Curriculum Vitae Nineta Barbulescu


Tel: +40 21 311 20 83 Fax: +40 21 311 12 65 e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


Jan 13 - Present Director General for Export Controls Department - ANCEX, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Coordinates the activity of ANCEX and represents its authority in relationship with companies, the international export controls regimes, and with other international fora.

2007 - 2013 Minister Plenipotentiary, Director of OSCE, Asymmetrical Risks and Non-Proliferation Directorate Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania (cumulative) 2010-2012 Director for and Human Rights

2005 - 2007 Minister Counsellor - OSCE, Asymmetrical Risks and Non-Proliferation Directorate Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania

2001 - 2005 State Secretary, President of National Agency for Export Controls – ANCEX Head of the National Authority for the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation in Romania Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania

2002 For the contribution to the national foreign policy, President of Romania awarded with the national distinction National Order for Merit in the rank of Knight

2000 - 2001 Deputy Director for NATO and Strategic Issues Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania

1997 - 2000 Senior expert, First Secretary - Public Directorate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania

1993 - 1997 Chief of Cabinet, Office of the Chamber of Deputies Speaker, Parliament of Romania

1993 - 1997 Visiting professor, lecturer Teaching Public International Law at the Law Faculty of University, Legal Science at Dimitrie Cantemir University, Titu Maiorescu University and Nicolae Titulescu Law Institute


1987 - 1992 Bachelor in International Public Law, Law Faculty of Bucharest University


; Mother tongue: Romanian

Other languages: English, French

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