
as in division and

MD Pertile VCGS Pathology, Royal Children’s Hospital, Parkville, VIC 3052 Chromosomal basis of hereditary

Genetics: A conceptual approach 2002 B A Pearce DNA and chromosomes

„ = “colored body” Gk, chroma + soma [Heinrich Wilhelm Waldeyer 1888]

„ Each chromosome consists of a single molecule of DNA + histone and non-histone (= )

„ Nucleosome is an octomer of histones 2 x [H2A, H2B, H3 and H4]

„ 146-bp DNA + 55-bp DNA assoc. with linker [H1] DNA and chromosomes

„ Higher-order packaging of chromatin into 30 nm fibre

„ Chromosomes highly condensed during (10,000-fold compaction)

„ Chromosomes only visible cytologically during Chromosome number

Arabidopsis thaliana 2n = 10

Canis familiaris 2n = 78 Drosophila • Chromosome number melanogaster & morphology varies 2n = 8 between

• Common aim is faithful passage of DNA into Homo sapiens daughter cells 2n = 46

Mus musculus 2n = 40 Pan troglodytes 2n = 48 chromosomes (2n = 46) Mouse

2n = 40 (telocentric) 19 pairs of autosomes X & Y sex chromosomes C-banding

„ Cytologically visible as primary constriction

„ Typically associated with large arrays of AT-rich repetitive DNA (0.5 - 4.0 Mb in )

„ No DNA sequence conservation b/w species (centromeric chromatin is epigenetically determined)

„ Site of assembly and spindle attachment

Dawe & Henikoff 2006 Trends Biochem Sci 31(12), 662-669 Centromeric chromatin

„ CENPA replaces Histone H3 within the centromere associated nucleosomes

„ Kinetochore assembles just before and during the early stages of mitosis

„ Assembles on poleward (CENPA) face and recruits centromere and spindle binding proteins

Adapted from Santaguida and Musacchio (2009). EMBO J 28: 2511-2531. Mammalian mitotic

„ Cell grows, duplicates DNA and 2n, divides into identical daughter 2c 2n, 2c cells

„ Mammalian cell cycle ~20-24 hrs 2n, (G1 12 hr, S 7 hr, G2 4 hr, M 1 hr) 2c „ Checkpoints ensure fidelity of DNA replication and cell division

„ -dependent kinases (CDKs) 2n, 4c regulate cell cycle 2c → 4c „ CDK inhibitors (CKIs) cause cell Vol 1 (A-D) 2003 The MacMillan Science Library cycle to halt Checkpoints demand successful completion of prior phase before next phase proceeds Mitosis

„ Spindle checkpoint proteins avert by delaying onset until c’somes align

„ 2 identical daughter cells produced from mitotic division H3-GFP fusion in mouse embryonic fibroblast cells

Courtesy Dr. Damien Hudson Chromosome & Chromatin Research Lab, MCRI

„ Specialised cell division that occurs in gonads

„ C’some replication in is followed by two consecutive cell divisions

„ Homologous chromosomes pair and recombine during first meiotic Reduction division division (reduction division 2n→n)

„ Second meiotic division is similar to mitosis (without S phase)

„ Produces haploid (4 x n in males and 1 x n in females)

Biology 6th Edition 2001 Raven / Johnson Biology 6th Edition 2001 Raven / Johnson Recombination during of Meiosis I

Prophase of Meiosis I

Biology 6th Edition 2001 Raven / Johnson „ Crossing over visualised as chiasmata (visible in diplotene) „ Occurs during fetal in females (14-15 wks pc) „ At least one ‘obligatory’ chiasma per arm for each pair of homologues Normal meiosis

Meiosis I

Meiosis II Meiosis I non-disjunction

Meiosis I


Meiosis II

Disomic gametes Nullisomic gametes Meiosis II non-disjunction

Meiosis I

Meiosis II Non-disjunction

Normal gametes Disomic Nullisomic Maternal age and non-disjunction

„ Maternal MI errors predominate amongst trisomies

„ In females, first division is initiated prenatally and suspended in dictyotene until ovulation 12-50 yrs later

„ Second division completed after fertilization

„ Achiasmate bivalents never engage in genetic recombination and drift independently across metaphase plate [40-50% of all DS conceptions from MI non-disjunction result from achiasmate

Hassold and Hunt 2001 Nat Rev Genet 2:280-287 bivalents; freq similar in younger and older mothers] Origin of human trisomies

Hassold et al 2007 Hum Mol Genet 16(R2) R202-208 Altered genetic recombination and aneuploidy

„ Significant reductions in recombination found in all MI-derived trisomies studied (T15, 16, 18, 21, XXX & XXY of mat origin & T21 and XXY of pat origin)

„ Telomeric exchanges contribute to trisomy amongst younger women but less important in older women (bivalents more susceptible to non- disjoin) Post zygotic errors of chromosome division

„ Post zygotic non-disjunction or leads to chromosomal mosaicism [normal + aneuploid cells]

„ Very common in early human conceptions (perhaps 50- 60% of preimplantation )

„ 5% of early miscarriages

„ 0.3% at amniocentesis (16+ weeks gestation)

„ May manifest as confined placental mosaicism (CPM), generalised mosaicism, tissue limited mosaicism (e.g. Pallister-Killian syndrome)