ENCOUNTERING ENCOUNTERING JESUS ENCOUNTERING JESUS Part 3: Way Beyond Religion (:1-15) Part 3: Way Beyond Religion (John 3:1-15) Part 3: Way Beyond Religion (John 3:1-15) Sermon Q & A • 720.815.5717 (text only) Sermon Q & A • 720.815.5717 (text only) Sermon Q & A • 720.815.5717 (text only)

Eternal Life in Jesus Christ comes through the impartation of Spiritual Life. Eternal Life in Jesus Christ comes through the impartation of Spiritual Life. Eternal Life in Jesus Christ comes through the impartation of Spiritual Life.

I. Conversation About Divine Mysteries I. Conversation About Divine Mysteries I. Conversation About Divine Mysteries

Nicodemus – as a Pharisee (the separate ones) and member of – as a Pharisee (the separate ones) and member of Sanhedrin Nicodemus – as a Pharisee (the separate ones) and member of Sanhedrin (Jewish ruling council) – an Old Testament scholar fiercely committed to (Jewish ruling council) – an Old Testament scholar fiercely committed to (Jewish ruling council) – an Old Testament scholar fiercely committed to keeping the Jewish laws and traditions in order to see God’s Kingdom come keeping the Jewish laws and traditions in order to see God’s Kingdom come keeping the Jewish laws and traditions in order to see God’s Kingdom come through the Messiah (King). through the Messiah (King). through the Messiah (King).

Jesus of Nazareth - recognized by Nicodemus as “Rabbi … a teacher who Jesus of Nazareth - recognized by Nicodemus as “Rabbi … a teacher who Jesus of Nazareth - recognized by Nicodemus as “Rabbi … a teacher who has come from God” (v.2). But Jesus claims more – He claims to be the “Son has come from God” (v.2). But Jesus claims more – He claims to be the “Son has come from God” (v.2). But Jesus claims more – He claims to be the “Son of Man” come from Heaven to speak of Divine mysteries (Daniel 7:13, of Man” come from Heaven to speak of Divine mysteries (Daniel 7:13, of Man” come from Heaven to speak of Divine mysteries (Daniel 7:13, John 3:11-13). John 3:11-13). John 3:11-13).

According to Jesus, there are certain realities that can only be known as God According to Jesus, there are certain realities that can only be known as God According to Jesus, there are certain realities that can only be known as God reveals them. God has authorized and sent Jesus to reveal these mysterious reveals them. God has authorized and sent Jesus to reveal these mysterious reveals them. God has authorized and sent Jesus to reveal these mysterious realities (:16-17, 8:31-32; Matthew 11:25-30). One of these realities (John 7:16-17, 8:31-32; Matthew 11:25-30). One of these realities (John 7:16-17, 8:31-32; Matthew 11:25-30). One of these mysterious realities is the nature of “eternal life” (John 3:14). mysterious realities is the nature of “eternal life” (John 3:14). mysterious realities is the nature of “eternal life” (John 3:14).

II. The Gift of Eternal Life II. The Gift of Eternal Life II. The Gift of Eternal Life

“The primary word used as a synonym for salvation in the is “The primary word used as a synonym for salvation in the New Testament is “The primary word used as a synonym for salvation in the New Testament is ‘life’ (:10, 1 :12, Ephesians 2:4-5). In the New Testament, the ‘life’ (John 10:10, 1 John 5:12, Ephesians 2:4-5). In the New Testament, the ‘life’ (John 10:10, 1 John 5:12, Ephesians 2:4-5). In the New Testament, the terms ‘salvation’ and ‘eternal life’ and ‘Kingdom of God’ all speak to this same terms ‘salvation’ and ‘eternal life’ and ‘Kingdom of God’ all speak to this same terms ‘salvation’ and ‘eternal life’ and ‘Kingdom of God’ all speak to this same life-altering reality that we grasp by becoming disciples of Jesus (Mark 10:17- life-altering reality that we grasp by becoming disciples of Jesus (Mark 10:17- life-altering reality that we grasp by becoming disciples of Jesus (Mark 10:17- 27).” John Ortberg, “Eternity is Now in Session” 27).” John Ortberg, “Eternity is Now in Session” 27).” John Ortberg, “Eternity is Now in Session”

A. Eternal life is Way Beyond Religion and Human Effort. A. Eternal life is Way Beyond Religion and Human Effort. A. Eternal life is Way Beyond Religion and Human Effort.

In one sentence, Jesus sweeps away everything Nicodemus believed and In one sentence, Jesus sweeps away everything Nicodemus believed and In one sentence, Jesus sweeps away everything Nicodemus believed and stood for by insisting that neither heredity, religion nor human effort can stood for by insisting that neither heredity, religion nor human effort can stood for by insisting that neither heredity, religion nor human effort can obtain God’s salvation (John 3:3). obtain God’s salvation (John 3:3). obtain God’s salvation (John 3:3).

xx God’s salvation is not a matter of heredity (:12-13, xx God’s salvation is not a matter of heredity (John 1:12-13, xx God’s salvation is not a matter of heredity (John 1:12-13, Romans 2:28-29). Romans 2:28-29). Romans 2:28-29). xx God’s salvation is not a matter of religion or human effort, but the xx God’s salvation is not a matter of religion or human effort, but the xx God’s salvation is not a matter of religion or human effort, but the work of God’s (John 3:5-8, Ephesians 2:1-9, Titus 3:4-7). work of God’s Holy Spirit (John 3:5-8, Ephesians 2:1-9, Titus 3:4-7). work of God’s Holy Spirit (John 3:5-8, Ephesians 2:1-9, Titus 3:4-7).

B. Eternal life is Given through Jesus Christ and the Impartation of B. Eternal life is Given through Jesus Christ and the Impartation of B. Eternal life is Given through Jesus Christ and the Impartation of Spiritual Life. Spiritual Life. Spiritual Life.

Our salvation begins when God imparts new spiritual life to our spiritually Our salvation begins when God imparts new spiritual life to our spiritually Our salvation begins when God imparts new spiritual life to our spiritually dead spirits and transfers us into His Kingdom and Family (John 1:12-13, dead spirits and transfers us into His Kingdom and Family (John 1:12-13, dead spirits and transfers us into His Kingdom and Family (John 1:12-13,

NOVEMBER 17 & 18, 2018 NOVEMBER 17 & 18, 2018 NOVEMBER 17 & 18, 2018 5:24-27; Ephesians 2:1-9, Titus 3:4-7, Colossians 1:13-14, 5:24-27; Ephesians 2:1-9, Titus 3:4-7, Colossians 1:13-14, 5:24-27; Ephesians 2:1-9, Titus 3:4-7, Colossians 1:13-14, Romans 2:28-29, Acts 26:17-18). Romans 2:28-29, Acts 26:17-18). Romans 2:28-29, Acts 26:17-18).

The Old Testament imagery is of internal cleansing and a new heart – The Old Testament imagery is of internal cleansing and a new heart – The Old Testament imagery is of internal cleansing and a new heart – “water and the Spirit” (Ezekiel 36:24-27). Just as we need physical hearts “water and the Spirit” (Ezekiel 36:24-27). Just as we need physical hearts “water and the Spirit” (Ezekiel 36:24-27). Just as we need physical hearts for our natural life, we need new spiritual hearts for Eternal life. for our natural life, we need new spiritual hearts for Eternal life. for our natural life, we need new spiritual hearts for Eternal life.

“The new birth is the creation of spiritual life, not the imitation of life.” John “The new birth is the creation of spiritual life, not the imitation of life.” John “The new birth is the creation of spiritual life, not the imitation of life.” John Piper, “Finally Alive” Piper, “Finally Alive” Piper, “Finally Alive”

“Eternal life in the individual does not begin after death, but at the point “Eternal life in the individual does not begin after death, but at the point “Eternal life in the individual does not begin after death, but at the point where God touches the individual with redeeming grace and draws them where God touches the individual with redeeming grace and draws them where God touches the individual with redeeming grace and draws them into a life interacting with Himself and His Kingdom.” Dallas Willard, quoted into a life interacting with Himself and His Kingdom.” Dallas Willard, quoted into a life interacting with Himself and His Kingdom.” Dallas Willard, quoted by John Ortberg, “Eternity is Now in Session” by John Ortberg, “Eternity is Now in Session” by John Ortberg, “Eternity is Now in Session”

C. Watching the Wind/Spirit Move - Signs of New Spiritual life in Jesus C. Watching the Wind/Spirit Move - Signs of New Spiritual life in Jesus C. Watching the Wind/Spirit Move - Signs of New Spiritual life in Jesus (1 Peter 1:3-9) (1 Peter 1:3-9) (1 Peter 1:3-9)

The New Testament presents different kinds of conversion stories The New Testament presents different kinds of conversion stories The New Testament presents different kinds of conversion stories to illustrate the impartation of Spiritual life. You don’t need your birth to illustrate the impartation of Spiritual life. You don’t need your birth to illustrate the impartation of Spiritual life. You don’t need your birth certificate to know you’re alive. You do need these life signs: certificate to know you’re alive. You do need these life signs: certificate to know you’re alive. You do need these life signs:

xx A genuine acknowledgement and sorrow over our sin and the xx A genuine acknowledgement and sorrow over our sin and the xx A genuine acknowledgement and sorrow over our sin and the recognition that we need a Savior (John 16:7-11, 1 John 1:5-10) recognition that we need a Savior (John 16:7-11, 1 John 1:5-10) recognition that we need a Savior (John 16:7-11, 1 John 1:5-10) xx A genuine entrusting of ourselves to Jesus Christ as our Savior and xx A genuine entrusting of ourselves to Jesus Christ as our Savior and xx A genuine entrusting of ourselves to Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord that endures throughout our life (John 3:16-21, 1 :13-16) Lord that endures throughout our life (John 3:16-21, 1 John 4:13-16) Lord that endures throughout our life (John 3:16-21, 1 John 4:13-16) xx A genuine love of Jesus that motivates our obedience and deepens xx A genuine love of Jesus that motivates our obedience and deepens xx A genuine love of Jesus that motivates our obedience and deepens throughout our life (:23-24, 1 :3-6, 3:9-10, 5:1-4) throughout our life (John 14:23-24, 1 John 2:3-6, 3:9-10, 5:1-4) throughout our life (John 14:23-24, 1 John 2:3-6, 3:9-10, 5:1-4)

III. Jesus Crucified and Raised Up to Save You III. Jesus Crucified and Raised Up to Save You III. Jesus Crucified and Raised Up to Save You

Jesus compares His crucifixion with the mysterious story in Numbers 21:4-9. Jesus compares His crucifixion with the mysterious story in Numbers 21:4-9. Jesus compares His crucifixion with the mysterious story in Numbers 21:4-9. As we look to Jesus on the cross in faith and repentance, we are saved from As we look to Jesus on the cross in faith and repentance, we are saved from As we look to Jesus on the cross in faith and repentance, we are saved from our deadly sin and receive Eternal life now (John 5:24-27, 20:31; Romans our deadly sin and receive Eternal life now (John 5:24-27, 20:31; Romans our deadly sin and receive Eternal life now (John 5:24-27, 20:31; Romans 6:23, 10:9-13; 1 John 5:11-12). 6:23, 10:9-13; 1 John 5:11-12). 6:23, 10:9-13; 1 John 5:11-12).

Discussion Questions (for small groups or the dinner table): Discussion Questions (for small groups or the dinner table): Discussion Questions (for small groups or the dinner table):

Jesus alludes to Ezekiel 36:24-27 in His conversation with Nicodemus Jesus alludes to Ezekiel 36:24-27 in His conversation with Nicodemus Jesus alludes to Ezekiel 36:24-27 in His conversation with Nicodemus (John 3:5-8). What is Jesus teaching us about the nature of our (John 3:5-8). What is Jesus teaching us about the nature of our (John 3:5-8). What is Jesus teaching us about the nature of our salvation? Does Jesus put the emphasis on God’s work or ours? salvation? Does Jesus put the emphasis on God’s work or ours? salvation? Does Jesus put the emphasis on God’s work or ours?

How does Jesus’ teaching here challenge or encourage you? What is How does Jesus’ teaching here challenge or encourage you? What is How does Jesus’ teaching here challenge or encourage you? What is your response to this reality Jesus is describing? your response to this reality Jesus is describing? your response to this reality Jesus is describing?

How does Jesus’ teaching inform the way you might pray for someone How does Jesus’ teaching inform the way you might pray for someone How does Jesus’ teaching inform the way you might pray for someone who is not a follower of Jesus? How does it inform the way you might who is not a follower of Jesus? How does it inform the way you might who is not a follower of Jesus? How does it inform the way you might talk to them about salvation? talk to them about salvation? talk to them about salvation?

NOVEMBER8.13.17 17 & 18, 2018 NOVEMBER 17 & 18, 2018 NOVEMBER 17 & 18, 2018