Biogeography Biogeography Biogeography Distribution of Aconitum Biogeography

NOAA Satellite and Information service, 1961 - 1990 Mean annual precipitation Biogeography

NOAA Satellite and Information service, 1961 - 1990 Minimum temperature Biogeography Biogeography Biogeography



Dispersal Speciation - Lamiids


Solanaceae Solanales

Solanaceae, Convolvulaceae (morning-glory) Solanaceae

Solanum nigrum Solanum crispum Nicoana alata black nightshade Chilean potato vine jasmine tobacco

Nicoana aenuata Petunia culvar Brugmansia arborea coyote tobacco petunia angel’s trumpet Solanaceae

Solanum tuberosum Capsicum annuum Physalis philadelphica potato chili and bell peppers tomallo

Solanum lycopersicum Solanum melongena Nicoana tabacum tomato eggplant tobacco Solanaceae

corolla usually acnomorphic or weakly zygomorphic Solanaceae

corolla gamopetalous stamens epipetalous ovary superior Solanaceae

fruit: berry or capsule Genus Solanum

connivent anthers with poricidal dehiscence Solanaceae


atropine Nicoana tabacum Atropa belladonna tobacco deadly nightshade alkaloids


Myosos scorpioides Amsinckia menziesii capitatum forget-me-not fiddleneck ballhead waterleaf

Mertensia oblongifolia Hackelia patens sericea sagebrush bluebells spoed sckseed silky phacelia Boraginaceae

Chase et al., 1993 Boraginaceae

hispid hairs Boraginaceae

inflorescence: scorpioid cyme (coiled, one-sided) Boraginaceae

subfamily corolla oen with corona (fornices) stamens included ovary 4-lobed Boraginaceae

subfamily Hydrophylloideae stamens oen exserted ovary unlobed Boraginaceae

fruit: schizocarp, forming 4 nutlets (Boraginoideae) or capsule (Hydrophylloideae) Genanales

Apocynaceae Genanales

Apocynaceae, Rubiaceae (coffee), Genanaceae (genan) Apocynaceae

Asclepias speciosa Apocynum cannabinum Catharanthus roseus showy milkweed dogbane Madagascar periwinkle

Asclepias curassavica Vinca minor Plumeria rubra tropical milkweed periwinkle frangipani Apocynaceae


Apocynaceae sensu stricto

Civeyrel et al., 1998 Apocynaceae

leaves opposite, milky latex Apocynaceae

corolla acnomorphic, petals oen contorted Apocynaceae

stylar head ovaries free, pisl fused above ovary Apocynaceae

fruit: follicles, berries, or drupes Subfamily Asclepiadoideae

corona derived from stamens gynostegium (structure formed by fusion of stamens and stylar head) pollinia Invasive What you can do: • Clean shoes and tires when leaving area with invasives • Remove invasive species from your land • Do not trade invasive species with other gardeners • Ask nurseries for non-invasive species • Request that botanical gardens and garden writers promote only non-invasive species • Volunteer with groups to help remove invasives • Educate yourself and help educate others about invasives