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Of if V - T S THE PITTSBUKG DISPATCH STjIfl&Y, SEMEMEER' "li - ffiSft. o .xm'fti'' ' ililUliUliSfr ,tfM- - tation or their product shall be possible. the TJnion Theological Seminary hasgone THE TOPICAL TALKBB. 1 , GHOSTS AND 1YIL SPIRITS. AfJITYOPBfiUJCBH. nimmrmmuiL r I On the other hand, while the (detection of insane through the useof cigarettes. The rm ISifirmfri. tho" Strange jr.iV diseased cattle on the hoof is perhaps easier inference is obvious that only those can Johnstown's Now Lenso of Life A Mana- Same of Belief Entertained Washington Dnrlng the Heated Tarts A t flppwt &w9 MsWPWJtih A by People of Ihe East. "i i tart-th- a than in the case of diseased meat, it is use cigarettes with safety who are destitute gerial Episode Saner Sue A Society DallAaalalwratlOfl A Lack f Qf nsssffTeaaravastaviansassa.1 tm York f, t.-- From the New Mall and ExpreM.3 Yonug Good Prospect Nsnr-Y$- 'Awn Mv. 8, 1SKL plain the results of shipping infected of brains. Dialogue. Millionaire far " ESTABLISHED FEBUUABA that The dread of ghosts is common WJMvwMHVMt P you want to see an evidence of the pluck i to all the rf Little 4 J JhWrff live cattle all over the country are likely to If aboriginal races ofIndia and Cbina,and the only Fn. s wife wWU Hm . --OftlM Ao.200. Pittsburg Fostofflce, remarks: "The progress of Johnstown of rCOBBXSFOXDZlrCX OT DISPATCH.J sr wteh nia VoL44. Entered at be far graver. only is possible for the A coiempobabx businessmen, of the revival means employed to oppose tbelr rancor and T8X Mmatkwr avsMsuc A adr lanes 14, 1887, as second-cla- ss matter. Not it 2ovember of Christian missions is significantly illus- that city's spirit ot Industry and enterprise, dispositions to Washwotok. D. 'U. August 30. Since. hs)(t infection of the Texas fever to be spread U up copy mischievous is build shrines tor RyasiBiMbisinitlv.'He and isrsft Business Office 07 and89 Fifth Avenue. trated by the fact that the King of Siam take a of the Johnstown Tribune and them and to make them offerings. Any severe Washington bas come to be a city capable1 of. over the country by shipments of live stock, count the of advertisements. On boardfSwlwbadbdlmllsrsxperieaciMk amas? News Rooms and Publishing House 75, given one of the royal palaces to the columns illness, any epidemic disease, as smallpox, supporting, summer hotels it bas not been their wsteoes and their laaeBady, Hss.1 "the has Thursday last Tribune contained 26 col- b4 77 79 Diamond Street, from infected regions, bnt we have the cholera, etc, is attributed to tbe malignancy idullerthan at this time. It reminds one of WbIMmmm 'Tfcy MdJSMir ta --Mr. vr. and use of the missionaries." Possibly it might umns of advertisements, almost all of which of certain of these spirits, who must some simtot sMr k.v Advertising OIBce, Room 48, Tribune recently had evidence that the old practice be city of the far sont&land, where there H was Alva. fwaiattlM rasters correct to say the of local. showing propitiated accordingly. In India the man en- apolioeeorttkkattro, J. be equally that lack were This is a wonderful for a nothine the livelong day to stir the blood to maBde4-Jrs.WWt- Building, .New York. of shipping cattle diseased from "lump jaw" perhaps, re bas aearfcHisUf, city almost wiped out ot existence just three tier is, the most dreaded of all these flowers and the I, progress of Christian missions is illustrated demon ghosts, for when thusiasm, where tbe breezes behind her. bsls 2 has extended, even to the cattle yards of months ago, and also testifies markedly to a tiger has killed a languor tbdughtflro8ntmra Average net circulation of the dally edition or by the same fact. It has been plainly as- it man the tiger is considered safe from harm, as and the trees constantly provoke and planter. When 14 yews old she ran wy frosa saMtol this city. It is not permissible, therefore, the prosperity of the Tribune. The town and spirit of the man npon his indolence, is nothing but love and SHE Dispatch lor six months ending July H, 1S89, serted that one reason why the success of the rides where there home and marrisd Captain Wailingfotd, V. ft. A. to take the position that either one form or the paper can be congratulated sincerely. head and guides him clear of danger. music and symphonies of color, where the lotos Msae, A. Sfee lived wftk Mm a'shert get a atwasad ta bar room tb 4 as sworn to before City Controller, missions in the East was limited was the Accordingly It Is believed that lha niiglftvwell as any country at the other is entirely superior to the abuse of sure mode flourish in of the awl married sfeTeitMr sw la qaM tapU rsasiaay. tks fact the missionaries did not mingle before last Manager E, D. Wilt stood only of destroying a tiger world, might Me., 29,914 shipment in diseased forms. that Nioht who has killed many people is to begin by mak- and where 'all men aadwomen saeceesiW Wurkm mtid Ut lulu,, af tta, tewttMssa to di with the common people or meet them on on the top step of the entrance to the Grand ing offerings to tbe spirits his there- eat of it and forget that thereMs any struggje Philadelphia'"' for all before aba saadawa Copies per issue. nt of victims, sort ut isurs,l The fact is, however, that the Opera House lobby contemplating the rush of by depriving htm of , life or.any death. Dreams' - a4.eii!no p aw nam a ; Average net circulation or the bnnday edition of their own level of poverty and privation. their.talnaole services. In tor creature called offenses,- roa draakeaeeM to horse theft sad. true interests of both methods will be best several persons toward the box office. He ap- China the gho.'ta most propitiated aro of tbose float in the atmosphere, oven for tbe workmen ' sgatest cowboys' The DisrATCH for three months ending July 31, The Founder of the Christian religion, who have mei a or untimely death, Wganay,'"o a sttttt. .In. a taaraasaaa) in- peared to be his usual serene frame of mind, violent tearing up women aliMtaS-oMtTMas- subserved, in common with the public in by design or the street, and for tbe scrub railway ccHBjHwy here jrria,A,T.,jaba Lsa roped issa, when He undertook to convert the heathen and they began talk ot Marie Prescott whether by accident. Even women flocking terests, by placing them under a regnlation when to who die in child-be- or wretches who are who are at this moment Into the a suit against Usote SlMSMe steers ta . attaatac. tbia beb do from residence and Richard a sweet smile tinctured up ac- 54,897 impossible spread of world, did not it a in a McLean haneed for their crinies, are believed to have Treasury building to oaop tbe diurnal tried to aMee! stlitamife for evwnuetBAstaass. Joaa which shall render the the austerity of his, same power of as civil sift- ?( Copies per issue. palace. mouth. the causing evil to the living cumulation of service spittle and tbe the purpose 'of boWtog 8ae JHUM disease by cattle on the hoof or the shipment "Away season," said Mr. those who have been killed byany other violent Waf,rrano. ?ssunn aaua a asasasa. , back last Wilt, ing dust of tbe aspnaltum. bas done time on the sad In" yesftea-tterle- s. of unhealthy meat "When that is done so "Klaw and Erlanglerbooked Mariefrescott the causes, including poison, disease, lightning, The crude greens of trees and verdure isf4 TERMS OF TIIE DISPATCH. Jay Gould and C. P. Huntington as etc' the Nevertheless, se Is fat and jelly ad AeatarkaWe wedding foot- of September 0 the Opera House. are d as to place both interests on an equal the controlling minds of a Southwestern week at All thPKA nAlfloiV aA fiftan ?laH- - softened by the sweet decay of autumn nas the face ot a JaaaeeBt year-ol- girl. uesBeo, AB4L, seesaw, m .Thoy wero my agents, and heard nothing of ailts 1 She gray W, TOSTAGE FBEE AS THE CMTXD STATES. ing, each can have opportunity of I guisbed by some term denoting the .manner of into a grateful russet. warm that, was wedded to lbs. v the railway pool, would present a beautiful ex- nearu aas sears, f. 8 00 the booking at the time. When i ot it ins aeaiu. xuus me tiger gnost is ine gnosc oi tints tbe evening ot life. Tbe citizen goes seea arsaai 11ATLY DisrATCH, Onelear demonstrating its capability for the supply which is claimed ajrnan killed by a IwreHMel CaMaStfek. parties bad wed Disfatcb, Quarter 00 ample of the philanthropy I supposed it was all right, because I thousht tiger; the snake ghost the abont his work merely to keep up appearances beaa Daily l.r of cheap and wholesome food to the masses. comedy comedy ghost of a person who was killed b v a snake. In A certificate ros JUed in tbeooaatyolwVs, and tbey wereIiMHMMJidsiaai DAU.T DisrATCH, One Month " to be the ruling motive of the pooling Marie Prescott played or farce waddy knowing there is nothing to sell aud nobody to 00 Africa the and lightning ghosts are the office y showing tbat tho oajHtal stook saeir grsmiuaiBH lu. Dispatch, Including fcunday, I year. 10 of some sort. But some time last common, buy. Tbose favored mortals, the employes of ot Daili 2 50 policy.