South 2036 “A great place to live and work” ’S SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY STRATEGY 2016

Developed by the South Gloucestershire Partnership ■ ■ ■ ■ Sustainable Community Strategy 2016

A great place to live and work

Times change but achieving the best for those who live, work and visit South Gloucestershire remains the cornerstone of the work of the South Gloucestershire Partnership.

This strategy is the shared, long–term, strategic vision for South Gloucestershire developed by the South Gloucestershire Partnership. The partnership is made up Vision of private, public, voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations* who work with communities to identify and tackle key long, medium and short–term local issues to ensure South Gloucestershire remains a great place to live and work.

Our The strategy was first developed in 2002 and has undergone several revisions. It has been updated in response to the new opportunities and challenges presented by local and national policy, and socio–economic change.

Since the last version in 2012, new prospects have opened up not least around our role in the West of success story. For a considerable time now we have been working with our neighbouring local authorities – and more recently with the Local Enterprise Partnership – on cross border issues. This has led us to submit an ambitious Devolution proposal to government (Autumn 2015) which aims to increase our self–reliance, improve our delivery of housing and transport infrastructure, as well as access to employment and skills development. The devolution agenda will further evolve throughout the period of this strategy.

Over the coming years, our place in the West of England will become more consolidated with that of our neighbours; strengthening our ability to improve the lives of our residents by driving economic growth forward and sharing the benefits of that growth throughout the area.

*see inside back page for partner organisations

2 South Gloucestershire 2036 “A great place to live and work” Our

As new trends emerge and old patterns change, the area will be less bound

by geographical considerations. It will be more outward facing with a larger Vision population in both new and established communities. Technology can be our ally but will also impact on every area of our lives, altering the patterns of how we are educated, where we work, and access to services. Partners will need to manage the consequences of these changes through timely and integrated strategic planning.

Localisation will play an increasingly important role in the area’s future as partners change the way they work together and the services they deliver. Local governance and local funding for local services will enable decisions and delivery to be more attuned to the needs of the local community. Partners will continue to support our communities to make them safe, healthy and strong.

The South Gloucestershire Partnership works together to improve the quality of life for people in the area. It is committed to the following values which are embedded in all sections of this strategy and how we deliver it. shared vision – shared values – collective action

• find simple and effective ways of working together that improve efficiency, make the most of resources and ensure value for money

• ensure social, economic and environmental well–being is embedded in all decisions

• promote a greater understanding and mutual respect between different sectors and sections of the community; empower all people to participate and become involved in decisions which affect the area

• ensure resources are used wisely, become carbon neutral, prevent pollution and waste, and conserve and enhance the environment for future generations

3 4 South Gloucestershire (Office for National Statistics mid year est. 2014)est. mid year Statistics National for (Office pupils achieved 5+ A*–C GCSEs or equivalent 5+ achieved A*–C equivalent pupils or GCSEs

Above average health Female landscapes and neighbourhoods contribute to ahigh quality of life. differing communities with individual needs and aspirations, the diversity of its towns, small villages and substantial new development. Characterised by very South Gloucestershire is amix of long established urban communities, market , Bath East and North Somerset. and North which are dealt with by working in partnership with the neighbouring authorities of of Bristolcity present anumber of cross opportunities boundary and challenges centres for future growth. South Gloucestershire’s location and its proximity to the most strategically significant in the southsub–region west and one of the key Bristol, Severn the and . the Estuary GloucestershireSouth is in west the of and England between ■ ■ 53,665 (132,609 acres) 84.5 ■ incl. English and Mathematics and English incl. ■

(Dept. of Education 2015) of Education (Dept. Life Expectancy Life Sustainable Community Strategy 2016 Strategy Sustainable Community yrs Male Male yrs West of England of West (Public Health England) Est. population Est.

271,600 Gloucestershire in area in hectares South (Dept. of Energy and Climate Change 2013) Climate Change and of Energy (Dept. 5.7 82.1 54% tonnes capita CO per


(43%belt) green 80% working age (16–65 yr olds) in employment (NOMIS) olds) yr employment in (16–65 age working 80.8% Safe –low crime (NOMIS) 146,900 (Census 2011)(Census 5% rural Rich cultural heritage Rich (Valuation Office Agency 2015) Agency Office (Valuation 113,705

Black & Minority Ethnic population & Minority Black The WestThe of England is the 2 emissions emissions jobs households

South Gloucestershire 2036 “A great place to live and work” Challenges Planning for Targeting Greater demands Improving travel growth in services and caused by and transport 'A' Roads housing, resources in changing systems through Other Roads employment and areas with the demographics innovative, smart, Railway Line/Station Urban Area infrastructure greatest need e.g. ageing integrated and in a way that population, more appropriate protects the young children solutions Kilometres quality of the area Technological and growing 2 1 0 1 2 3

and digital cultural diversity 1 0 1 2 changes Identifying, Miles Proportion of understanding 75+ and 85+ and reducing

years-old, age n health r Gloucestershire e groups in the v inequalities e population S r e v i R Oldbury- on-Severn Responding to the increase in housing need Thornbury

5 M Tytherington

M 4 8

Rangeworthy Hawkesbury M4 Upton M

4 9 M Badminton 4 Winterbourne 5 M

2 3 M M4

Downend Staple Bristol Hill Kingswood Addressing Marshfield Wick child poverty, North improving Somerset achievement

Bitton and closing Improving education gap; educational raising aspirations outcomes Bath and North East Somerset of all through cohesion and engagement of the education Significant Conserving Encouraging active M4 Motorway community financial and and enhancing travel (cycling, walking) to 'A' Roads resource the natural improve health and reduce Other Roads reductions in the environment dependency on the car Railway Line/Station Changing public sector and rich cultural Urban Area dynamics of heritage M4 Motorway public sector 'A' Roads roles, West of Kilometres Recognising the Other Roads 2 1 0 1 2 3 England and importance of Addressing rural Railway Line/Station 1 0 1 2 devolution a sustainable economic needs Urban Area Miles impacts on cross countryside to and access to boundary working quality of life services © Crown copyright and database rights 2016 Ordnance Survey 100023410 Kilometres 2 1 0 1 2 3 5 1 0 1 2 Miles 6

lifestyle to sustainable amore encourage the transition Gloucestershire: South carbon Low Our Place they can afford can they ahome to access Gloucestershire South in living enable everyone Our homes: environment wider the and wildlife people, of benefit the for countryside and networks spaces, green enhance our and conserve spaces:Open met are residents of all needs education and cultural, health social, the ensure Communities: communities existing and to new both benefits social and physical delivers which development sustainable new and designed well deliver development: Managing ■ health promoting, integrated sense of communities astrong with Enhance our natural and built environment, develop low–carbon, ■ ■ Plan –Connect –Enhance communities. and travel, businesses homes, carbon low and sustainable to more ashift enabling and to promoting committed are We emissions. gas greenhouse high currently our reduce and by climate change posed risks the toWe manage need environment. natural and built the and infrastructure appropriate to aim also balance will It to 2036. growth economic and housing to support schemes of transport aprogramme identify will partners of England West our with jointly study, commissioned strategic transport A communities. for our travel choice more provide will network walking rail, and cycling bus, sub–regional the in Investment centre. city Bristol and fringes east and north the between links improve will which scheme amajor Transport includes Plan Local Joint The congested. still are heavily areas some and traffic in increase resulted asignificant in has however years recent over growth Rapid services. and jobs to access them to enable network transport agood value also People to protect them. need the recognise wildlife, wellbeing and healthy community lifestyles and we for sustaining resources important provide These countryside. the and spaces to open parks, access easy and environment; local of their diversity and quality high is the Gloucestershire South in living about value most people things of the One values. place and community both is meeting sure devolution to make included been has measure balance environmental agreed an ‘place’ but of the theme heart is at the funding place’. Delivering the through JSP infrastructure enhanced and of ‘people themes around specifically designed been has 2015) (Autumn submission West devolution ofThe England infrastructure. and broadband toopportunities improve access to facilities, local services, and resources in brings and spaces open and places valued our on impact to away in minimises this that achieve together to We strive work will stakeholders. and communities local continued close collaboration the between council, developers, require will process This development. new for locating aframework and proposals detailed out setting Plan Local 2016 from Strategy anew in Core resulting of our for areview point starting the form also will JSP The to up 2036. needs identified to go meet will development employment and housing new (JSP) Plan where to Spatial determine a Joint We producing housing. are and jobs through growth economic to authoritieslocal and other plan partners for sustainable At a West of England level we are with neighbouring working ■ place connected by well planned transport networks by wellplace connected transport planned

Sustainable Community Strategy 2016 Strategy Sustainable Community connection and historic pride civic ofsense place, appearance, their enhance to and retain countryside our and neighbourhoods towns and villages, our for to care communities our with work pride:Local transport public and shared use affordable and to cycle walk, easy for people safe it make and that networks transport through to places people connect around: Getting objectives regeneration employment and strategicwith consistent and is sustainable that where businesses of requirements infrastructure and premises meet land, premises: land and Employment

South Gloucestershire 2036 “A great place to live and work” Our Achieve – Sustain – Maximise Maximise opportunities to access first class education; reduce attainment gap and prosper through a balanced economy, a well–trained workforce and sustainable jobs for all Economy

South Gloucestershire has a diverse economy ranging from Support local rural and home grown small and medium enterprises to world business leading companies in key high growth sectors. These include growth: , advanced engineering, defence, and high tech improve industries alongside micro–electronics and robotics. It also has productivity and large local economic drivers such as the University of West of competitiveness England which plays a key part in supporting high standards of education and training for these cutting edge industries, and the Mall at which provides extensive Help new retail and commercial services. Both of these major employers business to attract investment and help create a vibrant economic form: environment which benefits both businesses and communities. increase the number, survival We host the Science Park, a recognised asset of national and growth importance, providing a world class environment for rates of starter businesses in science and advanced technology. It and small incorporates the National Composites Centre, the national and medium leader on research and design. We are also a centre of enterprises excellence for green and environmental technologies, Share the animation and IT solutions. benefits of economic In order to maximise outcomes for individuals and employers, growth: Education in a locally responsive skills system with sustainable routes our schools: ensure that all into higher level skills is essential to the delivery of economic parts of South improve growth. Engaging skills and employment partners across the standards so Gloucestershire West of England is crucial to the development of a robust and all groups young people skills system. realise their share the benefits aspirations and Working with partners across the West of England and the of economic are well prepared Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP), we signed up to one of development for the future the largest City Region Deals in 2012 aimed at delivering an additional 40,000 jobs and over £1 billion investment to support local growth over the next 30 years. South Gloucestershire Promote South Improve hosts three of the sub–region’s five Enterprise Areas. Gloucestershire to inward training, skills It is important that the high level of carbon emissions are investors: and workforce reduced and that the local economy benefits from the generate new development: opportunities associated with the transition to a low carbon job opportunities raise aspirations economy. Local production and consumption and services for South and skill levels close to where people live are an important part of this. through our Gloucestershire education and The area continues to develop and grow but pockets of social residents training providers; and economic disadvantage still exist. Helping people back involving local into work as well as raising young people’s aspirations through employers to top class educational and vocational experiences will improve Support major ensure their personal achievement, social and economic wellbeing and employers to workforce needs reduce the gap between prosperity and deprivation. Excellent stay in the area: are met educational provision underpins a healthy economy which is safeguard and the bedrock of future success. increase jobs in key sectors and strengthen the local supply chain

7 8 Our Communities locality their in decisions influence and understand people local which to extent the increase making: in decision communities Engaging together communities bring and people and inequality people; tackle help vulnerable communities: incohesion our improving and equality Promoting greatest is need the where areas in help provide most resources: Focusing

■ provide local solutions; communities sothey support are safe and Support – Contribute – Engage – Contribute – Support Engage people of all ages sothey feel they belong and help can ■ feel safe and have of an optimum quality to access services ■ isolation due mainly to access to services and transport. and to services to access mainly due isolation ofRural the parts district also have challenges of particular aspirations. and needs own release into capital the communities so they address can their to required are of power. mechanisms devolution Also, better the through involvement to greater local be needs there but delivery and support engagement, this in role avital play Town and Parish Councils communities. own their in solutions deliver helping and finding in is to this people of involve doing way to One thrive. ability and sustainability their improve can we enablingBy the development of strong, vibrant communities of services. delivery and determination local in to involved be opportunities have more even will Communities to live. place inclusive more create and afairer helped has roles,decision-making especially from equalities groups, which on have taken people More cohesion. community strengthen help who population older active an and sector voluntary Crime levels are low and there and is a thriving community SportsPound). the of ways (e.g. avariety in Plan,devolution, Spatial planning Joint strategic sub-region’s the and partners, its and council the forefront of at the remain communities of these needs of the Awareness health. and crime income, to housing, access in terms of educational achievement, isolation from transport, of inequality pockets are there neighbourhoods priority the In neighbourhoods. priority as defined of deprivation areas are there of prosperity, relative towns. However, market areas small or villages alongside rural in either remainder the suburbs, fringe urban in live of residents percent Sixty place. in infrastructure of community range good a and parishes and towns vibrant with families middle-income by dominated area is an Gloucestershire South main the In ■

Sustainable Community Strategy 2016 Strategy Sustainable Community to heard be andviews voices and enable their their communities contribution to apositive make young to people encourage young people: of Participation other each and themselves help communities to support and with work initiative: Encouraging robustness and resilience strengthening and sector the stimulating by social enterprises groups and community organisations, voluntary build strong sector: and voluntary community stronger a Building confidence improve public communities and our on disorder and of crime and impact level the reduce safe: feel and safe Be

South Gloucestershire 2036 “A great place to live and work” Our Prevent – Deliver – Promote Promote personal wellbeing, reduce health inequalities and deliver high quality physical and mental health and social care services which protect our most vulnerable and offer people greater choice

and control within strong, self-supporting communities Health

Overall people in South Gloucestershire experience better than Reduce average health with a narrowing gap in life expectancy between inequalities: men and women. Over the next two decades it is anticipated address the that life expectancy will improve, although there is a risk that needs of our improvements will be reduced by increasing levels of obesity. communities There are marked inequalities in health, with people living in through positive poorer areas, particularly the priority neighbourhoods, having prevention and lower life expectancy and higher rates of heart disease and early intervention; lung cancer. protect the vulnerable and Health inequalities are apparent at an early age. Tackling child provide extra help poverty is a priority. Children who grow up in poverty are four and support to times as likely to become poor adults becoming the parents of Choice and those who need it the next generation of children living in poverty. quality: most enable access to Improvements in life expectancy will lead to the number of high quality and people in the over 65 age group increasing by 60% and effective services, a doubling in those over the age of 85 years-old. Many and support Support older people will remain in good health and continue to live people to help independence: independent lives. However, because illness and chronic themselves make sure medical conditions such as dementia and diabetes, are information and more common in older people there will be an increased advice is available need for health and social care support to help people retain and accessible to Care close to independence and manage their conditions. Local community help people with home: health and social care services need to continue to develop the big changes bring health and integrate and meet the needs of local people, particularly in life, help them care closer to those with complex and long-term conditions. regain life skills local people and to remain Good health is not just about health and care services. Many by developing independent social and environmental factors impact on health including community housing, employment, education and the built environment. We services need to encourage people to be responsible for all aspects of Healthy their own health and support them to help themselves. lifestyle: Suitable Area-wide strategic support of specifically targeted groups help people make housing: including those with health issues and/or caring responsibilities healthy choices ensure everyone is being built into the growth agenda as it is recognised that and enjoy a has high quality this is needed to help people into work and to tackle social and healthy lifestyle; homes suitable to economic inclusion. ensure the design their needs of communities encourages active travel, play, Best start: recreation and give children the active lifestyles best start in life and help them achieve their full potential; protect them from harm and neglect

9 10 Performance • • • • • • • • • the:include is also delivered through other area-wide and organisational strategies which work together to develop action plans so the strategy is delivered. strategy The SouthThe Gloucestershire Partnership Board and the three strategic partnerships meaningful and useful data to monitor South Gloucestershire’s quality of life. fits the strategy by reviewing the measures currently usedcapturing and the most Gloucestershire Partnership Board also makes sure the governance framework whether quality of life is getting better, worse or staying the same. South The important facts about South Gloucestershire and aims to demonstrate the of Quality Life –anannual which measures report Report and communicates reported to the Board. Sustainable The Strategy Community is monitored through progress against outcomes set out in their individual strategies which are then Board and Safer and Stronger Communities Strategic Partnership measure Each year the Economy and Skills Strategic Partnership, Health and Wellbeing to ensure continues it to respond to area’s the and needs aspirations. is aliving It document which years is reviewed to 2036. regularlytwenty for Gloucestershire direction the South sets This over strategy next the Implementation and monitoring Implementationand ■          ■ Joint Spatial Plan Joint Local Transport Plan Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Early Years Strategy Economic Development Strategy Core Strategy Climate Change Strategy Children and Young People’s Plan Child Improvement Poverty Plan ■ ■

Sustainable Community Strategy 2016 Strategy Sustainable Community • • • • •    Strategic Partnership Plan. Partnership Strategic Safer and Stronger Communities and Commissioner’s Plan and Somerset Police Crime LEP Strategic Economic Plan Local Flood Management Risk Plan Strategy Partnership Enterprise Local 11 Partners Town and Parish Councils Parish and Town members) (non-ALCA Economy Partnership and Skills Strategic Board Wellbeing and Health and StrongerSafer Communities Partnership Strategic “A great place to live and work” live to great place “A South Gloucestershire 2036 Gloucestershire South Member organisations of the South Gloucestershire Gloucestershire South the of Member organisations Partnership Board Corporate Strategy and Partnerships South Gloucestershire Council PO Box 299 Civic Centre High Street Kingswood Bristol BS15 0DR

Tel: 01454 863868 Email: [email protected]

Developed by the South Gloucestershire Partnership

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