Smart City Seoul Real Time
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Seoul Smart City Platform White Paper Smart City Manual for Citizens and Mayor SMART CITY SEOUL REAL TIME DATA CITIZEN SAFE POPULATION VISUALIZATION UI UX TRAFFIC INDEX SOLUTION OPEN 1. Preview 1 Seoul Smart City Platform White Paper Smart City Manual for Citizens and Mayor Seoul Smart City Platform White Paper 2 Table of Contents 1. Preview (1) The Story of the Smart City Platform- A New Day in Seoul City Hall (2) Smart City Platform Preview (3) Smart City Platform’s Online Housewarming 2. Review (1) A Close Look: Smart City Platform 2016 to 2018 (2) A Look Beyond: News and Assessment (3) Additional Looks: Smart City Platform Goes Abroad 3. Interview (1) Interview, Dreaming of the Future: Conversation with the Mayor (2) Interview, Talking about Today: A Conversation with the Smart City Policy Bureau (3) Essay, Illustrating Tomorrow: Practitioner’s notes 4. Appendix (1) Architecture Specifications (2) Reference URL Seoul Smart City Platform White Paper 4 5 1. Preview 1-1 The Story of the Smart City Platform - A New Day in Seoul City Hall 1-2 Smart City Platform Preview 1-3 Smart City Platform’s Online Housewarming Seoul Smart City Platform White Paper 6 1. Preview 7 Inside of Seoul you can find another Seoul. There are two Mayor’s Offices inside of City Hall. The size of this Seoul is 3.53m in width and 1.67m in 1-1 length. Its name is “Smart City Platform”. Where is the Smart City Platform? Perhaps it is hard to imagine the answer. This new mayor’s office is The Story of the not in the ‘office’ but on the ‘wall’! The Smart City Smart City Platform, Platform refers to a large screen(3.63m X 1.67m) installed in the Mayor’s office. A screen that allows A New Day in you to see all 605.2km² of Seoul at a glance. It is not just about what you see. The screen can be touched, Seoul City Hall given voice or motion commands to access a plethora of information as well as perform tasks. This state-of-the-art system was created for work efficiency and city management transparency for the Mayor’s use. The Smart City Platform was designed to provide real time monitoring of incident scenes and situations, offering visualized information for the top decision maker in the city to navigate the integrated information intuitively. It improves the efficiency of administration by connecting video calls to officers in charge. In 2017 when it began, the core function was to improve the on-site disaster coordination and mobility as well as to allow quick access to the administrative information. For example, it can reduce damage of a big fire by allowing quick judgment calls to be relayed with instructions and is able to collect a variety of data and display it all quickly; this all leads to improved work efficiency from the Mayor. In 2019, the Smart City Platform strengthened its already existing functions and made new additions; it became smarter and stronger. Image Source: The Mayor’s Room Seoul Smart City Platform White Paper 8 1. Preview 9 A thought crossed the mind of the Mayor as he looked out onto the City Hall Square, “Seoullo, 7017” he said. “Heading to Seoullo 7017” Real-time City Status replied the Smart City Platform. The Smart City Platform reacts to voices. The content requested by voice command appears on Disaster Traffic Atmospheric Waterworks Prices Finance Living Dulle-gil the screen quickly with pertinent information. Safety Status Environment status status population &Park It is fast and easy to call officers in charge Real-time City Status as well as access desired information such as Smart TV documentation reviews. The voice recognition capabilities have improved a great deal. With Seoul 3.63m command recognition capabilities regardless at a glance Seoul at a glance of locations, it is possible to make easy voice The information on the Administrative commands in the Mayor’s room without being Mayor’s Preference Status close to the screen. It is possible to use the Smart City Platform Tablet not only with the screen in the mayor’s office, Administrative but also with a smart watch, tablet PC, mobile Digital Reading Room News device and smart TV. Accessibility has improved. for Citizens Additionally, the Smart City Platform recognizes human motions and can search various menus. If you perform a saved motion in front of the Administrative monitor the connected system recognizes it and Mirroring white paper between smart TV and Status InformationDID (Digital Board) navigates the screen as desired; this feature has tablet, research materials, Reports Sensing Approved Documents VIEW Disaster Awareness Screen become stable. 1.67m Stable call, voice, video and conference features Administrative City Projects that improve the quality of administration Index should be a priority. Seoul City’s main situation rooms and the Smart City Platform helps allow conferences to take place regardless of time and Map of International Administrative location which improves the speed, quality and Mayor’s Pledge Cooperation Content the decision-making efficiency of administrative tasks. This is indeed an innovative feature that reduces redundancy and wasted time. Administrative News Citizen's Proposal, Online Opinion, Seoul City enhances not only the work efficiency Social Media, Mass Communication, etc. but also transparency and fairness of the City management by turning information into data Smart Watch and sharing that data with citizens. You can receive a status report on the Seoul City’s projects such as ‘Seoullo 7017’ and ‘Sewoon Execute DID function with voice commands Far-distance, Microphone recognition Blind spot. Again Project’ via the Smart City Platform. Seoul Smart City Platform White Paper 10 1. Preview 11 Additionally, you can check project summaries, details, Real-time related documents, project progress and related news City Status "Welcome, Mayor." all at once. Not only that, it is also possible for the Mayor to check document approvals, pictures for policies and reports via DID and a smart TV. Seoul at a glance Facial Recognition There is technology and a vast amount of data secured Tablet behind the system by Seoul City. All digitized data Mirroring the Administrative Pertinent "Seoullo, 7017" including 16 million administrative big data from across Information on Status over 300 systems such as Open Data Plaza providing Smart TV "Heading to Seoullo 7017." public data of Seoul City, TOPIS and Integrated Safety Pull a Binder Situation Room (300+ million of raw data), 1,200 to Activate Administrative units of CCTV video information across Seoul, 120 a Camera News Dasan Call Center, social media and civil complaints Sensor "Connect me to the from windows for civil petitions are reflected in the fire emergency," Smart City Platform. Project Monitoring "Starting the video conference The Smart City Platform is also a content platform (Tablet) with the control room." Content View that finds and makes up for the information which is on Smart TV essential and responsible for citizens and their safety. The real time city status that are closely connected to Gesture Recognition the lives of citizens such as air quality, water quality and price information are monitored and used to direct the right way for policies. Applying these factors, the Smart City Platform’s main screen is featuring four elements; ①Seoul at a glance, The Smart City Platform, introduced in May 2017 ②Real-time city status, ③Administrative status and ④ and publicly released in April 2019, quickly shares “Hey, Seoul” Smart Watch Voice Administrative news. Additionally, you can change the administrative data and enhances public accountability. DID Activation Recognition location of the menu on the large wide screen by dragging, Through the Smart City Platform, citizens become depending upon the user’s body and work habits. cooperative partners in city management, who can see the city at a glance and manage it quickly. The new stories of Seoul are to be continued, The new day of Seoul is ongoing, The new future of Seoul is coming soon. Seoul Smart City Platform White Paper 12 1. Preview 13 서울시립병원 문화행사정보 서울시 보건소 Culture Health 예술영재 교육지원 Self- 서울시노인복지센터 Care 서울시 야간 휴일 진료 참여기관 노숙인희망길잡이 Elderly Arts 서울시복지포털 Support 통합문화이용권사업 장사시설 Welfare 서울시민 건강포털 찾아가는 동주민센터 법인시설정보공개 Facilities Welfare 서울시복지재단 Base 서울역사 깊이읽기 금연도시 서울만들기 기초보장제도 복지로 Community Health Welfare 왕국수문장 교대의식 치매예방 Welfaare 긴급복지지원제도 Traditional Improvement 서울시장애인홈페이지 for 보신각타종체험 Disabled Culture 산후조리원 요금공개 서울시장애인일자리통합지원센터 People 서울미래유산 서울특별시50플러스포털 Elderly 모기예보제 불량 유해식품 사전예방