be r kindergarten teacher in Not on, the menu but certainly a "and"" for Chamber of District Sticks the. fall, part of1 the atmosphere is the Commerce! breakfast meetings, (Filippme Photo'), friendly banter which flies tack and for some local factories. With Last Wage and. forth between Mike' and. bis Orders "to go can. be 'had' simply 'Offer To Union '' Charles Em crick, 990 customers". 'by calling in advance. Gueraseytown HA, has been 'An. avid".sportsman, Mike Hal' the fun. of eating at 'Mite's The Watertown Fire District named Chief Control Operator always is ready and. wiling for a. - .Is- 'the' friendly staff. In addition has been advised by its Counsel. for WHUS, lie student-operated good natured 'bout with, al com- to 'Mike there ".are 'Miry Dubay, Atty. William Larkin to' "stand radio station at the University of ers on. golf, bowling, football, who Mike' calls 'the most devoted pat" on its. .last offer to-.Local- Connecticut. baseball or basketball. He's a waitress in 'town, with 'her'. 12 1908. Connecticut Municipalities low handicap golfer' and a high years, of service with him.;. Veda. Council No. 4. average- bowler and. loves Bouchard, -Lucy 'Pace and The offer includes a . whatever sport is prevalent in Christine Sullivan. < ~ . an-hour - pay ' hike -this year, Chat particular season. The other half of the fun comes retroactive to Jan. 1; a IMsent- The 'coffee' shop opens daily at - from, the eating itself. Mike's an-hour increase, next year; and. 5:30 a.m. to provide a. hot cup of culinary skills have been an .-additional 2S-cents-an-hour in coffee or a. fall breakfast, for the developed from .years of ex- ; early riser.. It's open to 6 p.m. perience to go with a background .1175, - • - Monday through Friday, until 5 of training at the' New- Haven' The' 'union, twice 'has rejected .p.m. Saturdays and. is closed * Culinary Institute. the package, one of its Sundays. The. Calabreses, with .'sons arguments.'' being that one long Menus1" at Mite's are simple', 'Michael and Jimmy, make their tune1 'employe .of tie District is but tasty aid nourishing home on. Bunker Hill Fid., .and now earning more' than the treat- Offerings include a large variety -'are. a. delightful part of the ment . plait supervisor and a. " of sandwiches, seafood, soups Watertown. community.. and full dinners of roast beef,. steak, or chicken,- Daly features .are popular with, many of the 'customers.' - . 1. Our prices arc cc Mike and. Mary took over the1 " Coffee' Shop from Philips Pies 13 2. Wo IMV'S hif|n qiMlHy tir#s. years ago on St. Patrick's Day. 3. We carry a 'full . Three .Buys' 4. We offer easy cirwfft terms. (Continued From Page 1) 5. Our tins are guortonteed. tant .Scoutmaster' of 'Troop 55 for two years. 'George is-a youth Clmrg* ft and pay monthly an your Mobit Credit Card. Wo associate director to' National. honor .Matter Charge, BankAmericard, Am«rkon Expresi and Carte Conservation' Districts, a member of /the Litchfield Soil and 'Conservation. Group and 'past 'president of a 'Conservation Youth Group- in. Watertown... Me ARMAND'S FUEL CO. currently is enrolled, in the" freshman class at the University 131 Davis St., ' of Connecticut, Storrs. /' • '274-2938 i Scoutmaster Meredith Beetle - Sat. 7 a.m. t 6 p.m. also inducted Jeff Blsson, of S3 Beach Ave, Mike LeClerc, §1 .. Saunters Ave., and 'Gene' Henna, .AN ENJOYABLE SKIT, "When Banking is a 'Pleasure,!'""" was 80 Birch St.. as Tenderfoot presented by*Mrs,. Magnum's fifth' graders, at South School ARE-YOU SHOPPING? 'Scouts... Paul Warren, SI. 'Charles recently. Pictured are students woo participated: Join. Si villa, St., was advanced to the rank, of .'Edward. Dinova, Judy Ericson, Michael Diorio, Richard Langelot- Star' Scout:, and1 his. brother. ti, Kathleen. Moriarty, Brian Guglietmetty. .and Michael Mark, to Second. Class Scout. D'Agostino." Peter Brute, 171 French St.., (Scovell Photo) was advanced, to First- Class Scout. Slides of 'camping at Mat- tatuck were shown and .Kenneth EASTER Kent. Director of Field ..Service' Happened ' for . Boy 'Scouts of America, PUNTS spoke on" the new look in Scouting. to Kids' Shoes? ' Jaycee Wives The Watertown .Jaycee' Wives ' will, .hold a bake sale on Satur- day, April 21 from. 10 a.m. to 2 I Su"ERSOU 'S *' o «K- w» f p.m. at the Watertown Plaza. ": ... a* vacs .. A raffle is to be held in con- junction with tie sale, with the drawing to 'take place at 2 p.m. First prise will, be lunch or. iinner'. at Friendly s with the Easter Bunny. Second prize 'will" "be an Easter cake. He' Easter .Bunny 'will lie present throughout thte sale to greet youngsters. CHAS. ft LEWIS 'flnccJ Accerimq to Site la* fi ., • - Twi EASl Lawn 1BK nance CARDS - GIFTS - NOVKTIES 26* .§230 RED BARN GIFT SHOP 96 274-8889 " WOODBURY, CONN. ' HOURS: nm4 JOfl'S WJO-TfUV. Merid Mon. thm Fri. f AJI. 'to- 9 to 5 •Sun. I-5PJA,