A Revision of the Japanese Lymantriidae (Ii)
Jap. J. M. Sc. & Biol., 10, 187-219, 1957 A REVISION OF THE JAPANESE LYMANTRIIDAE (II) HIROSHI INOUE1) Eiko-Gakuen, Funakoshi, Yokosuka2) (Received: April 13th, 1957) Genus Lymantria Hubner Lymantria Hubner, 1819, p. 160; Hampson, 1892, p. 459; Strand, 1911, p. 126; id., 1915, p. 320; Pierce & Beirne, 1941, p. 43. Liparis Ochsenheimer, 1810, p. 186 (nec Scopoli, 1777). Porthetria Hubner, 1819, p. 160. Enome Walker, 1855b, p. 883. •¬ genitalia : uncus hooked; valva fused, variable in shape, almost always produced into an arm; aedoeagus simple; j uxta a moderately broad plate ; cornutus wanting. From the structure of male genitalia the Japanese representatives may be divided into the following groups: Group 1: dis par subspp., xylina subspp. Uncus narrow, long, valva with costal half extended as an arm, its inner surface without ampulla. Group 2: lucescens, monacha. Uncus broad, short, valva with costa ex- tended as an arm, inner surface with ampulla. Group 3: minomonis. Uncus as in group 2, valva with costal arm broad and short, inner surface with complicated ampulla. Group 4 : f umida. Uncus as in the preceding, valva fused, apex produced into an arm, ampulla a large plate. Group 5: bantaizana. Uncus as in the preceding group, valva with a long arm from apex, ampulla large, triangular. Group 6: mat hura aurora. Uncus as in the preceding group, valva forked, tegumen with dorso-lateral margin strongly extended as a •gpseudo-valva•h. 26. L. dispar (Linne) (Maimai-ga, Shiroshita-maimai) Phalaena Bombyx dispar L., 1758, p. 501. Lymantria dispar Staudinger, 1901, p. 117; Strand, 1911, p. 127; Goldschmidt, 1940, p.
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