June Summary of Quadragesimo Anno

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June Summary of Quadragesimo Anno c. c. JUNE SUMMARY OF QUADRAGESIMO ANNO ENCYCLICAL By Rev. R. A. McGowan EPHESUS FIFTEEN CENTURIES AGO By Rev. Hubert L. Motry, D.D. POPE LEO'S MAGNA CHARTA OF LABOR By Rev. John A. Ryan, D.D. WORK OF THE HARRISBURG APOSTOLATE By Rev. Joseph Schmidt THE CATHOLIC LAYMAN'S LEAGUE OF VffiGINIA By John E. Milan THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND THE RURAL PROBLEM By Rev. W. Howard Bishop ADDITIONAL FEATURES Death Claims Director of N. C. W. C. New. Service- Diamond Jubilee of Seton Hall College-The "Coming-Of-Age Convention" of the C. P. A. at Baltimore-1931 Session of the Catholic Summer School of America- Colleges Join N. C. W. C. in Observing Rerum Novarum Anniversary-l,OOO Religious Vacation Schools Planned for 1931 Session-Bishop McDevitt Warns Against Evil Trends in Modern Life-Numerous Diocesan and State Meetings Mark N. C. C. W. Advance-N. C. C. W. Activities in Variou s Dioceses. Regular N. C. W. C. REVIEW Department. Subscription Price VOL. XIU, No. 6 Domes tic-$1.00 per year June, 1931 Foreign-'1.Z5 per year 2 N. C. W. C. REVIEW June, 1931 N. C. W. C. REVIEW OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE N. c. w. C. Administrative {{This organization (the N. C. Purpose of the N. C. W. C. Committee W. C.) is not only useful, but IN THE WORDS OF OUR HOLY FATHER: MOST REV. EDWARD .1. HANNA, D.D. necessary. .. We praise all "Since you (the Bishops) reside in Archbishop of San FranciscQ cities far apart and there are matters who in any way cooperate in this of a higher import demanding your Chairman great work."-POPE PIUS XI. joint deliberation. it is im­ perative that by taking counsel together RT. REV. THOMAS F. LILLIS, D.D. you all agree on one common aim and Bishop of Kansas City FACTS ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION with one united will strive for its attain­ Vice-Chq,irman ment by employing, as you now do, the HE National Catholic Welfare Conference was means which are adequate and adapted Chairman, Department of Social Action T organized in September, 1919. to present-day conditions." The N. C. W. C. is a common agency acting un­ -Pope Pius XI to the Bishops of the United RT. REV. PHILIP R. McDEVITT, D.D. der the authority of the Bishops to promote the States, August, 1927. Bishop of Harrisburg welfare of the Catholics of the country. IN THE WORDS OF OUR BISHOPS: Secretary It has for its incorporated purposes "unifying, coordinating and organizing the Catholic people of "We have grouped together, under the United States in works of education, social wel­ the National Catholic Welfare Confer­ MOST REV. JOHN T. McNICHOLAS, fare, immigrant aid and other activities." ence, the various agencies by which O.P., S.T.M. It comprises six departments-ExECUTIVE, EDU­ the cause of religion is furthered. Archbishop of Cincinnati CA'1;'ION, PRESS, SOCIAL ACTION, LEGAL and LAY Each of these, continuing its own Chairman, Department of Education ORGANIZATIONS, including the National Councils of special work in its chosen field, will Catholic Men and Catholic Women. now derive additional support through general cooperation. RT. REV. JOSEPH SCHREMBS, D.D. The Conference is conducted by an Administra­ "The task assigned to each depart­ Bishop of Cleveland tive Committee composed of seven Archbishops ment is so laborious and yet so promis­ and Bishops. ing of results, that we may surely ex­ Chairman, Department of Day Each department of the N. C. W. C. is adminis­ Organizations pect, with the Divine assistance and tered by an Episcopal Chairman. the loyal support of our clergy and Through the General Secretary, chief executive people, to promote more effectually RT. REV. HUGH C. BOYLE, D.D. officer of the Conference, the reports of the Depart­ the glory of God, the interests of His Bishop of Pittsburgh ments and information on the general work of the Church, and the welfare of 'our Chairman, Press Department headquarter's staff are sent regularly to the mem­ Country." _ bers of the Administrative Committee. -From the 1919 Pastoral Letter of the The Administrative Bishops of the Conference re­ Archbishops and Bishops of the u. s. RT. ltEV. JOHN G. MURRAY, S.T.D. port annually upon their work to the Holy See. Bishop of Portland Annually at the general meeting of the Bishops, Chairman, Legal Department detailed reports are submitted by the Administra­ tive Bishops of the Conference and authorization Departments and Bureaus secured for the work of the coming year. No official action is taken by any N. C. W. C. EXECUTIVE-Bureaus maintained: Im­ Assistant Bishops department without authorization of its Episcopal migration, Publicity and I nformation, Chairman. Historical Records, Publications, Bus­ Administrative Committee No official action is taken in the name of the iness and Auditing. whole Conference without authorization and ap­ MOST REV. SAMUEL A. STRITCH, D.D. proval of the Administrative Committee. EDUCATION-Divisions: Statistics and Archbishop of Milwaukee It is not the policy of the N. C. W. C. to create Information, Teachers' Registration, RT. REV. EDWARD F. HOBAN, D.D. new organizations. Library. Bishop of Rockford It helps, unifies, and leaves to their own fields PREss-8erves the Catholic Press in those that already exist. the United States and abroad with RT. REV. JOHN F. NOLL, D.D. It aims to defend and to advance the welfare both Bishop of Fort Wayne regular news, feature, editorial and of the Catholic Church and of our beloved Country. pictorial services. RT. REV. EMME'T M. WALSH, D.D. It seeks to inform the life of America of right fun­ Bishop of Charleston' damental principles of religion and morality. SOCIAL ACTION-Covers the fields of I t is a central clearing house of information re­ RT. REV. JOSEPH F. RUMMEL. D.D. Industrial Relations, Citizenship, So­ garding activities of Catholic men and women. cial Work and Rural Welfare. Bishop of Omaha All that are helped may play their part in pro­ RT. REV. JOHN F. O'HERN, D.D. moting the good work and in maintaining the com­ LEGAL-Serves as a clearing house of Bishop of Rochester mon agency, the National Catholic Welfare Con­ information on federal, state and ference. local legislation. RT. REV. EDWIN V. O'HARA, D.D. The N. C. W. C. REVIEW records monthly Bishop of Great Falls the work of the Conference and its affiliated organi­ LAY ORGANIZATIONs-Maintains a per­ zations. I t presents our common needs and oppor­ manent representation in the inter­ tunities. Its special articles are helpful to every ests of the Catholic laity. Functions REV. JOHN J. BURKE, C.S.P., S.T.D. Catholic organization and individual. through local units of some 3500 societies affiliated with the N. C. General Secretary I , C. M. andN. C. C.W. 11-------------~:.-..__11 CHARLES A. McMAHON, Editor II--~-------------..II PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE Publication Office NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE Editorial and Executive Office Industrial Buildin,g Entered 88 second-class matter at the poet-office at Baltimore, Md., under the Aot of 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W. March 3, 1879. All changes of address, renewals and subscriptions should be sent Baltimore, Md. direct to N. C. W. C. REVIEW, Industrial Building, Baltimore, Md., or 1312 Massa­ Washington, D. C. chusetts Ave .• N.W., Washington, D. C. The contents of the N. C. W. C. REVIEW are listed in the CATHOLIC PERIODICAL INDEX. • June, 1931 N. C. W. C. REVIEW 3 AROUND THE CONFERENCE TABLE "Come MUf, ·that we 11'IQy take counsel together."-2 Esdras, Chapter VI:7. THE HOLY SEE has established the Dio­ in conducting; organ; modulation and extem­ cese of Reno, comprising the entire State HOLY FATHER porization class for organists. of Nevada, and the Rev. Dr. Thomas K. BLESSES U. S. BISHOPS FOR WORK In connection with the Litmgical ummel' Gorman, editor of The Tid­ THROUGH N. C. W. c. School plans are being made for having a New Diocese ings, official organ of the Liturgical Day in the nearby episcopal city IN ACKNOWLEDGING the 1930 reports and Bishop Diocese of Los Angeles and of the Administrative Committee, N. C. of St. Cloud, Minnesota, under the patronage of Reno San Diego, has been named of the Rt. Rev. Joseph F. Busch, D.D., W. C., and the minut of the 1930 general by Pope Pius XI as Bishop meeting of the Bishops of the United States, Bishop of the diocese. Definite announce­ of the newly established see. His Holiness, Pope Pius XI, renews, through ment of the entire program of this event will Hitherto the· Catholics of Nevada were Cardinal Pacelli, Papal Secretary of State, be made later. divided between the two Dioceses of Salt his blessing upon the Bishops and clergy of Readers of the N. C. W. C. REVIEW who Lake, Utah, and Sacramento, California. the United States and commends them for wish to have further information about the The Counties of Eureka, Lander, Lincoln, the "very effective organization and the ac­ summer courses, or who desire to send in White Pine, N ye, Elko and Clark in the Salt tivities of the National Catholic Welfare their application, should address the Liturgi­ Lake Diocese, and the Counties of Churchill, Conference.' , cal Summer School, St. .Tohn's Abbey, College­ Douglas, Esmeraldo, Humboldt, Lyon, Orms­ Cardinal Pacelli's letter, addressed under ville, Minnesota. by, Storey, Washoe and Mineral from the +++ date of April 7, 1931, to Most Rev. Edward Diocese of Sacramento, California,! comprise J. Hanna, Archbishop of San Francisco and THE MOST REV.
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