Engage Colleagues and

Customers with

Dan Kendall [email protected] : @healthtechdan

© 2019 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 1 The Plan: 1. Attention, attention... 2. How can you engage? 3. What you can do now?

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 2 Dan Kendall Founder, Producer & Host Mission Based Media

// Digital Health Today and Health Network // Over 20 years working in sales and marketing in health and technology across Europe, US and the Middle East // Mission Based Media is based in the UK, team is distributed in US, Europe and Asia // Passionate about connecting people and making an impact

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 3 Digital Health Today

8,000+ 12,000 - 16,000+ 18,000 + Newsletter Downloads/month Visits/month Subscribers

3,000+ 3,000+ 10,000+ Fans Followers Followers

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 4 Health Podcast Network Curated content to advance and improve health and care

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 5 1

Attention, Attention...

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 6 New habit?

???? 1920’s Today

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 7 A Brief

2004 - Adam Curry and are credited with inventing the medium 2005 - YouTube is founded. Apple iTunes 4.9 is released, fully supportive of podcasts 2005 - George Bush becomes first President to deliver his weekly address in the form of a podcast 2005 - Podcast is declared “word of the year” by the New Oxford American Dictionary 2007 - Ricky Gervais sets world record for most downloaded podcast with an average 250,000 downloads per episode in the first month 2009 - 2011 - Andrew Carolla’s podcast receives 59,574,843 unique downloads 2012 - Apple releases its dedicated podcast app 2013 - Apple announces 1 billion podcast subscribers 2020 - Podcasts: 800,000 podcast series available, 54,000,000 episodes YouTube: 31,000,000 YouTube Channels, 25% growth in 2019

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 8 The Numbers are Clear: Podcast Consumption is on the RISE

of Americans that have ever listened to a Podcast 6 55% (Estimated 155 million)* Average number of podcasts listened to each week.*

of Americans listened to a 64% podcast in the last month* 37% (Estimated 104 million) % of listeners say they have bought a product or service after hearing about it on a podcast.**

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan * The Podcast Consumer March 2020, Edison Research © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media **The Interactive Advertising Bureau 9 Connect where people live, work and play

As audiences seek to reduce their screen time and stay active, they are embracing audio content on their mobile devices or in-home assistants while they go about their lives.

Listen when your hands are busy, but your mind is free.

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 10 Podcasts build trust

Listeners consume audio content about speakers and topics they are interested in, and they form a connection with the people and messages they hear.

This creates the opportunity to leverage a ‘brand voice’ that is integrated into the content that resonates with them.

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 11 We are all promoting the same thing: Transformation

Listeners can be the heroes of the story.

You can be their guide.

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 12 If you’re not engaging with your audience through podcasts,

you’re not part of the conversation.

Your message should be heard.

© 2019 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 13 2

How can you “engage"?

A. Listen - hear what’s out there

B. Speak - be a guest

C. Participate

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 14 2.A - Listen - hear what’s out there

● Find podcasts aligned with your interests

● over 800,000 podcast series available

● over 54,000,000 episodes

For tips on how to listen to podcasts, visit healthpodcastnetwork.com/how-to-listen/

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 15 2.B - Speak - be a guest

● Contact hosts of shows on which you can add value. ● Remember - it’s not a pitch. ● Demonstrate your expertise, authority, empathy. ● Think ‘how can I serve the listener?’ ● If you have a good social media following, or a timely announcement - mention that too.

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 16 2.C - Participate

i. Advertising

ii. Sponsorships

iii.Branded Podcasts

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 17 2.C.i Advertising

There are three places where audio ads can be inserted.

1 Pre-Roll 3 Post-Roll This is typically about a 15-20 second spot that plays This is similar to the Pre-Roll, however, as the name at the start of the podcast. suggests, it airs at the end of the podcast.

2 Mid-Roll

This is a 60-90 second spot that is incorporated in the middle of an episode. This provides more detail to the listener about the sponsor and provides clear calls to action.

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 18 Dynamic Advertising

// Dynamic audio ads are inserted into the audio files when a listener downloads or requests the audio file. Events Speaking engagements // The ad that is served is based on the location and Book Product Launch Launch Application time/date the request is made. Deadlines ➔ Run ad campaigns to begin and end on specific dates ➔ Target by country, region, DMA or zip codes ➔ Allows different ads to appear on the same episode based on where the user requests the download

!! >> Supports the different marketing regulations for medical and pharma advertising.

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 19 2.C.ii


Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 20 Much More Than Simply an ‘Audio File’

Primary and Micro Content from each episode of a Branded Podcast Series provides hundreds of opportunities to engage and delight your audience.

Micro Content: Primary Content: 10-30 pieces per episode Distribution Channels: Podcast ● Podcast Platforms Audio ● Social Media Platforms ● Paid Media

Video ● Email Marketing ● Website & Blog

Graphics ● Printed Materials ● Partner Organizations

● Events Written Copy ● Health Podcast Network ● Community Sharing ● Word of Mouth Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 21 Micro Content Example

● Audio ● Video ● Imagery ● Text overlay

See this example on Twitter

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 22 2.C.iii

Branded Podcasts

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 23 2.C.iii Branded Podcasts

Branded Podcasts are engaging, accessible, and easy-to-consume episodes that associate your brand with the topics, issues, speakers and listeners you want to reach.

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 24 Why create a Branded Podcast? Your brand Audiences form takes center stage a connection with and is integrated the people and into the content. messages they hear. People are seeking insightful, entertaining, Align with medical, legal educational and engaging audio content like and regulatory reviews to accelerate creation and never before. Podcasts are evergreen so delivery of meaningful and your message will continue accessible content. to engage new listeners. More than simply a podcast, your show is a flexible, accessible and powerful part of a communication campaign. Podcasts build trust with a ‘brand voice’ that resonates Grow your network with your audience. by aligning your brand with the interests of listeners.

Shareable and snackable content that is interesting and accessible.

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 25 What’s the format of a Branded Podcast?

They can take many forms, and it depends on your goals and objectives. Start by brainstorming the ways to engage and inform your audience.

● Solocast ● Interviews ● Panels/Roundtables ● Miniseries ● Narrative Storytelling ● Repurpose Content ○ Keynotes ○ Presentations ○ Webinars

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 26 3

What you can do now

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 27 What you can do now:

To podcast, or not to podcast….it’s not a binary decision.

● Consider what content you have that you could share with new audiences ● Think about what you’d like to speak about that is relevant to your audience ● Ask yourself: What’s your niche? Why do you deserve your audience’s attention? (very important) ● Think in terms of a series: what stories would you like to capture and share over the course of 7, 10 or 15 podcasts? Boom! That’s series #1.

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 28 Do I have to start from scratch?

No. Audio content can be created in a variety of ways, ranging from repurposing existing videos and conference sessions, through to highly-produced and narrated stories.

1. Repurposed Content 2. New Original Episodes 3. Highly-Produced Episodes i.e. Remastering and i.e. Recorded remotely, 1-3 i.e. On-site recording, multiple repackaging conference speakers per episode guests, narrated storytelling sessions, keynotes, webinars

What are some of your ideas for creating podcasts?

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 29 Can we help?

Learn more about using podcasts to engage your audience, connect with thought leaders, increase domain expertise and demonstrate your leadership.

Visit https://healthpodcastnetwork.com/engage

Be Great. Be heard. Dan Kendall @healthtechdan [email protected] +1 (770) 881-7290 +44.207.9935.928

Dan Kendall, [email protected] @healthtechdan © 2020 Mission Based Media. Confidential: Please do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Mission Based Media 30