Leil Candle Lighting Parshat Bereishit 6:13 PM Dorm Lounges Only October 5-6

Mincha 6:10 PM Beit Midrash, 7th Floor

Seudah Rishona Dvar By 7:30 PM Talya Rosenwasser Koch Auditorium

Hillary Black shares her story 9:00 PM Room 101/102 Yom Shabbat

Oneg 9:30 PM Tefillah 9:00 AM Room 101/102 Beit Midrash, 7th Floor N E Kiddush with Rav Moshe Tzvi Weinberg 11:30 AM ER Room 101/102 B Seudah Shniya 12:30 PM @ Koch Auditorium BB A Shiur with Yisroel Meir Rosenzweig: H HaRan: 1:1 – Bodies, Souls, And Goals S RA/GA GA Alana Reichenberg Brookdale 11F Shiur with Rabbi Jacob Bernstein: Days of 5:00 PM Brookdale RA: Alix Klein Brookdale 15F Creation: How Many Were There? on Duty: 36th Street RA: Tehila Finkelstein 36th St 505 Schottenstein RA: Eliana Tuchman Brookdale 6F Mincha 5:40 PM 35th Street RA: Talia Levie Brookdale 14F Beit Midrash, 7th Floor

Seudah Shlishit Dvar Torah by Rav Moshe 6:00 PM Tzvi Weinberg Welcoming: Koch Auditorium

Hillary Black, Sharsheret 6:50 PM Rav Moshe Tzvi Weinberg, Mashgiach Ruchani Kushner Dining Hall

Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Jacob & Penina Bernstein, 7:10 PM Leora, and Shmuel Kushner Dining Hall Av & Eim Bayit: Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig and Bear Leil Shabbat Parshat Noach Candle Lighting 6:02 PM Dorm Lounges Only October 12-13

e: Mincha Dvar Torah By Rebbetzin 6:00 PM rc e fo al Penina Bernstein rk m Beit Midrash, 7th Floor o Fe W h p e is hi 7:15 PM th s Seudah Rishona Dvar Torah by f ew r o J eu Elka Wiesenberg n f n e o e Koch Auditorium m at r o b ep b tr 9:15 PM W a n Yom Shabbat Oneg/Meet our Entrepreneurs Sh E Room 101/102 Tefillah 9:00 AM Beit Midrash, 7th Floor N Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:53 AM E R Kiddush followed by a panel with Tikva, Faigy, and Charlene 11:30 AM E Room 101/102 B @ Seudah Shniya Dvar Torah by Melissa Goldstein 12:30 PM Koch Auditorium B B Chabura with Rabbi Yisroel Meir Rosenzweig: A Derashot HaRan: Good + Bad = The Ideal Community? H S Shiur with Rabbi Jacob Bernstein: 4:15 PM GA Maia Wiesenfeld, 36th St 203 Noach, Avraham, and Moshe: Learning How to Pray

RA/GA Schottenstein RA: Ellie Parker, Brookdale 17F (Re)Make The World workshop with Tikva Wiener 5:00 PM Brookdale RA: Zehava Seidman, Brookdale 16F Beit Midrash 36th St RA: Ilana Sherizen, 36th St 305 on Duty: Mincha 5:35 PM 35th Street RA: Sarah Leah Zians Brookdale 9F Beit Midrash, 7th Floor

Seudah Shlishit: Charlene shares her story 6:00 PM Koch Auditorium Welcoming: Shkiah 6:18 PM

Tikva Wiener, Founder and Head of the Idea School Maariv 6:45 PM Faigy Grossman, Creator of "Step it Up" 101/102

Charlene Aminoff & Family, Founder of Gali's Wigs Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 7:00 PM Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Leora Koch Auditorium & Shmuel Av & Eim Bayit: Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig & Bear Leil Shabbat Parshat Lech-Lecha Candle Lighting 5:51 PM October 19-20 Dorm Lounges Only

Mincha & Musical Kabbalat Shabbat 5:50 PM : with Perry Kangoun e th ur u Dvar Torah by Marc Fein ut o Beit Midrash, 7th Floor F Y e sh th i Seudah Rishonah Dvar Torah by 7:15 PM g w ip n Je h Sophie Ostrow and C.J. Glicksman di f rs Koch Auditorium a o e e at d L b ea Oneg with Marc Fein & the Bernsteins 8:45 PM ab L Room 101/102 Sh Yom Shabbat Tefillah 9:00 AM Beit Midrash, 7th Floor Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:56 AM

*There will also be a Women's only Oneg with the N Kiddush followed by choose your own session 11:20 AM Rosenzweigs in their apartment E Kushner Dining Hall 35th Street, Apt 1C R "Leading through Listening" with Marc Fein E Kushner Dining Hall B What are all these Hebrew words? Tali Greenberg & Nitzana Penn, Bnei Akiva Room 101/102 @ B Seudah Shniyah Dvar Torah by Adina Passy 12:30 PM B Koch Auditorium A Chabura with Rabbi Yisroel Meir Rosenzweig: H R' Herzog On Minority Rights In Israel S Continuing the Conversation and Getting Involved (over snacks) with Deeni, Adele, Tali, Nitzana, and Marc Fein Room 101/102

Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Jacob Bernstein: 4:40 PM GA Liorah Rubinstein, Schottenstein 222 10 Tests of Avraham: What & Why? RA/GA 35th St RA Zehava Seidman, Brookdale 16F Beit Midrash, 7th Floor SH RA Talia Edelman, Schottenstein 517 Mincha 5:20 PM BRH RA Rachel Green , Brookdale 10F Beit Midrash, 7th Floor on Duty: 36th St RA Chasya Klafter, 36th St 405 Seudah Shlishit Ebbing with Deeni Adler 5:45 PM Koch Auditorium Shkiyah 6:08 PM

Welcoming: Maariv 6:40 PM Room 101/102 Deeni Adler, Program Associate, Katz School Musical Havdalah with C.J. Glicksman Shabbat Ends: 6:50 PM Marc Fein, NCSY Regional Director Koch Auditorium Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Leora Game Night Glory with pizza 8:00 PM & Shmuel 36th Street Lounge Av & Eim Bayit: Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig & Bear Leil Shabbat Parshat Vayera Candle Lighting 5:41 PM Dorm Lounges Only October 26-27

Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat 5:45 PM Beit Midrash, 7th Floor f t o as Seudah Rishonah Dvar Torah by Adina Dror 6:45 PM C " Koch Auditorium he u nd s t Yo a tic ng y e a ) *The Making of an Online Hit: How a YU 8:15 PM i B g m S m n lle a CD Graduate Created "Soon By You" with co o o r S el o C D + Leah Gottfried "S a ge S Room 101/102 W iv le D sh ol C e C (Y Women's only Oneg with the Rosenzweig's 8:30 PM Y n s Yom Shabbat er tie 35th Street, Apartment 1C St ie oc *Drama Trivia 9:15 PM S Tefillah 9:00 AM 36th Street Front Lounge Beit Midrash, 7th Floor Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:59 AM

N *Kiddush followed by A Panel With the Cast: 11:20 AM t E ou tics R Finding the Characters of "Soon By You" eck ma E Room 101/102 Ch Dra ge B olle 's Seudah Shniyah Dvar Torah by Aviva Shooman 12:30 PM C ety ot @ Koch Auditorium ern oci fo St S 's A 8 B Chabura with Rabbi Yisroel Meir Rosenzweig: me 6.1 R' Yaakov Ariel On Democracy And Halachah, pt. I Ga 2.1 B he g 1 A T rin Events with an *Improv Games 2:15 PM mie H Pre S asterisk (*) are 36th Street Front Lounge

co-ed *Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Jacob Bernstein: 4:30 PM Title: Visiting the Sick: Is it Nice or Godly? Beit Midrash, 7th Floor GA Goldie Wolfson, Brookdale 4F 35th St RA: Rachel Haber, Brookdale 19A Mincha 5:15 PM RA/GA 36th St RA: Sarah Poborets, Brookdale, 3F Beit Midrash, 7th Floor

Brookdale RA: Michelle Naim, Brookdale 12F Seudah Shlishit Dvar Torah by Tania Bohbot 5:40 PM on Duty: Schottenstein RA: Elaina Klein, Schottenstein 717 Koch Auditorium Shkiyah 5:59 PM

Maariv 6:30 PM Welcoming: Room 101/102

Leah Gottfried , Creator of Soon by You and Cast Member Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 6:41 PM Koch Auditorium Jessica Schechter, Soon by You Cast Member *24 Hour Dramaton Play 8:00 PM Danny Hoffman & Family, Soon by You Cast Member Wilf Campus, Schottenstein Theatre Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Leora & Shmuel Performance is Sunday at 8 PM Av & Eim Bayit: Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig & Bear Leil Shabbat Parshat Chayei Sarah Security personnel Candle Lighting 5:32 PM Dorm Lounges Only Nov. 2-3 is available to walk you back Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat 5:30 PM to your dorms. Beit Midrash, 7th Floor ed nc Seudah Rishonah 6:35 PM a ni Dvar Torah by Samantha Friedman dv y Koch Auditorium d m f A u lu o St A Shiur with R' Etshalom: 8:15 PM t h Y Surprise, Surprise! Another Point of View ba c M from the Top of a Camel b na M Room 101/102 ha a g S T in An Oneg You've Never Seen Before 9:00 PM m Yom Shabbat co Join Miriam Borenstein, Penina Bernstein, el Pre-Tefillah Coffee & Chaburah with Sophia Stepansky 8:40 AM Talia Molotsky, & Zahava Moskowitz for a W Stop in for coffee, stay in to chat if you'd like! geshmacke oneg Room 101/102 Room 101/102 Tefillah 9:00 AM Beit Midrash, 7th Floor N Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 10:03 AM E R Kiddush 11:20 AM E Room 101/102 #showupforshabbat B Shiurtopia 11:50 PM @ Zissy Turner: "Og, King of Bashan: A (Very) Tall Tale" In memory of the B Sam Berkowitz: "What’s Pshat: Is a Simple Reading of Tanakh Enough?" B Miriam Borenstein: "Nameless Women in Tanach" victims of the A Rabbi Robby Charnoff: "The Burial of Sarah and the Search for Rivka: The "קנין Pittsburgh shooting H Essence of Eternal S Zahava Moskowitz: "You are What You See"

Seudah Shniyah Dvar Torah by Fruma Landa 12:40 PM Koch Auditorium GA Shira Feen, 35th St 1B 36th St RA Tehilla Finkelstein, 36th St 505 Post-Lunch Chabura with Rebbetzin Penina Bernstein: 2:15 PM BRH RA Michelle Naim, Brookdale 12F Transitions of Leadership: Yitzchak and Shlomo HaMelech 3rd Floor Lounge RA/GA 35th St RA Zehava Seidman, Brookdale 16F SH RA Eliana Klein, SH 717 Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Etshalom 4:30 PM Beit Midrash, 7th Floor on Duty: Shabbat Enhancement Comm. Ariella Etshalom Mincha 5:10 PM Beit Midrash, 7th Floor

Welco ming: Seudah Shlishit Inspiration with Zissy Turner 5:35 PM Koch Auditorium Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Rosh Beit Midrash of YULA Girls High School & Family Maariv 6:20 PM Room 101/102 Campus Rebbetzin: Penina Bernstein Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 6:32 PM Miriam Borenstein ~ Zissy Turner & Sam Berkovitz ~ Zahava Koch Auditorium Moskowitz Rabbi David Katz ~ Mrs. Sarah Dena Katz ~ Rabbi Robby Open Beit Midrash w/ Ice Cream/Cereal/Milk Bar w/ Penina & GPATS 7:30 PM Charnoff Leil Shabbat Parshat Toldot Security personnel Candle Lighting 4:25 PM Nov. 9-10 ~ 2 Kislev are available to Dorm Lounges Only walk you back

to your dorms. Mincha & Musical Kabbalat Shabbat 4:25 PM - with the YStuds followed by words of chizuk ts r by Leah Moskovich A ? e In Beit Midrash, 7th Floor Th it F nd e Seudah Rishonah, with the 5:45 PM a W YStuds, Dvar Torah by Sivan Import m o is D Koch Auditorium da re Ju he Yom Shabbat and Chill 7:15 PM W Brookdale Front Lounge Pre-Tefillah Coffee & Chaburah with Sarah Engel 8:40 AM Stop in for coffee, stay in to chat if you'd like! Room 101/102 N E Tefillah 9:00 AM R Beit Midrash, 7th Floor E Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:08 AM B @ Kiddush followed by a workshop with Leah Moskovich: 11:20 AM B The 'Art' of Teaching Teens in 2018 B Room 101/102

A Seudah Shniyah, Dvar Torah by Shani Wolfson 12:30 PM H Koch Auditorium S Post-Lunch Chabura with Rabbi Rosenzweig: Shabbat Coordinator: Shira Feen A Halachic Government: Democracy Or Monarchy? GA: Goldie Wolfson Brookdale 4F 35th St RA Alix Klein Brookdale 15F Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Bernstein: Forefathers Kept the Torah? 3:00 PM Brookdale RA: Sarah Poberets Brookdale 3F Beit Midrash, 7th Floor Schottenstein RA: Talia Edelman SH 517 RA/GA 36th St RA: Talia Levie Brookdale 14F Mincha 3:50 PM Shabbat Enhancement Comm: Melissa Goldstein Beit Midrash, 7th Floor TAC: Bella Adler on Duty: SYMS: Anat Jacobson Seudah Shlishit with Inspiration by Leah Moskovich 4:15 PM Koch Auditorium Shkiyah 4:42 PM

Maariv 5:05 PM Welco ming: Room 101/102

Leah Moskovich, Director of Student Activities at Central High School Musical Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 5:26 PM (Central '07, SC'11, Azrieli '12), Director of NCSY GIVE West Koch Auditorium

The YStuds Open Beit Midrash with Cereal & Milk Bar 6:15 PM All Prospective Students! Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Leora & Shmuel Av & Eim Bayit: Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig & Bear Leil Shabbat Parshat Vayeitzei Security personnel Candle Lighting 4:19 PM Nov. 16-17 ~ 9 Kislev are available to Dorm Lounges Only walk you back

to your dorms. Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat followed by 4:20 PM

a Dvar Torah with Rebbetzin Bernstein ! b E u Beit Midrash, 7th Floor K Cl A B ng Seudah Rishonah, Dvar Torah by 5:30 PM ki Melissa Goldstein 'S a T B E e L th Food Philosophies for Millennials - 7:15 PM h Board Building Workshop with Chanie it Yom Shabbat Apfelbaum w Brookdale Front Lounge Pre-Tefillah Coffee & Chaburah with Sophia Stepansky 8:40 AM Stop in for coffee, stay in to chat if you'd like! EN Room 101/102 R E Tefillah 9:00 AM B Beit Midrash, 7th Floor Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:13 AM @ B Kiddush with a Special Presentation by Chanie Apfelbaum: 11:20 AM B My Journey From Home Cook To Cookbook Author A Room 101/102 H S Seudah Shniyah, Dvar Torah by Adina Dror 12:30 PM Koch Auditorium Shabbat Coordinator: Bat-Sheva Brunswick Post-Lunch Chabura with Rabbi Rosenzweig: Religious Coercion Pt. 1 - The Very Nature Of Being Commanded? Shabbat Enhancement Comm: Ariella Etshalom TAC: Tamar Schwartz Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Bernstein: 3:00 PM SCWSC: Abby Stiefel Perfect or Hero? How do we Relate to Our Forefathers? Beit Midrash, 7th Floor GA Alana Reichenberg Brookdale 11F 36th St RA Chasya Klafter 36th St Mincha 3:40 PM On Duty: Brookdale RA Elienor Dahan Brookdale 7F Beit Midrash, 7th Floor SH RA Ellie Parker Brookdale 17F Seudah Shlishit with Inspiration with Joe Apfelbaum 4:10 PM 35th St RA Eliana Tuchman Brookdale 6F Koch Auditorium Shkiyah 4:36 PM

Welcoming: Maariv 5:05 PM Room 101/102 Mrs. Chanie Apfelbaum, Founder of Busy in Brooklyn & Mr. Joe Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 5:20 PM Apfelbaum, Owner of Ajaxunion, & Family Koch Auditorium Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Leora & Candy Sushi-Making with the Baking Club 6:15 PM Shmuel 36th Street Front Lounge Av & Eim Bayit: Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig & Bear

Leil Shabbat Parshat Vayishlach Security personnel Nov. 23-24 ~ 16 Kislev are available to Candle Lighting 4:14 PM walk you back Dorm Lounges Only to your dorms.

Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat 4:20 PM ! Congregation Adereth El, 135 E. 29th St. G IN Seudah Rishonah with Dvar Torah by 5:40 PM IV SG Channa Buxbaum followed by an Oneg K Rosenzweig Residence, 35th St. Apt. 1C N A H T Yom Shabbat

Tefillah 9:00 AM N Congregation Adereth El, 135 E. 29th St. E Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:17 AM ER B Kiddush 11:20 AM @ Congregation Adereth El, 135 E. 29th St. BB A H Seudah Shniyah with Dvar Torah by Rachel Mauda 12:30 PM S Bernstein Residence, 15 Park Ave.

Mincha 4:05 PM Shabbat Coordinator: Alana Reichenberg Congregation Adereth El, 135 E. 29th St. Shabbat Enhancement Comm: Rachel Mauda GA Liorah Rubinstein Schott 222 Seudah Shlishit 4:20 PM On Duty: Brookdale RA :Rachel Haber, Brookdale 19A Brookdale Front Lounge 35th St /36th St RA: Chasya Klafter, 36th St 405 Shkiyah 4:31 PM SH RA: Tehila Finkelstein, 36th St 505

Maariv 4:55 PM Congregation Adereth El, 135 E. 29th St. Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Leora & Shmuel Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 5:16 PM Brookdale Front Lounge

Av & Eim Bayit: Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig & Bear

Leil Shabbat Parshat Vayeshev Security Candle Lighting 4:11 PM personnel Dorm Lounges Only Nov. 30 - Dec. 1 ~ 23 Kislev are available to walk you back Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat with words 4:15 PM to your dorms. of welcome by Rebbetzin Penina Bernstein , es t and Jake Benyowitz ic n 7th Floor Beit Midrash o e V m e ve Seudah Rishonah with Dvar Torah by 5:30 PM Th o C Michael Krasna t M A e e P Koch Auditorium e h YU M T in ith New York City Council: Voices of The 7:15 PM o w Jewish Caucus J Yom Shabbat Room 101/102

Celebration of Israel Oneg with 8:30 PM* Michael Krasna Room 101/102 Pre-Tefillah Coffee & Chaburah with Meir Tolchin 8:40 AM Stop in for coffee, stay in to chat if you'd like! *There will also be an all- EN Room 101/102 women's L'Oneg in the R Rosenzweigs' apartment with E Tefillah 9:00 AM snacks and singing. Beit Midrash B Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:22 AM

@ Kiddush 11:15 AM B Room 101/102 B A State Assembly in Israel: A New Look and Takeaways 11:30 AM H Room 101/102 S Seudah Shniyah with Dvar Torah by Bella Adler 12:30 PM Shabbat Coord: Bat-Sheva Brunswick, Shira Feen Koch Auditorium

Shabbat Enhancement Comm: Rachel Zakharov Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Bernstein: 2:20 PM TAC: Bella Adler Chanukah Secrets: Understanding the Complexity of Beit Midrash, 7th Floor SCWSC: Talya Saban GA: Maia Wiesenfeld, 36th Street 203 Mincha 3:00 PM Brookdale RA: Tzivia Linfield, Brookdale 8F Beit Midrash

35th Street: Shoshana Cohen, 35th Street 7A Our Voice in Congress: Congressman Espaillat of the 13th 3:30 PM On Duty: 36th St RA: Elka Wiesenberg, Brookdale 18F Congressional District Beit Midrash SH RA: Rachel Green, Brookdale 10F Seudah Shlishit with Dvar Torah by Shanee Markovitz 4:15 PM After Shabbat Koch Auditorium Pop-In, Pop-Out Shkiyah 4:29 PM Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: at the Bernstein's, Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Maariv 5:00 PM grab some food! Room 101/102 Leora & Shmuel Bernstein Residence, Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 5:14 PM Av & Eim Bayit: 15 Park Ave. Koch Auditorium

Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva 6:00pm Rosenzweig & Bear Leil Shabbat Parshat Miketz Security personnel Chanukkah & Shabbos Candle Lighting 4:00 PM Dec. 7 - 8 ~ 30 Kislev are available to Dorm Lounges Only 4:10 PM walk you back Rosh Chodesh Women's Kabbalat Shabbat 4:25 PM to your dorms. 36th Street Front Lounge

Seudah Rishonah 5:15 PM 36th Street Back Lounge y ! p h How To Be A Lady Boss with Adina 6:45 PM p a Lichtman k a k 36th Street Front Lounge H u n Oneg at the Bernsteins' 7:45 PM a Yom Shabbat Home Made Cholent & Latkas h Bernstein Residence, 15 Park Ave. C

Tefillah followed by Kiddush 9:00 AM Congregation Adereth El, 135 E. 29th St. EN Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:27 AM R E Seudah Shniyah with Dvar Torah by Rachel Mauda 12:15 PM B 36 Street Back Lounge @ BB Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Bernstein 3:20 PM A Bernstein Residence, 15 Park Ave. H "Eilu v'Eilu & Chanukah" S Mincha 4:05 PM Shabbat Coord: Alana Reichenberg Congregation Adereth El, 135 E. 29th St. SEC: Sarah Engel, Ariella Etshalom SCWSC: Gesela Levin Seudah Shlishit 4:20 PM GA Goldie Wolfson Brookdale 4F 36th Street Back Lounge 35th St RA Rachel Haber Brookdale 19A Shkiyah 4:28 PM On Duty: 36th St RA Ilana Sherizen 36th St 305 Brookdale Hall RA Tzivia Linfield Brookdale 8F Maariv 4:55 PM Congregation Adereth El, 135 E. 29th St. Schottenstein RA Shira Perton Brookdale 5F

Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 5:14 PM WELCOMING: 36th Street Back Lounge Adina Lichtman, CEO of Knock Knock Give a Sock Cookie Baking and Dreidel Decorating with the Rosenzweigs 6:00 PM Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Rosenzweig Residence, 35th Street Apt. 1C Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Leora & Shmuel Pasta will be available for dinner. There will also be Chanukkah gifts!

Av & Eim Bayit: Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig & Bear

Leil Shabbat Parshat Vayigash Security Candle Lighting 4:10 PM personnel Dorm Lounges Only Dec. 14-15 ~ 7 Tevet are available to

Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat with words 4:15 PM walk you back of welcome by Rebbetzin Penina Bernstein to your dorms. 7th Floor Beit Midrash r Seudah Rishonah with the 5:15 PM to Observer/Commentator ta Dvar Torah by Benjy Koslowe he en Koch Auditorium t m ith Tisch with Armin Rosen: My Experiences 6:45 PM om and How They Relate to Student w C Journalism r/ Room 101/102 e This will be followed by a Q & A. rv Yom Shabbat se Late Night Oneg 8:00 PM b Pre-Tefillah Coffee & Chaburah with Fruma Landa 8:40 AM Bernstein Residence, 15 Park Avenue O Stop in for coffee, stay in to chat if you'd like! Room 101/102

EN Tefillah 9:00 AM R Beit Midrash E Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:31 AM B @ Kiddush 11:15 AM B Room 101/102 B A Breakout Sessions moderated by Armin Rosen 11:30 AM H Room 101/102 S Shabbat Coord: Bat-Sheva Brunswick Seudah Shniyah with Dvar Torah by Chana Weinberg 12:30 PM Shabbat Enhancement Comm: Rachel Zakharov Koch Auditorium

TAC: Tali Greenberg History of YU’s Newspapers 2:15 PM SCWSC: Racheli Moskowitz Room 101/102 GA: Shira Feen, 35th St 1B Students are invited to learn some history about The Commentator/The Observer and discuss the current state of YU undergraduate journalism. 35th ST RA: Shoshana Cohen, 35th St 7A 36th St RA: Sarah Leah Zians, Brookdale 9F Pre-Mincha Shiur w/ R' Bernstein: The Reunion: Jacob & 3:20 PM Joseph Meet Again Brookdale RA: Michelle Naim, Brookdale 12F Beit Midrash, 7th Floor On Duty: Schottenstein RA: Eliana Klein, Schottenstein 717 Mincha 3:50 PM Beit Midrash, 7th Floor

WELCOMING: Seudah Shlishit with Dvar Torah by Ailin Elyasi 4:15 PM Koch Auditorium Armin Rosen, Freelance Writer and Reporter on Shkiyah 4:29 PM

International Politics Maariv 5:00 PM Dr. Yocheved Debow, Academic Principal, Emunah v'Omanut Room 101/102

Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 5:15 PM Koch Auditorium Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Leora & Shmuel Pasta Bar 6:00 PM Av & Eim Bayit: Rosenzweig Residence, 35th Street, Apt. 1C Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig & Bear Leil Shabbat Parshat Vayechi Security Candle Lighting 4:13 PM personnel Dorm Lounges Only Dec. 21-22 ~ 14 Tevet are available to walk you back Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat with words 4:15 PM of welcome by TAC President Adina Cohen to your dorms. Beit Midrash, 7th Floor Y O he Seudah Rishonah, Dvar Torah by Micah 5:15 PM S t ss Hyman - e C ng c Koch Auditorium TA ri ro lo P Panel on the Halachic Process 6:45 PM p ic Room 101/102 x h E c Tisch with the Bednarshes 7:45 PM* la Room 101/102 a Yom Shabbat There will be board games in the 3rd Fl. H Lounge. *There will also be an all- Pre-Tefillah Coffee & Chaburah with Tamar Schwartz 8:40 AM EN Stop in for coffee, stay in to chat if you'd like! women's L'Oneg in the R Room 101/102 Rosenzweigs' apartment with E B snacks and singing. @ Tefillah 9:00 AM B Beit Midrash, 7th Floor B Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:35 AM A On Duty: H Kiddush 11:15 AM S Kushner Dining Hall Shabbat Coord: Alana Reichenberg, Bat-Sheva Brunswick Shabbat Enhancement Comm: Melissa Goldstein Shiur with Mrs. Leora Bednarsh: Divine Providence and 11:30 AM Personal Responsibility in the Yosef Story TAC: ALL TAC MEMERS Room 101/102 SCWSC: Shoshana Marder SYMS: Anat Jacobson Seudah Shniyah, Dvar Torah by Yael Blau and Bella Adler 12:30 PM GA: Liorah Rubinstein Schotttenstein 222 Koch Auditorium

Brookdale RA: Ellie Parker Brookdale 17F Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh: 3:20 PM 35th St RA: Shoshana Cohen 35th St 7A Chodosh and Yoshon: From Pasuk to Psak SH RA: Elka Wiesenberg Brookdale 18F Beit Midrash, 7th Floor 36th St RA: Talia Levie Brookdale 14F Mincha 3:50 PM Beit Midrash, 7th Floor

Seudah Shlishit, Dvar Torah by Moshe Spirn 4:15 PM WELCOMING: Koch Auditorium Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh, Sgan Rosh Kollel of Gruss, and Mrs. Leora Shkiyah 4:32 PM Bednarsh, Drisha's Scholars' Circle and Yoetzet Halacha Maariv 5:00 PM Room 101/102 Rabbi Josh Weisberg, Senior Director of Student Life, & Family Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 5:18 PM Rabbi David Milston, Midreshet Harova Koch Auditorium

Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Soup Packing Melave Malka 6:15 PM Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Leora & Shmuel Kushner Dining Hall

Av & Eim Bayit: Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig & Bear Leil Shabbat Parshat Shemot Security personnel Candle Lighting 4:17 PM Dec. 28-29 ~ 21 Tevet are available to Dorm Lounges Only walk you back

to your dorms. Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat followed by 4:20 PM ps a talk with Mrs. Price: Surviving and Thriving hi During Dating, Engagement and Marriage ns 7th Floor Beit Midrash tio la Seudah Rishonah, Dvar Torah by 5:20 PM e R Ariella Etshalom & Koch Auditorium g 6:45 PM tin Yom Shabbat Q & A with Rabbi and Mrs. Price a followed by an oneg and Speed "Dating" D Pre-Tefillah Coffee & Chaburah with Sarah Engel Room 101/102 8:40 AM Stop in for coffee, stay in to chat if you'd like! Room 101/102

N Tefillah E 9:00 AM R Beit Midrash E Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:38 AM B Kiddush 11:15 AM @ Room 101/102 B B Moshe, Aharon and Miriam: Defining MIriam’s 11:30 AM A Role Amongst Her Brothers with Professor Price On Duty: H Room 101/102 S Shabbat Coordinator: Shira Feen Seudah Shniyah, Dvar Torah by Channa Buxbaum 12:30 PM Shabbat Enhancement Comm: Ariella Etshalom, Sarah Engel Koch Auditorium

TAC: Tali Greenberg Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Bernstein: Moshe's Heavy Mouth: GA: Alana Reichenberg, Brookdale 11F 3:05 PM Understanding Moshe's Hesitation in Approaching Pharaoh Brookdale RA: Elienor Dahan, Brookdale 7F Beit Midrash

36th St RA: Ilana Sherizen, 36th St 305 Mincha 35th St RA: Zehava Seidman, Brookdale 16F 3:50 PM Beit Midrash Schottenstein RA: Alix Klein, Brookdale 15F Seudah Shlishit, Dvar Torah by Tamar Beer 4:15 PM Koch Auditorium

Welcoming Professor Nechama Price - Senior Lecturer, Shkiyah 4:28 PM

Bible and Judaic Studies Professor at Stern College, Maariv 5:00 PM Director of GPATS - & Family Room 101/102

Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 5:32 PM Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Koch Auditorium Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Leora & Shmuel Melave Malka Nosh 6:30 PM Rosenzweig Residence, 35th Street, Apt. 1C Av & Eim Bayit: Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig & Bear Leil Shabbat Parshat Vaera Security Candle Lighting 4:23 PM personnel Dorm Lounges Only Jan. 4-5 ~ 28 Tevet are available to walk you back Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat with words 4:25 PM to your dorms. of welcome by Rebbetzin Penina Bernstein s 7th Floor Beit Midrash rt se Seudah Rishonah 5:30 PM es Dvar Torah by Yael Blau f D Koch Auditorium t o ba Oneg 7:00 PM b Room 101/102 a Sh Yom Shabbat Bear's Party with 7:00 PM Study Time Snacks! Rosenzweig Residence, Apt. 1C Stop by to wish Bear a Happy 4th Birthday! Pre-Tefillah Coffee & Chaburah with Sarah Engel 8:40 AM Stop in for coffee, stay in to chat if you'd like! N Room 101/102 E R Tefillah 9:00 AM E Beit Midrash B Sof Zman Kriyat Shema 9:40 AM @ B Ice Cream and Entenmann's Kiddush 11:15 AM B Room 101/102

A Shiur with Rebbetzin Penina Bernstein: 11:30 AM H The First Seven: Perspectives on the Powerful Plagues S Room 101/102 Shabbat Coord: Alana Reichenberg Shabbat Enhancement Comm: Sarah Engel, Ariella Etshalom Seudah Shniyah, Dvar Torah by Adina Dror 12:30 PM TAC: Adina Cohen Koch Auditorium : y SCWSC: Talya Saban

t Pre-Mincha Shiur with Rabbi Bernstein: 3:15 PM GA: Maia Wiesenfeld 36th St.36, 203 u Bringing the Power Back to the People: Why is Shmoneh Esrei Not

D Schottenstein RA: Talia Edelman SH 517 Repeated when Yaaleh V'Yavo is Forgotten at Night? Beit Midrash, 7th Floor n 35th St RA: Zehava Seidman Brookdale 16F

O 36th St RA: Tzivia Linfield Brookdale 8F Mincha 4:00 PM Brookdale RA: Rachel Green Brookdale 10F Beit Midrash

Seudah Shlishit, Dvar Torah by Samantha Friedman 4:25 PM Koch Auditorium WELCOMING: Shkiyah 4:42 PM

Campus Rabbi & Rebbetzin: Maariv 5:10 PM Jacob & Penina Bernstein, Leora & Shmuel Room 101/102

Havdalah Shabbat Ends: 5:28 PM Av & Eim Bayit: Koch Auditorium Rabbi Yisroel Meir & Elisheva Rosenzweig & Bear

FOOD will be Intersession Shabbat Babayit provided All Tefillah will take place at Congregation Adereth El, 135 E. 29th Street

ry ry ry a Leil Shabbat ua Leil Shabbat ua Leil Shabbat nu n 9 n 6 Ja -12 Ja -1 Ja -2 1 8 5 Candle Lighting 4 :46 PM 1 1 Candle Lighting 4:38 PM 2 Dorm Lounges Only Candle Lighting 4 :30 PM Dorm Lounges Only Dorm Lounges Only Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat 4:55 PM Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat 4:45 PM Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat 4:35 PM Seudah Rishonah

Seudah Rishonah Rosenzweig Residence, Seudah Rishonah 6:30 PM Rosenzweig Residence, 6:15 PM 35th St. Apt. 1C Brookdale Front Lounge 6:00 PM 35th St. Apt. 1C

Security personnel are available to walk you back to your dorms. Yom Yom Yom

Shabbat Shacharit Shabbat 9:00 AM Shacharit Shabbat 9:00 AM Shacharit 9:00 AM

Seudah Shniyah 12:00 PM Seudah Shniyah 12:00 PM Seudah Shniyah 12:00 PM Rosenzweig Residence, 35th St. Rosenzweig Residence, 35th St. Brookdale Front Lounge Apt. 1C Apt. 1C

Mincha 4:20 PM Mincha 4:30 PM Mincha 4:30 PM

Seudah Shlishit 4:40 PM Seudah Shlishit 4:55 PM Seudah Shlishit 4:55 PM Brookdale Front Lounge Rosenzweig Residence Rosenzweig Residence

Shkiyah 4:49 PM Shkiyah 4:57 PM Shkiyah 5:05 PM

Maariv 5:15 PM Maariv 5:20 PM Maariv 5:30 PM

Havdallah 5:30 PM Havdallah 5:42 PM Havdallah 5:50 PM Brookdale Front Lounge Rosenzweig Residence Rosenzweig Residence

GA Goldie Wolfson (Brookdale, 4F) GA Shira Feen (35th Street, 1B) GA Liorah Rubinstein (Schottenstein 222) tyElienor Dahan (Brookdale 7F) Elienor Dahan (Brookdale 7F) Michelle Naim (Brookdale 12F) u Eliana Klein (Schottenstein 717) Eliana Klein (Schottenstein 717) Elka Wiesenberg (Brookdale 18F) -D n Sarah Poborets (Brookdale 3F) Sarah Poborets (Brookdale 3F) Ilana Sherizen (36th Street 305) O Ellie Parker (Brookdale 17F) Ellie Parker (Brookdale 17F) Sarah Leah Zians (Brookdale 9F)