CIRCULATION 1810 P 02 6777 1111 F 02 6777 1112
[email protected] 19 May 2021 ‘Tie the Knot’ inducted into the Racing Hall of Fame Friday 21 May Glenburnie Partnership 50 Santa Angus Cross Heifers FOR PRIVATE SALE 100 scanned in lamb Dorper and Dorper X Ewes Left: Sandy Tait with ‘Tie the Knot’s’ certificate of induction into the ARHOF (Photo credit ©Atkins Photography).the Nutrien Ag Solutions Right: ‘Tie the Knot’ ridden by Patrick Payne. new birds BOUTIQUE Miles Archdale 0428 660 326 On Friday 14 May, when ten racing greats were international stage. Tie the Knot’s winnings in stake Simon Newton 0467 660 320 elevated to the Australian Racing Hall of Fame money places him well into the top ten on27W the FITZROY all- STREET WALCHA NSW 2354 Mat Larkings 0427 002 427 (ARHOF), Jill Nivison and her brother Sandy Tait’s time Australasian list and he was voted the P1999 02 6777 2002–
[email protected] champion thoroughbred Tie the Knot was one of 2000 Australian Champion Stayer. those recognised and inducted. Established in 2011, the ARHOF celebrates not Tie the Knot, one of Australia’s supreme only the achievements of the horses, but jockeys, thorougbreds, was a 13-time Group 1 (G1) winner trainers and administrators for their dedication and over his remarkable career. The powerhouse contribution to thoroughbred racing. Tie the Knot’s the chestnut gelding, raced by Jill and Sandy, now has induction is another accolade for Jill and Sandy the honour of standing alongside racing greats with the ARHOF – they were inducted themselves NewBOUTIQUE Birds recognised as Australian legends of the turf.