The Chronicle Monday, November 23

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The Chronicle Monday, November 23 THE CHRONICLE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1987 « DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL, 83, NO. 60 Football beats UNC 25-10 to reclaim bell By BRENT BELVIN CHAPEL HILL — The Victory Bell, given to the win­ ner of the annual season-ending Duke-North Carolina football game, returns to Durham after the Blue Devils pasted the Tar Heels 25-10 Saturday afternoon in Chapel Hill. The victory raised Duke's record to 5-6, the Blue Devils' best record since 1982, while UNC dropped to 5-6. In a season full of narrow and bitter defeats, eighteen seniors were able to walk away from their collegiate ca­ reers on a positive note. At halftime, however, they might have wondered if Duke was on its way to another devastating loss. Sophomore placekicker Doug Peterson had missed an extra-point after Duke's first touchdown, and after a penalty nullified a touchdown pass, senior quarterback Steve Slayden threw an ill-advised pass that was picked off in the endzone. Instead of leading by seven at halftime, Duke found it­ self down by one — 10-9. But the Blue Devils, aided by injuries to Tar Heel quarterback Mark Maye and star tailback Torin Dorn, exploded in the second half to out- LANCE MORITZ/THE CHRONICLE score the Tar Heels 16-0. Steve Slayden hands off to Stanley Monk. Slayden and Monk were two of 18 seniors who can say their last "Our defense gave up some pass plays," said Duke collegiate game was a 25-10 trouncing of the University of North Carolina. head coach Steve Spurrier, "but in the second half it Spurrier. "They've had a lot of troubles and injuries. Our penalty. Placekicker Kenny Miller booted a 34-yard field seemed we made the big plays when we needed to. Obvi­ players were really hitting hard out there today. It was a goal to give the Tar Heels an early 3-0 lead. ously we are very happy to win the ballgame. We have big win for us. The impressive thing was that we hung The Duke offense responded with a scoring drive of its only won two of our last eight so it was a dry spell. We tough in the fourth quarter. It started to look like one of own. On the Blue Devils' first play from scrimmage, se­ didn't play extremely well but we did a lot of good those games again." nior fullback Stanley Monk bolted 27 yards up the mid­ things. Carolina took the opening kickoff and marched to the dle to put Duke into Tar Heel territory. The drive "We caught North Carolina at a very good time," said Duke eight-yard-line before being stalled by a face mask See FOOTBALL on page 1 of SPORTSWRAP ^ Club offers business experience ByJOHNCRESPO they want to put into effect, but there is The best ideas are probably created and nowhere they can turn to get started. then forgotten by a couple of friends fThe club will] get students who are inter­ shooting the breeze after a long evening ested in entrepreneurship together to in the library. But instead of throwing provide information, resources, and bring away their brainstorms, one group of en­ in speakers," Kim said. terprising students decided to put their The founders said they want to work creativity to work. closely with the Fuqua School of Trinity seniors Terry Kim and Tony Business. Elaine Romanelli, the club's Girandola said they had spent too much faculty adviser, is an assistant professor time thinking up ideas to have them fizzle at Fuqua who teaches an undergraduate out due to lack of "time or motivation or class in entrepreneurship. resources." They established a campus Kim said, "We hope to foster stronger club to aid struggling entrepreneurs see interaction between Duke under­ their ideas through to fruition. graduates and Fuqua, which will not only The founders said their club, ACE of benefit us but Fuqua as well. The reason Duke, will join the international, non­ [Romanellil is teaching this entrerpeneur- profit organization ACE, the Association ship class is because she's trying to of Collegiate Entrepreneurs. promote more interaction between Duke Girandola attended an ACE convention and Fuqua." last summer in Chicago where he met According to Girandola, the club will Audie Cashion, the former president of also interact with its counterpart at the the University of North Carolina at UNC-CH, now in its second year of mem­ Chapel Hill's (UNC-CH) chapter of ACE. bership. Kim said the two chapters will Cashion, also the regional director of sponsor joint speakers and projects. ACE, has provided the club with the infor­ "Their goals are similar to ours, so their mation and support needed to get it star­ speakers will be similar to what we ted, according to Larry Glazer, Trinity want," Kim said. sophomore and club vice-president. The two clubs will have their differ­ "Everything has a time, and right now the time is for a club like this." ences, however. According to Kim, the UNC-CH club is not a student agency as Kim and Girandola said the club will the Duke chapter will be. Also, the Uni­ fill a gap in their college studies — the versity chapter will have as one of its lack of entrepreneurial experience. The See ENTREPRENEURS on page 3 »- club is closely related to their post­ graduate goals, Glazer said. "Students can get involved, make their contacts and become a more valuable job candidate." Weather Members will be "exposed to ideas and Resurrection: Freshman can still concepts they couldn't have been until enjoy the legendary ambience of LANCE MORITZ/THE CHRONICLE they're in the workforce," Kim said. Gradeli's. Check out Arthur's under Baa baa blue sheep "There is so much potential here and no mostly sunny with highs in the mid committee that could organize it to bene­ 60s. Hang out there tonight under fair Tarheel mascot Ramses IV wasn't too happy after his football team's defeat fit the students or community. There are skies, mid 40s. at the hands of the Blue Devils Saturday. Too baaaaad. a lot of students who have a lot of ideas THE CHRONICLE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23,1987 World & National Newsfile U.S., Soviets near verification agreement N.Y. Times News Service By MICHAEL GORDON N.Y. Times News Service Duarte criticizes rebel leaders: EI Salvador's president criticized returning rebel civilian leaders GENEVA, Switzerland — Secretary of State George and demanded that they break their links with the Shultz said on Sunday that he had received encouraging military wing of the guerrilla front. The rebels signs that the Soviet Union wanted to resolve the main returned home after seven years in exile. differences remaining over a new missile treaty. Shultz expressed confidence that the two sides would Nazi camp leader found: A Nazi labor camp agree on a verification arrangement under which the commandant was portrayed by survivors as brutal in Russians would allow the United States to monitor a So files turned over to Argentina, which is holding the viet missile assembly installation in return for a right suspect. The fugitive, Josef Schwammberger, faces to monitor an American installation that produces mis­ extradition to West Germany. siles or key components. Shultz said various types of inspections would be con­ War in Angola escalates: in Angola, 3,000 ducted over a period of 13 years — 3 years while missiles South African troops remain in the southern part of were actually being dismantled and 10 years thereafter. the country after the fiercest fighting in a decade bet­ "We have to recognize that just as we want to see what ween Angolan and South African soldiers, a high An­ is going on there, they want to see what is going on golan official said. here," he said. "That's fair enough." UPI PHOTO South Africa denies mutiny: The South Speaking to reporters en route to Geneva for two days Secretary of State George Shultz is confident that of talks with Soviet Foreign Minister Edward the U.S. and Soviet Union will agree to a missile ver­ African Defense Force acknowledged that 47 mem­ Shevardnandze beginning on Monday, Shultz said that ification plan bers of a black battalion with previous service in An­ Soviet officials indicated they had sent a high-level dele­ gola were discharged last month but denied reports gation to Geneva empowered to make quick decisions on tration officials, included Lt. Gen. Colin Powell, Presi­ that there had been a mutiny. concluding the treaty, which would ban medium -and dent Reagan's new national security adviser. Shultz said Louisiana prison riots: Inmates rioted in a shorter-range missiles. he would contact Reagan if necessary to receive author­ Louisiana prison. More than 1,000 Cuban inmates Shultz confirmed reports that Shevardnadze would be ity to wrap up the remaining issues for a treaty so it can took over the federal detention center Saturday joined by Marshal Sergei Akhromeyev, chief of the So­ be signed during the Washington summit meeting next night, setting fires throughout, and were holding viet General Staff. Akhromeyev played a particularly month. dozens of employees hostage. constructive role at the Reykjavik summit meeting in Shultz sought to rebut recent charges by some critics Iceland last fall. that the United States was rushing into an arms agree­ Caesareans pose legal problems: Court-or- Shultz said: "When I was informed that he was on ment and would end up making compromises that it dered Caesarean sections are posing harrowing their delegation, they said, 'And you should see from would later regret.
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