National Rivers Authority



September 1992 National Rivers Authority



September 1992

Environment Agency Information Centre Head Office Class No .tv Accession No ..AX.?.?..

Sir William Halcrow & Partners Ltd fias prepared this report in accordance with the instructions ol (he National Rivers Authority for their sote and specific use Any other persons who use any information contained herein do so at their own nsk

Sir William Halcrow & Partners Ltd Burderop Park Swindon Wiltshire SN4 0QDUK Tel 0793 812479 Telex 44844 Halwil G Fax 0793 812089 HALCROW NATIONAL RIVERS AUTHORITY


Report September 1992


Prepared by: Date:

Checked by: C R HOGGART Signature: CL-Hr^^A Date: H ' h h ' L

Approved by: J D LAWSON Signature: Date:



Report September 1992


SECTION NUMBER PAGE ISSUE REV ISSUE UPDATED SIGNED No. OF No. No. No. DATE SHEETS PAGES MARKED* Sir William Halcrow & Partners Ltd HALCROW Burderop Park, Swindon. Wiltshire SN4 OQD, England Consulting Engineers Telephone 0793 812479 International Telephone + 44 793 812479 Telex 44844 Hatwil G Fax 0793 812089 International Fax +44 793 812089 And at Vineyard House, 44 Brook Green, W6 7BY. England. NRA Telephone 071-602 7282. Rivers House Waterside Drive Aztec West Almondsbury Bristol BS12 4UD

For the attention of Ms G Brophy

25 September 1992 Our Ref WE/NCL/11/031 Your Re£

Dear Sirs


Enclosed are twenty copies of the final report entitled ’Supplementary Survey of Contaminated Land'.

In finalising this report we have incorporated those comments made on the draft at the meeting on 2nd September. We have also invited comments from all the NRA. Regions on the-sections-providing-detail's of the sites included in the survey, and these have been duly amended. Thus, the information presented in the report is correct given the understanding and involvement of NRA staff in these sites.

With reference to eliciting additional information on contaminated land causing failure of water quality objectives or breach of EC water quality standards, little information was available from the Regions. Of the few responses received, on this issue, the main comment was that pollutants from contaminated land are generally not reflected in the assessment of River Quality Objectives or for compliance with EC Directives.

Director* BS1 Registered Rrm - M S Fletcher MBE MSc FICE J Weaver PhD FICE J P Wood BSc FICE B Walton MICE Certificate No FS 20242 (Chairman) 0 S Kennedy BSc FICE J Ahmed BSc FIE A K Allum FICE FIWEM D Buckley FICE M R Stewart OBE FICE FIHE R N Craig BSc MICE D H Beasley PtiO FICE (Chief Executive) J L Beaver FICE E P Evans MA FICE J 0 Lawson MA FICE A C Cadwaliader BA P AS Ferguson MASM MICE C T K Heptinstall BSc FICE J A Strachan MA FICE (Secretary) C A Fleming PhD MICE A J Madden PhD MICE P Arnold BSc MICE D O Lloyd BSc FICE G 0 Hillier BSc FICE J C Thorne BSc FICE A J Runacres BSc MICE H G Johnson BSc FICE J G May FICE P S Godfrey BSc MICE M R Starr PHD FtCE Registered in England No 1722541 0 J Pollock PhD MICE N A Trenter MIGEOL MICE IC Millar BSc FICE Registered Office C J Kirkland OBE FErtg FICE V M Scott BSc FICE C P Barnard BSc FIPM Consultant - - Vineyard House. 44 Brook Green. P G Gammie 8A FCA TP Walters BSc FICE P Jenkin BE MICE Sir Alan Muir Wood FRS FEng FICE London W6 7BY 2

25 September 1992

A copy of the report on disc is being sent under separate cover. Should you require any further work to be undertaken in this area P1 ease do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully

A R TOFT Project Manager



Page No

1 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Introduction 2 1.2 Objectives 2

2 METHODOLOGY 4 2.1 Approach 4 2.2 Data Collection 4 2.3 Land Use Activities and Site Categorisation 5 2.4 Results 6 2.5 UK Studies 7

3 REGIONAL REVIEW 8 3.1 Introduction 8 3.2 Anglian 9 3.3 Northumbria 10 3.4 N orthw est 11 3.5 Severn Trent 12 3.6 Southern 13 3.7 South West 13 3.8 Thames 14 3.9 Welsh 15 3.10 Wessex 16 3.11 Yorkshire 17

4 UK STUDIES 18 4.1 Introduction 18 4.2 Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater 18 4.3 Contaminated Land Remediation in England and Wales 20

5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 23 5.1 Conclusions 23 5.2 Recommendations 26



A Terms of Reference B Briefing Note and Questionnaire C List of Contaminated Land Sites D Summaries of More Problematic Sites E NRA Personnel LIST OF FIGURES

3.1 Anglian NRA Region 3.2 Northumbrian NRA Region 3.3 North West NRA Region 3.4 Severn Trent NRA Region 3.5 Southern NRA Region 3.6 South West NRA Region 3.7 Thames NRA Region 3.8 Welsh NRA Region 3.9 Wessex NRA Region 3.10 Yorkshire NRA Region


5.1 Contaminative Land Use Categories 5.2 Target Water Bodies 5.3 Remedial Measures NRA SUPPLEMENTARY SURVEY OF CONTAMINATED LAND


The overall objective of the study was to Investigate the extent of pollution of the water environment from contaminated land sites, in each of the ten NRA Regions. As part of this objective the more problematic sites in each of the Regions have been identified and details of the contaminative use, the nature of the contaminants, the development status of the sites, the water bodies affected and of remedial actions, both undertaken and proposed, have been given. in the course of this study 139 sites were identified as causing or having potential to cause pollution of the water environment. This however, is only a selection from the total number of such sites across England and Wales. It was reiterated in many Regions that the sites put forward for inclusion in this study were merely a sample and representative of a much larger problem. In the earlier study undertaken by Severn Trent some 186 contaminated land sites were identified.

Of the land uses identified, landfills were the main cause of pollution, accounting for 35% of the sites. Other significant land uses were chemical works, 20%, and gas works/coat carbonisation sites, 10%. Over 60% of the sites were related to a historical land use.

In assessing target water bodies some 75% of the sites are associated with surface water courses, 33% with groundwaters and 24% with coastal or estuarine waters (many sites impact upon more than one water body). In the course of the study there was much evidence of surface water pollution whilst groundwater pollution was more suspected than actually established. In many cases groundwater is not specified as a problem largely because investigative work is less easy to undertake.

Many of the sites have or are undergoing investigatory work, with the aim of establishing the exact nature and extent of the problem, prior to proposals for remediation and subsequent redevelopment. Less than 25% of the sites have been subject to actual remediation. Of the remedial measures implemented the commonest involves isolation of the contaminated material from the water environment, by either removal of material, installation of liners or capping. 1 INTRODUCTION

1.1 Introduction

in July 1992 Sir William Halcrow and Partners Ltd were appointed by the NRA to undertake a supplementary survey of contaminated land. The survey was conducted over a six week period and had as its prime aim to provide information to complement a forthcoming water quality series publication on Contaminated Land and the Water Environment. This consultation document will provide the basis from which guidelines on policy and practice for the protection of groundwater and surface waters can be derived.

The water quality implications of contaminated land have been the subject of much concern, in particular in light of recent publicised pollution incidents and also as a result of the proposed Environmental Protection Act, Section 143 Registers of Contaminative Land Use. The result is a heightened awareness of the potential risk that contaminated land sites can pose to both surface and groundwaters. It is also more widely recognised that such land can constitute a risk at various stages of its use or redevelopment; for instance ongoing activities may be adding to an existing water quality problem whilst a derelict site may contain an accumulation of contaminated material that could be released into the water environment by subsequent development or site investigation activities. Thus consideration of such factors should be incorporated into the consultation process and planning procedures so as to ensure that appropriate measures are taken on board prior to the development or redevelopment of such sites and that remedial actions are implemented.

1.2 Objectives

The overall objective of the NRA project is to develop guidelines on policy and practice for the protection of the water environment. Thus the first step in implementing this is to identify those contaminated land sites that pose a threat either immediately or potentially in the future. The overall objectives can thus be summarised in the following three points:

• to investigate the extent of contaminated land which is considered to have an impact on the water environment within each of the ten NRA Regions;

• to produce a list of the most problematic sites; and

• to indicate the need and likely scope of any remedial action at these sites.

The specific objectives, as defined in the Terms of Reference (Appendix A) are to:

• use the in-house project as a starting point

2 • determine for each NRA Region the scale of the problem through interviewing pollution control staff

• consider in more detail five sites per Region

• determine the lengths of watercourses affected and extent of groundwater contamination (if known) for each Region

• categorise the sites identified

• summarise relevant UK studies that have been undertaken into groundwater remediation.

This survey was not intended to provide a complete list of all contaminated land, impacting on surface and groundwaters, but to provide a list of the more problematic or potentially problematic sites, with associated information on site history, nature of the contamination, site investigations undertaken and whether remedial action is planned.


2.1 Approach

To undertake this survey, within the six week period, the following approach was adopted:

(a) Identification of key senior water quality personnel within each Region by the NRA

(b) Preparation and circulation of a briefing note and questionnaire (Appendix 6) to key senior officers in each Region, who in turn identified appropriate field staff and circulated the note and questionnaire to them

(c) Meetings and interviews with appropriate senior officers and field staff in each Region.

(d) Follow up on incomplete questionnaires, and those sites for which more information is required, and categorisation of sites

(e) Preparation of summary tables for all sites identified and more detailed descriptions of five sites per Region

This approach built upon similar work undertaken in Severn Trent NRA (reported in The Severn Trent Phase One Report on Contaminated Land) and the results of a questionnaire circulated by Dick Flavin (Southern NRA) and Bob Harris (Severn Trent NRA) in 1991. From the previous studies undertaken the knowledge and experience held by the field staff, on contaminated land sites which do have an adverse impact upon the water environment, was recognised as being an important factor to the success of this survey.

2.2 Data Collection

As stated above the principle means of data collection was via a questionnaire sent to key water quality personnel in each Region. This questionnaire was based heavily upon that used in the previous survey thus enabling those questionnaires that had been completed in 1991 to be incorporated into the current study. The questionnaire was structured into seven self explanatory categories:

• general • site use details • water quality implications • site investigations • proposed actions • priority scoring • any other relevant information

4 The priority scoring was done on a scale of 1 (marginal) to 5 (imperative) to indicate the importance of the site in terms of undertaking proposed remedial actions. This was a very subjective evaluation and was used only to ascertain the perceived seriousness of that site. Due to the highly subjective nature by which sites were scored little importance was placed upon this parameter in the subsequent site assessments and categorisations.

Each Region was requested to identify approximately 10 contaminated land sites and arrange for the most knowledgeable officer to complete a questionnaire for each site. Where this was done prior to the meeting these questionnaires formed the basis for discussion. In those instances where completed questionnaires were not available prior to the meeting, either because less notice was given of the survey or personnel were on leave, the discussions were aimed more at the identification of appropriate sites and obtaining background information. Also during the meetings an attempt was made to estimate lengths of surface water affected and the extent of groundwater contamination (if known).

Throughout the course of the study, on the whole, little data on lengths of surface waters affected or the extent of groundwater contamination was available. In the case of surface waters this inability to determine the length of watercourse affected by a specific site was due to one or more of the following reasons:

• other discharges within the same reach causing EQO or EC directive failures.

• the synergistic effect of a number of discharges causing RQO or EC directive failure.

• contaminants not considered in the calculation of RQO's or addressed in EC directives.

The determination of the extent of groundwater contamination was considered to be even more problematic because of the intrinsic difficulties of monitoring groundwater quality. On many sites identified groundwater contamination is suspected with evidence being provided from site investigation work or analysis of groundwater from existing boreholes.

2.3 Land Use Activities and Site Categorisation

As an aid to the identification of contaminated land that may be impacting on the water environment the following land use activities, both current and historical, were highlighted for consideration:

• metalliferous mining spoil • mining spoil • steel/iron manufacture • copper manufacture • industry

5 • gas works • sewage works (disused) • landfill • timber treatment • chemical manufacture • lime manufacture • oil refinery/storage

This survey specifically excluded contamination arising from mines whether active or abandoned. Also, because of the abundance of operational landfill sites in each Region, emphasis was placed on disused landfills where pollution problems are long established and liability for remedial work is more problematic.

The categorisation of sites has been addressed in two ways. The first approach was to categorise the sites based upon the status of the contaminative land use. For this the following four categories were defined;

• derelict • operational • currently being developed • redeveloped

The purpose of this categorisation is at a very general level to provide an indication as the likely extent and nature of any site investigation or remedial works. It will also indicate whether the contaminants are still being accumulated within the environment from an ongoing activity or whether the contaminants are a legacy of some past process and are not being added to.

The current status of the site on its own was felt to have very limited usefulness In terms of assessing impact upon the water environment and thus a further categorisation scheme was developed.

This second form of categorisation was based upon the status of the contamination of the site as defined by the following three categories:

• continual migration of contaminants from site

• contaminants stable and not being released into the water environment if undisturbed

• contaminants contained or permanently isolated.

2.4 Results

To present the results of this supplementary survey summary tables of all sites identified in the course of this study were produced (Appendix C) whilst for five sites per Region more detailed descriptions were prepared (Appendix D). In selecting sites for the more detailed reports overall consideration was given to the presentation of a range of sites in terms of

6 the contaminative use, the nature and scale of the impact upon the water environment, the degree of investigation and remedial schemes implemented.

This survey was not intended to provide a complete list of all contaminated land, impacting on surface and groundwaters, but to provide a list of known more problematic sites, with associated information on site history, nature of the contamination, and whether remedial action is planned.

2.5 UK Studies

In addition to the work conducted on a regional basis a review was undertaken of appropriate case studies into remedial measures associated with the clean up of contaminated groundwater and contaminated land in the .

This review was initiated by performing a literature search to identify particular sites in the United Kingdom where treatment of land or groundwater has been performed. Despite the fact that the literature search was extensive, few instances where groundwater or land had been treated were discovered. This is undoubtably due to the fact that such treatment has not so far been deemed necessary in the United Kingdom and little has been done, therefore.


3.1 Introduction

In conducting this supplementary survey of contaminated land, each NRA Region was asked to identify and complete questionnaires on at least 10 sites where a contaminative land use is impacting upon the water environment or has potential to do so in the future. Due to the importance of this issue many Regions provided information on more than 10 sites and in total 139 sites were included.

Summaries of all the sites are tabulated in Appendix C. These tables provide information on the site name and contaminative use, location, current status, main contaminants, target water body, status of contamination, remedial work proposed and remedial work undertaken. The entries summarising remedial works exclude site investigation and survey work. This has been omitted from the table as ail the sites have been subject to some level of investigation ranging from limited water quality analysis to detailed site surveys. Furthermore the true extent of these surveys is not always made known to the NRA. Information on known site investigatory work is given in the more detailed site reviews.

From each Region five sites were selected for presentation in more detail (Appendix D). The selection of these sites was based upon considering, from a National perspective, a range of contaminative land uses, contaminants, scale of impact and remedial measures proposed or implemented. The overall aim being to present a cross section of sites, contaminants, proposed measures or work undertaken.

In undertaking this survey an attempt was made to determine lengths of watercourses affected and the extent of groundwater contamination.

It was proposed to achieve this, for surface waters, by consideration of the water quality objectives and change of class. This however, proved problematic as determination and assessment of objectives does not adequately reflect the types of contaminants released from the sites in question. Furthermore the presence of other consented discharges make it difficult to ascribe deterioration in water quality to a particular site. In some instances it is possible to establish that a particular piece of land is the source of contamination. In these circumstances it would be possible, in the absence of analytical evidence, to estimate the likely length of watercourse affected from knowledge of site layout, points of discharge and connections to the surface drainage. This on Its own however would not indicate the scale of the problem in each Region. In light of these difficulties only a subjective assessment can be made. All the Regions are aware to some degree of the problems associated with contaminated land and the potential impact upon the water environment.

Assessment of groundwater contamination is even more difficult, because of hydrogeoioglcal complexities and the sparseness of monitoring data.

8 Even at sites of known groundwater contamination, the actual extent is unknown.

In the following Regional summaries, this issue of lengths of watercourses and extent of groundwater affected has been addressed at a very general level through consideration of prevalence of a particular contaminative activity and the extent of aquifers. Surface waters affected or potentially affected by contamination have been grouped to show the most common types of condition in each region. Assumptions can be made on the affect of pollutants on waters in these groups. For example, contamination entering a stream at or close to the source is likely to remain at a critical concentration over a longer stretch of water course than a point source of contamination on the bank of a larger river.

Although specific information on the length of water courses affected by contamination is frequently not available the location of sites with respect to surface and groundwater bodies has been studied for this report and sites have been classified into five groups on the basis of the type of water body affected:

A Those which occur on or close to the banks of rivers.

B Sites at or near the sources of tributaries of rivers.

C Sites which are located on tidal estuaries or coastal waters.

D Sites located in coastal marshes.

E Sites located on aquifers.

The inclusion of Class E, sites located on aquifers, will typically occur jointly with one of the other four, surface related, classes.

The numbers of sites in each grouping as reported in the questionnaire is given in each of the following regional descriptions.

3.2 Anglian

Anglian NRA identified 16 contaminated land sites which either constitute an ongoing pollution problem or pose a serious threat to the water environment. The region as a whole is predominantly rural with pockets of industrial activity where many of the contamination problems exist. The region has the largest number of boreholes for public supply sources and it is in connection with these that many of the sites have been identified. One activity, common to the region, that causes pollution of the aquifers is that of landfilling. This is particularly so for many of the disused landfills that operated on a dilute and disperse principal. The main geographical areas where contaminated land problems are concentrated include Thameside, again problems relating to landfill activities, Humberside and the main urban centres.

9 Of the 16 sites four related to current landfill operations and have been included because of the extent of groundwater contamination of public supply boreholes and are illustrative of the scale of the problem encountered in the Region. In one instance the level of pollution was so great that in resulted in the loss of three drinking water sources. The other sites identified cover a range of current and historic activities. Historical activities include an extensive area of old railway sidings, agrochemical works, landfill sites and a tannery. Current activities include a timber treatment site, a tyre dump, a laundry and an RAF base. Sites selected for a more detailed report were:

• Thorpe Railway Sidings (redeveloped)

• Brit Agg Agrochemicals (derelict)

• Calders and Grandidge Timber Treatment (Operational)

• Laundry, Hardwich Industrial Estate (Operational)

• RAF Honington (Operational)

Due to the extent to which groundwater is used for public supply in the Region a number of R&D projects have been initiated to deal with specific aspects of groundwater pollution. One such project is aimed at investigating the impact of petrol spillages from assessing the profile of the petrol additives.

Under the classification of the type of surface water body affected, out of the 16 sites, ten come under class A, three under class B, one under class C and none under class D.

Eight sites in this region have been identified as potentially or actually polluting a groundwater resource (Class E). The Chalk is the aquifer at risk in all these examples.

3.3 Northumbria

The area of Northumbria NRA is primarily rural with a number of heavily industrialised areas associated with the major towns of the area with particularly high concentration of current and historical contaminative activities adjacent to the estuaries such as the Tyne and the Tees.

Northumbria NRA identified 10 sites within the Region. Of these sites, nine were associated with an historical use of the land with the site currently lying derelict; with the exception of one site which is due to be developed. These sites are characteristic of an old industrialised area and include former colliery sites, works, iron and steel works, town gas works etc. The tenth site identified is that of Battleship Wharf which is an active ship breaking yard.

10 Sites selected for a more detailed report were:

• Bishop Middieham landfill (derelict)

• Derwenshaugh cokeworks (derelict)

• Queens Park Gas Works (demolished and capped)

• Primrose Hill iron works (dereiict)

• Battleship Wharf ship breakers (operational)

Under the classification of the type of surface water body affected, out of the 10 sites, four come under class Ar three under class B, three under class C and none under class D.

One of these sites was recorded as being a threat to groundwater resources in Class E. The aquifer affected is the Magnesian Limestone.

3.4 North West

Of the 10 sites put forward by North West NRA for consideration in this survey, eight related to a historic contaminative land use, with all but three either undergoing redevelopment or already partly redeveloped. The historical land uses identified included waste disposal, various chemical works, and a colliery spoil tip.

The two sites identified where operational activities are currently causing contamination are a chemical works producing chlorinated organic compounds and a chemical works with a waste disposal site.

Sites selected for a more detailed report were:

• Moat Lane Petrochemicals (derelict)

• William Blythe Chemicals (operational)

• Commonside Farm Chemicals (derelict)

• Sankey Brook waste disposal (derelict)

• Trimpell Petrochemicals (derelict).

Under the classification of the type of surface water body affected, out of the 10 sites, two sites come under class A, seven under class B, four under class C and none under class D. Several of the sites fall in more than one category.

None of the sites in this region were identified as polluting a groundwater body (class E).

11 3.5 Severn Trent

The area of Severn Trent NRA was central to the industrial revolution primarily as a result of the close proximity of coalr Iron ore and limestone. Thus there is a long history of heavy engineering, coai mining, iron foundries, production, chemical manufacture etc. The area is also renowned for its potteries, centred around Stoke-on-Trent. The consequence of all those activities over a significant length of time has resulted in significant areas of contaminated land and associated water quality problems.

The extent of contaminated land impacting upon the water environment has already been the subject of a detailed programme of work by Severn Trent NRA. The initial phases of the work are reported in ‘Contaminated Land Severn Trent Region’ Phase 1 and Phase 2 reports, dated February and June 1992 respectively.

The activities of Phase 1 were to identify and prioritise contaminated land sites causing pollution problems to the water environment. In total 186 sites were identified and priorities were ascribed with respect to environmental hazard.

Phase 2 of the work was aimed at assessing in greater detail the top 30 priority sites to identify four or five for which detailed site investigations would be recommended.

Due to the amount of information directly available on contaminated land within the Region and to minimise duplication of work, 11 sites are summarised in this report. These comprise the top 10 ranked sites plus one other.

Of the 11 sites selected for this survey, the activities causing the contamination can be summarised as chemical works, coal carbonisation, mining and landfill sites. Five of the sites are operational with chemical processing being the contaminative use at four of the sites. The fifth operational site is a landfill which, although falling into a land use category excluded from the survey, has been included because of the special circumstances surrounding it and the serious surface water quality problem it generates.

Sites selected for a more detailed report were:

• Bentley Mill Lane Tip (derelict)

• Van Lead Mines (derelict spoil tips)

• Carless Solvents (operational chemical works)

• Synthetic Chemicals (operational)

• Heyope Tyre Tip (operational with underground fire). 12 Under the classification of the type of surface water body affected, out of the 11 sites, six sites come under class A, four under class B, none under class C and none under class D.

Five of the sites in this region were identified as a hazard to the Triassic Sandstone aquifer (class E) of the Region.

3.6 Southern

Southern NRA region is primarily agricultural with pockets of industry and densely population centres concentrated mainly around the major estuaries such as the Solent, Medway and Swale. There are a large number of landfills, primarily in Kent, many of which closed about 20 years ago with the introduction of the Poisonous Waste Act. These sites, when operational, were not restricted by licences and thus will have taken a range of materials, including toxic wastes; no records exist regarding what wastes were landfilled or the quantities. There are estimated to be eight to 10 such sites across the Region.

The 10 sites identified for this survey included a number of landfill sites, both operational and derelict, which are currently causing concern in which the NRA have an involvement. Other contaminative uses include gas works, tar works and solvent recovery, timber treatment, agrochemicals manufacture, engineering works and a dockyard.

Sites selected for a more detailed report were:

• CMR Ltd Solvent Recovery (operational)

• Cryalis Lane Insecticides (derelict)

• Hellerman Deutsch Metal Platers (operational)

• Chatham Naval Dockyards (derelict)

• Coney Hill Landfill (derelict).

Under the classification of the type of surface water body affected, out of the 10 sites, one site comes under class A, four under class B, three under under C and none under class D.

Seven of the sites in this region were identified as a hazard to Chalk groundwater resources (Class E).

3.7 South West

The south west area has a long history of extensive mining activities with associated contamination problems. Due to the extensive nature of these, somewhat unique, problems in the area South West NRA are shortly due to commence the compilation of a comprehensive data base of all the mines and associated lands within the Region. Furthermore, at a National level a

13 forthcoming study is planned on mining and mineral processing activities and the impact upon the water environment. Thus, in identifying the ten sites for this region emphasis was placed upon other contaminative uses although a number of mining related contaminated sites were included as indicative of the types of problems that are prevalent throughout the Region.

In total 11 sites were identified and questionnaires completed. The contaminative activities identified included operational activities such as a port, clay works and ball clay extraction and a number of derelict sites such as abandoned mine spoil, landfill site and copper and tin mining areas. Also two river catchments were identified, one on the basis of extensive contamination of the soil and surface waters through applications of pesticides and the other through contamination of the groundwaters with nitrates. A further site was identified where farming practices have resulted in the leaching of metals.

Sites selected for a more detailed report were:

• Falmouth Container Terminal (operational)

• South Crofty tin mine (abandoned mine spoil)

• Devon Great Consuls (derelict mineral extraction and refining)

• Bourton Barn Farm (induced metalliferous leaching)

• Newlyn River Catchment (agricultural application of pesticides)

Under the classification of the type of surface water body affected, out of the 11 sites, two sites come under class A, six under class B, five under class C and none under class D. Two of the sites are in more than one class.

None of the sites in this region were identified as a hazard to groundwater resources (class E).

3.8 Thames

The area of Thames NRA has a historical problem with landfills, of which it has a significant number. Many of these problems are being solved through improved site management during the operational phase, more effective liner materials and improved site restoration. Also the geology of the landfill sites across the Region typically involves the presence of a clay layer which protects the underlying aquifer. Where the clay layer has been penetrated the protection afforded is seriously reduced and extensive pollution of the aquifer can result.

Thames NRA identified 13 sites for the survey of which three related directly to problems from landfill sites; on some of the other sites the presence of

14 a waste dump, used by that site, contributed to the contamination problem but did not constitute the prime source of contaminants.

In addition to landfill sites, other contaminative activities included a tank farm, former gas works, chemical and agrochemical works, printing ink manufacturer, a munitions site and a railway engineering works.

Sites selected for a more detailed report are:

• Thames Matex tank farm (operational)

• Thames Industrial Estate (operational)

• AEA Harwell Landfill (derelict)

• British Rail Engineering Works (derelict/redeveloped)

• Redland Bricks (redeveloped chemical works).

Under the classification of the type of surface water body affected, out of the 13 sites, two sites come under class A, five under class B, two under class C and one under class D.

Nine of the sites in this region were identified as a hazard to Chalk groundwater resources (Class E).

3.9 Welsh

In response to the 1991 survey of contaminated land Welsh NRA submitted 15 completed questionnaires and in this latest survey a further 15 were submitted. Of these 31 sites the majority are derelict with only a few being redeveloped or still operational. The derelict sites are those that were associated with waste disposal, coal carbonization, chemical works and historical metalliferous mining. Operational contaminated sites identified are predominantly linked to the oil industry and include oil refineries, storage and transfer stations.

Historically many of the heavily industrialised area developed adjacent to the estuaries, such as the Dee and the Neath. In this situation contaminated sites, whether historical or operational, will impact both individually and collectively upon the receiving waters. Thus in proposing remedial measures in these areas a holistic approach needs to be adopted.

Although South Wales is renowned for extensive coal mining activities there are perceived to be few water pollution problems arising from abandoned spoil tips; the main problem arises from increased suspended solids. Acid mine drainage is a more serious issue but is not addressed within the scope of this survey. A further mining related water quality problem identified is that associated with acidic run off from heavily contaminated lead mine spoil.

15 Sites selected for a more detailed report include:

• Neston Tank Cleaners (derelict)

• Cwm Ystwyth lead mine (derelict)

• Lower Swansea Valley (derelict)

• Mechema Chemicals (derelict)

• BP Llandarcy Refinery (operational)

It was stressed, whilst conducting this survey, that the sites identified are illustrative of the types of problems encountered in Wales and that there are numerous other sites which pose an equal threat to the water environment.

Under the classification of the type of surface water body affected, out of the 31 sites, nine sites come under class A, 11 under class B, seven under C and two under class D.

Fourteen of the sites In this region were identified as Class E, a hazard to groundwater resources. Two of these were on the Triassic Sandstone aquifer in the north east and the others are on minor carboniferous aquifers.

3.10 Wessex

Wessex NRA identified 17 sites for inclusion in this survey. Of these three sites were derelict or abandoned, eight were either redeveloped or being redeveloped and the remaining seven were operational. The historical contaminative activities included old gas works, landfill sites, tanneries, chemical works and an MOD storage area. Operational sites with associated water quality problems include timber yards, an MOD site and a chemical works.

Sites selected for a more detailed report were:

• Fox Brothers (partly developed land disposal site)

• Merck Chemical Plant (operational)

• Monkton Farleigh Mine (abandoned underground storage area)

• Cuprinol wood preservative site (redeveloped)

• Pasminco Europe (former smelter).

Under the classification of the type of surface water body affected, out of the 17 sites, nine sites come under class A, four under class B, three under class C and one under class D.

16 One of the sites in this region was identified as a hazard to groundwater resources (class E), with a reference to spring contamination. This is thought to be only a local effect and the problem does not affect an aquifer.

3.11 Yorkshire

The area of Yorkshire NRA has contrasting areas of land use from moorland to high densely industrial/manufacturing sites.

For this survey 10 sites were identified and questionnaires submitted. The sites included a range of derelict, redeveloped and operational sites, with contamination arising from landfills, chemical refinery, coking works and a lead mine.

Sites selected for a more detailed report were:

• John Carr Joinery (operational)

• Pilkington glass-waste disposal (operational)

• Coalite Chemicals, Bolsover Refinery (derelict)

• Coalite, Grimethorpe (partly derelict)

• Coal Products Ltd, Chesterfield (operational)

The target water bodies identified as being affected by these sites were primarily the surface water courses where elevated concentrations of pollutants including list 1 substances were recorded; causing failure of the river quality objective and the EC surface water directive.

Under the classification of the type of surface water body affected, out of the 10 sites, six sites come under class A, seven under class B, none under class C and none under class D.

None of the sites in this region were identified as Class E, a hazard to groundwater resources.


4.1 Introduction

There have been various estimates of the total area of contaminated land in England and Wales ranging from 13,500 hectares of derelict land (Ecotec 1987) to 50,000 hectares, including land still in use (Taylor and Mclean 1992). This latter figure, although seemingly large, is actually quite a small percentage (0.33%) of the approximately 15 million hectares which is the total area of land of England and Wales.

When new developments are considered, however, contaminated land takes on a greater significance, as a large percentage of such developments are undertaken on previously contaminated sites. In these cases there are a essentially three options for land remediation as follows:

* Removal of some or all of the contaminated material from the site

• Cover or encapsulation of the contaminated material

• Treatment of the soil to reduce contamination to acceptable levels

However, in the United Kingdom, removal and encapsulation have accounted for by far the greatest percentage of land remediation work carried out to date.

Instances where contaminated groundwater has been treated are also not common in the United Kingdom. Remediation-techniqus, in this case, consist mainly of the two techniques given below, which attempt to prevent further contamination of underground water:

• Containment


In the latter case, some treatment of the leachate may be attempted or it may be drained to the foul sewer and hence to a sewage treatment works.

4.2 Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater

As stated above, there are few sites in the United Kingdom where contaminated groundwater has been treated. However, a number of cases are listed in the literature as follows:

Foxhall Landfill

(Palmer and Young, 1991)

18 Foxhall is, in fact, a number of landfill sites in Suffolk where contaminated groundwater was seen to be flowing towards an adjacent watercourse.

Remediation measures consisted of the following:

(a) Collection of the contaminated water in a cut-off trench consisting of six independent sections

(b) Designation of the collected water as ’clean' or 'dirty’

(c) Passing of 'clean’ water to river via a continuous monitoring station

(d) Routing of ’dirty’ water to an irrigation plot to allow evaporation and absorption to occur

(e) Monitoring of the irrigation area

As at the date of publication in December 1991, the site was still under construction, thus no details of the effectiveness of the system were available.

Southern Water

(Anon, 1989)

This case is one where solvent contamination was found in a water supply borehole belonging to Southern Water. The water was subsequently treated for potable supply purposes. However, there is no reason why this technique could not be used solely for the treatment of solvent contaminated groundwater.

Investigations following a complaint from a member of the public, soon established that the borehole In Hampshire was contaminated with 1,1,1 trichloroethane. To treat the water, Southern Water used an air stripping plant which removed the trichloroethane by interaction with counter-current air in a polypropylene-packed tower. The quoted performance of the system was as follows:

• Inlet trichloroethane (/jg/l) max 139.5 min 20.0 ave 73.8

• Outlet tricholorethane (pg/l) max 8.39 min 0.68 ave 3.7

In addition, Lee Valley Water Company have also installed air stripping towers at three sites to treat similar chemical contaminants. (NCE, 1990)

19 Reedham Station

(Hoare et al, 1979)

Following the spillage of over 50,000 litres of kerosene resulting from a railway accident south of'Reedham Station in Purley, Surrey, a novel technique was used to treat the resulting contaminated groundwater.

A looped polypropylene rope mop which selectively absorbs hydrocarbons but rejects water, was lowered into a pre-drilled borehole. The continuous rope was driven down, into the kerosene layer and up to the surface. The rope then passed through a wringer mechanism to remove the kerosene.

Between October 1978 and March 1979 over 15% of the spilled kerosene had been recovered using this method.

4.3 Contaminated Land Remediation In England and Wales

For reasons discussed above (Sec 2.5) virtually no treatment of contaminated land has been carried out in the UK. Remediation techniques have therefore been almost entirely removal or encapsulation.

A useful review of sites where such techniques have been carried out in England and Wales is included in volume two of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s publication, Reclamation and Redevelopment of Contaminated Land (EPA 1992). Examples from this document are given below:

Beckton Alps

The so-called ' Alps’ is an area of approximately 5 hectares which stands some 16 metres above the natural land surface in East London. The ’Alps' were formed from approximately 430,000 cubic metres of waste from a gas (and associated by-products) works which was founded beside the Thames Tideway in 1868.

Remediation work on site was carried on from 1975 and included the following:

• Reformation of the ’Alps’ followed by covering with clay (1.2 metres) and then top soil (300mm)

• Removal of area of high contamination (tar lagoon)

• Protection of permanent site works (eg concrete drainage pipes)

• Provision of drainage blankets/gas paths within the reformed 'Alps’

The estimated cost of this work was £1.7 million. 20 Malkins Bank. Cheshire

Malkins Bank was the 30 hectare site of a salt and chemical works from the late nineteenth century until 1932. Following this, the site was covered with lime sludge, the stream running through the site was culverted and the area was used as a dump for all kinds of industrial waste.

Remediation measures at the site, carried out in 1974, consisted of burial and removal of waste, combined with capping with clean material to a depth of 0.5 metres. Following installation of a surface drainage system the site was used as a public golf course.

Beaumont Levs. Leicester

Beaumont Leys, an 800 hectare site on the outskirts of the city of Leicester, was used as a sewage farm and treatment works from 1890 to 1964. At this site, liquid sewage was treated by land irrigation whiist sludge was dried on land and then ploughed into the soil. This resulted in heavy metal contamination of the area, particularly that part which had been used for sludge disposal.

Site remediation in this case consisted of grading of the soil to ensure that the highest contaminant levels were placed beneath several metres of uncontaminated subsoil. Areas to be grassed were then covered in topsoil which had been previously tested to ensure It contained less than 12 mg/l of cadmium.

Corbv Steel works

The town of Corby in Northamptonshire was dominated by the British Steel Corporation (BSC) plant until most of the steelmaking facilities were closed in 1980. Following this closure, Corby District Council acquired 138 hectares of the former BSC site. Contamination found on this property included heavy metals, , oil, asbestos, cyanides, poiycyciic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and sulphur compounds.

Remediation measures consisted of removal of the large underground slurry pits together with the most heavily contaminated material to a licensed tip. The holes remaining after removal of the slurry were then filled with the less heavily contaminated soil. The site was completed by ensuring that all contaminated materials were placed at least four metres below ground level or one metre below the level of the site sewers whichever was the lower.

Wandsworth Gas Works

This 16 hectare site in the London Borough of Wandsworth was a gas works from 1860 to approximately 1960. Other associated activities were also carried out but the exact nature of these could not be established.

At this location, remedial measures included excavation and removal of the most heavily contaminated material to a licensed disposal site at Aylesbury, 21 Buckinghamshire - the 1983 cost of this transport and disposal being £20 per cubic metre. Following this removal, clean fill was used to cover the site to a depth of 1.1 metres.

Lieners gelatin

This site in Pontypridd, Wales was the location of a plant where animal products were processed to produce gelatin. During the operation time of this plant, twelve workers contracted anthrax from the imported raw materials. Thus, once the plant had closed, there was the possibility that the area was contaminated with anthrax spores. Chemical degradation and contamination of the site sewers was also present due to the discharge of acidic substances during the plant’s operational period.

In this case, polluted material from the site was removed and buried at a licensed disposal site, whilst any residual microbiological contamination was treated by washing all surfaces with an acid solution. Finally, the site was covered with 0.5 metres of clean fill.

The Lower Swansea Valiev

The Lower Swansea Valley Project, initiated in 1961 to plan future development in the area, included some 480 hectares of industrial dereliction. Former industries in the area included copper and zinc smelting; silver, cobalt, nickel and lead production; steel manufacture; coal processing and other industries associated with ail of the above. Contaminants included all of the heavy metals referred to above.

Reclamation and remediation was most often carried out by means of removal of material and regrading of the various tip sites. Clean fill material was used to cover the more contaminated ground to ensure that no human exposure to the hazardous material was possible.


5.1 Conclusions

In this supplementary survey of contaminated land a total of 139 sites were considered. These being a small sample of the total number of contaminated land sites either impacting or having potential to impact upon the water environment. The sites considered in this survey have been included on the basis of contaminative land use, scale of problem, contaminants and remedial measures proposed or implemented. The objective has been to present a range of sites and circumstances.

Of the sites identified the contaminative land uses fall into the following categories:

Table 5.1 - Contamination in Land Uses

Contaminative Use Number of Sites Landfill 48 Chemicals/Petrochemicals 27 Gas Works/Coal Carbonisation 14 General Engineering 8 Timber Treatment 8 Mining Metals 7 Ciay 3 Coal 2

Iron and Steel 5 Tanneries 3 Docks 3 MOD Sites 3 Others 8 TOTAL 139

Of these sites 88 were associated with a historical land use and 51 with a current land use. In some Regions all the sites related to past activities which have left a legacy of contamination for current and future generations. Such activities are largely those associated with gas/coal carbonisation sites and mining activities.

23 Operational sites causing problems include chemical works, engineering works, w ood/tim ber treatment processes, docks, MOD establishments, landfill, mining etc. A further land use also known to cause groundwater pollution is that of petrol retail facilities. Of these a number of potential problem sites are known but were not included in this survey due to the paucity of information.

Each site identified in this survey was assessed on the basis of its actual or potential for pollution of the water environment. For this assessment five target waterbodies were identified. Table 5.2 summarises, by Region, the number of sites impacting upon each water body. From this it can be seen that about 75% of the sites are associated with surface watercourses and only 33% with aquifers and 24% with coastal/estuary environments; many sites impact upon more than one receiving water body. However, the ratio of groundwater to surface water is likely to be distorted by the degree to which pollution of surface waters are more readily detected than that of groundwaters. From the perspective of the receiving watercourse and its ability to dilute or assimilate the pollution the more problematic sites are going to be those that impact upon surface water stretches that are close to the source or in a tributary where dilution is at a minimum or on groundwaters where pollutants will be retained within the systems.

Table 5.2 - Target Waterbodies

Number of Sites by Class Region Number of Sites ABCDE Anglian 16 10 3 1 0 8 Northumbria 10 4 3 3 0 1 North West 10 2 7 4 0 0 Severn Trent 11 6 4 0 0 5 Southern 10 1 4 3 0 7 South West 11 2 6 5 0 0 Thames 13 2 5 2 1 9 Welsh 31 9 11 8 2 14 Wessex 17 9 4 3 1 1 Yorkshire 10 6 7 0 0 0 TOTAL 139 51 54 29 4 45

Note: Some Sites will have entries under more than one class

A Close to River Banks B Near sources of tributaries or rivers C On tidal estuaries or coastal waters D Close to coastal marshes E Located on aquifers

24 The assessment of lengths of surface watercourses affected by contaminated land is extremely difficult to determine. This is due largely to the pollutants themselves and the common water quality parameters monitored, which do not readily reflect the impact of a specific site. The other main factor is that many of these sites do not occur in isolation, there being other discharges, some consented, which add to the overall pollution of a particular receiving water body.

In most cases the extent of groundwater contamination at sites which are known to effect aquifers is not known. Aquifers have been identified but data is insufficient to identify the lateral extension of contamination.

In terms of remediation, only 32 sites have commenced Implementation of remedial works with many more currently undergoing investigation and proposals being formulated. In addition many sites have had modifications to the surface water courses.

The remediation measures either implemented or in the process of being implemented are sumatmrised in Table 5.3

Table 5.3 - Remedial Measures

Regrading/capping 8 Water treatment 7 Removal of material from site 5 Groundwater pumped to sewer 4 Bioremediation 2 Soil water scavenging 2 Installation of liners 2 Activated charcoal filtration 1 Separation of volatiles 1 TOTAL 32

In light of the revised draft regulations for the Section 143 Register of contamination land use, an initial assessment has been made, of the sites identified in this survey, to determine the extent to which these sites, either causing or having potential to cause water pollution, would have been included. Based on the May 1991 draft schedule of contaminated uses an estimated 134 of the 139 survey sites would have been registered. Sites that would not have been included would have been those relating to the application of pesticides/insecticides/soil conditioners and MOD bases. Under the latest proposed schedule an estimated 92 sites would be included. The main activities excluded include timber treatment, tanneries, mining activities, docks and ports, and the printing industry.

25 5.2 Recommendations

To implement national policy on contaminated land and the water environment the first step shall be to identify all sites throughout the Regions and to prioritise them on a National basis. This prioritisation should highlight those that are most serious and moves towards remediation should be instigated. These moves will, in some cases, of necessity involve legal actions and will provide a framework for deciding liability.

The first step therefore, shall be to identify all appropriate sites. The recent reintroduction of the Environmental Protection Act’s Section 143 Registers of Contaminative Land Use will go someway to identifying those most seriously contaminated sites. Although the draft regulations list only a small subset of the land use activities originally proposed for inclusion in the Register, the findings of this survey indicate a more extensive range of land uses as causing pollution of the water environment. Consequently, although the Section 143 Register will identify many sites the NRA will need to compile its own more extensive register of sites that would include for example tanneries, mines etc.

Severn Trent NRA have already undertaken this task and have developed a scheme for prioritising sites for further consideration. This should be repeated for the other nine Regions to derive a list of the worst sites nationally. The ranking system derived by Severn Trent is based upon some subjective assessments. Thus to ensure compatibility of assessments from each Region, a central team of researchers should be established who will be supported in the survey by the appropriate Regional staff.

The volumes of information that such a National survey would generate would be extensive and thus would necessitate a computer database for ease of storage and retrieval. The task is more appropriate to a GIS solution onto which surface water drainage and groundwater data can be stored. The advantages of this approach are that sites can be located specifically and impacts upon the water environment more readily assessed. The system can be extended to incorporate groundwater protection zones and water quality monitoring stations.


Anon 1989. Groundwater Contamination, Water Services, p 17, January, 1989.

Ecotec 1987, Land Recycling and Renewal. A Prospective Analysis of Industrial Contamination and Remedial Treatment.

EPA 1992, Reclamation and Redevelopment of Contaminated Land: Volume II. European Case Studies. United States Environmental Protection Agency, March 1992.

Hoare et al, 1979. Groundwater contamination: combatting problem on site, Hoare M J, Eastwood J W and Brown S, Surveyor, pp 12-13, 24 May 1979.

NCE 1990. Strip Search, New Civil Engineer Water Supplement, pp 43-47, September 1990.

NRA Internal Reports. Contaminated Land Severn Trent Region, Phase 1 and Phase 2 reports, 1992.

Palmer and Young, 1991. Protecting Water Resources from the Effects of Landfill Sites: Foxhall Landfill Site, Palmer C and Young P J, Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management, pp 682-696, Vol 5, No 6, Devember 1991.

Taylor and McLean 1992. Overview of Clean-up Methods for Contaminated Sites, Taylor M R G and McLean RAN, Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management, pp 408-417, Vol 6, No 4, August 1992.

27 Figure 3.1








Key to Symbols Landfill/Waste Disposal ▲ including Mine Spoil Chemical Processing & ♦ Petrochemicals * Coal / Gas Products * Engineering / Metal Processing Other


Figure 3.2



Magnesian Limestone

Permo-Triassic Sandstones

Jurassic Limestone




Key to Symbols

A Landfill/Waste Disposal - including Mine Spoil

▲ Chemical Processing & ▼ Petrochemicals * Coal / Gas Products * Engineering / Metal Processing ■ Other


Figure 3.3






Permo-Triassic Sandstones




a Landfill/Waste Disposal - including Mine Spoil ▲ Chemical Processing & ^ Petrochemicals ♦ Coal / Gas Products Engineering / Metal Processing ■ Other


Figure 3.4









Permo-Triassic Sandstones


Magnesian Limestone


Key to Symbols LandfW/Waste Disposal ▲ including Mine Spoil Chemical Processing & ♦ Petrochemicals * Coal / Gas Products •fC Engineering / Metal Processing I Other


Figure 3.5





Legend Landfill/Waste Disposal - including Mine Spoil ▲ Chemical Processing & Petrochemicals 0 Coal / Gas Products Engineering / Metal Processing ■ Other


Figure 3.6







Permo'friassic Sandstones

Key to Symbols ▲ Landfill/Waste Disposal • including Mine Spoil Chemical Processing & Petrochemicals * Coal / Gas Products ★ Engineering / Metal Processing Other


Figure 3.7

Key to Symbols Landfill/Waste Disposal - including Mine Spoil ▲ Chemical Processing & Petrochemicals 0 Coal / Gas Products Engineering / Metal Processing ■ O ther


Figure 3.8








Kev to Symbols . LandfW/Waste Disposal - A including Mine Spoil

Legend ▲ Chemical Processing & v Petrochemicals Permo-Triassic Coal / Gas Products Sandstones ^ Engineering / Metal Processing Carboniferous ■ Other


Figure 3.9






Jurassic Limestone

Key to Symbols BOTHENHAMPTON WASTE DISPOSAL SITE MERCK a Landfill/Waste Disposal including Mine Spoil LODMOOR WASTE DISPOSAL SITE ▲ Chemical Processing & ~ Petrochemicals # Coal / Gas Products ^ Engineering/ Metal Processing ■ Other


Figure 3.10







Permo-Triassic Sandstones

Magnesian Limestone

Jurassic Limestone

LandfHI/Waste Disposal > including Mine Spoil Chemical Processing & Petrochemicals Coal / Gas Products Engineering / Metal Processing Other


Appendix A


18 May 1992

Mr C Fleming Sir William Haicrow and Partners Ltd NRA Burderop Park Swindon Wiltshire SN4 OQD

Dear Mr Fleming


The National Rivers Authority (NRA) is inviting quotations to cany out a supplementary survey to complement a forthcoming consultation document on Contaminated Land and the Water Environment. Detailed Terms of Reference are attached. If you would like to submit a quotation, please provide the following information:

i. a brief of your proposed approach to this research;

ii. your quoted price for the work with a statement of whether it is inclusive or exclusive of VAT; and

iii. your company’s standard terms and conditions for contract engagements.

All quotations should be sent to Mr P Chave at the address below by noon on Monday 8 June 1992. Quotations received after this date may not be considered.

The NRA reserves the right not to accept any .offer of tenders and to negotiate the extent and terms of reference subsequent to any offer.

I look forward to receiving your quotation.

Yours sincerely


National Rivers Authority Rivers House Waterside Drive A jtcc Wesl Almondsbury Bristol BS12 4UD Tel: 0454 624/00 Far 0454 624409 t e r m s o f r e f e r e n c e


The management, clean-up, control and future prevention of contaminated land in the UK has of late been a highly debated environmental issue. Despite the specific title of the problem, contaminated land is very much an issue which affects water quality and the NRA has been striving both for recognition of this fact and the possible avenues of action which may be taken to help alleviate the threats to the water environment from contaminated land sites. This it will endeavour to achieve both through its statutory powers under the Water Resources Act 1991 (W RA’91) to clean up and prevent any pollution arising affecting controlled waters, and its proposals under the recent NRA Groundwater Protection Policy Consultation Document. With the setting of Statutory Water Quality Objectives (SWQOs), the NRA needs to address the issue of contaminated land if such quality objectives are to be achieved. As a preliminary measure, the NRA is currently preparing a consultation document on contaminated land and the water environment and the purpose of tendering out this work is to supplement and complement the contents of this in-house work.


To investigate the extent of contaminated land in each of the ten NRA Regions, which it is considered to have an impact on the water environment; and subsequently to produce a list of the most problematic sites identified, giving some detail of site history etc, and what, if any remedial action is being taken or is planned by each Region.


1. To use an in-house project - The Severn Trent Phase One Report on Contaminated Land - as a starting point and to discuss the project with Bob Harris (Severn Trent) and Dick Flavin (Southern) before commencement

2. To visit each NRA Region to interview pollution control staff (identified by the NRA) to determine the scale of the problem. All Regions have had a questionnaire circulated; the completed questionnaires could be used as the basis for discussion.

3. To visit and interview NRA field staff (identified as a result of above interview) to discuss the scale of the problem and to identify specific sites, their assumed impacts on the water environment and how they are being addressed, including any action - remedial,legal or other. (At least five of the more problematic sites should be considered in greater detail).

4. T o obtain information on the lengths o f watercourses affected (class change) and the extent o f groundwater contamination per Region (if known).

5. T o categorise sites causing problems into:- (a) dormant (b) operational (c) undergoing development.

6. To summarise briefly what studies have been undertaken in the UK, or elsewhere on possible amelioration o f polluted groundwater from contaminated land and what the possible solutions are. This area of research should also include the costs o f clean-up and the nature of these costs, that is, capital only or capital and revenue.

A draft report should be submitted within six weeks of the date of awardment of the contract. Twenty copies o f the final report will be required following acceptance of the draft. Appendix B




16 July 1992

This briefing note has been prepared to inform Senior Water Quality and Pollution Control Officers and their field staff as to the objectives of the above survey and their role in its undertaking.


Sir William Halcrow and Partners Ltd have been appointed by the NRA to undertake a supplementary survey of contaminated land. The prime aim of this project Is to investigate the extent of contaminated land, in each of the ten NRA Regions, which is considered to have an impact on the water environment. This work builds upon similar work undertaken in Severn Trent NRA (reported in The Severn Trent Phase One Report on Contaminated Land) and the results of a questionnaire circulated by Dick Flavin (Southern NRA) and Bob Harris (Severn Trent NRA) in 1991.


This supplementary survey is to be undertaken within a six week period and a draft report is due to be submitted to the NRA on Friday 21st August. To complete this task within this tight time schedule Halcrow propose to obtain the necessary information from the Regions through the following approach:

1 Circulation of this briefing note and questionnaire to key senior officers In each Region, who In turn will identify appropriate field staff and circulate the note and questionnaire to them.

2 Meetings and interviews with appropriate senior officers and field staff in each Region. These should be scheduled such that they can all be conducted in one day.

3 Follow up on incomplete questionnaires and those sites for which more information is required.

From the previous studies undertaken the knowledge and experience held by the field staff, on contaminated land sites which do have an adverse impact upon the water environment, is recognised as being an important factor to the success of this survey.

This survey is not intended to provide a complete list of all contaminated land, impacting on surface and groundwaters, but is to provide a list of the more problematic sites, with associated information on site history, nature of the contamination, and whether remedial action is planned. Thus, it is intended that each Region will identify some 10 contaminated land sites for each of which a questionnaire should be completed by the field officer responsible. These questionnaires will then form the basis of discussion at the subsequent meeting and interviews. As an aid to the identification of contaminated land that may be impacting on the water environment consideration should be given to the following land use activities both current and historical:

metalliferous mining spoil coal mining spoil steel/iron manufacture copper manufacture industry gas works sewage works (disused) landfill timber treatment chemical manufacture lime manufacture oil refinery/storage

(this survey excludes contamination from mines whether active or abandoned)

The attached questionnaire details the information that is required on each site identified. This information falls into 7 categories:

general site use details water quality implications site investigations proposed actions priority scoring any other relevant information

Not all of this information will be available for each site however, it would be beneficial if as much of the information that is available is obtained prior to the interviews. NRA QUESTIONNAIRE ON CONTAMINATED LAND SITES CAUSING/THREATENING WATER POLLUTION


1.1 NRA Region

1.2 Site Name & Address NGR AREA (ha)

1.3 Most Knowledgeable Officer (Address and Tel)

1.4 NRA Involvement to Date


2.1 Current Status, of Site (eg derelict, being developed, partly developed)

2.2 Site use History (Indicate usage now causing problem)


3.1 Geology/Hydrogeology

3.2 Depth of Water Table(s) (m) 3.3 Nearest Groundwater Abstraction (km)

3.4 Nearest Public Water Supply Borehole (km)

3.5 Nearest Watercourse (km)



3.6 Evidence of Water Pollution (summarise analysis if available)


4.1 What Site Investigations Have Been Carried Out 5 PROPOSED ACTIONS

5.1 What Proposals Have Been Put Forward for Remediation

5.2 What actions Do You Think The NRA Should Demand or Undertake (indicate costs if possible)

5.3 Is The Owner Likely to Comply or Cooperate

5.4 What Are The Likely Consequences of Doing Nothing


On a scale of 1-5 how important is it to the NRA that action discussed above is taken. 1= marginal, 5 = imperative.

7 ANY OTHER INFORMATION (Please append anv relevant analysis results) Appendix C



Key to Tables

Site Use Category:

D Derelict 0 Operational C Currently being developed R Redeveloped

Status of Contamination:

C Continued migration of contaminants from site S Contaminants stable and not being released into the water environment if undisturbed 1 Contaminants contained or permanently isolated TABLE C.1 CONTAMINATED LAND SITES REPORTED ON DURING SURVEY NRA Region: Anglian

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination A1 Thorpe TG 245 078 D/R Trichloreo- River C Protect public Activated charcoal Electrical engineering 200 ha thene, Wensum, water supply filtration at PWS industry, old railway sidings tetrachloreo- Chalk borehole thene, Groundwater tetrachloreo- High thane, carbon tetrachloride A2 Rhone Poulenc, Norwich TG 205 104 O/R , River Being cleared Groundwater chemical and agrochemical 5 ha copper, Wensum, pumped to sewer manufacture mercury, High to reverse flow and bromide, Groundwater clear contamination sulphate Chalk High A3 Tuddenham Waste Disposal TM 193 492 O/D Ammonia, River Fynn C Divert effluent to None Site 1 ha sulphate High Roo sewer or lagoon Landfill (commercial) failure A4 Foxhall Waste Disposal Site TM 238 435 O/D leachate Groundwater, I Interception of Landfill (domestic and 4 ha High contaminated industrial) Bucklesham groundwater Mill River A5 Helpston Landfill sites TF 122 032 O agrochemicals Groundwater C Consultants report Extensive NRA Landfill 70 ha High due shortly investigations TABLE C.1 CONTAMINATED LAND SITES REPORTED ON DURING SURVEY NRA Region: Anglian

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contamlnative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination A6 Brit Agg TA 035 232 D Various Humber C Remove Fertiliser and agrochemical 50+ Copper, zinc, Estuary contaminated soil manufacture arsenic unknown (cost E1M+) A7 Calders and Grandldge TF 326 427 O Chromium, Surface C Remove hot-spots None to date Timber treatment 20 ha pesticides watercourse of contamination High and treatment plant A8 Hlbaldstow Airfield SE 985 010 O Fire-fighting River S Remove tyres Tyre dump 20 ha (potential) Anchoime None at present A9 Brant Road Tip SK 972 668 D leachate Drain* to C Landfill River Witham not stated A10 Cottingham Landfill Site SP 848 895 O Leachate Middleton C Retrosectlve liner Landfill Brook Low installed A11 Rushton Landfill Sfte SP 855 835 O/D Leachate River Ise c Treatment plant for Landfill Low groundwater A12 Eastern Counties Leathers TL 488 482 O/R perchloro- Chalk c Scavenger Legal proceedings Tanning 4 ha ethylene Groundwater borehole (cost undertaken - High £60k +) findings in favour In E.C.L TABLE C.1 CONTAMINATED LAND SITES REPORTED ON DURING SURVEY NRA Region: Anglian

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination A13 Ritwick Landfill Site TL 033 353 D Oil, , Chalk C/S Remove Landfill and soakaway chlorinated Groundwater contaminated fill, lagoons solvents, River Flit clay cap and organic carbon Moderate regrade surface A14 Ingham Waste Disposal Site TL 848 717 O/R oils Chalk C/S None Landfill and soakaway 10 ha Groundwater lagoons Low River Lark A15 Hardwick Industrial Estate TL 857 632 0 Perchloro- River Linnet, C/S Proposals awaited Dry cleaning <0.1 ha ethytene River Lark Moderate A16 RAF Honlngton TL 875 759 0 Chlorinated River C None Unknown hydrocarbons Sapiston, Chalk Groundwater High TABLE C.2 NRA Region: Northumbria

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant (s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaml native use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination N1 Bishop Mlddleham Landfill NZ 335 315 D Cyanide River Skerne, C Removal of observation site 0.5 ha Groundwater cyanide bearing boreholes Domestic Waste tip Magneslan waste to suitable Limestone site High N2 Bomarsund Colliery NZ 264 846 D Iron, Sleek Burn C Leachate Flow spoil tip 2 ha Manganese & Low pretreatment or measurements Aluminium capping undertaken to assess quantity of water for pretreatment. Cleaned stream bed N3 Derwenthaugh Cokeworks NZ 193 615 D , River Derwent C Dig up and clean. By Gateshead MBC Coke Works 3ha Cokework Moderate Replace or landfill (Imminent) by Volatiles, Containment separation of Cyanide, volatile Organics Phenols, Oil from aqueous and Tars phase. N4 Nenthead Mines NY 785 430 D Heavy metals River Nen C None Post war regrading Lead mines and spoil heap NY 768 451 Low

i TABLE C.2 NRA Region: Northumbria

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination N5 Stillington Waste disposal NZ 375 237 D/C Metals Culvert to C/S Identify route of Site investigations site 21.4 ha Bishopton pollutants. Gay Iron and steel works Beck cap Low N6 Queens Park NZ 443 197 D Phenol, Lustrum Beck S Removal, treatment Capped with Town gas works 1.1ha Cyanide, Moderate or total clay/topsoll Site - containment Investigations by extractable developer including hydrogeology N7 Primrose Hill NZ 442 200 D/C Lead, Arsenic, Lustrum Beck C/S Clay capping, Stockton B.C. Iron works and slag heaps 5 ha Cadmium, Zinc, Low create preferential applying for Copper, drainage alongside Derelict Land Grant Mercury beck N8 Royal Quays, Albert Edward NZ 347 669 C Leather River Tyne I Membrane Agreed membrane Dock - former 2.5 ha processing & Low encapsulation encapsulation of Leather and wood treatment curing waste former leather processing N9 Bit mac NZ 513 217 R/D Oils, tar River Tees C Subsurface water Installation of new Benzol recovery 30 ha distillation Low remediation waste disposal site products N10 Battleship Wharf, Cambols NZ 309 828 0 PCB’s up to River Blyth C Removal and Several detailed Shipbreaking 0.2 ha 35.3ppm High disposal of PCBs surveys by NRA, MAFF and owners TABLE C.3 CONTAMINATED LAND SITES REPORTED ON DURING SURVEY NRA Region: North West

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutants) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination NW1 Rixton Tips SJ 685 915- D petrochemicals, Marsh Brook C Owner wishes to Partial capping- Landfill (industrial & toxic) SJ 682 909 fly ash and High pay for remediation unsuccessful 7 ha arsenic by re-tipping NW2 St Michaels Jubilee Golf SJ 500 842 D/R (golf Odour, Stewards C Preliminary report None Course and West Bank SJ 498 852 course) suiphorous Brook, Ditton produced (HEDCO) Tip deposits, Brook Landfill (chemical waste) chemical waste High NW3 NIPA Laboratories, SD 728 270 O/R Chlorinated Lottlce (White C Diverting overflow Collection of Oswaldtwistle 4.5 ha Organics, Ash) Brook of contaminated seepage from site Chemical works leachate Low minewater to and pumping to treatment plant trade effluent discharge pit NW4 William Blythe & Co, SD 737 286 0 Zinc, copper, Tinker Brook C Improvements to trade effluent treatment Holland Bank Works, 7 ha tin, lead, Hyndburn plant and storm tanks on site. Diversion Church, Accrington arsenic, Brook of treated trade effluent including tip Inorganic chemical cadmium, other White Ash leachate to sewer interception of manufacture metals Brook contaminates. Drainage from site of Moderate collection sumps and treatment drains improving work mostly completed TABLE C.3 CONTAMINATED LAND SITES REPORTED ON DURING SURVEY NRA Region: North West

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contamlnative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination NW5 Commonside Farm AJuanley SJ 504 745 D PCBs Commonside C Remove and Cheshire CC Frodsham 2.5 ha Brook incinerate waste/ diverted Landfill (fly ash) High cap site and divert watercourse watercourse/ treat PCBs In situ (cost £2M+) NW6 Ex McKechnie Chemicals SJ 506 847 D, R Copper, Marsh Brook C Elimination of None Site 5 ha sulphate High contaminated run­ Copper sulphate off from site manufacture (cost E1-2M) NW7 Sankey Brook SJ 534 942 C, R COD, sulphide, Sutton Brook, C Eiminatlon of None Landfill (chemical waste) SJ 524 949 ammonia Sankey leachate seepage SJ 520 951 Brook, to controlled water 50 ha Hardshaw Brook (cost E10M+) High RQO failure NW8 Sankey Valley Industrial SJ 572 946 D,R organic matter Sankey Brook C Elimination of None Estate, Newton-Le-Willows 6 ha High leachate seepage Enforcement Action sugar refinery, oil recovery (cost E1M+) Pending TABLE C.3 CONTAMINATED LAND SITES REPORTED ON DURING SURVEY NRA Region: North West

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination NW9 Trimpeii site, Heysham SD 417 589 D Hydrocarbons Trimpeii Dyke C Some of this work New pump Petrochemical refinery 51 ha Storage - on-going Installation to Pumped to protect Trimpell sea Dyke from gravity Low-High drainage 10,000m3 variable sludge removed, bacterial treatment NW10 Carr and Wellington Woods NY 160 437 D, R Colliery spoil Sandwith C Treatment of spoil Coal spoil heap 11 ha runoff, Iron Beck with organic High matter Liming, RQO failure diversion of watercourse away from spoil TABLE C.4 NRA Region: Severn Trent

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination ST1 Courtauld’s Leek SJ 975 571 0 organic Triassic C investigation of None to date Chemicals chemicals, sandstones extent of pollution acetone etc R Chumet by Company High ST2 Rexco Smokeless Fuels SK 576 616 D coal Triassic C none none Smokeless fuels carbonisation1 sandstones liquor High localised ST3 Bentley Mill Lane Tip SO 991 981 D copper and R Tame C investigation preliminary Landfill nickel High proceeding Investigation undertaken by NRA ST4 Van Lead Mines SN 942 887 D lead/spoil and Afon Cerist C re landscape and investigation/ Lead mining 2 ha zinc High removal of some feasibility study RQO failure waste and capping ST5 Carl ess Solvents, Stoke on SJ 851 504 0 organic Fowlea Brook C implementation of site investigation Trent 10 ha chemicals High remedial scheme and pilot water Solvent manufacture RQO failure to be developed treatment plant ST6 Slacky Lane Tip SK 017 023 D copper and Rough Brook C none proposed site investigation Landfill 10 ha nickel High by NRA TABLE C.4 NRA Region: Severn Trent

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminatfve use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination ST7 Hawkesbury Tip, SP 364 847 D elevated BOD, culverted C none none Landfill 45 ha ammonia and tributary metals watercourse, and adjacent to Coventry Canal Moderate STB Synthetic Chemicals, Four SJ 916 090 0 various Triassic C none site investigation Ashes, Organics sandstones nearing completion Saredon Brock Moderate/ High ST9 Richardsons Tip, Pendeford SJ 909 040 D Ztnc wastes Waterhead S possible none Landfill and various Brook. redevelopment Organics Triassic sandstones None known ST10 Heyope Tyre Tip SO 224 748 0 byproducts of Tributary of C ongoing site Investigation Landfill (tyres) 2 ha tyre River investigation combustion Ffrwdwen High TABLE C.4 NRA Region: Severn Trent

Site No Name NGR Current Poilutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination ST 11 Cox’s Chemicals, Shropshire SJ 608 105 0 organic Triassic C removal of some limited site Chemical production solvents and sandstones, burled wastes investigation and pesticides small tributary waste removal streams close by Moderate TABLE C.5 NRA Region: Southern

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination SI Cannon Street/Golf Road, TR 376 533 D/R petrochemicals Groundwater S Developer: sealing Deal 1 ha Upper chalk NRA: removal of Gasworks No evidence contaminants S2 CMR Ltd TQ 931 195 D/R ammonia, River Rother I Membrane lining Railway sidings former tar 1 ha phenols, (estuary), works solvents nearby lake - moderate S3 iSBngaieiauarrttr TQ 604 560 O chloride, Groundwater C (intermittent) None \ 20 ha ammonia Hythe Beds Low

V Intermittent S4 Canal Basin, Gravesend TQ 659 741 D/R ammonia, coal Groundwater, C Groundwater Gas Works 1.5 ha tar, sulphate, Thames scavenging, phenols, Estuary removal of cyanide Gravel & contaminated Chalk material Low S5 Broomwood Lake TQ 472 690 C Broomwood C from spillage isolate Timber treatment 20 ha Lake, River In 1977 contaminated area. Cray Assess need for Low permanent remediation TABLE C.5 NRA Region: Southern

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollutfon Contamination S6 London Road/Cryails Lane TQ 982 638 D israoM: Milton Creek C Remove "hot Insecticide production 1 ha ammonia, (River Swale), spots" of polyaromatic Groundwater contamination, hydrocarbons Chalk High surface with

\ (TN localised impermeable V material S7 Heiierman Deutsch TQ 391 391 0 trichloro- Hastings Beds being cleared soil water Metal plating 1 ha ethylene, freon Groundwater scavenging Moderate S8 Wilmington TQ 543 729 0 trichloro- Groundwater intermittent G.A.C Installed of Industrial estate 5 ha ethylene Chalk water treatment Low/ works. New intermittent handling system Installed S9 Former Chatham Naval TQ 765 705 D asbestos, Medway s/i Removal of Dockyard: 75 ha heavy metals, Estuary contaminated Dockyard, tip (general and toluene Low little material incinerator) extractables evidence StO Coney Hill TQ 375 524 D ammonia, Tributary of C/I scavenging and capped, lined, Landfill 10 ha chloride River Eden treatment of leachate collection Folkestone leachate drains Beds (cost £200k) Groundwater Moderate TABLE C.6 NRA Region: South West

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant (s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination SW1 Falmouth Container Terminal SW 30 80 C/O Heavy Metals Carrtck Roads S Insert clauses Into N/A Proposed Bund construction TBT and NWC 1A Private across estuary estuaries Parliamentary Bill High SW2 St Austell area SW 95 55 O Kaolin colloids Falmouth, St C under discussion china clay mines and spoil 10,320 ha Austell, Par, heaps Luxulyan High RQO failure SW3 South Crofty Mine SW 665 415 D/C Arsenic, Red River S Control through Tin mine spoil heap 5 ha copper, zinc Low Local Plan policies SW4 Conce Moor Waste Disposal SX 040 620 D Leachate Lanivet C intermittent None Site 25 ha Stream (River Domestic refuse tip Camel) Low/localised /Intermittent SW5 Devon Great Consols SX 430 730 D Heavy metals River Tamar C Increased Mining of heavy metals 200 ha High monitoring SW6 Barton Barn Farm SX 599 963 O Low pH Brightley C Liming Fields, As proposed Land drainage for grazing 9 ha copper, iron, stream damming stream zinc, cadmium, High during critical nickel periods TABLE C.6 NRA Region: South West

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination SW7 Camon River/Hale Mills SW 75 42 D/R Low pH, zinc, Carnon River C None until Wheal Stream area copper and tin 500 ha iron, nickel, Hale Mills Jane pollution spoil heaps cadmium, lead, stream resolved copper, arsenic High RQO failure SW8 Newlyn River Catchment 63 ha+ R (some) Aldrin, dieldrin Newlyn River C Banning Aldrin, Fields proven to be Daffodil bulb growing O (others) High encourage anti­ polluting RQO failure runoff measures watercourses converted to grazing SW9 River Qyst Catchment 15,675 ha O Nitrate Rfver Clyst C Designate buffer Agriculture High zones and Nitrate RQO failure Sensitive Areas SW10 Chelson Meadow SX 510 548 O TBT, ammonia, Plym Estuary C Review of Estuary Impact Landfill site others Moderate discharge consent Survey and Waste Discharge Site Licence SW11 River Mere Ball Clay Basin SS 540 100 O/D Suspended River Mere C Settlement of On-going Ball Clay extraction, spoil 200 ha solids Moderate solids prior to settlement heaps RQO failure release of water TABLE C.7 NRA Region: Thames

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination T1 Thames Matex TQ 579 766 O BOD Thames C Separate drainage Tank Farm on made ground Unknown Estuary system from consent groundwater failure 12 Former St Albans Gas Works TL 146 062 D/R/C Sulphate, River Ver, C localised/ Groundwater Removal of most Gas Works 8.5 ha ammonia, Chalk, variable cleanup contaminated land cyanide, Groundwater phenols, metals Localised/ Variable T3 Thames Industrial Estate SU 856 866 R/C Trichloroe­ C Groundwater clean Trichloroethylene storage 3 ha thylene Chalk, up Groundwater T4 Former Laportes Chemical TL 064 220 D/R Sulphate, Chalk, C bioremediation, Bioremediation, Works 20 ha ammonia, Iron, Groundwater excavation excavation Chemical works barium, High groundwater chloride, scavenging T5 Murphy's Chemicals TL 180 143 D Pesticides River Lee, C Excavation, site Pesticide development 3 ha including Chalk, capping, lindale, aldrin, Groundwater groundwater dieldrin High remediation TABLE C.7 NRA Region: Thames

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination T6 Beckton Gas Works TQ 445 815 D/R Chloride, Thames C/S Excavate hot-spots Gas Works 100 ha sulphate, Estuary Capping phenol, High ammonia, cyanide T7 ex-BASF site, Watford TQ 108 974 D Organic River Colne C Extract volatiles, Some printing ink manufacture 2 ha solvents, eg Organics remove or treat contaminated chalk acetone, detected contaminated removed butane, Chalk, ground and toluene, xylene Groundwater groundwater T8 North Cockley Landfill TQ 298 510 O/D Leachate Redhill Brook C/I Capping landfill Low Groundwater High/ Moderate T9 Tripcock Park TQ 455 805 D Leachate Thames C Capping and Disposal of munitions waste estuary, restoration, Low leachate collection Chalk, Groundwater Low T10 Goulds Grove Landfill SU 64 90 O chlorinated Chalk, C/S Consultants report Landfill (incl, paint wastes) 30 ha solvents Groundwater awaited Low TABLE C.7 NRA Region: Thames

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contamlnative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination T11 AEA, Harwell SU 47 86 D Chlorinated Chalk, C Groundwater Equipment ordered Waste disposal, solvents 30 ha solvents, esp Groundwater scavenging and carbon High cleaning tetrachloride T12 BREL, Swtndon SU 13 84 D/R Solvents, oils, River Ray C Removal of Locomotive manufacture 100 ha + metals High contaminated material T13 Cranleigh Works (Redland TQ 069 355 D Zinc, ammonia, Cranleigh C Collect and treat Run-off collected Brick Ltd) 35 ha bromide, waters run-off and treated chemical works bromate High TABLE C.8 NRA Region: Welsh

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contamlnative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination W1 Broflskln, nr Groesfaen ST 069 813 D variety of Low/ C None as yet None Landfill (chemical/industrial chemicals Intermittent waste) local stream, Carboniferous limestone aquifer W2 Sutton Walls SO 525 464 D Ferruginous Lugg C (occasional) Suggested recap None Landfill (chemical and leachate Moderate with impervious Industrial waste) Groundwater cap Moderate W3 Maendy ST 075 877 D Organics, local stream C Impervious cap None Landfill (chemical/industrial including River Ely, and leachate waste) phenols, PCBs, High treatment, if formaldehyde necessary W4 Dyserth Tip, nr Rhyl SJ 057 796 D Metals, Afon C Re-profile, cap Site completed Landfill (domestic) 1 ha sulphate, boron Glanfyddion, properly prior to CoPA Low W5 Castle Works Tip, Flint SJ 245 738 D Leachate River Dee Unknown None as yet Tipping of List 1 substances 20 ha None Groundwater Low W6 River Lane Saltney SJ 381 653 D Organic River Dee C/S None as yet Fullers earth site 1.5 ha None Estuary Unknown TABLE C.8 NRA Region: Welsh

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination W7 Ctwyd Durable Timber, SJ 027 377 0 creosote, local stream C Bunding of site Mitigation Pending Uandrilio copper, High wood treatment chromium, arsenic we Bryn Rodyn Farm SH 576 767 D non-inert local stream C None as yet inert waste tip 1 ha materials Low/localised W9 Waverton Chemicals SJ 454 644 D/C Solvents, PCBs Groundwater C Remove cover, Solvent recovery 1 ha Triassic Clay/concrete cap Sandstone Moderate W10 Kronospan SJ 287 388 D/R Cadmium Afon Bradley, unknown Remove Plasticiser manufacture None contamination (Formerly Ferro (UK) Ltd) Groundwater High W11 Former BSC Coke Oven SJ 304 721 D Ammonia Finger Post C Proposals being lagoons Drain, Dee complied coke oven Estuary High W12 Neston Tank Cleaners SJ 324 684 D PCBs, Rfver Dee S Capping, removal chemical production 30 ha chlorinated Low of contaminants, solvents Groundwater and treatment or High groundwater W13 Brymbo Steel Works SJ 290 535 C PCBs not specified S Removal and Removal of most coal + oil waste tip 1 ha None incineration of highly most contaminated contaminated materials material TABLE C.8 NRA Region: Welsh

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination W14 MANWEB depot SJ 326 683 0 PCBs, copper, Dee estuary S Removal of storage and reconditioning <0.5 ha cadmium None contaminated soil of transformers Groundwater Triassic sandstone Moderate W15 NIPA Laboratories lagoon SJ 333 678 D not specified River Dee C Biological pharmaceutical waste 1 ha None treatment disposal Groundwater Low W16 Wardles Metals SJ 505 386 0 Ammonia, Iron, Red Brook, C Dewatering by Discharge to Red tipping aluminium refinery 2 ha solids High rectrculatlon Brook ceased waste Groundwater W17 Countess Tip, Chester SJ 395 686 D Ammonia, iron Finchetts C Further landfill 8 ha solids Gutter Investigation Moderate/ Seasonal W18 Greenfield SJ 213 778 D/C Sulphide/zinc Dee Estuary C production 20 ha Unknown W19 Princes Pit, Connah's Quay SJ 693 295 D Ammonia Dee Estuary C Landfill (incl nitrogenous 3 ha Unknown fertiliser) W20 C C Crump, Connah's Quay SJ 297 698 0 Oil, chromium, Dee Estuary S Excavate various 4 ha waste None contaminated areas TABLE C.8 NRA Region: Welsh

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contamlnative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination W21 Cwm Ystwyth Mine SN 805 746 D Zinc, cadmium, River Ystwyth C Being examined by lead mining 50 ha arsenic, lead High consultants and other toxic metals W22 Teifi Timber SN 479 401 O Copper, Maesycrugian C Better site On site spillages Timber yard 2.5 ha chromium, (River low management prevented arsenic Tetfii) affects Hotel private supply

W23 Lower Swansea Valley SS 675 967 R/D toxic metals Nant-y- C None as yet non-ferrous metal smelting 500 ha Fendrod (River Tawe) High RQO failure W24 Cadoxton Tip SS 763 988 D not specified Tennant C/S None (only landfill (domestic) 2 ha Canal, Neath localised effects) estuary Low W25 Kenflg Industrial Estate SS 79 83 R high pH, River Kenfig C None Carbide factory 100 ha calcium, Low/localised magnesium, zinc W26 Techon Tip Site SS 540 992 D ammonia, Afon Goch (C) None Landfill (domestic) 3 ha BOD, red Low/ coloration intermittent TABLE C.8 NRA Region: Welsh

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination W27 Pembrey Country Park SN 405 005 amenity Tetryl Coastal S None as yet Munitions production 20 ha waters and Groundwater not confirmed W28 Mechema Chemicals SS 758 890 D Arsenic, cobalt, Port Talbot C Encapsulation non-ferrous metal salts 5 ha manganese docks production Groundwater Carboniferous Localised W29 BP Oil Transit site SS 700 928 O oils, benzene Swansea Bay, C Removal of floating oil and chemical storage 15 ha Coastal Water oil and Groundwater Unknown W30 BP Uandarcy Refinery SS 718 960 O Oils Crymlyn Bog C None as yet Oil refinery 200 ha SSSI Unknown W31 MOD former fuel depot SM 95 03 D Oils, PAH’s, Pembroke C Further site Site investigation 1-2 ha toluene Dock investigation and consultation extractables Groundwater with NRA Limestone Moderate TABLE C.9 NRA Region: Wessex

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination WX1 Tangier, Taunton ST 222 247 D/C Phenols, PAH, River Tone S Encapsulation or None unless further gasworks 3 ha Sulphate, low Low removal development pH wx2 Fox Brothers, Wellington ST 128 220 D/C Permethrin, River Tone C Further Majority of grease wool scouring 0.5 ha dietdrin Moderate investigation to cake removed determine sources upon development of pollutants WX3 Treborough Waste Disposal ST 015 367 D none confirmed Washford I Monitoring Monitoring Capped Site 1 ha to date River landfill Zero WX4 Sherry and Haycock Timber SU 061 016 0 Low level Moors River S/C None Yard 1 ha pesticides Low Timber yard WX5 Porton Down SU 207 374 0 Organics, esp River Bourne C Code of practice Code of Practice MOD site 100 ha+ carbon No evidence on disposal of implemented. tetrachloride Groundwater solvents Borehole aeration Low WX6 Merck, Poole SZ 007 906 O Chemicals Poole S None chemical manufacture 2 ha released during Harbour fire Low WX7 Biokill ST 808 259 0 Pesticides River Stour C None chemical processing 1 ha low/variable monitoring underway TABLE C.9 NRA Region: Wessex

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination WX8 Pitwines gasworks site SZ 018 904 D/R Gaswork Poole C/I Surface drainage Gasworks 20 ha liquors, Harbour separated from phenols etc Not known groundwater WX9 Site of Lessers Buildings SU 075 090 D Pesticides River Crane C Excavate waste None-site in wood treatment 10 ha Zero and contaminated receivership Lagoon Low soil WX10 Bothenhampton Waste SY 472 915 O Ammonia River Brit C Redesign of site Redesign work Disposal Site 20 ha Moderate and diversion of commenced Landfill stream WX11 Lodmoor Waste Disposal SY 680 816 D Metals, Tidal marsh C If problems recur, Site closed Site 20 ha ammonia Moderate sealing and Legal warnings Landfill leachate removal WX12 Cogdean Elms SY 993 98 D/R Organic matter, Springs, River c Repair sewer, Landfill 5 ha ammonia, trace Stour divert surface Organics Low drainage WX13 Site of Cases Tannery ST 858 501 D none River Biss S - pollution None Tannery None incident WX14 Site of British Steel ST 630 723 D/R Not detailed River Avon C Strict site control Strict site control Chemicals 1-2 ha Low on redeveloped chemical plant and waste Intermittent area disposal TABLE C.9 NRA Region: Wessex

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination WX15 Monkton Farleigh Mine ST 805 660 D Possible PCBs Bybrook, unclear confirm problem Wartime MOD use River Avon None confirmed WX16 Cuprinol, Adderwell ST 782 470 0 Pesticides River Frome C improve leachate Basic ieachate Wood preservative High Interception interception manufacture, old industrial enforcement action landfill site pending WX17 Pasmlnco Europe ST 523 790 D/R/C Lead, Severn C Possible zinc smelter slag disposal Cadmium, zinc Estuary commercial use of Moderate tipped slag TABLE C.10 NRA Region: Yorkshire

Site No Name NGR Current Po!lutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination Y1 John Carr, Watch House SE 559 049 O PCPs, Lindane, Northswaithe C Groundwater to None Lane, Doncaster 3-4 ha TBT Dyke, Bentley treatment plant Joinery Mill Stream (active carbon High RQO absorption), site failure timber processes under cover and contain drainage (cost £150 k) Y2 Pilkington glass Kirksanda) SE 604 082 O Solid residues River Don, C No extra remedial Effluent pumped to 15 ha Southport sand Grumblehlrst works proposed treatment and iron oxide drain Moderate Y3 Coalite Chemicals SK 457 717 D/R River Doe Lea C Plans for removing Reed bed treatment Chemical refinery 35 ha Dioxins, furans High dioxins still being for tip run-off RQO failure considered collection and interception system for tar escapes to river now Implemented Y4 Coalite, Grimethorpe SE 415 075 O/D Spoil heap River Deame C • mainly from Find alternative to None coking works spoil tip 100 ha from coking and ongoing spoil heap process Grimethorpe processing of disposal/treatment Dyke, smokeless fuels Moderate TABLE C.10 NRA Region: Yorkshire

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination

Y5 Beighton landfill Sheffield SK 425 843 0 Leachate Shire Brook C Retrospective None Landfill (domestic) 20 ha (culverted remedial action on through site) culvert required though not decided on

Y6 Coal Products Ltd, SK 393 680 0 River Rother C Isolate river None Chesterfield 36 ha operations High channel and Coal products due to cease RQO failure groundwater flow on 19.9.92 through controlled pumping. Y7 Cononley Lead Mines SD 977 461 D Lead Cononley C None None Lead mining 10 ha Beck Low Y8 Sunlane tip SE 157 466 D Leachate Sunlane Beck C Divert leachate to None Landfill (domestic) 4 ha Low sewer Y9 Croda Hydrocarbons SE 512 238 D/R nature Tar products Kellingley C Check for None Hydrocarbon processing 1 ha reserve main drain groundwater (culverted) contamination Low TABLE C.10 NRA Region: Yorkshire

Site No Name NGR Current Pollutant(s) Target Water Current Status Remedial Work Remedial Work Contaminative use Area Status of Body & Level of Proposed Undertaken Site of Pollution Contamination Y10 ICI Bradley Park tip SE 168 215 D/C Chemical tip River Calder C Results of BH's yet None Landfill (chemical waste) 35 ha leachate Low to be given ICI have plans for treatment for poor quality groundwater if necessary Appendix D





D1 ANGLIAN REGION D.1 D1.1 Thorpe Railway Sidings D.1 D1.2 Brit Agg D.2 D1.3 Calders and Grandidge D.3 D1.4 Laundry, Hardwick Industrial Estate D.4 D1.5 RAF Honington D.5

D.2 NORTHUMBRIA NRA D.6 D2.1 Bishop Middleton Landfill Site D.6 D2.2 Derwenthaugh Cokeworks D.7 D2.3 Queens Park D.8 D2.4 Primrose Hill D.9 D2.5 Battleship Wharf D.10

D3 NORTH WEST NRA D.11 D3.1 Rixton Tips, Moat Lane, Warrington D.11 D3.2 William Blythe & Co, Holland Bank Works D.12 D3.3 Commonside Farm, Alvanley, Frodsham D.13 D3.4 SankeyBrook D.14 D3.5 Trimpell Site, Heysham D.15

D4 SEVERN TRENT NRA D.16 D4.1 Bentley Mill Lane Tip D.16 D4.2 Van Lead Mines D.17 D4.3 Carless Solvents, Stoke-on-Trent D.18 D4.4 Synthetic Chemicals, Four Ashes D.19 D4.5 Heyope Tyre Disposal Site D.20

D.5 SOUTHERN NRA D.21 D.5.1 CMR Ltd, Rye D.21 D.5.2 London Road/Cryalls Lane, Sittingbourne D.22 D.5.3 Hellerman Deutsch, East Grinstead D.24 D.5.4 Former Chatham Naval Dockyard D.25 D.5.5 Coney Hill Landfill, Oxted, Surrey D.26

D.6 SOUTH WEST NRA D.27 D.6.1 Falmouth Container Terminal D.27 D.6.2 South Crofty Tin Mine, Camborne D.28 D.6.3 Devon Great Consols, Tavistock D.29 D.6.4 Barton Barn Farm, Okehampton D.30 D.6.5 Newlyn River Catchment D.31 THAMES NRA D.32 D.7.1 Thames Matex Tank Farm, Grays D.32 D.7.2 Thames Industrial Estate, Marlow D.33 D.7.3 Atomic Energy Authority (AEA), Harwell D.34 D.7.4 British Rail Engineering Works, Swindon D.35 D.7.5 Redland Brick Ltd, Horsham, Sussex D.36

WELSH NRA D.37 D8.1 Neston Tank Cleaners D.37 D8.2 Cwm Ystwyth Mine, Aberystwth D.38 D8.3 Lower Swansea Valley D.39 D8.4 Mechema Chemicals, Port Talbot D.40 D8.5 BP Oil Refinery, Llandarcy D.41

WESSEX NRA D.42 D9.1 Fox Brothers, Wellington D.42 D9.2 Merck, Poole D.43 D9.3 Monkton Farleigh Mine, Bath D.44 D9.4 Cuprinol Ltd, Adderwell D.45 D9.5 PASMINCO EUROPE, AVONMOUTH D.46

YORKSHIRE NRA D.47 D10.1 John Carr Joinery, Doncaster D.47 DIO.2 Pilkington Glass, Kirksandal D.48 DIO.3 Coalite Chemicals, Bolsover Refinery D.49 DIO.4 Coalite Grimethorpe D.50 D10.5 Coal Products Ltd, Avenue Works, Chesterfield D.51 D1 ANGLIAN REGION

D1.1 Thorpe Railway Sidings Site Ref: A1 NGR: TG 245 078 Area: 200 hectares +


The site was historically a major distribution centre for the railways, taking goods from the ports for redistribution around East Anglia. The site has been partly redeveloped as an industrial estate.


The site is underlain by Chalk at depths between 7 and 42 metres and fluvio-glacial sands and gravels. Aquifers are contained within both the chalk and sand and gravel horizons. The nearest public water supply borehole is 500 metres away from the site and there is evidence of contamination. Groundwater samples show: up to 25,300 }j i q /\ trlchlorothene up to 58 /jg/l carbon tetrachloride 10-100 jig/l tetrachloroethane


As a direct result of contamination by solvents of a public water supply Investigations into the nature and extent of groundwater pollution have been undertaken. Investigations involved drilling, test pumping and logging of six boreholes. Action has already been taken at the public supply source where an activated charcoal process has been installed.

D.1 D1.2 Brit Agg Site Ref: A6 NGR: TA 035 232 Area: 50 hectares +


This site has a long history of fertiliser and agrochemical formulation processes. The site was established in the late 1920’s by a small farming company, the activities were significantly expanded and was subsequently taken over by Albright and Wilson and then by ICI. The site has been derelict since about 1990. The DoE are currently assisting the local authority in the purchase and redevelopment of the area.


The site is located above a major public water supply aquifer in the Chalk which is overlain by a clay layer. Recent surveys of the site have identified a number of old boreholes, backfilled with rubble, that penetrate the Chalk and could provide a pathway for pollutants to enter the aquifer.

The surface waters discharge to the Humber Estuary. Analysis of this discharge shows high levels of Dieldrin (mean of 60.5 ng/l) and arsenic (mean of 1195.4 jjg /l).


The DoE are assisting the local authority in the investigation of this site; to date grants totalling £93K have been spent on investigations. The soils beneath the site are contaminated with pockets of heavy chemical contamination - part of the site was also found to have been a landfill. The NRA have been consulted during the investigations and the results will be available shortly.

D.2 D1.3 Calders and Grandidge Site Ref: A7 NGR: TF 326 427 Area: 20 hectares


This is the site of a long established timber treatment yard and has been a major UK site over a number of years for the production of telegraph poles. As a result of the timber treatment processes the land Is heavily contaminated with creosote, copper chrome asenates, protlm etc.


The site is underlain by clay and therefore does not pose a risk to groundwaters. The main problems are associated with the runoff from the site and subsequent pollution of the surface waters.


The owners of the site have contracted consultants to investigate the site and to make recommendations on remedial measures. The recommendations included measures to retain runoff from the site and to clean up identified hot spots of contamination. These measures are currently being implemented.

D.3 D1.4 Laundry* Hardwick Industrial Estate Site Ref: A15 NGR: TL 857 632 Area: 180m2


This is the site of a small laundry with a dry cleaning operation. The laundry has been in existence for many years over which time the common practice of throwing waste solvents onto the land at the rear of the premises has resulted in groundwater contamination with chlorinated solvents.


The site is located on the unconfined Middle Chalk and is close to the Rivers Linnet and Lark. There is a very large potable abstraction in Bury St Edmunds. There has been extensive analysis of boreholes in the area and a number of supplies are known to be affected. In an Anglian Water Services borehole 1.5km away chlorinated solvents are found at 0.5 ^g /l whilst at a local brewery, 0.75km away, the concentration is 40 ^ g /l; perchlorethylene concentrations upto 1500 fjg /\ have been found in boreholes in the area.


Consultants have undertaken a soil gas survey and a shallow borehole survey, whilst the NRA has surveyed the drainage system and boreholes in the area. The extent of the contamination is confined to a depth of 7 metres over the 180mz of the site. No proposals have, as yet, been put forward for remediation. Remedial works could include the excavation and removal of material or the pumping of on site boreholes to contain the contamination.

D.4 D1.5 RAF Honington Site Ref: A16 NGR: TL 875 759 Area: Unknown


The site is an operational RAF base with adjacent industrial uses such as a historical engineering works which served the base. There are still some discharges on site to the ground.


Activities on the base, and also probably from those associated with the engineering works, have caused contamination of the groundwater within the chalk with chlorinated hydrocarbons. Since 1985 the RAF boreholes have been found to be contaminated and a few private boreholes have also been affected. The nearest public supply borehole is 3.5km away and is being sampled by the NRA.


The MOD have contracted consultants to carry out an investigation but the results are not available to the NRA. Downstream abstractors have also had independent work done in their efforts to seek compensation.

There have been no proposals for remedial works although some local abstractors are treating the water.


D2.1 Bishop Middleton Landfill Site Site Ref: N1 NGR: NZ 335 315 Area: 0.5 hectares


The site is an old limestone quarry that has subsequently been used as a landfill site by the County Council. The site primarily accepted domestic waste and officially ceased to operate in 1974. An old cokeworks at Fishburn to the east of the tip has been demolished. Prior to demolition a correct disposal route for the waste was agreed between the developer and the Planning Authority. However, some Blue Billy waste has found its way to the Bishop Middleham tip. This waste was dumped illegally on the surface. NRA first discovered that there was Blue Billy waste on the site in 1990. The site is currently derelict.


The site is underlain by a Magnesian Limestone aquifer, leachate from the site has caused cyanide pollution of the groundwater to levels above those specified in the EC drinking water directive, cyanide levels have been recorded at 3 times this limit in one observation borehole.

The nearest public borehole, operated by Hartlepools Water Company is 4.5 kilometres away. Hartlepools^Water Company have however designated an area nearer the tip as the next phase for extension of their abstraction regime.


The NRA has drilled 6 observation boreholes to monitor the situation. Samples are regularly taken for cyanide analysis. Proposed remedial action is based upon the removal of cyanide bearing waste to a suitable disposal site. Until this action is taken there will be continued migration of cyanide into the aquifer.

Removal of the material was agreed, however concerns over health and safety during the removal operation have delayed the start of the remedial work. D2.2 Derwenthaugh Cokeworks Site Ref: N3 NGR: NZ 193 615 Area: 3 hectares


The site is an old cokeworks with associated mines which ceased to operate in 1984. The demolition of the works commenced immediately after closure and the present decontamination work is the continuation of this decommissioning operation. The site is derelict but is being cleaned up by Gateshead MBC to enable development to proceed.


The site is located in river terrace deposits adjacent to the River Derwent The groundwater flows through the site and enters the river via the River gravels at the downstream end. There is a lagoon with a surface layer of oil within the site. The discharge from this lagoon is being intercepted prior to its entering the river.

Volatiles have been found on top of the water table which is 1.0 to 2.0 metres below ground. Other contaminants are present in the column.

There is no ground water abstraction in the vicinity of the site.


Numerous site investigations have been undertaken by Gateshead MBC. Gateshead MBC initially planned to excavate the solid contaminants and encapsulate them in existing concrete tanks on site. However, the operation exposed the groundwater pollution and allowable atmospheric Benzene levels were exceeded.

A bentonite wall is to be installed around this area and solvent abstraction techniques are to be employed. On completion the bentonite wall will be allowed to deteriorate so that groundwater movements can return to normal.

In addition a pilot scheme by a Contractor, Biolytic Systems, has been installed and found to operate successfully.


This site is likely to be amongst the first in the north-east to use large scale techniques for the separation of volatile Organics from the aqueous phases.

D.7 D2.3 Queens Park Site Ref: N6 NGR: NZ 443 197 Area: 1.1 hectares


There has been a gasworks on this site since 1899. The gas works were demolished in 1983. The underground gas tanks were buried when the site was levelled immediately after demolition. Stockton Borough Council has told NRA that the site was capped with clay as part of the levelling process. The area is currently open space but Wimpey Homes proposes to develop the site for residential usage. Wimpey Homes approached NRA to discuss the remediation of the site.


There is no ground water abstraction in the vicinity of the site. There is however a watercourse, the Lustrum Beck, two kilometres to the west of the site. The water table, probably perched, has been encountered at 0.9 to 2.1 metres depth. No evidence of pollution of surface water or groundwater has been related back to this site. However NRA has requested that a hydrogeological study of the site be undertaken to assess the problem. NRA is concerned about contaminants migrating along future drainage paths installed to serve the development which could then discharge to the Lustrum Beck.


Two site investigations have been undertaken. The first by Bostock Hill and Rigby Ltd in 1983 found that extracted liquids were floating on top of the groundwater. , Coal Tars, Total Cyanide and Phenols were present. The Toluene and Coal Tar contamination exceeds ICRCL limits over the majority of the site whilst the Phenols exceed ICRCL limits over half the area. Remediation will depend on hydrogeological investigation, but could be removal, treatment or containment.


Site adjacent to Primrose Hill

D.8 D2.4 Primrose Hill Site Ref: N7 NGR: NZ 442 200 Area: Approximately 5 hectares


In 1899 the site was occupied by West Stockton Iron Works with Westbourne Iron Works lying immediately to the east of the site. Waste slag heaps occupied some of the land and there were railway sidings serving the works. In 1918 the Iron Works were abandoned. The area of the site containing the ironworks and spoil heaps adjacent to the Lustrum Beck has been levelled. The railway tracks have been removed but otherwise the sidings have not altered and are contaminated with heavy metals. The site is currently derelict open space. The site is scheduled for partial industrial redevelopment, the remainder being left as open space.

NRA's involvement commenced at the planning consultation stage and there has been further consultation with Stockton Borough Council.


The Lustrum Beck forms the north west boundary of the site. There is no visible pollution of this watercourse. The ground water table, probably perched on the clay, was encountered at 1.0 to 3.0 metre depths. There are no water abstraction facilities in the area.

The contamination may in time pollute the Lustrum Beck if no action is taken. If development proceeds, contamination may migrate along development drainage paths.


A full site investigation was undertaken by Northern Environmental Consultants in 1990. The western side of the site suffers from slight contamination overall with a few hot spots of coal tar, lead, arsenic and mercury. The eastern side (north sidings) has heavy contamination (Pb - major, As - cd lesser, Cu, Zn) associated with fill material. There are also some hot spots of coal tar.

Remediation proposals suggesting the installation of a capillary breaklayer and subsoil on half the area which is designated as open space have been put forward. For the industrial development concrete foundations and surfacing will be used to minimise water ingress. NRA favours the installation of a 0.5 metre clay capping layer. In addition NRA favours preferential drainage alongside the Lustrum Beck with discharge to the beck only if uncontaminated, otherwise flow should be routed to sewage works.

D.9 D2.5 Battleship Wharf Site Ref: N10 NGR: NZ 309 828 Area: 0.2 hectares


The wharf is owned by Blyth Harbour commission, this is in turn equally owned by the two local councils.

The wharf is used for ship breaking. At the time of the oil spillage from the wharf the operator was breaking two Russian Vessels. NRA was notified because of the oil pollution which was contained. Subsequently the operator went bankrupt and another operator was brought In to finish scrapping the vessels. The wharf is currently empty.


PCB contaminated sediments were found on the bed of the wharf and In the main river. The highest concentration being 35.3mg/kg (wet weight). The worst pollution, which is above acceptable levels, is concentrated, 200 metres upstream and downstream of the wharf above the dredged channel, ie. on bench to the harbour wait. The implications are higher concentrations of PCB in the food chain.


Since the oil spillage was from Russian vessels and knowing Russian practice, samples were tested for PCB contamination. NRA undertook the initial investigation by sampling river sediments. There was a subsequent combined NRA/Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) and further surveys by MAFF including one of the offshore dumping grounds. Wimpey Environmental have undertaken a survey for the Port Authority. The method of remediation is still being assessed but if the waste were to be removed and then incinerated it would cost between V* and % million pounds.


D3.1 Rixton Tips, Moat Lane, Warrington Site Ref: NW1 NGR: SJ 685 915 - SJ 682 909 Area: 7 hectares


There are three sites here contributing to one problem. The area has been used to win clay and subsequent waste disposal has followed. The sites have received general industrial waster petrochemical wastes and sludges, fly ash and toxic wastes, especially arsenic. The sites are currently derelict.


The natural drift thickness is between 8 and 12m and is dominated by boulder clay. Where this has been removed for brick and tile manufacture, there may be ingress/egress pathways to the lower drift groundwater confined in underlying sand and gravel.

The nearest public water supply borehole is 5.8km from the clayplt abstraction point.

The nearest watercourse is Marsh Brook, which Is adjacent to all three sites. It is 3km in length and is unclassified - it is quoted as being In appalling condition and would be Class 4.


The current site owner has commissioned a site survey and wishes to remediate the site, creating another tip to assist with payment for the remedial works. The local planning department Is opposing this on political grounds, wishing to discourage further tipping in the area.

The site suffers from a poor cap. Rainfall fills the site and spills out. Remedial works need to include the placement of a proper cap keyed into the existing bund, which will be very expensive.

D.11 D3.2 William Blythe & Co, Holland Bank Works Site Ref: NW4 NGR: SD 737 286 Area: 7 hectares


This site has a long history of use as chemical works with a waste disposal area. At present, the chemical works is active, producing Inorganic chemicals: zinc, copper, tin, lead and arsenic compounds are produced.


The site Is underlain by boulder clay of unknown depth with possible lenses of sand and gravel. The underlying rock is Carboniferous sandstone which is locally much faulted and fissured or penetrated by coat workings. There would be a danger of leachate escaping to small local aquifers only if the clay cover were removed.

The nearest public water supply borehole is 5.7km distant from the site.

The site is bounded by Tinker Brook and White Ash Brook, both Class 3 watercourses as a result of seepages from the site. These join to form Hyndburn Brook downstream of the site; this too is a Class 3 watercourse with elevated levels of metals. Data available on biological surveys indicates an improvement in these watercourses.


There has been no site investigation carried out. However, there have been improvements made to the trade effluent treatment plant and the storm tanks on the site. The treated trade effluent, including the tip leachate, is now being diverted to the public sewer. Contaminated drainage from the site is intercepted by means of collection sumps and trammel drains (drainage channels formed from geotextiles). Much of this work Is now completed, and has cost £300,000 to date.

The NRA is going to continue monitoring the progress of the remedial works and the condition of local watercourse.

D.12 D3.3 Commonside Farm, Alvanley, Frodsham Site Ref: NW 5 NGR: SJ 504 745 Area: 2.5 hectares


The site was originally an unlicensed and uncontrolled Central Electricity Board fly ash tip. The fill was placed over a watercourse which was poorly culverted. Subsequent use of the site has been for tipping industrial wastes, petrochemical sludges, redundant transformers and oil. The site is currently derelict.


The site is underlain by glacial boulder clay of up to 40m in depth, which in turn lies over a sandstone aquifer. Significant levels of PCBs have been found to be present below the point of discharge in the local watercourse.

The nearest public water supply borehole is 0.5km away - there is no evidence of pollution to this.

The nearest watercourse is Commonside Brook which is 0.5km away and 4km in length. This is polluted with PCBs and is unclassified.


The impact of the pollution Is monitored on a bimonthly survey basis by the NRA. A geological survey has also been carried out. Vale Royal council have commissioned an independent report on health aspects connected with the site. MAFF have limited the water use for irrigation (presumably abstraction from watercourse). The NRA are continuing to carry out biological monitoring of the watercourse.

The proposed remedial actions are 1) to remove waste from the site and Incinerate it, or 2) cap the site properly, divert the watercourse away from the site and treat the PCBs in situ, though the NRA have doubts about this as it would employ new technology from the USA which still requires research, or 3) cap site and leave alone.

D.13 i i I

D3.4 Sankey Brook Site Ref: NW7 NGR: SJ 534 942 Area: 500 hectares


This site was used for the disposal of chemical wastes, mainly alkalis, from the late 1700s and the early 1800s. It is now a combination of public open space, school playing fields and a partly developed industrial park.


The site is underlain by boulder clay of unknown thickness with terraces of alluvium, mostly sandy silt. There is a major fault in the carboniferous shale that lies beneath the boulder clay. The rock is also locally disrupted by mine workings and may prove to be permeable by fissure flow. There are very minor perched water tables on the site which are likely to be very close to the surface. Groundwater movement is likely to be towards the watercourse.

The nearest public water supply borehole is 4km away - no evidence of pollution.

The nearest water courses are Sutton Brook, Hardshaw Brook and Sankey Brook which ail run through the site. These are all Class 4.


There has been no site investigation carried out apart from chemical and biological sampling from the brooks. There have been no proposals put forward for remediation.

D.14 D3.5 Trimpell Site, Heysham Site Ref: NW9 NGR: SD 417 587 Area: 51 hectares


There is no detailed documentation of previous uses of this site, but it was most recently used as a petrochemical refinery which closed in 1978*79 approximately. The site is predominantly derelict with four small developments on the periphery.


The site is underlain with boulder clay with occasional sandy horizons. At a depth of ~67m there are shales. Carboniferous sandstones in the area form minor aquifers which historically have been used extensively, though they are now disused. Locally there seems to be little risk to groundwater in the carboniferous sandstones due to the thickness of low permeability drift and rocks above; however, numerous boreholes have been drilled in the past which may offer a direct conduit.

The nearest public water supply borehole is 14km distant. However, it should be noted that in rural areas there is a high probability of minor domestic unlicensed sources in closer proximity.

The nearest watercourse is Trimpell Dyke which was class 4 prior to pumping. Pumps have now been installed and the Dyke has improved to class 2/3.


There is chemical and biological information available on Trimpell Dyke.

Remedial action has taken the form of a new pump installation, to pump effluent away from site, the protection of gravity drainage to Trimpell Dyke, bacterial treatment of certain areas and the encapsulation of chemical 'hot spots'. Removal of 10,000m3 of sludge and site renovation are currently on-going. During this work a number of oil taden drainage channels were found, these have been capped off with concrete.


D4.1 Bentley Mill Lane Tip Site Ref: ST3 NGR: SO 991 981 Area: 10 hectares


The site has been used as a tipping site and transfer station for Copper refinery waste and is located over old mine workings. The site is currently derelict, is part owned by the Earl of Bradford estate, and is adjacent to the I Mi James Bride Copper Refinery.


The site is underlain by Middle Carboniferous Coal Measure strata which consists of shales and mudstones, coal measures and fissured sandstones. The underlying coal workings appear to be saturated to the surface. The water table is at ground level in places. A buried drain running across the site facilitates preferential water movement to occur in the direction of the River Tame. The River Tame Itself also passes adjacent to the site.

There is evidence of pollution of the River from contaminated groundwater and runoff from the site. Long term chemical analysis of the River, drains and run off show elevated levels of copper, zinc, nickel and iron (upto 10-40 mg/l).


There has been considerable monitoring of the surface waters by the NRA. A more detailed site investigation has been undertaken; this has been financed jointly by the NRA and IMI. At present no proposals for remediation have been proposed, but further investigations are proposed at the reinfery site. It is considered that contamination from the vicinity of the refinery site (operating since 1917) has polluted groundwater in the Coal Measures which is migrating into the River Tame.

D.16 D4.2 Van Lead Mines Site Ref: ST4 NGR: SN 942 887 Area: 2 hectares


This is the site of a nineteenth century lead mine. Wastes from the mine are present in large waste heaps (tailings) and ‘slimes’. The major contaminants are lead, zinc and iron whilst cadmium, copper, nickel, chromium, silver and barium are also present in elevated amounts.

The site is currently derelict. Old gas works waste has been tipped in isolated pockets.


The main water quality impact of this site is upon the Afon Cerist, a Class 1a watercourse, that passes through the site and changes to Class 4 as a result of leached metals. There is available historical, chemical and biological analysis which indicates a long term serious metals pollution problem.


Comprehensive investigatory work has been undertaken into the site and water quality implications. Provisional schemes for remediation include:

• capping • diversion of stream • transportation

A further proposal, to extract lead and silver from the spoil tips has also been put forward. This however, is likely to have potential pollution implications arising from extensive disturbance of the site and the processing activities.

D.17 D4.3 Carless Solvents, Stoke-on-Trent Site Ref: ST5 NGR: SJ 851 504 Area: 10 hectares


The site was established in 1873 and has been used for a variety of chemical processing activities since then. The site is still operational and is owned by Carless Refinery and Marketing Ltd. and Esso have an LPG depot adjacent to the site.


The site is located on alluvium overlying bands of Carboniferous Green Marl. Groundwater samples, taken from the solvents site, show concentrations of phenois and cyanides which have accumulated as a result of a previous site use; neither material is stored on site. BOD's have been recorded in concentrations of thousands of milligrams/litre. There are also high concentrations of Organics.

The Fowlea Brook flows through the site. This is a Class 4 watercourse with a river quality objective of 3. The deterioration of water quality is likely to be directly as a result of pollution from this site.


Consultants have been engaged by Carless to investigate the problem. Proposals for remediation and implementation plans are currently being awaited.

D.18 D4.4 Synthetic Chemicals, Four Ashes Site Ref: ST8 NGR: SJ 916 090 Area: not known


This site was previously used for tar distillation and is currently an operational chemical production site.


The site is within a zone 2 Aquifer Protection policy area and is underlain by the Triassic Bromsgrove Sandstone. The nearest borehole abstraction is 0.5km away, with the nearest public water supply borehole 1.5km away. There are also 3 boreholes on site for monitoring purposes. Analysis of the site groundwater shows contamination with various Organics and there is a risk of long term contamination of the public water supplies. At present there is no contamination of the surface watercourse, the Saredon Brook, 0.5km away.


A site investigation is nearing completion and the NBA are in discussion with the owners of the site with respect to the groundwater contamination.

D.19 D4.5 Heyope Tyre Disposal Site Site Ref: ST 10 NGR: SO 224 748 Area: 2 hectares


The site is an operational tip for the disposal of tyres. A fire started in October 1989 and is still burning underground.


The site is underlain by Silurian Strata which contain only minor aquifers. There are no groundwater abstractions in the vicinity.

A tributary of the Ffrwdwen flows through the site and is culverted beneath the tip. The downstream quality of this stream has been assessed as Class 4 and elevated levels of oils, Organics, zinc and iron have been recorded. There has been a considerable degree of monitoring of this site by the NRA.


As a result of the on-going underground fire at this site and the severe risk that this poses, there has been extensive site investigation work undertaken. A detailed slte-survey is nearing completion and will propose measures for dealing with the fire and for improving surface water quality.


D.5.1 CMR Ltd, Rye Site Ref: S2 NGR: TQ 931 195 Area: 1 hectare


The site is located adjacent to Rye Harbour and has a long history of potentially contaminating uses. Operations commenced on the site in the 1870’s when it was part of the railway and sidings which supplied a tar works. It currently houses a solvent recovery operation with temporary storage of recovered solvents.

The area to the south of the works was subject to gravel extraction in the 1940s and 1950s. These workings now form an extensive lake which has subsequently been developed as an SSSI and a bird sanctuary.


The site is located on shingle and tidal alluvium and the hydrogeology is heavily influenced by the estuary of the River Rother, which is 400 m to the north of the site. The nearest groundwater abstraction is 2.5 km away from the site and there is no hydraulic continuity with the alluvium in the Rye Harbour area.

There is evidence of surface water pollution of the freshwater lakes 100 m to the south of the site. This was reported In the late 1980s and elevated BODs, ammoniacal nitrogen, phenols and organic solvents were detected. Subsequent monitoring indicates that the contamination appears to be diminishing.


To establish the extent of the contamination and to formulate appropriate remedial measures, site investigation work has been carried out. In 1991 a series of pits were dug between the site and the freshwater lake. This revealed contaminated water in the gravels with concentrations reducing towards the lake. It was also established that groundwater levels on the site are generally below the lake ievel. Thus there is no hydrostatic head towards the lake and contaminants are unlikely to migrate in that direction. However, the evidence of pollution indicates that under certain conditions the contaminants will move towards the lake.

To contain the contaminants arising from the site an impermeable synthetic membrane has been employed along the boundary of the site. The lake is currently monitored on a monthly basis.

D.21 D.5.2 London Road/Cryalls Lane, Sittlngbourne Site Ref: S6 NGR: TQ 982 638 Area: 1 hectare


The site was used extensively from 1926 to 1979 for the production of insecticides and from 1979 to 1988 for the manufacture of natural glues and gelatines. The various wastes from the insecticide plant, primarily liquids, were disposed of on site to a pond. The site has been derelict since 1988. Planning permission has been granted for development as a non-food retail outlet, subject to NRA approval.


The site is located on made ground and lead deposits overlaying flinty chalk. The flow in the chalk aquifer is in a north easterly direction. The nearest groundwater abstractions lie 1 km to the ENE and 2 km to the east and are both for industrial uses. The nearest public supply borehole is 2 km WNW and is unlikely to be affected.

Investigations into groundwater beneath this site indicate localised ’hot spots’ in the area of the former pond which has migrated laterally and vertically. Analysis of this groundwater indicates high concentrations of phenols, ammonia and polyaromatic hydrocarbons.

The nearest surface watercourse is Milton Creek, 1.25 km away, which is designated as poor in the estuary classification. The main concerns for surface water and groundwater quality arise from the potential release of contaminants during redevelopment.


In the course of proposing redevelopment plans for the site a range of investigations have been undertaken since circa 1989. This has largely been restricted to chemical investigations on the site itself although some work has indicated an adjacent infilled chalk pit is also contaminated. In the summer of 1992 further work was undertaken which included the installation of a number of permanent monitoring boreholes.

With the proposed redevelopment of the site as a large retail outlet a number of remedial measures have been put forward which will need to be implemented to prevent further pollution of the groundwater or surface waters. These proposals include:

• removal of hot spots of contamination

• use of hard landscape to minimise percolation of water

• intermittent pumping of boreholes

D.22 • modifications/improvements of service conduits

Planning approval for the site is conditional upon approval of remedial measures by the NRA


A detailed consultant's report has just been submitted to the NRA and is currently being assessed.

D.23 D.5.3 Hellerman Deutsch, East Grinstead Site Ref: S7 NGR: TQ 391 391 Area: 1 hectare


This is an industrial site involving a metal plating process which has resulted in a gradual accumulation of contaminants over a number of years.


The site is the cause of some concern because of the close proximity of a number of groundwater abstractions in the Hastings Beds and In particular a public water supply 0.25 km away. There is however no evidence of this supply being affected at present, although an on site borehole indicates high levels of trichloroethylene.

The Eden brook, a class 1B watercourse, is 0.25 km away from the site but shows no evidence of pollution.


Due to the threat this site poses to a potable groundwater supply, the NRA have been involved in all stages of site investigation and remediation. Evidence from an on site borehole indicated trichloroethylene contamination up to 50,000 ^ig/l in the top five metres. As a result of the degree of contamination identified, a number of remedial measures have been put in place. These measures involve soil water scavenging and positive soil venting.

D.24 D.5.4 Former Chatham Naval Dockyard Site Ref: S9 NGR: TQ 765 705 Area: 75 hectares


The site, on the River Medway Estuary, was formerly a naval dockyard and has historically been used for the disposal of various wastes over many centuries. Activities associated with the dockyard included disposal of oils, incinerator ash and metallic wastes.

The site is currently being decontaminated prior to development.


The site is known to be heavily contaminated with asbestos, heavy metals and toluene extractables although there is very little evidence of water pollution. There is however major potential for release of these pollutants into the water environment and in particular to the Medway which is within 10 m of the site boundary.


The site has been taken over from the MOD by a Development Consortium who have commissioned intensive investigations and site surveys. As a result major remedial actions are currently being implemented. This primarily involves the removal of several hundred thousand m3 of material, which is being disposed of to an appropriate clay pit landfill in Bedfordshire.


Extensive analytical data are available on this site.

D.25 D.5.5 Coney Hill Landfill, Oxted, Surrey Site Ref: S10 NGR: TQ 375 524 Area: 10 hectares


This is the site of an old sand quarry which has been recently landfilled. Landfilling operations have ceased, the site has been capped and is currently awaiting final restoration to agricultural use.


The installation of a liner to the site was problematic and has subsequently been found to be ineffective, with some perimeter monitoring boreholes showing elevated concentrations of ammonia (20 m g/l) and chlorides (500 mg/l). This is causing concern over maintaining water quality in a public water supply borehole in the Folkestone Beds aquifer, which is 0.5 km away and a tributary of the River Eden, a class IB watercourse, which is 100 m from the site.


In response to problems associated with the integrity of the liner of this site there have been a number of surveys aimed at assessing the mechanism for contamination, with considerable on-going site monitoring. Remedial actions already completed are:

• reinstatement of liner drainage system

• construction of perimeter leachate collection drains.

A further proposal has been made for the scavenging and treatment of the leachate and for monitoring of the aquifer at a greater distance from the landfill to establish the speed and movement of the pollutants.


D.6.1 Falmouth Container Terminal Site Ref: SW1 NGR: SW 30 80


A proposal has been put forward to convert the existing commercial port on the Fal Estuary into a container terminal. This development would involve the construction of a bund across part of the estuary mouth.


The estuary collects flows from the River Fal, Carnon River, River Allen and River Kenwyn; of which the Fal is occasionally contaminated with china clay wastes whilst the Carnon has high concentrations of metals as a result of the long history of mining in the area. Consequently the estuary sediments are similarly contaminated. The construction of the bund may increase tidal velocities which in turn may cause the contaminated sediment to be mobilised. Should this happen the metals could seriously damage a national marine reserve off St Mawes. There is also concern over substantial quantities of T6T that have accumulated in the sediments.


Falmouth Container pic have undertaken a desk study of the estuary hydraulics and also a preliminary environmental impact assessment. Prior to proceeding with the proposed development it will have to be demonstrated that there will be no long term deterioration of the water quality, fisheries or ecosystems.

• No increased risk of flooding.

• No short term advise effects during construction works.

The NRA in association with South West Water propose to implement this through insertion of protection clauses into a private parliamentary bill.

D.27 D.6.2 South Crofty Tin Mine, Camborne Site Ref: SW3 NGR: SW 665 415 Area: 5 hectares


The site in Camborne is adjacent to the currently operational South Crofty Tin Mine and has, until recently, been subject to intensive tin mining and processing activities. The site is consequently heavily contaminated with abandoned mine spoil. There are currently proposals for a residential development.


The spoil on the site has concentrations of arsenic, copper and zinc well in excess of ICRCL threshold levels, see table below:

Concentrations (mg/kg)

Contaminants Max Min ICRCL threshold trigger for Gardens

As 4876 181 10 Cu 1426 246 130 Zn 726 131 300

For the proposed development some 10,000 cubic metres of contaminated material will need to be excavated and removed from the site. Disturbance of the spoil will cause increased pollution of the surface waters. There is also the potential for the contamination of other catchments from landfill sites receiving the material.


No NRA site investigations have been carried out to date. It is proposed to control the development through the local plan policies and to apply the ‘no deterioration of water quality' principle with reference to EC Directives.

D.28 D.6.3 Devon Great Consols, Tavistock Site Ref: SW5 NGR: SX 430 730 Area: 2 sq km


Devon Great Consols is an extensive area which has been contaminated as a result of the extraction and refining of heavy metal ores including tin, copper and arsenic. The site is now derelict with large areas un-vegetated. Around the periphery of the site is a commercial forest.


The site gives rise to severe metallic contamination of the streams within the site and there is potential for gross pollution of the River Tamar in the event of underground or surface slippage. This has severe implications on a major public water supply on the River Tamar downstream of the site.


Water quality has been monitored for the last thirty years and more recent studies have been undertaken in the last two years to investigate the stability and leaching of contaminants from un-vegetated spoil.

Proposals for remediation include stabilisation of the slopes, to minimise the risk from spillage of the mine waste tips, and work on certain adits, again to ensure slope stability. However, the cost implications are such that this work will not proceed although increased sampling frequencies and additional monitoring, with automatic water quality monitors are being progressed.

D.29 D.6.4 Barton Barn Farm, Okehampton Site Ref: SW6 NGR: SX 599 963 Area: 9 hectares


The site was originally a peat bog which was subsequently drained for grazing.


The drainage of the bog has caused the mineral deposits beneath the peat fields to be exposed to oxygen. There has been subsequent leaching of very acidic metalliferous water. This has resulted in acid/metal pollution of Brightley Stream and there have been a number of pollution incidents following droughts. In 1989 an estimated 100,000 fish were killed. The following table illustrates the contamination observed on 18 September 1989.

Water quality parameter Concentration pH 3,4 Total copper 1.42 mg/l Total iron 21.3 mg/l Total cadmium 25 jig/l Total zinc 6.3 mg/l Total nickel 3.7 mg/l


The NRA have been involved In investigations and pollution control exercises since 1976. Other studies were done in 1985/86 and 1990 and reports are available.

Remedial measures are based upon neutralisation of the water using lime; either spread onto the fields or through damming the stream in combination with spray irrigation of the river water onto lime treated fields. The latter was undertaken in 1990 and 1991 but is not considered to be a permanent solution.

More permanent solutions proposed include reverting the area and stream valley into a wetland.

D.30 D.6.5 Newlyn River Catchment Site Ref: SW8 Area: 63 hectares


The Newlyn River Catchment is an area that was historically used for daffodil bulb growing. As a result of this activity aldrin powder was applied to the land to control the narcissus fly. During harvesting, colluvium containing high concentrations of aldrin and dieldrin was washed off into the surface watercourses causing contamination of the water, sediments and biota. The use of tractors exacerbated the problem. Effected parts of the catchment are now put to alternative uses and where possible laid to grass to minimise run-off.


There is evidence of aldrin and dieldrin contamination in the surface waters, river sediments and biota. No groundwater monitoring has been carried out. The table below gives concentrations that have been detected in the various media:

Aldrin Dieldrin

Surface water 200 ng/l 100 ng/l River Sediments 1200 pg/kg 300 ^g/kg Eels 22,000 ^g/kg Soil and Colluvlum 2100 >/g/kg 1,200 ^g/kg


There have been a considerable number of investigations conducted into the impacts of aldrin and dieldrin on water, soil, colluvium, river sediments and biota. Considerable monitoring has been undertaken. As a result of the problems, associated with the application of aldrin and the proven pathway to surface water and aquatic life, in 1989 it was banned for all uses.

Remedial measures are based upon preventing existing soil contamination from becoming mobilised physically and contaminating the watercourses. Fields treated with aldrin have been documented and in high risk areas returned to grass. All activities involving soli disturbance should be discouraged, although this is difficult in an actively farmed area. Other proposed measures include the removal and disposal of the top soil; costs are likely to be excessive.


A comprehensive report was prepared by SW NRA in 1991 entitled ‘Reduction in Aldrin and Dieldrin concentrations in the Newlyn River’.

This situation can also be found in the Hayle and Mounts Bay catchments where similar treatments were used.


D.7.1 Thames Matex Tank Farm, Grays Site Ref: T1 NGR: TQ 579 766 Area:


This is the site of an operational tank farm used for the bulk storage of oil and organic chemicals. The area was originally marshland, which was raised using sea-dredged sand and industrial fill; investigations into the type of fill have indicated that the materials used would not detrimentally affect groundwater quality.


The main area of concern is the impact of this site upon surface waters and in particular on the tidal River Thames. Evidence of surface water pollution emanating from this site is provided by the chronic failure of BOD consent conditions; the average BOD of the discharge is between 800 and 1,000 mg/l.

A survey of aerial photographs taken in 1960, 1970, 1981 and 1990 shows the replacement of the natural water courses by a system of drainage ditches and culverts. Examination of some of these pipes revealed that they could provide'a pathway for contaminationof"the groundwater.

An investigation of the groundwater beneath the site revealed high levels of suspended solids and BOD, with locations recording higher loadings where there was visual evidence of hydrocarbon contamination.


The company have commissioned an investigation into the problems and a full report is available. The recommendations of the report were to:

• separate the ground and site drainage thus reducing the volume of groundwater to treat

• consider the disposal or recycling of the site effluent

• improve existing treatment plant.

The NRA consider that the effluent should to diverted to foul sewer.

D.32 D.7.2 Thames Industrial Estate, Marlow Site Ref: T3 NGR: SU 856 866 Area: 3 hectares


Thames Industrial Estate at Marlow is a partly developed complex which includes the storage of trichloroethylene. This storage originally used open tanks and it is as a result of spillage from the storage area that the groundwater became heavily contaminated, it is also likely that over the history of the site a gradual build up of contamination would have occurred. Storage of trichloroethylene is now achieved within a closed structure and with appropriate bunds.


The site is within 1 km of the River Thames and the nearest public water supply borehole Is 1.5 km across the hydraulic gradient; this supply Is at present unaffected. The site is underlain by a shallow gravel aquifer In which trichloroethylene has been found present in concentrations in the order of 200 mg/l.


There are currently two permanent groundwater monitoring points on the site and a study, investigating the extent of groundwater contamination, of the site is due to be completed shortly.

Objections have been lodged, by the NRA, because of the sensitivity of the site, against current planning applications for the phased redevelopment of the site pending a full site investigation.

D.33 D.7.3 Atomic Energy Authority (AEA), Harwell Site Ref: T11 NGR: SU 47 86 Area: 30 hectares


The site was originally an RAF airfield which has subsequently been developed into an extensive research establishment into atomic energy. The areas of concern regarding land use activities impacting upon the water environment, are two waste disposal facilities; the western storage area and the southern storage area. Beneath the landfill areas contamination has reached a depth of 20 m.


The site is on the lower chalk aquifer with a contaminated groundwater abstraction, for the site, 0.75 km down the hydraulic gradient.

The nearest public water supply boreholes are at Upton 2.5 km away and Blewbury 4.5 km away. Carbon tetrachloride exceeds the drinking water standard at the Blewbury public supply. Elevated levels of chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and other solvents are regularly detected in boreholes between Harwell and Blewbury.


There have been detailed hydrological investigations on the site which has included the drilling of boreholes and regular monitoring of groundwater quality. As a result of the urgent need to protect the potable supplies and to prevent further contaminant inputs to groundwater and movement off site, the NRA have required AEA to install air strippers to reduce solvent levels. An activated carbon filter is also proposed for the removal of PCBs and traces of aidrin, lindane and DDT.

Running costs for these measures are estimated to be about £120,000 per year, with an expected operation period of 10 or more years.

Further remedial measures are also being considered, including the removal of the landfills and excavation of the contaminated ground. This is likely to be expensive because of the depth to which contaminants have penetrated.

D.34 D.7.4 British Rail Engineering Works, Swindon Site Ref: T12 NGR: SU 13 84 Area: 100 hectares


The site of the former British Rail Engineering works in Swindon incorporated extensive heavy engineering involving the manufacture and repair of locomotives from raw materials. The site also had its own gas works. The site has been partly developed, with further phases on­ going.


The site is located on alluvium and made ground overlying Kimmeridge clay with the water table perched above the clay. There are no groundwater abstractions in hydraulic connection with the area. The River Ray, a class 2B watercourse, flows through the site.

Evidence of pollution has been found in the perched aquifer and contaminated water flowing from part of the site; the source is unknown. There is potential for contaminated water to enter the watercourse.


As a result of the extensive size of the site and the piecemeal development, site investigations and groundwater analysis have been sparse. A number of hot spots of contamination have been identified and proposals have been put forward to remove these. It is recognised that the presence of contaminated material of the sites poses a significant threat to the water environment, at present and in the future.

D.35 D.7.5 Redland Brick Ltd, Horsham, Sussex Site Ref: T13 NGR: TQ 069 355 Area: 35 hectares


Bricks have been made on this site for many years before chemical manufacturing, which started during the War. The site was developed as a chemical works from the time of the second World War. The activities engaged in included production of sulphur for vulcanised rubber and manufacture of zinc and bromate salts. As a result of these activities the area around the plant has become contaminated with zinc, ammonia, bromide and bromate. There are also localised areas of very high and very low pH. Part of the site was also used for waste disposal, although no records exist indicating what was tipped or the extent of the tip area.


The groundwater of the site is not in continuity with any groundwater abstractions. The main impact of this site, however, is on the surface water courses: Collins Brook, unclassified and Cranleigh Waters, class 2A. There is evidence of some contamination of the surface waters resulting in failure of the RQOs and there is also impact upon a standby water abstraction point. The site would cause serious water pollution if the discharges were not collected and treated prior to discharge.


There has been little investigative work done on the site although the current owners are planning to carry out some surveys. The remedial measures in place consist of a large butyl lined collection lagoon where water is collected, prior to being treated for removal of zinc, bromate and ammonia, with pH adjustment before discharge.


D8.1 Neston Tank Cleaners Site Ref: W12 NGR: SJ 324 684 Area: 30 hectares


Over the last 100 years this site has been used extensively for chemical production, coal tar products, oil formulation, tank cleaning and for some illegal dumping of waste. The site is currently largely derelict with a section being used for storage.


The site is adjacent to the Dee Estuary and Queensferry Drain; classes 1A and 4 respectively. There is no analytical data to assess the impact on water quality, although the presence on the site of heavy contamination, including tars, phenols, PCBs and chlorinated solvents, is indicative of the potential for serious pollution of the estuary. The risk of pollution will be increased during development of the site and disturbance of the contaminated ground.


There has been very little site investigation work undertaken although this will be essential if proposed redevelopments are to be pursued. Preliminary remedial measures proposed include stabilisation of certain contaminants by chemical agents, removal of gross contaminants and capping of the worst affected areas, in particular the abandoned oil/tar pit.

D.37 D8.2 Cwm Ystwyth Mine, Aberystwth Site Ref: W21 NGR: SN 805 746 Area: 50 hectares


The site was subject to intensive lead mining activities up until 1915. It is currently derelict and comprises old mine adits and four waste tips.


The underlying geology is faulted shale which results in the minewater drainage flowing directly into the river Ystwyth, a Class 3 watercourse. There are private springs and farm abstractions within 2km, but no data on contamination. The site is the main factor to the continued low NWC classification. There is evidence of water pollution in the river where elevated levels of zinc, cadmium, other toxic metals and low pH have been recorded. It is difficult to differentiate between the contribution to the pollution from surface run off from the tips and that which arises directly from the mine drainage.


The site is currently being investigated and some preliminary proposals for amelioration have been developed.


This site Is typical of the problems arising from abandoned lead mines of which there are a at least a further 200 in the Region. Although the great majority are considerably smaller than this site, there are a further 10 or 50 of comparable size in the Region. There has also been an instance where proposals to abstract river gravels downstream of such a site has been opposed because of the high level of contamination of toxic metals that had accumulated within the resource.

D.38 D8.3 Lower Swansea Valley Site Ref: W23 NGR: SS 675 967 Area: 500 hectares


The lower Swansea Valley has in the past been subject to extensive deposition of non-ferrous metal smelting spoil. This activity has affected an enormous tract of land which is currently being redeveloped as the Swansea Enterprise Zone.


The NRA are involved in monitoring the watercourses and in particular the Nant-y-Fendrod (River Tawe) which flows through the site. This is a Class 3 watercourse which, as a result of contamination by toxic metals from the site, fails to meet its water quality objective and also fails to comply with the dangerous substances directive.


The extent to which site investigatory work has been undertaken is not known although Swansea University have gathered extensive data on the area.

As yet no proposals for remedial measures have been put forward.

D.39 D8.4 Mechema Chemicals, Port Talbot Site Ref: W28 NGR: SS 758 890 Area: 5 hectares


The site was formerly a chemical works producing non-ferrous metallic salts and oxides including arsenic oxide, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, zinc and timber treatment chemical. The main contamination is from arsenic, cobalt and manganese. All chemical processes have now ceased and a prohibition notice is in force on the site.


There is proven localised contamination of the groundwater which is in continuity with the dock water. Analysis of contaminated borehole water indicates elevated levels of arsenic up to 240 mg/l, chromium upto 53 mg/l, cobait upto 231 mg/l and manganese upto 7.7 mg/l.

The close proximity of Port Talbot Dock/Afan Estuary to this site and the hydraulic connectivity that exists indicates an on-going release of contaminants into the coastal waters.


An independent survey has been undertaken into the effects on groundwater; this is available in draft form and has established the flow of groundwater. The true extent of the contaminated area has not been established.

Proposals for remediation include installing a liner and impermeable surface covering to the process area, thus encapsulating the most heavily contaminated zones. This does not however, address areas affected by the spread of contaminants, in particular those that have migrated beyond the site boundary. One of the key proposals is to establish the nature and extent of contamination and to evaluate the effectiveness of containment works.

D.40 DB.5 BP Oil Refinery, Llandarcy Site Ref: W30 NGR: SS 718 960 Area: 200 hectares


The site is an operation oil refinery that was established in the 1920’s. Originally the main processes were crude oil distillation; this activity ceased in 1985. Current primary processes involve directment of lubricating oils and bitumen.

Throughout the operational life of the site, various activities have resulted in an accumulation of contaminants. This has arisen from leakages from storage tanks and pipelines, occasional spillages due to poor house-keeping and seepage from an in-house tip area used for waste oils.


The site is underlain by superficial deposits on a sandstone bedrock, Hughes Beds. The Hughes Beds are a principal aquifer. There is evidence of contaminated groundwater within the superficial deposits as indicated by oil contamination of springs. There is also visual evidence of oil pollution from a spring line at the nearby beach. The BP transit site also contributions to this visual pollution.

The closest surface watercourses are Crymlyn Brook, unclassified, a tributary of the River Neath 500m away and Crymlyn Bog, an SSSI, 20m away. There Is a significant threat to these bodies from contaminated groundwater originating from the site.


A desk study has been completed on the groundwater implications of this site and it was concluded that this is likely to adversely affect both Crymlyn Bog and the Neath River. The actual extent of groundwater contamination is not known.

At present no proposals have been put forward for remediation.


D9.1 Fox Brothers, Wellington Site Ref: WX2 NGR: ST 128 220 Area: 0.5 hectares


Site was historically used to dump greasecake from the wool scouring operation of Fox Brothers. The site has now been partly developed as an industrial estate.


The hydrogeology of the area is unknown, the main concern however, is the impact upon the surface waters and in particular the abstractions at Hele Bridge 7km away. The River Tone flows adjacent to the site and analysis has shown elevated levels of permethrin; also there are detectable levels of Dieldrin. Continued elevation of these pollutants will have a long term impact upon the biology of the River Tone; it is already apparent that the biological health of the Rivers Tone and Brue are less than what would normally be expected.


A survey was conducted in 1984 and high levels of dieldrin were detected. At that time permethrin was not analysed for although this is now the main, problem. - Results of a more recent study show permethrin concentrations of <0.01 ug/l at the Fox Brothers discharge point and 0.147 ug/l In the river water sample taken downstream of the discharge. An analysis of the river sediment showed a concentration of 0.33 mg/kg which is indicative of build up over time.

Proposals have been made for further studies and in particular to identify the sources of permethrin and dieldrin.

D.42 D9.2 Merck, Poole Site Ref: WX6 NGR: SZ 007 906 Area: 2 hectares


The site was used for large scale chemical manufacture for many years. It was badly damaged by fire in 1988. It is likely that groundwater contamination under the site has been caused by both leakages from the site and contaminated fire fighting water.


The site is adjacent to Poole Harbour into which consented effluents are discharged. Excavations to lay surface water sewers have revealed contaminated groundwater.


In response to problems revealed during excavation for surface water sewers, inspections indicated that gulleys on the site may have been damaged by corrosion. The excavations were made difficult by fumes emanating from contaminated soil. The extent and degree of contamination is unknown and at present is not perceived to be causing water quality problems whilst the site is undisturbed. No proposals have been put forward for remediation.

D.43 D9.3 Monkton Farleigh Mine, Bath Site Ref: WX15 NGR: ST 805 660 Area: N/A


The site comprises a series of abandoned underground bath stone quarries. Since quarrying ceased the site has had a variety of uses, primarily during the war. Since the site has been vacated, transformer oil containing PCB’s has been spilled as a result of vandalism.


There is no confirmed evidence of water pollution although complaints have been received. The site overlays an aquifer and there is a public water supply borehole 3.5km away.


No remedial work or proposals for remedial work have been put forward. However, because of the biotoxicity of PCB’s the extent of the problem should be investigated, in particular the potential for pollution of groundwater sources.

D.44 D9.4 Cuprinol Ltd, Adderwell Site Ref: WX16 NGR: ST 782 470 Area:


The site was historically an industrial landfill that has been redeveloped into an active industrial complex manufacturing wood preservatives and decorative products. Parts of the tip are unstable, and this has resulted in the failure of bunds around some of the tanks and subsequent leakage of material.


The site is adjacent to the River Frome and there have been a number of pollution incidents over several years. It has not been ascertained whether the pollution stems from past or current activities on site. Pesticides constitute the area of greatest concern


Some work to intercept leachate has already been undertaken with further actions under consideration. Further improvements to existing leachate/spillage containment will be necessary to reduce the pollution of the River Frome from this site.


Site Bet: WX17 NGR: SS 523 790 Area: 400 hectares


The Pasminco smelter site at Avonmouth is owned by RTZ estates and covers some 400 hectares. The site is partially derelict, partially developed with plans for further development. Some disposal of slag from the smelter was done within the site; some slag is still stockpiled. Parts of the site have been raised and slag waste distributed across the area. The site has aiso been used for disposal of other chemical manufacturing industry residues.


There is known widespread contamination of local surface and groundwaters. The main contaminants being lead, zinc, cadmium and other metals associated with the smelting processes. The site is adjacent to the Severn Estuary, into which the surface waters discharge via the Kingsweston Culvert. There is growing evidence that a significant proportion of the mass flux of cadmium, zinc and lead to the Severn Estuary via the culvert arises from contaminated land. Control over this flux, in line with north sea conference obligations, will need to be examined.


The NRA is currently involved in investigating discharges arising from the site and in particular the contributions from point sources from the contaminated land. No proposals have been made for remedial works, these will be fully explored by the NRA when the extent of the problem is known. It was considered that the site may provide an alternative source of aggregates; the feasibility of this is questionable.


D10.1 John Carr Joinery, Doncaster Site Ref: Y1 NGR: SE 559 049 Area: 3-4 hectares


The site is used for the manufacture of timber products including timber preservation, using PCP, tributyl tin etc. Lindane has also been used as a preservative in the past. The site is currently operational - the contaminative use is on-going.


There is a perched water table under this site at a depth of 1-2m. This is underlain by Sherwood Sandstone which is a potable supply aquifer. There is no evidence of this aquifer being contaminated at present.

The nearest public water supply borehole is at Armthorpe.

The nearest watercourse is Northswaithe Dyke which is culverted through the site. This has been sampled and elevated levels of List I substances have been detected. The Dyke is unclassified.


The company has drilled shallow boreholes on the site and taken samples. Groundwater overflow to the stream has also been sampled.

The company has proposed that groundwater is pumped through a treatment plant containing active carbon and that the timber treatment processes are placed under cover with a contained drainage system.

D.47 DIO.2 Pilkington Glass, Kirksandal Site Ref: Y2 NGR: SE 604 082 Area: 15 hectares


This site has been used exclusively for the disposal of solid residues from the Burgy process which is a process of polishing and grinding glass sheets with Southport sand and iron oxide.


There is a perched water table at the surface of this site with a main aquifer in the sandstone that underlies drift below the site. There is no evidence of contamination to this aquifer.

The nearest public water supply borehole is at Hatfield.

The nearest watercourses are the River Don and Grumblehirst Drain which are both adjacent to the site. Grumblehirst drain shows high pH and iron. These are both Class 3.


Samples have been taken from Grumblehurst Drain. Remedial action has already taken place - flow from Grumblehurst Drain is pumped to the main factory for treatment, except in severe wet weather when a direct overflow to the River Don occurs.


The site has become established as an orchid colony, favouring high lime content, and high pH of waste. Any further “remedial" action may be opposed if this colony were to be jeopardised.

D.48 D10.3 Coalite Chemicals, Bolsover Refinery Site Ref: Y3 NGR: SK 457 717 Area: 35 hectares


Historically the company has practised co-disposal of chemical waste on a colliery spoil tip which is now derelict. The current site use is a chemical refinery for coal carbonisation chemicals. The site is partly operational and partly derelict.


The site is underlain by coal measures but no further information on groundwater etc has been supplied.

The nearest watercourse is the River Doe Lea which is a Class 4 river due primarily to effluent disposal from the sites waste water treatment plant.


There has been monitoring carried out at this site. Samples have been taken of sediment, river water and effluent. Excavations have also been monitored.

The company has proposed using reed bed treatment for the tip run off. They have also proposed a collection and interception system for tar leakages to the river. There are plans currently being developed for dealing with the dioxins on site.


The NRA must establish the source of the dioxins through court action before they are able to Insist on any remediation scheme.

D.49 DIO.4 Coalite Grimethorpe Site Ref: Y4 NGR: SE 415 075 Area: 100 hectares


This site has historically been a coking works with associated tipping facilities. In fact, the original spoil heap disposal system has now been replaced by a biological effluent treatment plant. The site is now partly operational and partly derelict.


The site is underlain by coal measures and the water table is under-drained by coal mining. No further groundwater information has been supplied.

The nearest watercourses are the River Dearne which is Class 3 attributed to upstream inputs of sewage, and Grimethorpe Dyke which is Class 4, attributed to the sewage and to industrial effluents.


There is routine monitoring of outputs being carried out. The problems attributable to contaminated land are considered to be of secondary importance to those attributed to direct inputs from treated or partially treated process wastes. The NRA are seeking an alternative to the spoil heap disposal and treatment method in the longer term.

D.50 D10.5 Coal Products Ltd, Avenue Works, Chesterfield Site Ref: Y6 NGR: SK 393 680 Area: 36 hectares


The site has a history of disposal of waste arising from coke manufacture and by-product processing (coal carbonisation). The site is still in use but closure is expected imminently (29/9/92).


The site is underlain by coal measures (middle & lower). The groundwater levels are suppressed by minewater pumping at the treatment/disposal area.

The nearest groundwater abstraction is less than 1km away. There is no Public Water Abstraction within close proximity of this site.

The nearest watercourse is the River Rother which is 4.3km away. This is a class 4 river, due to both process discharges and contaminated land.


There has been a full site investigation report preparedr This was jointly funded by the NRA and the owner. Further investigative work into sources of surface water pollution and contaminant pathways to groundwater is also being carried out.

Accumulated deposits in the river have been removed to determine source(s) and rate of deposition, it is proposed that the river channel is isolated and the groundwater flow is managed by means of controlled pumping, to reduce hydraulic pressure. Large scale redevelopment is also proposed by means of open cast coal mining. NRA wish accumulated deposits to be removed once the source has been identified.

D.51 Appendix E

NRA PERSONNEL List of NRA Personnel Involved in Each Region

Region Name Title Anglian Dr Paul Hart Principal Groundwater Quality Officer Paul Waldron Principal Quality Officer John Sweeney Principal Quality Officer Northumbria Sally Gallagher Scientific Officer Tony Coddington Senior Scientific Officer North West Roy Macauley Area Pollution Control Manager Dave Nilsson Pollution Control Officer Terry Walker Waste Regulation Manager Steve Taylor District Pollution Control Manager John Pinder District Pollution Control Officer Severn Trent Bob Harris Principal Groundwater Officer Southern Ian Gascoine Region Pollution Officer Dick Flavin Senior Resources Officer South West Graham Murrell Pollution Control Planner Malcolm Newton Freshwater Officer Barry Milford Water Quality Planner Tony Connell Strategic Planner Peter Lucey Groundwater Officer Thames Phil Chatfield Principal Pollution Officer Welsh David Williams District Pollution Control Manager Helen Williams Pollution Control Officer Bob Merriman District Pollution Control Manager Alan Jones Pollution Control Officer Wayne Davis Regional Hydrogeologist Ian Myers Assistant Pollution Control Officer Simon Neale Assistant Hydrogeologist Wessex Peter McGHIivray Senior Scientific Officer Ian Legge Area Catchment Control Officer Steve Woods Area Catchment Control Officer Bob Huggins Area Catchment Control Officer

Yorkshire Richard Armitage Pollution Control Officer John Herring Special Projects Engineer
