92681_LJHS 9/21/09 11:32 AM Page 1 Fall 2009 Volume 28, No. 3 La Jolla Motor Car Classic 2010 New Home for Society’s Collections How a Property Gains Historical Status 92681_LJHS 9/21/09 11:32 AM Page 2 Office and Research 7846 Eads Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 Wisteria Cottage Executive Director’s Column 780 Prospect Street La Jolla, CA 92037 In the Driver’s Seat! Mailing Address: La Jolla Historical Society 858•459•5335 or the La Jolla Historical A full list of Society events is on page 14. There’s PO Box 2085 858•459•0226 (fax) Society, the year 2010 is something for everyone! La Jolla, CA 92038 F taking on a decidedly www.lajollahistory.org automotive theme! Future Archives Nearly Ready
[email protected] By now, most La After years of hard work in planning, fundraising and Hours: Office & Research Jollans have probably construction, our new archival storage facility – the Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm heard that the Society is Society’s 1894 Carriage House – is just about ready for now the presenting or- us to start moving in the collections. Look for a MISSION STATEMENT ganization for the annual La Jolla Motor Car Classic complete report on this great project in an upcoming The La Jolla Historical Society is dedicated to (see story page 3). The opportunity to take on this edition of Timekeeper once work is finalized. In the mean- the discovery, collection and preservation of great event perfectly blends the Society’s stated mis- time, I want to extend the Society’s sincere La Jolla’s heritage.