Committee and Date Item/Paper Cabinet 23 September, 2009

10.00 am 20


Responsible Officer John Rowley (Assistant Director – Raising Achievement and Inclusion) e-mail: Tel: (01743) 254504 Fax: (01743) 254538


Responsible John Rowley (Assistant Director – Raising Achievement and Officer Inclusion) e-mail: john.rowley@ Tel: (01743) Fax (01743) 254504 254538


Nominations for Local Authority (LA) governors to serve on secondary school governing bodies have historically been allocated to councillors based on the percentage of pupils attending from within their electoral division, which is not the same as the school’s catchment area. The introduction of a Unitary Authority has altered the electoral divisions and it is now necessary to review nominating rights.

The report suggests how this might be achieved based on current policy.


A. It is recommended that nominations be allocated at:-

a) Belvidere School- A Technology College:- 4 LA governors

Monkmoor Electoral Division 2 Underdale Electoral Division 2 CABINET 23 September 2009: Nomination of Local Authority (LA) Governors to the Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools

b) Endowed School:- 2 LA governors

Bridgnorth West and Tasley Electoral Division 1* Bridgnorth East and Astley Abbotts Electoral Division 1*

* there are two councillors in these electoral divisions so they will need to agree jointly on the one nomination.

c) School – A Specialist Technology College:- 4 LA governors

Church Stretton and Electoral Division 2* Burnell Electoral Division 1 Corvedale Electoral Division 1

* there are 2 councillors in this electoral division. They would nominate one governor each.

d) Corbet School Technology College:- 2 LA governors

Ruyton X1 Towns and Baschurch Electoral Division 2

e) The Community College, Bishops Castle:- 4 LA governors

Bishops Castle Electoral Division 2 Electoral Division 1 Chirbury and Worthen Electoral Division 1

f) Grange School – A Visual and Performing Arts College:- 3 LA governors

Harlescott Electoral Division 2 Bagley Electoral Division 1

g) Grove School:- 4 LA governors

Market Drayton West Electoral Division 2* East Electoral Division 1 Cheswardine Electoral Division 1

* there are 2 councillors in this electoral division. They would nominate a governor each.

Contact: John Rowley (01743)254527 CABINET 23 September 2009: Nomination of Local Authority (LA) Governors to the Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools

h) Idsall School:- 4 LA governors

Albrighton Electoral Division 2 and Cosford Electoral Division 1 Shifnal North Electoral Division 1

i) Lacon Childe School:- 3 LA governors

Cleobury Mortimer Electoral Division 2* Clee Electoral Division 1

* there are 2 councillors in this electoral division. They would nominate a governor each.

j) Lakelands School, Sports and Language College:- 3 LA governors

Ellesmere Urban Electoral Division 1 The Meres Electoral Division 1 The third nomination would be shared between the 2 councillors above.

k) Specialist Technology and Sports College:- 2 LA governors

Ludlow East Electoral Division 1 Ludlow South Electoral Division 1

l) Marches School and Technology College:- 4 LA governors

Oswestry East Electoral Division 2* St Oswald Electoral Division 1 South 1

* there are 2 councillors in this electoral division. They would nominate a governor each.

m) Mary Webb School and Science College:- 3 LA governors

Minsterley Electoral Division 1 Longden Electoral Division 1 Chirbury and Worthen Electoral Division 1

Contact: John Rowley (01743)254527 2 CABINET 23 September 2009: Nomination of Local Authority (LA) Governors to the Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools

n) Meole Brace School Science College:- 4 LA governors

Bayston Hill Electoral Division 3* Meole Brace Electoral Division 1 * there are 3 councillors in this electoral division. They would nominate a governor each.

o) Oldbury Wells School:- 4 LA governors

Highley Electoral Division 2 Bridgnorth East and Astley Abbotts Electoral Division 1* Brown Clee Electoral Division 1

* there are 2 councillors in this electoral division. They would share responsibility for nominating this governor.

p) Priory School a Business and Enterprise College:- 4 LA governors

Bowbrook Electoral Division 2 Copthorne Electoral Division 2

q) Rhyn Park School and Performing Arts College:- 4 LA governors

SelattynandGobowenElectoralDivision 2* St Martins Electoral Division 2

* there are 2 councillors in this electoral division. They would nominate a governor each.

r) Sir John Talbot’s Technology College:- 2 LA governors

Whitchurch North Electoral Division 2*

* there are 2 councillors in this electoral division. They would nominate a governor each.

s) Sundorne School and Sports College:- 4 LA governors

Sundorne Electoral Division 3 Battlefield Electoral Division 1

Contact: John Rowley (01743)254527 3 CABINET 23 September 2009: Nomination of Local Authority (LA) Governors to the Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools

t) Thomas Adams School:- 3 LA governors

Wem Electoral Division 2* Shawbury Electoral Division 1

* there are 2 councillors in this electoral division. They would nominate a governor each.

u) Wakeman School:- 4 LA governors

Bagley Electoral Division 3 Castlefields & Ditherington Electoral Division 1

v) William Brookes School:- 4 LA governors

Broseley Electoral Division 2 Electoral Division 1 Severn Valley Electoral Division 1


1. LA governors are appointed on the nomination of local councillors. The number of LA governors is as defined within each school’s Instrument of Government. Nominating rights are apportioned on the basis of the distribution of Year 7 pupils, and analyses of home addresses are carried out from time to time. The formation of a Unitary Council and the re-defining of councillor electoral divisions has created the requirement to carry out this analysis.

NB – The process of apportioning nominating rights to Councillors was established in Shropshire in 1988, by the then Education Committee and County Council, as a response to the 1986 Education Act which set the framework for the constitution of governing bodies and categories therein.

2. The result of the analysis is as follows:-

NB – * this column lists those electoral divisions which have the most significant percentages of children in year 7.

Contact: John Rowley (01743)254527 4 CABINET 23 September 2009: Nomination of Local Authority (LA) Governors to the Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools

School Electoral * % of Pupils now Suggested Division Living in the Nominating Electoral Division Arrangements

Belvidere-A Monkmoor 29 2 Technology Underdale 28 2 College

Bridgnorth BridgnorthWestand 27 1 Endowed Tasley Bridgnorth East and 21 1 Astley Abbotts

ChurchStretton ChurchStrettonand 45 2 A Specialist Craven Arms Technology Burnell 26 1 College Corvedale 14 1

Corbet School Ruyton and Baschurch 32 2 Technology College

Community Bishops Castle 36 2 College, Clun 16 1 BishopsCastle ChirburyandWorthen 13 1

Grange Harlescott 47 2 A Visual and Bagley 22 1 Performing Arts College

Grove Market Drayton West 46 2 Cheswardine 20 1 Market Drayton East 16 1

Idsall Albrighton 24 2 School ShifnalSouthand 22 1 Cosford ShifnalNorth 20 1

LaconChilde CleoburyMortimer 64 2 School Clee 17 1

Lakelands Ellesmere Urban 33 1 School and Sports The Meres 29 1 College Ellesmere Urban and The Meres share 1

Contact: John Rowley (01743)254527 5 CABINET 23 September 2009: Nomination of Local Authority (LA) Governors to the Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools

School Electoral * % of Pupils now Suggested Division Living in the Nominating Electoral Division Arrangements

LudlowCE LudlowEast 30 1 School Ludlow South 21 1

Marches Oswestry East 35 2 School & St Oswald 16 1 Technology Oswestry South 12 1 College

MaryWebb Minsterley 35 1 School & Longden 23 1 ScienceCollege ChirburyandWorthen 21 1

Meole Brace Bayston Hill 30 3 School Meole Brace 19 1 Science College

Oldbury Wells Highley 27 2 School Bridgnorth East and 11 1 Astley Abbotts Brown Clee 10 1

Priory Bowbrook 22 2 A Business Copthorne 19 2 & Enterprise College

RhynPark SelattynandGobowen 41 2 Schooland StMartins 38 2 Performing Arts College

Sir John Whitchurch North 43 2 Talbot’s Technology College

Sundorne Sundorne 49 3 Schooland Battlefield 29 1 Sports College

Thomas 48 2 AdamsSchool Shawbury 27 1

Contact: John Rowley (01743)254527 6 CABINET 23 September 2009: Nomination of Local Authority (LA) Governors to the Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools

School Electoral * % of Pupils now Suggested Division Living in the Nominating Electoral Division Arrangements

Wakeman Bagley 26 3 School Castlefields 18 1 & Ditherington

William Brookes 29 2 School Much Wenlock 22 1 SevernValley 16 1

3. Any LA governor in post with a term of office remaining will continue until the end of their current term. Councillors gaining nominating rights as above will need to decide, using information which will be sent to them after the Cabinet meeting, which of the current LA governors they will take responsibility for prior to the term of office ending.

Contact: John Rowley (01743)254527 7 CABINET 23 September 2009: Nomination of Local Authority (LA) Governors to the Governing Bodies of Secondary Schools

List of Background Papers


Human Rights Act Appraisal

There are no human rights implications arising from this paper.

Environmental Appraisal

There are no environmental implications arising from this paper.

Risk Management Appraisal

There are no significant risk issues within this report.

Community / Consultations Appraisal

Governing bodies are key participants in the reconstitution process. It is good practice for governing bodies to consult with nominating bodies.

Cabinet Member

Councillor Mrs A Caesar-Homden Local Members Mr P Adams, Mr P Andrews, Mrs B Baker, Mr T Barker, Mrs J Barrow, Mr T Bebb, Mr M Bennett, Mr W Benyon, Mr T Biggins, Mrs K Burgoyne, Mr V Bushell, Mrs G Butler, Mrs A Caesar-Homden, Mr T Clarke, Mr S Davenport, Mr A Davies, Mr T Davies, Mrs P Dee, Mr T Durnell, Mr D Evans, Mr R Evans, Mr J Gibson, Mr B Gillow, Mrs A Hartley, Mr N Hartin, Mr R Hughes, Mr J Hurst-Knight, Mrs T Huffer, Dr J Jones, Mr S Jones, Mr M Kenny, Mrs H Kidd, Mr C Lea, Mr D Lloyd, Mr C Mellings, Mr D Minnery, Mr A Mosley, Mrs C Motley, Mrs M Mullock, Mrs E Nicholls, Mr P Nutting, Mr M Owen, Mr W Parr, Mrs E Parsons, Mr M Pate, Mr M Price, Mr P Phillips, Mrs M Shineton, Mr J Tandy, Mr M Taylor-Smith, Mr R Tindall, Mr G Tonkinson, Mr S West, Mrs C Wilde, Mr B Williams, Mr M Whiteman, Mr L Winwood



Contact: John Rowley (01743)254527 8