September 8-9, 2018

2 Kings 22 God wants us to follow his word.

*The hour is broken up into FIVE parts, alternating between large and small groups:

Part 1 (15 minutes) ● ● Large Group (5-10 minutes after service starts) Part 2 (10-15 minutes) ● Game Part 3 (10 minutes) ● Cool Down Time ● Part 4 (10-15 minutes) ● Large Group Part 5 (10-15 minutes or until the end of service) ● Small groups

● As kids arrive, give each kid a If kids are arriving late and don’t have a different colored dot sticker. This colored group to join later, don’t sweat it! will determine which team they’re Just send them to any group when the time on. Each small group will need a comes, while still keeping groups evenly different color. numbered. ●

● Keep kids in small groups until their parents pick them up, while one volunteer checks kids’ name tags at check out. Part 1 (Large Group)

Main Goal: Introduce and *Start large group 5-10 minutes into the service. Presenter should discuss today’s BIG IDEA: God play the 5 minute countdown video to draw kids in and help them wants us to follow his word. transition into large group.

Supplies: None INTRO: JOSIAH ● Welcome: Hi everybody, welcome to Kids’ Club. Today, we’re Video: going to hear about one of the kings of and how he Despicable Me / No Annoying followed the most important rules any of us can follow, GOD’S Sounds rules. And that leads to today’s BIG IDEA: God wants us to ( follow his word. h?v=x8HjCP3LqHo) ● Say: This king’s name is Josiah and he became a king while he was very young, maybe even younger than you guys! In fact, let’s see. Stand up (let kids stand). Stay standing if you’re Time: 15 minutes younger than 12. (Give kids a minute to sit if they’re older, though they shouldn’t be for this round.) Stay standing if you’re younger than 11 (let kids sit). How about 10? (Let kids sit.) 9? (Let kids sit.) Is anybody 8 or younger? (Kids will likely all be sitting be now.) Josiah became king when he was 8 years old! ● Say: The cool thing is, Josiah was a really REALLY great king. :25 tells us this about Josiah (if you want, have a kid read!): ● Slide: 2 Kings 23:25 Never before had there been a king like Josiah, who turned to the LORD with all his heart and soul and strength, obeying all the laws of . And there has

never been a king like him since.

● Say: Whoa, he loved the Lord with all his heart and soul and strength. And he cared deeply about following God’s laws. When the says the word “God’s laws”, it’s a way of saying the rules that God gives us to help us follow him.

WHY DO WE NEED RULES? ● Ask: How do rules actually help us? (Let a few kids respond and share examples of situations in which rules help, or just have them list some rules that they have to follow in their daily lives.) Yes, they often keep us safe or make sure that things stay fair. ● Ask: But what happens if you don’t follow the rules or—worse—if there are no rules at all? (Let kids respond.) It may sound fun at first, but it would be pretty chaotic and unsafe! ● Say: Let’s check out a movie clip from Despicable Me, and see why the girls have to follow some pretty funny rules. ● Video: Despicable Me / No Annoying Sounds Part 1 (Large Group)

Main Goal: Introduce and JOSIAH FOLLOWED GOD’S WORD discuss today’s BIG IDEA: God ● Say: Today’s story involves some rules that are a little different wants us to follow his word. than those! Let’s watch a video about Josiah, and see how he followed God’s word, even when others didn’t want to! As you Supplies: None watch, see if you can figure out something good that happened when Josiah followed and obeyed God’s word. Video: ● Video: God’s Story / Josiah God