(Incorporating the villages of Shedfield, Shirrell Heath and )


Present: Parish Councillors: Margaret Jones, presiding, Jim Coleman, Arthur Reading, Francesca Byrne, Stuart Dyne and Sam Charles . Planning and Projects Officer: Sue Daniels

Members of public: Eight

In attendance: Peter Milla – Tree warden District Councillor Roger Bentote District Councillor Linda Gemmell District Councillor Vivian Achwal County Councillor Roger Huxstep

21/21 Apologies for absence - To receive and accept apologies for absence. Apologies received from David Ogden and accepted.

22/21 Declarations of Interest - To receive and accept Declarations of Interest on agenda items. Councillor Jim Coleman lives opposite the site at application 20/02856/PNACOU. Councillor Arthur Reading is a neighbour to application 20/02669/FUL.

23/21 To approve the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held 04 January 2021. The minutes of the meeting held on 04 January 2021 were approved and signed. Proposed Jim Coleman Seconded Sam Charles

24/21 Meeting open for public participation – The occupants of 1 Mayfield Cottages gave an account of their communications with regarding the derelict adjoining property. Despite input from Environmental Health, Parish Councillors and District Councillors, no solution has been found and the property has only deteriorated over the last 25 years. It is damp and overrun with rats. The property owner has visited occasionally when prompted and cut back some of the overgrowth or put light bulbs on a timer, but conclusive action is required as the condition is affecting the neighbour’s health and wellbeing.

Residents of Shirrell Heath expressed concern about application 20/02856/PNACOU. It was felt that additional use of the existing track should not be permitted unless specifically mentioned in the property’s deeds. The impact on wildlife and the requirement for a bat survey was raised. Planning permission was approved in the seventies, but the access track has now been built on and a new gate installed.

Potential purchasers for the Kerry Foods site on Gravel Hill informed the committee of their plan to utilise the site as a distribution centre, providing new employment with possible future expansion. Change of use would be required but the building would be retained in its current form following renovation, refurbishment and clearing of the grounds.

Shedfield Parish Office, Upper Church Road, Shedfield, , SO32 2JB Telephone: 01329 830060 Mobile: 07918 623009 Email: [email protected]

25/21 Response to public participation

Comments regarding Mayfield Cottages are given below.

Councillors agreed with concerns about use of the private track in Shirrell Heath but explained that constructing a new track across the field would be contrary to the Village Design Statement as it would cause visual damage. The field should not be the preference for development is away from roads. Constructing the track for one property might pave the way for a larger development. Further comments are reflected in the text below.

District Councillor Roger Bentote agreed to make contact with Kerry Food’s site purchasers.

26/21 2 Mayfield Cottages, Winchester Road.

The complaints can be supported and District Councillor Linda Gemmell is following up the complaint with the Strategic Director. Notice is required to be served and Council Tax is due to be levied at 300% on this type of property. Officers from Winchester have visited, photographs have been taken and progress so far appears positive. District Councillor Linda Gemmell advised that the owner of the derelict property owned a similar property in Swanmore and all attempts to find a solution so far had been unsuccessful. Councillor Sam Charles enquired if compulsory purchase was an option and this was confirmed, although the cost may be prohibitive. Councillor Stuart Dyne thanked the residents for attending and advised we can prompt those with authority to take the appropriate action. Shedfield Parish Council will support the residents and chase up responses within deadlines – The matter would remain on the planning agenda until resolved.

27/21 Five Oaks Farm – Update.

The deadline for the response to the Regulation 25 Notice was 31 January. Councillor Francesca Byrne has contacted the Case Officer who has agreed to a short delay due to exceptional circumstances (volume of information required).

Residents have reported containers delivered to site – to be reported to Enforcements.

County Councillor Roger Huxstep confirmed there was unlikely to be determination of the case in February – the earliest likely date is April. Councillor Francesca Byrne has questioned the timescale for submitting a response and although this is 28 days, she is unclear from when. County Councillor Roger Huxstep to advise. Further update on March Agenda.

28/21 To consider new applications as follows (comments in bold)

Case No: 20/02669/FUL Comments by: 28 January extended to 03 February 2021 Applicant: Mr and Mrs Gronn Proposal: Two storey side extension. Location: 10 Evelyn Close Waltham Chase SO32 2LJ Shedfield Parish Council would like to comment regarding this application as follows:- It should be a condition of planning approval that the bathroom window is opaque glass. A sloping roof to the extension would improve the visual impact for neighbouring properties.

Case No: 20/02682/HOU Comments by: 03 February 2021 Applicant: Mr M Taylor Proposal: Single Storey Oak Framed Garden Room Extension to Side. Location: South Side Farm Botley Road Shedfield SO32 2HN No comment or objection


Case No: 20/02668/FUL Comments by: 05 February 2021 Applicant: Ms C Staples Proposal: Erection of a self-build dwelling Location: Land Adjacent To Woodlands Clewers Hill Waltham Chase Hampshire Shedfield Parish Council object to this application as follows:-

The applicant seems to rely heavily on the appeal decision attached to 17/00707/OUT regarding building of a house further along Clewers Lane. The Inspector’s decision is somewhat questionable and should have been challenged at the time. The Local Plan LLP1 and 2 took many years to finalised and approve with the liaison and input from local people. Overnight the Building Inspectorate increase WC1 (Morgans Yard) from 60 to 100 dwellings. This was due to unprofitability of the site due to land contamination. This development is planned and will support the needs of local people in the future. In respect to 17/00707/OUT, Planning Inspector Ian Bowen paid no attention to the presentation and objection by local people and Councillors. Nor to the over development of Waltham chase. Shedfield Parish Council (SPC) would like to highlight the contents and SPC’s concerns in his report. (report in italics)

5. The main issues are whether the proposed development would (i) be an appropriate form of development having regard to local policies on the location of housing with respect to accessibility to services and its effect on the character and appearance of the area and (ii) whether alone or in combination with other development in the area be likely to have a significant effect on designated habitats; and if so, whether the effects would be capable of being adequately mitigated. This application is still against various local policies. 6. The overall locational strategy of the Development Plan is set out in the adopted Winchester District Local Plan Part 1 – Joint Core Strategy (March 2013) (LPP1) Policy DS1. This policy aims to improve the economic, social and environmental conditions in the area by locating development in sustainable locations to meet local needs, subject to rural character and individual identity being maintained. Local needs have been achieved and is above the requirement set, although the plan has until 2036 to be completed Waltham Chase has reached and far exceeds the Local Needs. This includes rural affordable houses and affordable houses. Shedfield Parish is one of the highest in the County of Hampshire. 9. To this end, LPP1 Policy MTRA 2 and LPP2 Policy DM1 permit appropriate development within the defined boundaries of settlements. Outside the settlement boundaries, development is only permitted where an assessment of capacity shows that it is needed or where it would realise a community aspiration identified though a neighbourhood plan or other community-based initiative. No assessment capacity has been carried out that shows that this development is needed. Building outside settlement boundaries in not included in any community-based initiative. 10. The appeal site lies outside, but directly adjoining, the defined settlement boundary for Waltham Chase. Whilst the appellant submits that the scheme would meet a community need through the provision a self-build unit, it seems to me that LPP1 Policy MTRA2 requires such proposals to have been made following a process demonstrating community support in order to be justified outside settlement boundaries. Such a process has not taken place in relation to this appeal proposal. No process has been demonstrated in this application. 11. The site therefore, for development plan purposes, is located in the countryside where LPP1 Policy MTRA4 only permits development which, amongst other considerations, has an


operational need for a countryside location or would involve then re-use or redevelopment of existing buildings. None of those circumstances apply in this case and the proposal would therefore conflict with LPP1 Policy MTRA 2 and Policy MTRA 4 and LPP2 Policy DM1 Everything above relates to this application, there is no operational need for a country-side location. 20. Drawing this main issue together therefore, I conclude that the proposed development would conflict with LPP1 Policies MTRA2 and MTRA4 and LPP2 Policy DM1, in providing residential development outside a settlement boundary and therefore, by definition, in the countryside. Shedfield Parish Council agrees that this development is outside settlement boundaries. 23. Taking all of the above into account I consider, overall, that the benefits of the proposal, in the context of the absence of any identifiable planning harm, are material considerations which are sufficient, in this case, to outweigh the conflict with the Development Plan policies as identified above. Given the particular circumstances of the site, I am satisfied that my decision will not set any harmful precedent for any future proposals outside settlement boundaries, the merits of which would need to be considered on a site-specific basis.

The last paragraph is crucial in this application and self-explanatory. This application cannot rely on this appeal but fails to meet the necessary need as detailed in the Inspector’s report. In short it is outside settlement boundary, within the settlement gap, there is not a defined need. Nearly all LLP1 and 2 policies are against this application.

It was agreed that a request for a TPO should be submitted for the Oak Tree on the site – Action Tree Warden

Case No: 20/02856/PNACOU Comments by: 02 February extended to 03 February 2021 Applicant: Mr Brenneck Proposal: Conversion of agricultural barn into C3 residential dwelling house. Location: Earlsfield High Street Shirrell Heath Southampton Hampshire SO32 2JH Shedfield Parish Council have no objection to the conversion of the barn but would comment as follows:- A bat survey should be conducted. The proposed long access track from High Street beside Earlsfield would cut an agricultural field in two and result in visual damage to an open countryside view which the Village Design Statement requires to be preserved. An alternative access is shown on the location plan. There are already a number of other households with permission to use this unmade track in order to access their properties. Use of the alternative access would be closer to the property, preserve the countryside views from the High Street and retain the integrity of the field.

Case No: 21/00031/TPO Comments by: 03 February 2021 Applicant: Mr J Phelan Proposal: Overall reduction of the Oak Tree in the rear garden by 2-3 meters Cut back to 75- 100mm pruning points Location: 15 Hillcrest Gardens Waltham Chase SO32 2NF No comment or objection

Ref. No: 21/00096/LDC Comments by: 11 February 2021 Applicant: Mr and Mrs P Bone Proposal: Planning condition 02 imposed on permission W01280/12. Location: The Barn Dagwells Farm Botley Road Shedfield Southampton Hampshire SO32 2JG No comment or objection


Case No: 21/00104/DIC Comments by: 01 February 2021 Applicant: Mr P Mifsud Proposal: Discharge of condition 3 for application 19/02107/FUL (APP/L1765/W/20/3347307) Location: The Barn North Of Sandy Lane The Tree Nursery Sandy Lane Shedfield Southampton Hampshire SO32 2HQ No comment or objection

29/21 Decisions:

Case No: 20/02184/FUL Proposal: Demolition of existing bungalow, annexe and music room and construction of 1 one and a half storey 1/2 storey 4 bed property and 1 3 bedrooms in roof bungalow. Location: Nestledown Curdridge Lane Waltham Chase SO32 2LD Objection – Permission Refused

Case No: 20/02214/TPO Proposal: T1 - Mature Oak - Reduce the whole crown by approximately 2.5 meters, raise crown over the oad to an approximate height of 5.5 meters from ground level and remove all major deadwood (diameter grea... Location: 54 Brooklynn Close Waltham Chase Southampton Hampshire SO32 2RZ Object to T2 – Permission Granted

Case No: 20/02458/DIC Proposal: Bricks: Wienerberger Terca Heritage Blend, Roof tiles: Terreal Rully Dark Slate Clay Profile Tile, Windows and doors: UPVc windows and doors (RAL Colour 6021) Ref: 19/01025/FUL Location: 2 Winters Croft Twynhams Hill Shirrell Heath Southampton Hampshire SO32 2JL No objection or comment – That no objection be raised

Case No: 20/02632/TPO Proposal: 2 no Oak to Crown lift to 3 metres, Crown thin by 20%, remove lower epicormic growth Location: 33 The Ridings Waltham Chase SO32 2TR No objection or comment – Permission Granted

Case No: 20/02645/HOU Proposal: Proposed single storey front and rear extensions to existing dwelling. Location: Grouville Bull Lane Waltham Chase SO32 2LS Comment re porch – Permission Granted

30/21 Confirmation of request for consideration by committee following receipt of Highways report, if applicable i) Case No: 20/02165/FUL Fairgone Black Horse Lane ii) Case No: 20/01329/FUL Land To South Of Dell Cottage It was agreed that both cases should still be considered by committee as there were other objections in addition to Highways issues, for both applications.

31/21 SPC Planning Strategy – It was felt that some of the proposed objectives could be included in the Terms of Reference. Councillor Arthur Reading suggested a comparison with other Parish Council documents – state aims and objectives and include the SPC approach to SHELAA. With developers keen to engage the Parish Council, a strategy needs to be agreed. Councillor Arthur Reading felt the Strategy Document should be kept simple, with reference to other documents if necessary. Councillor Sam Charles suggested a separate meeting to discuss strategy and it was agreed to continue discussion and review formally at the March meeting, following further exchange of e-mails. Councillors Jim Coleman and Arthur Reading to discuss further.


32/21 Enforcements i) Equestrian Centre and surrounding area - Update requested from WCC – none received. Councillors Stuart Dyne, Francesca Byrne and David Ogden to form working party, with District Councillor Roger Bentote, in order to move this forward. Meetings may be held on Zoom. Councillor Francesca Byrne felt that departments were not interacting to resolve issues and progress has been slow, with problems getting bigger. District Councillors offered to involve the Portfolio Holder, Jackie Porter, and to put pressure on officers. District Councillors to ascertain Enforcement Officers rights and verify right of entry. ii) Bellcroft - Suspected planning breach reported iii) The Orchard - Suspected planning breach reported – Request response iv) West Lake Meadows - Suspected planning breach reported – Request response v) Stable Black Horse Lane - Suspected planning breach reported vi) Between Corbrae and Yew Tree Cottage - Planning breach suspected – Ask for this site to be checked for compliance – Action TSD

Details of all above Enforcement matters to be forwarded to District Councillors.

33/21 Highways i) 30mph signs on road request High Street Shirrell Heath – Ask if roundels can be painted on the road at start of speed limit – Action TSD ii) Pedestrian Crossing on Curdridge Lane – Crossing completed – kissing gate to be re-positioned further back to improve visibility. Position of Bus Shelter and SLR to be verified with Highways. iii) Hedgerows on High Street Shirrell Heath and Twynhams Hill. District Councillor Roger Bentote to follow up reported overgrown hedge on Twynhams Hill. iv) Forest Road 30mph roundels – Councillor Margaret Jones to provide plan.

34/21 New Development i) Re-instatement of fence/hedging on Bull Lane – work is ongoing but delayed due to inclement weather.

35/21 New Addresses i) Mobile Home at Shirrell Farm is now known as Fieldside Lodge ii) New Property adjacent to 37 Heathlands is now known as 37A Heathlands

36/21 Enquiry received from developer regarding Parish Council support for a housing-needs survey – Jim Coleman felt that this might be required in the near future as it has been several years since one was conducted. Roger Bentote reported there had been a lot of protest about the figures but with consultation on the new Local Plan starting in mid-February, it was agreed it was not necessary to do this immediately. It has been suggested that Parish Councils should be given more say in decisions – Carry forward to next agenda.

37/21 SLR – Locations – confirmation required. The proposed location outside the Equestrian Centre is obstructed by a highways sign that has been rotated – report to Highways and ask for all signage to be checked – Action TSD

38/21 Bus shelters – Quote comparison – it was agreed to contact the bus company to ensure there are no plans to discontinue the service and ask GW Shelters if they would be willing to hold the quote for a period of 12 months – Action TSD

With no further business to discuss the Chair closed the meeting at 21.30 hrs