
The New Locking, Logging, And Recovery Architecture of Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 David Campbell Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA [email protected]

The Microsoft SQL Server storage engine was rearchi- • How we implemented a multi-granular proto- tected to support level locking in Version 7.0. This col for B-trees that includes both page and row required significant changes throughout the store; from granularity locking, and the benefits and complica- page update primitives, logging and recovery, to access- tions that resulted. methods. One interesting engineering aspect of this • How we added a run-time cost-based optimization project was the fact that we kept the system running scheme to determine the appropriate locking during the entire transformation of the underlying ar- granularity for each access method scan. chitecture – a task we liken to transforming a zebra into • How we changed allocation and index structural a cheetah by transplanting one organ at a time. This talk modifications from a transaction consistent policy will focus on how real-world pragmatics collided with to an action consistent policy where the changes academic purity and what solutions resulted. are performed under short-term “system” transac- tions and how these system transactions are used in A brief overview of the pre-existing locking, access a multi-level recovery scheme. methods, and recovery systems will be followed by a • How we addressed the issue of log reservation for discussion of the new architecture and how we changed compensation logging of undo actions. a strictly page based concurrency control and recovery • How we maintained the behavior of prior releases system into a highly concurrent storage system that has such as minimal logging for bulk update operations significantly better performance and concurrency be- including index creation. havior than its predecessor. • How we instrumented and tested the system to en- sure it was ready for production use. We will discuss: • How we originally implemented a standard key- The talk will conclude with a presentation of the lessons range locking architecture as described in the lit- learned from this effort. erature, and then had to extend it to deletes as updates to improve concurrency for a number of real-world workloads.

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