Concannon Vineyard Warehouse/Administration Building Project Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration PREPARED FOR: Alameda County 224 West Winton Avenue Hayward, CA 94544 September 2011 Concannon Vineyard Warehouse/Administration Building Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Prepared for: Alameda County Planning Division Ms. Jana Beatty-Weldon, Senior Planner 224 West Winton Avenue, Room 111 Hayward, CA 94544 510-670-5400 Prepared by: Ascent Environmental, Inc. Amanda Olekszulin, Principal 455 Capitol Mall, Suite 210 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-930-3183
[email protected] September TBD, 2011 11010027.01 MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION Project: Concannon Vineyards Administration/Warehouse Building Lead Agency: Alameda County PROJECT DESCRIPTION This Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), supported by the attached Initial Study (IS), evaluates the environmental effects of a proposed administration/warehouse building at the Concannon Vineyards complex in Alameda County, California. The applicant, The Wine Group, is proposing the construction of a new 50,615 square foot (sq. ft.) building on the northwest corner of the property. The buildings’ primary function would be to provide additional storage space for wine supplies and materials (e.g., dry bottles and boxes, packaged cases of wine), and administrative offices for existing employees. The building would provide a dedicated warehouse space to store equipment and supplies to support existing production operations. Alameda County is the lead agency for this project and has prepared this MND. FINDINGS An IS has been prepared to assess the projects potential effects on the environment and the significance of those effects. Based on the Initial Study, it has been determined that the proposed project would not have any significant effects on the environment once mitigation measures are implemented.