All #i. of AN the Pointes Every Thursd.y Morning rosse Pointe ~ws Complete Netvs Coverage of All the Pointes

VOL, 3O-NO, 26 fU' Pu Year GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1975 lie Per Cop)' 26 Pages-Two Sections-Section On.

Remember When We Couldn't Wait for Summer? Some City Police Pointes Get HEADLINES • More Than WEEK JOIn Teamsters; $250,000 A. CompUe4 by the Grolle PolDte New. Other Unit Splits 1'b.\lrsday, JUDe 1t THE ANGLICAN CHURCH of Canada has authorized the as priests, it was learned today, The move was taken late last night at the Church's General Synod in Quebec City. The Canadian Church, with about 1,5 million mem- bers. became the first West. ern body in that tradition to authorize ordaining women, The step is expected to have worldwide implications for the Anglican communion at large, wl1ieh has branches around the ilobe involving 45 mUlion members, including the Episcopal Church in the United Slates, • • • Friday, JUDe ze DEFENSE SECRETARY James R. Schlesinger said today the Soviet Union has deployed a new serIes of nuclear miuiles with mul. tiple warheads - so a single rocket could carry atomIc t, j bombs aimed at more than Photo by ellt Emonuel. one ,target. Soviet deploy. How time does fly! The oppressive heat amount of snow, A number of the storms were ment of MIRVs, short for wave which blanketed The Pointe during a con- truly beautiful. Weather gripes will never com- multiple independently. tar. siderable portion of the last week brought mem- pletely vanish from the scene, but all in all we've get able re.entry vehicles, had ories of last winter which produced a record been anticipated for some been fairly well blessed by Mother Nature. I time. The United States AI. ~~~~ ~~:::~~~ ~n~~dl:~tRoy Lashes Conduct Telephone Poll Village Art marIne launched Poseidon P F . missiles, Schlesinger said "We will not allow our posi- Government On Feelings of ointers Street Uf,r tion In thIs area to become I ...l 1_ - __ a n --"&T~1~_MY nIP lICeoDdarr.':" ~,~.._.-..." .. ;ReOft~~ ....a.uo~r---e ..r..Jn@ram. n .. rogress_ saturday, Jue %1 Asks Citizens to Write Questions Asked in Three Categories to Deter- Public Invited to Attend AMERICAN MERCENAR- mine Degree of Support Which Might Be IES are fighting in the Rho- Congressmen Protesting Event Sponsored by desian Army against black Pattern of Uncon- Expected; Difficulties Cited Merchants; Will Con- guerillas and more are being trolled Spending Environmental Action Now, (EAN), and the tinue through Sat- recruited with State Depart. Grosse Pointe League of Women Voters recently ment knowledge, according urday The question, "Does conducted a telephone poll on recycling in The to Rhodesian black national. ists and U.S, omelals. A any 0 n e ever stop to Pointe and the results have been announced by The Village Street Art State Department official think of the incongruity EAN director Tim Lozen, ' Fair is now in progress said the government is of anyone in the Fed- The findings'lndicale that ------and the public is invited checking to see whether any eral government lectur- B majority of the persons were selected at random, to attend the event span- laws are being broken, but ing a city on living with- polled are willing to take The number of persons selee- sored by the Village has done nothin.ll to stop the in its income while it part in a recycling program, ted from each of the five Merchants Associatton, white mercenary recruiting ponders a Federal deficit Almost half said they are Pointes was based on the Work will be shown to- so far. Themple Cole, the r th willing to drive their mB. percentage of total listings State Department's country or e coming year of terials to a collection center, in the directory for thaI day and tomorrow, June , desk officer for RhodesIa, $70 billion?" was pre- provided it is not too far, municipality, 26-27, from 11 a,m. to 5 identified the recruiter as sented by Ross Roy to A large plurality o( the per. Three Categories p,m., an