Weekly update – 19 February 2021

URGENT – Respond to Defra Transport consultation now The huge concerns held by farmers and crofters over proposals around animal transport have pushed this essential part of the Scottish livestock industry to the top of the agenda. The Defra consultation closes this week and we need individuals to respond directly.

• Full details on the consultations and a video of our webinar are on a dedicated section of our website at: https://www.nfus.org.uk/animal-transport-in-scotland--have- your-say.aspx

Please feed any thoughts or evidence to Penny Middleton at [email protected]

Hitting the ground running Our new President Martin Kennedy is finishing a successful first week in the job, having hit the ground running with a series of virtual meetings with key politicians from Holyrood and Westminster to discuss his priorities as President.

Following the in-depth Q&A between Martin and the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy and Tourism, Fergus Ewing MSP at NFU Scotland’s virtual conference last Friday, the two met again this week along with the newly-appointed Minister for Rural Affairs and Natural Environment, Ben Macpherson MSP for a detailed discussion on future agricultural policy.

And in a further testament to NFU Scotland’s considerable political profile, Martin has also had positive discussions this week with front-bench MPs and MSPs from the SNP, , and Scottish Liberal Democrats to press members’ priorities on a vast range of issues including the impact of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, funding for the sector, ongoing consultations on animal transport, agriculture and the national curriculum, and Covid-19’s impact on various agricultural commodities.

It is as challenging a time for the sector as ever, but despite the limitations of the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions your Union continues to engage at the highest political levels.

FMD 2001 Remembered 20 years on On a day which marks the 20th anniversary of the 2001 Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak – the worst on record for the UK – Scotland’s Chief Vet Sheila Voas has recalled the devastating impact that the disease had and the lessons learned in a guest blog for NFU Scotland. To recognise the anniversary, NFU Scotland will publish a short series of guest articles between today (confirmation of the first UK case) and 1 March (confirmation of the first Scottish case) written by those at the heart of the outbreak and the subsequent response and recovery.

In her blog, Sheila recalls: “This is, in no way, an anniversary to be celebrated, but I’m sure that many people, like me, will be remembering and reflecting on the horror, the pain and the devastation caused to farmers and to those working closely with them. Despite the significant impact on rural communities, and indeed across much of society, there is no doubt that those at the frontline of dealing with the epidemic, and those with susceptible livestock, felt the effects most acutely.”

She candidly admits that her experiences of working as a vet during the outbreak still give her nightmares but urges that while we remember the outbreak and all that was lost because of it, we should also reflect on the good that has come about as a result, with the aim of preventing such a disaster from happening again, at least in scale. She also points to the lessons learned about the impact such an outbreak can have on mental health and the ongoing toll amongst farmers and vets.

“So, let’s remember the outbreak of FMD in 2001, continue to learn from it, and focus on the good things that have been put in place as a result, to prevent such an awful situation happening again.”

To read the full blog, go to: https://www.nfus.org.uk/news/blog/twenty-years-on-from-fmd- 2001--scotlands-chief-vet-remembers

STOP PRESS Part One – Next Week –Farming for 1.5 Inquiry Webinar - Tuesday 23 February at 6pm Members will hear from the Inquiry’s co-Chairs, Mike Robinson (CEO of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society) and former NFU Scotland president Nigel Miller and the event will be chaired by new NFUS President Martin Kennedy. NFUS members will have the opportunity to hear more about the Inquiry’s recently published Interim Report, ‘A Transformation Pathway’ and ask questions of the co-Chairs. NFUS co-sponsor the Farming for 1.5 Inquiry with Nourish Scotland

The Farming for 1.5°C Inquiry aims to find consensus on the best way forward for Scottish agriculture to meet the challenge of limiting global warming to 1.5°C. It is innovative in its make-up of farmers, scientists, activists and environmental NGOs. For the last 18 months they have listened to experts from across the agricultural and climate change arena in order to recommend how Scottish agriculture can become the champions of the fight against climate change.

Sign up here


STOP PRESS Part Two - NEXT WEEK - ‘Have your say’ on Red Tractor Standards Review - Thursday 25 February 2021 - 7.30 - 8.45 pm Red Tractor is reviewing its assurance standards which apply to many farms in Scotland, and in particular dairy.

We need your input and views on the significant changes being proposed and invite you to join us to find out about some of the key areas being consulted on and how you can help NFU Scotland shape our response. The meeting will be chaired by NFUS Vice President Andrew Connon

You can join the live Zoom meeting at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82800253218?pwd=aUZsRnp6Qy9nTUF6bnZtWVNLdS9nZz09 (Meeting ID: 828 0025 3218 Passcode: 828862)

It would be helpful if you could watch the following videos ahead of the meeting to provide you with the necessary background (click on the images below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik3ZECCDyb8&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VILQflpLXlY&feature=youtu.be

If you are unable to join us on the night, we would welcome your views directly by emailing - [email protected] The full consultation can be found at Red Tractor - Citizen Space

In other news this week…

Great turnout for Connectivity webinar – watch the video here

Two weeks to go - Climate Change video competition with drone package up for grabs

Maltsters Map out 2021 requirements – tonnages are up

Results of the AHDB Horticulture levy ballot out and potato levy meeting announced

Scottish Dairy Growth Board Strategy to launch

Say Hello to David, Wave Goodbye to Clare Great turnout for Connectivity webinar Great turnout of around 130 at our webinar with Digital Scotland chaired by Tom French and with an opening message from Minister . The meeting discussed the rollout of the R100 and Scottish 4G infill programmes to improve digital connectivity across the country. A recording of the event is available here: https://vimeo.com/514274354

Ahead of this webinar Ayrshire Chairman Colin Mair wrote an excellent guest blog on the importance of good connectivity and the simple changes he has made to improve his service. Read the full blog at: Improving Your Connectivity - Colin Mair Guest Blog - 16 February 2021 (nfus.org.uk)

Environmental Panel Night open to all NFUS East Central Region Environment Panel Night on Zoom is on Monday 22nd February at 7.30pm. The panel speakers are Anne McCall, RSPB Scotland Director; Ross Lilley, Nature Scot; Martin Kennedy, NFUS President

To join go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87146528753?pwd=VVY3MWw4cUJDNnUvV2tTVEJneDRldz09 Meeting ID: 871 4652 8753 Passcode: 662894 For more information contact Kate Maitland NFUS East Central Regional Manager on 0791 900 1239 or [email protected]

Two weeks to go - Climate Change video competition with drone package up for grabs NFU Scotland and its Next Generation are searching for Scotland's climate farming champion with the support of Royal Bank of Scotland. Entrants should record a three-minute video telling our judging panel, Ben Macpherson, Claire Taylor from the Scottish Farmer, and Next Generation Chair Peter Moss, the steps they've taken to tackle climate change, and why they think these are important, for a chance to win a SoilEssentials package and a state-of-the-art drone. Because of the recent poor weather, the closing date has been extended to me March. More information available here: https://www.nfus.org.uk/news/news/deadline-extended-for-video-competition-to-find-climate- friendly-farming-champion

Future Livestock and Climate Change – Wednesday 3 March 2021 (1.30pm – 3.30pm) Join this exciting event to hear about various projects being carried out by SAC Consulting and SRUC to aid in reducing the effects of climate change in Scottish livestock farming. This is the first of two meetings, the second in June will focus on technologies.

Topics of the day: • Climbing to Net Zero Agriculture - Julian Bell and Robert Ramsay • GHG Myth Busting - Gemma Miller • Grass to Gas - Nicola Lambe • Alternative Protein Sources for Pigs and Poultry - Jos Houdijk. To join please register at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_BqERdbq4TZGAT_p7U7m8tg

Transforming Scottish Farming through Smart Sensor Farming Webinar on Wednesday 24 February 2021, 7pm. Smart digital farming is transforming the way we farm, and has the potential to radically improve the productivity, profitability and sustainability of Scottish agriculture. This webinar, which is aimed at farmers, crofters and their advisers, will share the results from a one-year pilot project to test lowpower smart sensors on three Demonstration Farms. This is an opportunity to learn of the project’s progress, to hear first- hand from the host farmers of their experiences, and of the benefits and challenges from adopting this new technology. The three Demonstration Farms are: • Elaine Booth and Peter Robertson, Ednie Farms, Aberdeenshire • Neil and Debbie McGowan, Incheoch Farm, Alyth • Russell & Robbie Brown, Inverdovat Farms, Fife The Event is free. To book a place please use the following link https://bit.ly/3tJOpYT

Do you have the right Brexit arrangements in place? Visit our step-by-step guide now As traders adapt to new export rules following the start of the new UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement, implications and issues continue to arise in a live environment. Members should ensure they have all the correct arrangements in place with their suppliers and customers to prepare for possible impacts for agricultural business.

We have distilled all the available guidance on our Step-by-Step guide. Visit https://www.nfus.org.uk/policy/brexit.aspx and have your membership number handy to access the resources.

Also, this week, the UK Government’s Business Department has launched a series of new, on demand videos to help businesses familiarise themselves with the new rules and the actions they should take. Businesses can find out more about 18 topics, including importing and exporting, trade, data, and audit and accounting. Register now to immediately access the video content.

• Exports Defra has published new information this week on exporting products of animal origin such as meat, dairy and fish, live animals, plants and plant products to the EU.

Guidance and support available for employers of EU nationals NFU Scotland members will be aware that free movement of people between the UK and the EU came to an end on 31st December 2020. Any EU national who was living and working in the UK in either a seasonal or a permanent capacity before 31st December 2020 must apply to the EU Settlement Scheme to retain their right to remain after 30 June 2021. NFU Scotland has compiled guidance at our dedicated EU Exit resource: www.nfus.org.uk/brexit.aspx Citizens Advice Scotland is also providing free, confidential and impartial advice from dedicated solicitors and advisers via the national telephone helpline, 0800 916 9847.

The Home Office has also published further clarification around employers’ obligations to undertake Right to Work checks which employers can use during the grace period to clarify requirements to EEA employees. Find the resources online here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_da ta/file/962540/6.7209_HO_Right_to_Work_leaflet__PBS__V13.pdf

Dissertation help – Survey on Brexit and diversification A student at the Royal Agricultural University in Cirencester is researching 'To what extent will Brexit be a catalyst for further diversification on farms in the UK' and is asking for people to help feed into the research by filling out a short survey. If you’d like to help you can find the survey here: https://rau.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/will-brexit-be-a-catalyst-for-agricultural- diversification?fbclid=IwAR28G- z2kCQMJTLmCOVJpUriBegFIZZ6_5LblqrGS_OP1i9p7j24J10cqyA

Coronavirus webpages To keep members as up to date as possible during these uncertain times, a reminder that NFU Scotland set up a dedicated coronavirus section on its website which is updated regularly by our hard-working policy team. https://www.nfus.org.uk/coronavirus/coronavirusqa.aspx.

Scottish Farm Business Survey – take part and get a free whole farm carbon audit You may receive a letter asking you to participate in the Scottish Farm Business Survey (SFBS). The Survey is recognised as the most authoritative annual financial analysis of farming businesses in Scotland. It is a key data source for important national statistics that inform agricultural policy making. Outputs include: Profitability of Scottish Farming and Whole Farm Benchmarks Tool Participation is voluntary, and all data is anonymised. In exchange for your most recent set of annual accounts and a follow up call of less than 2 hours you will get your own: Farm Business Report: Whole Farm Benchmark Report: A whole farm carbon audit: performed in Agrecalc, which may also help with grant applications. Get in touch with Sascha Grierson, Project Manager, SAC Consulting e: [email protected] Click here for more information

Maltsters Map out 2021 requirements The Maltsters Association of Great Britain has said its members are likely to buy a total of around 1.9 million tonnes of malting barley from the 2021 UK crop. That is 100 thousand tonnes more than they intended to buy from the 2020 crop. To help growers match what they grow with maltster needs they have published collated information by percentage on what they intend to purchase, split by Nitrogen (N) band, from the 2021 Scottish malting barley crop.

That can be read at this link: https://www.ukmalt.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/What- UK-Maltsters-hope-to-purchase-from-the-2021-crop.pdf

Results of the AHDB Horticulture levy ballot By individual votes cast, the No vote to continue the levy was 61%. The Yes vote was 39%. Voting analysis by value of levy paid, showed a Yes vote of 57% and a No vote of 43%. Overall voter turnout was 69%.

The ballot will now be considered by Defra Ministers to make a decision on the future of the levy.

AHDB to hold an open conversation with Scottish potato growers on levy future AHDB’s ballot on whether or not potato growers want to continue to pay a statutory levy and retain the industry support AHDB delivers in key areas such as research and development, opened on 17 February.

Scottish based potato levy payers are invited to attend a virtual meeting, hosted on Microsoft Teams, on Monday 22 February 1 – 2 pm, to discuss the future of the potato levy via an open conversation with AHDB staff. It will focus on the elements of AHDB’s delivery in Scotland including the work that is carried out at AHDB’s Strategic Potato (SPot) farms.

The meeting will provide the opportunity for Scottish based potato growers to ask questions, meet members of the AHDB potatoes team and potato board members, and hear more about AHDB and what they get for their levy. The aim is to ensure that levy payers are better informed before they cast their vote in the ballot. To register for the meeting visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/scotland-and-the-potato-levy-an-open-conversation-tickets- 141668065999

How do we support beef and sheep production in Argyll & on the islands? NFU Scotland Argyll & the Islands region invites all members to join an online meeting being held on Wednesday 24 February at 7.30pm. You will hear from the guest speakers Pat Lambert and Claire Simonetta – members of the Suckler Beef Climate Group Programme Board, along with Martin Kennedy and Ross Lilley – members of the Hill, Upland & Crofting Group. This will be your opportunity to hear about the work of these two Scottish Government groups and how future support could be delivered. The event will be chaired by Argyll & the Islands Regional Board Chairman, Duncan Macalister, with plenty of opportunity for members to ask questions. Registration and more information is available here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIlc-yoqDMvE9Titdw5z-aN69rED-sMbX0b Dairy Sector Climate Change Group In late December 2020 Cabinet Secretary Fergus Ewing made an announcement forming two new farmer-led groups which will develop advice and proposals to the Scottish Government on how to cut emissions and tackle climate change as reaffirmed in the recently published Climate Change Plan. The Dairy Sector Climate Change Group was formed in January 2021 with a view to developing a support scheme for a profitable and efficient dairy sector that is responding to the climate change challenge. They are tasked with reporting back to Ministers by mid-March with recommendations. As part of this process the group would like to hear from as many dairy farmers in Scotland as possible to inform their recommendations. It would be appreciated if you could take a few minutes to complete this survey. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CT9GD8R

This is a unique opportunity to influence the process which will ultimately result in the support scheme for Scottish agriculture going forward..

If there is anything you want to add that is not covered in the survey, then please email the chair Jackie McCreery [email protected] Please respond as soon as possible but no later than 1st March.

Scottish Dairy Growth Board Strategy The Scottish Dairy Growth Board will launch its new Dairy Strategy for Scotland on the 2 March 2021. ‘Rising to the Top 2030’ sets out the vision for the dairy sector in Scotland to 2030 along with 5 key recommendations needed to achieve sustainable growth. The strategy also reflects on the learnings and achievements within the sector since the Scottish Dairy Review - Ambition 2025 was launched in 2014.

The event will take place online starting at 12.30pm and will hear from Paul Grant – Chair of the Scottish Dairy Growth Board who will outline the key actions needed to achieve the vision and there will be a panel discussion to which attendees will be able to pose questions.

Please register at the following: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/scottish-dairy-strategy-launch-tickets-141405173681

Integrating Trees on Your Land Scottish Forestry are hosting two Integrating Trees on Your Land Network events in March. At the first, taking place on Wednesday 3 March at 7 PM (sign up here) Andrew Adamson of Messrs W Laird & Son, Netherurd Home Farm, Peebleshire, will introduce his farm and talk about how he has integrated trees into his business over a number of years; providing shelter for stock and crops along with an alternative income stream. He'll discuss the initial thought processes, the decision to plant trees, objectives, challenges and benefits etc. At the second, taking place on Wednesday 17 March at 7 PM (sign up here), the Imrie family will talk about their family's new venture into woodland creation at Hillhead farm, Torrance, Lanarkshire and how this has helped them to maximise their marginal land and safeguard the future of the family business. They’ll discuss the initial thought processes, the decision to plant trees, objectives, challenges and benefits etc. and how a 'No, no trees' became a 'yes!'. A speaker from Scottish Forestry will join both events to discuss funding and first steps to woodland creation.

Forth and Clyde invites all members to meet the Budges An invite to all NFUS members to meet with Shetland’s Budge sisters – Kirsty and Aimee – on 24 February at 7.30pm.

The sisters, well-known through their participation in the BBC’s This Farming Life programme and the monitor farm programme will be fascinating online panellists.

The link to join in is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83676369093 Meeting ID – 836 7636 9093 For further information email: [email protected]

Scottish Regional Agritourism dates The following Scottish Agritourism regional meetings have been scheduled:

Tuesday 2 March – Tay Country – Angus, Fife and Perthshire (2pm to 3.30pm)

Wednesday 3 March – South of Scotland – D&G and Scottish Borders (2pm to 3.30pm)

Thursday 4 March – Ayrshire, Arran and Lanarkshire (2pm to 3.30pm)

Wednesday 10 March (tbc) – Argyll and the Isles (2.30pm to 4pm – note different time)

The Eventbrite links are here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/tay-country-regional-agritourism-event-angus-perthshire-and- fife-tickets-141110195393 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/south-of-scotland-regional-agritourism-event-tickets- 141111874415 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ayrshire-arran-and-lanarkshire-regional-agritourism-event- tickets-141112690857

#NFUSHereForYou - Here to support you and your mental wellbeing Health and wellbeing are incredibly important. NFUS recognises that there is a lot of stress and pressure within the industry, and often a stigma associated with talking about your feelings - especially amongst men. The importance of articulating how you are feeling cannot be underestimated, and we have put together a handy list of the organisations out there that can offer help or support. Whether looking for yourself, or someone you know, the #NFUSHereForYou webpage can quickly point you in the right direction. Go to:

NFU Scotland | /nfushereforyou.aspx Mind your head NFU Scotland is supporting the fourth annual Mind Your Head campaign (15-19 February) organised by farming charity the Farm Safety Foundation. The campaign is aimed at raising awareness of an issue that few in the industry want to talk about but that affects one in four people in the world at some point in their lives. According to recent research carried out by the Farm Safety Foundation. 88% of farmers under 40 now rate poor mental health as the biggest hidden problem faced by farmers (an increase from 81% in 2018). The UK- wide survey of 450 young farmers also revealed that 89% believe that talking about the issue will remove the stigma attached to it. A great article from SAYFC’s Jenny Campbell in the Daily record this week on the campaign. Go to https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-news/scots-farmer-launches-mental-health- 23525641

Say Hello, Wave Goodbye Mixed emotions at NFUS HQ this week. On one hand, we welcome David Michie to our policy team. With our long-serving arable policy guru Peter Loggie due to retire later this spring, David will be covering all things arable, including cereals, potatoes, veg. and soft fruits. David has a broad range of experience as he has worked in the agricultural sector for almost 20 years, in a range of roles for a range of organisations, including several years of working on farms. His family still run an all-arable farm in Aberdeenshire, mostly producing malting barley as well as oilseed rape, and other cereals for the feed market. He has also worked for SAC as an agricultural consultant where he had several arable farming clients, regularly monitoring disease and weed pressures in arable crops. For the past 5 years he has worked for the Soil Association where he is involved in farming and land use policy and advocacy work. He will be a great asset to the Policy team and bring with him a wealth of experience and skills that this team already delivers on. And as we say hello to David, today we say goodbye to Clare Slipper. NFU Scotland’s first full-time political affairs manager, Clare has taken NFU Scotland’s political engagement at three parliaments to a different level. She has overseen NFU Scotland become a regular attendee at political party conferences; delivered numerous election manifestos on Scottish, UK, European, Brexit and independence elections and delivered countless briefings and information to politicians from the grass roots to the very highest level. Not surprisingly, many of those wishing Clare well in recent weeks have been numerous MPs and MSPs. Everyone at NFUS wishes her the very best in her new role at a specialist lobbying firm.