THE BYRON SHIRE ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Volume 28 #38 Tuesday, March 4, 2014 Phone 02 6684 1777 Fax 02 6684 1719
[email protected] Health &
[email protected] Beauty 23,200 copies every week CAB p14–15 AUDIT A WOMAN’S PLACE IS IN THE HOUSE AND SENATE ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inside Why not G20 old school Rose Wanchap Butterfl y park Who’s Beaucoup Byron Shire this psychoanalyse economics defends the for Byron? the Boz? de sport Council Notices week Fast Buck$? – p9 – p10 rocks – p11 – p13 – p19 – p36–37 Page 35 BBFF 2014 lifts off Sportsfi elds for the north at last Luis Feliu price when it fi rst went on the mar- ket was almost $2 million. Th e long saga to fi nd a suitable site Ironically, Lot 5 Shara Boulevard for sportsfi elds in the north of Byron was sold by the widow of the late Shire is over: Byron Shire Council Queensland-based developer Chum announced last Wednesday that it Vidgen, who died in 2012 aged 73 had bought a parcel of land at Shara and was oft en at odds during the Boulevard in Ocean Shores. 1990s with Council and environ- The seven-hectare block, on mentalists over his developments. the corner of Shara Boulevard and Th e site had a longtime approval Brunswick Valley Way, was bought for a service station and another, by Council for $318,000 (excluding smaller, site of 1.7 hectares just GST) and Council says it has poten- across the road, also owned by the tial for two playing fi elds, an ameni- Vigdens and up for sale, has approv- ties block, car parking, community al for a motel and restaurant.