Winslow Parish News February 2021

1. Table of Contents 2. Table of Contents continued 3. Church Calendar 4. Winslow Benefice Mothers Union 5. Christian Fellowship & Tabernacle Adverts 6. St Laurence Church & St Albans RC Adverts 7. Winslow C of E School 8. Winslow C of E School – The Star Polisher 9. Winslow Town Council 10. Winslow WI Early Birds 11. Winslow WI 12. Rotary 13. Police Notice – Beware of Scammers…. 14. Big Society – Getting out and about 15. Big Society & Notices 16. Breathe Easy 17. Winslow & District Community Bus 18. Royal British Legion 19. Royal British Legion 20. Winslow & District Gardening Society 21. Rev’d Mark’s Gardening page – Snowdrops in Spring 22. Rev’d Mark’s Gardening page – Jobs for February 23. A Gardeners Hymn 24. Spotlight on Alex Stanyer MBE 25. Spotlight on Alex Stanyer MBE 26. Spotlight on Alex Stanyer MBE 27. Spotlight on Alex Stanyer MBE 28. Spotlight on Alex Stanyer MBE 29. Poem – May 1915 30. Winslow History – O – the Old Crown 31. Winslow History – P - The Plough 32. Wordsearch 33. Karl’s Quiz 34. Recipe – Parmesan Spring Chicken 35. Recipe - Vegan Chocolate Pudding 36. Winslow Players 37. Winslow and District Art Society (WADAS) 1

38. Winslow in Bloom 39. Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity 40. Winslow Wheelers Cycle Club 41. Winslow Wheelers Cycle Club 42. Useful Information Pages 43. Useful Information Pages 44. Useful Information Pages 45. Useful Information Pages Dear Reader

We are pleased to bring you an electronic version of Winslow Parish News again. We have had to make the necessary decision to make February and March’s copy electronic to protect our fabulous volunteers who usually deliver your magazine each month, to respect the government guidance in relation to necessary journeys only and wanting to keep our community safe. We thank you for your continued support and understanding and hope to be back in print once again soon.

In the meanwhile please if you are a subscriber to WPN please do email me at [email protected] and I will ensure you get your monthly magazine emailed to you as soon as it is ready. The good news with an electronic version is we can accept copy almost up to the date of ‘print’. Also we have an exciting new element and Andrew has recorded his monthly message to us and you can listen to it by clicking here. It is saved to the church YouTube channel here, and here you can see any of our series, Faith Talks, Little Acorns, Assemblies and Middayish Prayer and so much more – dip in and have a look.

Finally, I would love to publish some of your inspirational stories and thankyous to those who have made a difference to you, please do send them to us at [email protected] Keep safe Katy & the WPN team


Church Calendar

Rev’d Andrews monthly message is in the attached video for you to enjoy or press here.


Winslow Benefice Mothers’ Union

The Worldwide Mothers’ Union is about ending violence, ending poverty, ending injustice. These are great aims which can start in small ways as we can all begin with what we see around us every day. Sometimes it is worth remembering what our membership is all about. The happy Ugandan members pictured are wearing dresses displaying the MU logo; it is common for African members to wear some kind of MU uniform, two members joined us from there a few years ago and we all admired their uniforms which were blue dresses with the MU logo on the top. However, as a Mothers’ Union member, (uniform or not!) you can “Strengthen communities all over the world, Help the most disadvantaged at home, Shape how we advocate for the rights of families, Build supportive, loving relationships and Develop your own relationship with God”. (quotation from MU Website) The current MU badge also celebrates the worldwide aspect of MU When we meet together whether as a face-to- face group or through our personal or joint prayer we aim to share the love of Christ, nurture our own families, and reach out to others. Getting alongside those in need in both big and small ways is what Christianity is about; the Aims and Objectives of Mothers’ Union are clearly in step with this…. Not only are members in some areas able to sew masks for key workers, but MU has also secured funding to provide activity hampers, experience days and short breaks for Key Workers and their families. We all wish to thank those who have made sacrifices of quality family time to support others during these difficult days. Locally we are sadly still unable to meet and look forward to a time when “lockdown” really will end, and we can see each other properly again. Currently hope (with help of a little technology!) seems to be the only light at the end of the tunnel! We are still able to contact one another by email and telephone, I hope my next round of calls will still find members as well as possible because, despite the pandemic, we still hope to share God’s love. AB



First Saturday of the Month: Vigil Mass at 6pm StOtherOther Laurence WeekendsWeekends is closed for ofof publicthethe Month:Month: worship, SundaysSundaysSt Alban’s therefore atat 11:45am11:45am has no servicesNoNo or Weekday Weekdayconfessions. MassMass Parishioners forfor thethe need timetime to view beingbeing the St Alban’s website and newsletter for full details. First Saturday of the Month: 5.30pm and at any time by appointment


January 2021 Snapshot from Winslow Church of England School

I think many of us find the darker days of January and February difficult to cope with! Watching ‘Winterwatch’ earlier this week, I was struck by the colour the presenter was able to find in otherwise gloomy surroundings, which he said lifted his spirits.

You will all know our vision at Winslow Church of England School is ‘Let your light shine’. The pure white light is refracted into many colours and I’m conscious that in this lockdown, our light might be shining in different ways, different colours if you like, than when we are all in school. But, our focus continues to be in supporting our pupils and families to the best of our ability. One member of staff shared a wonderful poem, which sums up beautifully why so many teachers love their job: Please read the beautiful poem on the next page……

We are star polishers, committed to doing all we can so that they are

‘the brightest, shiniest stars in the sky’

Helping them to shine their lights as brightly, so that the world is a better place because of them.

Cazz Colmer, Head Teacher Winslow Church of England School




28 High Street, Winslow, MK18 3HF - Tel 01296 712448 Email - [email protected]

Winslow Farmers Market

The Farmers Market continues to operate and will be in the Market Square every first Sunday of the month from 10am until 1.00pm. during lockdown.

It is however on a limited scale to ensure that we adhere to government guidelines. The layout is also different to ensure the market is safe.

Do come along to visit many of the usual traders who will welcome your support in these difficult times but we do ask that you observe all the current safety guidelines and observe social distancing. Stewards will be on hand to ensure that numbers on the square are limited so please wait for their guidance when entering the market from the High St. and please only enter and leave at the marked entrance and exit.

We hope that before long the market will be back to normal but in the meantime look forward to welcoming you in this transition period.

Town Council Services during the pandemic

While the office is closed to the public during lockdown and staff will work from home much of the time we continue to operate all services. Please leave a message on the answerphone (but allow time for the message to be picked up before we can respond) or if possible send an email as above. 9

Winslow Early Birds WI

By the time you read this dark January will be over and we can hope that slightly longer days will help us all to feel a little more cheerful.

Our January Speakers via zoom were Rachel and Emily, Engineers from Durham University; Emily is a Mechanical Engineer and Rachel an Aeronautical Engineer.

This month (Tuesday 17th February at 10 am) there will be an entirely different focus – and a chance to do virtual travel to the Artic.

As I have said before - amazing what you learn about when you are part of WI!

Members don’t forget to get your patchwork flowers to us before 1st March. We don’t know when our craft group will be able to join them up into a cloth (or cloths) but it will be done. Remember to include your name as we will produce a list of all those who contributed to form part of our archive documents going forward.

We meet every third Tuesday of the month at 10 am either via Zoom or in The Public Hall. We hope to see as many of you as possible at our virtual meetings - if you want to come along but don’t know how just ask and one of us will be more than happy to help. For further details contact Sue Pearson, the secretary by telephone 01296714775 or email [email protected]


A Big thank you to all who entered Karl's Bakery Hamper raffle. The Luxury Hamper was won by Mrs H Hobbs, East Claydon ticket 65. A cheque for £215.00 was sent to Cancer Research UK. Happy New year to you all.

Regards Karl and team


Winslow WI

Before Christmas we were pleased to be able to send a large car boot full of presents for the women and children at Women’s Refuge. We support the refuge regularly, and are all aware that this year has seen an increase in demand as the numbers of those affected by domestic abuse has risen. The gifts were gratefully received and we hope they helped a little.

Our January speaker was Lacey Bonham from the Pace Centre in Aylesbury who told us about their work to transform the lives of children and young people with motor disorders, such as cerebral palsy. Pace is a ground- breaking charity that supports children from a few weeks old, working with families and other agencies and providing outstanding therapy and education. She shared a video of their work, discussed how they are funded and then talked about the many ways in which the community can support them.

As well as our monthly meetings, some of our Interest Groups are thriving online. The 2 book groups, discussion group, games group and photography group meet each month – something to put in the diary! Walking and craft groups have been temporarily suspended but will resume as soon as it is safe and the gardening group has plans ready and waiting to resume visits to gardens as soon as possible.

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 3rd February at 7.30pm, when we are very pleased to be welcoming Ginny Davies who is presenting a talk called ‘Mad Englishwoman, Three Dogs and the Midday Sun’. In 2012 Ginny had a life- changing encounter with three dogs on the Greek island of Crete. This informative and entertaining talk describes how the meeting came about and what happened after that. This is not just a “I rescued a dog story” – but includes interesting facts about dogs, their history and how they have gained the status they now hold in modern civilised society.

We have opened this meeting up and would be delighted to welcome visitors. Please get in touch if you would like to join us and we will send the Zoom link.

For the February meeting link or for more information about joining us please contact our secretary on 07894 665025 or email 11 [email protected]

Rotary helps keep Christmas Alive

The restrictions imposed by the need to combat Covid 19 have had a major effect on the activities of all charities. But despite the restrictions Winslow Rotary many aspects