The Ukrainian Weekly 1937

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The Ukrainian Weekly 1937 No. 51 JERSEY СГГУ, N. J., SATURDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1937 VOI* v. Christmas Gift Suggestions BOQK GIFTS FOB AMERICAN ANJD UKRAINIAN CHRISTMAS Christmas season is with us once more, and again Since American Christmas comes ture, painting, etchers and illus­ the average person with the average income is led to first, we list in this issue some of trators, moral and legal heritage, the books in English (excepting religious life, as well as sketches near distraction in his attempts to select a suitable gift the first one) about Ukraine and of representative men of Ukraine for those dear and close to him. Ukrainians that the Svoboda Book­ and their contributions. Its many By visiting the stores or turning the pages of his daily store has in stock. They will be illustrations are of an especially 'appreciated by your American fine quality. The price is 1.00. It newspaper, he will find of course a host of suggestions. friends as Christmas gifts. was published, by the ^"Obyed- Yet so many of such possible gifts either are too expen­ For Ukrainian Christmas, how­ nanye," assisted by the U.N.A. sive or lack originality and distinctiveness. The prob­ ever, first consideration should be given to Ukrainian books as gifts. (3) UKRAINIANS IN THE UNIT­ lem is difficult indeed; and the fact that he has tackled Therefore, next week we will list ED STATES it in previous years does not make it any easier. So, as some of the more outstanding ones. This valuable book written by usual) he is forced to compromise on something that most In the meantime consult the cur­ Wasyl Halich and published by rent issues of the "Svoboda" for the University of Chicago Press closely approximates his needs. their description and price. is the first of its kind. Illustrated The problem, however, need not be so difficult for us, and 172 pages in length it tells (1) JUBILEE BOOK OF THE the story of Ukrainian immigra­ young Ukrainian-Americans; even though very few of us UKRAINIAN NATIONAL AS­ tion in America, including its his­ realize this. For awaiting our attention is an assortment SOCIATION torical background, the exodus of Christmas gifts that are not only inexpensive and dis­ Thie'work is one which no think­ from Ukraine, its fitting into the tinctive but even especially suited for us. ing Ukrainian-American can afford . American industrial order, its con­ be without, as on" Its 752 pages tribution to American agriculture, This assortment consists of Ukrainian.handiwork for there is contained the broadest its business and professions, or­ the home, articles of Ukrainian embroidery for both home and most arresting treatment of ganizations, religious life, press, and person, and books in both Ukrainian and English Ukrainian-American life ever at­ social activities, musical organiza­ tempted thus far. Its English tions, civic enterprises, and its dis­ about Ukraine and its people. section is especially recommended tribution. Price $2.50. As can-readily be seen, these gifts are especially suit­ to our youth; those of them who have read it have made good use (4) TAR AS SIIEVCHENKO.BAKI) ed for us; yet what makes them even more so is our OF UKRAINE mutual desire to preserve and perpetuate here on the of it, as their letters testify. Concerning this book, Prof. This is a scholarly treatment of American soil some of the finer elements of our Ukrain­ Clarence A. Manning of Columbia the life and works of that great University wrote that: "You cer­ poet, painter and martyr, drawn ian culture and heritage. By giving such Christmas gifts, by Prof. D. Doroshenko of the U- therefore, we thereby translate this desire into action. tainly deserve credit for getting out so excellent and complete a nivereity of Prague, with a pre­ Exactly what kind of such gifts should we give? volume.covering the history of the face by Prof. C. A. Manning. It Well, let us suppose we want to make such a gift to our last forty years. It is one of contains translations of Shevchen- the best works of its kind that I ko's poetry, mostly by E. L. Voy- family. In such a case, let us take a look around, the house. have ever seen." While Dr. Alex­ nich, which though about the ear­ Now, would it not appear even more attractive and more ander Kolessa, Rector of the U- liest are considered the beat 59 Ukrainian if, for example, that table was eovered with krainian Free University in Prague pages. Price 35 cents. some beautifully embroidered Ukrainian table cloth ? Or and Professor in Karl University, (5) THE KOBZAK OF UKRAINE if hung in their proper places there were Ukrainian em-' wrote: "By it the Ukrainian Na­ In this illustrated and an­ tional Association has created an notated book of 144 pages is con­ broidered towels, with their roses in red cross-stitch, or indestructible monument to both tained a fine selection of Shevchen- groupings of gedmetrical designs of varying combina­ itself and the Ukrainian-American ko's poetry untranslated by A. J. .culture." Hunter. Price $1.00. tions? Or if hung on the walls there were pictures of Handsomely bound in specially Ukrainian landscape, mounted in frames of appropriate designed covers, profusely illus­ (в) A VOICE FROM UKRAINA design and carving? Or if the pillows had their ends trated, and printed on fine stock, A biographical sketch of Ivan this book will make a very fine Franko and . translations from and sides embroidered in Ukrainian style? Or if on the Christmas gift indeed! Its price - some of bis works is contained in couch there was a Ukrainian doll, with its silk or linen is $5. .Members of the U.NA., this 74 page brochure by Percival blouse, petticoat and apron, heavily embroidered and full- however, can Obtain it at the spe­ Cundy. Price 50 cents. cial price for them of 51> length velvet jacket, its flowered head-dress with bro­ (7) BRIEF SURVEY OF UKRA­ caded ribbons hanging down, and its high leather boots? (2) SPIRIT OF UKRAINE INIAN LITERATURE Why can't we make our home like that? It's been done, The title of this compact book­ This splendid book deals with let speaks for itself, and it con­ and with most striking and pleasing results—as we can the question: "What have the U- sists of a lecture on that subject personally testify. kniinian people contributed to given several years ago by Dr.' world's culture?" It is a' ques­ Arthur Prudden Coleman of Co­ Next, let us take a look into the bookcase. Do we tion whose answer every young lumbia University. It is preceded see any Ukrainian books there—the three-volume Ukrain­ and old Ukrainian-American should by a foreword by the Hon. John D. ian Encyclopaedia, Ukrainian histories, novels, collections know, and this book will help him Prince, founder and recently re­ to get it. The knowledge he will tired head of Columbia's Depart­ of short stories, and books of poetry? If it truly is a gain from it will also aid him ment of East European. Lan­ Ukrainian home in which we live, then certainly they to better appreciate his Ukrainian guages. Price 50 cents. origin and heritage. Besides con­ should be there, and read as well. taining a brief historical survey (8) THE UKRAINIAN QUESTION But perhaps most important of all, does our home on the cultural front, the book This booklet consists of an ad­ contain books on Ukraine in English? Here is something also contains chapters dealing with dress given by Lancelot Lawton. the Ukrainian cultural ability, with in a Committee Room of the House that we simply cannot be without, especially in view of the Europeanizing influences of U- of Commons in May, 1935, and it our environment.. For without them we will know very krainians in Russia, the Ukrainian was published by the Anglo-Ukrain­ little about our background, about those factors which literary contributions, Ukrainian ian Committee. 36 pages. Price music, folk dance, national cos­ 50 cents. made us what we are,' and which are shaping our life tume, arts of the home, architec­ even now; unless, of course, we are able to learn such (Concluded pftge 4) things from books in Ukrainian. Suppose, for example, our home is visited by some amazing pattern, that they have been getting year after non-Ukrainian in whose good graces we want to bask. year. Well, disappoint them this year, and give them Suppose, further, he asks some questions about our U- such a book anyway. Who knows, they may someday krainian background. Could we answer him adequately forget themselves and open it. And even read it! Every­ enough without the aid of such books? And if we could, thing is possible. Then our gift will not have been in would not our answers be more impressive if we could vain, and perhaps we will even be thanked for it. Rest show him in cold print that which our ardor may have assured, however, that beside such "few there will be a caused him to doubt? Therefore, let buy such books as host of others who will appreciate such a gift, and make Christmas gifts, for our own homes and those of our ч good use of it. friends. _ •• Such, then, are some of the assortment of Ukrainian There will be some, of certainty, who will look with gifts that all of us can exchange this year—inexpensive, some askance upon a gift of a book, especially one about distinctive, and Ukrainian in character.
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