Cyngor Cymuned Community Council

Swyddfa Cyngor Cymuned Community Council Office Canolfan Gymunedol Pontyclun Pontyclun Community Centre Heol yr Orsaf Heol yr Orsaf Pontyclun Pontyclun CF72 9EE CF72 9EE

Ffôn: 01443 238500 Telephone: 01443 238500 E-bost: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Gwefan: Website:

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Pontyclun Community Council 2017

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Pontyclun Community Council held at Café 50, Heol yr Orsaf, Pontyclun at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday 17 May 2017.


Member name May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Martin Ashford Margaret Griffiths Paul Griffiths Neil Holley Anne Jackson Gwyn Jackson Kate Jones Karan Lane Alison Theaker Carole Willis Vacancy

Present Apologies Absent Other attendees – Julius Roszkowski (Clerk) Janis Jones (Current Chair); 5 members of the public

1. Election of Chairperson a. Marg Griffiths nominated Paul Griffiths. Gwyn Jackson seconded. There were no other nominations b. Paul Griffiths was elected Chair of the Council

2. The Chair then made a short statement outlining a. Thanks to Janice Jones and previous council for their good work b. A short history of the Council and what we do c. All councillors are equal and no separate executive d. The Council will need to prepare a plan for what it wants to achieve over the next 5 years e. Chair wants the Council to be an influential and creative voice in all the decisions others make about our community. 3. Election of Vice Chairperson a. Anne Jackson nominated Alison Theaker; Martin Ashford seconded. There were no other nominations b. Alison Theaker was elected Vice-Chair of the Council 4. To receive apologies for absence a. None received 5. Disclosure of personal and pecuniary interest in items of business listed below in accordance with the Code of Conduct. a. None declared 6. To confirm the minutes of the Council’s meeting of 18 May 2016 as a true record of the last Council Annual Meeting. a. Council Confirmed 7. To confirm minutes of the Councils’ meeting of the 5 April are a true record of the last meeting. a. Mr Lane, former Councillor had some queries regarding the minutes b. Action MM511 The Clerk to revisit the record of the meeting of 5 April to clarify the decision on the terms of the Council's response to the letter from the selected Café 50 Coordinator in which she reported her decision not to continue her appointment and advise Council at next meeting so minutes can be confirmed 8. Appointment or Reappointment of any standing Committees, Sub Committees or Working Groups and review terms of reference. Currently the council has 4 working groups a. Four current groups are i. Administration working group ii. Local Economy Working Group iii. Local Environment Working Group iv. Social and Cultural Working Group b. Clarified that these were set up in 2012 with no delegated powers and could only make recommendations c. The terms of reference relate to the priorities at that time and do not reflect the Council’s new responsibilities such as Café 50 & Pontyclun park d. Chair recommended deferring decision on these until the Council agrees its objectives and then they can be redrawn to meet those needs e. Council agreed to defer pending agreement of new Council objectives. An initial brainstorming session was agreed for Tuesday 30th. 9. To review subscriptions to other bodies and appoint Council representatives i. Council is a member of One Voice Wales and pays for Clerk to be a member of Society of Local Council Clerks(SLCC) - Confirmed ii. One Voice Wales (up to two/ only one vote) – The Council Confirmed that the Chair would be its representative subject to relevancy of agenda of meetings. Clerk to confirm to OVW MM512 iii. County Borough Council/Community Council’s Joint Liaison Committee – Council confirmed Margaret Griffiths and Carole Willis to be our representatives and also that Carole Willis’ name be put forward to RCT standards Committee. Clerk to Confirm to RCT MM513 iv. To agree how representation will be made on the Boards of Governors for YGGG Lantrisant- Former Councillor Huw Rees to stay for his term (Sept 2020) and Pontyclun Primary School –Janis Jones has advised that she cannot continue. Anne Jackson nominated by Neil Holley; Seconded by Alison Theaker – Council elected Anne Jackson to be our representative. Clerk to advise School MM514 10.To review Pontyclun Community Council Bank mandate and appoint new signatories a. Current mandate i. Two members to sign from a pool plus ii. Council Clerk b. Council agreed to leave signing policy as is with the following Members to be in the signing pool i. Margaret Griffiths; Paul Griffiths; Anne Jackson; Gwyn Jackson; Neil Holley; Karan Lane; Alison Theaker and Carole Willis ii. Wherever possible Paul and Margaret and Gwynn and Anne should not sign together iii. Clerk to advise bank of new arrangements MM515 11.To Adopt new Council Standing Orders a. Council adopted the new Standing Orders as presented with one change i. Amendment tom paragraph 3g – “Subject to standing order sf above a member of the public shall not speak for more than 5 minutes and shall not speak on more than one agenda item unless previously agreed with the Chair” b. The Council agreed by vote of 6 votes to 3 with one abstention to Co-opt a new member to Miskin ward i. It was noted that we could choose to declare a casual vacancy and have a by- election. ii. Advice from RCT after guidance from Electoral Commission was that as there had just been an election where no-one had offered to stand Co-option was allowed- Provided there is a quorum, the community may co-opt to fill the remaining vacant seats (S21(2) Representation of the People Act 1985 (RPA)) with whoever they so wish iii. Council agreed suggested addendum to Standing Orders to allow Co- option and Clerk instructed to start the process MM516

12. To Adopt new model Financial Regulations a. Council adopted Financial regulations with one amendment i. Section 4.1 amended to say – “Expenditure on revenue items may be authorised by up to the amounts included for that class of expenditure in the approve budgets. This authority is to be determined by 1. Council for all items over £1000 2. The Clerk in conjunction with the Chair of the Council (or Vice Chair if not available) for any items between £100 and £1000 3. The Clerk for items less than £100” 4. This to be reflected throughout the document b. Councillors Kate Jones & Martin Ashford will undertake quarterly bank reconciliations

13.To review 2017/8 budget a. Council agreed to retain the Car park in Heol yr Orsaf for 2017/8 pending a formal resident consultation about it’s future b. Clerk to draft initial questions and members to share with the public. MM517 c. Consultation to end in time to inform out 2018/9 budgeting which will be in approximately 6m time d. Council noted that when the sale of the old toilets completed RCT will be creating 15/20 car parking spaces there. e. Council confirmed that no allowances would be paid to Councillors this year. f. Council agreed that the Office staff should have basic First aid training. Clerk to arrange MM518 g. Further advise to be sought by Clerk about need for Stem injection training MM519 h. Clerk to ascertain requirements for performance licence to replace TV licence and report. MM520 i. New Councillors to attend OVW training on 6th July. Clerk to advise OVW and circulate details. MM521 j. Council agreed the following Cleaning arrangements i. Sickness cover for Cleaner to be caretakers ii. Cleaner to clean office once a week around main duties which take precedence iii. Afternoon groups to be advised that they must finish on time so cleaner does not have to work late iv. Groups making bookings for evenings or weekends to be advised that premises are to be left clean and tidy or they will be billed for cleaning costs v. Cleaners holidays to be covered by outside firm using the initial £500 set aside in budget. vi. Clerk to make all relevant arrangements to meet above MM522 14.To review and agree payments to Creditors a. Agree payments to current creditors i. Council agreed to pay £420 plus VAT bill to Auditing Solutions for internal audit b. Review payments made since last meeting that need to be approved by Council i. Payments since last meeting approved including 3 emergency items c. Review and approve Standing Orders and Direct Debits i. Reviewed and agreed for payment without further reference unless budget exceeded d. Review and approve regular payments for 2017/8 eg Staff salaries i. Reviewed and approved for payment without further reference unless budget exceeded ii. Council agreed that staff would be paid direct to bank by Standing Order going forward. 15.Councillors to confirm adoption of Pontyclun Community Council Code of Conduct. a. Council confirmed adoption b. Council confirmed that all gifts and hospitality was to be recorded irrespective of amount 16.To review the Council’s Insurance policies for 2016/7 a. Council noted – and noted that the main policy had only just gone through a formal review in 2017 i. Council – this policy has been agreed for 3 years at a discounted fixed price ii. Vehicle 17.To review the Council’s Risk Management Policy a. Council agreed methodology b. Individual members with experience in risk management to discuss further with Clerk and see what improvements could be made. c. Regular updates to relevant working group once terms decided 18.To review the Council’s Trade register a. Trade register reviewed b. Clerk clarified that whilst we had arrangements with suppliers to purchase good this was not exclusive and purchases were made at best price found whilst meeting usage needs c. Council confirmed that Clerk to have a VISA debit card d. Clerk to review options on pre-payment cards and report back MM523 19.To review the Council’s Asset register a. Asset register reviewed b. Council agreed to disposal of laptop, Shredder and Trailer as recommended c. Clerk to arrange disposal in due course MM524 20.To fix the dates and times for the Council’s ordinary meeting for the ensuing year a. Dates agreed to be 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7pm till May 2018 21.To review existing policies and adopt new policies a. i. Internet and IT security (new) Adopted ii. Social Media (new) Adopted iii. Complaints policy (existing) Confirmed iv. Press & Media (existing) Confirmed b. Council agreed to adopt a Welsh Language Policy and Clerk to prepare a draft MM525 c. Council agreed to create new e-mail [email protected] and review options for individual councillors to have the same. Clerk to report back with options MM526 22.To review and adopt new processes for i. Out of hours callouts ii. Council agreed that a call out list should include local Councillors and Martin Ashford, Paul Griffiths, Margaret Griffiths and Neil Holley agreed. iii. No payment to be made for any call outs. iv. Clerk to progress requirements MM527 23.To review Planning Applications a. Council had no issues with planning applications presented at meeting b. Chair advised that the Cefn y Hendy housing project application had been updated. The Council had objected previously. He will be making further representations personally and would circulate his letter to other Councillors for their thoughts and similar action themselves 24.To review Café 50 Pricing policy a. Current charges confirmed b. Deferred decision on exceptions and donations for relevant working group to discuss once terms set 25.Clerks report i. Actions from last meeting 1. Action 465 – agreed to close this. To be picked up by new relevant working group post setting terms 2. Clerk to chase Tesco again regarding response 3. Price agreed for signage. Clerk to instruct The studio to create 4. Jon Bunyon contacted re mud 5. Clerk to prepare guidance for relevant working group to review contract before renegotiation MM528 6. Council agreed to re-advertise post of cafe50 Co-ordinator and Clerk to take this action after reference with Margaret Griffith and Kate Jones MM529 ii. Requests to use playing fields 1. Council agreed the two requests 2. Clerk to draft appropriate policy & “terms of use” for future MM530 3. Caretaker to meet with PAG to confirm which parts of park they can use MM531 iii. Requests for Contractor references 1. Council agreed that a reference could be provided for Beever Bridges 2. Council adopted policy that all such requests are to be considered on an individual basis and agreed by Council iv. Communication with Councillors 1. Council agreed communication recommendations 2. Future correspondence to be primarily by email with allowance where members might not have access. 26.Public representations i. There were no questions and comments from the public Cyngor Cymuned Pontyclun Community Council

Swyddfa Cyngor Cymuned Community Council Office Canolfan Gymunedol Pontyclun Pontyclun Community Centre Heol yr Orsaf Heol yr Orsaf Pontyclun Pontyclun CF72 9EE CF72 9EE

Ffôn: 01443 238500 Telephone: 01443 238500 E-bost: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Gwefan: Website:


Minutes of the April monthly meeting of Pontyclun Community Council held at Committee Room at Pontyclun Community Centre, Heol yr Orsaf, Pontyclun on Wednesday 5 April, 2017.

PRESENT: Community Councillors: Janice Jones (Chair) Ken Forsdyke , Ann Bennett, Gwynn Griffith, Margaret Griffiths, Paul Griffiths, Neil Holley, Tony Lane, Huw Rees and Brendan O’Reilly.

1. Apologies for absence – none Absent: Community Councillor Bethan Theaker.

2. Declarations on interest – none declared

3. To consider passing the resolution By virtue of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, 1960, the press and public are excluded from discussions on the following item(s) on the basis that disclosure thereof would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted."

For item 9 ii The Council passed the resolution

4. Matters raised by residents. Request by Macmillan Cancer support to erect signage to advertise fund raising event Council resolved that for future Events Macmillan could erect signage subject to advising the Clerk in advance of the details

5. Reports and presentations from others – none received

6. To confirm the minutes of the Council’s 5 Feb Monthly meeting and 8th March extraordinary meeting as an accurate record.

Council resolved that the minutes were an accurate record. The minutes were duly signed and dated by the Chair 7. Reporting on actions from previous meetings

Council Resolved to write to Jon Bunyon re mud on pavement

Council Resolved to write to Caterer advising  We have noted that arrears of £188 in rent are still outstanding  There has been no Standing Order set up for future rent  The Council will be going to tender at the end of current contract and they will be welcome to respond to this.

Council resolved to reduce slope on land next to Cenotaph by way of a banked path using mesh to provide stability.

8. Report and recommendations from Working Groups/Meetings attended by Council Representative – none received

9. Report and recommendations from Clerk

(i) Payment of Creditors Payments approved by Council Resolution

(ii) Staffing matters (Confidential) (a) Interim Clerk – Council meeting suspended from 8.15 to 8.45 for members to read confidential supporting documentation Council resolved the following Four candidates to be invited for interview on Friday 7th April except D if they could only work evenings. Sub-Committee of Councillors Janice Jones, Ann Bennett, Paul Griffiths and Margaret Griffiths appointed to select candidate and appoint Interim Clerk. Councillor Brendan O’Reilly noted his objections to the agreed process (b) Café 50 Co-ordinator Successful candidate has decided not to take up the post Council resolved to write a letter of regret to the successful candidate The second choice candidate is still interested in the post and Council resolved that they be offered the role subject to satisfactory references

Council resolved by majority to extend meeting for 10 minutes (c) Annual leave for Admin Assistant – Left to future meeting

(iii) Consider response to planning applications (iv) To receive feedback from Clerk on the Annual Inspection at Ivor Woods – left to future meeting (v) To receive a report from the Clerk on Internal Audit arrangements Council resolved to appoint Auditing Solutions (vi) To consider grant application from Pontyclun Road Runners for £600 Council Resolved to agree a grant of £300 (vii) To receive invitation from Y Pant School to its Annual Prize giving – Left to future meeting (viii) To receive an update on the new footbridge at Nant y Dyfrgi – left to future meeting 10. Questions from Councillors

Councillor Brendan O’Reilly

“How and why the Extraordinary meeting scheduled for 29th April 2017 was cancelled and why the motions were deemed to be political”

This meeting was cancelled following advice from the Monitoring Officer

April Meeting was closed at 10 minutes past 10

Confirmed as true record of the meeting of 5th April Cyngor Cymuned Pontyclun Community Council Co-opted Councillor in the Miskin Ward


John Jenkins Crud yr awel School Road Miskin PONTYCLUN CF72 8PH

01443 222460

[email protected]

Representing people Originally from west Wales, I have now lived in Pontyclun for over 28 years. I am married with a son and two grandchildren.

I taught in Llwyn Crwn Primary School in for three years before moving back to west Wales to teach at a secondary school. I then switched careers and worked in public relations for BBC Cymru Wales, South Glamorgan Health Authority Bro Taf Health Authority and the Sports Council for Wales. Two years ago, I retired as Head of Public Affairs for the British Medical Association in Wales and was awarded a Distinguished Service Award in recognition of outstanding services to the Association.

My work with the BMA involved representing the views of doctors to politicians in the Welsh Assembly, in Westminster and in Brussels. I also worked closely with the media.

For many years, I was chairman of Miskin Residents Association – representing the residents of the village in discussions with the local quarry when the village encountered huge problems with st9nes from the quarry landing on the village during blasting operations. I was also a member of the Miskin Neighbourhood Watch committee which unfortunately is now defunct.

I was vice-chairman of the Institute of Public Relations in Wales for ten years and chairman for three – representing the interests of public relations practitioners throughout Wales. This obviously required excellent communication skills –listening to members and representing their views. I was later made a Fellow of the Institute

I was a governor of Ysgol Mynydd Bychan – a Welsh language primary school in Cardiff for many years – representing parents on the Board of Governors.

I am also a member of Cwm Taf Community Health Council.

I am a trustee of MEDSERVE Wales – a group of volunteer doctors who go to road traffic accidents and major incidents to deal with acute medical issues.

Team working As head of public affairs at the BMA, and indeed in my previous roles within public relations, team working was crucial to deliver results. However, I am also able to work on my own initiative. Being open to new ideas and solutions as well as adopting new approaches was a crucial part of the work.

Welsh language My first language is Welsh and I have worked and written in both languages.

Availability to attend meetings Having retired, I now have the time to contribute to lifer in the community and attend meetings as required.

Finally It is important that the views of the residents of Miskin are fully recognised within Pontyclun Community Council, and I believe that I am in a position to present those views. John Jenkins Miskin 22 May 2017 David Michael Davies 21 Heol Isaf Hendy Miskin Pontyclun CF728QS Tel: 01443239690 Mob: 07546 251526 Email [email protected] To: The Clerk Pontyclun Community Council

Date: 1 June 2017

Subject: Application for vacancy in the Miskin ward of Pontyclun Community Council

Known as Mike Davies, I am 60, a member of the Labour Party, a retired Civil Servant, born in Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, living in Miskin since 2001, and lived in the area since 1980, with a 10 year career move to London and Leeds through the 90’s.

My work experience includes the following roles, demonstrating skills and experience I believe are helpful in carrying out the duties of a Community Councillor.

Front line DWP benefits assessor and home visiting officer, e.g, ensuring pensioners and disabled people received the benefits, grants and allowances they were entitled to. This required respect for the individual, along with the ability to listen and be objective in dealing with the matter arising, while complying with rules and regulations.

Fraud Investigator – (and manager of a 15 investigator team within the RCT area), working with other agencies, LAs and the police, managing investigations recovering several millions of pounds of public funds, ensuring money was put back into the benefit system from those who sought to profit illegally.

Project Mentor and Change Manager – several years collaboratively working across Departments and with public and private sector partners, developing business plans and assisting the end to end progress of small and large scale business projects from idea through to delivery, complying with business principles and spending constraints. I have a foundation PRINCE (project management) qualification which has been useful in this respect. Keeping up to speed with changing Govt and business prioritise was essential and this skill will be helpful in the role of Councillor.

Over my career, I have participated in many strategic and operational business meetings, at local, Departmental and with public and private sector partners, on wide and diverse business issues, working with others, and keen to make use of specific skills of individuals within my teams in making informed decisions.

I am married, a father of a daughter put through the local schools at Pontyclun Primary and Y Pant, making use of local music and sports clubs and proudly seeing her progress to her final year at Aberystwyth University. My wife is a former Civil Servant, her steadfast efforts within the public sector never failing to impress me.

For several years our family life has factored in my wife’s increasing health issues resulting in her having to end her successful career early and my subsequent early retirement to support her. This change had a profound impact on our lives and on my thinking. Previously being regarded as a ‘laid back’ individual, I have increasingly become aware of issues affecting disabled and people with difficulties, the ‘little things’, that actually are ‘big things’ that are brought into sharp focus, such as access to public services; congestion; the ability to travel around the locality; poor rail links which is ridiculous for a village 10 miles west of the centre of Cardiff; pavement suitability for wheel chair users; an increasing awareness of and need to promote, celebrate and maximise community facilities such as café 50, and wish to seek opportunities to promote the wide variety of walks, parks and places of interest within the locality.

Given the opportunity to serve the residents of Miskin, in addition to adding my own ideas and input into debate, I would seek to capture local issues and importantly, positive ideas and suggestions, taking forward for discussion and consideration and ensure residents were informed of progress or resolution.

I am able to put in the time required to fulfil my role to the best of my ability, my availability to attend meetings is flexible and regular attendance at meetings and involvement in working groups is assured. If successful, I would seek to visit each household in the Miskin ward in the first 3 months of taking up the role.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Mike Davies Personal statement – Chris Williams

I would like to put my name forward for the vacant place on the Community Council to represent the Miskin area as a member of the Labour Party.

Originally from Cardiff I have lived in Miskin since 2004, having previously lived in .

I worked in the insurance industry for over 30 years latterly as a Client Executive.

My daughter goes to the local Brownies and will soon be attending Y Pant School. My son went to the local Scouts where I was Secretary for a while. He also played junior cricket for Miskin and currently plays football for Pontyclun, where I am a spectator if I'm not watching Cardiff City.

I have been Chairman of Llantrisant Bowls Club for the past 20 years.

Because my family has so benefited from the active community of Pontyclun I want to play my part in making sure that the Community Council supports the people of Miskin and all the groups that enrich our lives.

Kind regards

Chris Williams James Trask LL.b 11 Windsor Drive Miskin Pontyclun CF72 8SH

8 June 2017

Pontyclun Community Council Community Council Office Pontyclun Community Centre Heol yr Orsaf Pontyclun CF72 9EE

Dear Sirs,

I write with regards to the vacancy of Councillor for Miskin and hereby provide this letter to convey my sincere interest to be considered for the same.

I consider the role of as a Councillor not only an important role insofar as to being part of the decision making for major decisions that affect people’s lives in the local community; but also endeavouring to actively enhance the services and facilities for people and their families who live in the council area. I have lived in Miskin for approaching 10 years having been born and brought up in Cardiff, I have now become very attached to the area and am encouraged by the community spirit of the local people particularly supporting new businesses and enterprise who are starting out. In my professional capacity I am required to provide both oral and written advice on behalf of and to large Insurance Companies, in more often than not difficult circumstances which impact people’s lives and wellbeing. Therefore, I consider that I can work under immense pressure but remain professional at all times when facing scrutiny and criticism. Moreover, I am a very confident speaker who can convey pertinent points in a concise, understandable and at times when necessary adopt and deliver a persuasive approach. I believe that decision making in local Council requires identifying, addressing and discussing many issues that need to be considered before implementing a decision. If I were to be considered for the role I would always strive to look at the bigger picture to give due regard to the issues in question and provide positive input. As the role of Councillor is varied insofar as not just being the voice of the community but also the ears. I strongly believe that my empathic approach to listening has shaped the way I address issues before tackling and resolving them. I am very excited at the thought of being able to give a positive contribution to and for the local community. In terms of availability for meetings I don’t consider that to be an issue. I therefore look forward with great anticipation following your consideration of my interest.

Yours sincerely

James Trask. Cyngor Cymuned PONTYCLUN Community Council

Internal Audit executive summary

As a public body Pontyclun Community Council has to be seen to be using public money wisely and managing its affairs in good order. Part of this process involves having an internal and external audit. The internal audit for 2016-7 was completed in early May 2017

Members should note  Full internal audit report is attached. This is the first year that this new Auditor has been used. The Officers of the Council were impressed with their efficiency and knowledge  Overall we were found to be operating in a satisfactory manner  There were 5 action points. Three have been implemented immediately. The other two are outlined below.

Other key points/actions 1. Action point 4 is to look at using specialist risk software. The auditors recommended LCRS which is widely used by similar councils. a. Cost is £110 plus VAT – one off charge plus upgrade fees if needed. b. As we have identified approx. 40 risk issues to address this year and have no budget to pay for software in 2017-8 we recommend implementing this software in 2018-9 2. Action point 5 is to review how we maintain and update our photographic asset register. This will be done over the next 12m and an ongoing process will be implemented 3. Annual return for the year end 2016-7 requires signing off. There are no issues to report relating to this and needs authorisation and sign off.

Actions required by members  Agreement to implement LCRS software in 2018-9 subject to budget discussions  Sign off Annual return 2

Pontyclun Community Council

Internal Audit Report 2016-17

Claire Lingard For and on behalf of Auditing Solutions

Stuart J Pollard

Director Auditing Solutions Ltd 3 Background and Scope

The Accounts and Audit Regulations introduced from 1st April 2001 require all Town, Parish and Community Councils to implement an independent internal audit examination of their Accounts and accounting processes annually. The Council complied with the requirements in terms of independence from the Council decision making process appointing a local contractor from the outset. We, at Auditing Solutions Ltd, have been appointed to provide the function to the Council for 2016-17 and beyond. This report sets out those areas examined during the course of our visit to the Council for 2016-17, which took place on Wednesday 3rd May 2017.

Internal Audit Approach

In conducting our review for 2016-17, we have paid due regard to the materiality of transactions and their susceptibility to potential misrecording or misrepresentation in the year- end Statement of Accounts.

As the Council’s Internal Auditor and under the revised audit arrangements, we have a duty to complete the internal audit report in the Council’s Annual Return, which covers the basic financial systems and requires assurances in ten separate areas.

Overall Conclusion

We are pleased to report that, in the areas examined this year, the Council’s officers operate effective financial control systems with no significant areas of concern identified. We have, however, identified a few areas where we considered that further improvements could be made to the existing controls to ensure that councillors have effectively met and demonstrated compliance with their fiduciary responsibilities: detail of such issues are set out in the body of the report with any resultant recommendations further summarised in the appended Action Plan. We wish to commend the outgoing Clerk and her Assistant on the quality of records maintained and look forward to working with the new incumbent in future years.

On the basis of the overall satisfactory conclusion of our review process for the year, we have duly signed off the Internal Audit Report in the year’s Annual Return assigning positive assurances in each relevant area.

Pontyclun CC: 2016-17 7-May-17 Auditing Solutions Ltd 4 Maintenance of Accounting Records & Bank Reconciliations

Our objective here is to ensure that the accounting records are being maintained accurately and currently and that no anomalous entries appear in cashbooks or financial ledgers. We are pleased to note that the Council uses the Rialtas Alpha accounting software, noting the existence of four bank accounts at the outset of the financial year, each with a separate cashbook in the accounting software. We have: -  Ensured that the opening trial balance detail for 2016-17 agrees with that in the 2015-16 Statement of Accounts and certified Annual Return;  Verified that the financial ledger remains “in balance” at the financial year-end;  Ensured that the cost and expenditure coding structure is appropriate for purpose;  Checked detail of cashbook transactions on each account to the supporting bank statements for the full financial year, together with all inter-account transactions between the accounts;  Checked and agreed detail on the bank reconciliations on all accounts as at 31st March 2017;  Reviewed the procedures in place for security of electronic data noting that it is backed- up on-site onto the network, onto two USB drives which are kept in a locked cabinet onsite and also to a secure ‘cloud’ backup facility; and  Considered the controls over the raising and validation of journals, noting that they are raised by both the Clerk and Assistant.

We note that the Council has reduced the four accounts in use at the start of the financial year to two, also noting that the Wages account will be closed after the next payment cycle has been closed. This will streamline the accounting process, strengthen security and reduce cost.

Conclusions and recommendations

Whilst no significant issues have been identified in this area from the work undertaken, there appears to have been a little confusion concerning data entry which occurred during the recent RBS Rialtas Alpha training. It is considered Best Practice to enter invoices at the date of payment identified on the cheque, with any standing orders or direct debits entered on the date they appear on bank statements.

Likewise, any journals made to reverse errors should have ‘XXX’ placed before the description: similarly, split payments should have ‘PP’ placed before the description to assist ease of identification in reports.

R1. Payments should be entered on the accounting software on the date that cheques are drawn, whilst standing orders and direct debits should be entered with the date the transaction appears on bank statements.

R2. As indicated in the body of the report, correcting journals and split payments should be annotated appropriately to indicate their nature and to assist east of identification in reports.

Pontyclun CC: 2016-17 7-May-17 Auditing Solutions Ltd 5 Review of Corporate Governance

Our objective is to ensure that the Council has a robust regulatory framework in place, that Council and Committee meetings are conducted in accordance with the adopted Standing Orders and that, as far as we are able to reasonably ascertain, no actions of a potentially unlawful nature have been or are being considered for implementation. Consequently, we have:  Noted that the Council’s Standing Orders (SOs) are subject to periodic review and update, them being brought into line with the NALC model document and re-adopted in May 2016;  Noted that the Council resolved to readopt the Financial Regulations (FRs) in May 2015, until One Voice Wales published the new model orders. The new Clerk is currently redrafting the Financial Regulations for presentation to members at a future meeting for formal adoption;  Noted that a new clerk is now in place and undertaking a handover process from the outgoing Clerk at the time of our audit visit.  Examined the Council minutes for the year to determine whether or not any issues exist that may have an adverse effect, through litigation or other causes, on the Council’s future financial stability with no issues arising.


We are pleased to report that no issues arise in this area of our review process warranting formal comment or recommendation.

Review of Expenditure and VAT

Our aim here is to ensure that: -  Council resources are released in accordance with the Council’s approved procedures and approved budgets;  Payments are supported by appropriate documentation, either in the form of an original trade invoice or other appropriate form of document confirming the payment as due and/or an acknowledgement of receipt, where no other form of invoice is available;  The correct expense codes have been applied to invoices when processed; and  VAT has otherwise been appropriately identified and coded to the control account for periodic recovery.

We have examined the processes for incurring expenditure; reviewing resultant trader invoices and their subsequent approval for payment and consider them generally appropriate for the Council’s requirements, although we are somewhat concerned to note that paid invoices contain no evidence of review by members.

In order to ensure compliance with the above criteria, we have examined all non-pay related payments in the financial year 2016-17 and noted that although the Clerk initials the invoices to authenticate them and check the detail, that the members only sign a schedule of payments prepared by the Clerk and do not initial the original invoices.

Pontyclun CC: 2016-17 7-May-17 Auditing Solutions Ltd 6 In examining the files of payments, we noted that only one single data entry error had been made in respect of a 40p overpayment which had been recovered upon the next payment to that supplier.

We consider it essential that, in order that members may fully demonstrate the satisfactory discharge of their fiduciary responsibilities whilst approving payments for release, they should, as a minimum, initial invoices to confirm their examination and the appropriateness of the payments for release. We consider this an essential control in the light of relatively recent fraudulent activity by the clerk at a council in Hampshire, where members had failed to review all relevant documentation and the same invoices were resubmitted for payment, cheques being written in removable ink and being amended in favour of the clerk subsequent to signing by members.

In order to achieve the above, we have suggested to the Clerk that a suitable rubber authorisation stamp be acquired to be place on each and every invoice, ideally containing the following information: -  Initials of Clerk / Assistant confirming delivery of goods / services  Initials of Clerk / Assistant confirming arithmetic accuracy of invoice and appropriateness for payment  Cheque or other unique payment reference number  Payment date  Alpha cost centre and nominal account code  Initials of two members approving payment for release

We note that the VAT reclaims are prepared in Rialtas Alpha and submitted: the first two covering the periods from April to September 2016 and October 2016 to January 2017 have been settled accordingly and we have verified the value of each to the underlying Alpha control account detail, together with that for the year ended 31st March 2017.

Conclusions and recommendations

As indicated above, we consider that members should provide appropriate evidence of their review of invoices submitted for payment approval, ideally by use of a rubber certification stamp to be affixed to each and every approved payment invoice / document.

R3. In order to provide appropriate evidence of members’ effective discharge of their fiduciary responsibilities and further protect the Clerk and the Clerk’s Assistant, members should evidence their approval of each and every payment as appropriate for release initialling the invoices accordingly: ideally, a rubber stamp containing the information, as set out in the body of the report, should be acquired and be affixed to each and every invoice.

Assessment and Management of Risk

Our aim here is to ensure that the Council has put in place appropriate arrangements to identify all potential areas of risk of both a financial and health and safety nature, whilst also ensuring that appropriate arrangements exist to monitor and manage those risks in order to minimise the opportunity for their coming to fruition.

Pontyclun CC: 2016-17 7-May-17 Auditing Solutions Ltd 7 Whilst acknowledging the appropriateness of the financial risk assessment, adopted annually, and other more specific “area oriented” assessments, we consider that further more detailed assessments may be appropriate in certain areas. Specific software has been developed to assist councils in this respect (the Local Council Risk System (LCRS) available over the internet from DMH Solutions at a cost of around £100 plus VAT) and commend this as a suitable tool to assist in the more detailed assessment of risks by the Council. The software is used by many of our clients and provides a more detailed assessment of potentially some 500 individual risks over 50 areas. Obviously, not all would be relevant to the Council, but we believe that the software provides a more comprehensive register of risks than is in place currently and may be of benefit to the Council.

We have also examined the Council’s insurance policy schedule with Hiscox noting that Employers’ and Public Liability cover both stand at £10 million, together with Fidelity Guarantee cover at £500,000 and appropriate Business Insurance – “Business Interruption” cover in place at £10,000. We consider these levels appropriate for the Council’s present requirements.

Conclusions and recommendation

We are pleased to record that no significant issues arise in this area, although, as indicated above, we have suggested that consideration be given to acquiring the LCRS risk management software to further strengthen the existing process.

R4. The Council should consider acquiring the LCRS risk management software to further enhance existing registers.

Precept Determination and Budgetary Control

Our aim here is to ensure that: -  The Council has undertaken a budget determination exercise, which forms the basis of the annual precept request from the parent Council.  The Council has received regular reports identifying the budget position throughout the year.  The Council has formally approved the establishment of specific reserves.  The utilisation of reserves and the return of unused balances to the General Fund are reported to the Council at regular intervals.  Year-end reserves and General Fund balances are reviewed to ensure that they are both appropriate and are likely to be utilised.

We are pleased to note that an appropriate budget exercise has been undertaken, with the Council formally approving and adopting the 2016-17 budget and precept at its meeting in February 2017 with the value of the precept formally minuted.

We are also pleased to note that members are provided with monthly budget performance reports generated by the Alpha accounting software during the year. We have reviewed the year-end budget performance report with no significant or unanticipated variances existing requiring further examination.

Pontyclun CC: 2016-17 7-May-17 Auditing Solutions Ltd 8 Finally, in this area, we have examined the level of retained reserves at the financial year-end noting that they total £54,239 including £20,131 in funds earmarked for specific purposes / projects. The residual General Fund balance of £34,108 equates to approximately 3 months’ revenue spending at the 2016-17 level and is in line with the CiPFA guideline of 3 to 6 months such spending.


We are pleased to report that no issues arise in this area of our review process warranting formal comment or recommendation.

Review of Income

In this area of our review, we aim to ensure that income due to the Council is identified, invoiced (where applicable) and recovered at the appropriate rate and within a reasonable time scale, also that it is banked promptly in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations.

The council’s main income arises from the annual Precept, VAT reclaims, Community Council Grants, A Footpath Grant, rental income from Café 50 and donations from members of the public in relation to Café 50. We are pleased to record that the income received, is properly recorded and banked intact.

Finally, in this area, we have examined the detailed nominal ledger income reports for the year ensuring that, as far as we are able to reasonably ascertain, all income due to the Council has been received and recorded appropriately.


We are pleased to report that no issues arise in this area of our review process warranting formal comment or recommendation.

Petty Cash Account

The Council does not operate a Petty Cash system, any out-of pocket expenses being reclaimed by the clerk periodically.

Review of Salaries

In examining the Council’s payroll function, we aim to confirm that extant legislation is being appropriately observed as regards adherence to the Employee Rights Act 1998 and the requirements of HM Revenues and Customs (HMRC) legislation as regards the deduction and payment over of income tax and NI contributions, together with meeting the requirements of the local government pension scheme, as further amended with effect from 1st April 2016 in terms of employee contribution percentages. To meet that objective, we have: -  Agreed the amounts paid to individuals in January 2017 by reference to the Council’s approved pay scale on the NJC annual schedule of rates payable;  Examined the Clerk’s employment contract, which we consider appropriate for purpose;

Pontyclun CC: 2016-17 7-May-17 Auditing Solutions Ltd 9  Ensured that tax and NI deductions have been made applying the appropriate tax code and NI Table by reference to the HMRC website Basic PAYE Tools tables;  Ensured that the appropriate employee contributions to the pension scheme have been determined and paid over to the Pension Fund Administrators in accordance with the latest percentage rates applicable;  Ensured that, where additional hours are worked, appropriate documentation supporting the hours claimed, is in existence and certified accordingly; and  Ensured that individual staff net pay and payments to the relevant agencies (HMRC, pension fund and unions) have been processed accurately and in a timely manner.


We are pleased to report that no issues arise in this area of our review process warranting formal comment or recommendation.

Asset Registers

The Governance and Accountability Manual requires all councils to maintain a record of all assets owned. We are pleased to note that a very comprehensive register is in existence incorporating detail of acquisition date (where known), asset and description, location, purchase cost and any further relevant notes. We are also pleased to acknowledge the Council’s compliance this year with extant Annual Return reporting requirements with the total asset value recorded at cost updated from the prior year to reflect new acquisitions and disposals.

A number of our clients have also developed photographic registers of their assets, which has proved of assistance in progressing any insurance claims where assets have either been stolen or vandalised. We consider this a further example of best practice and commend it to the Council for future consideration. Whilst we note the existence of such a register, we understand that it has not been updated since 2014 and suggest that a further review and, if appropriate update should be undertaken in due course.

Conclusions and recommendation

R5. Consideration should be given to the review and, if appropriate, periodic update of the Council’s photographic register of its asset stock.

Investments and Loans

The Council has no funds invested: similarly, the Council has no loans either repayable by or to it.

Statement of Accounts and Annual Return

The Council’s accounting system generates automatically at the year-end a Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account, detail of which we have examined and consider reflects accurately the year’s transactions as recorded in the software. The software also generates the

Pontyclun CC: 2016-17 7-May-17 Auditing Solutions Ltd 10 detail for inclusion in the year’s Annual Return, which we have also verified as being consistent with the accounting and other relevant supporting records.

We have also reviewed the procedures in place for identifying year-end debtors, creditors and accruals and agreed the detailed values recorded in the year-end Balance Sheet to the underlying records with no long standing unpaid accounts or other issues arising.


We are pleased to record that no issues arise in this area and, on the basis of the work undertaken during the course of our review for the year, we have “signed off” the Internal Audit Report in the year’s Return assigning positive assurances in all areas.

Pontyclun CC: 2016-17 7-May-17 Auditing Solutions Ltd 11 Rec. Recommendation Response No. Review of Accounting Arrangements and Bank Reconciliations R1 Payments should be entered on the accounting software on the date that cheques are drawn, whilst This process has been adopted by the Council with standing orders and direct debits should be entered with the date the transaction appears on bank immediate effect statements.

R2 As indicated in the body of the report, correcting journals and split payments should be annotated This process has been adopted by the Council with appropriately to indicate their nature and to assist east of identification in reports. immediate effect

Review of Expenditure and VAT R3 In order to provide appropriate evidence of members’ effective discharge of their fiduciary This has been adopted with effect from June 2017 responsibilities and further protect the Clerk and the Clerk’s Assistant, members should evidence their approval of each and every payment as appropriate for release initialling the invoices accordingly: ideally, a rubber stamp containing the information, as set out in the body of the report, should be acquired and be affixed to each and every invoice.

Assessment and Management of Risk R4 The Council should consider acquiring the LCRS risk management software to further enhance existing registers.

Asset Registers R5 Consideration should be given to the review and, if appropriate, periodic update of the Council’s photographic register of its asset stock.

Pontyclun CC: 2016-17 7-May-17 Auditing Solutions Ltd Cyngor Cymuned PONTYCLUN Community Council

Grant requests executive summary

Pontyclun Community Council gives grants to local community groups and charities.

We allocate a budget each year to these and will consider quarterly against a quarter of the annual budget

Members should note

 Process/policy for dealing with grants is attached  Budget for 2017-8 is £2500 so effectively £600 per quarter with £100 reserve  We have 5 requests to consider.  Members should note that £300 was granted to Pontyclun Road Runners in April so we have £300 left of this quarters budget  Council can decide o Grant in full o Partial grant o Decline o Hold over to next quarter (possibly pending further data)


1. Bridgend Samaritans – a. Part of National Charity b. No specific amount requested but general request for funding c. Accounts as at March 2016 provided show cash of £82.5k up from £73k in 2014 d. We have declined previously and as we have more requests from local groups than budget suggest we decline again 2. Llantrisant & District Probus a. Local Charity – local branch of National but autonomous b. Request £100 for non specific purpose c. Accounts to Dec 2016 show small balances d. We have given funds previously e. Recommend we agree £100 and ask them if they could support organising some of our Community initiatives 3. 1st Pontyclun Brownies a. Local Group – part of national group but each fund themselves b. Request to support travel to a Funday event at Llandarcy with other Brownies. Total cost is £650. c. They have £1800 in bank d. Recommend we agree £100 and ask them if they could support litter picking 4. Bridgers Girls rugby hub a. Local organisation based in . Have 10 Pontyclun based players b. Asking for £300 towards cost of equipment totalling £1500 c. They have £3k in bank d. Recommend we hold over application till next quarter pending discussion with Pontyclun Rugby Club 5. Y Pant Duke of Edinburgh scheme a. National scheme run & funded locally b. Request to help support them running expeditions. No specific number quoted however total is £8000. c. They will discuss with us how we can help with volunteering opportunities as working in the Community is a requirement of the scheme d. Recommend initial £100 with further funds based on work done – perhaps sharing any sponsorships we might get for it.

Actions required by members

 Consider and approve/decline grants

Application form Your organisation Name of Organisation Y Pant Comprehensive Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Purpose of organisation We are carrying out the Award in school so are providing opportunities for the participants to complete the award, including the expedition section. Number of Participants / 65 this year, we hope to have similar numbers each year members going forward Number of Participants 26 this year / members living in the Pontyclun Community Council Ward: Pontyclun, , Talygarn, Miskin, Cefn yr Hendy, Groesfaen Age group of 13-17 participants / members

Your application Why do you need We have just this year started to run the Award as a school, rather than it being run by the Local Authority, who unfortunately do not fund a grant? the Award any more. In order to make the Award accessible for as many pupils as possible, we would like to keep the cost as low as we can. As we are just starting out, we need external help to train the participants for, and to run the expeditions. We are raising money to be able to run the expeditions for the current participants, to build up a stock of camping equipment, and to train our staff so we can be self-sufficient in the future. What is the total cost of This year we are looking to raise a total of £8000. your requirements? Will the grant No generate revenue? If so, how much is the projected revenue? How much are you We are looking to raise a total of £8000. Any amount asking the Community towards this will greatly help the pupils Council for? Who will benefit from All pupils this year and in the future who are completing the this grant? Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Many of the pupils also volunteer in the local community How will the grant Through participation volunteering opportunities in the support the local community. I hope this can be developed more in the achievement of the future as many pupils have struggled to find a volunteering Community Council opportunity. It also includes the engagement of young objectives? people in the community. Over the years this may also include improving the environment, and engaging the less well-off. Additional Information: Please attach (if possible) 1. your last income and expenditure accounts 2. your constitution or aims and objectives

Conditions of Grant: If Pontyclun Community Council agree to give you a grant there are three conditions. Grants will be given subject to the following standard conditions

 Beneficiaries agree that at the Council’s discretion they will participate in a community consultation event. The event will allow the organisation to showcase themselves and how the council has supported them and/ or to provide a news article outlining the organization and how the Council has supported them.  Beneficiaries agree that they will refer to Council support in their records / promotional materials.  Pontyclun Community Council will put the details of the organisation on the Community Council website so that going forward members of the public can make contact. Depending on the nature of the request the Council reserves the right to impose other conditions

Your details for the Pontyclun Community Council web-site

Y Pant Comprehensive Duke of Edinburgh’s Name of organization Award Brief description of organisation, meeting We run the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in date, times and place the school for pupils in year 9 and above.

Samantha Dowling, DofE Co-ordinator and Contact name and position teacher Contact e-mail address [email protected] Contact telephone number 01443 562250 Web site address – if applicable

Your contact details for the purposes of the application Cheque payable to Y Pant Comprehensive

Name of applicant Samantha Dowling Contact address Y Pant Comprehensive Cowbridge Road Pontyclun CF72 8YQ

Email address [email protected]

Signature Sam Dowling Date 17.05.17

2016/17 Your organisation Name of Organisation Bridgers Girls Rugby Hub

Purpose of organisation To provide a girls only rugby club for girls of all abilities in Taff Ely Number of Participants 1 80 members

Number of Participants 1 10 members living in the Pontyclun Community Council Ward: Pontyclun, Brynsadler, Talygam, Miskin, Cefn yr Hendy, Groesfaen Age group of 6-16yrs participants 1 members

Your application Why do you need a To buy much needed equipment, such grant? as rugby balls, tags and belts

What is the total cost of £1,500 your requirements?

Will the grant generate We hope to increase numbers further revenue? If so, how from 80 to 120, thereby increasing much is the projected revenue by £280 revenue?

How much are you £300 asking the Community Council for?

Who will benefit from Our players and coaches this grant?

How will the grant This grant would support all of the support the achievement Community Council's objectives in the of the Community wider community Council objectives?

Additional Information: Please attach 1. your income and expenditure accounts for 2015/2016 2. your constitution or aims and objectives Conditions of Grant: If Pontyclun Community Council agree to give you a grant there are three conditions we would like you to agree. 1. Will you agree to participate in a community consultation event at which you will be given the opportunity to invite local people to support your organisation and explain the benefits gained from the community council grant? I ~~e I do 'not agre-e

2. Will you agree to the Pontyclun Community Council putting the details of your organisation on the Community Council website so that members of the public can make contact with your organisation and provide a poster for the community Notice Board. I agree I do not agree YES 3. Will you agree that the grant will not be used to fund any organisation other than the organisation making the application I agree fda notagne YES

Your details for the Pontyclun Community Council web-site

Name of organisation Bridgers Girls Rugby Hub Brief description of organisation, meeting All girl rugby hub for girls date, times and place aged between 6 and 16. Meet Monday, Wednesday & Friday @ 7-8pm Cae Fardre Playing Fields, Church Villa~ e Contact name and position Tony Davies, Chairman Contact e-mail address daviespropertydevelopments@ya Contact telephone number 07811 111783 Web site address ~ if applicable NIA - Twitter @RugbyBridgers

Your contact details for the purposes of the application Cheque payable to Bridgers Girls Rugby Hub

Name of applicant Rhian Evans Contact address 29 The Dell, , , CF38 1TG

Email address [email protected]

Signature Date Date: 07/06/2017 Pontyclun Community Council Page 1

Time: 12:30 Current Bank A/c General

List of Payments made between 01/04/2017 and 31/05/2017

Date Paid Payee Name Reference Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

01/04/2017 Trade UK Account 5161 18.47 Cafe 50 Maintenance 01/04/2017 Trade UK Account X5161 -18.47 Cafe 50 Maintenance 01/04/2017 C.B.C. X3505 -978.92 March'17 01/04/2017 Rhondda Cynon Taf C.B.C. 3505 978.92 March'17 03/04/2017 Rhondda Cynon Taf C.B.C. DD 38.35 Community April'17 03/04/2017 Rhondda Cynon Taf C.B.C. DD 38.35 Cafe 50 April'17 03/04/2017 Wages Account TFR 10,000.00 General A/c to Wages A/c 03/04/2017 One Voice Wales 5162 959.00 Subscription 2017/18 04/04/2017 P K Safety 5164 39.58 Cleaning Materials 04/04/2017 Leekes Ltd 5165 56.62 Community Maintenance 05/04/2017 Rialtas Business Solutions Ltd 5166 565.20 Software Training @20 March'17 05/04/2017 Laura Locket 5167 90.89 Welcome Co-Ordinator March'17 05/04/2017 British Telecom DD 33.29 Office Phone March'17 06/04/2017 British Telecom DD 116.40 Broadband March'17 to May'17 07/04/2017 P K Safety 5161 18.47 Cafe 50 Maintenance 07/04/2017 P K Safety X5161 -18.47 Cafe 50 Maintenance 07/04/2017 Lloyds Bank BANK CHG 5.00 10 February'17 to 09 March'17 07/04/2017 Lloyds Bank BANK CHG -5.00 10 February'17 to 09 March'17 10/04/2017 Lloyds Bank BANK CHG 5.00 10 February'17 to 09 March'17 18/04/2017 Swalec DD 16.90 24 Dec'16 to 27 March'17 20/04/2017 British Telecom DD 48.00 March'17 23/04/2017 P K Safety 5168 18.91 Cleaning Materials 23/04/2017 Forest Park & Gardens 5170 5.60 Mower Repair 23/04/2017 Came & Company 5169 696.93 01 Apr'17 to 31 March'18 25/04/2017 Rhondda Cynon Taf C.B.C. DD 151.90 April'17 25/04/2017 P K Safety 5171 485.65 Workwear+Cleaning Materials 26/04/2017 S L Hardwoods VISA 65.15 Footbridge Steps 26/04/2017 Buxton Marketing 5172 253.65 Resource+Mileage 26/04/2017 Devonalds Solicitors 5173 340.00 Maes-y-Felin Lease 28/04/2017 Dark Green Media SO 40.00 April'17 02/05/2017 Rhondda Cynon Taf C.B.C. DD 38.35 Community May'17 02/05/2017 Rhondda Cynon Taf C.B.C. DD 38.35 Cafe 50 May'17 02/05/2017 PEAC UK LTD DD 226.82 Rental May'17 to July'17 02/05/2017 Pontyclun Road Runners 5174 300.00 Grant 2017/18 02/05/2017 Pontyclun Community Centre 5175 1,836.00 01 April'17 to 31 October'17 02/05/2017 P K Safety 5176 296.99 Footbridge Steps+Tools 02/05/2017 Rhondda Cynon Taf C.B.C. DD 298.10 Cafe 50 May'17 02/05/2017 Kolb Engravers Ltd 5177 37.50 Chain of Office 03/05/2017 P K Safety 5178 26.64 Workwear 03/05/2017 Toshiba Tec UK Imaging Systems 5179 39.67 Useage @26 Apr'17 08/05/2017 British Telecom DD 33.84 April'17 08/05/2017 Leekes Ltd 5180 2.79 Batteries 09/05/2017 Lloyds Bank BANK CHG 5.00 10 March'17 to 09 April'17 10/05/2017 ICO DD 35.00 Annual Renewal 2017/18 10/05/2017 Post Office Counters Ltd VISA 4.40 Audit Papers Recorded Delivery 15/05/2017 British Telecom DD 48.00 May'17 15/05/2017 A D Computers 5182 105.00 Hardware Repair+Upgrade

Continued on Page 2 Date: 07/06/2017 Pontyclun Community Council Page 2

Time: 12:30 Current Bank A/c General

List of Payments made between 01/04/2017 and 31/05/2017

Date Paid Payee Name Reference Amount Paid Authorized Ref Transaction Detail

15/05/2017 Southgate Garage 5181 112.32 March'16+April'17 17/05/2017 Trade UK Account 5184 10.55 Wireless Bell 22/05/2017 MRS Training & Rescue 5186 235.20 First Aid 08+09 May'17 22/05/2017 Hexia Web Services Ltd 5185 40.00 Website April+May'17 24/05/2017 Auditing Solutions Ltd 5189 504.00 Auditing Solutions Ltd 26/05/2017 Vistaprint VISA 15.58 Business Cards 26/05/2017 Amazon VISA 6.03 Stationery

Total Payments 18,361.50 Cyngor Cymuned PONTYCLUN Community Council

Planning executive summary

We have a number of planning requests to review

Other key points 1. Request to move footpath 341 from current route to one following the river. The proposed path is in fact the one used by most people but currently is not a footpath. 2. List attached of planning applications – see next page 3. We have investigated with One Voice wales how we could streamline our process for reviewing planning. The Council has in practice not reviewed/commented on small domestic applications. This is because we believe this is best left to local residents in the neighbourhood. However from the public viewpoint this is not transparent.

Also because of how we receive notice and timeliness of meetings we would often be too late to comment on most smaller applications.

We could however adopt the following as policy and publish this.

Pontyclun Community Council – planning application review

Pontyclun Community Council will normally only review and comment on planning applications if we receive a written request from a resident or Council Member.

A link to RCTs planning application pages and information on how to request a review will be published on the Council’s website

For Member awareness we will circulate members with details of local applications when received by the Council

Actions required by members  Approve planning requests  Consider and approve planning policy outlined above PONTYCLUN COMMUNITY COUNCIL COMMENTS ON PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR June 2017 MEETING


8 BRYN CREIGIAU, Extension to side of the house GROES-FAEN, 17/0526/10 PONTYCLUN, CF72 8RT GR 307157, 181185 FARM, Change of Use from Agricultural Office (Sui LLANTRISANT ROAD, Generis) to Office Use (B1) 17/0539/10 GROES-FAEN, PONTYCLUN, CF72 8NE GR305990, 180964 29 HEOL-YR-ORSAF, Ground floor side extension for disabled 17/0517/10 PONTYCLUN, CF72 9TY shower/toilet. GRe: 303456 n: 181369 9 CLUN AVENUE, Front first floor extension for bedroom, rear first 17/0519/10 PONTYCLUN, CF72 9AG floor extension for bathroom and bedroom 29 HEOL MISKIN, Single storey bathroom and utility room 17/0497/10 PONTYCLUN, CF72 9AJ extension to rear of dwelling HAFAN, LLANTRISANT Proposed single storey rear kitchen extension 17/0563/10 ROAD, GROES-FAEN, PONTYCLUN, CF72 8NQ 14 COWBRIDGE ROAD, Proposed enlarged rear two storey and single BRYNSADLER, storey rear extensions, with internal 17/0534/10 PONTYCLUN, CF72 9BT refurbishment and formation of new pedestrian and drive with access PONTYCLUN FUNERAL Retention of 3.4m wide x 1.2 m high illuminated SERVICES, CLUN sign fixed to facade of building. 17/0481/01 AVENUE, PONTYCLUN, CF72 9AG 19 PANT Y DDERWEN, Small extension to front 17/0602/10 , PONTYCLUN, CF72 8LY

Cyngor Cymuned PONTYCLUN Community Council

Public requests executive summary

We have received some requests from the public for consideration by the Council

Members should note

 There is no budget nor earmarked reserves available to support any of these requests during this financial year.  We should have some funds released from sale of the old public toilets which could be used to fund or use general reserve


1. Mid Glamorgan Bridge club have written to us asking for us (in conjunction with Community Centre) to consider getting a defibrillator.

Cost is about £1k plus VAT

Tesco does have a defibrillator for use by the community however the club are concerned that it might be too far away.

British Heart Foundation says - "The crucial determinant of survival is the interval between collapse and the use of the AED to deliver a shock...Under ideal circumstances, when used very soon after collapse (within two or three minutes) many can survive....The victim's chance of survival falls by around 7-10% with every minute that defibrillation in delayed"

I know the Tesco's is only around the corner but I very much doubt that someone from the Hall could get to Tesco's, shout some sort of explanation to the Tesco staff, find the defibrillator, get it off the wall and run back with it all in two or three minutes!”

It would also be sensible, given the number of elderly people who use the Hall, for training to be given to a number of key users; the British Heart Foundation has a training kit that could be used for this purpose and might well be supplied gratis

It may be that a contribution to the cost of the AED could be made by long term users of the Hall such as my club and Cafe 50; this is something I could discuss with my Committee if the Council is prepared to back this potentially life saving measure.

Options for consideration

 Agree to pay half, Community Centre to fund rest  Agree to pay half and seek funds from our Café 50 users to help pay  Decline as there is one in Tesco. Put up signs to advise this. Monitor to see if need arises and consider again then

2. Mrs Beryl Smith has written regarding Ivor Woods and new bridge. Essentially 3 issues a. Can we add a hand rail to steps up to new bridge b. She wants us to work on the paths to make it safer – as tree roots stick out c. She says Ivor Woods requires work to tidy up – eg fences broken d. In addition caretakers advise that 4 of the benches in Ivor Woods have reached the end of their useful lives and should be removed and in some cases replaced. e. Also there is scaffolding and timber left after the recent bridge building work.

Recommend that we do following

 Add a hand rail – pay out maintenance budget.  Clerk in discussion with firm who built bridge regarding options for remove of waste  Environment working group reviews the wood in totality and recommends what action if any be taken with fencing, paths and benches at our September/October meeting 3. We have had 2 requests over the last few months regarding replacing the bus shelter in Mwyndy. This was removed last year as the old wooden shelter was dangerous. a. Cost to replace is up to £5k depending on design and contractors used to build b. Removing the shelter has left a raised concrete plinth which could be a Health & safety hazard to passing pedestrians 4. Specific request, including by a Council member in our planning session for a Dog poo bin at bottom of Heol y Cefn y Hendy.

Recommend we defer 3 & 4 until funds are available from sale of Toilets.

Actions required by members

 Consider requests and actions to take

Cyngor Cymuned PONTYCLUN Community Council

Process for reviewing Council policies – executive summary

Adopted June 2017

We have a number of policies in place which require regular review. It appears that the process for doing this has not been as robust as it should

This process is designed to ensure that our policies are regularly reviewed without creating undue resourcing issues for the staff nor restrict Council meetings. Council Policies & procedures Council policies & procedures fall into 4 main categories and a list of the current policies is detailed. Over time additional policies will be developed and added to these lists.

 Principal operating instructions  Standing Orders  Financial Regulations  Code of Conduct  Complaints

These will be reviewed at the each year’s annual general meeting by the full Council

 Other policies effecting our interaction with the public  Welsh language policy  Social Media policy  Grants policy  Press policy  Health & Safety policy

These policies will be reviewed every other year by the full council at normal Council meetings spread over the 2 year cycle.

 Principal Internal policies  Grievance policy  Disciplinary policy  Internet & IT security policy  Equality & Diversity  Protocol, Roles and responsibilities in Councillor and Officer relations

These policies will be reviewed every other year by the Clerk with oversight from the full council at normal Council meetings spread over the 2 year cycle.  Other internal policies and administrative instructions. These policies and administrative instructions will be reviewed every 3 years by the Clerk with oversight from the relevant working group spread over the 3 year cycle.

Implementation To ensure smooth implementation of this policy it is accepted that as many policies have not been reviewed for some time and new policies may need to be written a different initial approach is required.

This may mean that review of policies may be delayed or brought forward to ensure that we minimise resourcing issues.

Principal operating instructions – these were fully reviewed at annual general meeting in May. No special action required.

Other policies for dealing with public. – these are to be reviewed by the Clerk by end Sept 2017.

 Those requiring minor or no update are to be updated and diarised for ongoing review without further reference at this time.  Where significant changes are required Clerk to update changes and diarise for full Council approval within 6m of the changes being implemented  Where no policy exists Clerk is to write one for adoption by Council before implementation.  An updated Welsh Language & Health & Safety policy are attached for adoption

Principal Internal policies - These are to be reviewed by the Clerk by end Dec 2017

 Those requiring minor or no update are to be updated and diarised for ongoing review without further reference at this time.  Where significant changes are required Clerk to update changes and diarise for Council oversight with noting papers within 6m of the changes  Where no policy exists Clerk is to write one for approval by the Council before implementation.

Other internal policies & administrative instructions – these are to be reviewed and updated or implemented over the next 12 months by the Clerk and diarised for normal 3 year review following that.

Action required

1. Agree policy/process above 2. Adopt Welsh language and Health & safety policies attached All residents of Pontyclun and correspondents with the Council have a right to deal with us in their language of choice. This policy sets out how we will aim to meet this commitment for the Welsh Language

Cyngor Cymuned PONTYCLUN Community Council Welsh Language Policy

Adopted June 2017 Contents Aims and Objectives of the Scheme ...... 2 Service Planning and Delivery...... 2 Delivery of Services...... 2 The Council's Public Image...... 3 Standards of Service in Welsh...... 4 Implementing and Monitoring the Scheme...... 4 Aims and Objectives of the Scheme

1. To progress purposefully and within available human and financial resources to a situation which will allow access to the services and democratic processes of the Council in the medium of the Welsh language. 2. The Council will, in the execution of this aim however, take full advantage of the provisions regarding circumstances and practicability contained in Section 5(2) of the Welsh Language Act 1993. 3. To ensure that no member of the public is denied the right to use their preferred language particularly with respect to written communications. 4. The Council will monitor the Scheme to ensure that these aims and objectives are achieved and standards maintained. 5. All administrative aspects of the implementation of this scheme will also be monitored.

Service Planning and Delivery

When the Council plans and formulates new policies or initiatives, it will assess the linguistic consequences to ensure that they meet the commitments given in this Scheme. In addition, new policies and initiatives will facilitate the use of the Welsh Language wherever possible and reasonably practicable within the meaning of the Act.

Current financial constraints do not permit the routine deployment of translation facilities for the Welsh Language in regards to policy documents and no need for such facilities have been experienced in recent times.

However should model policies be adopted which are provided to us in English and Welsh the Council will also publish the Welsh Version . Delivery of Services

 Council meetings These are, in general, open to the public as observers and contributors during a designated section of the meeting.

Current financial constraints do not permit the routine deployment of translation facilities for the Welsh Language and no need for such facilities have been experienced in recent times.

The Council does have a member who is fluent in Welsh and when present could translate public questions in Welsh for the Council

This, however, will be kept under review.  Public and Other Meetings

Given the current lack of staff who are fluent in the Welsh language and financial constraints, the offering of translation facilities at public and other meetings is not seen as a viable proposition within the foreseeable future.

 Dealing with the Welsh Speaking Public

Written Communications The public are welcome to deal with the Council in writing in either English or Welsh. Every letter received in Welsh will receive a signed reply in Welsh whenever a reply is required.

Telephone Communications Unfortunately, there is currently no Welsh speaking officer employed by the Council who would be able to deal with telephone enquiries in the medium of the Welsh language.

For the present, therefore, callers will be invited to write to the Council using their chosen language. Alternatively, the caller will be invited to continue in English.

 Cafe50

Notices for Cafe50 provided by the Council will be treated in the same way as any other material.

Groups using Cafe50 may provide bi-lingual materials if they wish though it is not required as they fall out of scope of our policy.

The Council's Public Image

The Council's name and address and other standard information used on its letter headings will be bilingual.

Publishing and Printing Materials for the Public Any publications which the Council might consider in the future, such as newsletters or information sheets, will wherever practical include a bilingual content.

Agendas and Minutes of Council meetings are currently provided in the English language. The cost of providing a Welsh Language version of minutes is considered to be prohibitive and beyond what can reasonably be imposed on the Council Tax payers.

Any new signage will be provided bilingually and existing signage will be replaced at the end of its useful life in a bilingual format. Advertising and Publicity

Statutory notices will be published in both languages in accordance with the Act.

Council Website & Social Media

Given the current lack of staff who are fluent in the Welsh language and financial constraints, the offering of these services in Welsh is not seen as a viable proposition within the foreseeable future.

However where possible materials will be published in English and Welsh. Any queries posted by the public on any Council Social Media sites will be treated as written materials above.

Standards of Service in Welsh The Council aims to apply the same high quality to all aspects of the administration and execution of the services that it delivers. Any reference to these standards in publications, posters, press statements or any other publicity material which might be used from time to time will adopt the same standards with respect to the use of the English and Welsh languages.

The Council will monitor these standards and their administration.

Implementing and Monitoring the Scheme

Staffing At present the Council has no Welsh speaking staff. This, to date, has not presented any difficulties. The Council will ensure that workplaces which have contact with the public seek appropriate access to Welsh speakers as is determined necessary in the light of evidenced demand.

The Council encourages to staff to learn Welsh and will give due regard to the need to speak Welsh when recruiting.

Staff will not, however, be pressurised to move post or engage in training in the Welsh language against their will simply because of any priorities reflected by this scheme.


The Council will, from time to time, review the range and quality of services provided in English and Welsh as part of its quest for good services generally.

This policy will be reviewed on a bi-annual basis. Working in a safe environment is vitally important for all people. This documents PCC policy on Health and Safety at work

Cyngor Cymuned PONTYCLUN Community Council Health and Safety policy statement Adopted Jun 2017 Contents PART A - GENERAL STATEMENT ...... 2 PART B - ORGANISATION...... 3 THE COUNCIL...... 3 THE CLERK ...... 3 ALL EMPLOYEES...... 3 PART C - ARRANGEMENTS ...... 4 SAFE SYSTEMS OF WORK ...... 4 ACCIDENTS...... 4 EQUIPMENT...... 4 STORAGE OF MATERIALS...... 4 RISK ASSESSMENTS ...... 4 INFORMATION ...... 5 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ...... 5 FIRST AID...... 5 CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH...... 5 FIRE ...... 6 Fire and Legislative Requirements:...... 6 Action in the event of a Fire:...... 6 Fire Equipment ...... 6 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ...... 7 WORKING AT HEIGHTS ...... 7 MANUAL HANDLING...... 7 ELECTRICITY ...... 7 TRAINING...... 7 PART A - GENERAL STATEMENT

It is the objective of the Community Council that employees and others be protected, so far as it is reasonably practicable, from risks to health and safety arising from work activities. This will be achieved by adopting a strategy that will include the provision of safe working systems and appropriate procedures to cater for all significant risks identified.

The responsibility for achieving and adhering to acceptable safe standards rests not only with the Community Council as an employer but also the employees, sub- contractors and suppliers of materials to be used at work.

The Community Council will provide and maintain safe and healthy conditions, equipment for all employees and provide such information, training and supervision as is necessary. The successful implementation of this policy is dependent upon the complete and whole hearted co-operation of management and employees alike.

The Community Council expects every employee to take reasonable care of the health and safety of him/herself and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions; to co-operate with the Community Council in achieving safe working conditions and on complying with all relevant statutory provisions.

The policy will be monitored by making regular site inspections and periodic safety audits. This statement of Policy will be reviewed as appropriate to take account of changes in circumstances or in legal requirements.

References to statutes should be read to include these acts and subsequent updates and replacements

Signed: …………………………………… Date: …………………………………

Paul Griffiths Chairman PART B - ORGANISATION

THE COUNCIL The Council has overall and final responsibility for health and safety and the implementation of the policy.

The Council is responsible for:-  appointing someone (the Clerk) to be responsible for health and safety  establishing an effective policy on health and safety and seeing the law is complied with  continuous appraisal of the policy  ensure consultation takes place with employees  demonstrating personal involvement and support and setting a personal example of safe behaviour  ensuring the policy is reviewed as necessary.

THE CLERK The Clerk is responsible for:-  ensuring the health and safety policy is complied with and safe systems of work are prepared  monitoring performance of health and safety matters  ensuring safety objectives are being reviewed  setting a personal example of safe behaviour

ALL EMPLOYEES It is the responsibility of every employee to ensure the health and safety of themselves and others by:-  making themselves familiar with all safe systems of work applicable to their employment roles  wearing and using safety clothing and equipment provided  conforming with both verbal and written instruction concerning health and safety  reporting all hazards; potential hazards or persons creating hazards  reporting all incidents, whether persons are injured or not  co-operating with the employer in ensuring that Regulations are observed and where possible, making suggestions for their improvement. PART C - ARRANGEMENTS

SAFE SYSTEMS OF WORK All safe systems of work will be prepared to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of employees and others who may be effected by the Community Council’s activities. Safe systems of work will be brought to the attention of all employees.

ACCIDENTS All accidents will be investigated at the earliest opportunity to establish what caused the accident. All accidents no matter how minor will be reported in the Accident Book.

The Community Council will ensure that the requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) are met.

EQUIPMENT Equipment being used will be suitable for the purpose for which it was obtained and comply with the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. It will be inspected and maintained by competent people to the standards necessary to try to eliminate failures that may give rise to personal injuries or ill health.

STORAGE OF MATERIALS Materials will be stored so that they are maintained in a proper condition and to allow safe replacement and retrieval.

RISK ASSESSMENTS Risk assessments will be carried out for all workplace activities in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992. These assessments will highlight working hazards and any preventative or control measures needed to reduce these hazards. These risk assessments will be recorded and documented.

The Office staff will complete risk assessments for manual handling and Display Screen equipment bi-annually or when significant changes happen. The caretakers have a specific risk assessment regime for their activities.

Other risk assessments under specific legislation will be carried out. INFORMATION Employees will either be provided with or have access to all information necessary for them to undertake their duties with proper regard for the safety and health of others.

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Where it is not possible to eliminate hazards to the individual by any other reasonable practicable means, then employees will be issued with personal protective equipment. Where this has been issued it shall be properly used whenever the employee is at risk from the hazards for which it has been provided. Examples of personal protective equipment are:-  Eye Protection  Safety Shoe/Boots  Protective Clothing  Hand Protection All personal protective equipment will be in accordance with the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992.

FIRST AID The Community Council will comply with the First Aid at Work Regulations 1981 by ensuring that adequate number of first aiders are available and that adequate first aid equipment is present. First aiders will be trained to the appropriate standard and will only be allowed to practice first aid when the appropriate certificate has been issued.

CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH The requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 1994 will be met. Information will be obtained on products, assessments made of those products and information given to employees with regard to health and safety when using the product. FIRE Fire and Legislative Requirements: The Community Council will comply with the legal requirements laid down by the Fire Precautions Act 1971, Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 and subsequent legislation concerning fire safety in buildings, evacuation procedures, etc.

Action in the event of a Fire: In the event of a fire, the safety of employees and others is the first priority, followed by the containment of the fire. The action to be taken by employees in the event of fire and the arrangements for fire evacuation will be laid down by displaying notices within the building. They will be kept up to date and brought to the attention of all concerned. A fire evacuation drill will take place on a regular basis. Designated fire officers will be trained to help evacuate people from the building, take roll calls, etc. and tackle small outbreaks of fire by using fire extinguishers.

Fire Equipment The Community Council will provide and maintain a range of portable fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting equipment in order to minimise losses due to fire. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING A clean and tidy workplace is the basis of safety and health at work, in which everyone has a vital part to play. It is essential to follow the arrangements for:-  proper storage of clothing, tools, material and equipment  articles not in immediate use to be placed in proper storage, to keep floor/ground area clear  storage and disposal of waste  maintenance of a first-aid facility The presence of rats, mice, cockroaches, etc., must be reported immediately. Suggestions for improvement to safety, health and welfare are very much encouraged and should be made in the first instance to the Clerk.

WORKING AT HEIGHTS Arrangements will be made for the safety of employees required to work off the ground. This includes the means of access and egress as well as protection against falls.

MANUAL HANDLING An assessment of all Manual Handling tasks will be carried out in accordance with the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992.

ELECTRICITY All portable and stationary electrical equipment will be maintained regularly and regularly tested and inspected to ensure it remains in a safe condition. The requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 will be met.

TRAINING The Community Council will ensure that training needs of employees are identified and they receive suitable training to ensure their own health and safety and the safety of others.

All Office staff will be required to complete reading on the following topics on an annual basis  Manual handling  Display Screen equipment  Lone working

The caretaking staff have specific additional relevant training provided by outside providers with a formalised renewal scheme.

Pontyclun Community Council - Action log Members meeting initiated Who is Expected Reference Date initiated Action Current status Comments responsible completion

Caretaker to repair slope on land next to Caretaker reviewing options. Replacement steps for Footbridge is MM509 Apr-17 Cenotaph by way of banked path using mesh for Caretaker Sep Open Active priority so after this stability As we are a LA we have to have a licence. PRS licence is £1.50 per keep fit class and £2.50 per other group meeting using music. In MM520 May-17 Clerk June Open Active Clerk to ascertain requirements for performance addition we need a PRL licence which will be similar cost. They are licence to replace TV licence and report. looking at merging licences in future. group to review Cafe50 contract before MM528 May-17 renegotiation clerk june Open Active Awaiting Admin group meeting Clerk to draft initial questions on Parking MM517 May-17 Consultation and members to share with the Clerk June Open pending Awaiting Working group public Chair set up. Cost is £18 a year. Note using personal e-mails for MM526 May-17 Council agreed to create new e-mail and review clerk June Open pending Council business could be picked up under freedom of information options for other councillors to have same requests Clerk to draft appropriate policy & “terms of use” MM530 May-17 for future use of pontyclun park clerk june Open pending Attached plus Café 50 Cyngor Cymuned Pontyclun Community Council

Policy on allowing use of Pontyclun Park Policy adopted June 2017


The Community Council regularly receives requests from organisations to use Pontyclun Park or display a banner on the fence around the Park

PCC has restrictions in the lease we have over the park and we will only allow the following


 Banners will only be allowed for local voluntary groups/events and Charities.  Permission will be granted for a maximum 4 weeks  No more than 1 banner at a time will be displayed and RCT Highways dept advised accordingly  The Council does not charge for the permission though organisations may make a donation should they wish.

Use of the Park

 The use of the park will only be granted for events organised by local groups and Charities.  Priority of use for the field is for the Primary school so referral will be made with them to ensure no clash of use  No more than 1 event at a time to be booked.  Use of the Park will be subject to standard conditions including o No vehicles to be taken onto the Park without specific permission o No stalls to be put up on the running track o The park is to be returned to the Council in the same condition as received in. Users who misuse the park causing damage or leaving it in a mess will be charged the costs to make good. o In the event of periods of bad weather further restrictions may apply  The Council does not charge for the permission though organisations may make a donation should they wish. Cyngor Cymuned Pontyclun Community Council

Conditions of use of Pontyclun Park


Date of Event

Park User

General Conditions

 Users will conduct themselves so to try not to disturb local residents in the vicinity of Pontyclun Park  No motorised vehicles are allowed onto the park without prior express permission from the Council  No stalls to be set up on the designated running area  The Park is to be returned to the Council in similar condition to which it was received.  Any costs incurred by the Council repairing damage caused at or by your event or cleaning rubbish left after the event will be billed to you for payment.

Specific Conditions for your event Cyngor Cymuned PONTYCLUN Community Council

Conditions of use of Cafe50


Purpose of use

Date of Use

General Conditions

 To allow for the smooth administration and running of Cafe50 users must respect the times that they have booked.  Users will conduct themselves so as not to disturb local residents in the vicinity of Cafe50  Café50 is not to be used for sale of Alcohol  Users must hold relevant licences to play copyright music on the premises.  Cafe50 is to be returned to the Council in similar condition to which it was received.  Any costs incurred by the Council repairing damage caused by users or additional cleaning up after your use will be billed to you for payment.  Users with bookings that end after 6pm or at any times at the weekend should use the Cafe50 Entry/Exit checklist to ensure the premises are left in a secure manner.  Users who have had keys and /or access codes should not share them with anyone without prior Council Permission  All groups using the facility should have a designated Fire Marshall to be responsible for the group in the event of a fire or fire test. The Council will give guidance to them on actions to be taken.

Specific Conditions for your event

Groups to get

Cafe50 Entry/Exit checklist

Cafe50 Fire Marshall Guidance Cyngor Cymuned PONTYCLUN Community Council

Place plan actions executive summary

The Council wishes to progress actions in its place plan in a systematic way to ensure all working groups have actions which are fairly distributed and prioritised.

Members should note

 We discussed Mission statement & key strategies at plan meeting. They need formal sign off  Working group remits updated to reflect current position  Chair had circulated high level outline Place plan  We will aim for each working group to be working on up to o 3 quick wins o 2 longer term projects in our control o 1 longer term strategic influencing action  There will then be a further pool of projects for consideration and action which will be added to the active work when capacity allows  There is guarantee that a project in action will come to fruition. It may be that after careful consideration it will not be followed through and be dropped permanently or returned to the project pool for consideration again later

Other key points/actions

1. We had a suggestion for a sign in Groesfaen to signpost the Playground – cost less than £50 2. We had a suggestion to put WiFi into café 50 – Cost less than £30 3. Paul has been in correspondence with Ken Skates regarding the Pencoed Transport corridor. Copies are attached and we ask Council to confirm he can continue with correspondence and request copy of report 4. Admin group a. Quick wins – only 3 so work on all i. Better promotion of Council activities via website/social media ii. Engage young people via School councils/Youth forum iii. Get young people supporting older at Café 50 IT club b. Longer term our control– only 1 i. Consider youth club at café 50 c. Longer term – influencing – no projects available 5. Economy group a. Quick wins – only 2 so work on all i. Late night opening in run up to Christmas ii. Walking festival Spring/Summer 2018 – in conjunction with nearby CCs and RCT b. Longer term our control– select 2 from 3 i. Parking issues ii. Walks leaflets for area iii. Better promotion of “Why come to Pontyclun?” iv. c. Longer term – influencing select 1 from 4 i. Additional Cycle routes ii. Maximise benefits from Metro iii. High Wire Course in woods iv. Zebra Crossing in Groesfaen 6. Environment group a. Quick wins – only 2 so work on all i. Arrange Litter picking volunteer groups ii. Additional litter bins funded by sponsorships b. Longer term our control– select 2 from 5 i. Improve Pontyclun park ii. Litter bins iii. Wales in Bloom entry iv. Rewilding grass verges/planning trees v. Seating along high street c. Longer term – influencing select 1 from 3 i. Open woodlands to public/ bring into Pontyclun Community Council management ii. Bring Cefn y Hendy wild patch into Pontyclun Community Council management iii. Play area in Heol yr Orsaf 7. Social & Cultural group a. Quick wins – select 3 from 5 i. Create co-ordinated events diary for the area and publish/maintain ii. Event for national Play day (2 Aug 2017) iii. Arrange Safe street play/street party events iv. Themed week leading up to Armistice day (Battles over) v. Bring back Photography Competition b. Longer term our control– select 2 from 4 i. Develop Museum of Pontyclun at library ii. Arranged more themes events/festivals iii. Family Cycling day iv. Festival to celebrate Pontyclun Anniversary c. Longer term – influencing none suggested so could pick up one from other groups or pick up extra within our control

Actions required

 Approve Mission statement & Key strategies  Approve Working group remits  Confirm re correspondence on Pencoed corridor  Agree next step actions on high level outline plan  Agree which working group actions we start progressing now

Pontyclun Community Council has 4 working groups to help review and develop policies. This document describes their remit

Cyngor Cymuned PONTYCLUN

Community Council Working group terms of reference

Adopted June 2017

Contents Mission Statement ...... 2 Key Strategies of the Council ...... 2 Working group terms of reference ...... 3 Administration ...... 3 Economy ...... 3 Environment...... 4 Social and Cultural Activities ...... 4 Membership of working groups ...... 5 Meeting timetables ...... 5 Delegated Powers ...... 6 Café 50 steering group ...... 6

Mission Statement

Pontyclun Community Council will work with residents and their organisations to ensure an active, lively and successful future for the communities of Pontyclun.

Key Strategies of the Council

1. Pontyclun Community Council will foster and support community engagement and ensure that the actions of the Council are transparent and accountable

2. Pontyclun Community Council will administer the Council and its activities to ensure that residents get good value from the Council

3. Pontyclun Community Council will take action with other agencies to improve the economic well-being of the residents, community, services and businesses

4. Pontyclun Community Council will take action to work with other organisations to improve the physical environment of the community

5. Pontyclun Community Council will promote the well-being of the residents and develop initiatives that will foster community cohesion and social inclusion through social and cultural activities

The Council has created 4 working groups responsible for delivering on these objectives. . All the working groups are ‘advisory committees’. They work to prepare reports and recommendations for consideration by the council..

The council may delegate responsibility for decision taking by a working group only on the basis of a specific resolution for a specified matter.

Working group terms of reference

Administration The Administration working group provides councillors with the opportunity to discuss, investigate options and provide recommendations based on information and evidence regarding the governance and management of the community council and development of its services.

It will give consideration to advice on:  the governance of the Community Council;  the preparation of a Place Plan  Community Engagement including the Involvement of Young People in the work of the Community Council by using their School Councils, co-opting onto Community Council and the development of a Youth Forums  Oversight of the administration, human resource management and financial management of the Community Council;  the preparation of draft budgets for consideration by the Council  Quality Assurance and Wellbeing of the future  The relationship with the Community Centre Management Committee  Public relations including relationships with RCT Council, Welsh Government, the Local Health Board, neighbouring community councils and all other agencies which impact on the community of Pontyclun  Oversight of asset management including assets such the council offices, Café 50 and the public toilets.  projects that do not fall under the remit of any other working group;  any other matter it considers relevant to the strategic objective.

Economy The Economic working group provides councillors with the opportunity to discuss, investigate options and provide recommendations based on information and evidence regarding the economic well-being of the residents, community, services and businesses of the Community of Pontyclun and development of the Council’s services to support this.

It will give consideration to advice on:  The means of making the village centre more attractive and conducive to successful business  Supporting business networks  Signposting to business grants  Promoting Pontyclun to tourists, visitors, businesses and shoppers.  Improving parking and traffic management in Pontyclun Community area especially the centre of Pontyclun and Groesfaen  Promoting use of footpaths and cycle ways  Improving Public Transport the Station and rail links  Crime prevention initiatives  Maximising benefits of the SEW Metro system to our area  Any other matter it considers relevant to the strategic objective

Environment The Environment working group provides councillors with the opportunity to discuss, investigate options and provide recommendations based on information and evidence regarding the physical environment of the Community of Pontyclun and development of the Council’s services to support this.

It will give consideration to advice on:  The management and development of Pontyclun Park including its community gardens  The management of Ivor Woods, grass verges and public footpaths  The potential for a Community Council role in the management and ownership of Cefn y Hendy and Coed y Hendy  Flower tubs, hanging baskets and the greening of public spaces  Provision of seating in village centre and elsewhere  Work with local residents and groups to control litter and make other improvements  River cleanliness  Dog fouling  Local woodlands and grass verges under Council management  Any other matter it considers relevant to the strategic objective

Social and Cultural Activities The Environment working group provides councillors with the opportunity to discuss, investigate options and provide recommendations based on information and evidence regarding initiatives that will foster community cohesion and social inclusion through social and cultural activities and development of the Council’s services to support this.

It will give consideration to advice on:  The celebration promotion and support of community groups including those relating to social, cultural and sporting activity  The management, development and promotion of Café 50  The provision of the Christmas lights and a Festival associated with the Christmas lights  Signposting to advice on welfare benefits and debt management  The celebration and development of local talent  Development of a co-ordinated Community events calendar through the year. In partnership with other local groups deliver a broad and varied schedule of events.  Working with RCT Council on a shared strategy for the provision and development of play areas and facilities.  Any other matter it considers relevant to the strategic objective

Membership of working groups

Each working group will consist of at least 5 members with 3 required as a quorum for meetings.

In addition all other Members of the Council are invited and may attend all Working Group Meetings.

The Convener of each Working Group is responsible for ensuring public notices of all formal meetings is displayed (in similar timescales as full Council meetings)–

 On Council notice boards  on the Community Website  Pontyclun Library

The notice must include the time place of the intended meeting and also specify the business to be transacted.

Due consideration must be given when convening a meeting to ensure a balance between day and evening is achieved.

Following any working groups meeting a report, with any recommendations, will be presented to the full Council and published on the Council’s website.

In addition the members of the working groups may meet at other times to progress individual projects possibly in conjunction with third parties.

Meeting timetables

Working groups will hold at least 2 formal meetings a year approximately 6 months apart.

Group Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Council Admin Economy Environ Social

Delegated Powers

The Council may decide to delegate specific powers for specified matters to working groups. Café 50 steering group This group is a semi informal collaboration between the various stakeholders in our Café 50 operation.

It meets twice a year to discuss developing the services of Café 50 and addressing issues of mutual interest

Attendance is by invitation and meetings are not open to the public

Plans for our Community Council

We have been elected for 5 years and in order to make a difference we need to plan ahead and work with residents to identify what we should aim to achieve.

I think we need:

 A Place Plan  A Council Strategic Plan supported by working groups  Quarterly operational plans

A Place Plan

This a new concept offered by the Welsh Government which allows a Community Council to set out a vision for the future of its community in ways which can inform actions by the Council and other bodies whilst also being a material consideration in land use planning.

The Pontyclun Place Plan may include

- A Brief History

- Contemporary land use maps and photographs

- A contemporary profile  Population  Age profiles  Socio-economic data  Occupational data  Educational attainment  Profile of local businesses  Profile of local employment  Travel to work data  Modes of transport  Local housing provision  Local health provision  Local educational provision  Profile of young people’s local groups and associations  Profile of older people’s local groups and associations  Profile of opportunities for sport and active life style  Profile of local open spaces, rivers and footpaths

Issues for the next 5 years and beyond

Improving Connectivity

Reducing Traffic congestion

Option appraisal

 New roads  New motorway junction  Moving some school places out of village centre  Investment in A4119  More walking and cycle routes  More attractive rail provision  More attractive bus provision  Squeezing 20,000 more commuters through Groes Faen and on to A4119

More attractive rail provision

 More Trains and carriages on main line  Creigiau line?  More railway parking More Parking

 20 extra spaces at old public toilets  200 extra spaces at the station  Where else?

A Vibrant Place to Live and Work

Improving local economy

 Improving parking  Improving street scene – flowers and street furniture  Attracting visitors – Pontyclun Park, local walks, cycle rides, horse riding, cafes and restaurants  Attracting investment in quality office accommodation  Doing without warehousing and logistics – Oriel, Wella, Crabtree and Evelyn, Blackmore  Attracting higher value manufacturing

A Future for the Sainsbury site

What if Sainsbury re-market this site along with the so-called ‘new town’. What tis the local vision for this site?

Future Housing

If we successfully oppose the Cefn yr Hendy proposal, what are the unmet local needs for housing? How and where would they best be met? Future Schools

If Pontyclun Primary is too big for its location, where should investment in new places take place.

Future Health Care

If School Street surgery is inadequate for growing demand how do we make the case for further investment? What should be the character of that investment?

Future Environment

A commitment to market better and manage the environmental assets which are in Pontyclun

 Our public rights of way  Our riverside walks  Ivor Woods  Cefn yr Hendy open space  Coed yr Hendy  Ely cycle path and link to

A Future for Younger People

 What does the child care sufficiency audit tell us about child care service in Pontyclun  How could social opportunities for children and families be expanded  How could play areas be improved  What support do adolescents want – if any?

A Future for Older People

 How do we build on the successful innovations of Café 50, U3A, Older person’s forum  How do we reach the hard to reach – those too lonely to have the confidence to join Community Council Strategic Plan

Once the Place Plan has been developed through consultation with local residents we need to identify a 5 year strategy for action by the Community Council in support of that Place Plan

A Lobbying and Public Relation Strategy

How do we use the Place Plan to maximise our influence

 RCT Professionals: planning, highways, education, social services, leisure  RCT political leadership  Assembly Members  Welsh Government Ministers  Civil servants  Network Rail  MP’s and Department of Transport

Developing Social Infra-structure

 Developing Café 50  Working with Community Centre Management Committee  Working with local Library and U3A  Working with Rugby Club, Football Club, Cricket Club, Athletic Club and local pubs  Developing youth facilities Developing Environmental Infrastructure

 Marketing Public Rights of Way – local walks leaflets, attracting walking groups  Ivor Woods Management Plan  Taking back Ely Riverside walk  Taking ownership with financial transfers for Cefn yr Hendy Open Space and Coed yr Hendy

Supporting Local Businesses

 Developing street scene  Provide Christmas Lights and attracting visitors  Marketing Pontyclun