Ge.05-64344 Meeting of the States Parties to the Ccw
MEETING OF THE STATES PARTIES TO THE CCW/MSP/2005/INF.1 CONVENTION ON PROHIBITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS 25 November 2005 ON THE USE OF CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS WHICH MAY BE DEEMED TO BE EXCESSIVELY ENGLISH/FRENCH/ INJURIOUS OR TO HAVE INDISCRIMINATE EFFECTS SPANISH ONLY _______________________________________________________________________________ 2005 Session Geneva, 24–25 November 2005 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS A. STATES PARTIES ARGENTINA Sr. Alberto J. Dumont Embajador, Representante permanente, Ginebra, Jefe de la Delegación Sr. Marcelo Valle Fonrouge Ministro, Misión Permanente, Ginebra AUSTRALIA Mr. Mike Smith Ambassador for Disarmament, Permanent Mission, Geneva, Head of Delegation Mr. Craig Maclachlan Deputy Permanent Representative, Disarmament, Permanent Mission, Geneva Alternate Head of Delegation Ms. Rachel Moseley Second Secretary, Disarmament, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. William Sowry Advisor, Department of Defence Mr. Alan Hemmingway Advisor, Department of Defence AUSTRIA Mr. Wolfgang Petritsch Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva, Head of Delegation GE.05-64344 CCW/MSP/2005/INF.1 Page 2 Ms. Dorothea Auer Minister Plenipotentiary, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Vienna, Alternate Head of Delegation Mr. Markus Reiterer Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva, Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Maximilian Frühstück Brig. Gen., Military Adviser, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Richard Monsberger Col., Head of Arms Control Section, Federal Ministry of Defence, Vienna Ms. Cornelia Kratochvil Legal Adviser, Federal Ministry of Defence, Vienna Ms. Monika Fröhler Adviser, Permanent Mission, Geneva BANGLADESH Mr. Mahbub-uz-Zaman Minister (Political), Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Andalib Elias Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva BELARUS Mr. Sergei Aleinik Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva, Head of Delegation Mr. Andrei Savinykh Deputy Permanent Representative, Geneva, Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Ivan Grinevich Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva BELGIUM M.
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