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4-10-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 04-10-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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It YKAIt Dally hy Carrlor or Mall, THIItTV-SlXT- SATURDAY, APRIL 1915, io 10. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, 10, Month, Single Copies fto, fliTP ESMISISHE 0 M 11 ENEMIES

Ity would coiiii- - to the business world. The Rood Hint such a declaration VILLA SENATOR JONES from him would do even now Is well FRENCH FORCES OFFIGER Regarding nigh Incalculable. 1 hope ho will Sharp Note From Berlin won do it for the nuke of the country and the, place It would give him in history," SAYS OFWASHINGTON "Would this IiphI the differences in GAIN DECISIVE of the United States the republican party?" HUM Attitude " There ain't any,' as the hoy said about the core of his apple," aviators,. '".,1'lium Fi:-- of I. os An- In conclusion Senator Jones, de- IN BATTLE HAS NO T geles and M. Mi dure of ( 'lib ago ale SEES VICTORY clining to criticize tho foreign policy SUCCESSES coming to lly the Villa ,n ropl.ine ovel of President Wilson, proceeded to .Malainoias. moralize anil mourn over It an fol- EFFORT WIADE TO BET I LITTLE lows: II I III Mi s ll I' M' iN 1IJ1B "We are at peace Willi Mexico find BEEN FOUGHT ItV HUH I S OF OltUM.ON FURG.U.P. I am glad of it, but we have peace not WESTERN ZONE Washington, April 1, neial Villa by reason of what the administration here, has done but despite of it. We have telegraphed his ive been interfering with Mexico and i:iiliiile C l.lorcnte, from l elaya TO CIVILIAN years that (lent nil uhreKnn'ii forces FOODSTUFFS Mexican affairs the last two in effort to nofis Not Believe Taft a way that any independent, Some of Fiercest Fighting of Conflicting Stories Regaiding hail mad'' an unsuccessful vigorous- bleak through Ins lines but 'hat in government would Till Again Be Party Nominee, ly resent. We have made war on War Is Reported to Have Conflict Alleged to Have ,,s(lo,i l.iol belli fllliuht Mexico, bombarded one o( its cities, . ipc's ig said: l has been He Made Great Invaded its territory and tho only Occurred in Wocvre Region! Occurred Near Strategic i'hting around t'elava KAISER'S Though ' OF a ' I US. There POPULATION reason we are not at war with Is that progl f.ivi to been no decisive action In M1'"' President, Mexico has no government and can- Recently, City of Queictaro, has break not our ' or war of the attempt or iibrcKoti t" resent interference through our lines, in which cllorl he with us. .Mis,, confidence 1" th(" can no excuse our be- failed late "There be for outcome of the fight." TO BE MAIN ing involved in Kuropean war, and PILES OF DEAD LEFT j OBREGON REPORTS CHARGED IN NOTE PROSPERITY the Tills was tin flint wold the COUNTRY the only danger of It now comes from directly from Ceiayn PLANK OF PLATFORM Incapacity and inexperi- ON THE BATTLEFIELDS! GREAT VICTORY GAINED agency bad had democratic since thi- - Canniua , iaiius of victory ence." for obrcgon were announced jtslor- - d.iy.' Plenty of Good Material CROPS IN AUSTRIA AND Strategic Positions Are Cap- Claims Three Thousand Con- M WTOKI in i i:ti i HUNGARY ARE PROMISING Strug- Troops Were Killed, 11 Y t umcr. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN POLICIES OF A m o n g Republicans fori tured After Desperate vention imN. ' gle Held Against Severe Wounded or Made Pris- lioiiKbw. Ariz., April 1- .- t ell. I 'a Ilex Standard Bearer; Roosevelt T JOURNAL AAIOAL WlflCl anf. - MORNtNS LCAtIO nnd bix J ".oil Ciirianza tr, .pels re- IN Washington, April . tiood crop w 1H1 PRESIDENT DURING TROUBLE Powerful Factor, Counter-attack- s, oners, 'turned to Ai'iias I'rleta today tne prospects in Hungary and Austria 'announce tit that (heir victory over are reported in official dispatches ty Uiovernor Mavtorena's force south of the Austria-Hungaria- n embassy to- on Wednesday was a complete AND NOW POINTED TO MMRI) here MEXICO af- RV MORNINS JOURNAL RRfCIAL LIARKO j 4, t n (PCCIAL COAAMPONDINCI TO MORNINS JOURNAL) day from the minister of foreign f, t v"'.-- . !' in lii iioilh-i!!,r- H 11:1., .'ri.ut of all V'r Washington, April 9. Senator Wes- fairs in Vienna. The dispatches say: Paris, April (via. , i'alles said that the cap-- . p. m.) The following official III r'.rir). ley L. Jones is one of the hardest hit- "According to newspaper commu French ()lltli(.l) ruins 'lured rolls showed that every re- crops statement regarding tile progress of 1,1 I I A I OF II K ni'Mcr ters and frankest talkers In the nications, the tu Austria iook MaMumi.i leader iu Hie north was party. years ago he well. Those in Hungary are better the war was issued tonight: r publican Three i present. Is Preparing Reply to Be Handed to Ambas- re- favor- h new and brilliant attack Ann , ftpnl tt - "Hum1 Administration supported William k'l. for If the weather continues "After liouglas, m an Taft and s, riportid that Calles has important position of Les Kpar-ge- to ,' he said Mr. de- in Hungary, the prospects are the satisfaction advise i As- election because Taft able plain , uiu!eit,iiii.iim Willi tlcncriil Itiirblile sador Von Bernstorff in Which Errors of Emperor's ceived it. He made hundreds of en- for a record harvest." which dominates the of AriliM". alas Francisco Cariiinna force In enemy de-- , In- i iwiio commands the emies at home by his tnnd. His re- Wocvre, and which the Villa, alter a shameful deleat Hlnaloi to Keep Particularly fended obstinately, is now completely upon him by our tioops southern Simula from sumptions Will Be Pointed Out Explicitly, election to Hie senate was doubtful flicted the Villa troops In northern honor;, in our hands. is flee'inr toward Alamuca, rein-(..rein- s .until he went back home and ex here lo prevent them I101.1 further Showing That Disturbances in Republic South of the Rio hail done. Then he COMMANDER OF "Y)e carried yesterday 1,500 me- with eighteen mlliMiy trains, tigalnst which port plained what he wound- (iua, mas. was for a term that will not ters (aboirt l.tiuu yards! of trenches five of them loaded with Ituibul,. .s proceeding. European War Are in No Respects Parallel, In .Mm,, thiin 2.1'Ou Villa dead Grande and expire until in:':!. The people of and this morning- the Hermans held ed. I'alles says, that Harry '111 Won, the Iso- were burned." inconi-oinnieai- lo see strength on the plateau only two Aiiu-ricai- i held All Belliger- Washington had sense enough to rel- arrested ami That Every Effort Has Been Made to Treat man was from the lated positions of some meters. We This was a lei, gram dated Agin I'Mel.i on a charge that the honest I at by Cell. I'ar-i-nnz.- i, 1 FOR taking 15") ay.,, receive. t,ida No Right to Bar ground up and deserved their confi-- LOOKED carried these trenches, ' , of being an enemy of (leiieral ents Alike and That Chief Executive Has Independ- F4 prisoners. We have thus attained one IClias ('alien, th- - Smioi a i u 11,11. dence, notwithstanding his O'.irr-Ri- win. Id be court itiiirtlaled. ence of view. Koosevelt carried of the principal objects of our opera- leader, from Urn." From Any Nation Now Fighting Supplies Not Forbidden Washington for the bull moose ticket, tions of the last few days. SOLDIERS AND NURSES but Jones came to senate. to in the forest by International Law. back the "Further the north VI I.I. A TO iu; 1 41 l DISASTER we all Sll Name as ighter. SOME of Ailly' have maintained 1 1 BALLOT rni 1 11 1) MAY BE GIVEN During the past two years Senator) ground gained 20 meters on a ,11; 1'ito.M 40(1 Jones has stood up for his people on front of meters and repulsed lll-- i, l (By Mornini? Special leaM-- Wire.) Ser.'lnl 1M1 Morning JiHirnul IR Journal single-- 1 counter-attack- s. RT HORNINR JOURNAL AFiCIAL LA1D tile coast manfully. Almost three Paso, Tex.. April It Mt- - - Fl Ottawa, out., April J. All soldiers W'ashiiiotoii, April '). has sent to the United States handed he brought up the Alaska rail- "In the forest of Moiitmare tha sag,, from (ieneial obrcgon nt compelled re- - m the C.inailian conl ingent, whether road hill in the senate nnd if (lernians made fifteen attacks to Ceiayn cause of tile ter- , note complaining that the latter has accomplished Not Be Astonished slate .'1 female uurro-M- ooveriiiiu'iit a Its passage. He was arm-in-ar- with "Would we wrested from Inability yearn old or not. and gain trenches which rihle defeat of ilia was ,e given (lie if pleas made in with the allies to obtain for the administration on this proposi- in them yesterday. They were repulsed hamlij chief in directing 'nmv vole iintliiiier its diplomatic rompunyj Whole Boat Went Up of tho 'a.! in behalf before ihe house of tion, but they soon parted fifteen times. Heaps of Cernian bull- operation aiV absolute lack ,.f their American exporters the ritfht to ship foodstuffs to the civilian pop-'-" ordl-- 1 - ,4 coi'nmohH in committee an- favorably and no senator threw heavier Smoke," According- to Let- ion are lying on the ground. coiiHideiatien for his troops. also' nance against tolls repeal than Jones. ronslitnlly into , considered. illation of a Inllierent country. The coninlunicaliou intimates "On the. test of the trout actions to throwing tueiii , miggcstloiiH wcrn made that Later he joined the filibuster on the -- charges were v - other acquiesced in the British order ter Written His Brother, be report d are as follows: cavnlrv that engaged in manufacture ''f that the United Stales has virtually ship purchase bill nnd stood up "In Belgium, near Orel Oraehlcn, table slaughter and which sol- - minors against twelve-hou- r (WHr material and men on merchant in council commerce with Germany. it for one ( by occupied finally refused lo continue. prohibiting the lernians an attack dicrs 'vessels sailing III war ureas should stretch. purt of a trench on the left hunk of 'i- Villa personally shot dow n some In view of these considerations the German government calls i:.pvm ;. o. i to (' im k." ,T MOHNIN JOURNAL RPIulAL LIARIO WIR1 I who made observations on his , have votes. Angeles, April In a letter the Yscr. obtaining large ship- - Senator Jones has complete confi- I.os in- plan. In retreat be abun- - attention to the fact that the allies daily are "In Champagne there have been battle T dence republican party will written at Honolulu, March 22, Lieut. to CHAMBER OF .. I .t T ' that the who fantry attacks of quite local but very doned his infantry and fled MEMBER OF ol arms and ammunition iroin dealers in tile united maics, b returned to power in 1H17 and that Alfred the naval officer s. inieiiis crew when vigorous character. To the north of vanguard with his lunious tile tariff will he readjusted on a pro- was lost with his entire m DEPUTIESDIESIN PARIS ami declares that the American government, while insisting on its F-- 4 dis-f- the Oermans endeavored tection basis. He Fays that Just now the I'nited States submarine f Honolulu harbor March to retake part of the trenches lost legal right to ship arms, does not w ith equal energy pursue its right the people are thinking of nothing so by month. They were i n them last IRV MOHNIN9 JOURNAL BRIC'AL LMtlO WRI hard as they impel alive need 25. told Ms brotner ni'ie inai T LCARIO the civilian popula- are of the , down except at one point MORNIHO JOURNAL BPICIAL WIRtl H. to ship foodstuffs and articles to ' U 111 I mowed Palis, April Aiinii'iiincemeiit if getting out of power U' III u io.IL weill Mlioive, ii". H. has the democrats where they succeeded yesterday even- Fl Paso, Tex., April There in today or the death v. on account of general incom- think I would be terribly astonisneu. in the whs made Pari tion of German "their Kile, an em- ing In installing themselves in an been no decisive action battle I! N. tieorges-lleriy- , con- petency to run the government." At The brother, Allison Qucrelaro, according to a state- - of Jean Los Anteles city engi- advanced French position. Today we near servative member of the chamber of the same time he does not think the ploye of the counter-attac- AVo recap- ment Issued lonight by Col. Tomas; en office, received the letter sev- made a deputies for Paris, since IHIK!. Would liar Ann, (million Supplies. he shipment of arms has been republicans can afford to assume that neer's enemy iirnelas, military commander at: , IX.'.f',. belliger- ago an excerpt given tured the place and pushed tho 'h" M. Ceie-ges-B- try was bom in Hole org, a that III eapect Ive of forced Impartially as lo all any old candidate will do, the elec- eral davs and inflict- Juarez. Colonel Ortiehia said that he The Pryan's to the quotation: back to his point of departure, one of his recenl acts in the chamber nnil aspects I be iiiiestion of ents, and Secretary letter being out todav contained effect Ihe fin of for-eli:- n tion safe. to go up in ing appreciable losses upon him. had received advices to that was Introduction Feb- Chairman Stone of the senate l?e Issue. "I expect the whole tiling '''Villa, in which It also of deputies the shipping arms to belligerents, the I'rosiMTity to nlope from (iciieril I0u,- - discussing in full "On the southeastern of ruary 7 of a bill a credit of I be observ- relations committee, smoke any time." The letter , , for iipirit of lieu rit lily should (!er-uian- Asked today what he thought of i' rkopf, was declare. 111,11 "', If follows: Hailmanns-Wci- the number ioe "i'ick"ii fruncs to help small business ed. In support of this enl ion, a Ibis poml, contended that the the campaign next year and the Issues reads as by had failed in an attempt t,, lueali coil to enjoy 'Honolulu, March 22, 1915. of prisoners taken us during the Interests embarrassed by the war. Is oiled from President allies were unable the between the parties., he said: 1,1(1." through the Villa llns, and Unit all 'luol.ilion H Hie delivery of ' Is not a very exciting place last few days was Wilson's address lo congress on Mex- Mime advantage": lo "Tlte prospects are a republican "This was going well with the Villa forces, lln-l- for I nrniH inlo country, Ibis Was dun Melory. The issues will he prosper- This repoii was given out officially! ican al'lali'H In August, :i .1, .when he Groat; Summary of War "I shall follow Ihe best practice lo Ihe naval siiperlorlly of ity and protection against extrava- upon bearini! of u rl' lailcl slaleinetil said: not to any clreiiiiislance a of In Ihe mailer of neutrality Hrituln and gance and incompetency. The cry will from Coin ml Obrcgon describing Yesterday nations over which the United Stales hud ton. ' News of by forbidding the exportation or arms be the Imperative need of putting the victory for his forces. However, 11" trol. power. takes and prints sixty hours and thirty Villa was dls-- j or munitions of war of any Mud from democratic party nut of On JOURNAL telegram from Oenernl ( this party simply THE i.lnve.t here Plevb.OM reOOlis. said: J '. e I'll Iscs of I III lernians at various the I'niled Stales lo any part of the issue tho republican I exclusive Associated Press leased wire of .en il cannot lose." of to have been based on lelegraniH from points In I'rniice, the taking Kcpiihlie of Mexico a policy STREET CAR STRIKE TO - lv-p-a rg s, an Important slragelle poini by several Inl crest lug prece- "Not even if it puis up a reaction- week. No other newspaper published in New (ho south, that Villa had defeated ,e ary service each slvelv obrcgon troops, proved to on the road toward their oujcci dents) and certainly dictated by manv END BY ARBITRATION candidate on the theory that the the capture or lines of pruclicn! election anyway V" twenty-fou- r of Associated be fabrications. Mel., and the manifest considerations of is safe takes more than hours - I Mexico i hes. nre nnnuonccd in the latest expediency. Wi- eannol, iu lie cir- Plenty of Mntcriul. Villa was said to be located at on warlao- ftr WORN! NQ JOURNAL RPACAL LRARIA WlRfll week. n French official report the cumstances, be partisans of either The thought a moment and service during the eastern (iuanajuata state, dls-xie- W April senator Press in w Petrograd asserts v (,r contest now lllicsbai re, Pa., The replied: do that. We was reported opa.o. a short in the west, h'lc the that VV'llliesliarre Hallway "It will not at - I us , m of (he .11 tin- rpatliians the llnssla ,.,.( or constitute ourselves -, cHiinot next year. rail- that tic-- Just elect anyone, distance to the east mi the main pun-lipn- ) .company at a meeting tonight, 1, possession of tile entile umpire bclwecn Iheiii. The people want the republicans re- road line to CJueretaro city. From re in the virtual fcenled John Price Jackson. slide to- chain of mountains excepting il v turned to power, but they are voting that point oliregon was reported I;, in commissioner of labor and Industries., statement say. hill. (MTIcl.ds n with will not hes- to boat to at bureau chiefs, issued a day in official Currunxa advices as Mute-men- t, of the slide department nrbltra-lio- discrimination and but enough happens the - as (he, third member of the victory Tin- (lei loans In, an earlier of a v itate to give us another lesson at their least keep up interest. I .lust came i"g: having related the details of course of events have begun the preparation board to settle the wage dispute awn we Thursday, "Nothing within tho knowledge of he reinforce- oiiiliiung the w will be delivered shortly to inconvenience if they think Hack from Pearl harbor in which arrived with west, declared that in Hie re- - hich between Ihe traction company arid need hav- navy department warrants nny in time to Ihe relretit of in the v im nstorl'l', the (lei nian it. lint It will not he needed. where I have been for ten days tho ments check .Mi 11111I .101- - Coiuit ltd Its sinking motormen and conduc- en- 11 bctween the use me I The delegates next year will represent ing a new motor put in. Previous to doubts as to the condition of the his advance columns, and lo defeat jgl amljassiobir here. The coiiiplainl hut tors, were Issued by the com- F-4- KspurgcM is silua orders the explosion in gines or of the ." Villa mniy. He stated the en- file, here l.cs had submitted 1" people and not the that we had a hydrogen batteries the ere sanguinary fighting has neutral countries pany and union officials for tha men bosses. They will, success battery, engine down, etc. It is expected that the cruiser emy's losses at about 3,(100 Iu killed, and the inllneiico of Ihe allies in connec- to- act for the tho breaks n iu progress for several days, tne (i, resume the operation of cars of the party and' good of the "So there is something doing all Maryland, with divers and apparatus wounded ami prisoners, and his own - tion with llie right lo ship condition- the will Frein-- charges were absolutely wmi- to Ihe morrow morning fount ry." the time. Take a mere trifle like to- to aid in raising the submarine, at 6(10, including several prominent al colilrabiiiid end foodslulTs on for twenty-seve- n cut success iiud their losses heavier The men have been strike "Who do you will be the day down fifty feet, and no bottom reach Honolulu Monday, Instead of officers. The battle .lasted civilian population of a belligerent think than those of Ihe (.erinans. by eight days, during which time not nominee?" beiow, and water trickling In through .Sunday, as previously reported. hours, obrcgon said. In- lias been mailo- before (lelinany Heavy losses in men are being ;.. - being car has moved. "No one can tell, but a party with one of the valves. That does not give Col. Juan N. Medina, mayor of Car- ill. notes this : both (he French and any more. Jn fact, if the SI JIM AKIM-- curred on leiled bv (he Oerman foreign office as such men as Borah, Weeks, Cummins, us u thrill C'KEW OI Juarez, and a former military off'cer fronts. Paris says that In the Fol-lett- e, in pathian proclaiming a Whitman, Hudley, Fairbanks, I,a whole boat should vanish smoke TAI.KF.n OF DEFFCrS under Hiaz. Modern and Villa, has i'ilteen C.ermnn one f the icasoiis for I would he terribly as- by forest of Monli'iare llie war zo f Ihe waters liurton, Mann, Horrlck and I don't think been arrested the ornelas troops ..iteiools to retake trendies chpiuic siihinai ITALY MUST GO 9. M. IV pris- Hill-- iidniu ('.real lliitahi and In Many others to chose from hardly tonished." Honolulu, April Mrs. of the border town and sent a from hem wer.. repulsed nnd Hint on van go amiss." 'Black, at whose home William S. oner to Chihuahua city, Tin- charge bodies lay Upon the land. ll'' I IIMCO ueon-- ,1, 1," i heaps of Oerman it l!l.l'OHTi:i mate, lived, Chum-pagn- e reply then lhal had been silent on llolioves Taft Is Out. .illiMAIUM-- Nelson, chief machinists aguinst Medina was not announced. (.round afterward, while In "What Will he be a IX (KM)I) COXIUTIOX told today of overhearing several mown down Ihe oiiesli'in and called attention to about Taft? - nub-mari- Ihe Oermans were Or.-ii- tin- V notes to Hrituln candidate again? Do you think there members of the crew of lost II.I.A TIIOOI'K 1)1! IX simll.,1- ol tensive, movemeui. vi its diplomatic FACE 11. "I a un- TO ' ny YVuKhintiton. April Secretary F-- talking about the motor s dealing with these subleclM. It is 00 chance of his being brought 1 ellll.'l lli's no denial of Petrograd tonight that tho last blow-o- early in March. She said '," " "" that the reply lo the pres- if! out?" Daniels declared claim t further successes In the Car derstood navy u ,, no they to be worried over the I ent complaint will deny vigorously "No, I 'don't. Taft made a good reports to tne unci, appeared Prow nsvilli , lex., April s 111a but says the liussian 1100-- 1, the subma- pathians, gov has iie'lnlesci il President, As years go by he will late a March showed condition of the submarine. troops inosliiig Malamoras drew in ,, being made without that tins eminent the F-- 4 attacks are order-in-coiino- F-- 4 good condition. raising the way the be better appreciated what he rine to lie in Preparations for to the Carrunssu today loss- life and that high m aii.v I" and of- it closer trenches regard to of probably will to the lasl GREAT UPHEAVAL did will ne more correctly appraised. Naval officer and department from the ocean floor where has and Villa cuiposls found shelor in heaps of dead or wounded marli the and refer l.os Angeles been submerged since, March 25 are note b the I tilled Stales to ut he will not be considered for ficials read with interest the brush 'iiuirler to a half irnlo in I little fl.'ld. of I length Its president In- dispatches saying a brother proceeding slowly. No work was done Mi'- rges, the Grot, lloiaiii. arguing at again. Ho Iiuh had his liress front of defenses. Iii addition to al- ning." Lieutenant Kile who commanded the today. crept even closer, exchanging capture of Koine Wi opposition to the view point of the hot-tri- One claim the JOURNAL RPLCIAL ,RI Fat-tor- . to the IL reported the plan of 0,1 the blockade ouestlon. MORNINa lloosevcu submarine when she went was that vwtn w unoiii , t ill tolesi or van lies L("l Powerful with u rifle shots the garrison f, of ground the Special April (via Parts, 10:35 "W Colonel Roosevelt be a fac- in Honolulu harbor March trylnsf lo reach the submarine 00:11, .nt damage to fl'.her side. The!..,, trenches h nil the iicrtnaiis McOoo "'". Home, tor?" received a letter written two diving tune might lie definitely aban- rencu Ah f.,r Hie utterances of the presi- p. Political parties lavorat'le to had second brigiul'f of X'illa troops, aboiil of P.eMiisejoiir. r rom the 111 in which the in charge of the work north the shipment of anus Into I, .1. v 1,00, . ale inlcrveut on no- To be sure. He ts a factor in any Iriavs before the tragedy doned. Officers 1,2(1(1 men. left (leneral llodrigu'-z- ' and ' reports the vieloiisnesx dent mi 1 ea- report. here hold Hint war, comprising rnls. radicals. thing he takes an Interest in. I don't iieutenant said he expected nis refused to discuss the head(uart,-i'- today and (iicled south of the lighting is Indii atod by the Mexico, ofliiials any time." ,. situation constitutes a spe- It tol lltists, soeut lists Mild nationalists, 'hink he will figure as a candidate. sel "to go up In smoke of Mata moras. iiiiiioinic inciil lhal thelo been meeting to be He one was inclined to discuss the AGENCY by a engagement. cial case, in no i comparable with have arringed a great and his friends who believed in No GOVERNMENT An America" flag carried Mirtillerv iiiid infantry Foiled Sunday throughout Paly, in an truth about Mexican-America- Un- hand-to-han- of the relations between the held bim but did not follow him out of .the letter. Officials said the n ranchman on d figliling, the sapping partici- - F.oropeao b,!ligerenls. bring about the Party condition at the time she JOBS sub- throwing of im en- States and the endeavor to in 1S12 can absolutely dominate the boat's SECURES 1,243 American of the river was fired trenches, and the Hi,, countr.v conllict probably - officials pointed out that the presi pation f in the the next lepuhlican convention. If started on her last cruise on the Mexican side hy men con- diary and asphyxiating bombs, - she was from dent said In the same address con- The Coorricre il'ltalm. commenting be will follow of his own would not be known until cealed In the brush. The ranchman IiKiuii ies made in diplomatic and !t has' the dictates RT HORNINS JOURNAL (RICIAL LIARID WIRII It mv duty t, xercise today on event, savs that Patriotic judgment wishes of raised and examined. nilotini! a party of newspaper olfie'al circles, in The Hague have uross- "I deem the and the April . Klist reports upon llie t'V assumed llie of " warning these "j u."ked Admiral Moore, Washington, lerry flag was in- - to bring to light the reason the autllotttv col'lerre.l character who sincerely desire to see him have men tn a and the failed 111 12, monarchy, national at operation of the federal ( 1, lo see t" lo the since the bike the nbice In American history commandant of the naval station on the tended for use on the boat. The party for alarmist rumors In if illation In the law "I 'viaien mecllitg, Inaugurated recently 1 ...... ,..., - l to On struggle league, which arninged the that his patriotism mid Americanism Honolulu, for a report on wie acci bureau appeared on Ihe river ,,., HO U 111.11 ll' "' in bv mistake I,', Me an containing thin hy 'the department of labor to be-- 1 now going on iu iidopted a resolution deserve, said Secretary uameis opposite Hie and ...i C.eimno were about ' he will declare that he will dent." agricultural and post-offic- e bank skirmish lines a,l the bor- - Seidell, not cannot he made until the with the flag protection. Not assistance f on this side seek the nomination, but will do course this sur- show that during hoisted the for g"i "If, long waiting, there ars in been raised to the departments bulb-I- were comes the repoi in.,. dor." after a'l his power for a candidate on vessel has t more than half a do.en From leneva .. presl- - nMuro up to March 1 show-tha- the months of February and March exports to Tliel is rio law bv whi' b the dihilliiKiotis, no mall, rot what a platform meeting present im- face our reports fired at hem before tlu-- guined r...,.,anc has nrohiblted - in-- e the J.233 persons obtained work through Btnp- - the rilteil Males, l( of- c iirolouod polilicMl upheaval is perative F-- 4 was in good condition. Italy arid taut Hie Cermiins .:1c llellt "f demands. If he would do the . agents. cover. any -m- - the government all aii"ti clarcd. onibl exercise tic same itable.'' that right now confidence and stnbil- - It is probable tnat today shows Juan I'erales, a Villa pitiK at ironlier stations were desirous of profesHor Mussolini. a socialist condition uiier iiirtu unit A .iiimrnary announced in hospi- freight ears homeward bound, even if he cerninir her 327 persons were directed to evlrv,rt,n the ped Cross foot,, i.iildniL' exportation "f arms leader, explains this section of the In ship itself. that died today. An old mill report also has it that trains the is the In February and Ulfi in tal here, rice belligerents, as to ft" SO WHO-.- resolution thus: it mimt be remembered that a employment obtained by Hod Cross lialv rearhinir Sw n.crlainl are filled to all ma- reported, In part, nan been the from congress, Would "In other words, If the monarchy FOIU-XAST-. most delicate March. The number families. Hiith'Tilv WHYTHEIt submarine is the here for use as a hospital in anticipa- with Oerman is unable to make nutional war, the world. Naval follows: next Oe.many, on April 1, according b be unconstitutional. chine in the some-Pr' (Jalveston, 35; Jenver, 26; Helena, tion of the attack on .Malamoras. viewpoint of the American monarchy will cease to exist in Italy, experimenting to find no In avia- 1, dispatch, held as prisoner. The still are 1.1; VI: : San There whs flying either been, oill-se- t, as profound political upheaval Washington, April Mex perfect." Seattle, Portland. camp today. was reported at 10.175 allied officers and U2,h"ii of government bus from the thing lost, Francisco (Incomplete), 9; Los An- tion .It its position with respect to means a change of regime." ico: Fair Saturday and Sunday. Soon after the Kubmarine was the Villa camp that two American their men. that after consulting the geles, 102. TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, APRIL 10. 1915. there have been ( impoitaii, e. SLAV SUCCESS "In the Car pat Inn is wir troop re- BUOYAN T OA! IS pulsed n number of Herman unl A usi nan cout'tcr-atiitrk- i, and run-'imac- d ! prog less We now hold m New "ar hands the whole ,,f the prin'-ipa- l REVIVE STORY . h.ii tt i vunilics for more than 110 EXPERIENCED Oil verst ;i i')T)( ,:i inil-M- , from K tth -- tofi In Volossaic. with (he exception of Hill !""', south of Vnliamckhov. 7 I, I'm) n Aptil we look ptisofiirs and FOR OFOVERTURES "In fill oilier m'Imh of our front C E CHANCE lllfll' i ll 111.11 h'll i lunge." lawn Mowers WOULD CLOSE PORTS TO Crepe de Chine FROM AUSTRIA ALL BELLIGERENTS AS PRICES OAR Garden Hose 'V MOOMtWa JOUftMAl aFICIAL tI .Milwaukee, A lira :i laiianuol I. Dresses at J'hilipM, giVcrnor of l'oiiMii. !!-m- k Hose Reels Muscovites Have Much Fight- aied the do-iri- g i'f American ports Excitement Greater Thai at (nil the plu ink of m lum on shipment ing Before They Will Be of tiiplin, nni of food, to hellis Any Time Since Germany Lawn Sprinklers Able Flams ri iit, if that is I". r'iarv' to Moji to Overrun the I he IvironiHii in iin - Sent Ultimatum to Russia $13.95 tvar. aildfn M I'.. H t mm f it I'mi Km of llw Yol cf Hungary, IP'-M- . Last Summer. Ica-t- . Wheel Barrows ', A. I!., h. it tonight. The' vi :v . tst iiiaiuio slmwinv:. In say tlie ji"uiiiin niiK the fiftieth ,'itinivt r.vity j e of t;rant ve tory at A.-- i M.iiciiaN a'c cf I'l'ii'ce. Tafutis. I'nilnis. . RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN poma-lon- PEACE RUMORS FACTOR ('it e ile .'lime. (,"rcK N'mlc-- . tic. All ar' Dandelion Pullers 'Anything v. p ilo In tin? inter cin Ii;tt-ii- fancy of pCa- it i ovir lltll III ll," hi' liear.filtilly triiiiitivl with la"c, CHALLENGES ADMIRATION ' IN UPWARD TENDENCY said if We must (love our port In ellVi'tt at'il -- ilks liiirii). mic. The Mles Garden Rakes i oimrieri c and H"i the shipni, lit of i jipplics even of t hrmg to an .ce t''f u ry newest, f 'inpi i i n tlie li'j;li waist, I us j Ct n it K'u-sia- in Car- n this Strug I" let then do that.' (jJ5'j Isilcrn, :- lilmiscs, jilain Shovels & Hoes Brilliant Achievctncnt 'ii onares uo up oy i licet, ciiat. nr pathian Is Outstanding SWEDES CHAGRINED Leaps and Bounds; British i!t- effect, aihl d i il i .in. The-- e ate i!,c.h-- tliat are Usually !' .nlit ami Fact of Prevent Military OVER ACT OF MERCHANTS! Interests Reported to Havei Spray Pumps . '. a k 'hi-- , sea-v,- ;i ' f r !.' re than the jirict we at l t.. 5W a ion, Bought Bethlehem Steel, i f HOffNIIIt jouaL ,rtCIA(. HIM) the Poultry Netting I 'f..niton. April III (t . III.) "The SKidith ik' pupi'i iite greatly SPI'.CIAIa iav Hoimm lOi.lmi A. ttailo '"l h.inriii.-i- nt iliininery Hint a i (t MoaiN jauNa,t trtciAt LiaaicD wntl ' the I London, A i I 't 4 p in I The , New Vi.rk, tr,n.-.,n- - Screen nl m ili.h l otnitien firm mn proiiitf-- April With Wire IPis-ia- s a . ( tin- ItiotlK " a.tlitr-H- lo- - vx'j. in Carpathian, the (oiuitty ! in nilvanre at.'.-- illli f.lMl.ltlMI Idav'M - - where Hi" Muscovites are imw said to (ieriiiHim ;i portion of th! cur- - sjtock nuiiket whm Ho- most ex- II the and All Hardware ioi.IioI irt nat y .ill the iitimrt;irit of inniite n hoiird the Ktcarner citliiif nnd noteworthy of any d;iy .1 ilc- -. .'111 $13. 95 pusses u ii jit- for a Kntlmd. hiih the liirtimtiK Kime July lmat. 11,1 that date, i (ho fou'hi-i- - nl on slope: i,n to iin niunil'-.'- ' ;( which marked tllfl lucinue of Cer- f nd took to th i the plains of Ifur.gatv, tn.'iuy'K ii ii tit I ii Itw.-i- i. mar-'k- t Sccti-u- i -- It - a hair rlHni kholm i on cfpiiniliMil of HeUter' in to tlie Visit ur Sl.'f .ui.l .. i'e i;ew !)! f r tin jirit;. jileaMtrc to GO TO u llofr:i I,, I peace tt'i ' . l.iili of,it for I romtuiny. The ru spapcri whs rtirrcd Info h ytate of AiiKttn-lluitK.iry- , !i'.w t'icin. mill so min'sly nnai.irnoily detioiin. e the a. t and ifh .K livily Hi 111.' 'ttpeii., of Miliieia on the In-- ! af-- l I anxiety put of nrice the tin i riunetit to ift the f l"o.i, "I'.-- If. c.lla. weie ail lie ll. rveiitiomntji Italy n.un-tr- y way, m for thiir . thoroughly mid to take in i asui only a f"w of the unimportant Raahe & Mauger up a ir t( to take mix on the site of the to pr ftit k repetition" Ktock.t failltllf hhille ill Ihe hloilil allien mill wi utp territory which tru and Ktcady iolvame. SOME OF TODAY'S EXTRA SPECIALS 115-11- 7 North ht St. . have fulled to led in the negotiations Show .cm nil Awakening, riernmi.y mid A a. throui'h "ft. on the Mirfaca-- , the iiii.rkil al the If jeiM urp imrthnltir lout I .It I It t In Itiisart. sTRDNG PROTES T siKtis of a g n tdl (iwiikeiuuK puh-II- - DOOR MATS The Ktuil-i- newspapers seem con- "f NEW WAISTS FREE imli() ami rlce ilu- - to il of favor- - vinced thul llim.iry, if i,ot the hiterit. vaiietv nh'ilf jal.le fai torh, tneluilipif the rlntement urtli 7:--c aii.! 1 "n , ; S1.50 of Ihe ihldl llV, IK teildy to N fliollitri i of UU ,t"1 - th treamiry departmi nt vhn h '" k i"'in iiiid it in wt id thnl Kin- hole nut unofficial advice of ral Vi:tl.l SI'lXTAL peror rriitM lit Joseph h;i(t ueni Ste-- c rviirti'd ISSENT TQVILLA domestic linproM'tm nt. Another pow- wi'h a jiiiivlia-- in Pope )U ne.ll t to iiitervi re in hi erful influence Wan tin- pri Val. n.e vt half. KM. in It.dy, I the peace nimorn, evpn IhoiiKh thise met 39c tir hui. Sect i. .ii. 99c (oll-itr- Irio: I dnftly intereMeil in , 1 with prompt denial In hith iiuartern. tin iij.")-ii.n- it i tan i iedem e In snmi The il'iv with come t lux opinion in heican r.iorl, ulthoiik'h the WASHINGTON of the d in militury le h r B! hecatire .pectamlur An iiri(' p.rei.( in moyenient of piece, s in tu't CHILDREN'S HOSE " if I'.iiwm In overioin-Wi- the linn sloii that uti'.eedii lefhlelKiii Steel. That flock wua rcKiHta ni e of 1 he Auntro-t.erinn- n JAPANNED BREAD tile Joint C(iinpriiiively inactive today, even CORSET VALUE w....ii J.V a ,.air lioopH In Ihe t I hiatm. .in 'nia thuiik'h It ri points to its apparentiv him thai of ih- added feci SPI'.CIAIa th' credit. Soon nfl.-- the openmir. n ;it BOXES inn K, ll;il,u.,l at leant of State Insists MAY CATCH MURDERER artllli Depaitmei.t hiiyinir in I 3 pairs f.,r lll he n ady to hriiiif the war to nil inovcinetit luuaii niled Steel, h wns , I Im ( Must whu in. Hill i'ie THROUGH PAWNED WATCH ''lid n war ni nhe Miniim Men!s Rights thp MiiiIi lltlillni- - Itcnmliii. tliroiiEhout five hours, the Block ilsinir only tin- - I It. u lion to 49 $1.49 50c 65c, 75c, However, Ihe ItiiM-lati- have nonn Be Respected by Northern urcst 85c . hi first, soon respondum- to lT M(taaiH ioUNNAi. ,eCCI4. IMMt OIMI Wuy to ito urn t l.eforr I hev h hut , rti il wide Rencrul demand which luiiM-r- Apill 9 I'll ri i.i I idnitifi-t'Htio- the plalii.1 of lltini'iity and the An- - Chieftain. and carried it to .',7 in the fitml lealiuKf. h In forriH are IHTV SILK GLOVES BED SPREADS df ii Wat. foiiii,! ii Oenvr ,ailll? nnd with tolal deiilinus if Jll.iiue SHEETS Kred-frl- ol.htarl- - In t:y. 'iite whol.' pnttti hlmp in l lip property of i thill shart h, Hinithi.fn n!oiej( of the innuntnini I All O'lnr. I'r.'! valued at .S'.?0 TJx'it inches, w urtli k ('. AliitHon. iniirdnted In u lum. 0lINa JOUNl. llilL ID ll Hindi s( N ctiic. ie. foe her cotiipnnv uffictf nt I'oit ln;nn. have hern fttotiKl.' fortified mnl VVi. hiiiiM-i- i. Apr, I A proteft f si'i-:ci.i- tin- - te- nt Iteadinj? was only s. i ond in sririAia stkcjal ( troop tire hritnj poured into deciee issued Tuindav plxht, furninhd u iiph lew Utiaitlt ihe I'ecent to Steel, with oik-lu- s uton In It I" "aid thioe nn prmi'linu the I'niled Stales today to the nfficT who nrr di.nt rhih'i.ihui, Mcnl.o. I r; fi ii now twenty-fou- r fr saleK of ii rhiireta and a nain of on lh I xdectlvcii il' il AiiHttlan mid fix fiiti-Hiil- of the mines upon which ilm ( lius-taiari- tie- - I'tiion I'nelfii , A nm litii united 49c Wan WmIiwh-(l.i- y il. rnian ai iny orpn Im lnu the .....I ..r on on which $1.79 39c ttit Willi h (.pawned hint - VMiy, "., l.cyoiitl j "Pper, and olher P. favor- i innii woiillnii u I'lilted ltaten Mtid thiit inoi'e ate on the work w Hiid'etcled !' l lodK-- d thelites were next in order ith evt. n-- iirtny unit. rtn. in the other liiind, the uhlans me f.x.-- l .ldate hen with up (IcpHil-lMiv- n ov. rtui. nt to 5 2 point lilinnlni: ii'i.U' mid. I P, olficiiiiH In the suite i At the tltiie of the diwovery of A Killlls. ' MHtioti'n t'"" iiHliinn repml of cl... ,l...e lhe lielia rt llicllt An Extra Special From Our Jewelry Section .od. an iirmy iiip viih As the l.u intr of e Mlilies K ltll- - nevilliy. they arc iitlaikliin nilhnut would Impose iiiulue hiirdshii.H; th; found I'olonel r.ettey, nun. lol.ts own-- , itnpetiiM nun, y in- - for the Iohh of llillllatl life. forc.Kii did an for other N't i c!t nt on Amerl.'tin mid other it's of all kinds. mna 1'ircular 'v n lies. I'.ar Tun. I.avalliercs, Ilut-tuii- s, Ihan'tant Kurt I.ok.iii. aitiioiineed t , ,,i,u,,u IdiistilalH nnd railway hhillas ensued. cninii Cuff he. ln-- ( itoilrnlion for ninpiiiu, i.ronertv. tmiay that had lioeil llllahlK In il unt il i C. .Id .V -- m-.- . ; The llriliih iiillilaiy iiUhh pt i'm Tlie iollowltiK Hlatement was issui the upward jv.e. p nil. raced Silver and ",c!:n , i" etc.. width up tn S4 ic( ial. tmlav. iite lh iiffmf tif the cup. ii i si- ps Ki i iit.Kl. .oliiiii nl ion for the iiinmicr tonlEht suuitnarlzinK tint situauon. all TRi. nn. hinery in Willi h the ItiiKKiiiiiia liuve haiiUI.-- Th,. leiarlinent ,s advised t lint the j of Hie ex 'hiinm' WaM teiftcd t its the 'u rptil hlan (itiii,ni;n. Their nd- - .oi.oioisti-aliu- ii at fhihmiini.i. till iikihI cup ill the final ilealiiiKH, - viiiiu' helwicn I'ntiaiikii .in, I I in it - i .r, h i ii decree Willi rcf.r- tfi ticker Pcinif almost ten minute- Each uii,.,l ' $1.00 fold, they f.a, Hlpie. T.eil the A llfl lla flH .'n'ce to tiiimni- - (.i.ciations, pr..yidiim:hihit,d its usual tunc in i out o the Imkla p.if. that from luk-l.- l it.,. i if oii.iations at Hi" mine ui'P closinir iiiotiit ions. .Mei Zi ( I hi in out of i Niispcmlcil or if tiix. s an not pa id the No ncrslilji ( limine imd from went to e.ihl this ptorenx Iuih o.Ii.cj will he forfeited. It In Mated News heantiH on thi events of the .out im i t until nil the piihh. lire in that the ih cr. e will he ill effect from ilny Included a di nial from Ihe of- the linnilH of the lUifsian einperorH April I, 1.111I Unit V: dtijH Ircm the ficials of the Hethlcheiii Steel ioll-piin- y JAffA troopn. Th irill.x iiiiitind thnl tin' of the prmnulKiit ion "f llu' of any i hainp' ow nership of dale of ( cd A u.-t-i o iermitiiH m ii nf now ! ."I the rc.suin Pt ion 111. - ROSENWALD'S reliirn will allow lor it property. Humors ilea Inn- with ill i from eat tialh imd Hukoivina or i pi nt' ion. the affairs of this inmpnny inclii,ed liny will find t hetii.el es cut off. Mifhlnuton rrutc-l- one to the effect that a majority of H pro Co. JiihI it lii lce a hiillli', hut oil "The .lei.nrtmi nt liiis ni.ole " the stock had heeu aniuired in the Grocery Hlllllller ..rule, in K'.ltlK f II ill Ihe M ent test avtiitist the provisions of this dt open market hy int, tests representinu Ix'twrcn the Mi uic an, I t fie Monclle. live, iiuiiitlua out flic hnrdshlpH that one of the liirKcst British ordnance Then. Ilia Itcin Ii lire pcixir-tin- In would he imposed upon ompaiucn l lirms. al.'ly went to the office of Rear Al- off-h-l- vr il thilr iiualiiHl Ihe fierniiiiiK, coiupclllua: them (o operate their No ex phi n.i t ion .m Miiichsnfcd for lien. liealty, commiinilaiit al th" - of RAILROADS CREW OF EITEL .Sard, signed m, anil, im cording In ' i"' Pan- report, minis whin cllhir tlie loiiiliiuin lhe tin- ill Tniled Slille I ami an ai't'eciin nt to Tllf llt'st tlllfllt lf sensiitional viol. dSHl lotitinui" to make piunnnH. The Ho. work or the liol.lnal sitiintioil .Sleel olher than that the ile American neultalily laws. He iii- - Hhans. was l'niits ami in Kit II, h lepol t. tiowi vir, i.i ill iliiet t would make such operation highly company's IjUshk - t shows marked informed that he. his officers and Iter-Ii- n tilipt'" crew vvoiijd have the of .Nor- - lal'lan.l. Ulth the le.ol(H from i,.l nnd Imovcim nt. fietilmn tin- city. pin-- 1 which a mn. urn e Mi, H all Ihe lii fiii.ti' Iiilormiilion to He IE OE folk and vicinity. They wil live on l'"rt li k hiiM- - I, l epllll I 'I' ( region ISEHVE Im. ml the ta attio ,'Cll cll I ess the .i!ii..ia:ii in the 1ST Kind. I 111 I ( ENGLAND COMPLAINS OF U0.000IR loot-e- VII hi Fancy St i au Ik nits, jicr with heavy of llilto, W Tomorrow the hicech Mocks of the ll i --- I . . II KM list or In. i ii nt 1 i i e Icitilim; Ii.f trooi's in, Kitcls kuiis. pint her miichineiy t TREATMENT OF PRISONERS . 15o Tin. I 'l i n. Il ,il i' In, ei h Hi. i'ii,-- forces under '.ciieiiil and Iht wireless h,mimUi-- will he aii.a to- - St. Milnil, Hie poinl of Ihe I n.i'cunn. Kllil wen: la, l.ltf removed. report flate P FO ILS STRICT RULES l'aiuv '.rtfti Apai lius, WcilKe Ih.'V .11" llllllll to tol'ce out iilthouiih a lo tho 1ST MOMNINCI JOUHNOL l.tCUL O WUH il it il April . judiinN ii ri nt lhe wiiit,- tiiiic re iiltiiikiirt pnrtinciil liaiui.ito, I.oii.Ii.ii. April in ( :.".; a. in.) A AUSTRIA AND SICILY J I flic two Mill of the uedui. with sail (ilaertone mi ii liiil ft iieil 'white paper'' coin lllllMT the treat- und nilillery In nn endeavor to w II I'd IJIICl elHI o a (.lioit ment of Itrltish in tierinanv MAY FIGHT ANY Hi. TIME l'.iucv (iiccn IV;h, which lead from SI'iihlv ,.,ii!a make ii stand It i a se- 15 the roads and - has issued here. onslsls of h - i rcpres, nta- i Mil hil l 1,1 Me IX. If Ihe ploKIC-- nl- there Mi syai in Villa ries of letters anil documeuls and Claim Postmaster General Secictaiy Daniels Instructs - tills, Put Il), MUKNINO JOURNAL LIASCD WIRCI I'ie lit-- leuily Ik i.m meat an Ihe Kinuli ilium li"S heir tetideil lo (oiitiim com spoiulence hi iwceii the llritish aetCIAk I'lar.f.'J II.V !icii.l.iuir-t- !l i it to he. th. He ioiiiIm should now In' dispatch, s from rniiniia t liow-- nini lil anil alter Hines I'liate, 1907 Made Ai biliary Admiral Koine, Apiil (lfi::ir, a. tn. The ! rt anJj Beatty Regarding nlinoKt wiihlti tea. Ii of I' lcncli is al a I'm, loiilinied here. M. ssariuiTo, in nn article on the po- New I', 2 1!,,,. the victory. the American .25? KillH, Unit iilinoii had won a (ileal The corresiiiiiihii( o coiers seven Unfair Ruling Rei.'aidinyi Promise to Be Exacted From litical situation, says one object ol' A i'.,,i Iliilo-Austru- ip i have iiiiulc nn alia, k lo.lav lioin Consul tills cuhty-se- i en pavies Ihe negotiittioiis was to The iinan-- renin I tnoiilhs and 'I .e--- Hi i news 1. reive on t Calif. . on the lirllieh lui.K in inn hern at Vein I'tUZ siltl of the "white pa per. " Weight of Sacks, . Geiman Commander, show that Koine has been ready .i!5? S, ial.- t M Ilia il IV.'IH lepnlMi'd .'Hill have. April In off!. r.iin reach with Vienna a peaceful solu- I'lanie In-- It purinirts to iimw w lliti-- : s 1 that i.eruianv a, l i ... J c, IM.'IKOII, pi lie, there tion of at least .some of grave tt il Sweet c- -. 'i'i,lmu I,, la iiii. 't in from s stemat wnhlielil iiifoi'inatton the S'kt - a loot II. l llii on alum that ileilsive victory . prol'li ins arising from the war, which the Iwiatw the it of lhel rcKiintliiK Hi jtish ItIV the omlitioii of MOHMINO aOl'tlSAL triHL IBattA WlACj ' MONN.NO iOUMNt-l- LtaRio Wim t 4 it.umi Vk. whii Ii Ii.-i- lit en ii on. Mltiat was brought into being "by the cen- r.i.u hleii oil ihe i. ,risoiiers and (lei lined to Washington. Aj ril Vn lhe W H. I'"nia pM n. era I t'clchmtes. et atiiimitoti, April tral empires, chiiiim-i- hand vei il tiim-- williiu iu. lo repre-ni- t Pe- without Italy's consent: nut nn of itl i;ii nls hcmiu today ni were iv Sec-iifai- v - . 11, ,. intimated mi lhe Mil.' nil in' s'l lions KiU'il toil. hy .ivainst Italy's advice, tn -. 1!. . . ,1 ,l:n- I',' far lis tln "It wis and contrary M.ilil;'i I'l JijHT- ,U"0 lew I'l' seiil.ilive lo early an ettaniiualion lt. re the supremo t (!. i1I,hi to licat-tj- . f . . I mill milt linliiels Hear Admiral Italy's pub lie Iuim hci n in then, has the mi that ii i Interests. of tlie war prist. Ma in lierinany in whether tlif t'nlted Sta'es noVe'n-tiieii- t navy In . n nt imiimr hi iKdwitlisliinilmH Hiiil the commandant of the Norfolk "The negotiations show." paper I in. Iii'htinv ttorili nn i.ixris, it similar milliner to that permittpij pay a ppt the l'.MIM l.l!i;f I'.i.viuil t I, . en tli no i tliward must oini:iiel j.titl, tor the ihlernnient of (he continues, llnllli- - lloiihlcil. inmv had ncii til-ea- "that Austria, notwith- llcpmliil l.v lltitaiu t i in nil, lit o.inl pa' t'- railroads in aiixdialy irmser 1'riiiii Kilel re- I.eltiue. -r XiilhlnK I'irii'inI hax I., i 11 lepolted thirty kilolii'lets'' standing the pri ssure ot tJcrmany, I.r0 'U'lls for canyim; tli" inaiis sine,. I'm,, I'l i. di cn-w- . t illn, li ,l cntraiji1-iii- . The si., lemi lit a. I.N that t'"' ich. and her officers ami fused to take into considera- km a tc,oi mua Itiiei't-sle- - serious . over Mia In i 1 Thursday af railroads ale 'Ill,- old.lM were 118 follows; w . i t eia Ci iiz rami tion the just wishes of Italy. Iv.ti.i-.lic- . nl off the i'lan oiif-- auit tin' i The;f. .l,ii e ,oi icp.ilt..d vic- Pentium lainiH. "I pou arrival of I'rliu Kltel at yutd, l I hil (lailclli a KI'oWH li'-- ternoon to tlchiatc the WIILL the negotiations are lieslincd to liooi tile CARRANft 1ST ',, iinlici-!.,(- , tory "t'lider flallil,. insse,l '.n l.ldless letter Itl CliptHlll, stlltimt he Interrupted buiKhts .i ihe tutu for the oim. the moment olio sid" ...lOr shortens - peiisiitioii lor Cte mails is of based on pres a new ntia, k there. The sill. ma- ilia mippoi lei hel." insistnl thai carrviiiif internment or tlie olher believes thai further de- nilvic t)hr(- - h,is,"il on the weinht (iirried. ident's proi liuniilion of neutrality lay im, n appear I" ll.i vc hecollie levn a, private as that would verve the tiiemv better y.i.ll s fn'oe was :n ii pcl.ile plKllt.l hy actual vveinliini; for a "' ami st his written acceplance of herself." ti-'. In oliiim. ii nn IK niiort fun ri'iiii than i ' : c period. Ii'.- I ar- . . Columns tiiiiler th. sonal liircctaiii flc tivvitiK tn lai that '.eriiis. I'ropelliiiK inachinerv and lu.r Ii of IIicm' i'l lift hilt In. AGREE TO of Villa an, I .,1 A lis:. ''cs hi ills were not (nrrii tl as a nil. on mament should he disabled by ii iiiiiy-,-- ii .ii., i . pol l, 'd have I'f. il Cenn IT lulled stales Officers on Way Jloiiie. Bakery t. i,i he pr.'ssinw oMartl iiivi Sundays then. Sunday was of parts will inopera- n Mini, i h. m. said elaro that render Ceneva, April (via Paris, 4:3(1 p. tlie fot m of mi inverted in the n.'lectlon of a divisor In asrer-lalninj- c tive. I : : i o should be and in.) Ac a i.t !i.,i itn i K e ilei.ial luir hi .'ii in dismantled The five American army officers w 111. Il .tt- t) I,, e ml t r 7 Cap-lai- n , , tilta l.i (naiilr lhe nt the nvcrace neiclit. In ii,,, operated during internment. who fii i f i .. Th,. llaKil-- ' of Ihe l were attached to the Herman Department Caiiamtii f. Jt as .,,--s. i ted hat the postmaster Kenctiil announced should give pledge for himself, military p.,1! Hi it a , i hel e rie. forces as observers until that NEUTRALIZATION i , llla hud iiKseinhleil li supeiior f.'lct that in tinii iii'ts th. r after tu In ofTitciM and crew, not to commit unv by i tlie i il.,. i. hi-- Holland mid able on April .'!, arrived at leiu.iu i ted lo rii di id, won when niade Sundays would he in. lulled, thn il i al act nnd not to h ave limits Alltel l'i"nl i;.ii!iiii h.,,1 i iihcil and siid it innii Kerne today on their way home. the mar, up. x reiliiciiijt weiirht nvi t iff n CaKc-- . point. Ins main m my iiiiik lit tile the iage and thi prescribed In paroles. ers and Layer ol lhe W...ji' lllllle ill'o .1 t If ' . railroads' com pens.'i lion. crew to lie domiciled on ship. v.'akc- - A II ma ii t Assistant Attorney Ccncral Thomp- permission to M'Kii I suniiuaiv "liiaiit captain and l II U I I, 111 MoanatN jOi.nsai. till Is SM it follows the ciirn in v sduntion !T ftcciAk WIRII son, f ir the liovernmeiit, contended ofTircrH to visit Norfolk. Portsmouth, Stinhim- Cikc; I.I.I Si IllltlS mill, ot Sollora C.lllltet Washington, A,nii s, Cenen.l Cur-ran'- a Ihat the postmaster had a .Newport News Point Com- lltlM the lin.s anil old iV.tiii.l Cakc li'.o'ii'V has I,cell hnnliiiit llt. Ulf' flnailv m.iified the I'niled rUht under the law to cxi rets,, his fort, at will on general parole, also ill.)-Th- 111 Smies urn m trillion. Xpill til (irlli il. slate hit'!'. iiiiionnis. ami it has eriiiin throuuh Consul in st'lcetinir the divisor. Jacoh him. them permission to proceed to ., I. , f'., . 'a, Impus-i'd- Sllliniaii h. to M, li',iifil v'u'ain ml .ml, d the torts ii. pi lctn ally f to that camml auree the Ulcltinsiiii, former secretary of cities outside those limits on lenipu-nir- y I ,t I'ililil-delphi- the "ir l in ii, s :,l! Slllldnv at ml ood the Piid. It Is neulrali. mn of etilier Mexico Cny war. and John O. Johnson, a, Ck' k nine Mai iii!i.ilk ., the from "f leave on special rcipiest in each dm int i'.ii "I W tlti. day. h it oil thai ileiicral i.hi lias l or the railroad I'mni die capital to far tile railroads, ic'ioncd . uniuedthat tp. Aulhoriite commanding officer to U..1U Thm s, lav i cm i Mu: v, is ,iiiel m lhe an .ii-- t to 1, rmopiho lo evaiiilne nl! Vera Cru.. To l.,,ih of these sukhih-tinns- he 'election of a ilivljor cxclu.llm; send ashore, limited parties of crew - I v Nil,ills, ir i i.nliii l.i i'ie llallv Tel. innt-e- and talllp tin ,, "C'lllliler- - iimile the state ilepaitment, Sunday hud hcen tacitly recotnizcil at vonr discretion, giving his parole Ki.ipli's M.iv leu, , f, on all had iiu I he the lila-Z- a pal. i n nl horll ies had Kivrn ly law mi that th,. poM r'ic-l- i Hi ( i.l a 1. Ik., v trres,ii.ei'.l. If that master Kenvral for return of patty in each case. has shliiip.d lit liitsl li t iin nioiiev their couseiti. could not. ( ha line it. "The limits- of liberty for crew lo i 11 . 'i i 1 i cvt iv lay at i k M ill II s Mil sKI as f, It II a i lainie.1 that Ucucral fan hi,.., to he Portsmouth, Norfolk, Newport I It A AN Il hei-- .Mexico Ciiv fi.Uls IHi-x- . Cixili oil s nr lit I'm, lit the iih.ui'V that lias f.,,ni thu id Noted ( Icritiinan News and did Point Comfort, of-- j li'tiileieil void tuts h. r l e Peeil HI'" nticnitions mi the ( r..u nil it is tin New I' ' Agents f. ,r 'lia-- c S.ui toll. that York. April The Kt. Rey, tli "em and crew ((insider Norfolk to IS' I on, i IIT cam-PniM- i. I'.omc (via loll. III, IJ in hiiM o'ss ;i nsai lions iinil oh.le.tive point in his mtlitaiy MoiisiKiior Chailes .Met 'ready. Id.. i include Virginia lieach and other JaJK Imvii'v - H. III.) i!i"l,,,.) of I l.'pojt v i h Its i iv- - I'anii.u- Tea Hit,.,., he that i'i some i.un a. .dilitui.v reasoiiH also are widely known Catholic ( h urc h man shore resorts." l h . of-- t In.,, I., r, Austria .oki.l the Bund n cm pt ilsnry. The refusal cf etl for the fiy,, (,, Ut I'll HP the die,! here tonight Innii pneumonia s i ' '."'? '.t?if; v'lifHe I s i .cs of ttic llolv See to ohttiin i.s it ii t ri rities t,i at ci pt cct lain railroad l'etw,,n Ceia I 'rut! and after a i t n f illness. lie was vice i: ITI I. KIKMAhl.Y ihs.-- v , ' working a Mevlco City. Htisz is piaitc! in the li'i of sreat president of the New York Catholic lXTIJKXS AT .ill-cal- hardi-hl- '" i . NOKmi.K Holllalttt. the uli'.in of the i on 'h peorer i ius-i- ffiei.,ls h.i , whde disii ppointed school hoard and president of the ov er the faiiill,. ,,f got lo ns ,ti(. in iat Maynoth union of the t iiitcd States Norfolk, Vn April S. The Cermanj 1'i.n l I In s In Ki'iitiii ky . win. h foi -- ' had Hi,.,, object the aiiviliary Prifd-- 1 M iruiser PiiiiK Kitel i "V t l l vl I l.tMPKion. Kv . April 1'otei.l of u means 'ingress and ".AW tlMIM tt Ss.N ,,f Man li ( uiial l arniiiKs I ii h vt lis interned today at the! a si a I I M I II l S firfs in Hie moat. 111 eeress for arsi. late t III Sd tins the southern foreiKm is, Hrt hopeful thnl ranama. V. The of navy yard Willi of had such the h. eitrniiiKa .Norfolk where she part this stale Kame.l railr iads iw,.. n Mexico City the Panama canal in j JAFFA'S ' lieailvvay March were the remain until the end of the European I'llroKiad. April (via l...n.!..n. h to threat, n villaB.'S and .ui.l lhe A men, a,, liorder will soon lntiest of any In- - irilh suite it was war. Tugn and steuniers in Hampton il a. o. ) I tolhivv nm lins- isolaied homes, am crdiiin to ti report he repaired and a. e,.,,iijsh the sunta on, ned. This by exceeded about Koads blew their sirens in salute as! STERN-SCHLOS- hiltll ol'll.lal Milt email t tea.liug the le.iihins here. In Pulaski t t.tinty the purpose. At present line I in- $110,000 the previous S COMPANY this record miiile m she slow ly steamed from Newport j Mn nits M and 32 Mul't.iiii in the easiern ttiruter of th fires lire reported beyond control and terrupted hy the operation of the January. March eat Cenenil DiMributort Ten-ll- minis werH IJiI'i.. News and took her berth near the! war. Was issued Icnitiht working thtir way (..ward ihi. ( Otrranni forces Ohre-i- n s4 Albuquerque. under i.efterat Tne te'c'pts in Jaiuiiirv were historic frig. Has Constellation. N. M. "Uu the front west of 111 Nicntcn ssa (f li1t the viyinity t,f $119.03;. lmpuato. Commander Thierii hens immcUi- -



r..-- N QUAY ---- inun COUNT STATE COLLEGE XX , r." 'iU

Meet and y Iv . . -- fvlafdak'na Boosters Number of Important .Cases to Interesting News Notes From m.ff V' V Jfj N" 'Consider Plans to Organize Come Before Judge Leib New Mexico Agricultural Association of Stock Grow- During Session Now on at Institution; Student Body to ers, Tucumcari, Picnic Today.

tSPICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO MORNIN JOURNAL (FECIAL CORRESPONDENCE lO MORNINO JOURNAL! Tucumcari, N. M., April 9. The State College, N. M., April 9. The enthusiastic meet in .of tiro tegular April thp old - term of district annual election of officers of the r MnKilnU'Wi nnil west- court for the Kighlh Judicial district Yniinit Men's Christian association at met in Tucumcari Monday morning. building '.'.,1 ovhp by liny the association has resulted Presided The officers of the court are Judge in the election of the following: o K. M extended to i(.v mi invitation was Thomas I. I.cib, County Attorney Jackson, Iti, president; F.arl Taylor, "I- tli.. o', n rs Southwestern ieorgi K. liomley, both Itaton, '1 S, ; tl.sSoo'a- - of vice presidi nt Cluster Carrelt, I'nlllC flroWOM and Clerk 1). J. Pinnegan and Sheriff 'IX, S. S. Hook-lan- W elc on May lit secretary, and Prof. linn to meet in MaKdalcna J. P. Ward, of Tucumcari, There is of of commerce, ot iiertectinK the department an extremely heavy docket both in treasurer. The officers-elec- t took of- ''"I ,,4. Jdutllin. The matter h..d - the civil and the criminal court. fice month and Vill serve until ' , T ro. this , -- "aW .,. J, , ,,, .. I IJIRW wnr, A. ml III eii previously discussed tit the There are 119 in the former and t 2 the of April, 1916. , J,SV.'M ''''' .... .mmhei J El but it first j , in Silver City., in the latter. body picnic will ,nv,..i"ti i The annual student .. the time ripe fur Word has been received here that bp held on Saturday, April 10. at (In H state-wi- d - The Chew C00J Cheer ,1. for i.ui uf orRnn- the supreme court has reversed the famous Dripping Springs lamp of M "STA II of case of ("aria Van Sickle who was Jor Nan Patten's, fifteen miles dis- - "'l'l'wlis nisi' decided l "' mei tinu previously convicted of murder in taut from college. The party will i reorganize t revive nl the the first degree and that this cusp leave early Saturday morning and i.,,-,- l .f trail'', which led of years will possibly be called tills term will return the evening of the ia lllc Men Who DO .. ine uf Inertia fur several court. However, It will scarcely bp day. Men Who Chew Are ',,i-- t It planned to rejuvenate the possible for this case to go to trial Cadet Inspection. ..rKti'iiMatittn. " wum an active cam-- n and it Is believed 'that practically all The inspection will be cm-1'n- y annual cadet n to for new nietnlierH uml of the criminal cases which will bp held on April 20 by Captain Merry, HliN a shin loses its bcariniis in the of niulit, the an expert man to direct the s tried will be those of embezzlement 1'nited States army, the Inspector who of the tiiia r, with a view, to in connection with the failure of the has conducted the examination on W!crew are m unity plau to see the reassuring jlov ot the wider publicity for Mimda-len- a International Hank of Commerce and the college for Hie past two battalion -- life-save- rs and the western part of Socorro the First Slate bunk. The nine In- years. The cadets are well trained Lighthouse. And when real danger threatens the r.eiiitv. dictments for embezzlement against and are in excellent fhnpe for Ihe in- Northern iMiiitic. proba- In Imilo . Cubel II. Chenault will in all spection, having profiled by a five man the boats, and human lives are saved. The stoclwowcrs nl the Albuiitcr-,- bility be dismissed during this term Hliss, coun- days' encampment at Fort ml of the northern of court. TIip cases arose from cer- Texas. The is under the in- to lie invited battalion envy the work of these men they think it lonely. Hut these ties of Ni IV Alcxicn ate tain Irregularities while Mr. ("tiPtiatilt struction of I, lent. S. P. Hon en, t "11 it Not many people of (Vie iill-ti- t iartiei;i.itp in the fornuitlon wna thp treasurer of Quay county. ed army, and tile have sonicthiny: that lias proved an antidote for v. States caileis bier bodied, able fellows have ctnlc association of cattlemen. I The whole of the first day was had better instruction than fur many chew it was binimht out at the spent in an effort to obtain a grand years. loneliness for all men. Whether by themselves or with the "crowd "they In largest mcotini: that Mi.tfilalenn the July and the jury was not completed. The Engineers" club of the-- school of I on of them chew STAR. ;,rii n;i cattle shipping point the II is believed by some that the first engineering will give a promenade on tobacco. And most IV railroad between Chicago Santa case to be called will lie that against April 1fi at the college gymnasium. in every Hecause of the and San T. 1 It. Smith, charged with embez- Many novel features, churucU'i-isti- of They chew STA R because of the complete comfort found phi. up discus-mo- ii I This in turn brotiirht a zlement in with the First will be in an connection their department, Instituted inimitable STAR quality, the honest weight and the thick, tightly packed, tasty plug that uf the Ko'.d roads uucslinn, the Van orchestra, county haH to State .bank. the dance. Snrdam's western Socorro farmer to vote some $40,000 tin- - inside leaf. Kit) Tlie effort of Fl Pani, will furnish music. gives them more of the mellow chewing haul ills supplies nearly miles bonds for the purpose of improving of junior and ':Lzz0c' in- The engineers the norland and is therefore vitally in Quay county, lost last college will take pocket-pa- highways. Much the roads senior class of the After the"trial bite'you'll want STAR for a l, whether terested in iietter Thursday by u majority of approxi- an overland trip to ihe Klephnnl n. i nthnsiasai was aroused over the an- i gave mately 00 votes. Tucumcari Unite dam 011 April 17, returning the you work all day in an otlice or in the yreat outdoors. riugs nouncement that II. liursum had the issue a strong majority, but thp following day. The trip is required his Intention of stumping t ho declared outlying districts refused to vole for of all engineers before they arc per- the company of STAR HOOSTKRS canity in favor of a bund Issue of to a man. While will re- Join great Improvement, the bonds almost mitted to graduate, and they I ioc $100,000 for road and will handicap the work of the report of ihe visit, rind good and true men who ve made America the was appointed to draw this ceive credit for a them men r a conmiiltee road commission, they will continue reiiuircd to write, up a to a bond which they are b 1 petition submit such to do some Improvement. Stage Play. leading nation of the world and AK, Issue in a vole of the people. tilrls to All ofhe local churches held spe- The young ladies of the Y. W. C. A. world's biggest selling brand. .. new members of the board of Sunday. A by the cial Faster services last have chosen "In the. Vanguard," . trade were secured as a result of the musical program vvltd a ser- staged tiieptins, following elected splendid Katrina Trask, as a play to be the beintt mon by the pastor, Kev. O. W. during the first few weeks In May. wrx: officers of the rejuvenated body: was held at the Christlun cast-ha- s the 'i'.--.i"- William riorrndaile; vice Mourn, The been selected and . . v President, At the Center Street Metho- work at present, president. .1. S, secretary, church. memliers are at McTavish: dist church the main auditorium was memorizing their parts. t '. I!. Sedillo: treasurer, Justiniano with pot plants I'.aca. were to profusely decorated The freshmen class lias submitted Committees appointed cut flowers. The pastor, Kev. A. for preparp for an to be. and to the sophomores the iiicstion II entertainment N. Fvans, preached upon the sub- debute for the .III (riven hv the board o.' trade and to the annual interclass 1 ject, "Christianity, tt Proof of the privilege of engraving the class link alter details of the meeting foi i i ' it Ha, .. r Resurrection." Kev. A. X. Porter ol on loving cup donated WJW'.i ;i statu association of cattlemen. numerals the Alamogordo, preached at tne firsi by the. class of 1910. The iiuestion B IJaptist church. has to deal with the selling of arms COMPANY months na- 93 PLANT A. Hurley who fas several SWuh and ammunition to the belligerent has been conducting a motion picture tions of Kurope by the United States. OPENS IN TUCUMCARI show in the Fvans opera house, has File freshmen class will be upheld by based the west half of the Interna- Miss IVlarguret liuvens and Miss Anna Commerce building TOBACCO SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO MORNINO JOURNAL tional Hunk of Kerrier. As yet the sophomores havo CHEWING remodeled it for an representatives, but Tnctiiticarl, N. M April !. The and opera not chosen their local plant moving picture show. Xew will no doubt put out a strong team, of the International Fiber installed, the floor- conipiiiiy Penan operation hero Mon- chairs have been as they were easily the victors in the WORLD ed sloped and now Tucumcari has one year. The date for the LEADING BRAND OF THE day. The plant, which makes filler theaters debate last for the use of hindlni; twine and of the best equipped picture contest has no! as yet lien decided. similar products, utilizes thp wild to be found in the state. The Alpha Pi Alpha fraternity will The city just closed a deal with a play in a short hear ni'ass which abounds in this has city stage a minstrel and iielnhhorhood and which, up to thin Charles lie nncr whereby the lime. The members of the two casts purchases forty acres of land, one memorizing parts and lime, has heen considered a nuisance town, are now their hy the Nearl- and one-ha- lf miles from the rehearsing for the finals. The date stockmen and farmers. ground. The consider- y fifty cur loads of the crude weed for 11 dumping has not been decided definitely. already is pur- - ation was $ar.o. College Notes. on hand, havinir been has select- based during the last two weeks for The board of education The senior class will hold a smoker Kalph C. Fly, of Deming, to use ed Hon. club" on the evening of April . in ihe factory, l'p to $H a ton graduating at "Hub yet custody and Sliiuilil Not I'ii-- fl has been paid deliver the address to the 17. been relciscd from for the material, thus evening, May 14. bond, hence it is generally believed So many people troubled with liiinmny in to class on Friday Donald Young, '10, and later a thousands of dollars county commissioners have that the grand jury which is and constipation bale been the claim holder. The graduate of Yale, has been elected la Ill's been in session here since Monday. Xew Mexico Yale empaneled today will be asked to re- Pencilled by taking Cha mlicl About $:to.ono world of machinery treasurer of the one f din- - This board will have considerable association, which was re- view tile evidence in nearly all of Tabids that tin :bould already has been installed, with half Alumni coiir.'igi'd who lias nol t;lvcn tliein a as work to do at this time. All of the organized in Xew Mexico. these cases. The following men com- much more on the road. When in county Will cently pose trial. They contain no pepsin or oilier, full operation, employ various officers of the Raymond Frcnger has been select- (he special venire from' which the plant will and (he new grand Jury lie empan- digestive formenfs but slreiiulbeu the! ion men will make detailed report of the fees ed valedictorian by virtue of his will and work day and niuht, class M. VV. Si- siionach and enable it to peiforui its two shifts disbursements of their offices since having highest class average grade eled: Taylor, W. J, Pace, being formed. It is said the the mon Madrid, Charles Hidden. William fuiiclimis naturally. oblainable that the company in statehood went into effect and for the' four-yea- r college course. was influenced county will re- If. Mriuldin, Will T. lirowiifb-ld- W. rj where. building at this point by the Itock various officers 'if the In a recent letter to a faculty mem- them for 11 M. W. I'.enito Island liailway company by the ceive whatever may be due ber, It. I.. Clayton, former student Turner. Pink Hickson. and recent salan Hurnn, Juan llaiciu, J. .Moore, A SI IT S M.I dry climate, which obviated the ne- their services under the of the college, tells of his work in IOI I enacted bv the state legislature. (J he is en- U. Hose, John Hvatis, C. 1!. llolden, cessity of special drying plants. bill eve- Ocean rove, Oregon, where V l.l i s ki.;,o II. Duncan returned Friday K. U. lewis. Arthur liouglas, I.. T e. gaged In educational work. extended visit to Y. Itevcs, fieorgo Varnnck, Mack Missik, Tin: rcoNoMisT si sai.i: ning from an The. president-elec- t of the M. C. M i; WIMXIVV IHSI'I.AV it Okla. The mother his cabinet chair- Jack M. Kali, John Uiohter. I!. II. TOI AY A. has announced :. sick, biit'is nuitP lUla-H- i. Turner, Charley li, McCluic VAI.lT.s !!..".ft of Mr. Duncan was man for the year Tin: improved. Mr. Duncan is Thompson, Nelson l.cmastcr and Pab- dcono.mist grocery lo . Sl i: WINDOW DISPLAY with the Fager Urnthers' llerreia. Principal Interest still is cenlcred lt0?.- ...... -- ....,..,n.i Thors- - UPV. A. .. J'.MUis ca-c- N. in weeks vaca- in the of .lames Porter and day evening from ft two O. M. Talley, charged with the killing TODAY Stam- 1 1 parents at . t9h.. BROUGHT BACK tion spent with his ot Kalph S. ( inn. ti, or Tularosa. All fl. ford, Tex. . lcal hatile will be W'c lirtve NATIVK I."t-Iik- II M llcnson. depot aMclit for the fought t at In the court, in the event tb (iri'fii On- Fl Paso & southwestern railway BIG SENSATIDM new grand Jury should the lliuliarli, spent Friday night in the the levers, NATURM HEALTH Hoy, X. M., decision of the jury which was lis- - ions, Spin-ai'- li city.' kadislii's aiui yyaaa DonoaoaaooDOCDOchMHjQQOt charged yeslerdav and return at iii- - ''"' diclmenl. Krutik W. Clnncy, all. ; aNu may .., The I School Directors Nanicil. - I immlm, cnPrm acts About 911 "use nev general of the state of N 11a- Cut to Interest ins M.,' April . One of Tucumcari, X. AT ALAMAGORDD Is to n I - CALIFORNIA f Serious Hcno-Hte- il ico. here assist the district 13-- 8 I'cnmlc Trouble the heaviest votes ever cast in the election of tornev in the inn of this ase I.cltiH'c, IVas, Wn1lwWLnoKjr - p.j The Vse of Ciirdtii. citv was the result of the n Cril-cc- Asparagus '3- board of educa- MaJ, '. II. II. of l.ns two members of the former disiiict uttorncy and as- aibl Straw lierrics. today. Seven hundred and 5 D OOOOC Walnut Covp, X, c. Mrs. E. A. tion here sistant I'nileil Slates district attor- OOODODQ ODOOflOM seventv-thre- e votes were cast, which Ibithro. k, of says: FECIAL COKPEEPONDENCE TO MORS NO JOUKNAL ney, is here and has been retained this town, "About election of J. St. Look ' resulted in the Alamogordo, X. M., April There for Ihe same purpose, as has nan at These Prices years aKo t was in very bad health M. There were stark and J. Potman. bai-- e no new developments Sherry, Alamogordo, d f"r Hire,, and two vacan-es't- o been of The J'lycr Snap, Daily or fuur months. candidates to throw light upon is by Judge Tom Leu of While Laini'liv 9 2 P Wc are Demonstrating F. H. Hinds was which would tend conducted At this be filled. Mrs. dismissal of twenty CI i m,l I!. S har.s time I had a serious female of more than two the cause of Ihe Stale Senator Herbert 'fur .25 trundle, defeated by 'a vote of grand Jury by Judge of ('lines. Judge Lea. has: which lasted severely for nine members the iloll , one. not- l'aiHV weeks. 1 Kr)t awfully weak and could to l)avld J. I.eahy In the district court been detained in Paso and did I'akcil - morning. It was im- last, Kareely here- yesterday reach Alamogoi' until evening. 20-o- z. anrj my doctor said I Vaughn School K.lccth.n. yesterday on nil eaiis. 10 Fast . A possible to get service Si nalor Holt ha been here since the ""Klit to t,e i,P(J, Vaughn, M' April or- X, - (he on (he special venire day was convened. I Jly two Et was held rm s Jurors court Apricot lahcs in cans, sisters, who bad used Cardul spirited school election dered to report at once and the work Grilstovo for ho was elected tni El w'th good results and-w- now use "t d M I.. Harris ' the new grand Jury 2 f.,r iv Verm U "" of empaneling a tonic, two-yea- r and It. C H o'clock, OVER 800,000 PRISONERS recommended it highly to was postponed until this s Foley the Pint hollies Pui-nett'- "ip. saying jt s a tine medicine. Mrs Fd for tr.yv morning. Stop See The feature of the election of OF WAR IN GERMANY1 in. this I felt If 1 lived I mu some- tenns The discharged members the Lemon Kxtr.ict have was m 1,r" "up,t;n1d follows: Arthur (1. ...00 thing to help me, medi-''"'e- s irranil inrv are cs aftd as other Mrs. Foley. A majority of Tom Moiiarcli Foley was Carlson, Jim Shults, lal Martin, 1EY MOPNINa JOCPNAL aPBCIAt LEASED WIPE Chili Sauce, had fulled me, I - women, Mrs. uru-siiela- s. to relieve w.r.- and Boutright, J. li. McNatl. M' anor April 'J (via Ion, thought c. by a Amsteidaiu. $1.-1- I try worn-toni- l opponent ! gallon juos would Qardul, the lected over her Muruuez. llarkness, p. I A vote. , Carlos 5:15 m. dispatch received here Electric "Genie of Ihe Kitchen" At fhig time I was almost V. K. Harnett, Oscar Shenlicbl, V. A. from ricrlin says that on April I. "kin Domln-gue.- and bones. i;iige, (i. O. Norton, Henceslao ,' KI2.S0K of war were being 'Apples, (Irape-fnii- t. 1 rrisorn'is Oranoes, Prohibition Million Oeorge M. t ; y - seemed to Improve use -Thc Will ostic. Tower. held in r 10, ITS officers and after the X. M.. April Cran-herrie- s. "f the East Vaughn. " W. I ). .Messmait. I'.ananas, second bottle of Cardul. The have culled an Henry Htnsley, SO.l:! men. The dispatch gives the 'rouble stopped, countv commissioners Alex. Clements, Andrew Taylor and prisoners by ual uialily us follows: ( A Grill Stove Combined I suffered less pain, election on prodibit.on in f and and began to get 1. There D. C. Klemlng. French :'.s:ii officers' and iiSK.L'illi back my strength Vaughn precimt for June "no true bills which men. nd health. I saloons and a wholesale The nine took five more bottles are now three by the grand jury are Kussiun r..l-1'- officers and nt" got - West aughn. were returned .ifil.2'0 back my natural state ot liftio.- house in as follows: Human ltatn.ui, one bill men. Double Service, Half the Expense faith, also my flesh, and could do and a second one Itelgian i! IT officers ti.CJO ' Lightning. charging assault and nv work ' .llorxtt Killed by gree A.J.MAL0Y easily. M., April 9. charging second d murder; nun. This East Vaughn. X. O. M. Talley, British 5:' a officers 20,?.i)7 spring 'i was run down In fine horses-kille- James M. Porter and and neulth; Frank Trnxler had two charged wnn mur- nun. had d myself. on his ranch two both on one bill, 2 If. W Centra! '"-- ' bv lightning mur- nearly Cardul, Monday plght. der; Jose Harnos, charged with three bottles of at miles south of town on charged with rape; V. s tnle. and It brought to my were not found for several der; Jose Campos, piiiif Mutter and I me back The horses Harry Smith, charged with carrying Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. n'"ral state man-nr.r- - ('.liasc & Saul Kirn's Teas of health. days afterward. a deadlv weapon in threatening 1 M,t ' ' Whff P 78 Jars of fruit, Min-:- i cbnrifcd with ami Coffees. ' "eh ?'k1 Tango Tabooed In Paris. llarritt. HORIJCtl'S Phone J8 t,miJ nnt have lnne efore A de- stealing a horse; James M. Harrell, n' "Paris, April 9 (10:01 a. in.) 172-17.- 'i'dui. J am gad I heard of dancing of the charged with assault; Krancisco Cadv, The Original Phones ? i, and I hope cree prohibiting the C. Hrown, other women will too." tango and other similar dances In charged with assault: 'Where You rflSe n,ay 1,11(1 min'-c.ip- embezzlement. Always Cct ndnUr not bft as as th0 is being prepared by the charged with MALTED MILK but Paris SI ill In fli-itM- even If only a mild case, we authorities. It doubtless will be Men you say "HORLICiX'S" Good lhilter" 'Sgest that you begin try enforced with The men mentioned in connection Unions MORNING JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS. today to Issued shortly and bills have not you may get a Urdul. trft woman', tonic. with these "'no true" Substitute, FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL SATURDAY, APRIL 10. 1915.

FEDERAL LEAGUE T0,; CHAVES COUNTY OPEN SEASON TODAY; IN THE WORLD OF SPORT GILMORE OPTIMISTIC WIIKItF. TJIKY ri.V TOO IV. DISTRICT COURT Jess Willard, Heavyweight Champion VittaburKh at Kansaa City. Xawark ut Haltmior. CLU8MANACER TRACK MEET TO, t Orooklyn. i't. Louis at ( !;i rfgo. TO OPEN MONDAY lav HM1M MVMU sa..b ICA.Ka AND PLAYERS Chn aii'i. April . I'radictine a Id BE HELD TODAY proaprbu aaon. ' tha m far,'' Praaidant Jamas A. 'Jilmora lift to- night for Kansaa City whara tomor- Expected row ha will watih tha oprniliK S.ini Sensational Term Is DE AT of tha laanua campaiKn. to SELECTED BY tWO SCHOOLS I'.aporta rafaivad at tha la.iSTlja From Nature of Cases haadiimnar hara today wara th;it Be Tried; Judge Richardson f.iir wathT and his crowds wara at tha opaninKs at Chiiaiio, & tub MKirm ro , whara St. I.ouia p!ay. ut Kanaas City to Preside. $3 l.aaaral Olalrlhniuraic. ' MEET NGTON GHT M Hopewell Field Will Be Rolled li.v opponanta will he 1'itt.iburKh, Alhuqnarqur, . m. E at Baltimore whara tha taam that Ill pi nnant for India n.ipoiia will tCC'L CO.iaONDIHCf TO HCNIN. JOUWN.Ll in Shape fnr IFntiwon tha and Put IUI UOl , .. . fc-- Tha li'j,ir.-T-f, aim a l ukitikiii,, ,.i,i, ii, j I! X. M, April Time; Menatl and Hish tthar li'jf iflo opana tha aaason. "f tha Chavas coiintV Directors Decide. They Already! I'liiitrii t . outt w ill opan hara t Complete Entries. TORRES WILL FIGHT (Monday loornmir. Tha (rr.ilid Jnrora Enough in Treasury to; ik !ara :jni!!ioii.-- i to appear f"r sarwa Have Afc-- WANTED: SPIKE KELLY FOR THE 'at l'i v ' '"i k on that nioriuiiK. a Take Steps Toward Team! liha ::iroia ara in lha Pox and th-- v v Tha hij;b and Man.'iiil will ii. they will r WCI TCDWCinUT TITI - Clara t.d hv the Organization. j hold thair annual tr.o k ma. t thia af- - HbblLIIIIUWIII "-- letile lha hahlllie of tha ,l.,v Will Bright Young i HoM-wf- ! !. t A i' noun ut fn Tha trark I.,, uiveli over to lOelli'Ulal speei hes lit-jt- long 'ntalaiwitd f! wi!l ha rolled and with tha l. Jark Torres ha. niKfifd artiila to and in raspart to the lata ni j ilis-lr- ,. IWAClIl repuuUe house vattinir it yaatarday will f.Kht Kelly at St. Joseph. Mo. Ceorae I.. W'.Wvs, a late deputy 40 j ! a in ehapa UNIFORMS TO BE CHOSEN for riiord hraakinK. April 14. the dale of the opemnir of t i who was in, fortunately yer ia buimca Ku s Tha official ara. 'oa h H. F. Ia.nai-1-an- .y falling his the Western leaxue aiain. moaned last month into o ipening in ihii city for resident S AT THE SAME SESSION! 'lute hiniin. atartar; Charlaa Torres, of reeeived wall pit. Mr. tt'yhn was well father Jark. artenan teprevntrtive. Hit lime will b ligi-l- Hrnar: Hay MK'anna. timar; Chastar word 'f the mat. h yesterday. It will known all over the Mate. havii:tr h' Id ll.e wori is iit I.aa, liiia and f.'inj hoiirna, judga of he advertiwd aa the world s welter nv offin-s- havint; at one lin own; nd - in. cart j fininh: liaorea hita and Frad Calk- weight h;.nipionahiu hattla. tun la-e- "f the supreme curl igraribla; hu profit averajai moie linn sf to Ina. field K. C. j Four Committees Named aent juda: fiahornb, Torres will go into training hare ,.f the s'ale. D'i'a oa dona, id announear. at onre and leave for St. Joseph next The pi t.t jurors aia Fiimti.oncl to is I i prenoul expar;ene nol esscttij. S Complete Sale of Stock Up! Tha arhool arnrles ara: Wednesday. appear on the lc.h at I" o' k in I li- Thii ii n ideal lor J"0 yarda Mann. Thai kray. Parry. tha mornintf. Jiidaa tiraiiville A. Hi - of portunrty t young f5 Fee! All I Khot-pii- t f'm."ildsnK, K. ol good wkIc cikI ol to $5,000; They; Clifford, EIGHTH GRADERS PASTE ar.lson will nieside at this term. it mn 3 I. th. lit: genuine d- -e j 'have. iil a th.- hist time lha' acquairitan.e nd to 3 Do Ask, ' if - ii- - I Have to Is ll.i in Roldt, liarton, Chavez. trii t court room will have n us gotxl in tVId o( ! DEFEAT ON ST. MARY'S ' mke t profitable work, si Arinijo. liXinL' of 111 oust s hi h T2 Sill, a the the Taa railirit rq!y will lereive I'.'O.y ri hurdle. Thai kray. Mann. cost tha county some $i.r,ml. tint "Tlier' waUlnr on Jump Smnldinir, Clifford, The Kishth trrada team defeated From all in. In aiions ttu illU' condrral.on. nj We know i Pr ut. St. Mary's hool yesterday artenoon term is to In r.ithar a sensational till, iu?rilie - I'.'ll v Mann. Perry, Th ray. IT W j l llMTf. know inla ark at Hopewell held. The score was The ihai.jre of venue rase of : Hie nuitnf f r A ) w Initial rxprtiM vault Clifford, Smuld inK, to 0. The hntteries ware Ureenleaf and iihlhain from dnry coumy, iti FOSTER GILROY n it. Tw " I Im 1 .2H, liragoie for the KiKhth Krade, and roiiie up, Mr. Oldham hawn S0J I.a!'jctlc 1 Mill not more than j Strttl Pence Clif- - .lohiison, ilill.ert and Schmidt, for St villi infra-tioii- of I lie rJArdlix to i futures, batr v - A rhaiua.l B fold, Sm.ildine. M ary's. l,..nk:iis; lai-- . I ',., ma n. has Nfv Vurk ami i'ip got mofi' Own that - Tfe-1l- r Proa,) ji.nie- Thru kray. Calkins, h, an owr to the :nli"H of the I are ' tint. iltitik i Mrtnn. fol- - Kiaml jury , and if an Uniii tmem fe in going alMtul." yardn--Pol- 4li .)t, Thai kray, Calk-- j i iU-i- 1 Will i o. lle up. fir-- ae Altm-r- ., lows, tins nil, ii! pre,,i.r.t Pd of th ins. Among the Bowlers on- - jtawtiull is i iiaiK', wi'h KiilitiK J ii in ' a'soriatsnn, mJ : I I'.irnm-- - .1,1.--1 -- throw 'lifford, Smald- jial.F. his at the Kavn yetiterday afternoon at 1 i STANDING OF THA MS, tri.a aiatamani Inc. I director, : W. U Pet. lirothers sheep ramp in Janiiaiy the firi meetlnc 'f th" .. ! Mila run W'ilMn. lleyn v w:ll 1 1 1 The liistrut ..Horn, sas inn.- held at th Commercial club. j Milo relay Thaikrey, Mar.n, Drummera a! ont; Hudson for Signs I'.oldt, ) 1 1 sensat.ona! ie el.!:. merits director war as sanguine , - iKIka .. .. 'la other " i .I'Mi Calk Ina, Parry and 'hi vest. th- - jury. - 1 1 other matters i" viand a Mr. titiiw, fin thev proceeded . , 4 ! Ciroa ...... 16 H The Man. nil entries are: i'loes hii -t c.-,- v to bringing , . not giye tile sht t make .irrunremern for I Hturi?eti. 15 -' ' ,1. loo varda Aiii.'i leo Pa. hern. Adol. ;the scnsat.ons i dew lop. th pUM together and starting th i f ,".,.n:.L.u . . Capitols . 14 13 4Si Wall Paper aa'sa-- n If every cent if th I ! Kelly 4 28 .121 as lluir-mil- e' I (mis ( nevaa. Vn nuel t'r0!I i.6ii J' th limSt wt for the VlKil. Ordfin Viml. G. 0. P. WINS SCHOOL (hi tk wan In hand f 1 ) 1 2 3 Tot. kale Mwn the j Pole vault Maidaleno fjonzales. Irummrs Treasurer Frank Harris. IWand Hi 1" 4S.', ELECTION IN SOCORRO HUDSON nf ' j Alfredo Itodaite. Martin Candnlaria. HI for Picture t Iwni iWnrcewter JS1 4T,3 Part of hit amount already haa : s .. ..141 l.'.J I I , hurdle Hen Cordova, pUugrd in- persona utiow promise J 1:3 131 1.1 : i Adolf,, i .inza les. iHotan FKClAk Olta.TCM TO NOtNIN. JOURNAL Frames aa good I'll'. I rbiolly Hl.nd I'.S 161 144 4i3 ''ii ltvi lliah jump Klov Martinix, o Son, iro. X. .V., April !. The fic mttr Hrowne 171 1H 1" , l.'i'"l. oni.alea. Alfredo Hod;rte. r.isi. two mrmi-er- ci tna 11. Fourth St. and Copper Atb. -- t. 6 56 :",6 IBS: tion for rrn, (" n r and uni- 4l'i y,.r,ls Kiiiixim Martinar., Juan Handiciip hoard which w..s held hare HI Mr. form tieal tonight al - Vlif'l, Kloi..,,,( was culmination of ore fa r . ilurrule. iTuesday, the open M H9 s3l S03 24:.! - lirwra offices Thev will Hop at rid Jump Hilar in a. Totals f most holly , oiliest..! calll- a ' ( 21 the gl.ftt! signing Kn.!.h Martlnax, Magdaleno ficos i.iii!ns ever liei,i in manager for the club and take t p . f ionza !fn. jKellev 124 1 S2 1S2 had ite.l a M !..-- i.Moreili 21 4i Tha repiihlicans lifinur fr?enevesCATA R R H of fnr br.rming players here. (I'nr)(i' 'JJO-ya- htinllea Han Cordova, 212 lha party tn k, t, ot w 1ST 1S 1T4 Alhu'ur'p ith I lll.ivnes , fT I ...... 1 ' Kt). It" irfccti Adolf,. in.ali .0 i s. a. ... I.....V I j .iiBuiii ..ii'i v y Mulhna 151 140 101 i. tne In Ha most snilr, Martinez, Mazda-lan- o (While a or iiKlepenilent i,l.ll - : Li ISH 14) 1 6 f..m ihrtt 'a Ih O. li. 'H aall !' "''". ilonzalas. Fred Martin'tz. Hlind ta kat. consistine of Mrs. S. ii. Hart- - been 2- h eoubt f,Uym who have -i rc ' yards Amadaii I', Luia ' lett ami KKiiaiil M.UKpoie. was pui n AI'mi-i.ier.p- . S3 181 IsK 24T training widl ntner la, 'l Ciihlillo, Kafaef Candalaria. Total out it. The nirj.-u.ill- y lartra saving will mak h a' Mile run Tito Jara millt. Porfirlo ,..;,I ..( t".:. v,,te Was r.i'-- l the Wolll.n g IUtl I : i24 H O U R s Hart In h.,v comparatively 'oinzalas, Medina. 1ilrar, ; Kansas 4'ity 2. f ,n,, ,,tin in larae n.imhers. l4 - - IoUn tiuuiln- i. ".m- to meet. iMarniner thron Klov Martinez. Hi- - Kansaa City April The Chioapo -- ,..,,,.,... ,,, k,.. w i,s Th playn anil manager commit-- t Inrin'K. Manual Zazueta. t Americans defeated the local Amerl-- j . . ,. m.,i,,rj,i,.s. Mrs. Mat- - p has tnlr Ima-u- Mr. Orw, t. Hn i association cluh team h'-r- today. J'.i". ot.-- h- r Hoy ad jump Alfreds Hialarte, tan ithews leading with and T. Hyde and j II. K 3 A. Matson, r. o. Kioh h .Martinex, Hilurio (.onzalcH. ."''ore: li. running male, l.opez, receiving . T Mi-- i' Ki-la- 8 0 t McDonald. la th lttlug order race opposition ticket Mrs. Hal-thef- M ln-ald- . Ainadm Paclieco. fhicano 0 in the if ! K 2 6 th titi.fmii irtfiiiUi: ' . Adolfu Uonzalf, Tltu. Jarantillu, Juan "" r''y ra l ived 2.V, -- tea and St;., kpole Mmu, and Harrla. At Ilia n Batteries-- : Jasper and Schalk. Daly; a J Mtdnui. (icihlc. ,,t tn ilir(lin, li 'nt i ...... - neore, Allison, McCoy nd K, com- DRUMMER ALLEYS ularatu lt niKlit a uniform I Tin; m m.i: cxkp.ii s Till' fc'-- REFUSE V pany ankln aooii afiiT lh onlr PASSPORT TO Yankee S; Dodders I. I AssollTMINT. FOIt EXFRCISE .!:m II ' l had rwm d wouli April 9. 12 . w r.rooklyn, rolls Crepe !iiH'r I.V f ",;. r r' "f JOHNSON, IS BRYAN'S F. - t, !')- Ilia i. "forma. The committt" Score: P.. If. Spiinkliiu: an .(, In UN- Try a Game of Ten Pin. t lod.iy. 1 1 2 s will huvn New York (Americans) s U.ardcn Hm-- to Ilk- , a- - ORDER TO MINISTER 4 8 3 205 West Gold A gruuni onimlltaa alo wna pronkiyn (Nationals! (.ardi-- Hakes . :'.iic Toinli-- I" I "l "'"t f",f 11 Hatteri'-s- : Caldwell, Fifher and No. 2 Pitcher Pumps s 1 .sr. I aiirovpS In ninki- - hi ranai-li- nla ibt koinih, jouaa.k letcial liasid wiat) Sweeney; Pf. ffar and McCarty. 'No. 3 Pitcher Plllllis K2.2.1 HMlf. for wt!tF if apwtatora. Ir. ', AprH The, future move 'a", t itnm lll,s . 2.T." naw - ,)roi an.J '. f. houthant. Ilia ment of Jack Johnson. forms-- Sctuilon 3: HoMon 1. i."ll fact ( niton Hum- . ."..Ml ,niinit'--r ( it" Allni'nur'iua ian. JESS ( hitmplon, continue to Washington, April 9. The ash- - 20c and ;!k' DUKE CITY Klai-ttl- j - I.i . ii A I'ovn r ').. who la he uncertain. There are indioatioms iriKton Americans defeated the Hoston oli nmr Oil 2k- lulitK up !" of li'i"(f that he w ill h eompelied to j here today, 3 to 1. Pinkluiiii's in table oinpoiiiiil line Cleaners-Hatte- rs . ramitin XationaU tliirly-thlt.- I iliKii'a hoiiHi-r- hih in Coin for an. Indefinite- Icnuiri of; Score: R. H. K. Tacks in luilk. iniiiiiiI lac Veli.ia, li oinlnic from l.iin i if. lime, mi Wednesday Johnson rs- - Washington 3 6 0 Screen Wile in all widths. 220 West Gald Fhone 411 ara mainli'i.' 'f Ihlx lonmiltlia. ipiesied the American legation to Is- Hoston 1 1 0, Hi laiiiiiils Or. ululated Suzar . . . .SI. Oil Mill! I'rnlK. lloinia, ware sue a passport for him, uileKin- - tljat Hatteries: llaiper. H ntley and N ihiiiiiiIs Hoaslcd ( oflcc. in hulk SI. oil Inmriirlal M ilraflinif al intra this was to replace one provided .by Ilenry; llutrhes and Cowdy. '20 Hiiin,ls Ijird Compound ....SI. 05 I ha rluli, ni.'.li' alion for a ihwrliT the Ameri. an ambassador at London IlliuJi Patent I lour S2.imi BALDRIDGE 'Ilia hkkoi lil'.fl tloaa lint Inland I" li st September, which had been I Ost (iiiffilli Ixie to Hilclilc. Tall cans Sliced Pincappl,' i:.c wait nnl.i Hii" la furmnlly KraiitPd. or stolon sin. e (he pugilist's arrival in T'ittshurKh, Pa.. April H. Willie i2 cans saner Kraut ,.2."- LUMBER COMPANY hnwaxar. Ilia Ifd lapa Cuba. The secretary rif the legation Hitchie, former light weiKht chain-- 1 Hrieil Shrinip. in bulk, pound . . . nv PAROID 15-ye- ar iiinv noi h, f'.na thrmiKh for two here isued the passport in the ik- - pion, outdoxed Jimmy C.rififth of Ak-- : pounds Hoa-ic- d Corn Meal ,...2ac ROOFING with wak at I tiiiimif thut long would of William K. Cotizales, CniM-- I ron in a bout here toniuht. H)l. K 1 1 K I ., ha a ai ilo.!.' imtiih' up. Slates minisler to Cuba, w ho dlsu.U- - I Hitchle was the iiirureasnr throuuh- - 211 South I ir--t Stnet. guarantee Tha ii'' ft t(k tip I" lh $5,000 Jess Willaid, th" lie ivywciiclit tli irfh- inov eini iil of the coutherner proved of the action. out. . I onipli-lc- m- n mark will ' nal wi'i'k. champion of the world, is n of lie 1. . or,- he has termed Mr. re- j ' Conzahn demanded and si IT sn; ill Moiidav, Knlis.iM. Ha Is 27 years am! i, Il, is dill, to hold . Commilii"!" f B" ,.i,. lul," just enouKh ceived from Mhi Johnson the passport I livers (rt'ts Draw-- TODAY Wi'dnrsdiiy,it Ihn 11ml a - lite S PILLS Tni'xtluy iM wlih mauled has t.imlly. l:.'- suae lha world a title In (lunation, whirehy the action of City, .Mo, April 9. Joe y sin.r.o CHICHESTER t th- Kansas u.riis ItBAMI. a I il I" ra for he eiiier-,- - rim;, i fwlii Hi: tb' witinn four Is ..1.0 AHhi.otUi he is six feet Inches the aacretary f the legation was an- I Oak- I your Itrxtxs f A n savin II vera and Krankie Hums, of Till. tONOMIsT AL in umiTiilly fuvorahli-- a'nli-mi't- Wlll.ird has In II alloiio al 4 l rS-t- Iriauiuti lham. Th .Ink l.rll. he has n, ,t the r. iv. no us appetite nulled, furllcr, the American min , a SFF. j UtaidAl land, Calif fouitht ten rounds to WINDOW DISPLAY j ruin in IUJ ai--i Cola V7 xir-K- on pr,"'i llll' 'very Johnson. His one was tnat f a hum-mu- t al ui.itiv m. mis. He hi's not ister received an order from Secretary i,ir ,w her,. tonUIH. seaky with Rifrf-r- V hnnd and I t It rant ntunhar of kiih' other White hope" Would del... it (lie hie I appetiie, of ionise, but In liryan tn re r Use. a passport to the GFNTItY S F(.(;s. Tat other, llnr el ytmr l havinir f iicwio clnimpion 1. . for.- h liriircw. AnM .Tl'Ri' f ilm thut h of could w.nk ih is not i rue himself three or four on the (tround that Johnson Is cleaner, better, Every onej th his way up a k pacific I i: Frsher, Ichkhh pint iinn.tra'lhu hrnnnht to to no at linn. I'm. s a day like many other men of a fitKitive from Justice under the laws cost i:Gi candled, stamped and guaranteed. pan, Rlva piomisa of lha with Willard n, was of a .o.v s of ia now SOLOSKDRLClii-STSEVtHlfVinDi- afa vr luoch his the I'nit.d States. Johnson Sold by Jaffa, Maloy, Hawkins. i j Salt Ijike 2; Portland 4. whli li tha I'oinmitlae will ha ahla to lillln her. ha Was a 'inula Ii tool; Willard twcntv-M- rounds said to be debarred from entrance II. H, I.0 AnKi'l.'f u; Oakland 9. mioinpllth !( aim. Many i skinner," n of He to on uruir mule tiain land hi liaMuiilair Johnson, and into virtually all Kuropean countries San incisco 9; enice 8. hiiMf, knoivn n ainh only to thtir carted viai.-- for r.ulw 0 uinanni m, v ,1 In- did it was "a url.iiua" for the and apparently his only alternative r linmadiiila f iimliaa, w ho ahowail thi-i- campB in Kansas, and ih -- .Id s. i...;ii. Willard already is heshKed is to remain hefe or attempt to reach - I Unnv pun iivitli only hy randliiK Ihi' iiiound that oilier hlK mo rf.i! men wiih kirn; aii'-nl- I'.r thiatiiinl Home Smith American republic. TO MAKE START ON NEW t, hi htrak-fii'-- I In mt.Kpiipara fura no In Ih,. middle west. Will, id lias '.I-mi- 11 h will tie him up on the Xn inhmi li-- rt haa yet bean Issued h,i. " foriird III,, amii h w est. 111 ilia I, and th.- - M.. ii'- iini h'- is in oi(? man. to prevent th- - hhowinff In Cuba of STATE HIGHWAY MONDAY 1 h" I'lllon mjiiiiTiilli'aH ra: cortain pi' teres of last Mondny'H Monday Jiidna Cr.nif, A. Mut-ao- hnmpionship fitthl, which Johnson Itov lima Wiinmaii ai ,, Philadelphia cluli tomorrow SCCIAL DISPATCH TO WOSNINS JOUSNAL claims taken hy n "movie Socorro, X. M., April a. on Hk.' , aaitaliuy of Ilia St til also, but he expects to pet Work and T"in sniper" who eluded the officials of newly Onmmarrliil ' lh- TMORETUMS ihi'Mii'h ita-i- hrf-- re y o'clo. k and the created stale highway from the routes!. Johnson made applica- in Tih-hIi- i "I K. II Sillara, I".. h a speiinl is Hondo, Lincoln county, to M- l. haie train, whuh due tion for an injunction yesterday. olt' k .onth-ar- d lion, in Socorro county, will begin I Kn H uns, W. I' to an n, Ju l,- iii time to have bun I Driw, l,.,il,.., o,-a- ...... a. Ii.,n ... A. S'. i "Vpe.-- I01.1l r 111 At at o'clock. .'ilid ' i' li' iMiMT in the II Siii!:lc I mplrcs In Western. , a Hie icaehed nouncement made today by the board h. piomoters Chicuiro.n April S. The Western dnv I T llvih'. Toai OUT TO Hi, ih- bin Al Haii-h- of county commissioners. The work dn' 'r kcis of w us,, gys-tc- m I v SEEM league ill the single umpire will begin at Socorro proceed R, Mlti hill. I' A Mm pharKon, lain, lb, )o al In ll WelKlll, lid. Jed them and this year. President Xorrls L. Socorro-Mogollo- n ni'-n- t '. O. (. ushiii.i n. l;r,,(HI0 W'ilhll'dto lapidly ns possible until the Yminw and I't Milalalltee of for nnn-uiic- O'Neill ed today on his re- it is ,f th t'nrnliH I i ll ' dnh. k'hi ten rounds with Hei.-- in this end of completed. This from the west. For purposes of ia I" thaxa fonimiMaal The olt.-- Was refused turn one of the most urgently needed Il Bdilillon id;, economy, it was deemed tn save Han iMirvaar nod 1" Murphv will HEAVY CHAMP OF wise improvements In road building in lnlf ,loi and in the matters of umpires' salaries. New Mexico, and will be of inestima- vlait larka in iora. MENU FOR LUNCH AT THE The umpire list, as today, Mi'Canmi, l oin h K, K. Ilutrlim- - announced ble benefit to the people of this sec- flay is as follows Harry Parent, Herman Wand. W'i r tion. 1if1 ''"fi aon and l'i"l '"i" COUNTRY CLUB TOMORROW Cu-s- ai f ... 1 . - Meyers, W. T. (laslon and S. T. mi and WVfi-- i""1-- lha I'm- Howard Sweet has been appointed fl) "r k. The W league schedule, su- aw M i. " estern by the county commissioners to varsity of in it is expected, will lie ready re- f.i I ,1'irk Willaid Hustled T;nicih to 12 for pervise the construction work, which owlrm '" t! that tha The m. mi for lunch from until next I . d.i) n 2 lease about the middle of week. will be pushed vigor. felling w il! a iri' ('d I" ii f'W- Hotel He Stays tlnt!l - clink toiiuu row altenioon at the with Where I coliiH fans wh ara iiliriit to c n 'liiiiiry club lollows: boltf.1 to iel.Kic l"f AlhM'iDar-- - Puree a la Jai kson Athletic 4: Phillies 2. He fot' Phila-rieph- ia WIDOW OF MAN KILLED i Goes to Theater Philadelphia. 9. The niia mnv " i.u.lo 1 t,ra f Koasi Polk April i Am. i a today it'iasta.1 to 'hi ir riplioi.p Boxing Bout, ihiy this inn Apple Sauce alls defeated the BY ELFEGO BACA IS I game of at any -- t tr i.,ink T'o-- will 'a 't h I'.racn Pens local Nationals In the third i I tllC citV sc lev 4 to 2. given si'" k iha i fin Sw ci Potatoes ' BEFORE GRAND JURY ainoiltlt lhe : i. J it;a, i miit' I li" JOl.MNAb .PICaAt. it'llt) ftl Whipped Cream Potato, s Score: I1.H.K. 'tiwlan ' M iiwi 2 11 2 f small It Is Hiltimoie, April H..-- A lu irow.l Salad with S'pring Onion Nationals This fine old 4 8 1 SaVCIAL TO Kentucky Bourbon is Colon I Sa a. is a Is,, A dire, (,r. Was al the lalllo.ld Station hele (o Siueviiirii Short Cake Americans DISPATCH MOaNINO JOURNAL best for w Burns; Fe, April 9. under- Ilia name . .auil'e.l ir.M'tval lat'll a ulll'.pse of Jess WlUard. the Whipped Cream Hatteries. nefchger and Santa It was family, club, w wio-- t Wy-ko- 'T Schang. es cafeanywhere everywhere. front the lei P' l j. iiM.l.iy heti (Ik ht ptlKlllsl, Ilia, k 'of eo and Thomas. stood that the investigation of the Oil- I lui afclraed he artlved late to. lav. lie was but I led M. mle is will phase notil'v steward cape of lien. Jose Ynej Salazar from! Ho-io- n 5, to give his V halpinf . ooiplata ,be I" ii bun ah and then-.- " to a hotel, in th. y desire inld-- s reserved. il; Cincinnati the county jail at Old Albmiuernue j . today! f1na unt "f 'I ' iah an, I h,- x ,, ll.,liie where he stayed until be went to a j Cincinnati, April 9. The Boston was begun shortly after noon A ,1 Hun P ik r that t. pntllii, nl That bo m theater loiihihl In cue a SPIT men. icMt.-.- l the Cincinnati by the I'nited States grand jury. l"n-- ! sli: h.-r- Consolidated Liquor colonel -- -- ti the un-- exhibition. It ID Y National today in a close game der Sheriff Dick Iewis of Hernalillo Co. tha dire folate ' t; doubtedly wi a looked upon y the The ihanipioii and his pum will Y M.I I S S Ml t county and Mrs. Otero, widow of Dr. Wholesale "live ones'' " Kl l'uio as iissaiania lese for New Yolk tomorrow motn Tin: i coNoMivr Score; It. It. E. Celestino Otero, the man who was Distributors Hoston 6 11 3 that Alhii'pi, ...if Will he 111 the mi; M i: WINDOW DISPLAY shot and killed by Klfego Haca in Kl ALBUQUERQUE league and !' - Pass i'ltlatis seam to Cincinnati 5 7 4 Paso, were seen tn enter the grand NEW MEXICO Hatt-tu- s Com-sto.-- k b more ibs n:.,i that Alhlnueiue l. Ill II II S ll Kl KS (d i l l! i Told Thill i here as No Cure- for Leonard, Foster. Jury room. , he in "- leaKue than that any H.'.yniMi WII.I.AHD DOIT Hint. and t'lirrlgan, Cady; Douglas, ahoiild lint l city tin., should be 11 "Aibr Kufferbur for over twenty ittery and Clerk. Splcialhl other of lii'.'int having for Kheumatlsin. member Tha' I now what the colonel New Yoik. April ". .lack Curie ycuis wiih indigestion and "I think Chamberlain's Liniment Is la callable of town there, and H. II. Kim.-p- two of the piemoi-et- s some of the best doctors here tell ma Welsh iw-a- t Hilly Wagner. just splendid for rheumatism," writes - W illard-.Iohnso- ar- was no cure for me, 1 it Toledo, Hilly Wagner The due,-elde- us have virtually da- of the light, there think ii, April Mrs. Dunhurgh, Fldridge. N. T. "It C rived here tonight from Havana and t only right to tall you for the aake of failed tn (apture the lightweight hy that admiaslon for week has been used myself and other Glass-Pai- nt ' He made i.i raiigeiiieiits for Willard to other sufferers as well as own crown from Freddie Welah In their my daya will ha .nils The dial for ' Jour members of family and time 2 5 d time a that a of Welsh Sundaya. wh ioidc-headei- ale to appear tomorrow night ai a local satisfaction rcnl bottle inatcri here tonight. again during the past six years and L U M Cement-Plaste- holidays, probably boxing club. He will box three rounds Chamberlain s Tablet not only re- did all the leading and wn awarded haa always given beat of r ha played, aid a the satisfac- Dbil each With Charley Sample, Jim Sav- lieved me but cured me within two newspaper decision ny a fair mar- tion " The quick relief from pain will l.a i'l age spar- month although I am a man of 61 gin. The .Albuquerque and Walter Moiialiati. his bout was very tanie until which Chamberkiin'a Liniment af- Lumber Company JMml ! briag nnalM baui ring pnrtnera. vears." writes Jul. (irotnen. Houston. in the tenth when the hampion cut fords la alone worth many times the 423 North . Texas. Obtainable . First Street flTrrf Uu4 laid' JaariMt. Willard has a iinilur enguncim nt everywhere. loose and mussed, up his opponent. cost Obtainable avery-where- ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1915. FIVE '

occupation licenses, $392.50- retail ttatjl- - lUllroail Linqierty,'.' related, liquor licenses, jlng WAR SUFFERERS STILL tWI.Ii 1'OH HIDS. $751; milk 'permit, the witless, "uml fwlien teletsrnma Notice Is hereby given bids will SMALLPOX CASE $3; dog license, MANS ! that $1; check for old icame list a train l(il of strlkireak- - IN THE DIREST NEED be received by the board of county harness sold by street department, 01 on Inof-t- wot,. """ wav, ufcs.iultlnv: t up 2 p. April 14 9. Ml IIIIIIIUIIWIIII eis commissioners to in. Total, $1,400.5(1. The following naive jvitisfcns an, insulting women 191"). for the excavation of a canal SATURDAY vouchers were V allowed: Charity, $50; by the way, evei li.nly ill Cacoiiiii v as MOftNIN lOUHh At, SPCCIAl llttD WHtlt twenty feet wide in the sand bnr In street department . WILL MOT payrolls, $495.35: iiuxitiiis to see them. I went along, us New York. Apiil t, There are the bed of the Kb) Grande Immediate- BILLS miscellaneous, $ 1,(145.75; fire depart- AS GOOD FRIEND one of oldest citizens, to remind now in l tinil.Oiiil Kim, h ami ly above bridge, ment tin' iatice the ltnrclas the total payroll, $972. 6U; police depart- (be bins, against violating the Injunc- :'(iil,iiiiii IVIgian riluKces from the amount iT the excavation being 4,ti(U) ment payroll, $xlfl; engineering de- tion, for once (hey goi us into the war zone, Krcin b civilian prisoners tn hie yards. Said excavation to be partment payroll, $490,40. Total, federal court at Jackson we Were troni (iermany are returning at the made nlotii? lines and on stakes set SPECIALS! BY CITY 3,82X.1(I. htlplcs.', When the train arrived the rate of lo.ocii a week, savs a letter by the county surveyor, anil work lo BE PAID Wants Walks lowered. OFLABOR UNIONS windows of the cars were mniilrnlv I mm II. o, licatt.x, tliifclor-geneia- l be uccepted by the county surveyor A petition asked the council to low- thrown tip and we were ' polled itli of (he American relief clearing house Tim. of execution of work to lie er the sidewalks on the east side of sloncs and a ft v shots were lired. I in I'm is to the hcailquui lers of the named in bids and a reasonable bond North Walter street, between Cen- was hit y a im k and news Unshed oi Han rat ion here. The was to be given. Tho right to reject any tral and Copper avenues. A bridge is over that I was killed. J given out today- to coniiatllct any or all bids is reserved by the hoard. the counln Ranch F.ggs, J dozen . . I.V Wilkerson Gives wanted over the Copper avenue, got over II, ilioiiiih." Impression that help In (be shape of lly onler of the board of county City Attorney Heads of Organizations Tell of warm ..(hinu no longer a neces- - between Walter ami Kdith. Long Mglitiiiuiv HouUs. is commissioners. Creamery Puller, 1,'S, . II.V Opinion That It Is Montgomery said that the slay of sily. A. K. WAt.KF.rt. Clerk. Council Difficulties Thrown in Way (lie G. long niulit-mar- "The condition of refugees is April Fancy Strawberries Lie SELLERS GETS A LOG OF the slrike littaUeis was a ll!. Says Suit May charm-I- l.y painful," savs the letter. "That of Not Liable; by Spotters for riiil much ( Various the returning civilian pi isoiuth is M i r sm i: Swee Iranges l.'iC THE PANHANDLE-PACIFI- C e were always being arrest- - worse. These pi model's at TOI Be Brought, Strikers f. . Railroad Companies, i etiiriiiin; In rags, almost and V I KI1I..MI Fbuidti Gr.tpcfriilf. r .'Joe ( d aiuh taken to Jackson where the naked M S Sufficient cannot 1 I t Col. j. II. re- -' were usually half starved. stress III: ONOMIM K. Sellers yesterday charges dismissed. urgencv providing Long lied lladNhef", young celved a complete log lines remitted, The purpose of the be laid on the of Sl.i: WINDOW IHSI'I.W X. and accurate IBY tender, i' ."if City Attorney Thnmna MONNINO JOURNAL IPICIAL LIAtIO c- - clothing of all kinds, particularly and bunches for n is of the I'anhantlle-I'acifi- c highway Wlt arrests was tin it Iv to make it as li'iint'ft opinion that it is up Chicago, April V. K. II. llamtnan, Warm underclothing and shoes." " from Amarillo, Tex., to Albuquerque peiisive as possible for ii.," Fancy Native K'liibnrb, lbs, railway to piiy all it appeared in testimony given be- - wages PROFESSIONAL CARDS ,o tli' K"la from J. 1.. Stiibbletield, secretary of The witness said that his in V (,iK in connection with the Clausen lore the Foiled states commUsion on was employ- Vlinilttd Firing on Mine. for 2:.c the association. The colonel has been the thirty fears that he , I nsP. lol1 thp eounrll Industrial relations today, was a lion (I "-- Colo., April li tan Grif- IIKVriSTlt, FmiiHl"X wanting a log of this mad. Me at ed In the Macomb simps started at Nl-V- Mexico Asparagus, 11 Ik of S. Oma- fith and William Knowles. now on B11 lust lit. friend labor. II. Grace, of 7 OH. K. KK once made reverse log, showing 'a cents an hour and rose to 22'j I let-I- t. AIT obligated In nny way a the ll il pal t it I) ii it la 'he 'i Mis :t.v The city is not ha, business agent of the Internation- He il'cd I be houses of the for llratxl flnrgMa. only route from Albutiuerque to Amarillo cents. disci haMlo, on the Maud Ibis after- tn nny nnv of the bills, nnil the which al Association of Machinists, on the as boxes. Ho had paid for his went Rnttmt Harnett ttulu Phu 14' is he will furnish automobile strikers noon and a. limited thai they fired on Appninlmnli MhiI by Mll. MW Interest it possibly could have going In I'nfon 1'aclfii', testified that when before the strike. Put others who I'dlMlirs to press own bill travelers that direction. trouble arose on that mail In r.ni2, the mhia. They said lla.t they went whether it wants its The I'anhnntllc-l'aclfi- e were paying for theirs lost ihcni, he I'll V Ml IANI AMI SI Hlif.ONH. i v hos-.JiP- if it to I.oiiisvi'l,. Iron) Flic bee. use they t'nu;i: "4 for rent of the detention to the new highway, over part Mr. Hnrrlinan telegraphed that said said Abo was had been told that the mine machine BOI.UMOX Ill It ION. M. II. Mr. WilUersotvsald. lie of its route. However, it enters A- bis llrsl labor trouble and thai "Myself and one other shopman I. in: n i i rn t i' bills If it, It would be bis gun was (hooltiig up the town. I'liyilcUa a ii Burgeea. miit' of the holders of unpaid lbuquerque by way of Kstaiuiu and he could avoid are the only "in s b It who still own disposed to sue the Hanta Fe last, Ptinn 117 Harnttt Wda x i: w ri-:- Tijeras homes 'In Macomb City," said I'lis-wiii- lasn, while the Abo route Today's their High c railway for payment. by way Abo pass. evidence dealt with physic, be. lln. IIM. T. V. TANM'8 enters of me- Men au women alike have to work Nihw m4 W'e have onh a few tlo.ett The' tn. in t off n Santa Fe trnin al examination of applicants for .1. W. Kline, president of the Inter- SiHTlallat In Kye, Kr, Tarsal incessantly wiln brain and hand to N. II. iars of t'llt'lice's .lam left, here ill. He was said to have small- chanical positions, wilh violent acts national Association of I Slacksmit lis, Sinta K. of bold llieir own nowadays. Never were whu-- we will sell at pox and wiis hurried to the detention CAN'T RUN RESTAURANT the strike, the methods of strike told of being sent for, together Willi OIIS. IIAKKM .bill, i ids of btisliit's, toe wants of Till. .VV department, breakers ami detectives, the I for hospital. The rlty health other union leaders, by the then so- I'rartlca Itnilrd to Kyt, kar, Naa aa4 railway company would IN BARNETT BUILDING and other phases of the railroad la- the I.iiiuh. tile requirements of learning the Governor llnwei-o- Mississippi, who, ciety, more numerous. The first ef- Thmat. Regular price, -- '.c each thp expenses, took him back bor situation. witness, between the FUt National Hank TIIA. not la.v saiil the "was I lie praiseworthy to railway station. Later, with Toll of Spotters. deep sea." fect of effort tn the J. M. Aboiih-elma- and George tloUl and tile blue keep up with all these things is com- A. U. MIOKIi.K, M. II. the nodeistantliiiB that tho city would John G. Taylor of Oakland, Calif., "Governor llteucr wanted to please I'raoilt-- l.lmltad la Tuatrctibula, permitt- F.toch y?sterday were enjoined from monly seen In a weakened or debili- not be liable, the authorities running a ut 118 West business agent of the Southern Pa- the Illinois Central by keeping the tated condition of the tyaieiii, Ittiura It) to 11 I'o.ina 111 the hospital. The restaurant City, i.tivous 124 Ontral Ava. ed his return to Central avenue in the building owned cific lailroad machinists, testified militia at Macomb and be Whit h results in dyspepsia, defective i Wt been notified that the in disrupt- please Alhtiqurrqua Sanitarium. Phona 141, Hayward & Reynolds council has by Joe Harnett. Tho building was that 'spotters" engaged wanted to the cili'.ins of that nut I'll full of hoili hot y and brali), aii'l pay bills. I company now refuses to the lease,) to Abouselman with the un- ing unions generally worked in trios. toui by recall. tin Inin. He wanted tascN .. complete nervous lK. C. A. I HANK I in extreiin He designed them as follows; irst, us request thai tiny be kept there : U.IST. 46-4- Mil. Ill l.lmt'llnltt .iguiii. derstanding that no business wis to to piosttalbiii. It is clearly n that KI'Kii 1 honfs 7 120 W. GolJ to excep- the promoter of quarrels who gains as a way out of Ins ilileiiiin a, bill we Is is will soiitiiln TIIHOAT AND ll'Vtia. Mayor HoatriKht's reference the be conducted there with the what needed what 'J - membership in the budding union declined." I'h.ina 107S. 11 ll liiirnatt HM n(,w n Met' case brought a tion of fruit anil candy store, accord- the sy.Ut o. give vigof and tone to the and by his wiles, sets Jew tiuai ti This wilnisa ; .itl lb H there was k. cp digestive as- mull'" to the faces of the council. The I Ing to the court's findings. Abousi-I- items, and fin and TIIK MIKIMIKV HANATOKItM . . ... 1 r. i.i mm:i. an mun to open a res- ing Wilh Gentile; Italian Willi Aus- less iolcilee on Hit .in lilies similative heallby and ac- Tulirrctilnala of tlia Throat ami Lnnca. mayor nam ne wouiu permitted Ktocli I functions his lie also taurant. i.sltcd for In- trian, and so on, thus wcakc niu;; the (hail on lb Illinois Cell. I'a I use tive. From pels.. n. il knowledge, we Oil jr orrica. Wrl t'enlral Attoul from the city for ditch. Harnett the 1 p. THE WM. FARR COMPANY could re- junction. strength of the membership. Second, the sinkers wete afraid of the "bad can r. commend liopii's Sarsapniilla (ifflf liiiura; t In II a. m.; to 4 IB Haiti City F,w;iiieer Oladdinff C r!l ; 4HI (he gooil who makes 1 s employed by the western lines. I'h'.tia biitiaiinluin Pltoita obstructed fellow men" lor tins purpose. H on all file . WholesaU and llelall lienleri In move tour manholes that v, ug-- ads W. T Mtirplii-r- M. 11., alrtllral Dlrartnr. :! wilh everybody and spends bis "The further est ou pi, the ' t.ys- - j the iice'iuia for about $ fiO. vital organs, builds up Hie Whole KKI SII AMI SXI.T MKATS objection In HARMONY LODGE GUESTS money so freely that those who try tier these bad men van," said Mr. lent, ami lils and women for Miitvs recently voiced in Sausage n spcclnltv. to council to an to keep up their end of the enter- Kline. "They were particularly bait Ithts-- e days. Fop Cntllo ami Hogs lbt lllgBet n rominunicntion the OF VISITING ODD FELLOWS ('. K. Laramie, DR. W. W. DILL to remove scales on South tainment presently liiitl themselves .Wyoming. Morton, nl Market I 'rices Are, I'ald. order (bus He a man and street. At the some time he financially embarrassed ami .was one of tin in. shot t lianibtiiain's diigli Heuiedy. 510 W. Tijeras Ave. rhono 8t!5 Fourth open to suggestions of treachery to was transferred to tile Illinois Ocn-ilra- l, a beginning sale and stated that the supreme court's deci- Visiting Odd Fellows gave a ban- From small the the union. Third, the discourager. Irwin Clark and 'Xigger Hill' use remedy exlcnib d to .ill in the ditch litigation between quet and last night to of this has sion smoker the This man is a professional pessimist I.i wis other-:- . I.cwln beat n to many W, M, M. D. him and the city required the latter members of Harmony bulge. wire parts id the I'nited Stales and SHERIDAN, There who Is stored with objections to braketiian ne.aiiv to death, and the foreign When you have THE JOURNAL'S to put the ditch in exactly the same were Odd Fellows present from, fif- countries. Prat-tli-- a Limited unionism predicts nothing' but union swore out a warrant lor his:ir- - su a medicine c,ve Chuni-liorlain'- x condition it was before the city in- teen anil need of ii states. 'organizaiions try rest, could c.'-- Ho one to serve it. a rfml Urinary W'i, C. w trouble for which but cmmh lit niedy trial Genito Diseases and terfered. Judge Heacotk, '. T. toast ami l French as master ito compel powerful corporations to That was at Fva n: on. W'yo. He went you will iitidcrstaiid why It has be- Met?.' attorney, who was present David of Cleveland, O., It. Armstrong grant the men their rights. to the Illinois Central, too, and was come m popular for coughs, cobls and Diseases of the Skin. when the letter was read, Informed was the principal speaker. of I In Strikers. killed, 1 heard, somewhere ill Illi- croup! obtainable everywhere, REVIVAL the council he thought Metz could be The first degree was conferred. Troubles Tba Wliiirminli and NngueM Tcatli Sal may- Hugh Montgomery, of Macomb, nois. S. J. Ketle was another rail- varaan "A0" Atlmlnlateraau persuaded to sell the ditch. The guard. ret for negotiations with Metz with Miss., told of the riots there when road His oniinendation si rr su; Cltlittna Bank IlltU OF or opened DESERTER FROM COAST (the Illinois Central brought In slrike lllis position was lliat w hile on a Aibuquarqua Naw Watlai in report last toiiw n the result contained his places union spree killed a citizen. There v sni..-,- breakers to take the of be had xi.ri'.s OsTKll'ATIIV. nii?ht. ARTILLERY TO EL PASO shopmen. were lots of these men will) criminal City Attorney Wilkerson was asked Tin: r.coxoMisT We were enjoined from interier- - records cmploytd by (he railroads." si:i: wixnow nisi'i.AV t'. II. tO.VMK, M. II. II. ). to peruse the supreme court's decision Oalfiiipiitlilo fiirrliillat. with the view of finding out whether E. H. Thomas, a deserted from the I Trent all Curable Ilium am. Old Songs the city Had to do as Metz said it did. Coast artillery corps, who was ar-- j Of float Hlrra Itlilar.i Trl. iJaafcBfcaTafctaal1fcai Hunt Ditch fasc Heard. rested by Patrolman M. 1!. Shutt In this volume are the good old was to Kl aari I IIIIIOI'HAI TOIP4. snngs now being revived The council heard about Probate taken Paso last 1 that ate Pitta Kildf tn len hp. , Iturg's on night. He will be delivered to the comic enng-t- sent internal songs, sn- Judge John Baron ditches MR. AMI MHH. M. I'. II VI I t:iXIIU' Slate avenue, between Twelfth street military authorities at Fort Bliss, liiotia 6:Ui 414 VVVat cieltl ored songs the dearly hi loved and Fifteenth! from Chief Mc.Millin, Tex. Thomas was stationed at Fort of the happy days of long who saltl a plank covering fourteen I Ward, Wash., when he quit the ser-Ivic- e. ht:t: Mtnwit. i iiik. rvivnir. ago. feet long had ripen placed over the Telia pi'"!, unit fiittiii', litiMltteSH, deeper one. The. other, he said, was li.v-- mari-lHK- it Htierlrtlty. lliiuritntt-i'i- t mil- - shallow and did not Interfere with the llflll li.ill. I'l lll. I.'ill.'i Weill iVlllnil. passage of vehicle He believed the I.THII N)tV (III I II, KS. SONG deeper ditch should be bridged the full width of the street. 1 S. y. VKTF.tll.NAItV l.'OI,l.i:ilK tti'Klna Hr)t. Judge Hurg offered to extend the f:t. No tirnfPKhlen offpfa ainiiil opportu- covering feet, making it nity. Catalog free. C Kenna, praldotit, U18 fourteen . BOOKS Miiiltpi Biieet, Han Kra nciai-o- twenty-eig- feet wide. The case was referred to the street committee and finis OF RATES IN ONE VOLUME city attorney with power to act. I.I'.fiMj NOTICIOS. tin the reoommsndttUon of Council H K Ol-- ' 111 l( Comprising T.ove man S. S. Gilbert, chairman of the MU I'l AI IDN. Home and tn .IiiiIIi-Ih- street committee, the council voted to tllt filliltict Couit of he Secottil Songs, (ipeiiitie, National and Col- Dlatrlet of I hi" Klitta of New Mfilin, In lege Songs. Sacred ami I'atriotic build a bridge over the acequla ME REGISTERED ainj fur I'tMinty, . Songs, which include which crosses North Broadway at No. Kio.-.o- Marquette avenue. . The council re- A tiittarlo l.otiatu, liHlfitlff, va. l)iinni-(nn- cently decided to extend North Broad- l.obiito. IViIro l.ohat.i, Kiniiia l.oiiain, American Songs way to .Mountain road. Alii'l l.nliu In. A ml lea l.uliiito. fell. I, 111 tie fvri'ii, .lorn-f- Ptirpn tie (lonzni,., pi Irish A bridge is to be built over the tar MoaxiNO joubnal icial wtaa nu Songs if lao l'liia. I.oIh lvren, I.ula 1'rrea, Kiln IV- - ncequiu west of city dumping Chicago, April 9. Shippers who ) the riii. riiiiela.'o ivrra, Jr., AnmUit ivrm. German Songs grounds south of the city. It was object to the proposed increase in Jiiiiti IVrca. t'oimuiio l'erea mi.l rtyac said complaints against the scavenger freight rates asked by forty-on- e wes- Scotch Songs from people of the neighborhood tern railroad systems today presented The "lliil lie fe in li t a anil pni'll of llletll would cease if this were done, per- witnesses before XV. M. Daniels, in- are hcreliy notifleil Unit miiil plaintiff him mitting of dump wagons commerce commissioner, in lilnllliill lill ti K li at Ihem In .'il.l tllalrlel Welsh Songs the drivers terstate cotitt praying Ilia to go freight that title In Ilia preiti Iaea farther west and unload near the hearing of the western llel'i llillftl'r llrai'I ihiwl . forever qtlleleil As well as Na- the river. Mayor Boatright took up ouse. the Americanized rate ami aet at real against any cIiiIihr tional I'avot'iles of Austria, Can- freight a. the matter with the resitlents of thnt The testimony concerned of ilil ttefpiiitanta. that the .rctnlaea, litltt ada, Ileum. irk, Knglaiul, Km nee, corn, which an in- to Milllil la to lie I . vicinity following the arrest of the rates on broom on aoititht urn da Holland, iiul.v. I'olunil, driver of a dump wagon. crease of five cents a hundred pounds .I'lliieil an rollowa: J'ussiu, inntilioi e n Spain and Sweden. Hills Are is by The wit- Lot ml it ' (IS) anil the west Quarterly l'altl. asked the railroads. of lot litiiiihpiTil Mpveiilcptt City Hughes was au- were in broom corn, half 117) In Clerk Thomas nesses dealers block "l" nf the Attn ill anil I'aelfle Ail- - thorized to pay quarterly bills manufacturers of brooms and statisti- tllllon lii the town (now illy) of Alhiniuer amounting to $9,100.60. They are dis- cians and the testimony was largely in line, ,SW an alt'uvfi on a nui of tributed as follows: Sewer depart- support of the contention that pres- sul.l ailillllon, nieil In tha otriii. of tin ment, $115.49; engineering, $132.47; ent rates should not be disturbed on proiuitp cleik, of Her New Ml'Ili'O, 1KK1 miscellaneous, $329.47; police, $170.-(1.- 1; the argument that the railroads' re- lllllllhl tnlllllv, April SI, Is based on too ttllleaa Itio Hlllil nefPlnllinlM Pllter .f.,iW.M'.r.''n'lr!'he4W fire, $127.50; hoard of health, quest for an increase Ihelr niipcariiliro In aald atiit on or fiefuro $.10fl.46; 0; IE street, $1,752.62; water, high a valuation of the product and t lie lath tiny of May, A. I). KII.',, Juilmmoit light and power, $3,714.50. too low a tonnage per carload hauled. It V will tip entered thpieiti HKitlnvl The water bill was the same as it was From a tabulation of the movement litem. That lhe nitnie ami poHtorrire aililrnaii last quarter. A decrease of about of L'61 cars of broom corn with an of iilainlilf'a attorney la A. A. Hmlllln. :?'J;iT,HAT:E-NEVER- M: was shown In the other bills, average load of 11.5 tons C. V. iHill-ma- rtip. N. M. A. 13. WALK Kit. which paid out of general expert accountant, deduced Clerk are the an Hv THOU. KT. D. MAT)l)IOV. Ilpptlly. fund, over the last quarter. average earnings per car mile of The city get $1,000, 1G.;I6 per ton mile of 1.544 . II. INK III l'l".H I'M II ION' III- - clerk will back cents and lilt -l tax collections, from the county and cents. Contrasting this with results II l,i:. iim. m. t':::f;,oiij.a n also $650, the county's contribution to on total traffic, he said: n. If?. In Ilitlikruplry. the support of the fire department. Argument on Hrooin Corn. Ill Hie liiattiii Court ,,f lit.. 1'i.ile.l Hlnle With these he will have enough to "The receipts per ton mile on gen- f.. Ilio HIiiIp of New Mexico. pay Ill the Mattel' of: fiiallin llliillllolnl Fouler. these bills. eral traffic amount to .85" cents i tit nkriipl. City Attorney Wilkerson was given while the average on broom corn as 'lo the lloiiorahli. William If. f '. .tie. .Iii.Ik.. Authority to carry the Otero case to shown by the exhibit is 1.544 cents of ilm lildlrlol Cmirl of I he Cnlieil Slalea ttie supreme court. per ton mile of 80.17 per cent in fa r..r Ito District of Now Mexico franchise Not Taken Up. vor of broom corn, cliarliit llliiiinoiiit of A llitii(i-riUi'- . will hold on all In (he coiimy of Iteriinllllo, anil alute of. The date when the council "The earnings iter car mile :r, ' New Mexico, III ilimrict, ;.iif .in; " if a to aalil reniectrnll' .ii 'ii. iti special or adjourned meeting freight on the Chicago, Mock Island that on the l!,lh tiny ol consider the proposed new water anil Pacific amount to 13. 0 cents, llii:,, laii tuist, he tvna ilnly inl.inleil franchise will be decided upon at the making allowance for 20 per cent l.anUi'upl tiii.ler lite Acta of CotiKreaa re- - next regular meeting, April 19. company material hauled, this would lltllllir to tiHliltruplcy Itll.f Unit lie haa illlly Ilia ji ii of Councilman Ivan (irunsfeld sent a amount to 15,37 cents per car mile, . Hiirieinlett'il all rlKhta This greatly imu! lltuslrallon tiospy iiroiiet-lv- Iiiih fully nlleil Willi all letter thanking the officials for their while the broom corn nets 16. 3G cents mlmt Ms says ami coin Hhnws Um $2.M) clnih IkhhuI vol see tho reitiireineii! of aniil acta ami of mother, per let's t'tejl ume which in piCHcnitMl to sympathy at the death of his car mile." oioeiH oi oe I'Mooiio, om u.i ..' rcadrrs ' d i.ui.i Mrs. llildegarde Urunsfeld. The let- Mr. Hillman was by I W'lierefoi e, ho (iriiyM thnt lie niay he He- - hh iticit iti the enup'Mi for"!'. ter follows: C, C. Wright, counsel for the rail- Away The Stone Age man held a pebble in his cree.I l.v tho court lo liitie a full ilidchiirtte 'iiK r iMiiinti, li renin. "To tho Mayor, City Officials and Em-pluy- roads, on the methods employed by from all ilelila iiroviilile tiMiilnal It m omIiiip City of Albuquerque: making the tabulation. Back to prevent thirst. iittilci- nil iti h.thki lint ii I lit HUVU dl'lltS I of the him in mouth for moisture and illii- - ft by hi w fi Mm mu h "Tho ttie Hilde-gard- e 11. a broom manufac- tire n family of late Mrs. Clinton Lee, Inn s Roots kc. Grunsfeld join me in express-in- turer of Lincoln, Neb., testified that Forlorn makeshift of an arid land. I ..I II. iu 'Vtti A,tv .if March A It corn I t M M M N I ) to you, one and all, our sincere the railroad valuation of broom fllAIil-Kr- t u EVERYBODY thanks for your kind and thoughtful was higher than Us market'value. He and herbs served better where plant life Kankrupt expression of sympathy shown us at said that the raise, if allowed, would ' Lnvi'H tlio nlil nirliiilics (if OP MU H K TIIKIt KOV, l(r our , and that existed. OltM'lt (Iiivh iiiiiT recent loss. he nsid bv the manufacturer . iik'iiic, llii'V lire, nil consumer Ni.. is:;, In 1tiiiikriiiti-v- "The manner In you showed growers nor the ( tiiKiilhcr, wltli wonlH iitul music which neither the In the I iuti-'- Htuffii lilMlrift ourt fur tin V'rtir departed pay Iiiiki', I respect to my dear would have to the aitrerence. HlKtrict '.f New Mexico. ciiiiiii'li'; cli'iir !; null's mother is a source of great gratificat- Ralph Hosenbaum, of Atlanta, Ga. Between Early Spanish explorers found the Aztecs used In Uh' Mutter nf: t'lmrU'H Itlchmtiihl KhIt, nnil wuI'iInj fi i y leiul fnnii a ion to me. Your beautiful floral of- - another manufacturer, estimated that Itiinkritpf. nil iih liuni- iim Him h l n i ii I fering conveyed your sincere sympa- the proposed increase in rates would Times "chicle" wholesome, pleasant and agreeably UlNltdt nf New Mfulen n. Him- Himif fullii, lint lliiTi- - li rfi (Hi ihtM fii H day t April, A. X). UH.". on thy. to about one cent a dozen f'.. liiiMsifii'uiliiiiM iii llils imp vm-- li amount mmt for illat haiKM f Cliiirlpn "Hespect borne by the chewy welcome relief from tropical heat. r;il thn mi'. fully, brooms and would be lilcliiti.iiiiJ hMiikinpt, It h (itih-riM- "IVAN GKUNSFELD." manufacturer. j v Hi" murt, that h ItcnrfitK o hitil hhhi Officers IScad. t Up t tin flay tif Mil y. A Reports ' mi mi' mi I, City .1'ihn "V. Wilmm, nr-rc- In 69 PORTRAITS OF VOCAL Treasurer A. VV.' Goodrich's DEMOCRATIC DEFEAT Today Refined Mexican Chicle, its merits proven lin.'i, n report showed a balance of $tl,896.i ttntiki uptfV f lil rotiit, it I A HhmU41cup, 1 in all on 31. The war- by of time is the basis of In mi Id illntrlrt, nt ID In the ARTISTS funds March DUE TO LOCAL ISSUES the test nnil that timHcp t)n.f.f hi pul'linlteil rants to Piit-liat- i drawn in .March amounted In Dip Alliiniufniip Mnrnlnjf .Iniirnal, a In fi'A ilifTi.rnnl nnoaii' - $4,105.40. He received money from ncWKpiir printed In uM dliitiii't. and that Mt rnpyi'lKliti'd (if WINK! imrtraila the following sources: City clerk, (BY MORNINfl JOURNAL IMCIH LtAtlO all known trcilitftm ami nthi-- pemiina In Kli'iik, (J Jliiry (lurdcn, Mine. a il M. iKt t $1,400.50; chief of police, $260; city r..t.,nn.n m William F. Init'i t may appear at lie hhIiI Kkip iind Kmmy any DcNtinn, Min. engineer. $191.70; city physician, $43. Corny, of Nw York, chairman of the place and ilmw chump. If thy httv. Alda, MnirKio Tcytt", Alinn Ciluck; Chief 137 i jiCT..w.tanl,il.Anal WIlO why ilio prayiT of Urn aatd pctillonrr should McMillin reported arrests yt'inuciuiu; l t chiirnclrr ikihIuks nf Knrrar anil were 718 on personal business nut kth n made in March. At the jail slopped here a It fnrthi--r ordpffa ty murr, Kcotll, nnil limro thiill fifty (itfirr weals way west, ' And th were served. Of this number, trip on his to me ti'i"-;- that t he nfer'o Pit all wnil liv mail to all wnndcrful iMirfrnilM. 135 were "lodgers." col- opinmni me .r,...... - factories crtolltot'ft roph-- nf mild pitfllon and to The fines the inni was Studied processes, special machinery, immaculate known lected by the department totalled caff mayoralty victory m'in Chicago thi oid-r- nddfpHfi to thorn nt t heir Cue entirely to local issues ana wumu wrapper sealed tight make it the ,; ifMltlMirf, na ul'l. VAOK MtS, MAILORDERS and the waxed air H. JndK". on the presidential IHdtrirt l I The fire loss was greater have no bearing piii-i-t'- post. than Altml; A true copy: MAKHV h I. KM. 'Mirk. Klthcr book hy usual In March, next year. Package. 7 I,, according to Fire election Perfect Gum in the Perfect A teat: A true ropy: jnllN W, WILSON, fxtnt within ISO (le Thi,'f J K'p'n- - was $555. The total rfio.-p- In liunkt uptcy,- - AMmqupri'iiie, N. M. rnilrs; 10 l.'.fl to 3H(l milin: loss x t was $1,000.50. The amount of Hank Reserves Show Increase. for Kri'dtor diNliniot's ask your Tt ... a,. a m il M National Profit-Sharin- g with each package good for vnluable presents. B"railee involved whs $34,750. The Mail i up, .e.-- United Coupons poHtmnHlcr umonnt to Include for department k,. ., Lu Increased reserves, ae- - products. t.0 answered eleven alarms. ihnii These Coupons are the same as given with many popular high grade 3 poiindH. Building permitR for improvements erriinir tn x statement today by the ('(lit, UK NT Niri'ly fiiinlnlii'il Iron! j.0 currency, HIM) vaIue f $43,722 were Issued comptroller of the re WRIGLEY SPEARMEN tell you all about riiiiiii. i H iilli iiiuii J.l ft rri'il, li v. y Let the active of l,lsPector F. M. Morgan, the city serves in New t.orK, v nicago mho 508 North I'Mitli. 1'hnnp 1075. 6 nearly 2 dainty, refreshing, toothsome confections they represent: l0(,ke"5ncer said In his March report, Louis have been increased these HM; UKNT New, iiindcrii, twii-nioi- n 81 and those conn ,J'M'ven Permlts were Issued. per cent since December Iniiuiilow, fnrrbhed ri'inpUMf; npf- -' THE JOURNAL ,Ci,y Ierk Hughes In other reserve cities of the rnt 1113 Hie, reported the the . Inw lo sotl tenunt. be li;.0,lowlnff collections: Miscellaneous I'nited States have gained bdoui t WtUo SLSS Book South Walter. Uurinicen8e' 221: driver's licenses, 23; per cent. WRIGLEY lot SPEARMEN SIX ALBUQUERQUE M0RM1NG JOURNAL. SATURDAY, APRIL 10, J915.

China, mr it md for the Fnlted assistants ahoard, atfamad out into THAT TIRED FEELING Slat". ma iK'Mii tn naa how far away thay lti ii k tip tha aixnniii with thfir These tire real issue between niuhl ly two In mi'Tcrihonp rai'f ivlnn appariilun. It llellcw.l lliaal's Snra uirili. the i.iiiiurku If there ever gtart-fi- l, W hi.' i was utlar 12 o i lnck whan lhay illi h Ki iimaifv ii... IMo'Xl. morning Journal ,ir t.alwt-e- t hi- m. It will I - r HM ami tha unilarsuiniling was that i f J n ijmbit lia-liitm- n on That tire faplins Pulitlaln-- i.t ion, ihouuh Mr. Vaux, the aandinj npfrator that rumen to VdU lj tha - am-- an th Ciilif.iroia land iha susia I) would kfpp hia oscil- ill iitr- pin ii k. . i .ii iimi r fi. . i (noting a for llva aiien that your Iduod Im ks vi'tulm JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. l,i w n. ay sene a a pretext, just as lator twire minuta him i s. just us pimplen, bolls and other en,.,' the at!..!!.!!!;!!!..!! nf t ha Austrian Ntpotiset (nid-danl- y linns are suns that ll is at'', r A HAITIirMoy Prdnt Two rnilfs nut tha Impure; W. T Hn mtiuHT .. RL:a'.-a- i,r. tiit'ik served to n t i.ff tl,,. war atoppad hi r ciilinn mid tha it Is also a alkTii that your aysii'm i, 1 Mnr run-dow- n R. L MrAl.r.IHTEH . .,..Ss Fittor mag ,itir,e In Lumpe. nil, r.,phnni s ware lowtrnl into tha' in a low it ennditjou (n A. N. MHftiiAN cur n nise.i.-ie-. m a K'Mt Il was iiiipossiliia to li.i'i while iiih ii wiirninit whl.I'll II n. PCSll'.f siii. urox im- - tmr was timvinir huausf of the, IS wise to need. WaAfpra Minna has i v of Iha wavas and tha Interferem p Ask your ilruxKml for fi.ur slap ' llumr, s r l0ritatlta, . A Imjit Siiparllla. This old . 4 AMIMlatlH, I ..s in numse I VV nf f ii it: ti ImIi'.". the riitiif siiiudard , f Hnh lull the Halltllaa;, blra-fa- HI. i to nn, I'rofassor Kesnandfii siippfd true hi I irn-dl- i ilia relieves llmi tin. Mi l nppl lo those, west iug - , ' nn the ti li phoiif set and lisii-n- feelillir. It rlfitnses ,m lTitPtara ftppreapalaflt., NTRNflTI3?l .Intel's brand. d. new life, new emirae,,., nireiini'i, , K, Mil v ar cm i 1 Ktllil, i i i PPftWlRlTinil i -' . mm 'T ca ma the .. ii ui mi.i im r.-- , I'ark Horn, la ti. l lark. IIUIIIUI I I . , Mb'l ( v u- I hi; iii ii Iii r uiinutf, i:i, ,,i, i mi i will make ; 1 ii. and a ifel, li.nli, Rnt.ra . .r..-.i.- maur at ttia mi; isi wipvh.n. H1NDICAP Tnnt too! Innoo t eat iimi sleep neit t)aai.ffira .f Allii'ir'jua. N M , ttl.dar Ai l ' thf Inventor. 'Ha s He sure tn pi-- t ILiod's, i, f ('untrraa i,f Man- - 1, !:. Wahitiglun Cilv, wl',ci Hie race: si ri'lii s l S s It's ' l"ur us il hell.' the Lest. There Is no other I'liml,,,,,, I! A slfippi-- iiiinin i. on nj rums, nai Ks ip Til MOItMV'l Jut I, 11 1IIK llulua'l)' "f IliP HIilll..t.. Milli, "At f'Mir inilm ihfy ami Ihi h, " II f KMNi Hh .HI HI tl AH I'AI'MI or M K W liMi-ind- . then at six miles, then mi real substitute for it - m, -- J ! I I,.-- i and mt. ft n win. v i!l In. iii vt v 1915 HKVI' D "1HK I'lltM tuin x j - a i r ft . x-- I Jat eiphl, thin :.t smtffn, nml lltiall ' tm' - f J i 1 H K hKM'HI.ICA I 1 i ' : i M r JT All. liK'Hil"':!. r!i' r lr li an- iiitp i"i (at iweiity-fKe- . i:.n h timf the Is t II K all a.1 I THIS TIME AMI ThK kH.lllulH 1 1 lii'.-'iun- Sm-if- were KRI'I HI.KA.N - AUK, nir liny ill Win iti" ihhI tnuii the PAIllT Wilt:.- TllliT i j ilistin, tlv. Kvi iy mm of the paity, kioiir. Ih.S IliUP JJimi.I lllimc In ill! HI. '.k - . i. 7. i vwarr t i. u Avuar '. i i i tin in, ihi-i- w:is no ilouht of it. I H heard .fh-- t fSMH-r- j lln iiii, ! i.f in l.y no Larr than art mill 1'ilS j sixteen miles and at tweniy- - - TS "'At la Saa- "Ir pM"' tl IdAuDf. 1.1111.. mill"." nil nl Mr. I'erkins, rolaiiiit! Mfilro iMurd flay in th rar, ' iiii llii' (..tilr.irv, tin re :i ri' iiIiiihI-t- i ,aK. . Ilia expel i, the were so I ;km I'.m HIM I'iN plain thai you lould hear them with, of h lit mfiiii nf it in ihf Italia. tr cairor i.r noei. 'it. fteiuh.. nt the ii Ifphniif rei nvi-- a font awn , .hi tiuiHiniit .ii vi ri t i ii. Tin- - B CI ItM. (mm Jimr ear.' K'Jlll Ifsi'Kllil I T IV'-- I' WllliltK lily a ('puill snuwstnrm I In l it. J..iif t.i.l. rll1i,f!"l'H ill ttnl.lil Illiilp Suddi and awT fc aul.vrrllm - i lu r - up, inn tin- i ii si pusni-i- on fo hat inair i.Mi-- rhutt lo a ftw ii hi a r,il in tin Whit Himihi. l.'.ime mini lrt-- l atttm t.. If,- i.ld ilh.-- I'e.iked Hill hell lnmV inyl fct. i,Mr.M M-- he, id thf Ili.'ill tn it I')' ;i IllHHHhii - u. iniuiiii - . I 4 M. aaaaaj- - a w - 1 I W 1 f 1 vi.iniilinL- mai lmanl. ami this . iw -.ti - J I mi their "1 ha journal l.aa a h'ii-- u- r I tin ml'. i iiu k limiu lf :i ii .rni?i(tRMM'. Is ihim-nii- f miles fruin the Huston latl'.a raiiiia ti.aa la a'i"rjii I.. arty etitr j UN t - a whirl snow flakes la tba Aniartcaa W'limlrnW Wlln.TI II illllf lird-Ji- llahlsh.p. In nf iar ' ( v stopped and listened fur the last il f In l)i in ii n i in dm. jhi y want tlu jtinif the rive hours was nearly up j i l 31 :i iiiiin f th" (m nr tha Fairlmtika 3 was eon,iti on and here) I 'i. j.ind niKht hTI lilUV,. ,AI'l;l!. Id' I I Til limit Hill nut he It CBIIflnI, In liis.nn Ihey eaititht the suhimiritif j l I iillll K.lil l,,l lk I nlliii lint t the iiiiIii- - lio.itM.i-'- s nf the Susie a little ' Resinol le. M l lull nuiie utimistakiil l:l imim. lo iii:Iii;iM, III. lull. If inmiifuitf-i- he ihiIiI lint In' 'if.iitiier. :iSteOI Tim t mil- miles l,v water wireless'"! I. ill. I l.i' - In wli'il Mm ilf ' - r.niii i;iiin:in ijiuI.ih.i -- - miii tiniui- liinil.iiil liinrir Wimlil In- tn REALTY TRANSFERS. easily heals - i ii iiinki- ;,r mifti-- - i4 I'i I'liium-r- nf iiu- r intn f . - fur tin' tn i nf llu-i- n ' I ;i en'. Thf-- tlK-r- in iinmhi-- iinju'i t nf it ",i lleeiN. n iiimiili. Ti mii nk thf 'iiiMliirii lit that MiMtihl Rivp iiiiif. to tha fiver skin V. troubles lli-i- Laura It. Anaya lo '. Tliiislon, l nuy l.n ijiir In i.f.i'i-- Ii - ' nnliili lit f'i. I'. Whli- n hiive 11 1 -- nii.i ii. tiim War , lots and hlk. hi- - i Doctors liave Resinol i fnnnl pi .iiiit f'iriii i.f lint Itiiml. Hint - may wall 2, Fans addition, l. frtscnbtd 1 l In- - . r i Atneri-'- ('i for twenty years in the treatment ii i. A l;iik'i n n km tiny wnnlil liavn Wninc 'lined st ites of 'r 1!. patent. Mai'rh 1'!'. o( and similar itching, burn-ing- , i.f i h inn ha ri.iinxli it in pr I'nihr-jwn- Hariiu. eucfna liinihr thi' ill imia nf S- ' iii'i thf SV U of -e T X. I. K imsifhtly skir. (JiscaacS. iiiri-M- - llii-- They thi. ittilniiliiHl fruiii law lijip iluriiiK : KIIi-k'- H.iea wife In .1. Martin thin lain and use it regularly because they know H. mi, vhi-i- i iii Miiuiinil'ilii niiil a w.,r Ilayilen. War, Man-- 21 i in ms ilia iitf! lim mmiilin h.iil iiu 2. it gives relief I. 1. v. in I'renini t H. that instant and Sunn iimi. m in iniif-.- In liiin. in. i urn il. M Ilia fai t ri inallin that il. j 1'idlo tiiiil wife t,, J. A clears away the eruption, even in .1 In fil, I hi. iiii'W'.i'iii;i-rr- li.mia kui"i iv - i.mliljiiiia ara I j imitii iiik lleldy. it nl, War, Ma roll 3. two severe and stublxjn. cases. They iimi i.i'iHi iii iiuti! iii. i r:in in unit will rnnlituif tn Imptiivi' ' piei es in Free int I I. San Jose. ' tl. know, too, that it cutitains iii. A I!. nothing iihhIiIh Imti iiilh.i I'lit;ifilM i, i, III aflii the iii'Xt eh iimi), ii'Viiril-h-a- n Ilnliei tsiui to l.uella ll.awiins i Anderson, .M :!u, lot 7, hlk. liarmful or irritating to the most li.iv. . i ii I. nl. hi ri . wlii'ii Hm v i unit! War. ini! i,f whu thf ImmliiiiH i.f thf twu 2.'i, i;.'isl. rn nildit'iiti. delicate skin. See if Resinol does - II. HI' IMil till- ' ll'il lint J.ln'llli l' lilll' illitnlitf Kiwi! .ai!ii' may hf. An ia nf ( 1'nited States .if Ameiir.i to Flnier not Hop your skin trouble quickly. Mi i I'nm- - k y nf i i mil', ri y I coiiveiiliiin. Ihe hiillul nf this niiws, pi, tent, Man-- Si:1, ui ir fur iiiniiiK, ami Ih'H f. :. Refiaol Olr.tmmt, with the help sulli d in n mill Kill a 4 of Reaind - mitlee ii the in uf See 2D, T I: 1:. Mitt nf w, iviii mir nwn an- kimhI, in y Im In Soap, clean awa- punp'eflilnd bUcktieads, thf Mis. T .1 M.nlhews and Nepunu i I'., liliss' P. W,r- - attd eim Klmer 'Airs. I. la a valuable Ii nt ."' In Mi lilni-- li t II . i. moat houf lioid remedy tor tnret, ml mni iviiikihI i iimiKh l.npe.. n'-r- j de-- 1 ai Mareh il'i, last ehuve burna, ctuliDgv duidrutf, fslw, Scld by r i I nih-ni'- tc If i.ii i!i k th;il Iiih nilihi m hi' iiis:tiyi iii Hn nf li The wumen say that lliey have f,'ood .'.', all . For trul free, vriia to l)cyL reii-n- n t Iniii-- l l (I ih-arl- In feel that the tii ki put up Hani, :il, Keaioul, BahuDora, l.f fi fi ii fri.fn Viii'i ill.t vWin Hi vi r wns hliiiui, ninre Ihan The GLORY of the GARDEN Amhri.s.i et to Trinuliuli Md. hy Hint ronvintion was not lor Ihe Martin' t. War., M itili .'!'), two pi 'i es' were miipniK hia men. In our - ' iivilin the eleillntis last f ill In Iha man- hest interests of ihe si hoois hut for in I'teiinet tin, War (inieral i;i;ilil notified Ceneral j efai luring ae. tlons of thf fount ry, politiial riasntis and they feel that i Leonard,. Mora, et I. to Nathanj I w - I Ihey wen- - justified ill revolting; .'PI ff that h nnld '. til, it iiiiifitli-- ilia da mm rata hint tifiivily, miin' (This poem l riiulvard Kiplimr is not found 111 nf the from Harth, War., Mat eh two - - eolli-iliiili- and a Hew t I lbs. Beet Suqar $1.00 pi isnnir for m t) M anlilu r re ntu nf KipliliK el se. the cenventiun putting rri eili ". ""lie faif inn tui., wi hard lulmr win "nt i Ii. ke in the field. A. V. llu: r a till Wife tn W T. I a (alio SI. lilt r i llt-'- I'V I h t t h r n lbs. Sli"ar li hi tr.iniH. ,,,( ,.m,lnmi iil. lat In thf nrt Itwatit The wumen are interested In thin llnnlh. IJ I'. I,. March :m. undivided Is (.iinpow.lnr or .liipan . . I.V ni l e phi.l h mid 'nitlaiiil a Karden that is full of K views. first-rlas- s ' t ,v. K Teas. in n vhlra whant niiin wira lilnlnr than (iV'n slat. matter tu serure sehools fori of pieces In Llano, n. -- - , I.ordets, and I dtl. lea-- bcrc al lliki n-- ' nr i mIi whi-r- luds shiul.herv and lawns and Hirnurs. ami they put up a Rood fifth! M. and wife to mas nti" two iiiilnii irixi'!i'ii fur yiiirn ami nun, ciitllf, Iinjra With on Snnorio llorioo iiu. statues ttie terr.ii and pearoi ks hy: elee-tio- 1 finality ( ."ic In :l,V ipfif. - f sirntlim,' against pulitius in sehool boartl MiiKhi s find wife. War., .War-- h " ltoiisl tilicc, i ili riil- n miI lu mill ImiMi-- hail K.ilf, (li mn-iriit- Klnry n thf I'ut III' of the Uiinh Ins In more Ihan meets! the eye. on last Thursday, ami they are lints l.i and 14, bill. .!, (irant Ira. I, $1 ;2."c kr. t'olfee at '.'lie I .ii r war nun- - 'i ii nf niu tin vntf inadf jiaiiiH .'ratified over th" per i ent of the vote Wilson an I wife to Henry w hi re tin- .. Kill Wolf Fiillce . .;! viiil.itimiH Inli'itiii-imiM- il Thi-r- Fur old think laurels nlomr Ihe thin red wa! tli Mar,-- .1 fur nf In tiiiHnn tn their ket reieivid. .lluniiiff. War, SI, lots and! Hk- - fury on II im il t ; 1.. )!. I'. t . . . . l llnil the arid pultnuf sheds whuh are of all. j N nlli'i' .:ih' n- itn-i- r the H'ii.MAX S ('LIU HF SMOiIUiu. lot 4. I.Ik. 4, H. II. ad.lilinn, !. rimtiilily iiiul that ,y the ami nf thin yu.'ir, anil tin- - i I I jit Ihe eolil frames and hothouses, the dun if pits and Ihe tanks, hi Z.iir.r.ra. Jr.. ami wife tol arae itWu. la'! I'aimake lour . . Hie iii 1. i iiinr;iil-a- . A pi ioiiIht nf War Ik "!l ISIB, ihiB The tollers, eartn and pipes, ( iliiritiK "f iminlry drain with the harrows and the planks. Anli. n o .iininiii. War., March .11, nvie' Ih. lies! inllih . . IV - v , :t lilifolly u( tin- iner y nf his milium' l.a nn a hiiih nf ii nKpiTil p;e, as in I'm-- ni t 4. fat Norway Mankmi I . . --- And you'll see With Scissors and Paste $.'"ii. i there the gardeners, the men ami 'pr. nilee hoys l ir-- i. .i hmii-- iiiul ili'i i iii ri'Kii-- I t ii t if t run-ul- i St to Hank i. Trust Co.. tn imt r sound Aiii'les ni' nf miiiiiy If ul, mamifiii iinn Told oft It .l.l!. lo do as thev are did rind do without noise; I'. 1, llo Ix-- l I .ha Ii n nuy. ,l, - i ler SAetiili, Wiir, April lots 2; of Apple fur idii (If in lumi nn nl full hlnnl, farm .irfH hinhir lor, (Xi ep when seeds are planle, ami w(. shoul to sen re hilds, iii. .im i; xi, n s ki;i i;i. I Ihe land 's. I,IU. J, S.i rs iwl.liiion. :iuO svwel Iraiijifis, ., ,v . .:l(k' r (Hoswell ) l. lo... ll , nilW l ),y tl II r. 'J'he Klofy of the Murniiiff News : llll'l n I'I Iti tut 'than i vi r In fnra, nml rnpin-- Harden on uplelh all who nunc with words. S . . Hie rullnn Alhu-ipienii- Harold Carter and wife to llenrv! If"l Hiloii 4is. liuarl .... To prinlers the sale of Ihe - 11m I,' Im him j A. Thniii, A i I, lb- ni, that hf nlirvfil ,n ml wnnl at thf tup nnt. h, nml iha . War.. im !, bU. sure anil eel nur April piii'i. iiiiin' Knulund is il Kaldi-n- Morning Journal Job iur and such Burdens ate not made j H. H mill, ion, yisuls money siniii- ni ili'iH i, i,, mil i ifi 't d hunw If fur ln ilfinnc will "point wilh pililc'' In 1'y iit AH'i ' & Is tl, nf al irifs, riita HitiKniK, "iiii, how heaiii if ul," nml siltim; In Ihe shade. to iuht Anderson Fiit-'cni- Ilk-- , Vrisnrri In Clare Mm ton j Mexican Hals .V. illc, 2."e i niinti v. y ilunn iniinlry, While men we f;o out the most i raft i hanneof thi hava fur thf heller Ihan nml start their woikini! lives intiifstmn i Manh r, War., April 2. ,1Ks. ! 17 ';,( lire-- s l.otwls, :! l'.mi ;hiit nun-iiif- r lots hlk uml yds. f w thi-m- i At gruhhinK weeds from piiths with the pres. nt year. It marks Ihe (if thiTf nr1 xiiplinriH. ti l"t pi oplf ill lla v uravel broken iliftur knives. i '!'!, 1'. Aimijo I'.ros. Waist-- , .Vie i.nili..', anil "f of Hie exiiusive daily newspaper, addition, tl. !l.."0 While Uiun Nn I r i !iim runill- - Clemente S.irrucino. e al, to Sal-- i oihI K:I.IM (Ixfoiils $l.:'.." ami hi h n unl'lii ihiiiiiIK all ynlf fur Iha iliiiinrinlii; There's not u pair havs a wlii. h is in the "'. of so thin, there's rmt head so think, nomimm enoiiKh 'bailor. ChuveK, d I, Itu-in- i- S 1.0(1 I , April a pi. ,e it. iris' limwn Oxfords. in nf w.nilnii cMii'lty whli h Inn lliltl'N. a su sb-k- east, hut extremely rare f"r There's mil hand weak and white, nor yet ll heart so tiorili and of land, anil l.2."i. r It en ii T in simply in nwn rniiiiiiiiniliT wmilil nrih-- him I tipiihlii rut lind some needful job that's i inn to he (lotu the southwest, because j nlffa thf nn pally Harry P. Owen and w ife to .1. n , Men's 2..M and 8:!.lMi Slmes . .Sl.T.t Fur the i i lory of the KlorHleth everyone. Ihe averaite town and city the Job il S di n am h an mr i atiipiiliui IHI I'i' liarden j House, et al., April 2. 11, cnnit miirtiuh iiltuin, thf of "ill department must be depended upon lot hlk. YOU, DOI.LMJ IU VS MOIIK AT - ' i tin. II. II. full l thi- n i . - - addition, lul hiiiub nf Ihi' lla nf tin- niinifnt iiiilnii in i hp iiih- Then seek your Job w ith thankfulness nml wot k till further orders, to pay the deficit caused bv the tl. i c, J Ito leri and wife tn Cai rye K ami the f.n ts ate known, hf Is Hied ji.jy Amell an pnlil ii n o ml no man It It's only netiimt si ra lu or killlnK kIiiks on liurdnrs; of Ilia paper. I'erhaps It of rries uarmotli. War.. April .'!, lois HI and! i rar-lalnt- And when your hank slops anhnift and your to hadn't nliKht tu he that the publish- lor his rime ns he would have lieen Is wiFf fiiimvh I" pli'li't llh hands harden j 14, Hi k. ll, Paris addition, $.'.",o i Vmi will llml he compelled to em DOLDE'S210-21- yourself partner in Glory the (laiileii. er should set 2 tried ami punished ,y his own Iimi', what the of Trust Meeds. Soiilli SfS'onil Street. at Ihln thf vinlii't up to paper in to a Job I the order do 1. 'lo, m . J. tl. Albriitht to Candy, rail. had he lint heen laplnledand of thf pl'Oplf will hi-- Hi, Adam wns a Hardener, and find who made him sees printiiiK business, but in the smaller et al. j niortf,"He, March ill. twenty and ten .oons i:hi:d. I, i, Hie Cl That half a proper pa work Is dntie upon Iiii knees, towns am) cities it is unfnrtuiiately all ui:li ihey litinmi f.nis imes rdener's 1'iTi's in I'reciiv t . 1 a, Pre-- Ho when your Is you your so. fornv rlv i UK.lili!'! Wnmi'll lll'e punished Willi work llnished. nan wash hands and pray If Albmiie'iUe and Ihe Journal tint t .'I, $l,iiuii. i ;,ilt Imnfp Sun s.iyn spruit! I ! II Thf For Ihe lory of the Harden thai may not pass .auny; have arrived at the Klad and happy i i ,,..ii.. i . ..a , III ifc. ,...,.,! ilealh all is ilied armies. worse Hum kinds, Uloiy It il he it mm nusiianii: si i: poi ls are no other And the of the Harden shall never puss away! stiiiie where can done, it is to First iiinioo& it si anlilii-r- I - State Hank Trust Co.. Tr TODAY Thf and sailors of the lr II conKrattilation, it is 0 The It, ml. le Is llu le ale mure of matter of for the Man h nil, lot hlk. ad- - Vl.t l S XI!l..-,- iiieal way. F.astcrn till mid the Heiniaii cmpiHs hae tin-in- , diiion, $.10il. Tin: i: ovoMisT Ii i Ti'inas Apodai'ii iiasa nn min i's hi tnism. Ami IHIM.OMAT. and wife Joseph Si:C WINDOW DISI'I.XY l'.llOl)MIM).l ui". Tr.. March till, ttt'o eces in lioW, If ill Ullllli fur MO ll IvhlliltiollH i I HeyicWs ) k." Ameiii iin llev icw of j I "im Liiihl-lioii- . isrnn:s' ui im t tit, t'10'i. r Day for Uo-neii- nf . I hist- men made to suf- It is true as Mr. Lansing stati-- In ate Edward B. Cristy Writes of Tnttiiis C. Apinlioii and New Yor, April !i. An eight-hou- r ; wife tn t lit-r- his recent address, before the .VI, n f T l i i.f the of l Amherst Fillllc, ir, , till, i,t - day ,iiii, mandates mlelit Milne ni aside - l hlk. till, Kiisl- in place of nine hours women Supel inti has ilnmni, that Ifi- is obliKfd "to de.-i- for w In- i i i'l I rn addition. J lull implnyes of Wt it ill i, ia ll to the low. next week as ' vImIius' nk," ,'ind Advantages the Y. 31. C. A. wilh the ipiesiiuns of iniernational the stern Fnum Tele- of Thomas Hughes and wife to First graph company, will be put Into ef- f'llfliN of human M UKi'lilli e, law and tisane, which are arising ev-le- asks only the paienls, hut all v i iit Hank Trust (ii., mint giige, fect in Its larger office-- i throughout I ow n w day in our with other I'i urn In Ir m ds. it Would In iilioll, In relations March 31. lots 1.'! 14, ( olfleis ediii hovv-jeve- r, and hlk tl. Irani Ihe country the first ,,f next week, it This dues not mean, $ appiar that the Mali t im u of till III Kdilnr MorninK Allow under which is fu rust countries." trai l. J. 4 S(t was lhil the lily si Imols It lit! see the Jotiinal: cnnstruiiinn that Mr. Lansing's decision is annoutictd at the headiiiarters of ,,r Antonio af-1- Hiilain and ilermauv are al, ullt to ' lue lo coiiuratulale ynn on the fact tJr.ft.niiii, Kirt (),, woman. Cranito to l'elipe J. Cu- - the company today. The order "wheels no round. Is j final. The secretary nf state assumes' rule. Tr., April 11 - that your paper to be found In one New York City has several Y. M. C. l, ,,ts ami hlk. feds ahoiit .'.niui women girls on ei t lo the worst i hndiilon ' if S..V responsibility for the of and A lhiiiiei ipie has reason tu he of Ihe most miiKiiifli f nt of many A. but one. the actions le i ii'ii Armijo addition, May duty. the biiilditiKs visited but I fl.'.n. Those employed at night he department of state, and In i (it:ei lil- buildings In be found In our Hrooklyn Is t a new Y. M. C. Delia Ceornes. enaidian to lint- - hava Iw'en proud of tier puldie si hnols. Few national ic tiiiit with ihe president deter-- I working from seven to i McDonald, 2, .? apital. A. at a cost of half ;i million. lr,. April lots and!seen and one-hal- f hours, it ies of similar have an eiilally mines the policy of the government :'4. bik. I n.f original townsite, If MuukliiK Impairs llu- f i u ies, lis refer lo the library of corujress Providence, lllioile Island, has two ' how-!ee- r, tl.Ofm stated erTuietit ( Vi ps of leaiiiers none Ims in international matters, it is, reailinu; mom, where read you Y. M. ". A, three-(liuirte- rs is iliiiuu il, I In should he ways of that luiililiiiKs: one eust of the fireutost importance to a ilevnlefl In work. t roipn iiiore Ilia were iryhiK to K, the next V. M. C. A. of a million and one IJMi.uOO. t conn-- ( ti'lhiii' the wllhout it he sicretiry of st it e Iha! the For piireiils In show innikh Inter- convention. each filled wuh younir men. w is of nnnacccccar.cnccaQQanaccuGnnrtcnDnctDr.cGnnc Ii seller, ho the second official rai. ti k iimi at H, hut llu re Isn't. This leads ine to many It n est In the Hi'lioiilinjr of their t hildreti believe that Hartford, Conned ait, had n liii'Kf the department and who in the ab- a a of your readers who took part in thai but a splendid c t i n g to t see Wink hulldinif has added sence of Mr. llryan is secre- p visit h' si imols and the S 7 ."".. l .1 cnmpaii'ii when the was sub- wlnir, In every way. he, In- n n IIII. Hi ll, V i i lit i I IIsV. to new' modern tary, should not only well A Lesson of the of te.n hine, the "ynniiK Idea how scribed would he interested to know Wa I a new u European War u Here in hitufton found formed on the iiiestions that arise, ci I n it ll le ii what a lait-- place Ihe V. M C. A. complei,. jn every sober" judg- u would eliiaiiit al!e slructtire detail. but hroudmlndcd and of D u Ill the I i ul i, I'm il iiu-n- has In development many I Once moro, among countless miii, and pupils. the uf laiKe ixexi wat'K wil find out what Chi- ment in matters of policy. D times, lias the. great, u it ies. r 1 food value llu Japan upon cago has to i.f r before return The experience which Mr, a of choeolato and cocoa liwii tlemon-Btrate- d, a I In Cleveland, Ohio, they have one In 1 s;,y lirnudmind-eilm-s- s, - u r r. !., ,, liill-- i home lllitlll In pasflliK that has had is a euarantep of both .erving- as part of I'lina ami llu Hie i CJ a the rations of the If the wiir fffls tid of nin III the busy si turn built ill a cosl of mui,-ii'n- i, bio! a. pleasant II felliiw-I- . it a ,1 nil our ami is safe to assume that troops !J Mali , il has Ii .,r that on it n in ACTIVE SERVICE. li.i ami makes mm' Mrs. I'ankhnrst, also one the ea side, coslina townsman. H..n H. Fei'missun, he would not hae tilled with dis- n Hi.. Ii.,iiin. ill o .lap! is tMl.liuu uml one on west side w ho, you secretary many ali'mma It Will fnUKhl ill a!tl. the as know is privnte tinction Hie posts and positions u u md have been 1 J,., imIi in. ! in, ,i. ni ,1. ,,v ,, iln n. w e where was upent. to Secretary n State William he Ints , lit lit , il Ins judgment were n u I H ryn n. n ti nt if Visited each one nf lllese nml saw imt sound and to be relied upon. Hut Baker's Sweet lb at 1 Chocolate alonel Wilttlisoll does t si ml v slieani of yonm? men takinu If the skeiiin submitted to the j more exacting finalities are reuuired Hie i ,,lit, i a ,i- n a for i h Y. M. C. A. Al- - tiiplo-- 1,1,, Ihe di and dusty way this iiiliiiiilntti' of Hie many opportunities eommillce at in a cnunselor. He sb.uild be a I n has clways had this guarantee u I, ' i tin th, r. e, t in w ii tlu v had lo i. Hi r. bllolleroUe can l.c ii i It for the amount mat its well as an expert in interna- - n a us to be l: . I a I lilted M im, .Ian. il Ilia In Yiuikers, New York. saw llu the architects estimate, il will give tional Jaw. Mr. Lansing has nssnciat u "The ingredients of this Choeolato Ii v arc guaranteed u . pi ii ne f;tr mn. for money of anyled with diplonials both and tj t In- n nl, Ii III.' his of luiiiiliiiK Just started In the the at home n to he pure cocoas of superior blend u i riliew Ibe riiiisiwl Inn of old building I have labrnad, and he has the advantage of and sugar." .1 Tin Austria road rs the line u lift u lb.- cominls'anm ilni mi) Pr. 'b ill In wan Yours ninst ,oriliiiIly. jlnoking the part .as well. He is man which ii'iiHileil tn Hie limit. a u The trade-mar- I ' a (i I,, fu-- In liny thinui'.h genuine has this k in le i i ii i'UI api'i 'I'll piisses In Cieciiwiih I visited ii btiiblintti KHWAltIi li. ClilSTY. of attractive persona lily, etigagln;; D on n . s'.i 1.. 2. . t U Kecttler!. the urifLiinr ,,,7 n I (il'.i ue al. Iv, i l l i.ii ii w it n ilpathla manners, easy of speech, and careful though nut fastidious, in i u ii the h 'S 'i,i a t,i the choice n Inn should lie e!", ted itistoitd of political of language n i.l r. Socorro Women Want llll I'll .la) lis in iiieH KYAN MAIL IS TAKEN favorites. Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. n Im i n Iillll up li He i'i!, una Two ye.iis g' the women for the di r :nm: sumai:ini:s. n Established BY BRITISH AND FRENCH Schools Free of Politics i cinst 1780 n i leveiiiml .Moflett a highly in- B DORCHESTER, Mie ii ' ,v uinlialiil. t. ;l aim first time tmd a hand In sclum! gives MASS. n i inn u , I - il ii terest of a remarkable r li, in, el I. ,,! Ibe laws the In; lers nml oh sides Ljljsj'r-- in McasiMa jouaHAt. apitat. wine) Kilitnf Morning Journal, Cut nilitics that is due t. llu-i- r effons thai So-th- e jnrvv invention made by Prof. 1:. A. 1. t .,! li taaaio iii. is of a oi mi,' iialier si;i . Fessenden. It is a '''' j H.isl , su ii rl.i n,l. Apiil (via out of t lie school boa I'd So corro secured first county high submarine signal " flections! pui tin alnle lim,ks Pal is. ". c I Hi il isli i high school (appurtus which, attached to vessels ii".ii in and says i school of the oiinty. The , the Woman's luh of Socnrrd. j the d- .m.-i-rs- u. to h:is been n grii n cess and the under water line, enables a ship's tin the i.ill band. Ibe it, mat mi French ording ndviies t sin , They say it idiialy iiiul ay-i- i,i,-im-- Hai- indii they lo have exact information as La nf (In I' if, l lore, have taken f mil women feel lb it they are entitled lo Mejor Cualquier a of inn, me J.I (i H i lyt-l- i to presence jce-- i Precio E;.,.l tian steamers .'.ind bags of llti'mall olleii and wilh tight good consult' rat ton in eiluriitloiuil niiit- - the of other ships, ! tvo,-- ; ..Ufa l Is 1, war I II i ' bergs, so I Ji Ibe Mil men mail ui liissiil alii'iiad a hit containing will am a smiling countenance on lers. rocks, and on. The effect nf 1; Is I i he invention fo reduce dangers ,ip;m ' I. lint t'.Wi I, lletlels. p .st al'iN, 1IIUIICV, Checks iillll Tuesday April tl. w inn liny put u ' The Woman's appointed a ' .luh from collisions, and it is an w h h t b, III !l ,,, j small ..l. k.l !!.-- people's I 11 invention lie tl ticket in the field tigainsl he com ill tee 'some t.nie before which also practically ships .1. .ll. j Pags t nmiiig r abi'Oiid l tegular republican Due Ito confer with of Ihe renders No iiii ticket to the ihe leadets immune from submarine attack in hay otra levadura , for will Pa treated In the oppm.ii inn ih,. largest ever east publican party with a view nf getting The ii,, 1. l"s. Willi Hp Cruiauv naval warfaie. In the following ex-- j JsHiitf wa ami cmfisiiited. This ill Sot oiro was polled thai day n d the Ihe best names nn the ticket and ex-tl- u , tract taken from the appears polvo bifes in r.i if., ami Willi a ng irsp mi tin- part of allied coiin- - republicans acknowledge y I'm led thai thcr. would be hut one article en oue produce the that an account of a recent ; I Ci Old Mil l) ft n ii.i-ii;- it "go danioristi alion of i,.i l b, iia. triis. is understood. Is tiikcn had to some to beat the women s ticket in the field. The women were "A new - Hi fi.",S demonstration of this niodi- t Hub, 111 i i . lo- in n spouse to submarine ki t." (im of the cast the received by the chairman be if Japans urn lierman'a voles republican lied ost ill.itor was made in Massac hu- - mejores galletas, tortas tr against nun-- , ,, im-i- i halit 'people's liiket" hud an average Vote land om or two prominent n I ist as ( inhalant oilier hay Hie i - j riu.iiiv has sin. nl in I 4(1 ,. i,.,. - ...... rt.t ... a,...... ,..- selts inward ml of J.inti- a nd nass nger sli iis of a lit le over pt r cent i,,,!.,....v., ...- i.... .t.tii, r ins,, ti ... ,-.- Hie Iti a il., .1. t . u ; . 1. . . Iiil4. An old wooden wrecking y pastelena. path nf ii ion In b old Hriii-- wuiships recently caplured Though the republican won ine iniiiii-- in itn Wilt. I ii,it i.lll '' No hay ticket st.ttitiK im, i ne Misie if , was etiuipped 'i. mount inn pie in , alii on a Norwegian vessel cotif idenl la the election. Hie women arc game Ins- would hi! entirely wilh the mn-- 1 Ci.iii Hut. j wuh a steam turbine generator fm warded by Vun licth-In.iti- n et's as well as game fighters, vent-am- and otra Hie ill - letters Dr. and are - tampoco, has balked finite! ,f (he it- , I ... . , , . 111 (H'W tanpuro,,-- - 'nml, lllllipi in llnlwii!. the Ceiimin Impciial i ne eont mr mans to i olilrol I In Si as, '" " ""ii- eniuin was calicu nscillnior. m. with a derrick chaiicelloi'. to Coiim yon think ""s is suffi. emergen, y t and li'tnstotff. there lent iir.lay ;,, well appara-walinr- it . was attended. lowering heavy saludable. I i the y . t n i ri v I - - 4r Wuh the the (iermitn ainl'iissiitlnr In Ihe Him a in s.-.- i tinted imt ticket the field Kcpli- rhairman Jose K.jma into the V was 1 switchboard K if w it ii 1; uss a IS ady am! eager Slates. n,n .in ii ni.i, .it. eitoii 'iiinini l ones preshl lie Tllp VVOIllilllS tlllll;iii. no on , ,.,.b mil, when everything w and not as. ii") to tin n a . i for a tiiituiin of China, with 1,'nit- - sas. paiiy us nut in lin.h expcctiuK that th. ir was i and the Weather favorable. M for us. Ihty do nnt s. cm to like to Inlet est w .v.iLl gu.ul I lu-- oblii.-aiio- IT i; Icaid. secure toe Misie was lae, silcnceil by tn si he asked and we thought ii moored fast to Toi they did." names. After various nomintit ions the Hostotj lighlship at the nioulh of her l.ipam-s- ii v, Japan might at The fig hi was direcled, not at Indl-- hud m. . appointed1 Levadura En pqi been ol, i hair Ihe VM I I S ,',l) 1st harbor. Then a powerful ocean- l'a-au- i iii tin or the lomliicl of Ihe present a lUl.'C Ihe aulut rat of Ihe coinmiitee ,,f men and five going tug. the Neponset, Pro-fos- r with Till: IttiMIMIxT t iialtl nt edin ation, to i i.l.. ,.( t but insisl that women to de. lhese nomi Fessentlen J. F. Jill the tit jinvii-- in It WINDOW men and Perkins, I si und who uig best lilsl'KXY wniiiiu nuulifitd nations should he the choice nf tha K'c i'lt'slUciit of the company, and Lz r ' ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1915. 5EVEN

Copyright 1914 Newt George McMamts ftimirw Up Father International Bervlca. Bu 7 f F - I VP- S.rT liNC- NV YOU'RE NOT COlNc. I DON'T IT -- eCV? If" I ONLV OH.'JAMEb' YOO ME CVENIN' CLOTHES OUT OFTHIb HOUE IHTCNDTO-CO- T RlCHT HAD njFNP. IR - I'LL LET E1R IN THAT CRtP-I'- 0)N TONICHT bO OU VOU DON'T FCH TMls, tNOlXih TO throw our MlHTA-WEL- MIND IF COME.' TO DECEIVE. 4IT OF DOWN TAtRb AND OUT VOULU Hat out MAKE lo "THE WAV I UP MC' VHKN WHISTLE I VOOR out in the AFTERvaR: -- J IbL WELL V MIND C I TO IT! gack: yao v J WANT OU TOTfecfW --x I'll enough ' L.IKETHIt! -- JU IT OUT THE 1 III TO OUT r-f- eA 40 " IN A WEEK " c j- -j

ted ' 7 PS A ' 71 v V".I

"V EM lOr a 1 15 H3

At the same time, advices were ut hand IndicatiiiK that us a rule Kuro-pea- n countries had not yet obtained sufficient uantlties of wheat to sat-isl- y conservative requirement. U Tfci(t!sie CM! MED of JOUKML Showers in the dry sections the M Wheat belt east of tho Mississippi HASGREAT WAVE turned out to bo lighter than wan ut first supposed. According to a lead- John M. M"or, Jittin M. Meiiro, Jr., defi- IT l'mUli'iit. vii- l'i-- . H Hec'y Af'MR rlF.AMVO I'KKKNlNtl CO. ing authority, the resulttt of the SALE $1GM 1UI S H. Indiana, F01 t', .1 1M Ttilrd. ciency of moisture in thio, 60x158; 1 S. $1,600 f,rame, lot - lnooi ttnriilcd !t southern Illinois und Kentucky have 8. Oni- and a iniarter acres of line, Mrn'l eutls prnnf4 4A of top sidewalk, shade und fruit trees; OF ENTHUSIASM becomu apparent in the task in. rich garden land, imprned, with Men'l aulll cleaned Rnd .Trlled ....liVfl .short were uctlve buyeri Broadway; close l.aillri' ull tirumf ISO growth, frame, modern, com-- ; room residence, Very cloc- in. Con- up of the latter months us well as of the $2,000 I.aitlei' tilt cleaned and ireaed. 91.00 tightened in a pletely furnished; large chicken venient to car; water, lights, etc. Fine Panel i'lmt Ordera ltitndled rromuiljr. May option, which good outbuildings; S. Edith manner that suggested something ot yard, propofcit ion. Let us tell jimi uhoiit It. squeeze., street;- close in. Part- a frame, modern, well! Advance Rapidly, Corn trade broadened out vigor- $2,100 For Hent 7I.KI South Arno street, Prices DO-f- t. lot, cement walks, Office 214 WVUolil Ave. Phuna ously. The strength which developed built, modern brick, on the comer. Old-ti- Specul- demand Fourth ward. Our Slogan "A BQCAltB DEAL." icularly in had buck of It a better cash - C.ood house, lurge porches. m receipts had dwin- $2,600 frame, modern, part- Ileal K(nle. for and the fact that fam-- 1 United ly furnished, guituble for two TO Our of rnr nle la cjun- - ' FURNISH KD OR UNFURNISHED ative Favorites Like dled throughout the west. Humor llt real eUtio liies; easy 1 1 VT plete. rpHidenee.- - va- oats terms. 50-f- l rV V l!ultipa property, of export sales put firmness into Six-roo- brick, t. lot, good New sanilar Itagi'S equipped protit-takln- g modern bungalow, cant lota. Iarg tracta of lurid In different Steel, bulge, however, much $3,800 , with new fiirallure, each on fenced States On the fireplace, sleeping porcn; ana barn: price only $1,400. laeillona of the atnte, for KJur.inu. kkiIiuI-- was indulged in by the longs. Fifty-fo- 211 West Iold Avenue. lot: no objection In lightlv sick. bungalow on the rea of lot, corner lot, east front, lural and coionlzjulon N"" la the Kxpected resumption of shipments on South Arno street, for only $525. 'time to buy any kind of real eioate In New Located finely on slope of bill, two WlStl Chicago next week gave A bargain. Fourth ward. Mexico and net tha lielleflt of a lively d- - car line. Oarage and T JOUHNAl PtCll. HSSD of hogs from you lot to build home iO OOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOO00O0OI. blocks from SOSMN. $.1.200 brick, modern; Fourth If want a a 00 Hie luy 9. The wave of a stimulus to the provision market. you It. See 0 market la iteur future. outbuildings. New York. on can't beat i!l.3n,i;vn; now Hliilc ara tutriiuliia. A citn-fu- l In- - higher bought freely. ward, on car line. o (a:s there ' bullish enthusiasm assumed Puckers con fit to RENTALS, LOANS ot prices: $2,760 brick; modern, large o rooms with bath, com- tit prices sura show INSURANCE with a degree Closing good location o Three profit within a year. tly in May, Jt.5.1; July. $ 1 2 3 ',4 . basement, corner lot, plete. Neatly furnished ; sleeping which surpassed unything Wheat easy PorterEieldr Co. o 1'lrs InBtininc. Corn May, 3Tc; July, In Highlands; terms. porches, double plumbing, per-f- CITY 0.' Hip recent history of the securities 7c. IO We aro i.:enta for a line of Hie very REAUY largely May, July, 04 REAL ESTATE-FIR- M INSURANCE-LOAN- S. tly sanitary. 1,"24 Fast Cen- bind- - market. The advance a Oats r.Tkc; beat nonipaiiMn and attend to the 776, of . May, J17..'i5; July, 17.7. a. o tral avenue. Phone 38 1. dlNpittch. If you Phone First door north iiicilicatod on overnight statements i0,k rasciEi neaa with ironpt ihms and Fust National Rank. - Muy, July, 10.50. l'lrei Insurance o desire, tlmunineo of kind, a telephone In- treasury dopartHietit Lard 10.'ii; Loans Mir .he 10.42. 21'S . Gold OO000O0O0OOO or other tro'KKuio) to the office will bring si dccld' il iin)idvrniont in Hibs May, $10. 1U; July, 111 South Fourth Street. 0000000000000 with Hi" country's competent mriti to tuka your urder. W almost all l.ianilit'8 of Urn I your tiuslnena. nojtistrics. iti :vi i;v. FOIt ItKNT Itmiiim. IX lit S I.I0 Poultry ami 'Kg. solicit rimiaaiir, finance anl in: isTiu:i;rs di days, 3 2 per cunt; ninety - linna. 24ii i u i.r; eWK-1- 1..U - led from i 3 -j ha iiioiuh tulkey each. money on firm mort- OI'l( K. Toilav'n moveirifiit wuh per cent; six months, 3 '4 per Ivor til. :, Wo loan for clients New York, April 9. lirudstreet's Went Morbk'. only, For the laat yFIKT. fin, d couple, imt III. will the outwi t l.v the old time Hieculalive cent. Itusc real estate aeoutlly n alio will say: POU JtlSN'l Modern roomi, steam heal: I''i lit SA I.K- - Him twenty. years we have done sn es- - t cuni to h.oise and liivurlteK. States Steel gained tomorrow 2 '4 per flirap, r"inlll.f eeven I'mted In- Call money firm. lllah, no sick. Sos Went Central. It I IOiIh Imoi no one ,,f p, in,,ii the eiiiinu, r. Hi nt a)proxi-l)i:itc- l "This week's reports', trade and olid strei't ieoehe luitlneas In this line and iimuv f..r ;ij luiints on dealliiKH whii'li cent; per cent; ruling rate, 2 on principal or lu of Aditt'esa Jtos I'i, csro best notes for some ow,2 Two UNfurnihlO'd rooms on .Nil MuUi; cil I, a ii M.iv I II key litia ever hod a dollar cltv 17 ci nt of the hune total, dustrial are the oli.e till II Is our ier fa- per cent. second floor, New Yoik avenue, close In. h. I''. K A I. rest on money loaned for them. journal. Kead-iii- K time, being in respects the most eio Khelle ll,lHpletilie. lilocks of f.lHl to :!, shares of Ail.tresn .1. .lournnl. aim to look after the Interests of both received since the spring ot !.. BALK- - - lite, v ,11 at steady vorable XI-- ,M Hill eaih, It" seller, borrower and lender. .mm " were ensilv W YOKK MKT VI, AKKI.T. 1 l buyer and Amal- 1914. Sentiment is bolstered by the UK.NT I'oor fiolillod inoniH for tlea. Krianiliooi, S Kdllh. K'llllJ. : advances, ("iiion l'acifie and hooHekei-piuK- couveliielli.-i:s- A WH'AKK lKAI, All.. prices; liKht luoilein no Kran-Bi- T uplift in Ktock market tiAI.K-'I- ilo.i a I, liloua lK .. i : m gamated valued, while smart 9. nominal. Call t 4 North Sei il lull led - isft iin Coipcr Im- New York, April Tin al In nn. 'll nut """'I. -t weather has superinduced l.i'Klioia laliiK 11 South Arno. si minor better Five-to- n shares, trunk and lines of retail lots, $54 bid. ill H l:.N T Tin co luiiiloil ioouih and I'looie file;. HALF, lloiitsea. Knit HA i.k -- iv.lnr ponis. I'limie II.4HW. provement in general In fXll rli Is, eiiuiiniienlK and utilities Copper Kiectrolytic, $16.12iit sleepinu poreh. private hoioe. t'heup ; foreign orders for machinery firm. Full KAI.I.; V.KA for batehllil?. It. I". It. I. ' " ' """"K irnilod aloiiK, nil at liinhtr levelH. trade; 16.25; casting, $15.62'd 15.87. o riRht tiarlli'e; no Kick. Nrlli Sfrnml. F,Th HALrJ-llotler., ,V tools, and numerous Id Prize Hoik. South HIkIi sliest, Ui I roes. 12J L automobiles I ,1 - l:i on t ar line. Largs yard, shade Aft-- r tho market the steady unchanged. , Ft Ht ItK.NT 'vo iii nmlii ma. slcep- l.t:t7. i the close of make for ca Iron und phone phone Full ka I.K I mh i h.mmI ly pen Ii. i'. S""d Aith ru- other manufactures lug jioilIi; olid bloi k to car lino, suitable Apply 410 Fast Central aveiiuu. financial district wus at;o enterprises f'lill tSA Uti Ten lilto-i- Mm.. ru I.ihiik jii,l4,l. order, ISO, f Second elroel. Phone "7S. pacity work in the inns. i for couple or brother and sinter. Ilu Went mors which dealt mainly NEW YORK CO'ITON. - Prop"" e.vv ma- and reports on ac- hens, and rooKtrr. Ji'3 Went llasehllne. Ftve-ro.n- I - FuirVAl'.i: load Sinner Init intere- benefited: operations domestic slate. Full riVI.F.- in fine with the condition of the short idle Phone ... i ,ir Hue. sewer, chine. .Insl like new. - West Slatil utt- count aro steadily improving; ll. ,ii, ileal- si and been York, April 9. Spot steady. tioulll. SA .jKK It el. an. st. That this element had are less numerous; money New Fiill f..r liatchlliK. It. C. It. elicln'c Ik t H. eael front, "Sv and iuenue. was a workmen I, K. Hill. - erly stampeded hy the hulls clearings arc Middling uplands, $10. No bales. Foil ItKNT Small froiit bed loom, ceiitiul-l- y Iteds, also C. W. Lenhurns. 914 Sc this pla.'c for II 30. North at'sA , K Windmill In flint e.oidl- is easy: weekly .bank South IQdlth street. matter of general opinion. more encouraging; collections ure a located. IK: no aolt. 4IS Went Hold. irnii kam: par value, U-, of Huff H. ,11th Fiottth ISomls vnre Ktronn. Total, some centers, and LIVESTOCK MAKKETS. Ft.' It liK.S'T 'K.i I loll t looniw .,r Full SAI.- Pice While unit lllifT Mexico. This Is the properly the slleet. ' shade better in Wjallilolle sold. - were $:!.X01.0UO. crop conditions us illtht llolis, He pibK. 7:4 Houlll See. Hid loieilerH. eiiKi fnr ct'tllliu. bankrupt relate and must be Rouses uit sai,i;a iii celltrl- un- - winter wheat Mii I'liilKrli'li, I.'maU. i a tine flly. twenty dollars per mouth. A. H. F. rnlC'd Statin bonus were ti year Kansas City Livestock. Htreel. rent for rugul pump, new sliuftltig and boms. good, all things considered, us Si trustee, A lhuiiicriite, chaimcd on 9. Re- KOH KKNT SAI.K- - llioiiii,. tin key ei4KS, Kuod uh roup, o.llienvo,,,!, P. II. lies 377. call. Kansas City. April Cattle ItousekoeiiinsT rooms and fur- - ago ut this date. lih-a- I III Cliwing prices: ceipts, 500. Market steady. Prime nished cottages, sleeping- porches, till the bent; ceiitu oneli. Poultry nil SAI.i: bate it Ion loiin a aeveil- hull HALK New Indian motor- u distinguished Itlllli h. (lid A 111 F leelllll slreit; Alaska (iold "The agricultural, 8.6.',; sleers, Wext foal. lliil'Mlct Hoe, Phone li:.N. room house. Nor cycle. Hotiiry force pump. Medium else, south, still is de- letl ?8.15ir western cellielll KlilelMllk. chicken Jllld. nt Mann's Town. . 7 from the industrial H.;.'l-- Kts. well n Full. SAI.K Kkuk lie in llouilans. Illuc "h.lde tlees. safe tiinulrc '0'J Amalgamated Copper $6.75f(i 8.15: calves, $6!'10. Cult 1ui healed, modm bud ill your ld-l trade, but Can be onii" Ftili-sA- """.Vlfiilfii. Il-'- 40 . 48'.; pressed as regards current roouiNi no sick; no children. 4u2 and Coililcti HclnlKht Ilantnlns. "n it '"ii; cento American Meet Sugar Receipts, 1,00". Market bath; I'" M.'i "ii Kloutld fl."il. Hlate - of country manifest Slnep F. I'. Wrmlit. SHI Forrester. I'lionn 1J!i:;j I'. linn. a Ions, third colling. .1. 14. Mi;- American . 3514 other sections the 10.45; year- Weet Silver. -o k liitllillllK, bale. Ten Can It steady. Lambs, $8.75 (jr Nallototl ranch, 01,1 A ll,utierniie. .S74 signs of Improvement, though must Tm, KOH I", Iooih..- - Foil KAI.K Kkk for liatidiini,fii mi- l.e ll.iuiild. Palmer Amer. Smelt, & ilef'ng . lings, $S.5Wft 9.20. Ftui m:r i... lilil SAI.K Modern fl ,111m bouse, be conceded betterment at the keepiiiK; will take slek nor ehllilreii. vvlllliela. Hose I'olilh It. I. Ileiln, n n.l FUlt HA I.K - T'iiiiiiIo plants, uirly vnileliea, Amir. Smcl". At Ilef'ng. pfd. .104 that 4,000. III on street cur line, close lo Full .soft coal mining Hogs Receipts, Market ; t'onili It. I. Whites, mill .North Kliililh street. llliililuli'ls. well looted anil hard), unlets lakcn now; . , east is slow. In the Lead. Newly American Sugar Refining .10814 higher. Hulk, $6.85'-i6.,',- : hcaty, wl Simla Fe ehopu; Ideal location. I11I School, pli, me I M .'.I. of Improve- I s. port-lies- III..' iliniole linlosti , regions there is evidence ItKNT- - Nicely ill tlinhecl lu, no, f,,r uu s.U.l'. I.e'M liali ItiiiK tioiil throughout. screened American Tel. Ai Tel .120 6.92 ; pigs, $6.50 (it 6.90. papered Two i slow, in $(i.5fy li ll t H I.. Itetla. if, lllN und II. III! ar MLK-Twh- liTideTi liuln drive. American Tobacco 2211 ment but operations ure and Itoiookecpilll!. also olher nil laige enough for beds. Terms con- r IVihI chliks, cents cut ll, :.:i III I III Hurley liaviilsoii nn.l oro cle. good lis the lumber Industry depression . Improvement, midioic rales. Ilolllire S.illlll Hill street. Anaconda Mining '.'."rii ClilcriX" I.lvtistot-k- Mint. new. Coiiiineiital Oil Co., or 4:::t liiiilding begun to im- t'clltrnl. I'aloii rooio , fi lame Iinitiiri! . . tinues, has lilt SA LK New bumoilow, Alclilsnn ,.101 K- it, Aioiil-I- S..11II1 Third. prove yet tendency is most Chicago, April 9. Callli Receipts IHkIiIhiiiIs. Full SAI.- While Wyandolli. Itluu I and I111II1, glasneil-ll- l shelling I'altimore & . . 74 but as this rooliis. til Ohio li of 1,000. slow. Native beef lusluns; pt'Uo wiuneiH. :.') ami ll' porch, hardwood fl s, built In chliiu and Full HAI.i: Have epleiiillil, . . IM) in the eastern half the Market liriKililyn i:.ipii . . . . manifest FOrt HUNT FuinlKhed rooma. per fifteen. J dill M. t'ook, .North . to. Will sell 'I'runslt beef steers, Jti.00 ill 8.80; western Ill inula l.'li linen cloMi-t- kitchen cabinet. Cement IIO'Kt hew nolo. 16 country. S2. Fifth street. .111 Address California ''eti'olcuni .. steers, $6.00i!i 8,!t0: steer;i, Waller. Phone basement nnd fnriiiiee; t Inrmi screened iiikv puMiniii-- i al low price. of growing weather westeni , Canadian , .107 "The arrival li.UD l h.i teliuig K. C. SI7 Noltll Sevelilll, or phone A U L. care I. on loll l'acifie; upon $5.60d(. 7.50; calves, $0.25 8.75. Full ItKNT tine Klecimi lorn tier ull Fnua for from porches. Call i put a more favorable face f,17 7 II 11 li Central '.either ,. 86 has Sheep Receipts, 6,000. Market ni.intli. "llth llt'iulwny. Itlack Mlliotcas. (liil.lcll Fawn and While Full SAI.K ult KNT nler 4 6 !Jr, crop reports. Winter wheat has been Fniliati Huiincr dinks. Mrs. I,. M tloff, pew goon hesa'ieuke & Ohio . . $,7.-8- 0 FOH ItKNT Modern sl am healed room, lv rllei roioiii io.o,,v west, Mississippi by slow. Sheep, $7.40f 8.40; lupibs, L'lli ik ll Flo, ne ll;:IW. Law Lllnuiy ChliTigo (i . . 1 2 benefited of the w ith sleeping h. f North FOH SALE Itffal Esial. leiiioous, .lames F. Itrown. eat Western .... Ui. tmri Kl'i Kast Central. at needs 10.50. -l- Woolivorlll r.e lid 10f ore. warmer weather, hut moisture no Ft ill SA l.i: laliy chicks and eggs from tho bollillllg. over Chicago, .Mil. & St. Paul . .. ItKNT-li- two hiiusi keeping HA LK A good house and two entire crop Is Hops Receipts, 13,000. Market Full Slate Fnjr silver cup winners. FOR Chicago . . 12 east of the river. The rooms, with alei pin; porches, til. i South Marred nr H'.'4 Fast Hllver, ItM II. INK Northwestern ... strong, 10c yesterday's average. Slnijlo I. lots, l. Iioiulrn Ttll lltM:l. i In starting. above A co,,. Hocks and Comb It. Iteds. W. New. . . lute Niinellil.lg China Copicr 40 I4:l-W- Three modern heavy, $6.60 ffr 7.10; Hlets, 4i:i Atlimlie, Phone . HALK uF TTlAIlK N Hulk, $0.90017.10; Full A nure holleV with 11 mild York Colorado K . . 32 "Better weather ut the south has jFOIi. ItKNT Nicely f HI nlslied front room, houses, seven bus, all newly Fuel Irion fyv H. wTillo day-ol- d furnished pigs, $5.60 6.65. ' FUJI SAl.K C. Leghorns, In- llavor. New ship lit .lust . . 31 plowing und planting of to couple one or two young Did good locution. IIICKWIIKAT Colorado & Southern allowed of Indies. repaired and ' In chicks and eggs for hatching. Bend for III 111 ti o," rs poiiinla the new & 7 cottAn. Sooth Fdilh street phone InssW. come of three, 1107 per month. Address jour llrnvir ,tio (irandc .. circular and egg record table. W. J. Yott, lib- 1110111I1 glass, lop glass Jars. Price :i:i v eek ag- Kcitver Llvehloclt. KUM Itox :tf, Journal. I'eiiver & Uo pfd. .. 1371, "Uank clearings for the HKNT Tun furnished rooms, large IV O. II" 107, Albuquerque, N. M. Phone .. nli- - (irande, Denver, April 9, Cattle Receipts perch, use I " AlltiAl.NS. iMslilhrs Securities . . 8 g gregated $3. 395,260, 000, on increase sleeping with of kitchen, bath, ir.miM HKAI, il 1,1,111 corner snd of 300. Market strong. Reef sleets, $6.. electrle lights, telephone, and fuel or cook- (I mill SI s residence, Lend I S A I ilO K'i" .. 28 of 13 per cent over last week and SAI.K--Si- Shifclo Ciinib, lull blo.,,1 r . . .. . r ,,,,,. V, ,.ul 1.., 'Olt MvchlocU. t 75tf.i7.50; cows hellers, r,.0iitft' ing. 110 South Walnut street. Full Hn IlllHU).. I'llllllCr loo", Ceneral . .1 liOj 3.8 per cent over the corresponding and While Leghorn lining pullets. Also d Kl.fctric f"' Id. I.oi alone won i, KAI.W THA UK Hoist s. Uuy tiran-- lruat 6.60; Miockers and feeders, $6.00 ohu Comb It. 1. lied m k. HH Kmilh iw Full oil N'ortliern, pfd ..118 week last year. ,( i; I five roolll II Slilclice, large Lautnlry week 7.50; calves, $9.00f 1 1.25. FOIt IlENT Imwilng. Kdllh street. FIlll nls. Iliilibs NorilVorn . . 3514 "Husiness for tho I.. 1... I,,,,,. olilcllcl! house, lie. 1" Ore ctfs. ... failures . I i ,1 Toy Silk P in Sheep Receipts, 700. Market F shops. FiTii tC T r h 'hmgenlieiiil . . . . . r.014 number 372, compared with 263 Korth. I I $ ill pigoona. Homers that ars best mini Near Simla Exploration welli-er- s, Si, for ill,., loipilre r,li:! West Hhile tivclilie, year. steady. Yearlings, $7.500f 8.25; by In Khosr 1 1. Mill. Knsy terms. Illinois Cenff:il . . 10H the corresponding week last test, both room and as situnh Foiioer selling price IIK.N I - Inodern biiiigiilniv, hec-en- d haTk- Family and buugy. Iiur- - 7.75; lambs, $8.75tfi 9.25; Full produoers. Hreedlng stock for sale. Trimble -- linn resl'bni.e b'ls on Noilli - horse lllterlioroudli-.Met- ., . . 68 Business failures In Canada for the $7.25'. I'Jii, Two luit lnlit.1, pfd t?iill ut 2005 Forrester uvenuo or phone V. Welle. 1)ot lr,4 (lid A llillfluel'liun, N, M. lino. ness. 410 Knst Central. Phone Insplratioi 2- ewes, $6.75 7.30. slreit, wurlh Copper . . week number 43, us compared with ir,7vA'. owner. bFi-,- 300. strong. Ii. I, 11. K. It FulS.V L.rTvo good tings, b"Hl bUerniitinjfiMl . . 86 28 in the like week lust year." Hogs Receipts, Market Full SAI.l; lloiiMio egKS iti lung. Harvesler Full lli:NT I'our nii.l Cochins, loaiiK, Phone 4"3 or cull ut 1117 North Kansas VM Few sales. $6.60 tfi 6.80. White .lapiinese, I'allidge Silver Southern .. 2514 furnished or iiiifuriiislicil. sl'j .North Wing per LI; IDR SM I' T r nth hlnh BOSTON WOO ft. Kink (iiiines, II. White ""lilv Valley .,140:4 Sll'eet. (1 l.'l, 1314 Cochin. in r C. A. Pappe, MVLK-W- ill linpriivid acre llllll i.ouisvilU" ,n-- Full Xasliville . .120 HELP WANTED. Fult HUNT house, nicely fur- North Fourth street. nnnh, close III. Address P. I1O8T. wexicanf riiiwtim. A orll 9. The Commercial large porch, Apply and nlfulfa Petroleum .. 7314 nished, modern, iJl WALK Fumy bred Plymouth Hock .'IS.'. CM Male. FOIt it. Hot - Ilriniile Itrili I loill pup. He Miam, JCoppiT . . 24 Bulletin will say tomorrow: West (iranlte avenue. eggs, 76o per setting. Fancy bred Huff Inner In ,1 for return" SIH i:i-- l Lead .1;t:oi.:4i, Kansas & Texas . . i:i'3 There haw been a fair turnover Full II KNT - ...ticrii look, jo .0 Orplnglon cans, II per setting; Ilhok boys the Kconomlst. I,', Itejs; liberal le-- Miss.i;ri l'neifi, . . foreign again tills week, mills WANTED Errand at tlcally new. close In. Cell 6:'3 West per selling. Cull ut 401 North Hist - llotieh uf 14 II 1. II S 1 Ion Ilnplili ill,),.. 'aiWnal ,4 evidently considering Telephone 70S. Thirteenth or phone imj. (luuli PAYIMi Huns. l, ward for return In F. Riseuit . .124 and dealers met, VU'inu! good property at currunt WANTKI) Man 1.00k. Laborers for saw- y 1'oiillry Yard, tin S.oilli 'Ihli'l. North Third si Lead . . 631s these wools llighliinda. UC your poultry at Hanitury - unwilllntr to mill. Southwestern Employment Agency, 114S. Will dress ill S LK Mosl modern, coiiiplele und liie rornto- ,,r und Copper rules, ulthough they are Houlll First. Phons H 1,1 J'7'da .. .13 11(1 street. :ir,4. i furnished eottuge, h I or IhlllV I sewing bug, trimmed In V.iiTi- tVttk nou' ,1wiiPHtir wools In the South Third Phone FOIl HK.VT and deliver flay ordered. Fresh eggs, vege- iie.t liirnlslled uu colored York Central . . 87 no sick, ,'t?0 barglllll. Ulllier must go lo 10 :;o7 sixth. J' w growers WANTKLi Young man or woman cunvus-ser- ; reHnonahle: Houth Kditb. tables and fruits. All kinds of breeding; SnUtblVCHl. lit tt red. Hoiurii North O'A-- . N . . wr-s-t at tlie prices hich are A ,, ,1 nnl, H. & Hartford 6114 4 011 i nlllhlile. A,.lreSMA cure nuu- - nm easy sales, big commissions, entire- tOH HF.NT 100111M and bath, partly poultry kept hand. Wilkinson Hull. lower & Western . .lOS'ii demanding unit wiuou ure K011II1 wish to v J'folk fine, ly new. Apply at once. Itoom fil, Ulithd 4"(l Arno. Phone n.'l.t. iTTiiTft.ANll I'UIJLTHY YAltliS, 710 FoUlh VvXn TI nTT"l 1' ooiii'K "boose. ln For nil . .106V4 parity of values in foreign wools rent Is - y'thrrn Pacific Central hotel. HION house, Willi Hroadway. K. Urown Leghorns, H. C. rooming house l,i,sloes where pound. Full f. po.y VValill. recover I'V Mail by several cents a Fllsl-clits- K1 at. 1, ill no seeioeo. etui FUL'NIJ Uwller inn Jcific .. 204 WANTKIl engineer and fire- lug poreh. Iimulr Hi Houlll Kdllh. Huff Urplnglons. Prize, winners iililr noil base Hiiulh m . M. iileiilllylug und pajlllK Ho' 'j'K'Hic Tel. ft Tel . . 28 Foreign murKets are inactive mc man; must bo to tlo kinds nf re- me and Itoawell shows. Kggs snd baby ,..1. f,,r Ho. right nlaee. A'ldi'css f"' able all I'h. Waller. Jennsylvunia. . .108 moment. pair work and take care uf motors. Give chicks for sals. A. F. Illiink, Alhuiiuerque, rare Joiirinil. ... twelve-month- s, Ilsneml. basis; Fine P. O. 4114. N, Cullman Palace Car . . . . . 153 Scoured Texas references. Ibis M 7 1 (ft 7 3 ; eight-month- s, 62 Healthy, MONEY TO IOAN. TVPEWKITERW. ;ay Consolidated Copper .. 21 y fine WANTIOD I wish In meet auto- FOH Two i'. 0111 turnishcd cottage, 1,000 t.'. VVIHTIC LKUHUHNU. to Ap- slock, prise winners at second-nsno- , ''"ading .. ..151 3.'03. mobile repair man who would like with sleeping porch: HO; wutur paid. heavt laying MOM BY TO LOAN on salaries, nollsenold All KINliK. both new snti I'epubtie Territory staple, ime open repair and sulo shop wltii me. Ad- ply lir, West 'l.'i'l ue, lloiiwoll "nil Fl Paso, Cockerels, livestock, slthnut removal. bought, sold, rented snd repaired. Albu- Iron itsic'ei'!! .. 26 Fine i:(tu; 7 m goods and clothing, dress ti. It. c., rare .louriial. f.1.00 eggs, ILL Per Hi l"r Co., room 11, over First Na- Exchange. Phone 171, jui'k Island C medium staple, 67 70; fine Sold Onion Loan querque Typewriter 65(rf 10 T A pa 11 men Is). loo. riaby chirks. 114 00 per Pie. I.000 Ishin.l 1 clothing, 11)11 I tional f,nl Phone 1!e aotilh Second street. '""k c. ..P.I . . 8(j70; fine medium Female. lest season. Orders already received from til L.'Hiis half-bloo- d 70!h72; & . 68: combinsr, Thice-rooi- flat, Free booklet on Ro-nm- San Fran., id pfd. V lie liable .woman Keneiul house- FUH HK.NT furnished a number of old customers. KNT Ion 6t ombing,65(!( 6 7. ANTKD Savoy Albuuueri FOIt R Off '""thorn Pacific ... . 80 '4 work. Oood wanes. S17 North Klglltll iiiodorn. .'JI Soiuh Sixth. Imiuire request, Clentry s Poultry Kanch. TIME CRtW. Woiilherri 70; A A, que, N. M. Phone tfiMJ, Apply D, A. Macpher-so- Railway . . . is 14 Pulled extra. 7rt,s; line slrect. holel. FOIl HKNT Offlus. ' A 63 6o. pay. office "imessee Copper . . . 32 A, 655. 66; supers, 1 TKKY LAY, they win, they At the Journal J exas In southwest Cnm . 14 1 Vi WANTED Mlsrvpllnneoiia. three largmt poultry shows FOIt HKNT Itest office rooms In city. leaving Koewell Cen-Ir- Dally passenger service V-- f .l '''lion inn " " KANSAS CITY HO YKD OF TItADK. FOTl ItRNT Nicely iirnlshed spurtmenls. In 1914. state fair, Albiniucrauei slate Yrlssrrl Itldg., crner Fourth snd 1:0(1 a, ra. .isnfi spect. Poultry Show; Kele-he- ind Carrlsoso st limn modern in every n 709 West Lead. Itoswoll; El Paso Innulre unsiilrs. Yrlsarrl snd Through fare, one way Pacific, (fli . 80V4 won foriy-dv- e nines; American llMt City, April 9. Wheat No. our birds Intermediate polnle, per mile .If ;,"en Mates St el . 56 74 Kansas C1.I3ANINO, furniture and toy poultry Association H'O gold medel; five ' "lletl 14 No. 2 red, CARI'ET twetity-ftv- e ID Iba, bngsage free llsceas oarrlsa. States' Steel, pfd. . 10914 hard, $1.48 t 1.5014: repairing;. W. A. Cioff, phone HI, silver medals, two sliver cups snd (w IS, ; Ft. - IKISWI I I, AC TO CO,, Cooper 1 . 4 8 1 4 ! : May, $1 .45 1.4u over ISO ribbons. I. UU HALK-- noon noises and , . 59 la f f l,aee lo launder, RENT Rooma With Hoard. oilier spenlnls; full HKNT Phone VVANTKII curtains Foil combe; Mingle Comb White Or- rigs. Simon Can-In- U'fj N. Arno stre I. Owners ana Operators in ".auash, ,,f,l. . 3 July, $1.15 ft. 1.15. per :!l. South fl roadway, Iteds, both cents pair. - t ill nlslied, conneilli'g nod Comb l 111011II1. W.ct..rn Corn No. 2 ?o. Full HKNT- lis" pingtons. Mottled Anemias, lt"c. ItKNT loisline, J,er Union ...... 65 nixed. IJ imiic WANTKI) To rent ur for feed, a senile biitli: with hoard. 217 rugs end chicks for Full ""tinghousr. 2 No. rooms, private Hlaelt IlantHins. Slock Plenty of i nss, .I011I0 and wnler. Impilre CStty-MgoiIo- n Rlectrlc . 77-- 2 white, 75c; No. yellow, 74'4e; or driving, mono l.llisj. Yards, 717 SSUvcir pony for Sroiili , L. K. foulliy liast II. Ytinow. 4 i 4 "fee; ridlns Fourth sale. Thomas JO. West. Ci til ral ivenoe. 1.275,700. 3. 74c; Mnv. July, i !s A 72c: buy young calves, wi-l-l 10010, Hsreldlne svenue. IhuftucrouP. STAO- -I '4 c. VVANTEIJ To heifer Full UKNT I. hi iti', ventllaleil DAILY AUTOMOniLR September, milkinit breed. Address J. JJ, Nlpp, Al- - nicely furnished, b"rd. :':4 North QUALITY COUNTS. WA V'l'ED Positions. Passenger Service. flUCACJO No. 74!'2 white, 56 la U 57c; No. '"h p. UOAlil) OF TKADE. Oats buqueriile. N. M. , Clghtll street, or phono WHW. Orplnglon haby chicks Lesve Silver city 1:30 m. "81!NniN'B" Huff 111 p, toil, 2 VVAN I KU - lOiiKatl'.'iien s nv a ci Mogollon s:00 a. m: mixed, i3tfr54c. STHONG, shop - room sleeping won American Poultry Leave ri,i ... TTTT HfjHACK arpenlerlliK. FOIt HKNT-- Hiiiinv and and egks. We II, ."7 Fast Harlilln, HOC. l"'11 ldiKiJ, no ohjeeilon specials, eleven flreis pra, al nnlse Cars meet all trains. Largest and beat ,i..ii , ' ii. Prediction of a wotk and jobbing. Telephone 140 porch. Iloiiid if des'ied; to medal: four ,,r "'Cllloi Khl'lnl, ... SPELTER. iein..iti.'1'.le. Phone i:,snw. at three big 1914 VVANIKU I'' Any kind iikIiI equipped auto livery In the southwest. . . 'HvHf-ii- i roe NEW YORK I.KUAXI West Central svernie. sick. prices snd thirty ribbons the visioie suie II t pew BBINNICTT AUTO CO., ! ' "Hal Albuqu-r'!"- e Htsia fair, Itoswell Work. Can Opel tl rlter, Win On Monrlov foorlo.l ln,ln to curtains laumliy. 3" I.tjOKH A RT HAM It '1'he most aiiraetKe mows N. WANTKU bare t" HI Poultry show. We 1,, c, .iiolry or II 111 III re. Adilresa 'Willing." silver Cite. U 1,r"'e Kew York, April 9. Lead steady, dozen cents. Itlankels. resort, fni" '"lie north of town. State meet snd Paso d "f wheat. After an early cents tialr: health you with White snd Brown euro .lotlllllll nine, 6 7 (ji Kml American. and ease produced on place. esn slso furnish the rnal.k,., $4.1 4.22. .ems. Called f..r delivered. All milk, cream . Ilo, ka, coslnff flrm guests. lights. glioi-iis- While and Haired While luKt lead-n- g nominal. 710 South Mlsh street. Free carriage for Klectrlc li Room-- ,a ,(,ve night, Spelter . (11 MaiimcHi Hrmixe Turkeys WANTED With Hoard. stap other pity mall servl'-e- ftooms or cottages. Phone plnglons and AUTO LIVERY es,,,,, ....,' ...i JOHN E. CUL'I.ODON, coniraetlng plaster- of kind. We use the Corn i, , ' rU nu au'uuve 10'is, Mrs. W. It eed from lh. best their -- H sleeping porch by 4 MONEY MARKET. er, plain and ornamental plastering, and model Inciilialors, I.. II. WANTKU urm-i- . t0 11c: oats. and NEW YOItK CI St Sil- F.ssex company's Willi or nesr We Will Trta$ llci 210 West Tl.leras ve., city. VlltUIMA IIll 'II. foitiioily of Arno, Albim ller- - one or two joiing men. GIt Ci a Call. cement work. Mils. VI. man Sons, 612 Houth e rooms PH "tst she has located - good bout.l. Can furnish g,.od Mercantile pa- WANTIOD Two or thr.e furnished ver CHv. uriii.'li"' M. phone Hid, or skinner's llro- table You Ulght Ij'll"n lo signs of away New York, April 9. riHonlng Ulie, .V Ad.He-- s A H C .lonrnill of I fading with sleeping porch, for light housekeep- a high-clas- s ""d MACHINE, Al'TO & CONSTnCO. dOtllMtle stock, nf per, per cent. s'otUh Waller street, and is rerv tho not. ing. Phone IlKSW al lo CO. " r p. silver, 50 oner the lineal table board In DRESSMAKING. TION con.o world shipments to liar He prepared to . Hoardera. ila.v- Telephone WAXTEI P 38c. city at II per Maf dalema, N. M. ir"U'h srnaller. Argentine sup-l,- Mexican dollars, WANTED Atzcnin. Ihe esiniiklov, ,111 t.y Vi 0111I1 I'I US i 'I. ASH ilfi CFOvernment bonds steady; railroad IV A VI'KIl- - - II,, orders at till, Hpnni;s. Particular seemed likely to more iigeiila to handle day. I'liouu :u, Albunucniue h.'lol. ""'"'""ed to strong. WA STUD Two olcki (stulbl, at DiUs slip. dun! a serious extent bonds washer, Apply 3o Wst CoU - Journal aunt ads lu.une " me remainder ot this month. Time loaua steady. fc'Uty days, i a Vacuum EIGHT. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1915. Crescent Hardware Co. 'THE DEVIL' TO BE LASTLEGTURE OF SEEN AT THE PASTIME fcloen, 1U tiers, II mis Pund-diln- CimmR Cutlery, Tool, Iron I'll, VIto C0N4E of the new checks ml Iticinic, riunihliig, Heating, Tin and Co)H'r Work. Tomorrow ami Monday w ill be SIH V. I'NTil AL ave. telephone sib. Ht Ihi' Paftime theater dlli' f the .E. L HOUSE most puiarka lilt productions, which has just been nt illtn motion in the spring clothes i ii lure fni in, known a "The licvll." are It Ik .Uoiniir's world-famou- s triffcilv IMPORTED of the nfH nun and is n five-re- particularly good; we're anxious for HEARD BY J The .i uil ucllorr lliruimhoiit If Mil intent" ly Interest nit and heautiful. POMPEIAN OLIVE OIL and "Tin' l"Vil' should In- - seen liy ii to show you Inrse crowd of Albuquerque theater-irocr- s an opportunity what THE BEST OF OLIVE OIL nt the Pastime tomorrow and "More Man and Nut More Men! M Oinliiv. we have here. Is Aim," Is One of Pithy j CHANGE IN HOURS. The off ji c of the AIiiiiieriiie (!a.i. Sayings in His j BOND-COHNEL- of Speaker trii- rower will he L SHEEP AND COMPANY l.iclil fn. Hart Schaffner & Marx open lo the pllhlli. hetfl n II i II H Molt-ill- ) Farewell Talk, j iiiurniriir. April I hctwi en the mi I I ami wool, hikes and pelts Iioiiih of s a. in. and 5 p. m., instead of :!0 u. m. and ; :'. p. m. use so large a variety of good fabrics, Office hiiiI nrclioiiM', TIJcmi Avenue ami JtnilroMil Truck "Mure man, riot more men, should lit he our uim," mild K 1.. HmiMe IIK.II SIIIIHI1, lr. lat i:Ti:i!Ti.Mi:T: domestic, nlKht at the CoiiKreKalioiial (hiiirh mi. ii s iiooi. t nipiKii M. both imported and that GETS RESULTS In the hod lerlure of lh Im al fci ii'k. t:l THIS lAKMMi: The ihuri h wuMefiiwdnl. r. .' loiine IMISM( 2M: there's no question about our being left nhoiily after miiliiiKht for Ik (Misd Jennie I Trott. Iniectur.) A Aim'eled, where he will cue a Hirieii of Wuudlaiid Whispers (A. I'xihulka ) DECIDED SPECIAL is tl 1 Sow it of lie IfitincH fur thu Y. M C. A. A. H. K. orcheslra. able to show you just the one you'll I "We are a well," Haid SiTiliadi; (l)c I.OHJ1 Kmil h 1, Male I Bouldcrado Butter, to-- I all wihvIiik Exposition KODAK SFASOX. lr. lloiue. "V haye fur our loom Unailet. 'Hie World, warp Hie endow-- ! The liat'cain llmilers I llie-iic- t look besl in. day only, per lb. - fur our 30c GKT OXK merlin. We have our imttern In riiusii al satire. Cast uf characters: XOW ji'hriHt and the more we follow him Mrs. I'iper (a haiKain iiend), Special values $-'- the greater w ill he our w eh In our w eh Hawlhorne. at 5. Come Plenty of Strawberries Special? We have all sizes ami j r kes, of life. Quality and nut iiuntity .Master I'iper t her overgrow n .sun), and sec the new Varsity models; (lie .should Im our aim. mul e man, nut Wood wot h. j from Ihovvnie ), $1.25 mure men. I'eniiy 1'ipi r (her haughty (laiiKh-tcr- especially Varsity Fifty Five. - 3-- expected, per box 15c to a A SH'iial Kodak "AIo ri'iiiemher that eaeh life id u Cr.ire Stortz. (1"-so- with Zeiss Kodak I shuttle and Ichvch mine dark rontil-hullo- n Mis. I'arrot and Mrs. Peacock .ens at to the, world. It ahould he fiieiids). Lillian WilliuiUH and " Home-grow- n, crisp GO.OO. lirixht, not dark; el rout;, not weak; .Nettie Clarke SIMON STERN, Inc. Strong Brothers heautiful, not homely. We nee our Annie (ildthiui; (an elderly spin- Rhubarb, 3 lbs. 25c weiivlng from the wrontf Hide, the ster). Hoitetise Switzer. 1 lie home of Hart Schaffncr & Mdrx clothes Undertakers woild'H Bide.' It lookx weak, taiiKled, CeoiKe I'iper (Mm. Piper's hut If w could Hie it from heiiven'x nephew), ThoiiuiH Culkiim. ntoMiT m:hvice, Strong's Book Store Hide we would hp to Fee how Major Hnltori (uenerul friend an1' ALL THE OTHER VEG- 7S. KlltONti HLK., COM'KH Mill wild mid helpful wp ran he. And aihlser). Iiouald Wilson. AMI KH'OMI, In the end when the inspection of Smoothly Slllis (il salesman), Kalph vol it .money you the "k'ilc". back if weh he Maid nee Hernandez. r. J ETABLES OF THE WANT IT." rnin"H it limy that we ii iftr.iii, in (Jod an father, and nut a JikIkp." WhisperiiiK Klowers ( F. V. Illoii), LET US SEND A MAN drllvrrnl tu snr psrt l the fi, In the afternoon Moiihp npokp A. H. S. orchestra. IIAITV C AKI S oiv M,r ,;r SEASON lr. hlin-ms- on the "I'Hypholuey of Kaith." He Bridal ('hours (Arr., from P. H. To Ilrplnce That Itrokcn Window il ti yisir iinlrr. MHIJi 1 .1 N IIKON a- l) Haid Iuih Cowen'n "Itusp .Mulden"), A. H. S. alum the psychology of faith four J 1 a. horiiH. LUMBER rr srrrnl fmra :30 ui. In LOCAL ITEMS an hes the arch of hellef hullt hy ALnCQrf:itQUF m., 'M rent: ANOTHER ELK HAS the Inti llect, the arch of trim! hullt' COMI'AJiy Or TEHEST hy the heart, the arch of Huhmisxlon M IT SI.K Phone 421 41 2 S N. First GRIMSHAW'S If hullt hy Ihp will, uml the unh of! TOIlAY "Ton'll Hwif It mt Orlnnh.w'i." V , WARD'S STORE Ilerbnlh, painter. I'liont 1485J. tuithfulncHM built I y life. A I. IIS HIH..VI 1'nre rye flour. Alluiiiieriue .VI ill. Co. Till: IXONDMIST 2D8-2- HIS LEG SIS Marlilo Aw I 'In nice Im BROKEN m;i: window dispi.av Henry's-Deliver- Tile riiH'iii iiiiw open fur r'ee'n VISITORS' WEEK AT y and Mes Alfalfa, Grain and Seeds. i IIOMEIl If. WAItl), Hgr. ifiiuil, (old loot beer, to, Jjitint rood ciindiilon report free THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS sengers. Phone 939. The Bittner Co., Phone 9. I t ilutler's Karaite. BEGINS NEXT MONDAY A Hi enie to marry was lssied yra-t- i IS A HABIT? nliiy to Ijiuiii Turns, Atrisco, a nil II Kosal'la Sarraciiio, Allison. Next will he week week visitors' atj Gall a p Lamp G",,uD Htnjt '. A. Sherman, of ChluiKo, In In the Ihe i lly si'hools. Superintendent John CRYSTAL HAHM COAL i CO pASTIME THEATRE 'ly fur a dny or two en route to the Alilri" iinno'iinceil ycstciilay. Not only: CerrlUoa Lamp Pacific coast. While hole lie In the Third Member of Albuquerque (lie parents of pup ls hut al persons urst of . n Horace K. In expected ' brother, Slur Interested the schools are ANTHRACITE, AI.L SIZES, STEAM COAL 213 W. Central Av man. Lodge Injured Within Short to hi p the Inside of the schools at MI-- Ak'ni'X Il.inuhue mid .Mik. llnt-H- this time. Visitors will he welcome Coke, Mill Wood, Factory T.'ood Cord Wood. NatlT Kindling, Lime. in u ii v of class rooms any time TODAY if Kl Push, .are vis'llng (heir Time and Accident Insur- the at U, roller, actinic 'u(t. Kd llnnuhiic of (luriiiK the week, allhouifh Sunriii-- i TODAY lh,. nili e il' inu nient. They are on ance Becomes Popular, Irnde it Milne has arraiixed a hc)ih I i "The King of Chance" the way til Urn Aiieoi-s- nle of visits hy following which vlsl- -' IH I.I, IV Hi" In "Till; Till. HAHh." V. J. ililler, V. M. C. A. secl'iliiy, tuts would see lower mades the: Tlirer-rci- 'l Peal lire Two-ree- part Hip An Anteriiuit l leatnrc, uml Mrs, Miller were here ycslcrduv fast of week and the higher, Accident Insurance nun are - Jim! grades later. I eiihirlnif In ji limlle. in die hiiv trom OiikiUle. Tenn., to "Anne Boleyn" I'l iniint. They intend to nnw dulnjr a thrivlmr husiiiess amuiiK take their - Buy Your Shoes the MipcrstltluiiH Alhii- Tlirec-rec- I Spring i 1 ineinhi is of I i i in 1, i i i . liuliKhter there, hupliif; In bolli'lit her DEATHS AND l I'll lire 'tattvs IodKe .No. 4 Ii 1 II. P. I. FUNERALS A IveyMone health. 'lucruue Matiiie'H ul 2 uml 3::t(l nineil). and tu Ihe hummiuc of Ihe hniikfast- - i Hi 7. ::!) H I.". Aiiniiiini nn n wan made yesterday ! Mslili and food iidyi rtiseinciil, "then 'm ii reus- - "Ill I ; MIIMM II s Unit (ley, W. K. Warren, rector of HI. " Mrs. (1. dp t.arcla. Adllllsslnii, ( liililll'n, .V. (,. mi I ll . , Mrs, Cei Ilia ('rti'Ka dc Cal'clii, nnej iiiit.'V John has resinned from hli ' - n March 24, as Is well reinein- - of Ilie oldest citizens of San liafael, Ati iiK-- i l a ii I pastoral- mill will make his honu In l or Tomorrow hi in e. lured, Jere JlaKKiud, u memher of n Kl I'iiwi. Who w ill nun e I'd M'nr-- n Valencia county, died that town lI. Ilie IiiiUi', Hllstaincd U hlokell lekt Clara Klmhall Young; In II haK not lieen ilei nled. Thursday nlKht and her funeral and while cnn.iulnx In Hip oat American hurial will oci ur there this morniir. IIPAHTS IN i:XII.I NOW! pastime Tomorrow and Monday of plating hasehall. till Aplit The deccaM'd was the mother of Juan The llc- -t One on Have i:ver IMPORTED FOR f. Prank Mi Kee, another prominent "I HI'. HH CREPE Carcia and Hie Kiandnioirnr of Mrs SlS'll Willi fllll'H If Alliluiueiqile Klk, Was inn over hy ull Prank A llubhell, hutii of tills city. Molmtr's urn i traued f KIMONOS AT ART SHOP aiitnmohiJe and hesidea hnviiiK u 1'K Mr. and Mi P. iibhol left last IilKhl' of Hie I'lo-sluo- In llc parts. hi uken snl fi red other serioiiK inliiries. for San Itatapl tu ii'lend the l'lincrul. Column Kiulit now is the hest time to select your SnriiiLr Inx- - ImII'oiIiii oil Im,, iiioiIiiii plcliiro And now ,10111111 Informal ion from the Aiilletli' kollelnlHll In The Woman who pride In u, luiiii h Hull wlanl of Hut talus Pacific coast thai '. llowman, 1 a . wear. Our line ol sues arc lull and le season's best shies , lionise lohii P. NPPIl Nl.'s (.IITPIf . lu.-c- dalnly kimono, should see Jup-aiu-s- e I.1 wri cu, Thus, ulm hai the also a tiii inl er of A1ljuiiicriiie luilk'e John P. I iiihHi, ul City, died' i n pe at lnia made IhU spli'inllil production Just nrrUerl the "Alt of Klkn, who fur a iiiituher of sears yesterday lnoruliiK in the hi;iilaii'l.. are on exhihitioii. liilcn-e- , hcuml-fil- Mlui," ,!ti West Cell I rul fur nunc more l HVi'llue, Tile lias lived in California, had u h it liiok-ei- i He had In en h resident of this cllyi K Is , nml inure real than (ho are imported mid are of the w lille innocent ma iidimr at I lie hit; for four muiiHiK, havniK came here II Inn st ipiahly and latest ilrsiuti They Miiro self. Vcnh e inuloi cycle raceH last Sunday, lor the hi net it nt h.s heultn. ile was Men. Women Childr en can stiniilv their reuiiirc- - aie the last word in kimono nialerhil. and is now confined to a hospital In a member of Maiiii"tte council No. 9 CloM'H for the should hp sumuier AiiKi'Ich. sin. MiiKhts or ( oiiinihus. hp la stir-vlve- d ii ,i ments to market advantacc at our store. We have silk, on or A coin-- I irojicr jof culler short. Thus, in less weeks hy the widow iwo children. Zl pleto lino Is on sale ut Ihe than three three and J "Alt I n i i n of A lodKe The body was sent tu his former Shoes Khup" one uf hi. most lhuiicr(ue have TUFATFD lit models tor with style distinction- altractUe sustained hrukeu lets, n ml (oll.s aie home last muht, accompanied hy the II t9 1 1 II 1 1 ii t ? lines ever caiileil in lliis cilv, and It w hiuther-lii-ho- :t B A lipKinuliiK to a.-- k if that Is part of the idow and Olio cioctz. ii 'I . .shoes that fit perlectly shoes o vl tu i st, i Well LF :g that retain their shape and this lilishinent will ritual of Ihe older, or merely a luihit repay Hie shopper who l interested I mar that the I.Iks have fallen Into of late. 'unci al of Pri'si lliano (.uhnldoii. Bout nt Show give lotiu- satisfactory 1 In and service. ' ,y iiialily. 1' II I3 iineral scrvicps fur Prescillano ! Secretary A. declares' Then Hierp are ilie npw lloulels of Frank Storis In the State ';,, Hnivicr. m that II Im her, hut says that It la years old, who died Thurs- J II no. corsets - a l iu- - in mil it Iliillrrln, rlntrgnl, Bilil lMnvnl, which the "Alt merely day moi"iin ut his home In llaii ln.c '1 ' rriniml cti lias excelled.. '1'hese the old hoodoo of accidents ill;: Xt'w i,rin8 SI,nt's f"r Mt'n tV. III.. 4VH W. jlshor alas H'iIHK In threes, Just us will he held at :.'ll) o'clock Sunday y- .$2.50 ?5.oo li(l)sM Alio (iiiu. must he i tu three railroad toda- IuuiIh he appreciated. ex- ninriilni; at the Sacred Heart iilWiiyB wrecks, or three fires, are In he t hureh jAii expert corset lere is nl the Hurial will he In - pected column nlniiK loKother. lie Santa llarharn fi"- tl :: . coiniualid of cuMouieis, and III and Hi,. If ?i.75 ?i.5o ' says thuiKcr is now over and thai Ml I Islaol ion al e K ' ' ' t.;;" peed ' there he no fear of aiihody ture Willi Dilancy anil i!" .. i If loll Hunt to pav villi' pull f- JulnliiK Hi'! laUs f i uni now on, an Ihe Allan liM'.. Ii h -r ,: lav , llhuiit com I i M IT i; i i.c.1, Daini ''"'sr eini.imi .5)51.25 t. ij3.0() J iiish, must si spell in broken Adan l.opez, i years old. died at it T tw paid iiiiiiii'ilial' Iv. ItiH w II o'clock last it Ik tit al his home, lsmi m i i Thu news of Mr. How iniiu'n Injury ; itK, tip i t - s mnr.ii South llroailwiiy, from pneumonia. "sijppi nv s ;!n New Slioi-- s for (,,! J iioi;i in I In Mo sum WEHHi.vti Sjriiig Dallies S in III. l; (IMIMIST laiuu a letter to Sicreiaiy it. widow sur- If .50 SI 50 'HON. I e The and four children M.I i HIMMIW MSPI.AY from .run Ii. Stern, also an Alhuiiuer-in- vive. Triplets wcr,. burn Icks two Klk who is In I.oh AiikpIch. than livinif mouths riKo to Mr. and Mrs. Lope!! comedy Hjo We can't startle you with prices, 1 ( Injured if for shoe prices liavc had nir porch nhadi H and reli iHelators Just how Mr. Howman wan hut all are now dead. 'Ihe body was mi Kn. Is difficult In tell from Mr. Stern's KV...I ! t1l ,.,,,1.1 f..,. lire the Cull and see them hik.n t.. l1f..ll..ll'u .....I... ' Willi,.- t... hut picHiimnhly ho wan stand-I- n urn iiiu surprise c while the selection Is Hllll lompletr. teller, roomi. Kunerul ariiiiiKeinents have Oiicii 1 p. tXiiitlnaotu Show '""I vouiwitiJ H (Iui'Iiimt race 0 m.i Ln The Kappl,, company, next too near the track the not yet lici'li completed. S o excellence of our shoes at any stated I SPRINGER to the tracks on laist CcnlrMl uyeinie. and was struck hy a motorcycle, to j;; puce. which some io cident had happened. SlTT i: A The lanituukc of the letter in to the si i- The lhuiiicrini Tml Auto line TX)I) V ttttMti v Mr. - - I FOR SAND AND GRAVEL has ills, untliiiied lis Jllncv cur MTVU'i', effect Hint llowman wna Injured vim i s xtn.r.o DAM V I II I (H;l. Prop, and Mur. when one of the machines "col- 'i in: i'.( (io.Misi' lapsed." He was taken to St. father-'iih'- h SI'i; WINDOW IHSI'I.AV hospital in I.oh America, where hp Is hcliikr looked lifter l y the Santa Tony MichWhiu'li's tnxl line Monica. I'nli,'e I'. Iks. I of Owiiiu to his uIxch ii - n t 1. scmIcc. Plionc 17(1. "TELM0" ailvauciil nke, Mr. Stern atatcs, the JtlDK THU JITMA". FA HE 5c. What do These Names Mean to injury Is more serious than would have heen the case wllh a younger I HP Jitney will stop anywhero on man, hut there Is no Intimation that thp rliiht slilp of the slrppt by huldiiiK uooui A.iu 1UU ...... w ivTikivSO 1 You? it Is likely tu prove fatal. up the hand. gUAiir.ii THE BEST, k .Mr. Howman Is well reiuemhered I aA . Hcic are two l.ilals, eali with its tneanino. hy the older residents of Alhiuiurr-iUe- Saddle Horse. Trimble's Red Barn, Ilo has heen away from the city iKvS 'now for iihoiit fifteen yearn, hut haa hie lahel is om s. retained IiIh memhi'ishlp In Hie local lain lodge. He Is uhnut 65 years of It means soiuilliinu in ,m. Incaue we've huilt a ieiuta-tio- ii

for sellint' o,,n.l t lollies. It stands for many ears' ce m i r sale POI AV in jndinu nialciials and shies. i;s SPECIAL! vn m.i im-- : i(iomisi Skinner's Grocery There AY are lvasuiis. hy inue of this exnerienec. why we m:i BIMMIW Hlsl' JVsi'i'i'f'R: SATURDAY. APRIL 10, and continuing; until vol i TUP. oiler ItlllE JITNEY. FAKE 5e. b.MCRD.W, 17 11 APRIL we w place on sale all our I KIOSK IMlltk ANll MHO MAIZE, whom: oit chopped. An Excellent Line Vegetables Will ill vp the riKhl party thirty and of SPRING SUITS sixty days to pay. Correspondence and COATS Small orders .solicited and will l.O.N C, KADKSIIF.S CAULIFLOWKR Klvo same care. al the following prices : THAUP & 'I'll A IIP, TOMATOl'S FRlvSH PKAS SI, rain, N, f. $-- .XI'.W O fIVicC(1 00 ; POTATOES CKLKRV A'-T- special 917.50 Smart Clothes Vo l H E. STRAWDl'UKIKS FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT rT 1 O IViml $I5(); social $10.75 llavinK sold out our busiiti'ss known LUA I Priced as Hip lirahiuu llrotlurs saloon, to $10.50; .spccjai .? 7.50 Leo Ziiiionl At Co., we hereby state FRl'.SII OR.WGKS n as ilie oilier l.ihel indicates. that we will collect and pay ull bills f Priced $40.00; special Uti to April ti, 1H15. A Good for ..'...$28.75 IKK H. HHA1IAM. Xavel Cran;c, J dozen ... 25c Priced $37.50; special We know what ideals hy Stein- - $25.50 hih aie nimstiiifd thai WAHUEN ti It All AM. Priced $30.(X) . $22.50 lUoch iiaiiie what their "Sixty Tr v also )uw .y Kn:sing c.v" ROSE BUSHES2-year-- ; onr Pifick Cheese: Fresh Chili, Pimiento ;md SUITS Pnced $27.50; special pk-j- ...$19.75 ii'icaiis in clothing ahie. Cream Cheese, per ' Priced $25.00; special old plants, $2.50 per dozen.! 15f . .$17.75 Priced $22.50; special May we show soii Sieiii-I'.loc- h Sinait x,'loihe today? Albuquerque Greenhouses. RI'.MI'Mr.I-- I'S FOR P.URXFTT'S F XT R ACTS ...$1G.50 Suits I.. i5:u, $is B. U. WIIJJAMS Mail delivered IVnilst ordeis five. Room 1 and I, Whlttng ftulldlnf, Corner Serond and Gold. Phnno K'n. Kit 4 J. A. Skinner CALL 23 .rJI. ,7T 1 1 WASHBURN CO. 61 S. ,iJr,l. 25.CET TAXI ANI AITO. Phones 60 and 205 first Phone 283 J St 3H-31- I'sy ami Ninht. 5 West Cen' A. H. HACA.

1 1., a 1 "