Minutes of Great Busby Parish Meeting 16 June 2016 Present: Nicola Hugill (Chair), Peter Smith, Anna Power, Jim Hall, Jane Davie

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Minutes of Great Busby Parish Meeting 16 June 2016 Present: Nicola Hugill (Chair), Peter Smith, Anna Power, Jim Hall, Jane Davie Minutes of Great Busby Parish Meeting 16 June 2016 Present: Nicola Hugill (Chair), Peter Smith, Anna Power, Jim Hall, Jane Davies (Clerk), Ruth Ratcliffe, Jonathan Ratcliffe, Peter Davis. Cllr David Hugill (Hambleton DC) attended the meeting. Mike Weighell also attended from Kirkby in Cleveland Parish Council together with Darren McLaney from Dromonby. Apologies: Tom Power, Joanne Stockdale 1. Election of officers for 2016/17. Nicola Hugill was elected as Chair (proposed by Jim Hall and seconded by Anna Power). Jane Davies was elected as Clerk (proposed by Peter Smith and seconded by Peter Davis) 2. The Minutes of the 31 March 2016 meeting were signed as a correct record. 3. Matters arising from the last meeting not dealt with as separate items: JD had attended the Parish Training event at the National Park. We were told about work that was starting on a new Local Plan for the National Park. All parishes would be consulted about this in due course. Mark Harbottle at Hambleton DC had responded to a Parish email about the uncertainty surrounding Mr Jones’ proposals at Dromonby. Mr Harbottle said that he could not provide details because pre-application discussions were confidential but he could confirm that there had been no discussion about any proposed development within Great Busby parish. Great Busby would be consulted if and when an application was submitted. Mike Weighell confirmed that the hedge along Busby Lane had been re-instated although gatepost footings were still there. The Council were aware of the new kerb edging that had been put in at the field entrance next to the ‘Rosie’s Ranch’ access. Peter Smith had contacted NYCC Highways about the passing places on the single track road and would now contact Mr Jones (whose land they were on) to see whether he would be interested in helping to make some improvements. There had been an email from NYCC Highways saying that the roads around Busby Grange Farm were not included in the current re-surfacing programme and would be in competition with many other stretches of road for future programmes. JD would respond saying this was disappointing and the potholes at the top of the single track road were in need of urgent attention. Parking on the village green – residents were asked to be aware that there were Northumbria Water stop taps at the back of the green and to avoid parking on the covers. 4. Broadband. Jim Hall had contacted Superfast North Yorkshire (who are responsible for the roll out of broadband through BT OpenReach) to ask about improving broadband speeds for Great Busby. The problem was the distance from the high speed fibre connection at the green junction cabinet in Kirkby. Superfast North Yorkshire were currently in Phase 2 of their programme which would be completed by the end of June 2017 and extending the high speed fibre connection to Busby was not included in Phase 2. Phase 3 is currently out to tender so it is not yet known whether it will be included in Phase 3. Jim had also contacted the BT Community Fibre Partnership who organise upgrades paid for by communities. They said that upgrading often costs in excess of £25,000 per community. After some discussion Jim agreed to look further into the options for wireless broadband (I love Broadband). The signal from Springboard in Stokesley is transmitted to Whorl Hill, Parish Crayke and Viewley Hill already and David Hugill thought this was likely to be the best way forward for Busby. Satellite broadband was generally thought to be unpredictable. 5. Parish meeting website. There is now a (one page) Parish Meeting website with links to Agendas and Minutes of meetings at www.spanglefish.com/greatbusby. It will take a few weeks before Google and other search engines pick it up on searches for ‘Great Busby’. 6. Rosie’s Ranch planning application. This would be heard at Hambleton’s Planning Committee on 23 June. The planning officers’ report to Committee had been published and recommended refusal. Nicola Hugill would speak on behalf of the Parish at the Committee meeting and Tom and Anna Power were also hoping to attend. The Committee would visit the site on 19 June and it was agreed that Jim Hall would be there as the Parish Meeting representative. 7. Planning application for annex at Chestnut Farm. There were no specific comments on the application and it was agreed that the Parish Meeting should send in a response in support. 8. Planning application for conversion of garage and extensions at South View Farm. It was agreed that the Parish Meeting should support the application as the alterations would enable Mr Noble’s son to be cared for at home. 9. Dates for future meetings. Although meetings would be called as needed to deal with specific issues, it was agreed that we should aim to have four meetings a year. Dates for 2016/17 (all on the first Thursday of the month at 7.30pm at Carlton Village Hall) are 1 September 2016,1 December 2016, 2 March 2017 and 1 June 2017. 10. AOB Green Waste collection – David Hugill mentioned that there was a proposal that in future residents would need to ‘opt in’ to green bin collections which would no longer be part of Hambleton’s standard waste collection. Footbridge near Bagdale Farm – The footbridge which had collapsed during the winter months had now been removed which meant that there is no longer a through route on the footpath between Busby and Carlton in Cleveland. JD would raise this with NYCC who are responsible for the footpath, copying in Linda Scarlett, the Clerk at Carlton. Derelict buildings at Busby Grange Farm – the question of whether anything was happening about the derelict buildings and the general state of this part of Busby was raised. It was understood that the planning department’s enforcement team was looking into it and David Hugill confirmed that senior officers at the Council were aware of the community’s concerns. There was also a brief discussion about the fracking proposal at Kirkby Misperton. Signed as a correct record of the meeting: .
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