Banco Bradesco

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Created before Nov 2016 Last update: Mar 22 2021

About Banco Bradesco was established in 1943 and is one of Brazil's largest private sector . The bank offers a range of financial products and services to customers in Brazil and abroad. It has an extensive private-sector branch and service network in Brazil. Its products and services encompass banking operations such as and advances and deposit-taking, issuance, purchasing consortiums, , leasing, payment collection and processing, plans, and brokerage services.


Headquarters Cidade de Deus, Prédio Novo, Vila Yara 06029-900 São Paulo Brazil

CEO/chair Octavio de Lazari Junior CEO

Supervisor Banco Central do Brasil

Annual report Annual report 2020

Ownership listed on Bolsa de Madrid, Brazil Stock Exchange & NYSE Banco Bradesco's shareholder structure can be accessed here.

Complaints Individuals and communities who may be adversely affected by Banco Bradesco’s finance can raise a complaint to the and bank by emailing [email protected] (see the bank's Code of Ethical Conduct). grievances Stakeholders may also raise complaints via the OECD National Contact Points (see OECD Watch guidance).


Voluntary standards Banco Bradesco has committed itself to the following voluntary standards: Carbon Disclosure Project Dow Jones Sustainability Indices Equator Principles Global Reporting Initiative Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB) Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures UNEP Finance Initiative United Nations Global Compact

Investment policies Banco Bradesco's corporate social responsibility webpage can be accessed here.

Standard for social and environmental responsibility Jun 8 2019 | Banco Bradesco

Corporate Sustainability Policy May 20 2019 | Banco Bradesco Human Rights Policy May 20 2019 | Banco Bradesco

Anti-corruption corporate policy May 21 2018 | Banco Bradesco

Ethics & Tax Practice of Bradesco Organization Apr 24 2017 | Banco Bradesco

Code of Ethical Conduct Jul 25 2015 | Banco Bradesco

Climate change statement Aug 22 2007 | Banco Bradesco

BankTrack campaigns and Banco Bradesco

Human rights

True leader BankTrack has assessed Banco Bradesco on its implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in June 2016. Banco Bradesco is assessed as a Laggard, with a total score of 1/12. Front runner Policy: 0/3 Due dilligence: 0/3 Reporting: 1/3 Remedy: 0/3 Follower For more details, see Banking with Principles? 2016 update. Laggard

Equator Principles

Implementation and reporting The Equator Principles require that adopting publicly report on the implementation of the principles. You can find the reporting requirements for EPFIs here.

Banco Bradesco is reporting on the implementation here.

Contact and complaints The Equator Principles currently lack a formal complaints mechanism. Should you have any concerns or complaints about how the Equator Principles are being applied in a specific project in which Banco Bradesco is also involved, please get in touch with our Equator Principles team.

Equator Principles Dodgy Deals BankTrack is monitoring the following Equator Principles projects that are co-financed by Banco Bradesco -note that some files may be on record, no longer updated-:


Rio Madeira dams: Jirau and Santo Antonio Brazil Hydroelectric Power Generation on record Good moves

Related Dodgy Deals

Banco Bradesco has been linked to the following "Dodgy Deals", e.g. as a current or past financier or through an expression of interest. Find out more about dodgy deals here. See the project or company profile for more details on the nature of the bank's link to the Dodgy Deal.


There are no projects active for Banco Bradesco now. Rio Madeira dams: Jirau and Santo Antonio Brazil on record Hydroelectric Power Generation


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