This Is Princeton
PPrincetonrinceton WWomen’somen’s BasketballBasketball 2007-082007-08 World-renowned academics. Storied athletic programs. A beautiful campus. History all around. And with the contributions Princeton graduates make every day, still so much more history is yet to be made. THE CAMPUS, THE UNIVERSITY Players Divider TThishis isis PrincetonPrinceton PRRINCETONINCETON WOOMENMEN’S BAASKETBALLSKETBALL 22007-08007-08 6666 WWWWWW.GOPRRINCETONINCETONTIIGERSGERS.CCOMOM 67 PPrincetonrinceton WWomen’somen’s BBasketballasketball 2007-082007-08 THIS IS PRINCETON that holds almost fi ve million books and almost PPrincetonrinceton UUniversityniversity 35,000 current journals and periodicals—near- ly all on accessible open-stack shelving; an art Princeton’s main campus covers 500 acres, museum that exhibits works from its own and and its more than 160 buildings exemplify a other outstanding collections, complement- wealth of architectural styles, ranging from co- ing courses in art and archaeology; a natural lonial buildings to collegiate Gothic dormitories history museum; a computing center and to modern structures by eminent architects. clusters of microcomputers throughout the Coeducational since 1969 (women comprise campus; and outstanding recreational and about 45% of an average freshman class), athletic facilities. Princeton enrolls approximately 7,200 students Beyond the University’s historic campus is (4,900 undergraduates/2,300 graduate students). the town of Princeton, a community of 30,000 Coming from all 50 states and from more than people and the home of the Institute for Ad- 70 foreign countries, Princeton students are an vanced Study (where Albert Einstein spent the unusually talented and diverse group that repre- last 22 years of his life), Princeton Theological sents many economic, ethnic, social, cultural and Seminary and Westminster Choir College of religious backgrounds.
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