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The BG News April 23, 2004

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 23, 2004" (2004). BG News (Student Newspaper). 7279.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. State University FRIDAY April 23, s I 2004 SIDE SPLITTING: Check out our Pulse PARTLY CLOUDY Feature on comedians, HIGH: 61 I LOW: 42 comedy clubs; PAGE 9 independent student press VOLUME 98 ISSUE 137 Opposing religious views shared By laloya Hunter ence both the Islamic and lesus. the speakers presented dial is central-Cod is one." ■[POSTER Christian views of a man called ways that they are also similar. For those in attendance, the Some search for him. others lesus. Wahhaj, in all-white traditional disi iission was enlightening, may or may not believe in him, The discussion, sponsored hv Muslim clothing, told tin- audi- "I thought it was great that they but we all have, at some point the Muslim Student Association ence of the respect that Muslims got the chance to dialogue with heard about him. and CRU, a Christian based cam- have lor lesus, citing the 25 times each other. Doth sides really were I le is said to be one of the most pus organization, was not a that he is mentioned in the Holy able to learn about each other. I influential men in the course of debate between right and wrong, Quran. I le went on to include the think it was interesting and bene- history. His life, death, and some but an open forum tor people to belief that Christ did ascend into ficial to all of us" said student and say, resurrection are followed by- be aware ot many misconcep- heaven to be with Cod, and that CBU member Leah Dielil. over 2 billion people worldwide tions that they may have har- he will come again, both key last night, the aspect of .is the key to man's eternal quest bored, beliefs in the Christian religion humanity that we call faith was for everiasting life. Yet, there are "I ask tonight that we listen This occurred after Rieske pre neither tested nor challenged, another 1.5 billion that acknowl- lom Glim 60 ton will) .111 open heart SOwecan tree sented the fundamentals of but the closing remarks of edge llim .is spec ill prophet "I ourselves of biases and igno- Christianity to the audience, Wahhaj put it in perspectrt e. Cod. COMING TOGETHER: Last night Steve Rieske (left) of the Christian rance." said Steve Rieske, composed mostly of Christians, "Ultimately, Steve will believe Last night, in a discussion titled faith and Imam Siraj Wahhaj of the Muslim faith came together and Minister and member of CRU. Muslims, and lews. whai hebeUevesand I will believe " I he I'assion of the Christ: A While both religions have "The details may be different,* what I will believe, but we will siill discussed the scriptures. Muslim and Christian Dialogue, always been fundamentally dif- said Muslim speaker Imam Siraj have common respect for one people were allowed to experi- ferent In their way that ilu\ iien Wahhaj. "but there is one thing another," Wahhaj said.

Trains create huge RAISE YOU TWO explosion in N. Korea By Sang-Hun Clioe IHE «SS0CIA!E0 PRESS FACTS ABOUT NORTH TRAIN WRECK SEOUL, South Korea — two •Two fuel trains collided in North Korea near the fuel trains collided at a North Korean railroad station near the Chinese Border Chinese border yesterday, Ignit- • Because of the secretive communist government ing a deafening explosion that rained debris for more than 1(1 details are hard to come by mills around, South Korean • South Korea media said there could be as many as media reported. One television 3,000 people killed or injured channel said as many as 3,000 people might have lieen killed or • Reports say the blast dropped debris more than 10 injured. The secretive communist gov- miles around the site ernment in Pyongyang declared "The area around Ryongchon ple in Ryongchon failed because an emergency while tuning off station has turned into ruins as if the phone lines apparently had international telephone lines to it were bombarded," Yonhap been severed. prevent details of the crash from quoted witnesses as saying. YTN reported that the number leaking out. South Koreas Yonhap "Debris from the explosion killed or injured could reach newsagent') rejMirted. soared high into the sky and drift- 3.000. A YTN reporter in Seoul, The North Korean leader, Kim ed to Sinuiju," a North Korean speaking on condition of long II. had quietly passed by rail town on the border with China, it anonymity, told AP the network's through the station as he said. casualty count came from a returned from China before Cho Sung-dae, a Yonhap corre- South Korean government offi- dawn some nine hours earlier. It spondent in Beijing, said his cial, whom he declined to identi- was not clear what caused the reports were based on residents «y- crash, or if it was related to Kim's in the Chinese border city of A South Korean Defense journey. Dandong who talked with their Ministry official confirmed "a Hut a South Korean official, relatives in Ryongchon. large explosion near Ryongchon quoted on condition of anonymi- They described a massive station," Yonhap reported. "We ty by South Korea's all-news cable explosion involving a large num- have yet to find out the cause of channel. YTN, said it appeared to ber of casualties but could not the incident, the kind of explo- torn Giim BG News be an accident. give figures, Cho told The sion and how many died," the CRAZY GAME OF POKER: Ben Rumpf (right) places a bet during last night's Hold em The collision reportedly took Associated Press. Cho also said official said, speaking on condi- place about 1 p.m. in Ryongchon, North Korean authorities tion of anonymity. Tournament in the Falcon's Nest. The tournament was put on by Union Programming. There were 25 a town 12 miles from China. One appeared to shut down the bor- Yang long-hwa, a spokes- contestants overall, and Nikola Spasic was the overall Texas Hold em' champion. Prizes were given out train was carrying oil and the sec- der with China after the incident. woman of South Korea's to audience members and participants during the event. ond had liquefied petroleum gas. Subsequent attempts by his media reported. Chinese sources to contact peo- COLLISION. PAGE 2 Cartoonist If s about the issues, not disrespect Making only poke fun at Latino issues such as the miming in November 2002. One of these "1 have a giant cast of sense out Lalo Alcaraz, editorial lack of coverage of Latinos in mainstream cartoons features a character asking cartoonist was the keynote media, but they also satarize the politics of another what he is running late for and the characters and I use dif- President Bush among other current second character replies "I'm late for my ferent characters to talk of your speaker last night at the 2004 events. latino time management seminar." Latino issues conference. Alcaraz works at LA Weekly, but hus car- Alcaraz put die time management car- about different issues." toons are published in 60 newspapers toon as well as others on an overhead pro- dollars including the New York Times, die Chicago jector for audience members to see and By Christy Jenkins By Mmdy VanHouteii S[POUT(R RSPORUB Sun Times and USA Today. most of die cartoons produced abounding "1 came from a family of artistic people laughter from audience members. Someol LALO ALCARAZ, EDITORIAL CARTOONIST According to University Whedier it is "Queer Lye for die Bush and it just happened," Alcaraz said. Alcaraz the cartoons even produced gasps from statement about current issues dirough Alumna Mary Beth Williams, Guy" featuring President George W. Bush was inspired by Chicano moralists when audience members such as the one that waiting is costly—at least w hen it standing in front of the Fab Five in western his artwork. Alcaraz said he is open to crit- he was young and began working on his simply showed the numbers "9II" in red comes to money wear waiting for some fashion advice, or ic ism about his work and it is all a part of own drawing techniques. "My job as a snip that cast a black shadow behind it spelling his job. "You deal with money on a "Not Anotiicr Latino Movie" portraying a cartoonist is die best job anyone can have. out "OIL" day to day basis your whole cast of "typical" latino actors or one man "In Mexico and Latin America, people Everything that goes on in my comic strip Another cartoon that produced shocked co|ie with tragedy by laughing... and that's life—not just when the paycheck asking "What's a word for mailicious?" and is me." expressions on audience members's faces conies after you graduate." she another man replying "Omarosa," poking what my parents gave to me, a very cynical "I have a giant cast of characters and I was a picture of a man in a car saying "A sense of humor and a way to look at the said. tun at others is all in a day's work for one use different characters to talk about dif- tank of gas is costing us an ami and a leg" Williams taught students, fac- cartoonist. world by labeling things," Alcaraz said. ferent issues." Alcaraz said. Alcaraz's comic and beside him a U.S. veteran missing a leg "You don't control much in this world ulty and staff the basics of how to Ialo Alcaraz, a nationally published edi- strip. la Cucaracha, is full of a cast of replies. "Tell me about it." deal with money at a workshop torial cartoonist, was the keynote speaker especially if you're a poor person, this out- Mexican Americans and immigrants that "I'm not disrespecting veterans or solid- look of critical thinking and satire gives you yesterday evening yesterday at the University's 2004 latino comment on life and drive around in a ers, it's the issues, it's the government" Issues Conference. Alcaraz's cartoons not a little something, so you don't go totally Volkswagen. Alcaraz's comic strip began Alcaraz said. He said he is trying to make a nuts." FINANCES. PAGE 2

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i ' 2 Friday. April 23.2004 WWW.BGNEWS.COM BGNEWS BRIEFING Railway mistakes Investing can be for Circus settles for $6,000 with HIV- not uncommon everyone, not just brokers positive gymnast SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — FINANCES, FROM PAGE 1 cates of deposit or money market individual. COLLISION. FROM PAGE 1 people, and defectors say trains Cirque du Soleil agreed yes- accounts or funds. And it's never too early to start are seldom punctual and fre- "My hope is that people leave But before walking down the planning for retirement. terday to pay $600,000 lo set- quently break down. tle a lawsuit filed by an HIV- Unification Ministry, said her today with the feeling that they block and signing up with just "Twenty year olds need to learn organization could not immedi- Sometimes, trains are strand- have a better understanding of any bank or credit union, she sug- this information," Williams said. positive gymnast who was ed for hours at stations until their tired by the Canadian circus ately confirm the reports; the their own personal finances," gested doing some homework. "If they start saving now, and con- ministry is in charge of relations electricity supply is restored Williams said. "For students espe- "Find out which institutions tinue to manage their money, last year because it believed enabling them to continue, he posed a health risk to with North Korea. The IX'fense cially, I want them to know that provide the services you need they could potentially retire a mil- Ministry could not comment, some defectors say. they have the time to let the mar- with the smallest fees," she said. lionaire." other performers. and the Foreign Ministry could The trunk line on which yes- Matthew Cusick, 32, volun- ket work for them. I want them to "They are there to serve you— Williams, a 1987 graduate, immediately be reached. terday's accident reportedly avoid the mistakes that so many you shouldn't have to pay for ser- worked in Washington D.C. for tarily disclosed his health sta- The accident apparently occurred, the main rail link of us have made." tus and spent four months vices that you can find free else- several years before becoming a resembled a disaster in Iran on between China and North Korea, Williams explained different where." licensed financial consultant in training with the circus. He was first laid during the Japanese was fired just days before he Feb. 18, when runaway train cars financial goals and different tools For more long term financial 1995. Although no longer carrying fuel and chemicals occupation more than 60 years to make the most of the money goals, she suggested investing in licensed, she said she still enjoys was to perfonn in las Vegas. derailed, setting off explosions ago. that one earns. "They said I was a hazard stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. sharing this information. that destroyed five villages. At YTN reported that the casual- She emphasized that financial She said that while banks and "I can't imagine anything more not just to other performers, ties included Chinese living in but to the crew and possibly least 200 people were killed. planning does not have to be credit unions are good for short important than learning how to North Korea is one of the the North Korean border region, complicated— it's as easy as the audience," Cusick said term savings, the average person manage money while in college," world's most isolated countries and that Chinese in Dandong — going to the library or surfing the is missing out on interest and the she said. "It's so important. The yesterday in a telephone a bustling industrial city on Yalu interview. "I think the settle- and rarely allows visits by out- Internet to learn about the potential growth of stocks and less money you have, the more side journalists. River — were desperate to learn options. bonds if they leave their money you need to know these things so ment sends a message to about their relatives. Chinese other employers: If you dis- The communist country's Unfortunately, Williams said sitting in a savings account. you don't make the common infrastructure is dilapidated and and North Korean traders fre- that the average person just does Again, she encouraged every- mistakes." criminate against people, quently cross the border at there's going to be a price to accident-prone. Its passenger not know what options are avail- one to do their homework on For more information on cars are usually packed with Dandong. able. pay." companies before investing, but finances and financial planning, For short term finances, stressed that investing can be visit and Williams suggested using check- done by anyone, not just stock and check LOOKING K>R A NEW PLACE TO LIVE??? ing and savings accounts, certifi- brokers or the financially - savvy out the Money 101 tab. UNIVERSITY VILLAGE CAMBELLHILL APARTMENTS STOP IN AND SEE BG NEWS & BRIEFING 2 BEDROOM T0WNH0USES UNIVERSITY US AT National video, PC COURTS * furnished WWW.BGNEWS.COM game tour comes to U. Sponsored by UAO, Game Mercer at Clough * 7 Hall& fullBath Live Events comes to the Shun Mock s. of Wooster Union Ballroom from Noon-5 * Washer/Dryer Hookup p.m. The event will allow partici- * Full Basement &§*a pants to test different top of I MVKRSITY VILLAGE ALL LOCATIONS the line video and computer 1IEJP* games. Game play is unlimited Quality living in spacious 2 bdrni • "Tenant Friendly'' Management * Air Conditioned and admission is free. ■pis. 9 and 12 month leases • 24 hr. emergency maintenance Furnished Available. • Cable provided at all locations STARTING AT $750 A • Central air & heat MONTH + UTILITIES UNIVERSITY COURTS • Convenient laundry facilities iiagl*ti'&ilvii UuUy tips IA 2 bedrooms for mature students. • Convenient lo Campus Shuttle Stop Quiet and cozy environment. • Short walk to Library. Student Rec GreenBr iar, Inc. Furnished Available. Center and all campus facilities. Guest students at BGSU may begin (419)352-0717 registering for Fall 2004 today! ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF WOOSTER (419) 352 -0164 "WALK ON 0\ ER Sponsored by Advising Network Equaliity, Ju stice, and Diignity

/ The following persons and organizations stand in support of and celebrate the / important contributions of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trail sgender members of / the BGSU community.

**%**^L We consider domestic partner benefits a basic civil right that sh ould be extended to /+/+ unmarried domestic partners at Bowling Green State University r. ^^^^\ /^ Q j We commit ourselves to creating a community wherein all persi >ns can live with nn\ /c•Xw^ equality, justice, and dignity. WV^++

I.Bill Albertini 20. Kay Chapman 39JulieHaught 56. Bob Midden 76. Heather Surface 2. Jim & Libby Allen-Dachik 21 .Thomas R.Chibucos 40. Richard Hebein 57. Curt Miller 77JoeSwora 3.Richard B.Anderson 22.KimberlyCoates 41. Geoffrey Howes 58.Amy L.Morgan 78. Philip Terrie 4. Anonymous 23. Lawrence Coates 42.HeathHuber,'93,'01 59. Simon Morgan-Russell 79.RyanTweney 5. Anonymous Supporter 24.Colleen Coughlin 43.SkeeterHunt 60Jacqui Nathan 80. Sue & Dan Wagner 6. Bill Armeline 25.MikeDannells 44. Rona Klein 61. Jeffrey Nolish 81. Margaret Weinberger 7. Lillian Ashcraft-Eason 26. Lynn A. Darby 45.Vikki Krane, Director of 62. Julie O'Reilly 82. Sheri& Jason 8. Ben Baldwin 27.Kathy Dean Women's Studies 63. Carolyn Palmer Wells-Jensen 9. Nic Baldwin 28. Maria DeRose 46. Mary Krueger & Steven 64. Janet Parks 83. Leigh Ann Wheeler 10. Janet Ballweg 29. Nancy Down Green 65. Heather Perne 84. Maureen Wilson 11. Amy Beltano 30.Marce Dupay 47. Molly Laflin 66. Rosalie Politsky 85. Women's Studies 12. Marvin Belzer 31. Carol Durentini 48. Neocles Leontis 67.MarniePratt Steering Committee 13. BGSU Women's Center 32. Michael Ellison 49. Emily Lewis 68. Marcus Ricci 86. Peg Yacobucci 14. Daniel Boudreau 33. Environmental Action 50. Lucy Long 69.Theodore Rippey 87.JohnZanfardino IS.EIIenM.Broido Group 51,Jeannie Ludlow 70.JaneRosser 16. Rick Burke 34. Kathy Farber 52. Eithne Luibheid, Dept. of 71. Jennifer Sader 17. Lida Campbell 35. Marie Foxwell Ethnic Studies 72. Michael Schryer 18. Lynn Campbell 36. Radhika Gajjala 53. Cynthia Mahaffey 73. Pat Sharp 19. Chapman Community at 37. Kim Greenfield 54. Walter Maner 74. Jesse Squire Kohl, Faculty, and Staff 38.Christina Guenther 55. Sandra Mencer 75. Jamie Stuart

The Faculty Senate endorsi id the Ohio Faculty Please respond to our forthcoming Sponsore d by Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Council Resolution in supp ort for domestic questionnaire, which will aid in determining the Committt >e on Domestic Partner partner benefits at the Mai ch 17,2004 Faculty estimated cost of domestic partner benefits to Benefits Senate meeting. Bowling Green State University. WWW.BGNEWS.COM Friday, April 23,2004 3

UAO MOVIES CONTINUE IN UNION Tonight "Stuck on You" the most recent film by the Farrelly brothers, starring Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear will be shown at the Union Theater. The show is free and is brought to you by UAO. The movie starts at 8 p.m. CAMPUS Noon- 3 p.m. NAACP Membership Drive Union Lobby THE BLOTTER 7 p.m. WEDNESDAY: on Thurstin Ave Complainant report- Greekin' it up with Complainant report- A parking permit ed his bookbag stolen Amphitryon ed a group of students was reported stolen in the Union. German sex comedy by Peter playing on a Slip & from a car in Lot 5. Complainant report- Hacks. Free. Sponsored by Slide and being veiy A backpack was ed she lost her wallet German, loud outside of reported stolen from in Olscamp. Russian & I.IM Asian Batchelder the bookstore in the Requested officer to get^t^^ja>»^ DK calendar of eventsa is taken from life^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^■•■■■^ languages Joshua Rollheiser. Union. assist with a subject httrx// Department Port Clinton, Ohio and A vehicle was that was not wanted in Union Theater Tour Kyle Beiule. Hillard, reportedly broken into the MAC North area. Sponsored by the University Ohio were cited for in Lot 12. The subject was 8 a.m.-11 p.m. ■ .i.m. 6p.m. Activities Organization 7-11 p.m. Musicians Guild Concert underage consumption The-Custis vehicle advised il he returned Tie-Dve Thorn sponsored by Ticket Sales for Race against Union Ballroom in Kohl Hall. struck a parked vehicle UAO Sponsored by Musicians to campus he would be Education Building steps 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. Guild Calli Helldobler. owned by Ion Luidhardt arrested for criminal AIDS Union Ballroom Toledo, Ohio was cited in Lot G causing minor trespassing. 8 6 p.m. Sponsored by Kenya 5K lor a stop sign violation damage. 2004 MI;A Thesis Exhibition I rienefit Run organization Golf Scramble Sign-up 7-10 p.m. Sponsored by the Fine Arts Union lobby Sponsored by Pi Kappa Alpha Viewing of Indian Films Center Galleries Union lx>bby Sponsored by India Student Union Galleries 11 .i.m. Sp.m. Association American Red Cross blood Noon- 2 p.m. 318 Union 10 a.m.-4 p.m. drive Scenes from Amphitryon" WE HAVE TWO MORE WEEKS MFA Thesis Exhibition Union Multipurpose Room German Dept. will act out 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Fine Arts scenes from their upcoming Concert band and University TO GO! GOOD LUCK STUDYING Center Galleries 11 a.m.- 4 p.m. play "Amphitryon." Band Dorothy IJIier Bryan and UAO Presents the union Oval Free and open to the public Willartl Wankelman Galleries EA Sports game Live KobackerRall FOR EXAMS.

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5/10-5/28 AST* 201 1-4 pm MTWRF 6/1-7/2 HIST 206 6-9 pm TWR • We find and pull the books ECON 202 8:30-11:30 am MTWRF (com.) IPC102 8-10 am MTWR; I am F EOAS409 12-3:45 pmMTRF IOUR 100 IOam-12:15pmMTWR EDFI408 8:30-11:30 am MTWRF MATH 095 1-4 pm TWR so they are ready for pick- ENG 301 8:30-11:30 am MTWRF MATH 115 I0am-1 pm TWR HDFS 106 8:30-11:30 am MTWRF MATH 120 1:15 am-12 pm MTWR HDFS421 1-4 pm MTWRF MATH 126 5 30-9 15 pm MTWR up when you return for the HDFS 423 8:30-11:30 am MTWRF MATH 131 6 15 am-12 pm MTWR PSYC 310 9 am 12 pm MTWRF MATH 213 6-9 pm MTW SOC 101 1-4 pm MTWRF •MIL 101 6-10:30 pm T* Fall Semester WS 200 14 pm MTWRF PHIL 319 6-10:30 pm MW POLS 110 10 am-1 pm TWR 5/10-6/11 EDHD201 3-6 pm TR POLS 347 6-9 pm TWR •SVC 101 10 am-1 pm MTWR 6/1-6/17 C5 180 10 am-12 pm MWR SOC 101 6-9 pm TWR • First access to used books SOC 231 10 am-1 pmMTW 6/1 7/2 ACCT 221 6 9 pm MWR ■KM. 101 lam 12 pm MWF BIOL 205 I-4:30 pm MTWR BlOl 331 8:30 am-12:30 pm MTWR MATH 090 6-8 pm TWR • Use your BiG Charge CHEM100 6-9 pm TWR CRIU 395 6-9 pm TWR ECON 203 6-9 pm MWR ACS 250 7:45-10 am MTWR ENG 111 7:45-10 am MTWR ART 101 14 pm MTWR ENG 112 7:45-10 am MTWR BIOL 332 8:30 am 12:30 pm MTWR • Visa, MasterCard or Discover ENG 200 7:45-10 am MTWR EDTL 302 9am-l2pmTWR ENG 342 7:45-10 am MTWR ENG 200 6-9 pm TWR GEOG 125 10 am 1 pmMTW ENG 480/586 8 am-5 pm F also accepted GEOG 230 6-9 pm MTW IPC 102 6-9 pm MWR HDFS 301 1-4 pm TWR MATH 115 1-4 pm TWR H0FS 420 10am-12:15pm MTWR MIS 200 6 9 pm MWR HIST 20S 2-5 pm MTW Beat the crowds, order online at 7/18-7/23 SOC 495/586 9 am-9 pm UMTWRF BGSU Firelands reserves the right to cancel a class for non-enrollment reasons beyond our control. such as death or Illness of faculty members, etc. Course descriptions arc available on line at Pick up your reserved books Aug. 18-27 during store hours in the Multi-Purpose Room, Bowen-Thompson Student Union BGSU FIRELANDS

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BnHvf ■ ISBrfle*** 4 Friday. April 23,2004 WWW.BGNEWS.COM QUOTEI'MIIO'IT: "We've sent apple, watermelon, grape and peaches-and-cream. We even sent them pina colada." KKNNY KRAMM, president of Flavorx, a Bethesda, Ml)., medicine-flavoring company, on shipping free flavors lo Iraq to combat the waters unpleasant odor and taste. ( OPINION Misunderstanding breeds ignorance

People have been discussing Christian, is one of the first presi- It has been thus far the most motives for wanting to ban next to their office door. Upon ments. religion with great passion lately dents who put such an overt talked about movie this year— homosexual marriages. All of which they accuse The BG News We encourage anyone who is — both for and against. emphasis on his faith. In fact, we and it was based the last hours of these subjects deal with of "having lost respect" and that Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Sometimes the discussions take would go so far as to say that he the life of Jesus Christ who is the Christianity. This is not to men- we should be called the "The BG Wiccan, Methodist, atheist, a turn for the worst. The reason governs the country with his founder of Christianity. tion the articles about the afore- Christian News." They are simply Hindu or any other religion we why these discussions become faith in mind. This might not be Even The BG News, is not mentioned subjects. generating discussion on the missed to write a column dis- ignorant and slanderous is such a good idea since he is the immune to the recent surge in We arc proud to be a forum for topic of religion that will hope- cussing their religion. because people do not take the ruler of one of largest religious the discussions of Christianity. discussion on a topic as sensitive fully lead to a better understand- Discussion on religion should time to understand where the melting pots in the world. We have a columnist on staff as religion. Everyone is entitled ing. not be limited to only other person is coming from. Second, Mel Gibson's movie, who writes from a Christian to their opinion of religion. In general, there is a lack of Christianity. Once we can dis- But first, why the sudden "The Passion of the Christ," was viewpoint. We also have people We even encourage the local understanding of people who cuss all religions, we can breed interest? not only a huge success, but a sending in numerous letters radio station located in West hall believe in a particular religion. understanding and thus stop First, Piesldeni George w. movie that stirred fears of anti- about "The Passion." same-sex to continue hanging their Misunderstandings cause people ignorant statements from being Hush, an admitted born-again semitism throughout the world. marriages and President Bush's defaced copy of The BG News to lash out with ignorant state- made.

U'TUXSTO Wolves aren't wanted PEOPLE in the dance clubs the authors of this letter are Brandon and Krebs publicly 0NTHE STREET I would like to clearly making the correlation! is stated that they sufficiently vet- dangerous and patently unfair to ted all candidates for the coach- How do you feel about When you've been clubbing welcome Coach coach Joseph. ing vacancy. That is good enough the recent hiring of KHARY long enough, you can start to Coach Joseph was not the for me. JACKSON tell who's playing what role that Coach Vance Joseph? night: the hotties who know Joseph to BG recruiting coordinator at I see no reason to wait for Opinion Columnist Colorado. As a positional coach, Colorado to conclude their they're hot and have the G- string to prove it, the hotties I think the authors of a letter he would have had a minimal investigation. Coach Joseph did published yesterday and the amount of input the structure of not seek employment in I low many of us go out club- who don't know they're hot but University as a whole need to recruiting visits to the University. Colorado, he applied for a posi- bin' every weekend? everyone else does, the uglies tread carefully when discussing That is typically the purview of tion here and his credentials and I'm guessing most of us go that think they're hotties, the the recent background of coach the head coach and his recruit- personal background were found out at least once in a while. ones so drunk that they think Vance Joseph. ing coordinator. to be more than sufficient. I know 1 do, and I go to the everyone's a hottie, the break- Yes, the University of Gregg Brandon and Paul Krebs In the interest of fairness and same place every time: Uptown. dancers that bust their moves in Colorado's football team is the have proven to be responsible decency, allow me to welcome In this little town, we have to front of the hotties, the buddies subject of an on-going investiga- administrators during their Coach Joseph to Bowling Green. KRYSTAL CRISP entertain ourselves or wed go in circles protecting their hotties insane. tion regarding possible recniiting respective tenures at the I hope you enjoy a very suc- from the evil people wanting to SOPHOMORE, The only convenient options violations and it is true that some University. To suggest that they cessful tenure here. I am confi- dance with them, the quirky of those alleged violations would hire an individual who dent that you will discover that a TELECOMMUNICATIONS for a person that likes to dance ones that can't seem to get any- involved sexual misconduct carries ethical baggage (much majority of the University com- instead of drink are Uptown, body to dance with them, the Coach Joseph was placed on less an individual that would cre- munity are more fair-minded "It won't bother me Sky Bar or Nate & Wally's — and watchers who don't like dancing administrative leave after these ate a dangerous atmosphere to than the authors of the afore- Uptown is my preferred place to but like the music and the unless they find dance. Nate & Wally's doesn't wolves. allegations came to light. To the student population) is an mentioned letter appear. him guilty." assume that these events are unwarranted and irresponsible have much of a dance floor and There are a lot of wolves. related land despite their slap at two men who are tremen- PHILSTANKEY it has bands instead of a D.J. You can look in their faces for attempts at rhetorical subterfuge, dous assets to the University. ALUMNUS playing the songs I like. Sky Bar a split second and know that just blows. they're looking for something The downside to Uptown, or alive, drunk, breathing and will- any club around here, is the fact ing to be devoured. This can Homosexuals should be married that around 12:30 a.m. the place either amuse people who hap- is packed so full, there isn't pen to share my sense of humor much room to move and there or freak people out. And that's ERIC that the townspeople and the The original Greek text uses is a line of people (usually with- too bad, because you shouldn't KNECHTGES angels were both male is "malakoi arsenokoitai" in both of ANN POULTON out jackets and they complain have to go to clubs and be absolutely inconsequential to these verses, which in other con- about how cold it is while 1 freaked out. That's the opposite SOPHOMORE, Guest Columnist the crux of the story. texts referred to pederasty laugh) outside that practically of fun for most people. LEVITICUS 18:22 and 20:13: and/or temple prostitution. SPECIAL EDUCATION stretches to the other side of the For me, dancing in a club is a A friend of mine recently said They contain passages stating JUDE7: Some people quote city. Anyone who's seen me way to actively participate in a to me, "You know, same-sex that a man should not lie with a this chapter because it makes "It's crazy." dance knows that space is a fun and lively community of marriages aren't about marriage man as he lies with a woman, reference to the story of Sodom good thing. people who love popular music. it's about getting the tax breaks. because it is an abomination. and condemns going after Another drawback to clubs Yes, the music is exciting and So, what gay couples really need These verses are far too often "strange flesh." these days is that they don't feel the environment can raise are civil unions." taken completely out of context. Yes, angels are "strange flesh" as fun. They feel heavy. That libidos to astronomical levels, I couldn't disagree more. A Surrounding verses condemn indeed. To state that this passage may not make much sense, but but hey, that's what music and Massachusens court stated that, eating pigs and shellfish, and is referring to homosexuality is that's what they feel like. dancing can do. distinguishing between straight wearing two different types of really pushing it. You have some people who It's natural. marriages and gay civil unions fabric at once — among odier Other passages in less accu- arc just there to have fun and That means we don't have to smacks of "separate but equal." things. These are part of the old rate translations of the Bible there are many others who are go into the club with the plan to The main source cited in sup- Jewish I loly Code, and thus don't seem to refer to homosexuality looking for an opportunity to tap ass, you know? It's already port of legally discriminating apply anymore because they're (i.e., Deuteronomy 23:17-18, and AJOSH GROSS get laid. I'm not saying there's gonna be there naturally, and pan of the "Old Covenant." I Kings 14:24 and 15:12). These against homosexuals is FRESHMAN, necessarily anything wrong with that kind of energy is open and Christianity. It is worth examin- JUDGES 19: An event showing passages originally used the term that — albeit risky. pure. We don't need to be ing what the Bible has to say on marked similarity to the story of "qadesh," which referred to a TELECOMMUNICATIONS The thing is that when clubs wolves to have a good time. Just the subject of homosexuality. Sodom. See the above explana- temple prostitute — male or feel more heavy than fun, it GENESIS 18-19: Two angels tion. female. Prostitution and homo- "They should wait makes a difference for every- Whether we are drunk or visited the town of Sodom. Lot, a ROMANS 1:22-27: This is the sexuality are not (synonymous. until after the investi- body. The overall experience sober, smooth dancers or stiff resident of the town, insisted passage quoted most often in These are the only passages gation to hire him." changes. dancers, hot or hit-up, old or that the angels stay the night in condemning gays. Paul states which address homosexuality, Of course, now and then we'll young, lew or Gentile, gay or his house. That night, the citi- that because people abandoned and all of them are mistransla- hear the DJ. say, "1 ley, who's straight, Palestinian or Al- zens of the town surrounded God and created false idols, he tions and/or taken out of con- getting Peking wasteeeed?" Quaidian, Republican or Lot's house, demanding that the gave them over to their lustful text. Thus, any Christian who And everyone screams, Democratic, Christian or athe- angels be sent down so that the homosexual desires. claims that the Bible condemns "Whooooo!" ist, patriot or terrorist, we can all mob might "know" them. Lot Once again, the original sin homosexuality is as ignorant as Then he'll say, "Hey, who's come to the club with a fun-lov- offered his two daughters to be here is idolatry, not homosexual- the people in the time of lincoln getting Peking laaaaid?" ing spirit and enjoy the night raped instead, but the mob ity. Paul is not speaking about who stated diat the Bible sup- And everyone screams, without getting freaked out. refused. So, God stepped in and loving same-sex relationships — ported slavery. "Whoooooo!" The only other thing I request destroyed the town and its he is addressing homosexual lust My sincerest hope is that at Of course, not everyone is is that prior to going to the club, wicked residents in the context of false idolatry. least one one person who reads STEVE MILLER drunk, and relatively few are please wear deodorant, because Anyone who thinks this story 1 CORINTHIANS 6:9 and 1 this will examine their personal actually going to get laid. But when it's that packed, it can get is addressing loving relationships TIMOTHY 1:10: Paul lists people views on the subject and realize SENIOR, ACCOUNTING that seems to be the fun interac- seriously funky. between two people of the same who will not inherit the kingdom that any law, secular or Christian, tion with the DJ. and not to be sex is out of their minds. It is of heaven. His list includes a which stands in the way of legal- "We should have gone taken literally—well, not all the Send all comments to: obviously condemning gang term which has been variously ly and spiritually joining two after Rick Neuheisel." time. [email protected] rape, inhospitality and lack of translated as "homosexual" or people who are in love, regard- reverence of the angels. The fact "sexual pervert," depending on less of their genders, is absolutely the translation. unacceptable on any level. Send all opinions to: [email protected]

CARRIE WHITAKER, MANAGING EDITOR MATTIVEY, GRAPHICS EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy MAnHOFNER COPY CHIEF ALLISON HALCO, CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are to be POLICIES E-mail submissions as an attach- fewer than 500 words. These are usu- \ Letters to the Editor and Guest ment to [email protected] with BGNEWS DAVID SCHRAG, CITY NEWS EDITOR ally in response to a current issue on I Columns are printed as space on the the subject line marked "Letter to the KARA HULL, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DAVID SCHARFELO, ONLINE EDITOR the University's campus or the Opinion Page permits. Additional Editor" or "Guest Column." Only e- Bowling Green area. Letters to the Editor or Guest JAYME RAMSON, SPORTS EDITOR mailed letters and columns will be Columns may be published online. 210 West Hall GUEST COLUMNS are longer pieces Name, year and phone number considered for printing. All letters are Bowling Green State University DAVID YODER, OPINION EDITOR between 600 and 800 words. These ; should be included for verification subject to review for length and clari- Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 ANGELA GORTER, PULSE EDITOR are usually also in response to a cur- • purposes. Personal attacks, unveri- ty before printing. Phone: (419) 372-6966 rent issue on the University's campus i fied information or anonymous sub- Opinion columns do not necessar- E-mail: [email protected] MIKE METZGER, SPORTS PHOTO EDITOR or the Bowling Green area. missions will not be printed. ily reflect the views of The BG News. Web site: ASHLEY KUNTZ, NEWS PHOTO EDITOR TIFFANI MCKENZIE, FEATURES EDITOR KEN EDWARDS. WEBMASTER


■TwifMifMWiBfi f i iwfwfrffli iWiintitflfTf TnT' «T BGNEWS BRIEFING BASEBALL: BARRY BONDS IS STARTING THE SEASON HISTORICALLY; PAGE 6 Reds claim Romano, demote Olmedo FRIDAY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS April 23, CINCINNATI —The Reds claimed outfielder Jason 2004 Romano off waivers from Tampa Bay and scnl short- stop Ray Olmedo back to the minors yesterday. Romano, 24, went l-for-8 in BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY four games for the Devil Rays, who acquired him from Los Angeles on April 3 for short- stop Antonio Perez. Tampa Bay designated him for assignment on Tuesday. The Reds think that Romano will give them a little more speed and flexibility off the bench. Supreme Court blocks Clarett Olmedo, 22, got his first promotion to the majors last By Gina Holland Paul Stevens, who quickly turned The NFL contends younger school. And 14-year-old Freddy wary because he's only played season. He was the only posi- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS it down. players are not physically ready Adu is the highest-paid player in one year of college football and tion player on the roster who WASHINGTON — Maurice Neither justice ruled on the to play professional football and Major league Soccer. had what most scouts consid- didn't start a game this sea- Clarett lost two Supreme Court merits of Clarett s claim that the may harm themselves by over- Clarett led Ohio State to a ered a mediocre workout eariier son. appeals yesterday to enter this NHS rule was arbitrary and anti- training or resorting to steroid national college football tide as a this month. Olmedo had only one at- weekend's National Football competitive, robbing young use. freshman in 2002, but he was Ginsburg was assigned the bat and got into seven games league draft, but still could try a players of an opportunity to "From the NFlis perspective ruled ineligible as a sophomore case because she oversees as a defensive replacement. third effort to bypass a rule that enter the multimillion-dollar this was never really about for accepting money from a fam- appeals from New York, where He was optioned to Triple-A players wait three years after marketplace. His attorneys had Maurice Clarett. It was about a ily friend and lying about it to the NFL is based. Stevens may Louisville. high school before turning pro. relied on a court niling letting nile that has served the NFL well, NCAA and university investiga- have been the next choice "We all know Ray Olmedo Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg major league baseball players served fans well and served play- tors. Clarett, out of high school because of his expertise in needs to get everyday at-bats, rejected his first request, saying move among teams, and other ers well for many years," said two years, would be eligible for antitrust law, the basis for and that was not happening she saw no reason to let the 20- court decisions opening up the NFL attorney Gregg Levy. the 2005 draft under the current Clarett's case. here," general manager Dan year-old former Ohio State tail- National Basketball Association, Some teenage athletes have nile. Clarett could ask any of the O'Brien said. "It seemed like a back into the draft while his chal- National Hockey League and flourished in pro leagues. If allowed into this weekend's remaining seven justices to look good opportunity to make lenge to the rule is unresolved. now-defunct United States LeBron James was named the draft, Clarett is projected to be a at his case, but his lawyer, Alan that move." Clarett filed a second emer- Football league to younger play- top rookie in the NBA this sea- late second-round or third- gency appeal with Justice John son, just one year out of high round choice. NFL teams are CLARETT, PAGE 6

Falcon softball playing catch BG hires men's up to get better MAC position soccer

By Jason A. Dixon SP0R1S REPORTER coach Sometimes it is the destina- THE BG NEWS tion, not the journey that matters. Fred Thompson was hired as The Bowling Green Stale die new men's soccer coach softball team's last nine game yesterday, replacing Mel against teams in the Mid Mahler, who was fired in Mike Metzger File Photo BG News American Conference will go January after 10 years as BG's a long way in determining if head coach. MOVING ON: Heidi Romer Thompson becomes only returns a volley earlier this sea- the Falcons arrive at dieir des- tination — the MAC die fourth coach in Bowling son. Romer and the Falcons Tournament. Green's 40-year soccer history. beat Akron in the MAC tourna- Wednesday's double-head- For the last two seasons he ment opening round. er loss to East Division leading was an assistant coach at the Kent State (19-15, 11-31 pro- University of Evansville, of the vided a minor bump in the Missouri Valley Conference. He road for BG, which had won helped lead livansville to a 9-7- BG tennis eight of 10 games heading 3 record in 2003, the school's into the contest. best season since 1996. "You know what, Kent Thompson was die head cruises State's a good team and that's coach at Bellevue Community what we kept saying is they're College in Washington in 2000 just like us ... they can hit, and 2001, leading his team to a by Akron; they can pitch, they play good 28-8-6 record over two seasons, 'D,'" head coach Leigh Ross- winning a league champi- Shaw said. "It's just in those onship. He was named the kind of games you got to see NWAACC Coach of the Year in Western 2001. who's going to want it more As a player. Thompson was a and step up, and I think the rain delays killed us in both starter on the Jamaican nation- al team and a defender for the up next games in which we were in Baltimore Blast of the MIS1, the THE BG NEWS the lead before the rain delay Tacoma Stars of the MSL and The Bowling Green tennis and lost die leads afterwards." Now, the Falcons (21-23, 8- die Sacramento Knights of die team advanced to the quarterfi- CISI. He was a 1987 graduate of nal round of the Mid-American 7) return to the BGSU Softball Field where they are 7-3 on George Mason University. Conference tournament with a "His wealth of experience in 4-0 win over Akron yesterday the season to face the Northern Illinois 1 luskies in a recruiting and coaching make morning. him an excellent addition to The No. 7 seed Falcons three-game series, beginning with a double-header tomor- our coaching staff, and will pro- advance to play No. 2 seed Mike Metzger File Photo BG News vide us die leadership needed row at 1 p.m. and Sunday's Western Michigan today at 10 HOT BAT: Gina Rango takes a cut during a win over Ball State last weekend. Rango and the Falcons to return our men's soccer pro- a.m. in Rockford Illinois. The host Northern Illinois for three games, starting tomorrow. Rango had three hits against Kent State gram to a level of national tournament is being hosted by SOFTBAU, PAGE 8 Wednesday, but the Falcons lost both games of the doubleheader. prominence," Athletic director Northern Illinois. Paul Krebs said. The Falcons won the doubles point to start the match with a pair of 8-2 wins from doubles teams of Lisa Maloney and Susie Schoenberger and Ashley Jakupcin and Heidi Romer. No. 3 doubles team of Gaby Big series ahead for BG Coello and Andrea Meister were behind 4-3 when their match was halted. Tournament rules By Elliott Schreiner come in with a lineup featuring ting .318 with 28 RBI. call for matches to be stopped ASSISTANT SPORtS EOITOR players that have started 20 or "This is not a team that is when the point is decided. The Bowling Green baseball more games. The depth will going to beat themselves," The Falcons won three singles team has perhaps their biggest become a possible advantage Schmitz said. "They're very well matches and were ahead in two series of the season as they trav- for the Flashes, especially play- coached." others when play was halted. el to Kent to take on perennial ing at home. With Friday's opener, the Schoenberger defeated Diana Mid-American Conference con- "The more depth you have Falcons are going to have more Serafini, 6-2,6-0 at No. 2 singles. tender Kent State. the better off you're going to be," to worry about than the Flashes At No. 4 singles, Jakupcin beat The Falcons carry a 19-10 Schmitz said. "Especially at depth. Courtney Brenkus, 6-1, 6-3. record with a 6-6 MAC mark into home. When you travel you can Righty Andy Sonnenstine will Romer also picked up a win, 6-3, the game while the Golden only bring 25 players, but at look to the give the Falcons fits. 6-3 over Stephanie Miles at No. 5 Flashes bring an 18-19 record home you can dress everyone. The sophomore comes into the singles. with a similar 6-6 MAC mark Your bench is always more deep game with a 2.95 ERA and a 5-4 Coello was leading Akron's into the game. at home than when you're trav- record and more experience Jenna larson, 6-4, 1-2 at No. 3 But the losing record is eling." than a sophomore needs. singles, and Jessica Johnson was deceiving as Kent's out of con- At the top of this depth for the "Sonnenstine has pitched in leading Mindy Price, 7-6 (4), 1-0 ference schedule includes many Flashes is senior Chad Kinyon some very big, close games," at the No. 6 spot. Akron's Irina big time Division I opponents. who comes into the weekend Schmitz said. Strembitsky was leading BG head coach Danny leading Kent with eight homers, But when it all comes down to Maloney at No. 1 singles, 6-3,3-0. Schmitz knows this best of all. 39 RBI and a team-high .338 bat- it, the Falcons just have to worry Western had a bye in the open- "If you can't get up for Kent ting average. I lelping Kinyon is about themselves. ing round, and BG will have to State, you're in the wrong busi- fellow senior Matt Sega, who is I know it sounds like a improve on a 7-0 loss to the ness," he said. second in homers with seven cliche," Schmitz said. "But we've NKe Mtttset File Photo BG News Broncos earlier this season if the The Flashes come in with a and RBI with 30 as well as fresh- SAFE: Tyler Wasserman slides into third base during a loss to Falcons hope to advance. plethora of weapons as they man Andrew Davis, who is bat- BASEBALL. PAGE 6 Northern Illinois last weekend. BG heads to Kent today.


. ■ : . ,'i 6 Friday. April 23,2004 SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM Bonds' start leaves many in awe BylanieMcCautey Hank Aaron (755) and Babe line like Barry Bonds. He's still IHC ASSOCIATED PRESS Ruth (714). If he stays healthy the best at it." Chasing SAN IHANCISCO — Hall of and keeps up his pace, Bonds How does he keep his body Famer Orlando Cepeda told could reach 700 this season. going at this late stage in his everyone almost a decade ago He set the single-season career? history, that he'd never seen someone home run record of 73 in 2001. "Talent," Giants trainer Stan swing a bat as well as Barry This season, he's performed fan- Conte said. "Talent sums up Bonds. tastically at the plate while deal- skill, genetics and psychological Bonds stalls "And people looked at me ing with questions about his all in one." funny," Cepeda recalled. personal trainer's drug distribu- His teammates can appreci- Nobody's arguing now, not tion case and whether Bonds ate what Bonds is doing, even if for a night has used steroids. with Bonds batting .500 — yep, the defending NL West champi- By Steve Wiistein .500! — and connecting for nine "His weapon is his mind," said on Giants are having a rough HP SPOH'S COLUMNIST home runs among his first 19 Cepeda, who hit 379 homers in April in the win column, lliat No swings, no homers. hits. He even homered in seven 17 major league seasons. "He's seems to be wearing on Bonds, Not even Barry Bonds can straight games, one shy of the brilliant. I le amazes me the way who fell six outs short of win- perform the magic of hitting a major league record. he plays the game of baseball. In ning the World Series in 2002. home run without swinging "What he's doing is pretty spe- all his years, I've seen him look "I only take comfort in wins," his bat. cial," first baseman J.T. Snow bad at the plate two times. Guys Bonds said. He can reach the left-field said. look bad at the plate five times a In his last two games, Bonds seats with a check swing His Bonds, a six-time NL MVR got day. saw 29 pitches and only five pop-tips fly over the center- a mych-needed day off yester- "He has the best sight. It's strikes. He swung once — con- field fence. When he connects day when the Giants concluded incredible. People should come necting for his ninth homer of widi die fat of the bat at home a four-game series against the to the ballpark just to say, 'I saw the season, a two-nin shot off in San Francisco, the ball San Diego Padres. He is expect- Barry Bonds.' 1 played with Brian Lawrence luesday. Only soars to right and splashes in ed to play all three weekend Hank Aaron, Willie Mays and 36 percent of the pitches Bonds McCovey Cove. games in l.os Angeles against Frank Robinson. There's nolxxly saw last season were strikes, the Wiggling the bat without the Dodgers. better than Bany Bonds, and lowest frequency in the majors. taking a cut brings only a "He is really tired," manager he's nearly 40 years old." He walked 148 times in Kit) frown to his face and boos Felipe Alou said. "You can see it Rich Donnelly, now a third- games. from the crowd. in the outfield. He's been busy." base coach for die Brewers, was "They have to get him in Bonds comes to hit. Fans That's for sure. a coach for Bonds from 1986-92 another league," shortstop Neifi come to see him chase histo- Bonds' homer streak ended when the slugger first came up Perez said. "He's not for ibis ry. Sometimes the game con- Wednesday, just short of tying with the Pittsburgh llrates. league. They need to make spires to disappoint both of the marie shared by Dale Donnelly points out that another big league for him. It's them. (1956), Don Mattingly (1987) Bonds has made his marie as unbelievable." Such was the case and Ken Griffey Ir. (1993). With more than merely a great hitter. Cepeda agrees. Wednesday night when the game out of reach — the "The two greatest baserun- "To me, he's one in a million," Bonds, seeking to tie a major Giants lost 11-0 — Bonds asked ners I've ever seen are Larry Cepeda said. "You won't see any- leH Chiu AP Pi.titi: league record by homering in to be taken out in the eighth Walker and Barry Bonds," thing like that again. The things eight straight games, turned STREAK ENDS: San Francisco Giants' Barry Bonds walks back to the inning. Donnelly said. "It's not always he's doing are unreal. I le thrills into the phantom of his opera dugout after striking out looking against San Diego Padres' Jake Bonds, who turns 40 in )uly, about stolen bases. ... Nolxxly me every day. I'm praying I can by the bay. Peavey in the second inning Wednesday night. has 667 homers, behind only makes a play down the left-field be like him in my next life." Bonds is third on the career homer list with 667,47 behind Babe Ruth and 88 shy of leader I lank Aaron. F)oes anyone doubt Bonds will catch them? The way he's playing as he Falcons taking MAC approaches his 40th birthday, Williams also affected he could take diem both out this year and put a move on CURETT, FROM PAGE 5 with the Supreme Court that as Reggie White, Cris Carter and games one at a time Ted Williams' .406 batting allowing Clarett to be drafted Bernie Kosar entered the NFL average in 1941 — as absurd could be unfair to the team that after lx?ing taken in supplemen- as that might sound. Milstcin, said he would not ask. BASEBALL, FROM PAGE 5 need our pitchers to throw like "That's not the route we're picked him and to a player who tal drafts. their capable. Our hitting and With nine homers in the loses out on a spot because Clarett was appealing a stay going," said Milstein, who got to take it one game at i. time. defense need to come together," Giants' first 15 games, he's on refused to elaborate. Clarett was chosen, issued Monday by the New York- Schmitz said. "We've got to put all a pace for 97 homers. I lis bat- Ginsburg cited in her decision based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of And for the Falcons, taking it The outcome would also one game at a time means bring- three phases together to win." ting average is a cool .500. affect wide receiver Mike the NFLs willingness to Appeals that put on hold a The Kent State scries this Bonds could have a bunch of "prompUy" hold a supplemental lower-court ruling saying the ing every facet of their game to its Williams of Southern California, potential which at times has weekend would be a perfect lousy nights like this one and who is expected to be a P.rst- draft for Clarett if he prevails in NFL can't enforce its three-year place to bring the team together. still pass them all. his lawsuit challenging the NFL rule. been a problem for BG. , round pick if ruled eligible. "In conference games, we " » The NFL had said in a filing eligibility nile. Former stars such WILSTEIN, PAGE 7 Delivery Driver Needed APARTMENTS FOR RENT ASK ABOUT FREE WIRELESS INTERN" I)/j \ Fall/Spring Semester s& COLUMBIA HEINZ MERCER 424&451Frazee COURTS MANOR • 3 Large bedroom/ 2 \% Apply Now! ■ 3 bedroom/ 2 bath bath • 3 bedroom/ 2 full bath ■ Furnished • Furnished • Air Conditioning • air conditioned • Air Conditioning • Fireplace, Microwave n.W Dishwasher, and G/D v v.-. Are you a morning person? •Starting at _-0/m° ' • Fireplace, Microwave + Utilities 'f!£Zy~-r Dishwasher, and G/D. • Starting at <- 00 Do you have reliable transportation? •fireplaces • Starting at j^^ + Utilities -tftfiW + Utilities /rt>o THE BG NEWS is looking for a mature individual to deliver papers • UNfTS 49-72 HAVE nth • f • FREE WIRELESS for 2-3 hours starting at 6:00 am, Monday through Friday. FREE WIRELESS • FREE WIRELESS INTERNET INTERNET IN SOME INTERNET In return, you receive OUTSTANDING WAGES. 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i&fflfi» ...... ^^^■wyy^ilF^'il^fmXwrT^^'^ffn^w^^San WWW.BGNEWS.COM SPORTS Friday, April 23.2004 7 Game easy for Bonds

WIISTEIH, FROM PAGE 6 it was a cold, boring, anticlimactic Three years running Bonds has evening. Bonds' buddy, new had the top three on-base per- That's ridiculous, of course. It's Oakland Raiders defensive tackle centages in baseball since I960. In only April. Wait at least until the Warren Sapp, sat bundled up in 2001, he broke Ruth's slugging per- All-Star break to get excited by the guest secdon, yawned widely centage record, set in 1920. He's numbers. Except we're talking after the second walk, then left. He tied with Aaron at die moment for about Barry "I Can Do Anything" wasn't the only one. The joint the most homers after age 35 — Bonds—a guy who hit 73 homers emptied out when Dustan Mohr 245 — and will almost surely sur- in 2001, batted .370 in 2002 and replaced Bonds in left in the pass the record by a 40-year old — won his sixth MVP last season eighth. 34 by Detroit's Darrell Evans in even as he coped widi his father's Bonds asked out rather than go 1987. illness and death. for another piece of history near Even after the loss of his father "He takes the game like playing the meaningless end of the game. and the federal charges against his Nintendo — it's that easy for him," He couldn't really enjoy this trainer for allegedly distributing Giants shortstop Neifi Perez says. homer streak — an NL-record steroids from the Bay Area Most nights, anyway. eight in seven games. With die Laboratory Co-Operative, Bonds Ich in the on-deck circle at the Giants losing four of those games, is off to the best start of his career. end ofthe first inning Wednesday, Bonds said, the streak didn't mat- He explains it with one word: Bonds went down on called strikes ter. "Talent." leading off the second. He missed When the Giants lost this miser- It's a talent that's composed of an opportunity — and knew it — able affair, Bonds bolted without a more than the sweetest, most with a fastball down the middle on word. He plays to win and still compact swing in the game and the first pitch by San Diego's lake lusts for a World Series ring. biceps as hard and big as bricks. lay laPrattAP Photo Peavy. Called strikes on the out- Yet the more the Giants fall Steroids, even if he took them RETURNING: Ohio State linebacker A). Hawk (47) returns an interception against North side and, at 2-2, on the inside, a behind in games, the more Bonds despite his denials, make a player Carolina State last season in Columbus, Ohio. The Buckeyes are rebuilding a defense that few inches from Bonds' belt buck- might expect to see pitches he can stronger but they can't come close le, brought a sneer from the slug- hit. When that happens, the odds to accounting for all his amazing helped them win 25 ot their last 27 games with Hawk as one of the returnees. ger and jeers from the crowd. are he'll do something with them. numbers His mental toughness is His next two times up, Bonds No one should be surprised to see at least equal to his physical walked on eight balls that he him improve on his numbers from strength. declined to chase. They weren't last year — a mere .341 batting "In spring training it was all intentional passes, let's just say average with 45 homers. about BALCO," Giants manager Hard to keep Hawk Peavy was being cautious and "He said to me recently, I Wipe Alou said. "Everything that uncharitable, even with a 7-0 lead would've hit 55-60 home runs last came into die clubhouse was, 'Is in the fourth and an 8-0 advantage year if it wasn't forthedeathofmy this guy going to have trouble con- in the sixth. Having been victim- dad,'" said Hall of I-'amcr Joe centrating or be bothered?' 1 said, ized by Bonds on other occasions, Morgan, an ESPN announcer. 1 didn't think so.'" from hitting the field Peavy offered him only junk and "He's coping with it and I think Only one thing seems to bother protected a shutout in San Diego's he's at a point now where every- Bonds: losing. The way he's hitting, thing is working perfectly for him. when he sees a pitch worth swing- By Rusty Miller 2003 when he led the Buckeyes I'm doing too much." 11-0 rout II I. tSSOCIAKD PRESS with lOitaddes. He also had four The thing is, Hawk usually For everyone except die Padres, The sky's the limit as usual with ing at, the Giants could turn that COLUMBUS <)llio — Al- siicks, two interceptions and 13 does tiK) much. He's like a pin- him." around in a hurry. Hank will never lie cine ol those tackles for negative yardage. ball. Inimu ing oil blockers and workers who calls in sick and I ven; is he was piling up those ball carriers until the whistle then sneaks out for a mural of impressive slats, however, his blows, I le is in almost constant golf. knees were hurting, lie had motion during even inconse- To begin with, the stubby, surgerj In lanuary to repair the quential practices, encouraging & ADULT MART WEST TB" thick-necked Hawk docsn'i damage, which limited his work teammates, sacking quartcr- appear tobea candidate ic i w in a this spring. backs and shadowing receivers. PGA Tour card any time soon. Ilial did not sit well with So much for limiting his work DVD • VIDEOS • TOYS On tup of that, the junior line- during die spring. I lawk, BACHELORETTE • BACHELOR PARTY GIFTS backer from Cemcrvillc e allowed to do," he going out there, every chance he HUGE ' LOTIONS • MASSAGE OILS LADIES DAY "You grow up never missing said with an edge to his veto, gels," Ohio State coach |im SELECTIONS anything and then you come "( inning into the spring, they lu-ssel said. "I might bide his GREETING CARDS • MAGAZINES 20% OFF here mil it's tough to sit amoral inkl me, Ur'u- ml going to let shoulder pads." anil watch the guys,* I lawk sakl you hit al all' lint they've seen That isn't so far-fetched. When last week after a tuneup foi that I leel gixxl anil I want to run he got stitches on die bridge of ^Lingerie (Boutique' Satunlay's annual Ohio Male around (Ve been able to bit. his nose last season, the training spring game. "Now I'm one of Most ofthe time at practice they staff hid I lawks helmet so he theolilerguys. Its just lough \\u\- let me do almost al! ol die team couldn't practice, lliat ploy didn't 18 & 10 MINUTES EAST OF BOWLING GREEN CORNER RT 6 & 23 ingtO'A'dlch everyone out then'." stuff ihcy might poll me out OLDER 20 MINUTES SOUTH OF TOLEDO 419-288-2131 gj g I lawk had a monster sear in here and there when thev think BUCKEYES, PAGE 8 PLAY'TIL YOU DROP FREE ADMISSION-SERIOUS SWAG

Fight Night 2004 MVP Baseball 2004

Burnout 3, James Bond 007: 004 Everything or nothing When/Where: XIII, Tom Clancy's Monday, April 26th, Rainbow Six 3, | SWPHICS »Y I Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Tom Clancy's 7-10 p.m. Union Ballroom O Ghost Recon: Jungle UBI50FT Storm, Far Cry, Tom m Battle ofthe Bands @ 7:00PM Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (SB* at the Falcons Nest. The Suffering,

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NBA Bailers, Year-end celebration with MLB SlugFest: Loaded tons of free food, games, America's Army NYko prizes, and numerous s?ECtM- fOUc^ Special Forces giveaways - including a trip Max Payne 2- I ALIEN WARE? * The Fall Of Max Payne for two to NYC (graduating seniors only). Who: Anyone, including YOU! UAO PRESENTS Sponsored by Student Alumni Association, University The Coolest , PC& Wireless Live Event 2004 College Tour Will Be Here On: Ambassadors, BGSU Alumni Association, New Horizons, FRIDAY APRIL 23 BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY THE BALLROOM 11:00 4:00 PM AlA.Pepsi, MBNA, and National City Bank 8 Friday, April 23.2004 SPOUTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM Falcons aim to get Vizquel reaches milestone

By Tom Withers Pitching coach Carl Willis said sweep against NIU THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Sabathia threw aboul 20 wa nnup CLEVELAND — Omar Vizquel pitches in the cento -field SOFTBALL FROM PAGE 5 don't want it to come down to the reached into his locker and bullpen when he felt some sore- last weekend with Central pulled oul two buttles of expen- ness while tossing a change up. game at 1 pan. also. Michigan, because they're such a sive red wine, gifts from Indians' "Hopefully il was a freaky, iluky The Huskies (12-32, 1-10) arc strong team. Teammate lohn McDonald. thing. "Willis said. Coining oil a 2-0 sweep ■gains) "So, for Northern (Illinois), A few moments earlier, Vizquel Indians general manager Mark Hall state-Wednesday. IheyYe down ... and we need (o led a champagne toast in Shapiro didn't want lo speculate NIU handed it to l«; during last kick (hem while they're down" Cleveland's clubhouse in honor on Sabalhia's status until the test seasons three game sweep In Ross-Shaw said. "Uc need (o Walk of his 2,000th career hit. results come back. DcKalb, III.. OUtSCOfing the oul and make it even worse for The wines were a fine vintage. "V\fe don'l have all The info rma- 1 alcons 16-3 111 the series only to (hem and Come wilh dial attitude So was the single. lion in a( the moment." he said. sir i« 1 bounce back to beat than 'sorry about your luck, hut we'iv Vizquel's milestone hit helped "Bottom line, we won a game and win their first MAC going to be to beet you." set up Cleveland's three-run rally where the odds were slacked tournament game since ii)98. Ten teams make the MAC in the eighth inning yesterday, againsl us. A good Mltl rending Ross-Shaw said last season's Tournament and Itti is currently giving the Indians a 5-4 win over will make il about the best day series is no) going to lie a factor in silling in the sixlli spn(, but three the Kansas Ciry Royals. we've had in a while." how the two teams play one teams trail die I ale < ms by only one "What made il so special was Before the eighth inning, il another this weekend. or two games in the loss column. That we came from behind." Bald appeared the Indians were head- "At the end of the Kent State "I don'l think we can be over- Vizquel, who started his career ed for a Third slraiglil loss. game. I (old (he girls that we have confident right now, but we know with Seattle. "Thai's something Bui after Ronnie Belliard l to gei over this whole confidence how good we should lx and \ve we've slniggled with all year." walked, Vizquel became the issue, and we got to step up and know we're 1101 playing up to that Vizquel then proudly showed 230th player lo reach 2,000 hils pretend like every game should be leveL" Ross-Shaw said, "Out goal off his Napa Valley wines from when he singled off lason our game." she said. "We've this weekend istogetasweep... I McDonald. Grimsley (1-1). Three batters think we can do dial and that'll gel bed to ourselves that we're In "Good wine," Vizquel said, later. Victor Martinez hit a g; ime- control because we can win all us headed in the right direction to "and a good win." winning RBI double off D.I. these games and we need 10... we the end the season." But il remains to be Seen il it's a Carrasco and Cleveland g> il its costly one for the Indians, who first come-rrom-behlnd win this are awaiting medical (esl results season. on ace C.C. Sabalhia's sore left "I knew he wauled lo do 11 lai al shoulder. home, and for our squad," Sabalhia was pulled from whal Indians manager Eric Wedge Hawk to lead OSU defense would have been his looih career said. Star! about 15 minutes before he Monday, Vizquel asked Wedge BUCKEYES. FROM PAGE 7 111 bet, Trcsscl has hern riding CATALYST: Cleveland's Omar Vizquel slaps an eighth inning sin- was scheduled lo make his firsl lo pinch-hit for him in a 10-1 loss Hawk to assert himself more with pitch, left" I VAmico filled in for the so he would have a chance I" gle off Kansas City reliever Jason Grimsley for his 2000th career .•nil He found his helmet and his teammates. left-hander, who was immediate- reach 2,000 at a more mean i ngful hit. He came around to score as the Indians won. 5-4. stormed off to the field. "Tile one thing dial he needs to ly taken lor X-rays. moment Hawk Will likrlv lake HI added do is lead," hvsscl slid. "I le needs responsibilities this season, since lo becomea little mem• veriial." last years defense was stocked with [he 6-foot-Z 230-pound I lawk seniors who had been through recognizes that his voice needs m countless BigTen battles. Hawkisa cop) what he's doing wiih his body natural Choice to make defensive- —showing the way calls VILLAGE GREEK APARTMENTS Friday, April 23rd at 8pm We're filling up fast! t ; r— 1 1 MOM&/'C2My welcomes! /5 leases for May /5 leases for August /Two bedroom apartments Black Swamp Pub in the Union 2 Itlovks from Campus! • « 1 1,, Inn * 0,1 sli. Hunui*ii1K-iM \ M.ilni, II.UK.

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l FRIDAY April 23, 2004

SLOAN: Retro rockers score above average BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY with their latest "action VOLUME 98 ISSUE 137 pact' CD; PAGE 9 wxm get a life calendar of events Friday

11 p.m. The Shantee Howard's Club H

11 p.m Crazy Eddie Triple Bill Nate & Wallys

11 p.m. Brian Bocian Brewster's

7-11 p.m. Musician's Guild Concert Union Ballroom

8 p.m. University and Concert Band Concert Kobacker Hall By Sean Corp 8-11 p.m. UAO hosts Dl in the Pub Pulse Writer Black Swamp Pub i. Comedy is simple. You stand on a stage, tell 11 p.m. UAO Presents "Stuck on You" some jokes and make people laugh. But to be Union Theater a stand-up comedian is not simple. It takes i special kind of person. Saturday Although, you'll rarely see a comedian talk philosophically about why he tells 11 p.m. jokes or what compels him to stand on Stylex Hominid stage, the job is not for everybody. Wicked Lung and the Wooklar "They feel that they have it in them to Howard's Club H make an audience laugh and they won't give

11 p.m. up until they do," said Andy Smith, 20, an Mary Prankster avid stand-up comedy fan. "I'm an aspiring Nate & Wally's open-mic comedian who hasn't found that 11 p.m. something special it takes to get booed off Cat Walk Blue / stage yet," he said with a laugh. Brewster's "Honestly, I don't think I would handle lp.m. Lbing well," said Smith. "Fd probably QuadStock featuring Marcy's obligated to make some sort of witty Playground Alumni Mall between Harshman ment about my bombing and then that and Kreisher Halls would bomb and Fd just keep digging "" deeper into a hole until even- Sunday Fm just blowing up a latex on my head with my nose." 9:30 p.m. UAO Present's "Stuck on You" Smith whose favorite comedi- Union Theater ans include Louis C.K., David Cross, Dane Cook, Mitch Monday Hedberg, Sarah Silverman id Paul F. Tompkins likes Euchre Night J - >re offbeat come Easy Street Cafe "Most of the stuff i pretty out there and Tuesday Lot what people are

Comedy/Open Mic Night used to seeing Easy Street Caff

9:30 p.m. UAO Presents "Last Samurai" Union Theater


6-7 p.m. Wild Wacky Wednesday at the Union with Woodville Falcon's Nest

Jazz Night Easy Street Cafe Sex, candy take center stage

By Angela L Gorter The best of what Bowling Green community within the quads," Thursday PULSTtOltOR has to offer will be featured, in said Kristy Headley, member of The scent of sex and die taste .ii lil II ii HI to the pioneers of the die central planning committee 11 p.m. of candy will not be flourishing lyrics, "I smell sex and candy, for the event. It is also a way to The Zimmerman Twins in the donns of either yeah." bring all of the sniderfts on cam- Howard's Club H Harshman or Kreischer "Our hall council started pus and off, together for one Quadrangles this weekend, but thinking about doing a large large-scale community recre- 8 p.m. will all be taking place outside venue-type concert event to cel- ation, she added. Open Mic/Poetry Night on the lawn. ebrate the end of the year," said Sponsored by WBGU. the Black Swamp Pub In one loud musical effort, the Ryan Keytack, graduate hall Office of Residence Life and oth- hall councils of both residence director of Anderson, Bromfield, ers, Quadstock is a non-profit halls will bring hit maker of the Chapman, Dunbar and event that is made possible early nineties, Marcy Harshman. "They (hall council through ball hinds and fundrais- Playground and 11 other local of Kreischer, Ashley, Batchelder, ers. Staffing, will also be provid- bands for Quadstock. Compton and Darrow) were ed by students to cut the costs of The event, "a celebration of going to do a local band-con- the event. rock and community," as touted nective concert. We combined Along with the free concert, ARTISTIC: The residents of Harshman Quadrangle painted an on the posters across campus, to celebrate the arts, music" omage to the upcoming Quadstock and its featured guests, Marcy will be an all-dav free concert. Quadsiock "is a way to build CONCERT, PAGE 10 Playground, in a splash on the dorm's main window. KEEP YOUR FINGERS ON THE PULSE OF CAMPUS AT WWW.BGNEWS.COM/PULSE i •

mMi WKGgi. ■MB KBraKMBi 10 Friday. April 23.2004 TUB PULSE WWW.BGNEWS.COM Jazz, organ remain reason for artistf s long rock history

By Eric Ham A: It's fantastic; my kids recognized by musicians like record there are 10 or 12 PULSE MR HE R have always been my pals. Herbie Hancock and the tracks that were never Brain Auger is a legend in They are also very talented Beastie Boys. I think it is a released before. I basically his own right. 1 le has been musicians, they're certainly great honor. asked the record company conquering the world of not in the band because Q: How have you been what they thought, and let jazz-infused rock-n-roll with they're my kids. able to survive in the music them know if I agreed or not. a pinch of R&H since the business for so many years? Q: Could you explain what 1960s and hasn't let up since. A: Well, it hasn't been easy. your style of musk is? I lis newest release Auger When I got into it, I didn't A: In words, I think it is dif- Rhythms Brain Auger's think it would last. The ficult to explain. In the early Musical History, combines Beatles helped open up the days the idea was to put the sounds of his classics, Q A door for British artists. something together that with those of bands sucli as (.): What should people bridged the gaps between Oblivion Express, Julie WITH BRIAN AUGER expect to see at one of your lazz and Rock. DriscollandTheTYinity. shows? Q: What is your most Wednesday, Auger Q: What was it like playing A: Fireworks. High energy memorable show you receieved a warm welcome with Rod Stewart and limmy entertaining music whether played at? from Bowling Green as he Page? you want to dance or listen. A: A show 1 did in Italy played to a full house at Easy A: limmy is a tremendous If you are a keyboard player, many years ago on my birth- Street Cafe, As standing ova- player and always was. Early you are going to have a good day. We did it at a football tions and cheers filled the on he was a session player. time. If you are a bass player, stadium with 25,000 people room, Auger displayed why My band Trinity opened up you are going to have a good there. They presented me a he has been going so strong- for the first dates in the U.S. time. If you are amusician, gift and the crowd of 25,000 ly through the past four for Led Zeppelin. It was just you are going to have a good people sang "Happy decades. amazing times; I think they time. I think it has a universal Birthday" in French. (.): Mow and why did you were probably the best rock appeal. Q: Have you ever been to choose (o play the organ? band ever. Q: With so many albums Bowling Green, and are you A:l heard a guy called Q: How does it feel to to pick from, how did you excited to come? limmy Smith while walking know you haw influenced choose the songs on your A: I have never been to by a record store in london. I so many artists including latest album, Auger Bowling Green, but have thought it sounded really the Beastie Boys? Rhythms? played in many college exciting. A: I am always amazed; my A: I consulted with our towns. Our music seems to QWhat is it like to play in music is a mix of different producer and manager Tom be very well accepted in a Photo Provided a band with your children? styles. It is flattering to be Vickers. On that particular college environment. AUGER ROCKS: Brian Auger shows exactly how he has come to be recognized as a master of his craft.

KEANE mertime band as a Canadian this would be it. The combination band, and much like the of pseudo-artists and the real Vancouver based New deal, actually mix well in this not HOPES AND I'ornographers, they are proving too long CD made for the televi- Cla-Zel features music FEARS that Northerners have a knack for sion show. "The OC." playing straight-forward pop- I"he tracks here bounce around Universal-Island rock without sounding overly from being too mellow, to making Records Ltd. derivative or pretentious. your foot dance. With new artists this weekend, no films Sloan hasn't exactly evolved or that were obviously influenced by dug into new territory on Action the ("Just a Ride" by Keane, the guitarless rock band By Rachel liobak two instruments at once. their audience by doing about from the UK, will make its pres- Pact, but the production is slick JEM) and the Beatles ("The Way PULSE WMIER Their music is mainly writ- 100-175 gigs a year. Carbone ence known worldwide May 10. and the songs are solid, especially We Get By") era, or even Oasis Magnify your hearing senses ten together as a band, but the first single "Rest of My life" oddly enough ("Paint the Sky" by explains that they aren't "week- That is when their debut album, and turn your head to the Sheaffer writes the majority of end warriors." As of right now, / /opes and Imrs is released, the cowbell inflected "Live On," South), it's a throw-the-dart-and- sounds ol Railroad Earth. the lyrics. and the ultra-catchy "I Was watch-where-it-lands-type of they are doing a "SpringTour" showcasing eleven emotional Headlining and performing at "I le'll sing a melody that as a pre-release tour for their and creative tracks. Wrong." With some radio help, soundtrack. the Cla-Zel Theater at 8:00 p.m. these songs may eventually earn comes to mind during prac- new album, Goorf Life, debut- Synthesized sounds like those However, it does feature the Saturday, Railroad Earth will tice," said Carbone. "It seems ing June 8th. found in ambient techno cuts are the hand their long awaited, show's hit theme song play with opening band La stateside break. to come natural." Railroad Earth has per- often used throughout the CD. "California," by Phantom Planet, Revancha Since Carbone is the fiddle formed in Bowling Green They are mostly for background - Andrew dayman which without all of the beautiful Railroad Earth can be classi- underage faces flying at you from player in the band, he is main- before at various bars, five or effects: taking a back seat to solid fied in the genre of country ly influenced by any music six times. Thomas Mel aughlin, piano melodies and to Tom ALL THAT TV, is quite catchy. with a hint of bluegrass. with either a violin or fiddle. representative of Sugar Ilill Chaplin's strong lead vocals. Remember the scene from Although they are not entirely Over the past few years of Records, found Railroad Earth Chaplin expresses his lyrics' REMAINS "Old School" where Will Ferrell bluegrass, they consider them- performing Railroad Earth has and hooked them up with a gig plunges into the swimming pool feelings like few can through the selves influenced by it. accumulated many fans. The in town. way his voice sounds. He sings in after shooting himself with the The band joined together fans call themselves "Hobos." THIS tranquilizer dart? Well, if that He decided to have them falsetto at some point in most through their manager, who is These "hobos" will go on tour play at the Cla-Zel because tracks, but he does it so well that DARKENED Simon and Garfunkel song wasn't HEART a friend, in 2001. They each with them and follow them McLaughlin's father owns the it only adds to the emotional feel- playing, this one would have, and found themselves between Prosthetic Records from gig to gig theater. ing that each track has. he would have jumped out of the sessions and wanted to do "It's like a family affair," la Revancha, opening for To say that the tracks have pool himself once he heard it. something together. Carbone said. "We're gregari- Railroad Earth at the Cla-zel, is If Slipknot and System of a "I Ioney and the Moon," is a sure- emotion is not to say they are all The band members of ous. We don't hide from peo- a Spanish band that consists of slow or wishy-washy. In fact, Down got married and had a fire way to make your finger jump Railroad Earth are Todd ple. We like to meet new peo- baby, and its godfather was to the skip button. Leonardo Ruiz (vocals/rhythm Keane uses very driving beats in Sheaffer (lead vocals/ acoustic ple." guitar/songwriting); Josh most of their songs that keep the Metallica; that baby would proba- Two tracks that I figured were guitar); Tun Carbone (violin/ bly listen to this band. Since they enjoy meeting Smith (bass guitar); David energy up even while the lyrics right on for both the mood that vocals); John Skehan (man- new people, the band tries to Olivarez (acoustic guitar); Mike get contemplative about life's All That Remains is a metalcore the CD wished to convey and the dolin/vocals); Andy Goessling band determined to do it their connect with their crowd Dooley (electric guitar); Joe experiences. mood that it wanted to leave the (acoustic guitars/banjo/ through their music and lyrics. Zimmct (trumpet); Francisco way, even if that means no one listener in (a good one by the A lack of guitars does not take dobro/mandolin/flute/penny- "The music speaks for itself," Cabanillas (percussions); anything away from Keane's will" listen. While some bands way) was "Dice" by Finefy Quaye whisde/saxophones/vocals); said Carbone. attempt to cater to listeners' and William Orbit, and "The Way Kathleen Jara (violin) and entertaining brand of rock. The Carey Harmon (drums/hand With Sheaffer's words, they Elijah Vazquez (drums). band was voted the most promis- needs, this Massachusetts-based We Get By" by Spoon. If these percussion/vocals) and Johnny quintet writes and perfonns guys' albums sound anything like are able to have the audience "The promoter of the shows, ing new music act by the BBC's Grubb (upright bass). connect with them rather than usually will put a band on that music that they consider true to their songs, I recommend a visit Online Sound of 2004 Survey for The band shows quite a col- solely with the music. will be really good," Carbone good reason, as their professional themselves to Finder's, pronto. Particularly, Apparently, this method is lection of instruments during "We refine the art of conver- said. sound is very likely to be a hit because they are both reminis- their performances. Goessling sation," Carbone said. working. Their music has taken cent of better, groovier times. Tickets will be available at when Hopes and k-ars is released is known to play impressively They try to connect with die door for $12 or $15. next month. them far and won diem wide- Finally, if you love "The OC," then - Dan Myers spread acclaim. Behind Silence this soundtrack is for you. Or, if and Solitude, the band's debut the only "OC" you know of is the album, was released March 2002, city in California, well you're not inspiring to missing out on much. Party on SLOAN name the group as "one of the rich kids, you're theme CD has premier melodic death metal acts arrived! Rain, bad weather will not ACTION PACT this side of the Atlantic." - Angela L Gorter Their second album, This vik Records Darkened Heart, includes an array of musical styles including BENJELEN stop Quadstock performances metal, acoustic segments, unblemished vocals intertwined ludging by their carefully CONCERT, FROM PAGE 9 University on MTV earlier this week, as a first- disheveled haircuts and 70s with blasting beats, screaming GIVE IT ALL stop on their summer tour. swagger, you might think Sloan and attacks of thrashing. This is AWAY Quadstock will include free food, T-shirts and of In good old Woodstock fashion, Quadstock was just another band riding pure headbanger's stuff. Maverick Record course, an appearance by Tye-Dye Thorn. has a potential to foster the likes of many mud rock's retro bandwagon. In truth, While death metal isn't my first The local bands performing were found people if the present bad weather situation however, this Canadian quartet choice in music, melodic metal is 's musicQ is just as awe- through promotion via WBGU radio promotions holds up. developed their sound and style definitely up there. I did enjoy All some as his last name rhyming and word-of-mouth, Headley said. Also, each of "The show will go on," Headley said. over a decade ago, when the That Remains' use of acoustic with his first This newcomer's the 11 bands are residents of either quads or In preparation, the hall councils have an out- members of bands like Jet and intros, instrumental sets and debut album came out last have some affiliaton with Harshman or door canopy set above the main stage if it pours, Phantom Planet were still in tuneful singing; but I could have Wednesday and has gotten him a Kreischer, adding to the community feel of the and plans only cancel to cancel the event if it is grade school. done without the Satanic growl- lot of attention. He was on USA event "horrible, horrible weather,." like those newer bands, Sloan ing and mumbling lyrics. Today's' List of hot young new The bands for Quadstock, include Additionally, an alternative rain location has does pay homage to the likes of If you'd like to catch the infer- comers to watch in 2004' as well Trephination, juffage, The BOM Project, Jeremi- been devised; the Rock in front of the art build- the Rolling Stones and the nal sounds of All That Remains, as Teen People's 'What's Next?" ah jacks, Sour Towel, The Headcreeps, A Waste of ing. There will be a large canopy to cover the Stooges, but their new album they are currently on tour with issue last February. Space, Wbodville, One Ohio Winter, stage there as well. Although, it is not said as to Action Pact owes just as much to Shadows Fall, God Forbid and Jelen has traveled around a lot Hariequin'sVoice and Crimson Tear. what will be done to cover the second stage that the pop sensibilities of the Burnt By The Sun. See them at in his life so he began to play solo "We're really excited," Liam McDonald bassist will feature the open talent. Beatles, Big Star and even Cheap Peabody's May 11 in Cleveland; instruments like the guitar and of The BOM Project said. "It's a good way to get a This stage is set aside for those musicians, Trick The guitar hooks crunch their only Ohio stop. the piano which are evident in his larger fan base... It gets a lot of band's names poets or other type of artists, to express them- and jangle, the drum-skins shake - Andrea Wilhelm music. With a John Mayerish type out there." selves to the crowds. and the soaring harmonies are of music, Jelen sings about what But Marcy Playground? Talks about Quadstock becoming an annual tighter than spandex. Plus, like VARIOUS he calls the important issues. "I What begun as a list of 15-20 artists, was nar- event have also been underway. most good power-pop, almost write what I see, do, and feel," rowed down to the band/artist that fit with what The BGMusicians Guild is set to sponsor next every track on the album clocks ARTISTS Jelen says in a public release the Stock was all about year's event if there is to be one However, com- in around three minutes. "They fit what the concert idea was and the munity support and positive feedback would be This is the kind of music you'd MUSIC FROM TO READ THE REST OF THIS REVIEW, budget," Keytack said. "It's a production-friendly needed for this to happen. listen to if you were speeding THE OC: MIX 1 WRITTENBYNICH0LE ROMINSKI. show with a big name, a recognition piece." "It's a weekend," Headley said. "It doesn't get down a California highway in a CHECK OUT THE PULSE ONLINE AT As an added bonus, MP just kicked off their better than a free show. And we are exhilarated Warner Bros Records third album. brand new convertible, which WWW.BGNEWS.COM/PULSE. to see such a great culmination of efforts put seems ironic coming from a band "The band has been really helpful, really flexi- together." out of Halifax. Nova Scotia. Then If there was ever a soundtrack ble," Headley said. For more information, lin, Sloan is as much a sum* for me rich, r>eautiful and wasted, , MP even mentioned their performance at the visit ,

...... i-.. lrlllMBw3Bffli»lfflwi WWW.BGNEWS.COM THE PULSE Friday. April 23.2004 11 Crowe impressive actor years before'Master*

ByJeftVank The film follows the lives of people makes sense due to the clawing at the outside to get changes his belief system. Also, and keeps Davey in his life is as PUISE WRITER members in a Supremacist character's motivations, it is them. both characters are unbelievably vicious as it is brilliant. Russell This week, "Master and group that include Hando's never condoned. This is a very We understand why they vulnerable when they don't have Crowe does a great job showing Commander Far Side of the right-hand-man Davey (the late intense and violent film (the film attack the skinheads, but we any followers. 1 lando's strong will and weak Worid" was released to video and Daniel Pollock), Hando's newly was banned in Canada until don't cheer them on as they sav- This is where Russell Crowe's desperation. many will see the role that gar- acquired girifriend Gabe Russell Crowe gained more pop- agely beat up the skinheads. performance earned him an "Romper Stomper" is a film nered Russell Crowe an (Jacqueline McKenzie) and the ularity). Why? Because there is nothing Australian Academy Award for about hate and looks at it Academy Award nomination for youngest skinhead of the group, However, Geoffrey Wright's great about ten people unrelent- Best Actor in a l£ading Role. somewhat objectively. To dismiss best actor. Bubs (lames McKenna). direction never allows the vio- ingly stomping on one person's Hando is a great leader, but he this film as hate propaganda, Russell Crowe has established "Romper Stomper" takes an lence to be glorified. Instead, it is body for an extended period of comes all but undone when his which some critics have, is his place as one of the best uncompromising look at the portrayed as an ugly act that time. best friend Davey wants to leave completely missing the point. actors in Hollywood with roles in skinheads. All of them are played essentially solves nothing. In one Realistic violence just isn't him. The fact is that people like such films as "LA Confidential," as very realistic and some even of the signature scenes, the skin- pretty, especially when the peo- For every Hando there is a Hando are all over the world and "A Beautiful Mind" and sympathetically as people that heads beat up two young ple doing the beating have noth- Davey, a weaker man, ready to they aren't just ignorant Aryans. "Gladiator." His earlier works are fell into the wrong group. Vietnamese kids whose father ing but hate in their hearts. go along, lacking the courage to These people can be intelligent just as strong, albeit unknown to Take the character of Gabe for just bought the skinheads' local I'm sure that comparisons will disagree and sort of in awe of the and have the ability to most. example, we find out through bar. be made to "American History stronger will and charisma of the manipulate the thinking of large Which brings us to Geoffrey the course of the film was that This has a snowball effect as a X," but Stanly Kubrick's "A other man. It is a relationship groups of people. Wright's 1992 Australian classic she was molested throughout mob of Vietnamese men take Clockwork Orange" would be a that is universal. To beat hate, you have to "Romper Stomper." In this film, her life and on that fateful night revenge on the skinheads The better fit. These films are compa- Davey doesn't have the heart understand hate and "Romper Russell Crowe plays Hando, the at the bar where she meets Vietnamese numbers are so rable in that they both have to stand up to Hando until he Stomper" gives you a little leader of a group of skinheads in Hando, the audience feels that great that the skinheads soon charismatic leaders that have falls in love with Gabe. This infu- window into the lives of people Melbourne, Australia whose she would have gone home with find themselves stacked in their complete control over their riates Hando because he is dev- whose world is full of hate. town is being flooded by anyone so she wouldn't be alone. hideout, as dozens of enraged respective groups actions. astatingly afraid of losing his Write feedback to: Vietnamese immigrants. Though the action of these immigrants surround the house, Hando, like Alex, never lackev. The wav he melts down [email protected]

When Gilligan's Island first aired on TV, people actually called the SJ3I National Coast Guard to warn them that there were 7 cast aways stuck ashore.

The BG News is now accepting applications for Billboard Summer a Fall 2004 Staffs FINDER'S TOP TEN 1. Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand Reporters Web Staff 2. Master P Good Side. Bad Side 3. Sugarcult Palm Trees & Power Lines 4. Dilated Peoples NeighlmriuxxtWatch Staff Editors Copy Editors 5. Dark lams Black Rain 6. Clutch Blast Tyrant Opinion Columnists 7. Modest Mouse Good Neil's for People WlmLove Bad News 8. |oe Satriani Is Tliere IMV In Space? 9. Kill Bill Volume 1 Original Soundtrack Photographers 10. William Hung Inspiration BG TOP 5 DVDs Graphic Designers 1. "Kill Bill: Volume 1" 2. "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" 3. "Matrix; Revolutions" 4. "House of Sand and Fog" Applications are available in 210 or 204 West Hall. 5. "Cheaper By the Dozen" Interviews will begin after April 21st. WFAL5 0ntheRISE 1. lersey Generation Genocide Questions or further information? Contact Robert Bortel, 2. Slipknot Vol. 3: Vie Subliminal Verses BG News Advisor, [email protected] 3. Kicks Hello Hong Kong 4. Fever Red Bedroom 5. Secret Machines Now Here Is Nowhere The Real World!: Preferred Properties Co. Israel la coming to your campus Make your home at: Updated Haven House • Updated Fox Run • Piedmont • Newly Renovated Rirchwood •Triplex "All Day, Everyday" Models Now Open Extra Large Redrooms * UauftSl Mon: 11am-1:30am sm Tues: 11am-1:30am Wed: 11am-1:30am Th-Sat: 11am-3:00am Sun: 11am-1:30am

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Mi mm MMM| -."---•-... '■'■' ■''■":."-".■-'"■■■. ■. 12 Friday. April 23.20004 THE PULSE WWW.BGNEWS.COM Club, comedy style discussed HEY GRADS! HAHA.FR0MPAGE9 from a stand-up," Smith said. "I hate unorig- "What can I say? It was a slow night," he One of the biggest advantages of perform- inal comedians that are only successful said. ing in comedy clubs for Haney is the imme- because they are kind of following the come- Goodman, like many comedians, owns his diacy of being in a room and hearing your Be sure to check dy trends." own club, Belmont's Billiards, to earn a little opinions make someone laugh. One person who doesn't like to be dictated extra income while he is not touring. It Smith agrees, "It is a lot more personal. On by trends is Bruce "The Moose" Goodman. seems that a life in the stand-up comedy a movie or TV show the person would be Goodman has been a comedian for 22 years, business is not the highest paying or most playing a character, but for the most part out next week's and although he grew up respecting comedi- glamorous of professions. comics are themselves." ans like George Carlin and Bill Cosby, he said Political correctness is one of the comer- Recently, comedians have enjoyed a semi- that he really doesn't have any direct influ- stones of Goodman's material, along with his rebirth, even though nothing will quite teach ences. particularly short stature. While he is nick- the peak of stand-up in the 1980s. In the last Pulse for an all In fact, he tries to stay away from watch- named "The Moose," he barely stands 5 feet 10 years, sketch comedy has been seen on ing other people perform so that he is not tall. television in "Who's line is it Anyway?," "Mr. influenced by them. Fortunately, he is able to use this in his Show," "Chappelle's Show," "Tough Crowd: "I just do what 1 know is funny," said routine, joking about having his driver's With Colin Quinn" and comedians featured graduation special Goodman. license pholo taken on a donkey and his dif- all over clip shows on VH1 for specials such While (Eoodman agrees that comedians ficulty in reaching the urinal in a public as "I love the 80s" and "The Best Week Ever." are definitely a rare breed, he said that he restroom. The University itself has had a string of from your Pulse 1" r.itne a comedian for a very simple reason. I le said that to be a comedian, you have to successful comedy events on campus in "I got tired of people laughing at me for be willing to make fun of yourself. recent years with performances by Lewis free," he said. Rob Haney, a fellow comedian and owner Black, Dane Cook, Dave Chappelle, lamie Goodman said that even though there is a of Wiley's Comedy Club where Goodman got Kennedy and D.I. 1 lughley. staff seniors! lot of traveling, too many egos to deal with his start, said that the appeal of comedy is Next week Dane Cook will be back on and the accommodations consist of the simple, "everybody enjoys laughing." campus performing in Kobacker I lull. i ii Brest and cheapest motels, he has no Haney started in 1977 and has been fea- Tickets for thai show sold out in 38 minutes regrets about the life he chosen for himself. tured on HBO, Showtime and also does occa- according lo the University Activities I le started out in his hometown of Dayton, sional writing for lay Leno and, Bob and Organization. Ohio at the renowned Wiley's Comedy Club. Tom. Haney said that pretty much the only Indeed it seems that even though many I le had frequented the club and was ready difference in his material now and a quarter comedians are constantly heckled, not well in in his own material. Although most century ago is that now he swears a lot more. paid, having jokes stolen from them, staying II (medians have to deal with rejection for a "I pander now," he said, "I used to have in second-rate motels and away 'ram their long lime before they breakthrough with suc- integrity." home for much of the year, it is all worth it. cessful material, Goodman got off to a good Haney thinks people are drawn to comedy "I could get all deep and say that it is a start clubs because even if the first comedian chance to connect with a person on stage or "The first sel was great," he said. "It has stinks, chances are the next one will make something like that," said Smith, "but I think been downhill ever since." Goodman per- you laugh. This is different from going to a it is pretty much the fact that it can In- really formed his first sel at Wiley's in 1982 when movie where if you don't enjoy the movie hilarious and I enjoy laughing." It is as sim- the owner let him do a 20 minute set. you're out of luck said Haney. ple as that. ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASAAnA A=.A y&yha Xi (DeCta Spring (Formal2004

Holly Sipusic and Lucas Griman Crystal Heyman and Troy Tice Tiffany Shirk and Gregg Pitts Annamarie Caldcrone and Andrew Twardzik Ntcki White and Chris Janinski Megan Houghtaling and Jordan Johnson Jacqui Shelby and David Chambliss Danielle Clark and David Hinds Jessi Hchrendsen and John Toth Stcfanie Tisone and Jeff Lyons Sally BrociOuS and date ie Strauss and Jake Mossbarger Beth Kelly and Steve Fogg Melissa Katuscak and Ryan Thur Jessica Rabum and Dan Keros Andi Pereira and Kenny Oguejiofor Melissa llengoed and Jeff Kinser Jen Allen and Justin Owen Kara KostolT and Kevin Ricci Amanda Murray and David Romano ISCHEDULE OF EVENTS Karina Costello and Dylan Shephe/d Liz Parobek and Adam Mickey Friday, April 23 Danielle Schrage and Patrick. McPeck Tiffany Marston and Brad Bakeman 2:OOpm Doors Open 2:30pm - 5:00pm Q/A session with Nora Solomon and Jason Hollingsworth Meghan Carrel and date Katherlne Covell Jen Phleger and Bill Trask Shenna Wood and date Saturday, April 24 Beth Miller and Dave Ruda Lindsay White and Matt Mumbcrgcr 10:OOam Doors Open Nicole Hrufly and Jimmy Buffet Megan Tisone and Jeff Singleton 10:30am - 1:00pm Workshop with Stephanie Shaeffer and Ryan Sflapa Marin Heller and Tony Zinni J. Todd Anderson 1:00pm - 2:00pm Discussion Forum with Stephanie Melillo and Matt Stcllctell Kate McComb and Mitch Bowles actress Jennifer Hall l!cck\ Apathy and Brandon Schilling Danielle Kalski and Adam Miller 3:00pm - 5:00pm Workshop with Jeff Karen Binzel and Jon Brown Courtney Switalski and Jeremy Case Barklage Jill Slaby and Eric Meiring 6:00pm - 8:00pm Screening of A River Amy Rosen and Matt Guggenbiller Runs Through It Jamie Gibbons and Jad Buckman Ashley Perry and Taylor Christie 8:00pm 9:00pm Q/A with Producer Molly Murley and T.J. Davis Patrick Markey Sunday, April 25 ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA ASA > 9:00am - 1:00pm 35mm Filming at WBGU PBS with Jeff Barklage 3:30pm Doors Open 4:00pm - 9:30pm Screening of Student Films UPS WILL HELP PAY FOR 10:00- 10:30pm Award Winners Announced YOUR COLLEGE EDUCATION

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-■*..'-■' WWW.BGNEWS.COM NATION Friday, April 23,2004 13

Deliberation started in murder case Wanted ByMIKECOUAS Evola, was secredy taping the himself from being implicated. ASSOCIATED PRESS WRITER conversations for the FBI. In one exchange, which prose- Ads Hale is charged with two cutors played and read aloud 372-6977 Graduation tickets needed lor CHICAGO—Jurors began counts of solicitation to murder a The BG News will not 4:30 pm commencement Will pay. during closing arguments, Evola Call alter 3pm 440-759-5967 deliberating yesterday in the case federal judge and three counts of asked: "Are we gonna exterminate Gum on knowingly accept advertise- of a 32-year-old white suprema- obstruction of justice. If convict- ments that discriminate, or Subleases needed 8/15/04-6712/05 the rat?" encourage discrimination tor Columbia Court 3 bed. 2 full cist accused of trying to solicit the ed, he faces up to 30 years in "Well, whatever you want to do, baths, new carpet, new linoleum murder of a federal judge who prison. against any individual or basically," Hale replied on the postage group on the basis of race, Call Undsay 419-541-0231 had ruled against him. The verdict on the murder sex. color, creed, religion, Matthew Hale, who has been solicitation counts could hinge tape. Moments later on the tape national origin, sexual orien- jailed since his arrest 15 months on how the jury interprets the few stamps tation, disability, status as a Help Wanted ago, sat at the defense table in an short, veiled exchanges between Hale added: "My position has veteran, or on the basis of orange prison jumpsuit as U.S. Hale and Evola that Evola said always been that, you know, I'm any other legally protected District ludge lames T. Moody were references to plans to kill going to fight within the law and, status. IBARTENDING! $300/day potential instructed the jury. U.S. District ludge Joan but, ah, that information's been has No exp. necessary. Training provid- In a note sent out shortly after Humphrey Lefkow of Chicago. provided if you wish to, ah, do ed Call 800-965-6520 ext. 174. they started deliberating, jurors I lale's defense, however, anything, yourself, you can. So In-home child care tor 15 mo. son. asked for a letter that attorneys stressed that Evola is the only per- that makes it clear." Personals Full time this summer, $7.50/hr. said was inadvertently left out of son ever heard on the tapes urg- two to T/TH in the fall. Must have car. "Consider it done," Evola said. Apply [email protected] the evidence. lurors also request- ing violence. They argued that the Defense attorneys pointed to ed transcripts of all testimony government used Evola to try to INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY!! numerous other taped com- ♦Entry level Customer sales/service Big Screen TV from a former follower. entrap Hale, who had gained ments by I lale saying it is impera- eight ♦ Flexible schedules Happy Hours Daily 4 to 8 Deliberations were expected to national attention after follower ♦Advancement potential tive Uiat he not break the law. Free Delivery 11 to 1 am Daily. resume Friday morning. Benjamin Smith's 1999 suicide 352-9638. ♦Great Resume builder During 1 1/2 weeks of testimo- rampage that killed two other 1-etVow, who was never ♦ 100 corporate scholar, awarded ny, jurors heard more than a people and wounded nine. attacked, had ordered Hale in calories. Learn a skill for life. Take PEG 157 ♦Fun env No exp. necessary Western Horsemanship. Check us dozen tapes of Hale using racial Prosecutors said that while 2002 to stop using the name ♦Apply now' Continue during World Church of the Creator, out at summer slurs as he talked with a body- Hale may not have come out and ♦Conditions exist. guard about a follower's deadly directly told Evola to have the which had been trademarked by ♦All ages 18+ shooting spree and about what judge killed, he clearly conveyed an Oregon-based religious group Wanted Call now 419-861-6133 or apply @ prosecutors say was a murder that message through carefully that has no ties to Hale and dis- worklo rstudents. com/np plot. The bodyguard, Anthony crafted statements meant to keep avows his views. Lawn maintenance and landscaping Grad. tickets needed for Part and tul< time. Call 352-5822. 4:30 commencement. Will pay. LIFEGUARDS WANTED FOR Did you know... ^ 419-354-3088. SUMMER, & GATEKEEPERS Grad. tickets needed tor 9:30 Arts Portage Quarry. Bring certilication and Sciences ceremony. Will pay! cards. Classes tor certification begin Dry fish food make goldfish constipated Call Shorty 419-494-3425. now. Apply at 111 S. Main St.


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H™* «BiH^aBI^E^2sh^S^llQSKaUBS^^^a^r-J2i 14 Friday, April 23,2004 WWW.BGNEWS.COM

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Now hiring lor summer. Raise mon- On campus sorority house needs a 4 bdrm. house $1200 mo. & utilities. 1 Mach+ jets ey (or BGSU while building your re- house steward. Flexible hours. Call Avail. June Off street parking avail. 2 Sarcastic laughter sume, work a flexible schedule and Claire at 419-214-3308 tor more info 327 E Merry 419-654-5716 or 3 Exaggerate earn $7.25mr on campus. 419-352-1268. 4 Real profit HAVEN'T FOUND THAT SUMMER 5 Newspaper honcho Call 372-0400 or email: JOB VET? Island Bike S Cart 616th Second St [email protected] 6 Body of water Rentals is still hiring for jobs at Put- 1 bdrm. for rent. 7 Orbison and Acutf Office cleaning evenings. 5-7 In-Bay!! Good pay, bonus and Call 354-9740, ask for Lucy. 8 Botanical anchor hrs./wk. Own transportation housing avail. Make SSS nave fun 721 4th St. 3 bdrm., 2 baths, central 9 Swing around required Call 352-5822 at Put-In-Bay!! Apply online: air. dishwshr Avail. May 15. $800 10 Possess Sitter needed Reliable, energetic PUT-IN-BAY-TRANS.COM or call mo plus dep & util. 419-353-0494 11 Princes of India 419-285-2016. 12 Director Cameron and creative person to watch boy(4) Apts & Houses. 13 So far and girl(3) in my Waterville home. Telephone interviewing. No sales. Singles & Groups. Part-time, flex, sheduling. Relaxed 18 Bovine bellows Summer hrs Kat at 419-876-3429 No Pets. 353-8206 19 Making missteps 38 Pickpocket's pick Sports! Fun! Outdoors! Kids! atmosphere Up to S7/hr. In BG Apts-818/822 2nd St 24 Feet/second connector 39 Sleeve card? Money! Maine camp needs fun lov- Perrysburg Call 419-874-5842. 26 Break off 42 At this moment 2 BR Apts avail. May or August 43 Student letters ing counselors to teach land/water Wait staff busers. and kitchen help $490 -t gas/elec 12 mo lease. 27 Having wings Flexible hours, excellent money, 28 Animation 45 Sal's canal sports Great summer! Call 888-844- Smith Apt Rentals 419-352-8917. 46 Pasture 8080, apply: apply with-in. 419-893-2290. 29 _ Park. CO Buckeye Self Storage 47 Shoot from hiding Yoko Japanese Restaurant 30 Type ot test SUMMERS Leasing self storage for the summer. 48 Book after Daniel 465 W Dussel Dr. in Maumee. 31 X FULL TIME POSITIONS Call 419-352-1520. 33 Concerning 49 Magnani and Moffo 50 Feeds the pot BEAUTIFUL LAKEFRONT YACHT- Wait staff needed, at least 21. Duplex, 3 bdrm.. 2 bath, w'd, stor- 34 Right to enter Call Tanglewood Golf Club. 53 Applicator ING CLUB SEEKS OUTGOING age. Lease Call 419-467-1155 35 -do-well FRIENDLY TEAM PLAYERS. WILL 419-833-1725 for more info. 36 Fork prong 54 Hack TRAIN QUALIFIED CANDIDATES Ettic. apt 1/2 blk. from campus. 55 Norway capital AS Avail. May 15th. $285 mo. incl. util. ACROSS 57 Overlook SERVERS Deposit required 419-686-4700 58 Beatty and Buntline For Sale 60 Mine output HOST/HOSTESS Fum. rm. in apt., $326 only 1 Glistened Magnate's purview 61 Dam-building grp. BARTENDERS cable & elec. Free net, w/d & o7w. 6 Ben and Bobby Shoulder warmer DOCK ATTENDANTS Sterling Univ/Nap. Rd. Lease 08/04- 10 Ocean predator Vicinities LINECOOKS PREP Garage Sale for EL - ED Majors 05/05. Jordan 419-789-1668 for 14 Rescued Sine qua HOUSEMEN PORTER Resource books, bulletin boards, etc more info. 15 Unflappable Baltic country SNACK BAR ATTENDANTS 16 "Star _" Male offspring 148 Summerfield (off Wintergarden) Graduate Students SAIL CAMP WATER SKIING 17 Start of Bertrand Russell End ot quote This Sat. (4/24| 9am - 3pm 601 Third,1 Ddrm.furn, 12 mo. lease ANSWERS INSTRUCTOR quote Curvaceous fruit Why pay rent when you can build Undergrads INCENTIVE PROGRAM FLEXIBLE 20 Patriotic men's org. Shaft between wheels 1 e 3 equity? 1-2 bdrm home in Jerry 704 Fifth, 2 bdrm.fum, 9-12 mo. s . N V o I S V d HRS. EXCELLENT PAY!!! 21 Kitchen appliance Egg-shaped ■ i 22 Religious dread Life of Riley (I a A oli 1 ' . « V 1 d CALL NOW FOR AN INTERVIEW City S52.000 Call Becky at rates, AC shuttle ■ 23 Pitch woo People Hicks 3 .■> t 1 G 3 1 s V .v. i 0 N s 1 TUESDAY THRU SUNDAY 419-637-2738 or Secure Realty at Seniors, Grads, Couples 419-637-2196. 710 Seventh, 2 bdrm, unfurn. A/C, 25 Change an alarm Craves N ^ 1 » I N - : 3 1 N u N 200 YACHT CLUB DR. s V 3 0 V 1 V V H '■ dishwashers, shuttle, heat included 27 Modifies ROCKY RIVER. OH 44116 a 1 d l". l| 1 1 Q Let's talk..352-3445 29 Dine at home (440) 333-1310 EXT 225 32 Pinocchio or Ananias N d n ■ 3 L. 3 V N rr d H I '.'■ N I 1 s V V i J V Summer employment full-time. Get 33 Inclining upward l a For Rent i u V a N i 0 8 V H V p ] a tan & work outside Opportunity for K & K PROPERTIES 37 Away from the prow 38 Part 2 of quote 'i ■ I rl i 1 advancement Make S3000-S5000. Avail. August 15th: Ellic- 1 1/2 N s 40 "Agnus " i i S 3 b 0 O d Positions avail, throughout Ohio Fill Univ. Lane i u 1 V 0 V "Efficiencies S studios avail, for 41 Performed again i 1 . S 1 | M out an application at www.iamcolle- 1 bdrms.: 130 & 134 1/2 Univ. r H\ 3 n 0 A 3 •: 1 1 3 H I lease by the week, mo., sem. & year 43 FBI personnel * 0 Lane: 403 S. Grove; u V w 0 o 1 3 A V G All util. mclud Fully fum, cable TV. 44 Butter wannabes S i ■ 2 bdrms.: 132 Ada Ave; 134 Uni- v 0 H 0 ■ H H o|. N 0 H S SUMMER IN MAINE Please call 352-1520 for more info. versity Lane; 521 Pike »A 1 Males and Females "Lg & sm houses md leasesJow as 3 bdrm. houses:! Univ. Ln; 221 Meet new friends! Travel! S220 mo., singles or groups Leroy; 225 Manville; 625 N Main; VOTED y ■ /utuury heat, central air, dishwasher, ment head, stained glass, water-ski, 2 person $550 » util. windsurfing. Call 1-800-993-83-2 for 415 E. Court »B-1 bdrm apt. Subleasers wanted. Room, in 2 exhaust microwave, located more information or interview. Roast Turkey 1 person- $340+ util bdrm apt. May-Aug. gas/cable incl. Available from Noon 'nl 9 pm ' downtown w/ extra storage Check out website at www.camove- 605 5th A - 3 bdrm. apt. $220 mo 121 State St A-6. Across Ma*htd PotarocvHi'mernade Gravy our application can be filled lockers and laundry on-site. 3 person- $690 . uti. from campus. 419-353-0500 out online, include photo. $575 + utilities. 905 Mourning Dove - 3 bdrm. house Twinplex. 2 bdrm.. 1 1/2 bath, a/c. 2 Bdrm., 2 Full Bath, C/A SUMMER WORK AVAILABLE 3 person- $1050 +util. w/d hook-up Avail. Aug Pro! /Grad Shuttle stop across the street HIGHLAND MANAGEMENT Medina. Summit and ■ Smith Apartment Rentals Call 419-467-1155 SSOO/month Full Year Lease 130 E. Washington Street BG Cuyahoga Counties 419-352-8917 Internships & Scholarships awarded Winthrop Terrace Apts. For Rental Information: 419,354.6036 2 bdrm unlurn apt available 1 & 2 bdrm.apts available up to $7000 1082 Fairview Ave. Contact Jack at Valuable work experience Call 419-352-9135 Call Steve at 352-5822 Enjoyable work atmosphere 1-800-829-8638 Flexible schedules 2004 - 2005 or Steve at * BRAND NEW * Increase your resume value 800 Third St. 1 S 2 bdrm. Free heat [419)352-1150 . S400-S650 per week water & sewer Call 354-9740 \ INTERVIEWING NOW' 3 bdrm., Crim St., 1 1/2 blks from Medina County 330-239-9444 campus. Lg. Ivg. rm., Lg. kitchen, NAGEMENT Summit County 330-929-7029 util. rm, w/d. $825 plus util. Avail. 1 (d I Washington SL Ifcnvting (Invn Cuyahoga County 440-777-7099 Mid-May 419-352-7090 ATTENTION STUDENTS Management Inc. 419-354-6036 A Toledo-Based Company Low security deposits! (Jay-Mar only) FILLING UP FAST 'Afraid You're fregnant? Going Fast! APPRENTICES: Houses Lg. & Sm. The Highlands- One STOP BY FOR LISTING §tt tested. bedroom. Laundry facilities WE NEED YOU! J2I/J1J WMstjr■ in building. A/C. Quiet! T.D.I, is a Large Company Looking for Call 353-5800 Reliable information on all options. ■ 5-6 Bedrooms. 2 Living Rooms Starting at $375 Self-Motivated & Results-Driven Men and Women Supportive and professional. Mease ■ Brand New Remodeled Basement Jay-Mar Apts. Newly to Start Immediately ■ New & More Living Space call for on appointment. SO Footage remodeled. All appliances. Spacious, laundry facilities r- $387-$762 Per Week »1 1 ■Mi ■jaP|l' S Bdrm . 3 Lrv in building. A/C. Gas Management Inc. WwmMaWKTijiq Porch New Carpet heat.Starting at $510 WE OFFER mc 4-6 Bdrm. Full-time Summer Work, Internships, Valuable Work Ctr A/C Additional Site to Choose Hillsdale Apt, 1082 Fairview snHmuc, j Experience, Excellent Income, Awesome Atmosphere, Greai Shape! from: Summit Hill 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts./ Incentive Based Vacation Packages, Incentives & Bonuses, H> ■■■-tin ■n"' <-' Bdrm . Lg Porch We'll take care ol you. Best price, 3 Bdrm Twnhs. Z^JTW^U Includes AH Utilities Job Training, and Advancement Dishwasher - Garbage Cerifer well maintained, privacy and •»»* •bout individual KIIH' deadbolt security, large Up To $6750 In Scholarships Disposal -Washer/Dryer 441 Frazee 419.354.4673 apartments. 24-hr Maintenance. Hook-up(2/3 bdrm) www.bgpc.0r9 All Units Have New 419-539-7205 Call NOW! 1-800-809-9006 DISHWASHERS! H IGHLAN D Carports M-W(10-5).Th (10-7), Fri (10-1) Ctrly I Mist* MANAGEMENT FEW 3BDRM. BG shuttle oil campus north route or Call tor info & upgrade* al 3534325, I0»m-9|>in. or luting available 247 . , TOWNHOUSES LEFT wtthm walking distance! at 3)6 E. Marry «3. Call tor Reduced Rales \^_ [email protected] _y BGSU Bus stop

1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments BUCKEYE Tin mi list u Taiii .Management Inc. SELF - STORAGE From Only Evergreen Apt., 215 E Poe Thirteen Going Studios/1 bdrms/2bdrms On Thirty (PG-13) $465! •Near Campus Starting at S250/MO. On selected floor plans (1:10) 4:25 725 (10:05] NOW HAVE 2BDRMS HERE •Low Rates Laundry on site Home On The Range • Ground floor ranch style •Open 24 Hours BGSU bus stop apartment with private (PG) "^ •Summer Leases (120) 4:35 735 [9:40] entrance •Clean ~1 6 2- • Patio Kill Bill Vol. 2 (R) • Spacious kitchen •Many Sizes (12:55) 4:05 7:05 [10:20] Bedroom Bedroom Management Inc. - Laundry facilities Don't Make Extra Work The Punisher (R) • Pets welcome Apartments Townhouses Heinzsite Apt, Leave Your "Things"! (1:00) 4:15 7:15 [10:25] • Convenient on-site parking 710 N. Enterprise • Carports Carports 1 & 2 bdrms lusrnnNM Man on Fire (R) Dishwasher/Garbage Disposal mmnmrni •IN THE 2 BDRM: Washer & Dryer Summef (12:45) 4:00 7:10 [10:15] . Washer/Dryer in 2bdrms. a N Hookups CLOSE WALK TO CAMPUS ■ 0VPSYU»N£ • Washer & Dryer Storage! Starting at $415/Mo. |non»D*3(tt t Hookups 2 Baths Times QOOd 4/23/04 thru 4/29/04 1 () Denotes onty show on • 1 & /2 BATHS Full Basement Sat. & Sun FREE HEAT Call Today to | ] Denotes showtimes that donl Management Inc. Reserve Unit: show on Mon, Tues. Wed. Stop by the Office at 352-1520 1045 N. Main St. or O Id nd TC^WNti CPNTk'l check website 1234 N. Main St. (Rt.25) CHLL 353-5800 Today! Management Inc. Bowling Grwn Mill 419 354-41447 for complete listing 419-353-7715 t«J MovtS Tim** 419-354-0558 BGSU BUS SHUTTLE SERVICE for next year.

•mm mMuamttmmmmm mmmmmm 3SSsW^B»^msMSnMi»kmmMam^^*^aa^S!^tBai0X»aSS «aBa8fiEflUi2i«tttiJU >nWilffii»tttffllwnlffffcT?iTwfl