Eastern University The Keep

September 1983

9-9-1983 Daily Eastern News: September 09, 1983 Eastern Illinois University

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will be sunny, hot and humid, with the highs in the mid to upper 90s. The Dally Friday night will be warm and humid with fair skies and the lows in the low to mid 70s. Saturday will be astern News mainly sunny, hot and homid with the highs in the mid to upper 90s.

Fall figures for enrollment to be released by Crystal Schrof Eastern's fall 1983 enrollment will be record­ breaking if it reaches Eastern's Acting President Stanley Rives' expectation of "around 10,050" students.

Official fall 1983 enrollment· figures will be releas- ed Friday, Rives said. Despite efforts to curb enrollment, this fall's figure could exceed Eastern's largest fall enrollment of 10,016 in 1981, he said. The possible record enrollment is "good news and bad news," Rives said. "I am not terribly happy because we don't have the resources, but on the other hand it indicates Eastern is very popular with students. " In August, Rives said he believed Eastern's fall 1983 projected enrollment would be 9,926 students. The Illinois Board of Higher Education recommend­ ';;"'-•·<---�.·;,.;.. .-_v...... ,.., ,••.• ·.:•.W _ ed Eastern's enrollment not exceed 10,016 . ···-· __ ,,_,_ _ · ,,, --.,,.,...... ;;_"" The IBHE issued a recommendation in Jauary 1980 that Eastern reduce enrollment because the number of students was too high in relation to the amount of state funding received. However, Rives said he believes Eastern's possible record enrollment will not cause any problems with the IBHE. ''We made a very serious effort to curb our enroll­ ment, " he added. to popular belief, the economy is not get­ Griffith said about his job hunting Thursday. He said "Our target was a lot less but we made a series ef-­ . Don Griffith, 59, has been out of work for he will "walk until I find work or die." Wednesday he fort to reach it, " Rives said. "We can 't control it s after being laid off from the Macco earned $2 from a farmer whom he helped move a precisely. There is no way to control enrollment aris. He worked only six months in the last sign. precisely. '' s. Tuesday he walked from the west end Inset:_ Gr_iffith wears a sign that says, "Age 59, In an attempt to meet Eastern's projected fall 1983 through Charleston in search of employ­ need work." (News photos by Brian Ormiston) enrollment figure, a freshmen and junior college esterday I was thrilled, today I want to cry," transfer student applications cutoff date was in­ stituted July 8. In addition, admission applications were cut off �tables admissions proposals for all students with the expection of graduate

students. This is the third year Eastern has instituted· higher freshmen requirements cutoff dates to maintain enrollment.

Whitehead According to a a CBS News report "Making the age of five proposals to raise freshman col­ Grade," which aired Sept. 7, the average American - Inside 'ssion standards throughout the state was high schpol student spends less than 1,000 hours in the Illinois Board of Higher Education the classroom per year. However, high school y. students in foreign countries spend an average of 'ngenfelter , IBHE deputy director, said the 1,700 hours per year in the Classroom. of five proposals recommends that state The proposals are a result of a March 1983 IBHE 'es specify subject requirements in their proposal to increase the emphasis in Illinois schools admission standards. on mathematics, sciences and communication skills, felter said he· believes the review of college he added. n requirements is necessary "to allow Illinois state universities were asked to report to to make more use of their college educa- the IBHE on their admission and general education requirements as a result of the March proposal. ope to get discussions throughout higher According to an IBHE report, the University of Il­ going on the subject of raising standards- ,'' linois is the only state university which requires specific high school courses for admission. The ma­ oposals would require all university admis­ jority of other public universities only recommend rds to be reviewed and approved by the specific high school courses.

· genfelter noted. Lingenfelter said if the proposals are approved, it 'tion, the IBHE proposals recommend high will take time before they are implemented. rse requirements be met in preparation for He said the proposals would have to be reviewed 's degree. by the Joint Education Committee and State Board· posals recommend four years high school of Education. required in English with emphasis on writing Lingenfelter added that he believes more informa­ Paul F. Weller 'ng, social studies with emphasis on history . tion on the proposals will not be available until 1984- ment and math with emphasis on in­ 85 because state universities will be preparing admis­ to advanced algebra, geometry, sion requirement reports for the IBHE in the mean­ Number three and computer programming. time. Paul F. Weller, the third of ·eight presidential 'tion, Lingenfelter said the IBHE proposals In other business, Lingenfelter said the board ap­ candidates, will be spending his last day on cam­ d two years high school study in foreign. proved an $8,000 request for building a pus Friday. Thursday, Weller expressed his meetingclassroom which will be adjacent to O'Brien views on working in a university and the special clter said the proposals were put forward Stadium. funding problems public institutions are currently ef the need "to work hard to increase our The building will be used as a meeting room during facing. competitiveness with the rest of the sports events and as an instructional facility for traf­ see page 3 fic safety programs.at Eastern. 1 Friday, September 9, 1 983 The Dall Eastern Korean jet crashed intact-tap

TOKYO (AP)-After Korean Air Lines Flight officials. have speculated that if the giant \ 007 was hit by a Soviet missle, the pilot may have blew up , wreckage would have been s fought for several minutes to keep the jumbo jet over a wide expanse of sea. aloft before it crashed into the sea, transcripts of Japanese fishermen reported two or thr Soviet and Japanese radio conversations in- · bangs and flashes of light in the sky a dicate. time the plane crashed, but as far as is kn There is no suggestion in the transcripts, as mark the exact time and did not know the provided by the Japanese Foreign Ministry, that The aircraft, traveling from New Y U.S. forces destroy Druse militia the plane carrying 269 passengers and crew ex­ Seoul via Anchorage, was shot down by a BEIRUT, Lebanon-The U.S. Navy unleashed its ploded in the air or caught fire. In fact, the warplane after it strayed off course and fl appear to indicate firepower in Lebanon for the first time Thursday, destroying Soviet pilots' conversations Soviet territory. that they may have tried to follow its descent a Druse militia battery that shelled Beirut airport while two The transcripts of the Soviet pilots' con possibly in low Marine generals were inspecting Marine positions. visually before it vanished, tions with ground controllers indicates No casualties were reported at the airport, where four altitude cloud cover. Sukhoi-15 pilot fired two heat-seeking Marines bave been killed and 28 wounded since late last mon­ The Soviets have told the Japanese they found· Korean jetliner from perhaps from perha th. But police said 52 Lebariese were killed and 114 wounded some debris in an area near the Soviet island of to two miles after approaching it from t in fierce Christian-Druse fighting in the mountains overlook­ Sakhalin. But no debris has been found by The plane was hit at approximately 3:26 ing the airport. Japanese search boats in the area and it might the transcript shows. The Druse, in a statement issued by their Progressive mean that the plane fell largely intact. Japanese Socialist Party, claimed Lebanese troops and Christian Phalange militiamen burned down a Druse religious shrine in Ebey, 7.5 miles southeast of Beirut, and "massacred " 40 men, women and children who had taken refuge there. Washington murder plot foiled (AP)-A wealthy Chicago real what motivation was behind the alleged sc There was no independent confirmation of the claim, the estate broker has been charged with attempting Sources indicated, however, that 0 latest in a series of reports of massacres by both Christians to hire a gunman to murder Mayor Harold had offered $1 million to have the and the Syrian-backed Druse since Israeli troops pulled out of Washington, Cook County State's Attorney assassinated and that he was concerned a the mountains Sunday. · · Richard M. Daley said Thursday. city's future under Washington's administ Soviet flight ban urged by pilots The suspect was identified as Lawrence N. Daley did confirm that Oberman was Oberman, 38, of Chicago. He was arrested recorded, saying, "We have tape recordi WASHINGTON-The State Department cautioned Wednesday night and charged with two counts of corroborate the solicitation. " Americans on Thursday against traveling to the Soviet Union, solicitation to commit murder and one count of Oberman was arrested in front of his h noting that a proposed ban by international airline pilots on possession of cocaine. He was indicted on the an affluent lakefront neighborhood on th flights to that country could result in serious disruptions for charges by a Cook County grand jury. Near North Side after allegedly purchas' travelers. Daley said Oberman was tape-recorded while ounces of cocaine from a government The department statement was issued after the governing soliciting a government informant to murder cover agent, Daley said. board of the World Pilots' Association, in response to last W ashingon for a sum of money. He refused to He was in custody Thursday. Bond w week's downing of a Korean airliner by a Soviet interceptor. disclose either the amount of money involved or $4 million by Circuit Court Judge Joseph r----;i'.�m;;AY&SA�---, I FALL SPECIALS Sweaters& I1 Dress Slax i 20% off I s Dressw���:! Shirt Purchase 3;: I \ I FREE TIE with I I � Suit or Sport Coat I I I Shop Our Denim Room I $20 Jeans.20070. off I� Free c_Iothing • with I Through month I · of September · ¥ Dig into the cool. rich. delicious taste of our I ·. SWT SHAFER'S Peanut Buster Porfoit Or nutty Double Delight·. Or 1 luscious Benona Split covered with flav= like t strawberry and pineapple. Royal Treats. everyone. Down own I specially priced PURCHASE and ,Throughout September. I I WE TllEATRIGHT' 'IOU " L->.a:��,� ����:��l!JIX�: .�� � News Staff Editor in ...... Steve Binder News editor ...... Madeleine Doubek Ass't news editor ...... Maureen Foertsch Managing editor .. . Marc Pacatte Identification Statement Editorial page editor...... Gary Burrows The Daily Eastern News is published daily, Monday through Friday, at Activities/supplemerts editor ...... Becky Tinder Charleston, Illinois during the fall and spring semesters and twice weekly Night Staff Administration editor ...... Crystal Schrof during the summer term, except during school vacations or examinations. Editor ...... Sharon Art Director ...... Tim Broderick $13 ...... by the students of Eastern Illinois University. editor ...... Mary Holland Subscription price: per Assistant . · .. . . Lisa City editor ...... Sharon Bray semester, $3 for summer only, $26 for ali year. The Daily Eastern News is ...... Wire Editor ...... Marc P Government editor ...... Carl Pugliese a member of the Associated Press, which 1s entitled to exclusive use of all . . . . Sports Editor . . .. Jeff Photo editor...... Fred Zw1cky articles appearing in this paper. The opinions expressed on the editorial . Sports editor...... John Humenik .... . and op-ed pages are not necessarily those of the administration, faculty or Photo Editor ...... Fred Z Verge editor ...... Denise Skowron student body.Phone 581-28 12, Advertising 581-28 13. Advertising manager...... Pat Mangan phone The Daily Copy desk . .. . . Jack C Advertising sales manage1 ...... Jeff Sidler Eastern News editorial and business offices are located in the North Gym ...... Kevin McD Promo ions manager...... Lori Jezior of the Buzzard, Building, Eastern Illinois University. Second class postage· Marketing manayer ...... Kirn Morris paid at Charleston, IL 61920. USPS002250. Printed by Eastern Illinois Student busines;.. 'Tlanager...... Donna Segre 61920. University, Char1eston, IL Business manayer ...... Bob McElwee Adviser ...... David Reed Eastern News Friday, September 9, 1 983 3 "rd candidate forsees additional funding Biiierbeck emphasized that his abilities· and aspirations are in presidential candidate Paul F. Weller said line with education and working with students. he believes universities should take a "My reputation is just, fair and honest. Some proach toward contingency planning and universities in the country need people like that as severe measures may be unnecessary. president," he said. vice president for academic affairs at "The university and president need to match each State Polytechnic University-Pomona, is other; the university needs to make that match," he of eight presidential candidates to conduct a continued. interview schedule with Eastern faculty, As former dean of the College of Arts and Sciences· students. at Western Illinois University, Weller has had ex­ an interview with local and campus media perience with educational and political matters tives, Weller was questioned about his sources. within Illinois and the BOG. Eastern's budget, academics and communi- State officials, board members, parents and In addition, Weller has served as department chair­ students alike believe in the quality of education at man of chemistry and assistant to full professor at he said he believed contingency planning Eastern, and further funding is needed to continue State University of New York-Fredonia. ant, Weller emphasized that institutions this tradition, he added. Weller and his wife Gail, a community college in­ urned" in the planning process . Weller said being involved with obtaining funding structor, have two sons , Mark and David. can plan yourself to death and make so would be an important part of his responsibilities if tingency plans that the institution gets ·he is chosen as Eastern's next president. Weller completes his two-day campus interview wering morale and becoming counter­ Working closely with the BOG and keeping them schedule Friday as he meets with various campus " e, he said .. informed of financial difficulties could enable groups in the Union Schahrer room. 'tion, Weller said he believes Eastern will Eastern to obtain more funds, he said. 9-1 O a.m.The Council on Academic Affairs and the University Per- reased funding in the future. Monies for the university can be incorporated by sonnel Committee 10- 1 1 a.m ...... Council of Deans said he believes the Board of Governors private individuals, alumni fund-raising projects and 11 a.m.-noon ...... Civil service employees understands" the university's funding pro- various dona­ businesses in the community offering noon-1 ...... lunch, Union addition 1895 room 1 am confident that it is going to happen," tions, he added. 1- 2 p.m ...... Student Government speaking about the possibly of more funds In addition, Weller said he believes he has the 2-3 p.m ...... Fa culty ated to Eastern from state and federal qualifications needed from Eastern's president. He 3-3:45 p.m ...... Pr esidential search committee man educator: school system based on fun.ding can afford the expense, he said. attend Grundschule (elementary intellegent students," Schlandt said. Germany's reputation for "Academics of private schools are school) until the fourth grade. Parents By the time students in the gym­ tandards and excellence in not very prestigious as compared to the then use their child's academic level to nasiums reach 10th grade, they have could be based on a unique public schools,'' he added. determine which type of school they learned three langauages and have government funding and in­ All schools are supervised by govern­ should attend, he added. studied such courses as physic, t, a German educator said ment authorities in each state of West Students who attend the lowest level chemistry, and biology, he noted. night. Germany. Each state's budget sets schools, Hauptschules, usually end up This traditional educational system es Schlandt, a German aside 65 percent for education, completing their higher education in a has changed in many politically social­ on leave from the Munich Schlandt said. type of job training program, Schlandt democratic states, he said. These states stem, described the German ''Theoretically, political interferance said. have one school called Gesantschule t-e"r ;; I system during a lecture at does not exist such as party politics, The average student goes to a middle :that-· everyone attencf'af · the >fourth hursday night. but appointments of teachers and school called Rauptschules and "the grade, S�hJafldt s_aLd._ _ _ schools, which do not play a especially principals are made by af­ brighter students attend Gymnasiums. The Gesantschuleilas all three types· ·: rtant role in German educa­ filiation to the party in power,'' he Gymnasiums in Germany do not have of schools in one building. "Ideally, for students who have failed said. the same meaning as in America. They this type of school gives every pupil a hools and have parents who In conservative states, are types of schools for the bright and chance," he said.

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Editorials represe n t the majority opinion of our editoria l

Friday, September 9, 198� The Dally Eastern Is the toll parking lot worth $5.76? Yourtum

In these tight budget times, when every area of the university is· scrambling for money, the Union Edltorlal Awareness reques must be pra!sed for reopening ttwt veritable Editor: vacuum of revenue: the Union toll gate. This morning, as I drove into After all, 76-the toll -lot's profit the last There was the time it ran out of tickets; parking $5. Route 16, I saw a middle-a er it was in operation....:....is sure to ease was free until the supplier sent more. semest walking along the road with a Eastern's budget shortfall. And, �f . you believe· There was the time-when the winter chill set duffie bag. Following every that, well, as Joan Rivers would say, "Oh grow in-when student workers collecting the money in structions about hitchhikers, I up!" the booth fondly referred to as "Glover's Folly" farther over into my lane. The Union staff, the Campus Traffic Committee had a greater understanding of "frostbite." As I got nearer, I saw a sign arid everyone else involved have been indecisive And who could forget the times-oh, to be back: "Age 59, needs work." on this issue since former Student Body Presi­ young again-when the gate fell off? That hit me. As college dent Bob Glover hatched the idea more than two Even Union Area Head Bill Clark has called the we're often oblivious to the years ago. toll gate lot a "low-priority service" which con­ around us. Granted, there's On its face, the idea behind the move to the toll sumes the most staff supervision time. Clark much national news that the News is able to print. That's gate was intelligent one. Glover wanted to make removed the toll during Spring semester last year. hoping that other students w" spaces close to campus available to as many peo­ The solution? Well, drop the toll idea and either half hour away from their ple as possible. However, it should be obvious to go back to just selling stickers or change the lot to '-'Leave It To Beaver" to wat everyone that the worthy experiment has failed. a 2-hour limit zone. We could buy some chalk for tional newscast at 5:30 p.m. The gate has been a nemesis to those in -charge the campus security officers to mark tires and let day. As college students, we' and has been beset with problems from the day it them walk. across the street every two hours with posed to _know what's going · opened. some chalk and a pad of tickets. keeping up on current evens us. I don't know who th�t man I don't have a job to give awareness of a problem is a solving it.

Laura Mueller

Grid program prai

Editor: Having closely followed the football team the past sever both home and away, I was impressed with the responsi ner displayed by the team, bo off the field Saturday at Illinois

I believe we have a ·

· coaching staff this season reflected in the actions of the who, in my opinion, repre university very well. I am hopeful the 1 983 This week's question was asked by reporter ·Sheila receive the loyal and enthus· Billerbeck. The photographs were taken by Jim Eastern speaks: Brand. port of both the campus and Charleston-Mattoon area at SIU-Carbondale and throu remainder of the season.

Bruce Michael


. The name and phone of at author must be submitted letter to the editor.

with a pseudonym) or without number or other means of authorships will not be publi Names will be withheld on r Letters should be typew Bryant Waites Dennis Cler Vance Ketchens Diana Hopkins should not exceed 250 wor speech communication math computer management theater arts which exceed the 250-word junior graduate student senior Junior be edited to fit with the writer' "Academic experience. "Able to work with "Have the ability to make "That he's aware of the sion. Being able to relate to students and faculty. complex decisions. Be students' needs; know -Please try to hold letters to students on a person-to­ Somebody that can handle familiar with problems that about the financial position before submitting them. person basis." the changing financial situa­ are at hand."· of students and the costs of Handwritten letters will be tions we're going through." going to school." if they are legible. ally Eastern News Friday, September 9, t 983 5

festival to present Kr:i�PPaff,LE EIJU,Pr.IEF:iT 'r:iL., sic Will be demonstrating the latest in Olivetti de variety of rock bands typewriters, word processors, calculators, Vass or drugs and this will be enforced. We and guidelines. 8a.m. to 5 p.m. 'ety of music will be performed want a good crowd to have a good time usical festival Sunset Jam II on who will not cause trouble," he added. Fri., Sept. �th & Mon., Sept. 12 The gate opens at noon. Tickets are musical festival will start at 1 $5 per person with free parking. University Union - Martinsville Room nday at Sunset Lake Park, Sponsors of the concert are B.J .'s three and a half miles east of West and Benedict's. The rain date is on. Sept. 18. Jam Coordinator Vern RIDA · · said the Champaign-based rock ockwork Orange will headline Cable owners PLA 'val this year. The band features Todayand yer Peter Bailey, a former merge services �· of the Slink Rand Band and � ns and Roadmaster. Owners of Showtime and The Movie Tomorrow kwork Orange performs hard­ Channel announced the merger of the 9 - 8 p.m. porary rock like Rush, Billy two pay television services Tuesday. a.m. and Billy Idol," Millsap said. Showtime and The Movie Channel, UNIVERSITY BALLROOM (J)� yl & the Octanes,'' a five-piece ranking second and third in the in­ 'th a female lead singer, will dustry respectively, merged to provide West End "' Clockwork Orange. The band stiffer competition for industry leader Sponsored by the Craft Depot the music of artists such as Home Box Office. u Harris and Men at Work. Showtime was formerly owned by l;p_wne-. r- · l.lth981 UNON.111. second band is Hot· Set-Up, a Viacom International inc. The Movie � f · e "boogie band," Milsap Channel was previously owned by m They play dance music in the Warner Amex Cable Communications, ZZ Top," he added. a division of Warner Communications. opening barid is Whitewolf. The new compariy, called Showtime­ have just been added and play The Movie Channel Inc., is 50 percent Jonathan's k like Judas Priest and Step- owned ·by Viacom, 31 percent by having his ," Millsap said. Warner and 19 percent by Warner first affair. e will be no underage drinking Amex. receive awards umni AN ORION Samuels president of the Independent Insurance �(cu4PICTURES RELEASE I!!) former Eastern students were Agents of America in 1982. After honored as recipients of the receiving a bachelor's degree in educa­ 'stinguished Alumnus Awards tion from Eastern, Payan has spent the ALL SHOWS BEFORE 6 P...M. rn. last 28 years in the insurance industry. '•'< '.0AIL'Y · les Titus , alumni services direc­ v oigt, class of 1942, is a professor 'd former Eastern students who of" botany and an associate dean at distinguished themselves in Southern Illinois University-Carbon­ . 'c, literary, business, profes­ dale. r public services are eligible for Voigt, who grew up in Mattoon, has d. written several publications concerning . alumni selected for award were the flora of Sou tern Illinois. deserving" of the honor, Titus Woodyard, class of 1954, is a pro­ heir accomplishments and ser- fessor of Spanish and associate dean of ve brought credit to the univer­ the graduate school at the University of said. Kansas. Woodyard, a Charleston es will be presented by native, also serves as associafve vice 's Acting President Stanley G. chancellor of research and vice at a special Homecoming chancellor for academic affairs at the nyon Oct 1. university. Hill, Jack Payan, John Voigt Titus said the Distinguished Alum­ • rge Woodyard were named as nus Award was created in 1973 through NO BOOZE! NO SMOKING! distinguished alumni. the Office of Univesity Relations, the Charleston native and a alumni service and the President's of­ ROD•E� DANGERFIE'D of the class of 1944, is a fice as a way of recognizing of Aircraft Programs and outstanding alumni. EAS•MOllE� Design . Specialist at Menasco, Titus said nominees are selected by Sat. & Sun. Mat. - 1 :45 Ii!) Burbank, Calif. alumni, students, faculty, and com­ Nitely supervised the design, detailing , munity members. 4:45•7:20•9:25 ting of new programs for From an average of 25 nominees, the . He designed the main and committee selects six to eight alumni FINAL WEEK! ding gears and linkages for the for recommendation to the president. NATIONAL shuttle orbiter and Boeing 757 The president then selects the final reci­ Every summer Chevy pients. LAMPeeN'S Chase takes his fam­ ily on a little trip. This year he went too far. '/ACAnon TONITE - 4:30•7:00•9:15 Sat. and Sun. Matinee 1 :30 •Nautilus •Universal HELD OVER! •Free Weights MICHAEL KEATON •Aerobics (optional) TERI GARR •Suntan Lounge (optional)

liiii1MR}t1� ,.a � 20lh CENTURY-FOX FILMS FITNESS CLUB 5:00•7:10•9:20 ALL SHOWS BEFORE 6 P. M. Wilb Walker Center 348-8883 DAILY ' Sat. & Sun. Matinee 2:00 Friday, September 9, 1983 6

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Services Offered Help Wanted Roommates For l=tent For Sale For Sale

Fast accurate typing. Sitter (Semester) for elderly Share 2 bedroom house with Two bedroom trailer, partially 1980 Yamaha 650 Maxim $1 . 00/page. 348-5955, Deb· lady Tuesdays 3-5 p.m. and/or EIU student w/dryer, own bath , furnished, $195 per month . Custom Paint & Seat. Excellent bie. Wednesday noon (6 wks). In· furnished $1 00. Mattoon. Call 345-4007. cond. $2000 348-8493 or ______10/6 terviewing Thurs. & Fri. 3-5 234-4889 ·evenings, 234· ______oo 345-6888. House cleaning done. p.m. 345-3771 . 341 O work. Ask for Mike Regency Apts., has apts. ______9/9 1980 GN 400 Suz!M References, responsible, ______9/9 available for second semester. Atari 2600 and seven car­ with Gold mag wheels, reliable. Call Kim 581-3169. Call 345-91 05. tridges, Asteroids, Pac-Man, miles, excellent Have own trans. Babysitting ______10/1 5 Wanted For Rent Berzerk, Combat, Donkey $799 includes new also. ATTENTION Female Kong, Circus & Space In· helmet. Going to S ______9/9 students! Beautiful apartment vaders. 581 -5451 . Two bedroom furnished 348-8667. Non-credit Japanese WANTED: Lead singer and for rent, right across from the ______9/ 13 apartments from $240. Near language course offered. Star­ keyboardist for Rock band per­ Science big. on 4th Street. FOR SALE: 1974 Monte Square. Call 345-71 71 . Speech Path Majors: iing Sept. 13 Tuesday 7:00 forming current and classic $1 50.00 per month, plus Carlo, maroon. PS, PB, AC . ing "The Signed En · p,m. Room 103 Coleman Hall. rock. Call 581-31 56. ______oo shared utilities. Call 581 - Runs good. $600. Call Rick tionary". Never used. ______Private furnished rooms near The class will meet every Tues­ 9/15 3684. 581 -5788. Square. $135. Call 345· $1 5 ($25 value). 581 · · to · buy a desk with ______day and Thursday 7:00 p.m. Want 9/23 ______9/9 7171. 8:00 p.m. Call 345-6612 for drawer(s). Call 345-1531 . One girl needed for a three Stereo-Magnavox portable. ______Mens green 1 0 sp. furiher info. ______9/9 oo bedroom apartment. Located Great condition and sound. For rent: furnished 7 ·room $1 20, car rack and lock ______9/1 2 close to campus. Great securi­ $75. Call 348-1 775 after 5 house for six students at $1 50 ed. Susan , 3889. Need Typing Done? Call ty. Air conditioning. Available p.m. Roommates each/month, utilities included. 345-2595 after 5 p.m. for now and for Spring ______9/9 Deposit required. Located at '73 Dodge Coronet ______Semester. Call 348-531 8. 9/1 6 AM-FM stereo wagon. Power steering, Need Girl to share apt. Water 308 7th St. Call 345-6918. 9/9 Solofit offers SELF· ------� receiver, $85; Harmon Kardon brakes, air, v-8 eng· and trash paid. $105.00 per ______00 DEFENSE, AEROBICS, Turntable, $105. Jim or John, brakes and exhaust, month. Close to campus. Call STUDENTS: For fall, 3 WEIGHT control and more at · 348-8768. bedroom apartment furnished 345-2477. tires. Call 345·3691 . your convenience in the For Sale ------�9/9 privacy of your home! Call ______9/9 for 2 people $200/month. Wanted, man to share fur­ Trash & water paid. 1629 235-0764 or 268-4239. Gibson "Explorer II" guitar, nished apartment with man. Jackson. Call anytime. 345· • * * * * • • • • • • • . �------9/12 Marshall 50-watt half-stack, ,_ .. . Available immediately. 345· 9451 . • • Guitar lessons available on . monitors, 12-channel bi amp 4846. ______9/9 • campus. Rick 581 -5791 . board w/case, P.A. speakers • BALLET AEROBI ______9/ 16 Rent a mini-storage as low as ______9/ 13 Peavey backstage amplifier, • • f ONE female roommate need· $20 per month. Sizes 4 x 12 &JAZZ and various other equipment. • • : EXERCI ed for Fall/Spring to share up to 1 Ox 22. West Route 16. 345-1476 • Help Wanted house with 3 others, own Pho.ne 345· 7746. Special 6-week ses- ·­ 4 days ______9/ 13 : ______00 : bedroom. $1 00.00. 348· ,. sion for the beginn- ,. • per week 0007. • Looking for qualified, WSI ,. ing dancer. In- ,. ______9/ 14 certified, swim coaches; prefer • One woman needed to share ,. termediate and ad- • experience with ages 6 thru • $20 furnished 4 bedroom house • 18. · Begin work Sept. 19. Call U-Store Warehou e Co. • vanced levels for • which has two baths. 345· s • 345-9387 or 581 -3220 as • the more experienc- M·T· W·R 2206. Self-service • • soon as possible. Mini Storage • • 9/1 6 ed dancer. Classes 9/9 -----'------• 4:00 20 Different Sizes from U·Store Warehouse for children, teens, • • Wanted Babysitter in my • • • • Starts Sept. home starting time 6:30 a.m. 4' x up. LI- and adults. Call after 5' Carry The Key. • finishing time is flexible. Ref. iiiiiiiiifiJF..:.,l 5 for more dance in- CORRECTION INDIVIDUAL ROOMS : : • Universi required. Must have own Affirmative Action hours in One mile south of Rte. 16 "You_C.,rry The Key ,. formation. ,. • transportation. Phone 345· last week's Official Notices on Highway 1 30 • Union 6144. were reported as beginning Jacqueline Bennett -----� --9/9 at 9:00 a.m.; however, the of· : : Gallery -..,.. "German tutor for frustrated flee is open for business at REX O 'N' D N BUILDING • Dance Center • Call 348-88 singer. Call 5378 as soon as 8:00 a.m. Ph: 345·3535 or After Hours 345-5850 • • I possible." 345-7182 \ • • ______9/9 � � * * * * • • • • • * ......

I DV>/ Official Notices are paid for through the Office of University Relations. ,, J , �offlclal N otlces Questions concerr.ing notices should be directed to that office.

Attention semester. Copies of the Revis- to reserve an assignment. Of· Competency Examination if tional Guard/Naval Militia Class·Levll A & S Majors ed Stuent Conduct Code are lice hours during this time will you have credit for English Scholarship can be obtained in Prerequisit Arts · and Sciences majors available from any of these of· be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 1001 and English 1002. the Office of Financial Aids, Students are r planning to enroll in upper divi· fices: all residencs halls, Stu· p.m. and 1 :00 p.m. to 3:30 Register in person at Testing East, Wing, Student Services observe · class-level sion business courses for Spr- dent Activities & Organizations p.m. Services, 208 Student Ser· Building. The requiremens are quisites set forth on ing 1984 must first place (216 MLK Union), Judicial Af· Please notify the Student vices Building; bring your EIU as follows: ( 1) Currently be an the University catalog. themselves on a priority list by fairs (21 4 Student Services), Teaching Office if you applied ID and $5.00 for the• fee. You enlisted member, an officer, ceptions an noted, completing an application form and the Vice President for Stu· for Spring Semester 1 984 but must register for the 'October 4 through grade of captian , or a may enroll in only 1 in Old Main 202 no later then dent Affairs (1 15 Old Main). do not intend to student teach exam by September 20. You warrant officer, who has serv· 2000-level c o · September 16, 1983. Minors .:- bbsolete copies should be this semes ter. Spring must register for the November ed for at least one year, in the sophomores in 1000. in Business Administration discarded. Semester application verified 1 5 exam by November 1 . The Illinois National Guard or Naval and 3000-level, etc. must also do this. Keith Kohanzo or received after the above last day to cancel your registra· Militia. (2) Possess all Unless you have University Judicial dates will be assigned only if lion and have your fee refund· necessary college or university ed waiver permitting Paul Kirby Hearing Officer location remain available after ed is November 1 . entrance requirements. (3) Ap· in courses at 1eva. & S Assistant Dean A those who have confirmed Passng the Writing Com· ply to ISSC for the scholarship those premitted by xam lions, or present MockLSAT Exam ' their application are assigned. petency E ination is a and supply proper proof of Students who wish to take a Francis E. Summers graduation requirement as eligibility. (4) Continue to be a your instructors that Attention MOCK Law School Admissions Chairman, Student stated on page 40 of the member of the Illinois National additional hours Pr.Suslnesa Students test, which will be given on Teaching Department 1981-82 catalog and page 43 Guard/Naval Militia, or the have not yet been Students who have com­ September 17th, at 9:00 a.m. of the 1 983-84 catalog. educational benefits, accor­ your cumulative holl' Placement Registration changing your class pleted 42 semester hours AND in Coleman Auditorium (CH H.C. Bartling ding to law, must be terminated Meetings three of the following courses·· 120), must register with the Director, T�ting Services as of the militia termination must drop the ACC 2100, ACC 21 50, OAP Pre-Law Adviser, P.R. Leigh, Anyone who expects to , date. Payment of tuition and courses for which 2175, MGT 2460, MGT by September 14. To register, finish the requirements for any GRE O.dllne other fees allocated to the part eligible. 281 0--with a grade of C or bet· contact this Adviser in Col· degree without teacher cer­ Tbe Graduate Record Ex­ of the term that is remaining ter may now &PPly for admis­ eman Hall 21 4·1 or call 581 · tification by the end of the amination (GRE)will be given at after militia termination shall sion to the School of Business 2523. Summer Term , 1984, who has EIU on Octobei' 15, 1983. The become the responsibility of (Blair Hall 1 0 1 ) for Spring Peter R. Leigh not registered for placement postmark date deadline for the applicant. Semester, 1984 . In order to Chair, Pre-Lega should attend one of the regular regi�tion for this ex­ Carol Majewski pre-enroll in upper-division Studies meetings listed below: Mon· am �s September 15. lnforma· Scholarship Office business calsses, admission to day, September 12, 3 p.m.; lion and regfStration materials the School of Business is re­ Student Health Tuesday, September 13, 11 may be obtained from Testing ISSC quired. Deadline for making ap­ Insurance a.m.; Tuesday, September 13, Services, , 208 Student Ser· For a student to receive the plication is September 15, Brochures describing the 2 p.m.; Wednesday, vices Building. full amount of the ISSC award, 1983. Student Accident and Health September 14, 1 p.m.; H.C. Bartling (s)he MUST BE enrolled for Insurance coverage for 1 983· Thursday, September 15, 3 Director, Testing Services . twelve credit hours (excluding Dean 84 are available in Student p.m. All meetings will be held in all Audit courses). A student School of Business Health Insurance Office, Stu­ the. Charleston-Mattoon GMAT Deadline enrolled for 6-1 1 hours Rooms of the University Union. dent Services, East Wing. In· The Graduate Management (inclusive) is entitled to the eluded in the brochure is an in· If placement registration is Admission Test (GMAT) will be half-time award. Any student delayed one year beyond dentification card which can be given at EIU on October 22, indicating an ISSC award incor­ Student Conduct graduation, a fee of $25.00 is presented at the time medical 1983. The postmark date rectly will t:>e rebilled for the Code charged to register for place­ treatment is required. deadline for regular registration amount due. The Student Conduct Code Karen McCoy ment. for this exam is September 19, Sue McKenna specifies University James Knott, Director behaviofal Insurance Clerk 1983. Information and Director of standards for members Career Planning & of the registration materials may be Financial Aids student body, andexplains the Student Teaching Placement Center obtaned from Testing Ser· disciplina ry system established Spring vices, 208 Student Services Drop Verification to adjudicate alleged infrac· Writing Competency All elementary. junior high, Building or the MBA Office, To verify that a drop request tions of those standards. Examination All and special education majors 113 Blair Hall. you submitted has been pro· students are held responsible JUNIORS who entered Elli ·who are planning to student H.C. Bartling cessed, check with the for knowledge of the provi­ under the 1981 -82 catalog teach during Spring Semester Director. Testing Services Registration Office one week sions of the Codes. and transfer students who are 1 984 should come to Room after submittng the drop re­ The Code has been revised Buzzard Education to graduate under the 1981 · 223A, Guard/Militia quest. to include several minor Building Monday, September 82 or 1983·84 catalog: you Schoi.rshlps Michael D. Taylor changes effective "this should register for the Writing 19 or Tuesday, September 20 Aplication for the Illinois Na· Director, Registration

\ \ \ " \ ·•• \ l ' - -- - .

Please report classisifed errors immediately at 58 1-2812. A correct ad Friday's will appear 1n tbe next edition. Unless notified , we cannot be responsible Classified ads for an incorrect ad after its first insertion . Dally . The Eastern News 9

Lost and Found Announcements Announcements Announcements Announcements -

Schwinn Varsity 1 0- LOST: Two gold keys on a Tokens announces overnite Tokens check cashing ser­ Cindy Webb, Congratula­ The ROMANS are coming!! ycle, excellent con- large softy pen chain outside film processing 2 for 1 prints vice dependable, conver:iient, tions on your pledge class of­ ______9/9 100.00. Call 348- Coleman Hall, turn in at the everyday. open late and weekends to fice of Secretary. We're proud Delta Chi's, 4:00 won't be 5. Afro American History Dep. in ______cM,W,F /00 serve you better . of you! Claudia and June here soon enough. We are >-- --- 9/9 Coleman Hall. ______--:: -:- Haven't been to Lambda Chi cM,W,F/00 ..,...------9/8 ready for a great time. The 2716 Sth - - - - 9/ 12 . ...,..-,.,.--, -:-:- -,- -:: Alpha yet? Cook-out today at 4 Congratulations Laura Duffek Congratulations Denise Kraft Alpha Gams y and Sat. 9-5, FOUND: Elizabeth Bates on pledging Alpha p.m. Across from Pemberton on getting Alpha Garn pledge Garns and ______9/9 furniture, games, please pick up your drivers Hall. class president. your mom's especially becoming Jr. Panhel · ellaneous. license at the Eastern News Happy B-day Maria, Love ------9/9 proud! Love, Carla Delegate. Good job! Love, ..______9/9 Office. .,.- -=--,- your Kappa Delta Sisters lmportnat Chi Delphia ______9/9 Margie pine bedroom suite ------911 2 ______9/9 --,- meeting 6:30 p.m. Sunday at Happy Birthday Tom! Have -::-'...,.-----9/8 ltsman router w/ac­ LOST: Maroon wallet con­ ,,..,---,,-� STACEY, Well kiddo I just the house. Call Anne (5692) if fun at your Toga party. Marcia PHI GAMS: Weekly meeting, $200; Craftsman taining keys, ID etc. May keep 6 :00, thought I'd wish you a Happy unable to attend. ------:--,---,,-9/9 Charleston-Mattoon ch $35; pair glass money, contents important. If Birthday. Sorry there's no pic­ - ---9/ 9 DREW HOFFMEN: Call 348- Room. 15; double bike basket found, call 581 -5602. .,.- ,--,..--:-..,..- ______ture! See , I'm not such a -bad Dear Lori , You never really 0776 ask for Diane today 9/8 , 12 gal . $10, 345- ______9/1 3 guy atter all . Have a great one leave a place you love. Part of before 6:00 p.m. PHI GAMMA NU is no . 1 LOST: Gold watch, Jules and try to stay out of trouble. it you take with you, leaving a ______9/9 chapter in the nation!! -,--,-- 9/9 Jergensen, of great value to ______Love. Rog � ---· part of you behind. May you GRAND OPENING, Micks 9/8 Belt drive turntable me, please return .. Call 345- ______9/9 remember our times on your Clothing on the Square. $600 Phi Beta Lambda, EIU's -Technica cartridge. 5804. business organization, will Party at the Delta Sig house special Day! With love on your of FREE prices. drawing on condition. $65.00 or ______9/ 13 Friday after bars! 21st birthday, Valerie · Sat. at 2 p.m. have their membership drive . 348-5867. $Reward$ Girls blue free next ______9/9 ------9/9 ______9/9 we ek. Ali business ma­ -- --- 9/9 spirit 1 0 speed stolen from --: -:- KLATHY, Happy 19th B-day. ...,...- ALPHA GAMS, We haven't Due date for drawings of jors/minors are welcome. Look A TICKET for sale. I Taylor bike racks Labor Day Have a drunken time this seen the whole world yet parade, house ,dee ., and win­ for table in Blair, Coleman, and 'ticket, $1 1 .00 or Weekend. Contact Jamie 581- weekend but try to stay on . '.thanks Chastown cops) . Let's dow painting entrees has been the Union. Call Eric at 581- 2307. both feet. Love. George. fly again soon. To be con- • extended to 5 p.m. Wednes­ ------9/9 ______9/ 13 ---::--:------9/9 tinued. The Sig Taus day, Sept. 14th. Drawings will Kappa Delta invites all in· -=-- -=- -=- LOST: Blue EIU ID case. If Georgia Cripple: Take ____ terested women to our bowling care -----= 9/9 be accepted no later . found please call 348-5398, of that knee, you turkey. If you Kappa Nu Sigma is coming ______9/ 13 party tonite at 7:00 p.m. Sharon . Contains ID, drivers need ANYTHING, let me know! soon! Call immediately to Earn $500 or more each Come. join in the fun and -9/ 1 2 liscence. Love, the one and only VF. ��=-c:--=-- reserv.e your position! school year. , Flexible hours. sisterhood that Kay Dee has to 1 973. Pinto con­ ______9/ 13 offer! P. S. What are youwea ring? ______9/9 Month ly payment for placing Call 345-6525. hatchback, good -- 9/9 Robert, Happy 22nd Birth­ ______9/8 --- body slightly rusty: posters on campus. Bonus day, Sweetheart! Here's to a EIU ANCIENT, MEDIEVAL & ,348-858 1. Announcements based on results. Prizes 7th FLOOR ANDERWS 82- RENAISSANCE Society wants good year ahead of us and a lot awarded as well. 800-526- 83: Floor meeting. Alias: reu- you!' Come enjoy learn of fun times! Love, Susan 0883. & nion. Alias: I'm a civilian now! Have you or anyone you about Research Re­ ______9t9 ------9/9 & When: Saturday, Sept. 10, know been sexually assaulted? ...,..- ,-- enactment in the Current Mid­ Craft material and supply Fibix pix: "Foolin" Def Lep­ 8:30 p.m. at Marty's: See ya Free and confidential help is dle Ages at our New selection at the Craft Spot 805 pard and "Roof Garden" Al Jar­ Member there! Squirrelly Sue. a11ailable. Call Women Against Meeting. Tonight at 7:00 p.m 18th, Charleston, 345-2833. :eau . LaRoo. Good stuff, eh? .. ---- - 9/9 . Rape 345-2162 Sullivan R... Student Union � --::,-- ,-- Open 12to 5. Custom orders. �------918 . For To the great "Red Rover" ______00 - 9/ 2 2 more info stop by our Union -:---:::-:-:--= :---:---:- HEY TRl-SIGS! Thanks for players of Taylor Hall. Thanks a Sunset Jam 2, 9/1 1/83 Sig Pi's, Thanks for the wild lobby table. today, or call Jeri, the great function last night. It lot. I had a great time. JoAnn · "Clockwork Orange", "Ethyl 348-0045 or Beth , 581- function!! You guys take the was a "prize" of a night. Look­ (The B-day girl) · and the Octanes".- "Hot Set­ "Prize"! Love, the Tri-Sigs. ing forward to partying again. 31"68. up", gate opens noon, $5/per­ ------'---9/9 -----:---:::-- 9/ 9 ----9/8 -:- Your Sig Pi neighbors. -:-==:-c=� Tracy, Dawi:i . Dawn , Lisa, son. Sunset Lake Park. five Kelly Kennedy, Thank you ATTENTION: Important ______918 Jean Ann, Kim, Jill, Judy, miles east of Charleston. meeting for Theatre majors. for representing us as our Ladies of DELTA ZETA. the Kellie, Kathy, & Jeff; Thank 9 1 9 ------9/9 m·inors. and other interested ------,-- - -=-- -:-- Homecoming candidate. You men of Sigma Pi are getting you . It was- a great party! Love, . wrist Buy a dozen Sweetheart students 7: . made us very proud! Love your psyched for a great 4 o'clock 00 p.m. Thursday, Jo. First Roses for $9.99, get the 2nd Tri-Sig Sisters. September 8 in the Playroom club with you tommorow. ______9/9 Claim dozen for ONE CENT! Call No­ of the Doudna Fine Arts .9i9 ---�-----9 1 8 The ROMANS rise again!! ble Flower Shop for details Hey Tri-Sig pledges. You are �enter. Jim-bo. Congratulations on ______9/9 345-7007. the coolest, funkiest bunch of pledging Sigma Chi. I know ______9/8 Randy and Ricki, Good - 00 luck --::=-:c---::--c-:--:---::-:-:-=:-==::-: girls around! Love ya, the Tri you'll have a great time! Love, LADIES in • Saturdays game AMERICAN MARKETING · of SIGMA KAPPA, . We'll Sig actives. Suzie · don't forget to set youralar m to ce.lebrte�Saturday ·night! Love ASSOCIATION membership ______9/9 ------9 / 8 get up on Saturday morning for ya, Laura drive in the Union Walkway, .,,...,---,:: GRAMPS GRAMS singing Get involved in COLLEGE a bubbley breakfast ______----- 9 1 9 " Sept. 6-9, 13-16. Be a part of with the 9/9 -,- telegrams! Have a flea ridden REPUBLICANS! Meeting Sig Pi's at 9 a.m. So The tradition goes return lost billfold and EIU's largest organization on get down on . Delta derelict sing for any occassion. tonight Sept. 8 at 6 p.m. in to Mom's and bring your Sig after bars Friday Night! billfold with rainbow campus! All Majors Are ap­ Pies in face available. $5.00. Greenup room. Everyone petite and thirst ______. 3 keys on key ring. Welcome! and don't 9/9 345-2917. Welcome! i Party following. forget your dancing shoes. The ROMANS are coming the Lawson Rm 800. ------91 16 !! --,- 9/1 5 ______9/8 ______sasked . Carpet your room with a rem­ ------,-- 9/9 9/9 ____- 919 nant, see Carlyle Interiors ' Brown Schwinn Unlimited. West Route 16, rat s tales 10-speed from open 8-6 Mo n.-Sat . phone s. Night of 9-3-83. 345-7746. "r'OU 1<.sot.Jo��. r Doo'r , no questions asked . ______00 7284 after 5 p.m. CA�E" W/IA.T £V£� YoJIC t.i-SE

______919 �Y.S, '(CU' �E" Al.£1�1-{r : Management book. Puzzle Answers and three records. -o AM N I T R I S TA N• n Daily News and DE MO N I H A N K E R E R I 0 E M 0 T E I i N F i N I T E iWE R E E E D• E Ki� ______919 E l S E • l AK E R • E T N A T A N• p 0 l 0 S I p i Ti� N Black wallet. to p E l i i� A N• : A DA T 348-8910 ask for AP HR0 D i f E ME RE S• N U ME R A l K i N G S• ME S A ---- 91 9 S• l 0 y --,- 0 c T 0 •w i S E R •N E. A left in V A R E•C A l F -T O[WE l . men's r.r. Booth l 0 R R A i NEI S A T i R E ase call 345-9439. A 8 S E N T E E I A l E F S -----9/ 12 • E A S i E S T I C E D E•

the Wizard 's Closet----.... There ' nBack ��-,

WI LBL>R I :PLA'i/N� BIBLE TAPES Of\J f\ AH. tTH IH117 IS, REE L TO l?ff"l i W Croo?>. ! TOTAL MAX l MUM SOU ND \S LI t

"nfiTf ll.1

BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed .-����------... WHATJIJlK ? I'U. 1EU- YA 00 5Pf f'LA-4,( ye�_,· --:i)) - f'l.1>f'1C.�- Friday's Please report ctass1f1ed errors 1rrnned1ately at 58 1.28 1 2. A correct will appe<1r 1n the next ed1t1on Unless notified. we cannot be responsi , Classified ads incorrect I lnr "n ad after its first 1nsert1on The Dally Eastern News 10 September 9, 1 983

Announcements Announcements Announcements Announcements Announcements

Delta Sig Rush party 1705 Paula Ruiz, hope your It's almost 4 o'clock DZ's. 2 ALABAMA tickets for.sale. TRI-SIG pledges, you guys Hey Sig Taus, than 9th St. for rides and info call semester is going well!! Study The Sig Pi's are counting the Better seats than available are the best1 I am proud to the underwater fun. 345-9884. · hard! Your Cuz Penny. minutes. now. Call Dan at 345-6926 or have you all as sisters. Sigma Alpha Taus. ______9./8 9/8 ______9/9 Maryat 581 -2552. Love, Gale DONNA BRUNO: I hope you Delta Sig rush party 1 705 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lolo! ______9 /8 ______9/9 have a terrific 18th birthday! 9th St. for rides and info. Call Love, Lisa RHONDA LEATHERS, con­ 4 o'clock club today at the Love ya lots! Love your sis, 345-9884. ______9/9 gratulations on being the new TKE house. Everybody is Denise 9/8 To . my favorite Sigma Pi Parents Club chairman. We welcome. ______9/9 Sigma Chi, get out your pledge, Thanks for being such know you'll do a great job. ______9/9 DZ's, don't forget to be at boots and bandana's, we're a great friend! Love ya, Gale Love, Your Alpha Garn Sisters. Hey, Dave, have you heard Marty'stonight at 6:45. Please ready for the Hoe Down tomor- ______9/9 ______9i8 the one about the motor oil try to rriake it . row. The Alpha Garns Marsha Eigen brod: Happy PATTI BRANDT: CON­ salesman and the virgin? ______Birthday to a fantastic person GRATULATIONS on making ------9/8 _9/9 .,,.-- 9/9 Diane King, Let's go to IKE's! HOMECOMING PAR- and friend. Love, Janean the Tennis team. Luv, Anne & So Mark I heard the sox are JoJo. TICIPANTS involved in spirit - - 9/9 Penny out in front. Have you taste ----- 9/9 events: Homecoming meeting -G-LE_N_N_G_O_d �D a-nd -JOEY ______9/9 tested any bowling balls lately? ::-::-::-- BUSINESS MAJORS: Join scheduled for Thursday, Sept. PRO: Congrats on pledging Everybody is invited to be at ______9/9 Sigma Pi! ! I'm very happy for the au-campus 4 o'clock club, Phi Gamma Nu, going for 4th 15 at 6:30 is changed to KIM SALMAN, The new both of you & wish you both the today at the TKE house. 1426 al umni club chairman, we know year as no. 1 chapter in nation. Wednesday, Sept. 14 at 7:30 Show that special f · best of luck!! Love ya's, 7th St. Look for rush dates. in Old Ballroom. you'll do a fantastic job with care - the classified Angela. ______this new office. Love . Your --- - 9/9 9/ 13 9/9 your personal me --,-----:- --=-: --,..--..,.----9/9 Delta Sig after bars Friday Ghost House scary party Alpha Taus, keep up the Alpha GarnSisters . announcements. The ROMANS are coming!! ______night following Alabama. kegs to kill, be there. 1 2th St. good grades! 9/8 �------9/9 ______9/9 ______9/9

Cha/tQ�tonCo mmunlt� ChuJtch 902 Monroe (2 blocksEa st of WillRog ers)

-across from Old Main . SundaySchool at 9:00 am. 667 Lincoln College Class:, "Prophecy: WhenRussia Ho meof Chic ago st yle: In vades Israel" . Gyros · ViennaHo t Do gs Italian Beef Worship Serviceat 10:00 am. It alian Sausage "The In ner Eye is the Lamp of the Body" ''Try ' emTo night aft er Bars!'' Mon. thru Thurs. 10 a.m.-1 :30 a.m . Joktr <..A. C\Javllock. i' � Matthew 6:22-26 Fri. thru Sat . 1 o a.m.-2 a.m . DELIVERY cpafd:ollg45-49 10 Ezekiel 38-39 Sun. 1Oa.m.-10 p.m. 345-7777

.,, SIGMA PI wish to invite the men of EIU to our upcoming events

Today Sun. Evening 4:00 Club Barbecue with the ladies of at the Delta Zeta Sigma Pi House 5:00 Sat. Morning BEER BREAKFAST with the ladies of Sigma Kappa 9:30a.m. at Mothers

For rides and more information 345-9523

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------' y EasternNe ws Friday, September 9, 1 983 11 riers open season in five-team meet of 19:44. In addition, Nick Whiteside Owens is suffering fr om back pro­ 's men's cross country team and Bob Beine, who finished fourth blems while Tracy is sidelined due to lo its regular season opener and sixth respectively last Saturday, blisters on his feet, which Akers said when the Panthers travel to are expected to run well, Akers said. were, "the worst blisters I've ever Missouri State University to However, Eastern was dealt a slight seen." a five-team meet. setback this week when the Panthers "The injuries really haven't weaken­ thers, coming off a 27-30 ex­ learned that they will be without Scott ed us," Akers said. "We'll take 12 run­ . over the alumni last Satur­ Tracy and Bill Owens, who are out ners with us, so I just had to move two be competing against Murray with injuries. runners up to fill their spots.'' ansas State, and ersity-Evansville, as well as st Missouri State. t cross country coach Tom "d he believes Southeast Indiana State and Eastern it out for the victory . of them will be tough," BIRTHRODAYMATC'SE PAR TY "d. "We beat Southeast everyone born on Sept. 4th- 10th here last year by one point , vansville beat us." and spouse are invited to attend e have a much better team ROC'S first birthdaymate party MIXICIH d also have a lot more dep­ added. saturday · sept 10th 7 to 8pm thers will be led by senior mann who took top honors complimentary cocktails at ROC'Sups tairs FOOD! k's alumni meet with a time meet others born on your birthday • Burritos __fr om page 12 • Sanchos

said senior Gretchen Braker, •.� Godfath.:· r·s Pizza-.. •Tacos rs' back-up setter, would I I · be used as a weak-side hitter ::' . . I I . Enchi LeFevour. I � I • ladas switch) would relieve Donna the setting , duties," Ralston FREE •Nachos t would give us more ex� : Ml;D�UM : so I may make the change at SOFT DRINK Quesadillas Friday against the tougher � �- • with purchase night is going to be tough � g she added. "Especially sandwich won't have any work on of any - 8 �• ause we'll be traveling." 0 What's C�okin ' thers are scheduled to face 1 * Hot Ham & Cheese *Italian Sausage 1 j I Division I foes during Fri­ *Italian Supreme ·ng round. : rounds out Friday's action : Expires Sept. 23, 1983 -0-P-E _N _: --­ 2 University of Akron at 6 345-74 7 11420 Lakeland tern Michigan at 8 p.m. Sun.-Thurs . I Blocks West against a pair of Division II I (Rt. 45) 11 a.m.-1 1 p.m. 1 2 on Saturday will complete I Mattoon Fri.-Sat . I of Campus · tournament schedule . The 1234-6888 11 a.m.-1 a.m. I meet the University of .. ______------Milwaukee at 10 a.m. and -- - · ment favorite Ferris State

sa1d she is unfamiliar with opponents and is not sure expect going into this action. However, she said ting a tough match from FIRST� BLOOD STA LLONE This time he's fighting for his life.

e plan will be to throw a , but we really would like to this week, " Molde said . too many second down and TONIGHT e situations last week". Id like to get our sweep go- k," Molde continued . "We t executing . The blocking 6:30 & 9:00 p.m . big problem . is just to iron out the little 'he added. "We have to get GRAN D BALLROOM going and pick up their

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12 September 9, 1 Panther-Saluki contest pits playoff hopeful by Kirby Flowers (Jeff)last year. " When Eastern's football team Dempsey said he hoped Johnson, clashes with intrastate rival SIU- who had a cast on his ankle until Tues­ Carbondale 1:30 p.m. Saturday, an day, could practice Friday and play NCAA Division I-AA post-season bid Saturday. could be at stake. "He (Johnson) is going to the doctor Saturday's non-conference game at today (Thursday), " Dempsey said. Carbondale will feature two teams ''But right now they are calling it a talented enough to make the- playoffs severe sprain. " in November. Molde said, "They (Carbondale) "It's a shame this game had to come really think he is a great one. So it will so early in the season, " Southern II- be a big loss to their offense if he linois head coach Rey Dempsey said. (Johnson) can't play. " "Because it is such a very important If Johnson is unable to play Satur­ game. I'm just happy we are home for day he will probably be replaced by such a tough game. '' junior Darren Dixon. Dixon, who has Eastern head coach Al Molde said, seen limited action, can look forward "It should be a great game with a great to a blitzing Panther defense, Dempsey deal of emotion on both sides. Right said. now I would have to call it a toss up. "If Johnson can play I know we can "I believe a break or a big turnover expect to see Eastern blitz on us, will determine who will win the game, " especially since his mobility will be he added. limited, " Dempsey said. Dempsey noted, "If we are going to "And if we start an inexperienced win we cannot turn the ball over . We quarterback I'm sure Cal (Jones) will have lost to Eastern two of the three send everyone, pretty much like he did times we have faced them while I have against Illinois State. It is just been coaching. Eastern's style of defense, " Dempsey "And the two times we lost we turn- added. ed the ball over eight times the first Southern Illinois also boasts a solid game and 10 times last year, '' Dempsey defensive unit and although . Dempsey . added. said he doesn't think it matches The Panthers capitalized on 10 Eastern 's defense, he does think it will Saluki turnovers last season to dump be the key to the game. Carbondale 20-7 at O'Brien Field. The "Our defense is good, " Dempsey victory catapulted Eastern to an 11-0-1 said. "The difference between the two. season and an NCAA Division I-AA defenses is that Eastern plays hungry post-season bid. all the time. We aren't as snappy and However, Dempsey said he believes don't take the chances that they do. the Salukis can turn it around this "It ·is ohvious that the strong point season and an important factor in their of the game will be placed on the two success is injured quarterback, Rick defenses, " Dempsey admitted. Johnson. Molde said the Panthers will con- Johnson, who set 14 school records tinue to rely primarily on their defense for passing and total offense at Car- but he added that his primary concern bondale, was injured last Saturday in was Eastern's rushing attack. the Salukis' 38-6 win .over Western II- Despite the Panthers' 38-7 victory .. linois University. over Illinois State last Saturday, Eastern sophomore quarterback John Rafferty loosens up during "If he (Johnson) can't play it will Eastern's offense had trouble moving Thursday at O'Brien Field. The Panthers will travel to Carbondale S leave a big hole in our offense, " the ball, especially on the ground, take on intra-state rival Southern Illinois University. Both the Panthers Dempsey explained. "It would have . Salukis are favorites for gaining bids to the NCAA-Division I-AA pla (See p ANTHERS, page 11) been like Eastern losing Christensen season. (News photo by Fred Zwicky)

Tight defense key Spikers search Booters put perfect_ record on Ii to fill team spot by Mike Lynch Cleveland State, which dropped its seaso by Kathy Leahy Looking to remain undefeated, Eastern's soccer to the Oniverstiy of Wisconsin 1-0, rel Eastern head volleyball coach Betty Ralston Panthers will rely on their aggressive offense and starters from last year's 10-4-3 team. continues her search for a regular starting lineup stingy defense to turn back conference foe Cleveland In addition, the return of .senior All­ Friday as the Panthers travel to Ypsilanti, Mich. State 1 p. m. Saturday at Lakeside Field. striker Ali Kazemaini, who scored 11 goals to compete in the five-team Eastern Michigan Eastern, 2-0, enters Saturday 's game coming off of assists in 1982, could cause the Panther de� Tournament. an impressive opening week as the Panthers ble Saturday. "There are five positions that are pretty secure outscored their opponents 8-1. Kazemaini led Cleveland State in scorin

right now, but we are still looking for someone to "I'm very pleased with our performance, " Eastern last three seasons and was selected as a m fill the sixth spot, " Ralston said. "So, I'm going head caoch Schellas Hyndman said. "We're doing a the 1983 United States Olympic soccer team. to try some different combinations this lot of things well for this early in the season. " Kazemaini, who Hyndman described as weekend ;" The Panthers opened the season by defeating con­ striker", saw limited action in the Vikin Ralston said she will ·utilize a lineup similar to ference foe the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay 4- because of a pulled hamstring. However, the one she used Saturday against the University 1 on Saturday and three days later shutout Houston pected to be ready for Saturday 's game , H

of Wisconsin-Madison and Northern Illinois Baptist University 4-0. . . said. University at the EIU triangular. After posting four goals in their first two outings, Although Hyndman respects Kaze Seniors Kathy Briggs, Stacy Cook and Bonnie Eastern is one game away from matching last seven-year head coach said his team would Fisk along with sophomore Judy Pianos will take season's three four-goal games. changes defensively on Saturday. care of hitting while junior Donna Uhler will The Panthers held Houston Baptist, which return­ "We're playing such good soccer now start as a setter, Ralston said. ed eight starters from last year's 19-2 team, to three reason to do anything differently, " Hynd In addition, freshman Maura LeFevour will shots on goal. Eastern also kept the ball in Houston's Defensively, Cleveland State is led by s start in the sixth spot but Ralston said she will zone for the majority of the contest. All-Mideast goalie Jay Longsworth. The ju use freshman Ellen Karcher to relieve LeFevour ''They are a much better team than people are pro­ has played every minute of every game in the back row. . bably going to give them credit for," Hyndman said. freshman season, posted six shutouts wi

• 2llen has a tremendous serve and is a good Hyndman said he expects Cleveland State to give goals against average in 1982. defensive player. I will substitute her in for his squad a better test Saturday than Houston Baptist However, Longsworth could have his Maura, who is a better front-row player, " provided on Tuesday. "They'll come in here with a Saturday against a hungry Panther offe (See SPIKERS, page 11) lot of ability and I expect a pretty even game," he Neil Swindells, four goals, and Agyeman said. four assists. The Weekend Su pplemenfto the Delly Eastern News I Charleston, Ill. 61920 I Section Two, 8 Pages .

Up to date up to themin ute and off thewa ll . • •


• ••Ea stern's media 2 : Featuring: � at j Gentuetlicbkeit­ i l enn � by LisaG Kreissler an 1nerri1nen • :s!.. You don't have to know how to spell it or even pronou II. Newman Community enjoy it. Whether you are Italian, Polish, Swedish or Greek y }Sports · Saturday mass at 6:30 p.m. in still take part in German fun this weekend at Schuetzenfest. Art Buzzard Auditorium. Sunday Although the 18th annual two-day German event will off mass at 9 and 11 a.m. in Buz­ c... man-style food, served by various civic organizations, the the zard Auditorium. Soccer · ! Men's Tarble Arts Center attraction is the German beer. � Panthers host Cleveland State at "American Masters of First Christian Church Larry Taylor, president of this year's Schuetzenfest, said � 1 p.m. Saturday at Lakeside Photography" exhibit from 1 O The service will be at 9 a.m. at ;! Field. a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday teen-gallon kegs were polished off last year, and this week 41 1 Jackson Ave. - • has high hopes of breaking that record . 't= Women 's Cross Country Eating and drinking just isn't the same if you can't be ; Women's cross country team therefore several German Bands will be performing to bri � hosts Western Illinois University merriment. The featured bands include the Waterloo .: at 1 O a.m. Saturday at Lantz � -course. Churches Movies Band, the Echos and the Der Heidelberg Band. .... In addition, five local girls will compete in a beauty contest "First Blood" crowned as the 1983 Schuetzenfest Queen, Taylor said. University Baptist Church University Board will sponsor A variety of activities including a trapshoot competition Music Sunday's service at 10:30 a.m. showings at 6:30 and 9 p.m. Fri­ at 1 505 Seventh St. day in the Grand Ballroom. Rated sesh_oe pitching, polka contests and prize drawings will Dvorak Concert Hall R. taking place throughout the weekend, he added. Professor David Appleby will be Christian Campus Fellowship But where is it all happening? Certainly not on the Library "Mr. Mom" performing at the Fir st Faculty Sunday service 10:30 a.m. at The drinking, dancing, good music and other activities will Recital at 3 p.m. Sunday. 2231 Fourth St. Students will be Showings at 5. 7:10 and 9:20 studying "Sermon on the p.m. Friday and Saturday . Satur­ 4 p.m. Friday at the Effingham County Fairgrounds in Alta Ted's Warehouse Mound-:--Being Salt." day matinee at 2 p.m. Cinema Ill. And because one day is not enough to accommodate all t Orange" will per­ Mattoon. rated PG . "Clockwork . it'll start again at 9 a. m.and continue until midnight on Satur form on Friday and "Rathskellar" Wesley United Methodist The Germans call it "Gemuetlichkeit," which is known as . Both performances Services at 9 and 11 a.m. at "Vacation" on Saturday prevailing spirit of good cheer." -and that is the theme from 9: 15p.m. to 1 a.m. 2006 Fourth St. Sunday's ser­ Showings at 4:30. 7. and 9: 15 mon will be "Getting the Ques­ p.m. Friday and Saturday. Satur­ weekend's festivities. . Charleston Motor Inn tions in the Right Order .. day matinee at 1 :30 p.m. -- "Sterling Silver" will perform Cinema Ill, Mattoon. rated R. On the cover Staffbox from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Friday Immanuel Lutheran Church and Saturday. Services will be at 8: 1 5 and "Easy Money" This week's Verge cover 10:45 a.m. at 902 Cleveland Showings at 4:45. 7:20 and features Eastern's three forms of Editor . The Trestle Ave. The sermon will be "Willing 9:25 p.m. Friday and Saturday . media through a drawing by Tim Assistant "Try-A-Country ," featuring Bud to Love." Saturday matinee at 1 :45 p.m. Broderick. Campus radio WELH Art Director . Brown and Amy White. will per­ Cinema Ill. Mattoon. rated R. 98. 1 FM. Daily Eastern News the Copy desk . form 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Friday First Presbyterian Church and the newest addition . the Len Krasnowski. Kevin z· and "Captain Rat" and "The The Sunday service will be at "Cujo" Radio-TV Center. bring news and man Blind Rivets" will perform 9 p.m. 10:30 a.m. at Seventh St . and Showings at 5, 7 and 9 p.m. entertainment to Eastern to 1 a.m. on Saturday . Madison Ave. The sermon will be Saturday matinee at 2 p.m. Time throughout the year . Strasburg, Ill. "Friendship." Theatre. Mattoon. rated R.

:·�2 ;::Church;;; ri::i· � 3 . 7th & Madison Z �lfmnnnt 2 Sermon: � �t4mtunfts 3 "Frkndship " Z

Worship -10:30 SEPTEMBER 9-10, 1983 ®lli �it?� ®erman estfua Altamor t, IL '�uBibn. le Study - 9:15 � Friday September 9 Saturday SepteJlfmber 10 '! � Schuetzenfest officially opens at 4:00 p.m. 9:00a.m. Second Annual Schuetzenfest Bud Light 10,000 Meter R11 2Dr. John F. Dodson, 3:30 p.m. Trapshooting competition opens 10:00 a.m. HORSESHOE PITCHING CONTEST, TRAPSHOO � 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. WATERLOOGERMAN BAND (Grandstand) COMPETITION OPENS Pastor 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Traditional German Meal (FoodGarden) 12:00(n oon)to 4:00 p.m. WATERLOO GERMAN BAND 3 � 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. ECHO'S (In Schuetzenfest building) 3:00to 5:00p.m. ECHO'S (In FestBuildi ng) 8:00 to Midnight DER HEIDELBERG BAND (Grandstand) 3:30 p.m. BEER KEG TOSS (Beer Gardens) 8:30 p.m. Semi-Final midwest regional, 4:00 p.m. POLKA CONTEST-SENIOR CITIZENS 345-9190 . STUMPF FIDDLE CONTEST (Grandstand) 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. DER HEIDELBERG BAND ����� · 9 p.m. BEER DRINKING CONTEST (Grandstand) 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Traditional German Meal (FoodGarden) L 9:30 p.m. Queencou rt presentation & Drawing for trip to HenryVIII Schuetzenkoenig shootoff Get Your 10:00 p.m. POLKA CONTEST, Schuetzenfest Building 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. ECHO'S (In Fest Building) 8:00 p.m. FINALS Mid-West Regional Stumpf Fiddle Contest 8:00 to Midnight WATERLOO GERMAN BAND ANHEUSER· 8:30 p.m. BEER DRINKING CONTEST Non Members ADMITTANCE: 9:00 p.m. Prize Drawing for a Stumpf Fiddle, Afghan, Quilt and T · BUSCH MembersFree $1.00 HenryVIII (Members Only) 9:30 p.m. Crowning of Queen · on grounds. Truck Driver Shirts Membership available 10:00 p.m. POLKA CONTEST (In Building) �t�I/ $2Q00 *Drawing for Trip for Memberson ly. SPECIAL EVENTS CALL Traditional German Meals y • • Prize Drawings �ine Cheese Garden • & • Authentic German Beer • "Bud Light" 10,000 Meter Run QueenContest Scott Hicks • your college rep. "PUT A UTILE GERMAN IN YOUR LIFE" at 345-3688 ' Effingham County Fairgrounds Rt. 40 East Altamont, Ill. Shirts Available: Budweiser, Bud-light, ' Busch, Michelob, Natural , Michelob light • _ __,______3 ..... � • < � •

..... � • c !. -< m II> "'. i 3 z


DJ's stylessh ine through by Denise Skowron But sometimes it doesn't work out all Tucked away in the northwest corner right, Leigh said . "It's scary wnen you're . of Coleman Hall's first floor is a rather first on the air-it takes a long time to compact cu.bide of a studio, but when a get things right," he said. Some of the WELH disc jockey is on the air, it common problems beginners have are becomes a kingdom. leaving the microphone on when it While rigidly structured programming shouldn't be and airing two songs at the is usually necessary for a smooth same time, he added. operation, senior Bruce Leigh said an "To be a good one, an effective one, experienced DJ has control of what you have to get your own style-your type of music makes up his show. own personality-and stick with it." Another DJ , senior Dave Switzer, Station Manager Dan Pederson recalled his first show at WELH. agrees that a good DJ must be con­ "Somebody was supposed to help me fident enough to let his personality shine but they didn't show up , but it worked through. "You need to throw a little out all right. " humor in there, a little of yourself."

: Welcome to Immanuel Luthern Church Above: WELH Station Ma nager Dan Pederson lent by singing along with a Student Center demonstrates his vocal ta : popular hit while on the air. Above right: Pederson 9th &.. Cleveland ph. 345-3008 "cues" an album before it begins. Cueing allows the (Across from Arts t r) disc jockey to· fi nd the beginning of a song to avoid T arble Cen e "dead air. " (Photos by Denise Skowron) Sun. Worship 8: 15, 1 0:45 "Wllllng·to lov.e" ·.· 1 Sun. Bible Study 9':30 a.m .- .. Bob Hackler, Pastor ChristySpomer , D C;E.: :

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- ..

AT A Experience It 4· : The Dally Eastern News OI

� Ill A day in theli fe of It's been called a number of things :gr throughout the years, but . LL when the student Personal, file: Ill publications office moved to Buzzard's north 3: Denise Cl>­ gym, the name "Blue Barn" somehow stuck. z c That huge blue room which is the home of life forms other than human, could not receive a really isn't a dark room once your !(/) Ill smaller room, within the darkr w more appropriate name. � While dogs frequently meander in and out of regular photos into "halftones" to ... 0 the newsroom, the .bugs stick around. Moths, dot pattern which appears in· the Cl> s::. praying mantises and several species of in­ Brian, being the funny guy he .... destructable beetles can be found in mailboxes, perched on his shoulder and thi Cl> Cl shoes and between the typewriterkeys . cute to try to scare the composing ti; > Because the bugs are here all the time, it tie does he know we've already Cl> s::. might perhaps be best explained through the In the composing room, the c .... eyes of a rather lethargic moth named Nerwin. feeds out stories written by repo But, because he can't spell, I'll have to help out.·. display terminals . The workers stories and advertisements onto by Nerwin J. Moth tomorrow's newspaper. As I relax on top ·of a file cabinet, I see them It's getting late, . for those rolling in each morning, one by one. Just hours early-but for others, like Johnny before they arrive , the pressman has left after a . work has just begun. Joh night of printing today's paper. photographing the pages and pr By 2 p.m. reporters and editors are on the Hts work day is over about 4:30 phones, grumbling at busy signals and trying to few hours later, everyone else s make the first deadline. Sometimes they come the fun begins again. close . Someone suddenly turns on the huge fan and Editor's note : As this edition we I'm blown to the other end of the room and onto · win J. Moth was pressed. Better� the ad. manager's desk. He doesn't notice me, so I guess I'm safe for a while. While giving an ad representative some advice about an ad's design, he takes notice of me and flicks me onto a passing individual. Minor wing damage , but nothing to worry about. Oh, no. I'm on Brian Ormiston, that famed columnist. He's also the photo production manager, (a pompous title if there ever was one) so I bet we're headed for the darkroom-which

ASS !STA /ff € D!fOR.

PROOFS 11\'J D EDITS HIE STAFF GfoTlmHER:SffB� n1£ FllC. rs, I Srol:'fj wR m:s n+€ s re"' t, EDITC6 VERSJO� CF rn€ Above left: Former photo edit G.oeo. FoR � BEE� G oEs' Fol<. It BE.St. O<( -nib". uses a light table to examine a n Left: An overview of the newsr Above: Campus editor Mary Ho/ ��v�0p,,...R�N spelling while typing Associated � (Photos by Tim Smith and Denise F•�"'-'-Y.' � Tll�T EACllsr o!tY H�S 6feflJ F'Rao>ED . >Ji=f< Tt-tE PKFS;Givn> 4 HEADLINE;; SEIJT BPCK Fo� f'l•ST j)�Ys PllPER, w111r; SFr sroRfl;s '"'ro u/Ot � , CVS5 E5 moe.. � TH RN eo,., PoSl/>IC. 11.oom. THE>J,ANO OllL'fTHEIJ, ovER Si� I To DU�(t)1Es1 C.o,.,.,PLfJ.1AJ Aa.ovr /J.IJy 600 'f ·E�SE; 6-oES rol!Ji!r/.. 'rflEY Au. c.o FoR "'G¥n (m�tB" Two �itnira) Hfll().Jf.JE5/ cus5 •LCJ T1 Goi:s ro NI> I

------RIDAY-at ED'S _ __ _ E.l.U. PAINTER'S CAPS ARE F T HERE NOW! � ''Clockwork only- $2.50 �r:\E./':k Alumni Office (109 Old Main) . .t' Orange" With Peter Bailey formerly of than ,... ks to Student Alumni Committee "Reruns", "SI ink Rand", "Roadmaster"! fl:'.::/ ·� & Get in for only $ 1 .00 n A A from 8- 10 with coupon . ,. . , U ft �ON�l1fI�UhfI�I ON.fi5'! Come in and get down! II L���US_!.��!������� ------to our •• 1 . I SATURDAY at TED'S I� I: NRWR.fi5�fI�� IVR "Chaser" I Rock ·'n Roll 0 ...!I Songs by REO, OffBroadway, Police, Joe Jackson & Brian Adams O' I I� Laura Netrefa I Get in FREE I 8-1 0 with I . from coupon . L9ve, Your Sig I

- ::r • c !. '< m TV ! .,, Radio- Center's potential !.. a: ID � (/) • evby Dee Christoffen hig her thanwill service its a 12- milesate radius and llite cover the en- '2 tire Charleston-Mattoon area Although Eastern's Radio-TV Ce nter has � now acquired "state of the art" telecom­ The current project underway at the Radio- � TV Center is a documentary about the Tarble .fD munications equipment, "two years ago there ..... Arts Center. Burl Ives, Eastern alumnus, has :g was nothing here ," adviser John Beabout "' said. agreed to narrate the documentary . "Burl Ives will give the documentary more "It's really frustrating. A lot of the students visibility," Beabout said. He also indicated · still don'feven realize we're here ." While some students don't realize it, the that it would probably be distributed throughout Illinois, and possibly other states Radio-TV Center operates its own cable as well. television channel-Channel 12, Premium 1. State-wide recognition for Eastern's Radio­ In addition, the center installed a satellite dish TV Center just might signal an end to the this summer which enables Eastern to receiv� · programs from New York. phrase "Eastern Illinois University? Where's Eighteen students, who received hands-on that?" training during a workshop this summer, fill the crew positions, perform the studio production, mix the sound tracks and videotape weekly programs-12 hours a day. Despite Eastern's late arrival into the "telecommunications age," it has since become the third school in the United States to receive BizNet, a business and industrial news program. Eastern is also the first to receive the Financial News Network, which features reports on the stock market. Beabout said both programs, which are received via satellite , are sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to benefit the Charleston community. The facility began with the Cable Data TV Ce nter's newly acquired satellite receiving station is News Service, expanded into a onto a chan­ de of Buzzard B"uilding. The station receives signals from nel with varied programming, and obtained te circling 23,000 miles above earth. Plans are curren tly satellite reception capabilities. Now what? et, a business channel originating from Was hington, The opportunities for further expansion are department. limitless. , a student employee at the Radio-TV Center, spends "We've also applied for a low-power TV lion's distribution room supervising the audio and video station license," Beabout said. He indicated (Photos by Denise Skowron) that if the application is approved, the station

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' > Darin uczkowski You're a big

· boy now. Happy Birthday (Sunday) Love, Dawn oi � .c E Costello clocksout G> Q. � � PUNCH THE CLOCK Punch the Clock's strongest number is ' :g Elvis Costello and the Attractions Soap," which attacks both the government LL Fortunately, it took a long time. Unfortunately, it's newspaper business. The song is stark, relyi ! finally happened. Elvis Costello has put out a disap­ on a furtive piano riff and a deadly, insistent z pointing album. Costello's anger comes across in his tig � That's not to say that Punch the Clock is a bad delivery of the accusatory lines: : album; it just doesn't live up to the El's past efforts . The sugar-coated pill is getting bitterer sli � Faced with having to overcome last year's much­ You think your country needs you buty � ballyhooed Imperial Bedroom, Costello has elected to it never will � go for a 1960's soul feel by adding a horn section . The So pack up your troubles in a stolen han � results are mixed. Don't dilly dally boys, rally round the flag � Punch the Clock starts out with the frenetic "Let Give us our daily bread in individual slic � Them All Talk." Its first .striking feature is the charging , The Attractions are , quite simply, one of the tightest And something in the daily rag to c � beat-crazy horn riff that sets the number's pace . bands in the rock world today , often turning in un­ crisis.

1- "These are the best years of your life/Now they're derstated work . Keyboardist Steve Nieve especially "The World and His Wife" has to do with here and gone" Costello laments, but the song's just shines on this album. He's been playing a more im­ reunion where everyone finds out everyb too upbeat to reinforce his worry . portant role with his keyboard work since 1981's sexual problems. 'Th e little girl you dangled "Everyday I Write the Book" is a ballad that finds Trust, and this album is no exception. His piano parts knee without mishap/Stirs something the El backed by a pair of female singers. It's yet on songs like ''T.K.O. (Boxing Day) " and, "Mouth memory/ And something in your lap" Cos another episode in Costello's lost love repertoire , this Almighty" punctuate and add emphasis to the vocal with a wink. It's a lighthearted way to end time using book writing as the metaphor for a lost parts; on "Charm School" his piano is nothing short of and placing it immediately after the harro romance: "Chapter One -we didn't really get along/ beautiful. and Soap" was well-advised . Chapter Two-I think I fe ll in love with you." Costello This is not to say that there are no worthwhile Punch the Clock, while not as consistent is indisputably a top-notch songwriter, and his ex­ moments by Costello himself. "Shipbuilding" is one of Bedroom or Trust or even 1978's Armed Fo tended metaphor takes some clever turns ("I'd still those slow, quiet numbers that Costello specializes in, contain more hits than misses. Given own the film rights and be woi:king on the sequel") . and this one is quite a success. Dominated by Nieve's perimentation with horns here, the El's n · Yet anyone familiar with his earlier work will likely find melancholy piano, Costello speaks about the Falklan­ should be quite a winner. "I wish I'd never Costello spinning his creative wheels on this album. ds affair, and what it meant to the small English towns: mouth almighty," he sings at one point. Other songs also leave the listener unmoved. While "Within weeks they 'll be re-opening the shipyards/­ disagree more . showing flashes of wit, "The Greatest Thing" and And· notify ing the next of kin/Once again." Chet "King of Thieves" just aren't up to the El's past efforts. Baker contributes a mournful trumpet solo, short but The saving grace on numbers like these is the band. memorable . Rodney deserves yet even less respect for 'Easy Money' Remember Caddyshack, that For that he deserves our respect. liquor, poker chips, and loose joints are its toes. quirky , sophomoric comedy from a Easy But somebody has to answer for packed up with the morning trash, he Don't get me wrong. I'm as couple of summers back? Money , and it might as well be Rodney, begins to feel a certain sense of loss. ney fan as the next guy; I thi I fondly remember watching as the since he's the one up on the screen all What sounds like a funny idea un­ · some of the best delivery of line.up .. of dissimilar comedians mar­ . the time. Sitting through Easy Money fortunately doesn't evoke much " up comedian working I d ' hfo che t ugh an inept script and still · was no summer picnic. laughter. There never really seems to be something about his jerking managed to make the most of every In what looks like the perfect role, much going on worth laughing about in Easy Mo ney doesn't mesh for scene they were in. Dangerfield plays Monty Capuletti , a the script: Rodney ogling pizza and 90-plus minutes of the film. Standing in the middle of the fracas baby photographer who will inherit $ 10 beer, Rodney doing sit-ups, Rodney cato bursts in a movie like C was Rodney Dangerfield, wearing million if he can stop drinking, smoking, suffering through a dry evening with the or even in the Miller Lite co clothes that would kill Ralph Lauren on and gambling and get into shape in one boys. And pretty soon it boils down to seem better suited for Rodn sight. As Al Czervik, the no-class real year's time; in short-give up the things too much Rodney. as the hapless everyman estate entrepreneur, Rodney was more that make his life worth living. Granted, a good sub-plot develops tightening necktie . or less just being Rodney, of the rolling The cruel dilemma arises when Rod­ between Rodney's over-protected I can't wait for the new eyes and the witty comeback. And his ney's rich-bitch mother-in-law daughter (Jennifer Jason Leigh) and mercials of the football se character was just right in Caddyshack's (Geraldine Fitzgerald) dies and leaves her amorous Latin groom whom Rod­ won't miss Rodney on John ragged format. the maior part of her estate to her ney despises (Taylor Negron) . And Joe but after Easy Money I can

Now, to close out another banner · daughter (Candy Azzara) , providing of Pesci is a decent foil as Rodney's pal next Rodney Dangerfield season for the movie inaustry, we get course that her son-in-law Rodney ("And with friends like you ...") . There's money isn't all that easy. Rodney In his first full-length starring straighten out his act. even some clever sight gags tossed in role. He waited all this time to find the Rodney isn't exactly heartbroken to here and there to keep the audience on proper vehicle for his brand of comedy. see the old broad go, but when his 7 -I :T CroBBword Puzzle • ACROSS 50 Not in 9 Half a score 33-plea < residence 10 Oratorio part (petitions 1 Execrate a � 51 Hebrew letters 11 Part of a cell court) • 5 Arthurian 52 Least nucleus 35 Herring's -I prince :T troublesome 12 Bird's wattle relative • 12 Energetic 53 Relinquish 14 Cabinet c person Hero and memberunder 36 !. 13 One with a yen DOWN Leander, e.g. -< R.W.R. 15 Take an officer 37 Furry m 1 Lands of an 15 Bantingize QI 1 0-Billy Graham Crusade 5:30 p.m. down a peg outbacker � · estate 21 Bays in 1 7 ,38-Lottery 9-Kung Fu 16 Illimitable 38 Christopher • 2 Dante's feeling Scotland :I 7:05 P-m. 1 2-Sneak Previews 17 "If _ a Rich and A. A. - for Beatrice 22 Axillary z Man" 40 Brown rival 4-Movie: "Rascal Dazzle." 15,20-News 3 Corneairritant 23 Coastal duck 18 Exigency ;"' ( 1981 ) A collection of film 1 7-Report From Washington 4 Phoenix-to-Salt 25 Birdcalls 42 He was Papa to 19 Cardiology clips from producer Hal 38-At the Movies Lake City dir. 26 Hors d'oeuvres the Walto!ls .,, abbr. ... Roach's Little Rascals/Our 6:00 p.m. 5 Respond 28 Slowly solemn, 43 Renowned ii 20 Differently • Gang shorts, narrated by 2,3, 1 0-News quickly to the in music 45 "How - Be � 21 Magic Johnson Jerry Lewis. 1 2-Doctor Who unexpected 29 Medieval robe Sure? ": 1972 (/) is one • 7:30 p.m. 15, 20-Hee Haw 6 Hindu queens 31 Italian tune 23 Sicilian sight "O 1 2-Wall $treet Week 1 7-Entertainment This Week 7 Derive by actress : 1859- 46 Yarn ; 24 Whip severely 3 8:00 p.m. 38-Solid Gold reasoning 1924 48 Lab activity 25 Marco's C' 3, 10-,-Movie: "Packin' it In." 6:05 p.m. 8 Low platform 32 Germ 49 Pouch � kinfolk •.o 1 2-Great Performances 4-Wrestling 26 Mountaineer's 2 3 4 ��e ...... �1 ...... �a ...... -e -.�10,.....-1 1� 9:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m- spike 9-News 2-Pop! Goes the Country 27 Winged fisher 14 12-Kennedy Center Tonight 3-Muppet Show 29 Memorable 15 9:30 p.m. 9-At The Movies Egyptian 9-lnn News 10-:--Lorne Green's New 30 Black-spotted 17 9:35 p.m. Wilderness butterfly 4-News 32 Ponds, in poesy 1 2-Doctor Who 20 10:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 34 CorD, to Caesar 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7.20-News 2, 15, 20-Diff'r_ent Strokes 24 Peak, 9-Twilight Zone 3, 1 0-Walt Disney 37 - highest point in 1 2-Doctor Who 9-Movie: ''Apache" ( 1954). Utah 38-At The Movies Rugged action tale about a 38 Tablelands 10:30 p.m. die-hard Indian who waged a 39 Henry Fonda's 2, 1 5,20-Tonight one-man war against th�. U.S. last co-star 3-MASH Burt Lancaster, Jean Peters. 41 Duo 9-Charlie's Angels John Mcintire. quadrupled 10-U.S. Open Tennis 12-lreland: A Television 42 More sapient Highlights History 43 Gulf of Finland 41 1 2-Latenight America 38-T.J. Hooker feeder 1 7-Nightline 7:05 p.m. 44 Land measure 44 38-Movie: "Bud and Lou ." 4-College Football 45 Elephant's

(1978) TV-movie based on · 7:30 p.m. young 47 Bob Thomas' biography. 2.1 5.20-Silver Spoons 46 Terry product 11:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 47 Anderson 3-USA Open Tennis 2.15, 20-Boxing: Larry drama, "Joan Highlights Holmes vs. Scott Frank of --" 10-Movie: "Stunt Seven ." 3, 10-Movie: "Borderline" 49 Sillographer's forte (1979) ( 1980). Charles Bronson as a See page 9 of News for answers 11:30 p.m. border patrol officer in­ 2-Friday Night Videos vestigating murder and the Reconstruction. 1 2-lllinois Press 3-Movie: "Dirty Dingus smuggling of illegal aliens. Sunday 3 .10-Jeffersons 15,20-Movie: "Catch Me a Mages" ( 1970) Frank Sinatra 12-Movie: "You're in the 4:30 p.m. 9-Saturday Night Spy" (19 71). Espionage portrays a sorry outlaw in this Navy Now" (1951 ) .. Come_dy 9-Movie: "Shocktrauma" 1 2-Masterpiece Theatre thriller with Kirk Douglas as a · broad parody of the Old of sailors with no nautical (1982-TV) . Factual story · ·' 8:05 p.m. Romanian agenth smUggltnb West. knowledge who take over a about Baltimore physician's 4-Week in Review Russian documents. Trevor 9-Saturday Night ship with an experimental crusade to improve care for 8:30 p.m. Howard. 15.20-Thicke of the Night engine. Gary Cooper. Jane accident victims suffering 1 0-Goodnight. Beantown 38-Movie: "The Devil's 17-Rhoda Greer, Eddie Albert . shock. William Conrad . 9:00 p.m. Disciple" (1959). A case of Midnight 17, 38-Love Boat 1 2-French Chef 3, 1 0-Trapper John mistaken identity during the 17-News 9:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 9-News American Revolution. 17,38-Fantasy Island 1 2-Wild America 1 2-All Creatures Great and ·Laurence Oliver, Burt Lan- Saturday 9:30 p.m. 38-Wild Wild West Small caster. - - 2:00 p.m. 9-lnn News 5:30 p.m. 9:05 p.m. 10:35 p.m. 1 2-Consultation 12-Amazing Years of 1 2-Wildlife Safari 4-News 1 7-Austin City Limits Encore 17, 38-College Football Cinema 1 7-Community 1 7 9:30 p.m. 11:00 p.m. ·2:30 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 9-lnn News 10-Dance Fever 3, 10-U .S. Open Tennis 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7 , 20-News 2.15. 20-Powers of Matthew 9:35 p.m. 11:05 p.m. 1 2-Signing with Cindy 9-Solid Gold Star 4-Sports Page 17-Fishing Fever 2:40 p.m. 1 2-To The Manor Born 3, 10-60 Minutes 10:00 p.m. 4-No Place to Hide 4-Movie: "Six Black Horses" 38-Celebrity Showcase 1 2-Soundstage 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7,20-News 11:35 p.m. ( 1962). Dan Duryea as droll 10:20 p.m. 17, 38-Ripley's Believe it or 9-Twilight Zone 3-Nitecap gunman in this Audie Murphy 4-Baseball: 'Atlanta at Los Not! 12..:..Monty Python's Flying 9-Movie: "The Sea Wolf" effort. (Interrupted at 4: 00 Angeles 6:o5 p.m. Circus ( 1941 ) . An inspired version of ·p.m. for "College 17-News ·4-Wrestl ing 38-Honeymooners Jack London's classic tale Scoreboard.") 10:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 10:05 p.m. about a voyage piloted by an 3:00 p.m. 2. 15,20-Sat\,lrday Night Live 9-ln Search of. 4-Jerry Falwell inhuman skipper. Edward G. 1 2-Magic of Oil Paniting II 3-Move: ''Trader Horn" 7:00 p.m. 10:1 5 p.m. Robinson. 3:30 p.m. (1973). Low-budget 2, 15,20-Knight Rider 10-News 1 0-Wonder Woman 1 2-Motorweek melodrama about platinum 3, 1 0-Alice _ 10:20 p.m. 11:35 p.m. 4:00 p.m. hunters in Africa. Rod Taylor. 9-Wall Street Journal Report 1 7-News 1 7-Children Running out of 2-Superchargers Anne Heywood. 1 2-Evening at Pops 10:30 p.m. Time 1 2-Matinee at the Bijou 1 0-Benny Hill 17,3 8-Movie: "Airport '77" 2-Movie: "Gray Lady Down" Midnight 15,20-Andy Griffith 1 2-David Susskind ( 1977). Charts the frantic (1978). A nuclear sub col- 38-Solid Gold 4:30 p.m. 38-Soul Train search for a jetliner that goes fides with a freighter and sinks 12:05 a.m. 2-:-That Nashville Music 10:35 p.m. down with its passengers in 1450 feet. Charlton Heston, 4-Movie: "The Little Foxes" 1 7-Solid Gold 9-Soul Train the Bermuda Triangle. Jack _, ,, David Carradine .( t941 )., Pr�datory Souther 15,20-Healthbeat 11:00 p.m. Lemmon, Lee Grani . - , • 3-Star Trek fan'i,ily in the early 1900's. 4:35 p.m. 9-Movie: "The Lost Man" 7:05 p.m. 1 o-Dennis Raetz : Football Bette Davis. pies. 4-Motorweek Illustrated (1969). Man on the run atter 4-No Place to Hide of Hazzard 5:00 p.m. committing robbery and 7:30 p.m. ive Million Years 2-Hee Haw murder. Sidney Poitier, Al 3, 10-0ne Day at a Time 967) Chiller 1 5-Assignment 1 5 Freeman . 9-People to People ing of an ancient 20-Capitol Conference 1 0-Blow-out at Billy Bob's 8:00 p.m. Campus clips ship in a Lon- 5:05 p.m. 11:30 p.m. 2, 15, 20-Movie: "Beulah 4-College Scoreboard 38-Evening at the lmprov Land" (1980, 3-part). Saga of Newman Community will hold a Lector Workshop Saturday. 5:1 0 p.m. 11:35 p.m. Southern plantation life from Sept. 1 O at 10:00 a.m. in the Newman Center. Mass will be 4-Wrestling 1 7-Dance Fever 1827 to post-Civil War· observed Saturday, Sept. 10 at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 1 l at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. in Buzzard Auditorium. · Eastern Army ROTC will hold a wargame organizational meeting Saturday, Sept. 10 at 1 0:00 a.m. in Applied Arts Room Of'ERA T£ 5 BY HOW£V£R, PARTYING IS 2 17. Boards, miniatures and computers will be utilized to feature PERSONALL r'. 8EEN air, land and sea contests in all periods of history - fun. education RtL'r' RE/I/OCR/NG /tN NTI EGRAL f7tlRTOF !VE SAWN'G 11Y F/11£ AND THIS W£D<£ND 8RA ll'J CEL L.13 TO /{fG/.IER £DVC/f AND L�ST and competition . T!0M C- SO IT SflWL D 13£.. BRAIN C£L L.S FOR A E ,4f(XH LIXE: DA V. 'flt)//� .rr:f-ro BRANO SLAUGHTER Tf/£ ,+f. Campus Clips are published daily, free of charge, as a public ser· I RA/I\/\ vice to the campus. Clips should be submitted to The Daily Eastern News office two business days before date to be publish­ I ed (or date of event). Information should include event, name of sponsoringorganization (spelled out - no Greek lettei"'abbrevia­ tions), date, time and place of event, plus any other pertinent in­ formation. Name and phone number of subm itter must be includ­ ed. Clips containing conflicting or confusing information will not be run if submitter cannotbe contacted. Clips will be edited for space available. Clips $ubmitted after 9:00 a.m. of deadline day cannot be guaranteed publication. Clips will be run one day only for any event. No clips will be taken by phone. 8 · .., Ill OI .. a; .! i Q. JJ Onpower and albatrosses �I�

. u.. , Office politics. Superfriendly is devoted to spreading go · ; 1 In the time I've been associated with the various throughout the world of people who are ju j forms of media operating on campus, I have adop· to being cheerful: The Superfriendly is E ted, as a hobby, the observation of these humans in discouraged. - � their natural habitat. As an anthropologist, I play The Quiet Person. Little is known a � observer and after three years in this occupation · ! phenomenon except the confirmation of its �have discovered personality characteristics com­ ce.. Caution is advised. While he speaks ve

� mon in the radio studio, the newsroom and can be assumed he is pl otting ag · � probably every office on our planet and others. colleagues. -; In the category of power attainment, there exist Last, but by no means least, is the Sensi � two types. The first is the diligent Hard Worker who Sensitive person allows his personality to •

> will accept his task and do it well with a minimum of with his work capacity and that of o � grumbling. This type of worker seldom enjoys ad· snowball effect of the Sensitive's behavior · vancement. down a strong organization. The other personality, more skilled in power at· So when you go to work, sit down tainment is that of the Crafty who will do his job around and determine which individuals when someone is looking. Otherwise he will cause which categories. You can either laugh, others to be delayed or make errors with the in· preparations to seek out and eliminate tention of making himself, the instigator, look bet· who will try to remove you. Yo4 may ter. those persons who can be used to your The Rah Rah, also referred to as the "Company and obtain control. Man," possesses characteristics which grate on the rahs. Rah Rahs eat, drink, nerves of those .Non-rah nature. The Self-Interested often go far· up the lad· sleep, and dance their work. While the Rah Rahcan der of promotion. -Jerry Moore. Moore is a former disc be irritating at times, he is a valuable asset in that he The Albatross is just.. .there ; This person's talent WELH and currently is wire editor for can be counted on to do the stuff no one else will, is that of taking up space, and he is not vital to the Eastern Ne ws. Some.times he draws ca which leads to the next personality on the list. organization. Too often he is in a paid position. sometimes he just doesn't do anything, but The Self-Interested are intelligent enough to seek Another type is the happy, kind, generous in· there . out the Rah Rahs and take advantage of their good dividual, better known as the Superfriendly. The

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