FAR WEST RIDING . 1830 FARMERs-continued. Senior Paul & "Goy, Oak Well: brewery Shackleton William,HaythorpC,Mickle- Scott Samuel, Coltoil, Leeds '.1 & BeeYor ball, Pontefractrd.Barnsley thwaite, Scott Samuel, Pannal, Hai'J'()!!'flte Senior Am os, Almondbury, H ud.tersftd Sbackleton William, Seholes, Oak worth, Scott Thomas, Bads worth, Pontefract Senior Benj. Kirkheaton, H uddersfitdd K eilo{hley Scott Thomas, Grindleton, Clitheroe Senior Benjamio, Nook farm, Hoylant1 Shackleton William, Sutton, Leeds 8cottThos.Ho1lin weli,Norland,Halifax Swain!!, Penistone Shackleton William, Upper Lee, Hep· Scott Waiter? Markenfit>ld hall, Ripon Senior Charles Ka.ye, The Oaks, Thurs- tonstall, M-anchester Scott William, Grindleton, Clitheroe tonland, Huddersfield Sbano William, West Breary, Otley Scott William, Wadswortb ba11k111 My- Senior Edward, Campsal1 1 Doncaster Sharp Anthony, Stainforth, :olettle tholmroyd, Manchester SeniorG.Bolton-upon-Dearne, Rothrhm ~harp Henry,Lee gate,Bordley,Skipton Scott Wm. Banks.Wadsworth,Mancl.:str Senior Geo. Hoyland Swaine, P~nistooe Sharp Hy.Malham moor,Malham1 Leeds Scratchard Thomas, Clint, Leeds SeniorGeorge,Midhope stones,Penistone Sharp Henry, 87 Rooley lane, Scrivens Henry, Campsall, Doncaste11 Senior George, Button, Doncaster Sharp Isaac, Shelf, Halifax Scrnton Enoch, Goldsboro,' Knaresl:oro' Senior Geor~~:e, Wharncliffe side, Shffid Sharp I. ~il ver hill, Sta.ubury, Scruton Mr •• M .A.Millfield, Wigton,Lds Senior Guy ,Bessecarr, Cantley ,Doucastr Sharp Mrs. J ames, hill, Wil~Jden, 8curra George, BrimhamJ Leeds Senior Hy. Skelmanthorpe. HnddrsfJ11 Bingley Scutt Geo. Common, Reedness, Ooole ~enior Joh, Cumberworth, Huddersfield Sharp Job, Jack hey, Sowerhy, Halifax ~cutt Wm. Commnn, Reedness, Goole ~eniorJn.Bullah hall,Silkstone, Barnsley, Sharp J. Scholecroft farm, Morley,Leeds Seoles 1\lrs. Sarah, Brorlsworth, Doncastr Senior John, Cartworth, H uddl'rsfield Sharp John, Slippery ford, Oal<.worth, Seanor George, Alwoodley, l.eeds Senior John, Hunger hill, Fulstone, Kdghley Seddao B. :Bird'snest, Sedbergh R.S 0 Huddersfield Sharp Jo:~eph, Sheep holes, Oakworth, S~dgewick Charles, Hades, Cartworth, Senior John, Shepley, Huddersfield Kdghley Huddersfield Senior John,. The Leys, Darrington, Sharp Nathan, Upper place, South- Sedgwick John & J oseph, Dowbiggin, Knottingl ... y owram, Halifax Sed bergh R.S.O SeniorJ. Roger Royd,Silkstone,Barnsley Sharp Newton, Whin know le, Oak- Sedgwick Ric!Jard & John, Helmside, SeniorJonatban,Green, HoylandSwaine, worth, Keighley Dent, Sedbergh R.S.O Penistone Sharp Richard, BrettonWest.Wakefield Sedgwick Anthony, Scale, Horton-in- Senior Jonathan William, Wood end, Sharp\1rs.Samuel, Ledston, Normanton Ribblf'.sdale, Settle Thurstonland, Huddersfield Sharp Thomas, Old Snap, , SedgwickE.Kirkthwaite,Sedbrgh.R.S.O Senior JoSI'ph, LeJJton, Huddersfield Keighley Sedgwick Mrs. Blizobetb, Howgill, Senior J. Snow hill, Dodworth, Barnsley Sharp William~ G.-an~e lane, Upper Sed bergh R.S.O SeniorJ sph. Tyers bill, Darfield, Harnsle,\ Whitley, Huddersfield Sedgwick Mrs. Elizabeth, Lodge hall, Senior Mrs.S. Brampton Hierlow, Rthrhn, Sharl' William, Intake, Keighley Horton-iu-Ribhlesdale, Settle Senior Mrs. S.A. FarnleyTyas, H uddrstld S!Jarpe Charles, Brownroyd fold, Little

Serlgwick J anll~s, Rramley head, Thurs- Senior William 1 Hill house, Mid hope Horton lan.,, Bradford crOSI!, Otley stones, Penistone Sharpe Da.n, !} Hrownroyd fohl, Little Sedgwick James, High .Gale, Ingleton Senior William, Low Laithes, Womb- Horton lane, Bradford Fells, Carnforth well, Barnsley Sharpe Mrs.Sarah, The Lodge, Kilnsay, Sedgwick Jn. Dale head, Bart1en Shiptn Senton John, Moor Allerton, Leeds :olkipton Sedgwick John, Hole house; Howgill, Se1·geant Charles, Northlands, Hun- SharperJohn,Ferrensby,Knaresborough Sed bergh R.S.O ~ingore, Wetherhy Sharper Samuel, The Lodge, Ferrcmsby, Sedgwick Mrs. Stainforth, ~ettle Sergeant G. D. Hunsingore, Wetherhy KuaresAorough Sedl{wick Richard, Borwinhead, Kirk- SettleJames, Knarr, Delph, Manchester Sharper William, Winsley, Leeds thwaite, St'dbergh R.S.O Settle Wm. Grange, Delph, Manchester ~harJ!less BryKn, Dent, SedberghR.S.O Sedgwick Richard, Cragg's hill, Dent, Severn James, Rivelin, Bell hagg, Sharpley John, ~chole l1ill, Peui11tone Sed bergh R.S.O Upper H allam, Sheffield Shaw Brothers,Aluoond bury, H uddersfid Sedgwick Thomas, Height-of-Winder, Seville Hy. Bankfield, Del ph, 1\h.nchst:- ShawJ ohn & Samuel, Thornlt!y, Marsden, Sedbergh R.S.O Seville John, Thorpes, Lees, Manchester Huddersfield Sedgwick Thos. Holme, Sed berg-h R.S.O Seward Anthony, Sunny bank, High Shaw Abrhm.Almondbury, Hu,idersfield Sedgwiok William, High bottom, Low Bentham, Lancasrer Shaw Abrhm. Berry Brow~Hudden~tield :Hentham, Lancaster Seward Willlam, Moorgarth, Ingleton, Shaw A. P. New Ra.w top,Allerton, Bradfd Sedgwick William, Kirkthwaite, Sed· Carnfi1rth . Sha.w Adam, Oxlee,Hepworth, Hddrsfld bergh R.S.O Shackelton Joseph, Slatering, Hepton- Shaw Benj. Berr_v Brow, Huddersfield Sedgwick W .Lane head,Thurscross,Otly stall, 1\'fanchf'.ster Shaw Benjamin,Hepworth, Hudder.,fidd Seed Benjarnin, Slack beck,Rawdon,Lds Shackleton Brothers, Gargrave, Leeds Shaw H,Small shaw,Thurlstone,Sheffield Seed Hriggs, Gomersal (Great & Little), Shackleton Halrlwin, Slatering, Hep- Shaw E1lmund,Grains, Delph, Muchster Leeds tonstall, Manchester Shaw Edward, Lingards, H uddtjrsfit'ld Seed Henry. Sandy S)ke, Gisburne Shackleton George, , Bingley ~haw Mrs.E 8cammonden,Hudders.f:ield Forest, Settle · Shackleton J .High ho.t.lidgle~· ,Mnchstr Shaw Fredk.l\bchon bank, N etheredge, Seed J ames1 Grindleton, Clitheroe Shacklcton Jas. Wadsworth, M anche!>teJ· Shrffield Seed John, Bowland Forest, Clitheroe Shackleton Mrs. James,. Lee bottom, ShawGeo.Butt,Roughtown,Manchester Seed John, Great Mitton, Blackburn Langfield, Todmorden Suaw Geo. Cumberworth, Huddersfield Seed John, Whitewell, Clitheroe Shackletoo J .Castle hill, Del ph, Mnchstr :-lllaw George, Mill lane, Carbrook, Seed J onas, Bii'!ltal, Leeds Shackleton John, Cragg end, Oak worth, Attercljtf~ common, Shdfittld Seed JonRS, Carr Hou"e gate, North Kei!lhley Shaw George, NottonJ Barnsley Hierley, Bradford Shackleton John, Horley green, Horley Shaw Geor~e, Round lugs, Longwood, Seed Jonas, Gom61"Sal (Little), Leed'l Green road Halifax Huddersfield SePd Richard, Atkinson§ . Boltou-by- Shackleton John, Pickles hill, Great Shaw .Mrs. Giles,FarnleyTyas,Hdt1rsfld Bolland, ~litheroe Horton, Bradford 8haw Henry, Carr lod~e, Wistow; & 3 Seed 8amuel, Westgate hill, Bradford Shackleton John, Sutton, Leed!l Church lane, Se! by S~dMrs.S.Newlathe,Slaidburn,Clithroe Shackleton John, Wood Lane hall, Shaw Henry, Ecclesfield, Sheffield Steed T. Acrelands, Grindleton, Clitheroe Sower by, Halifax 8haw Hy.liraystone ho. Admtcr Gill,Lds Set'd Thomas, Bash all town, Bash all· Sbackleton J oseph, Clipton-with-N or- Shaw Hy. Green la. Raw marsh, Rotht:rhm Eaves, Blackburn wood, Otley Shaw Henry, Hipperholme, Hlllifax St-ed William, Clayton, Bradford ShackletonJoseph, Keelham, Thornton Shaw Henry, Linthwaite. Huddersfield 8eedall Septimus, Crowswood, White- Bradford ' ::!haw Hy. Nook, Bolstt:rstone, Sheffield well, Clitheroe Shackleton Richard, Gui~ley, Leeds ~haw Henry, 'l'hick hollios, Mdtham, ~eedall WilJiam, Marsden, Great Milton, 8hackleton Rohert, sh&y, Huddersfield Bashall Eaves, Walley 1 lngrow-cum-Hainworth, Kdghley Shaw Henry, Ulley, Rotberham

Seels Mr11. S.Hooton Pagnellt Doncaster ShacklPton Robert, l\eelham, Thornton, Shaw Henry, Wist9W1 Sdby 8t"ethorn William, Bow den farm, Hands- Bradford ShawJames,N ab en,J, Dobcross, :Mnchstr worth, Shellil'ld Rhackleton Rht. Town st.GuiselPy,Leed10 Sha.w Juhn, Barkbland, Halifax Sellars William, A\\kley; Doncaster Shackleton Samuel, Sowden's, , ::!haw John,Casdeshaw,Delph, Mnchster Sdler John, H utton W ancle.~ley, Ym·k Keigl1ley o:;hawJ. Dean head, Fuh,toue, H udde.rsfield SellerWm.Elmwoodho.Walton,Wakefld Shacklf'ton Tholl. Fearney lee, Midgley, :Shaw John, Earby, Leetls Selle:rsGeo. Boston pk.Cantley, Doncaster M anchestt'r :Sha w John, Hades, M~rsdeu, H udt1.rsficld Sellen~Geo.Gat.ewoocl, Hatfi~ld, Doncastl' Shackleton Thomas, Lady royd, Wads- :olhawJohn, Hill bQuse,Bw-tuo-iu-Loru~ St'llers J. Lowtold,CJeckheaton, Normntn worth, Manchf'Stell dale, Carnf