March 13-14, 1975

Office of the Board of Regents

220 Wrrill Hall

Year 1974-75




Minutes of the Board of Regents Ivleeting Regents' Camnittee Meetings

March 13-14, 1975

Page I. Caronittee Meetings

A. Cdttee of the Whole - March 13, 1975 B. Educational Policy and mng-Range Planning - March 13, 1975 C. Student Concerns - March 13, 1975 D. Physical Plant and Investrrrents - March 13, 1975 E. Faculty, Staff and Public Relationships - March 13, 1975

11. Board of Regents Meeting - March 14, 1975 Approval of Minutes Anwdmnts of Minutes (Personnel Items) Personnel Items - Delineated Report of the President of the Board , ' (1) Minnesota Public Interest Research Group Fee (WIRG) Report of the Executive Camnittee (1) Report of the Chairman of the Board University Honors Cdttee Gifts, Scholarships, Fellwships, Prizes and Awards Contract and Grant Awards Applications for Contracts and Zwards Report of the Cornnittee of the Whole (1) Report on Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (fllPlRG) (2) Resolution: Ernst & Emst Audits (3) Law School Admissions Policies Report of the Educational Policy and Long-Ran* Planning Camnittee (1) Curriculum Proposals (2) Resolution: University of Nebraska and North Dakota Veterinary Medicine Contracts (3) Special Laboratory Fees Page

L. Report of the Student Concerns Cdttee (1) Sumner Session Fees - ?&in Cities (2) Strmner Session Fee Schedule - Dufuth (3) Student Grievance: Health Service Fee M. Report of Faculty, Staff and Public Relationships Cdttee (1) Personnel Items Approved (2) Ncmcampus Service Requests (3) Single Quarter Leave (4) Approval. of Collective Bargaining Agreement: Professional Ehployees Pharmacists (5) Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement: Teamsters Local 320 (6) Resolution: Floating Holidays - 1975-76 N. Report of the Physical Plant and Investments Cannittee (1) Securities Transactions Reports (2) Agreement for Joint Tree Nursery - Duluth 0. Resolution: Departing Regents Year 1974-75




Camnittee of the Whole

March 13, 1975

A special meeting of the Camnittee of the Whole of the Board of Regents was convened at 9:00 a.m. in the Regents1 Roan on Thursday, March 13, 1975, to begin consideration of the request by the Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (MPIRG) to renew its contract with the University of Minnesota. The hearing was established at the request of various groups and individuals who wished to be heard or subnit statanents regarding the renewal of the contract.

Regents present: Regent Andersen, presiding; Regents Krenik, Lee, Malkerson, Moore, Rauenbrst, Sherburne, Thrane, Utz, and Yngve.

Staff present: President Magrath; Vice Presidents Brinkerhoff and Wilderson, and Deputy Vice President Hueg; Messrs. Tall, Tierney, Wilson, and Zander; Mrs. Liz Petrangelo and Mrs. Lillian Williams.

Dr. Donald Zander, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, gave a brief history of the background of Regents1 previous actions regarding MPIRG. ,)

A partial list of people appearing before the Camnittee of the Whole to generally express opposition to the fee collection method for MPIRG are as follows:

Mr. Ralph GGdin Mr. Jim Hill, Minnesota Agri-Growth Council Mr. Larry Van Kerkam, Minnesota Agricultural Chanicals Assn. Dr. C. 0. Castledine, Minnesota Hearing Aid Society Mr. Ross Allen, Minnesota Timber Producers Association Dr. Alvin Hall, St. Louis County Board of Camnissioners Mr. Ansel Kleirnan Mr. Will Toninato, Wood Fiber Legislation Council Mr. Charles Westin, Duluth Chamber of Carranerce Mr. Ron Walls, Ely Mr. David Ruhastein

A partial list of people appearing before the Camnittee of the Whole to generally express support for the fee collection method for MPIRG and/or general support for MPIFG are as follms: Mr. Dana Dickson, Chairperson, MPIRG, Campus Cannittee, Duluth Y Mr. Scott Nessa, present Minnesota State Chairperson, MPIRG Mr. Ward Hauenstein, Chairperson, Twin Cities MPIRG Ms. Jdy Pearce, Treasurer, MPIRG Mr. David Clark, former Minnesota state Chaiqerson, MPIRG Ms. Donna Lefebvre, student Mr. Rich Young, CLA Junior Mr. Gary Carlson, student Mr. Peter Bugbee, student, on behalf of Student Representatives

The Regents acknowledged receipt of correspondence regarding the subject £ram mygroups and irdividuals which were not made a part of the record.

After having heard all interested parties wb wished to express their views, the Chairman announced a continuation of the hearing for Thursday afternoon.

The Ccmnittee recessed the hearing at 12:15 p.m.

The Camnittee of the Wle reconvened at 4:10 p.m. on Thursday, March 13, 1975, to hear additional testimony regarding MPIRG. Dr. Stephen Chapan, Research Director of MPIIEG, described the educational value to students of MPIRG research projects and the manner in which research projects were selected.

Further discussion was held mng the Regents relative to MPIRG, and it was reccarmended that this issue be placed on the agenda for the Board of Regents Meeting on Friday, March 14, 1975.

The meeting of the Camnittee of the FShole was,held on Friday morning, March 14, 1975, at 8:45 a.m. in the Regents' Room, 238 Morrill Hall.

Regents present: Regent Andersen, presiding; Regents Krenik, Lee, Malkerson, mre, Rauenhorst, Sherburne, Thrane, Utz, and Yngve.

Staff present: President Magrath; Vice Presidents Brinkerhoff, Bruning, Kegler, ad Linck; Messrs. Brown, Heller, Hewitt, Imholte, Sahlstrm, Tall, Tierney, and Wilson; Dr. Jeanne Lupton and Mrs. Lillian Williams.

The following legislators appeared before the Camittee of the Whole as interested citizens wishing to express their support for MPIRG :

Representative Bumham Philbrook Representative William Luther Representative J. Michael George Representative Randy Kelly Representative Michael Sieben

Upn campletion of their statanents, the Chairman then turned to the agenda for the Camittee of the Whole. ERNST & ERNST AUDIT REPOEn: * ( Vice President Brinkerhoff presented for approval of the camittee *. , ;* . 1 the report from the auditing £inn of Ernst & Emst. He pointed out to the coemuittee that the audit this year had been extended to University Hospitals and that auditing of tile Hospitals would continue. An ad hoc camittee of the Board of Governors of University Hospitals will review that section of the audit report, and then muld forward any catnnents to the Board of Regents for their review and approval.

After discussion, the cananittee approved the following resolution and reccanmended its adoption by the Board of Regents:

"Resolved that the Board of Regents accept the Emst & Emst audit report, and upon the recamendation of Vice President Brinkerhoff, authorize the continuation of audits by the Ernst & Emst firm according to the previously approved plan."


Dean Carl Auerbach, in a short presentation, advised the camnittee of the admissions policies and procedures for students who apply to enter the University of Minnesota Law School.

Further discussion and review was given to the second draft of the mission statmt for the University of Minnesota. Suggestions were made by several Regents for further revision. President Magrath stated that these suggestions would be incorporated into the draft and further discussions wold be held at the April meetings on the mission statement.

Voted to adjourn at 10:OO a.m.

Year 1974-75

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA BOARD OF RM;ENTS Educational Policy and Long-Range Planning Camnittee

March 13, 1975

A meting of the Educational Policy and Long-Range Planning Committee of the Board of Regents was held on Thursday, March 13, 1975, at 1:55 p.m. in the Regents' Rrxxn, 238 Morrill Hall. Regents present: Regent Sherburne, presiding; Regents Andersen, Malkerson, Moore, and Yngve. Staff present: President Magrath, Vice Presidents Bruning and Linck, Deputy Vice President Hueg; Messrs. Brm, Imholte, Pearlstein, Vose, Werntz, and Wilson; Dr. Shirley Clark. Student Representatives present: Lee Felicetta, Barbara-Ann March, and Michael Unger. REVISED CURRICULUM PROPOSAL PROCEDURE Vice President Linck advised that there had been a series of metings to develop a revised procedure for processing'&rriculum proposals. He explained the steps involved frcm the time a preliminary proposal is initiated by a university college or campus and is reviewed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Senate Carranittee on Educational Policy, the University's Central Officers Group, the Board of Regents, and is then transmitted to the Curriculum Advisory Camnittee and HE. He also discussed the review process for a formal proposal with the final approval by the Board of Regents. Vice President Linck discussed the proposed procedural changes and stated that hereafter preliminary curriculum proposals will be sub- mitted to the Board of Regents in an abbreviated form rather than with all of the supporting documentation. A two-page abstract will be prepared to provide answers to mst of the questions about which the Regents would be concerned. The proposals would have mre internal review and would be sent to the Curriculum Advisory Cormittee and HECC at the smtime. Curriculum proposals could be withdrawn at any stage of the review. The Board of Regents would return final action over proposals after the HECC advisory action was known. Regent Wre stated that she felt that this Carranittee had an obliga- tion to review each curriculum proposal critically before it mved to the next phase and that the the for the Regents to have an impact upon curriculum proposals was at the beginning of the process. She said that the Regents, review these proposals without knwledge of the interrelationship of curriculum proposals within a unit, college ( . or campus or with existing curriculums and progrants. President math stated that he shared hef concern about the Regents' need to gain a sense of perspective in connection with the development and review of the University's curriculum proposals.

Vice President Linck presented the follwing preliminary curriculum proposals for the information of the camittee:

1. Master of Degree Program in Therapeutic Radiology, Twin Cities

2. Degree in Dental Hygiae, Twin Cities

3. Master of Planning Degree in the School of Public Affairs, Twin Cities

4. Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, Duluth

5. Bachelor of Music Degree, Duluth

6. Minor in Amrican Indian Studies for the B.A. and B.S. Degrees, Duluth ( 7. Master of Business Administration Degree, Duluth

8. Undergraduate Major in Early Child Care and Developwnt for the B.A. Degree, Duluth Vice President Linck stated that the final implementation of the pro- grams are subject to further review, and the availability of funding. The c&ttee voted unanimously to reccarnrrend that the Board of Regents approve the follwing curriculum proposals that had been reviewed by HECC. 1. Interdepartmental Program in Classical Civilization, Win Cities

2. Major in Islamic Studies, Win Cities

3. Master of Industrial Safety Degree, Duluth CAREER MIBILIST B. S .N. PWXRAM Vice President Linck discussed the Career Mobilist Program in Nursing which is a program designed to provide for advanced training of individuals with saw level of training in nursing. Four projects are presently in various stages of developwnt: 1. . Northwest Minnesota 2. Rochester 3. St. Cloud

Y 4. - Veterans Hospital Barbara Rednan, Associate Dean in the School of Nursing, advised that this proposed program is in response to needs throughout the state, with a high degree of interest in Rochester. The Ttvin Cities and Rochester programs lead to the baccalaureate degree. This program was sdmitted to the cormittee for information only at this tire.

LABORATDRY FEES 1975-76 On the recamnendation of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President, the cdttee voted to recamend that the Board of Regents approve the continuation of the special laboratory fee of $4.00 for certain courses involving laboratory equipnt and materials for the 1975-76 academic year with the understanding that fees so collected will be returned to the college or campus of origin. VETERINARY MEDICINE CONTRACTS President Magrath advised that negotiations were completed,and he recamended approval of the resolution to execute contracts with the University of Nebraska Board of Regents and the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education to provide for the enrollment of a specified number of Nebraska and North Dakota residents in the college of Veter- inary Medicine.

A mtion was unanhusly passed recamrending that the Board of Regents approve the following Resolution: , I

RESOLVE93, that the President is authorized and directed to ccmplete negotiations and to execute and/or amend all necessary agreements with the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska and the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education to allow for the enrollment of a specified nunnber of Nebraska and North Dakota residents in the College of Veterinary Micine; and

FURTHER, that said agreement (s) shall preserve to the appro- priate agency within the University of Minnesota, the final determination of eligibility and standing within the College; and

FLlKEWl, that any such contract (s) shall provide for the full reinbursement of our costs over and above any tuition payrents by the student(s) and any Federal Capitation Funding received for these students. President Magrath indicated that the agreents would provide for not mre than 5 Nebraska students per class and not mre than 4 North Dakota students per class. UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA RADIO STATION Vice President in^ advised the camnittee that discussion .-. .;&. relative to the possible merger of University of Minnesota radio facilities with Minnesota Public Radio had been held, but that no agreemnts had been reached. He stated that he hoped to continue the discussions with the internal groups and with MPR.

The meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.

V DUANE A. WILSON, Secretary Year 1974-75 *



Student Concerns Cmittee


March 13, 1975

A meeting of the Student Concerns Camnittee of the Board of Regents was held on Thursday, March 13, 1975 at 1:55 p.m. in Rcan 300 Morrill Hall.

Regents present: Regent Utz, presiding; Regents Krenik, Lee, Rauenhorst, and Thrane.

Staff present: Vice President Wilderson; Messrs. Snoke and Zander.

Student Representatives present: Peter Bugbee, John Ciabattari, Roxann Goertz, Barbara-Ann March, and Cameron Treeby.


Vice President Wilderson presented to the cannittee the adminis- tration's recamendation for the Sunnner Session Fees for the Twin Cities. These student services fees were'approved by the Student Services Fees Cmittee and the Twin Cities Student Assably and totalled $23.50 per quarter, and did not recmend continued student funding of the Consolidated Athletic Building Fund. The administration recmended an increase of $.90 in the fee for a total of $24.40 to provide continued student support of the Con- solidated Athletic Building JWnd.

Regent Thrane raised questions about the alternative funding for the building which the administration was to seek. Dr. Zander in- formed her that the original idea for payment of the building was set forth by former Vice President Stanley Wenberg. The proposal was that the Legislature possibly fwd one-third of the cost, that Intercollegiate Athletics fund one-third of the cost, and the student fees fund the remining one-third of the cost. The student fee is very close to fulfilling their one-third portion, but no other sources of funding are available at the present time. He informed the camnittee that alternative funding will continue to be reviewed.

The camnittee requested that the payment schedule for the building, indicating sources of all funds used for retiring the Biennan Building debt, be available at the next meeting. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously passed by the camnittee approving the Sumner Session Fees for the Twin Cities campus in the munt ef $24.40.


Vice President Wilderson presented to the cormittee the UMD Sumner Session student fee schedule. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded and unanbusly passed approving a fee for sumner session at UMD in the munt of $15.25.


Vice President Wilderson presented for the information of the cormittee an up-late on sane of the issues discussed on the various campuses of the University which were of concern to students. During the discussion, Karen Olson, a student in Dental Hygiene, raised questions regarding the health services fee. Dr. Wilderson and Dr. Zander assured her that the health services fee and alternatives were under review.

Voted to adjourn at 3:00 p.m.

V'DUANE A. WILSON, Secretary Year 1974-75




Physical Plant and Investments Camittee


March 13, 1975

A meeting of the Physical Plant and Investments Camittee of the Ebard of Regents convened at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 13, 1975, in Rocm 300 Morrill Hall.

Regents present: Regent Thrane, presiding; Regents Krenik, Lee, Rauenhorst, Sherburne, and Utz.

Staff present: Deputy Vice President Hueg; Messrs. Brawn, Hewitt, and my.

Student Representatives present: Mark Ing Alness and Peter Buwe.

A mtion was unanimusly passed recamending that the Board of Regents approve the report of the securities transactions in Endow- ment Funds, the Group Incame Pool, and the Temporary Invesmt Pool for January, 1975.


Applications for Federal Grants for Construction Projects The report on Letters of Intent relative to obtaining federal funding assistance for construction projects under the Health Manpawer Act indicating requests of $24 million £ran federal sources was noted by the cdttee.

General Discussion Regent Rauenhorst inquired if the University has set any particular energy goals, and Mr. Hewitt advised that he would discuss the matter with Vice President Brinkerhoff and respond to Regents Thrane and Rauenhorst within the next mnth.

Student Representative Alness inquired about double glazed windaws on campus buildings and indicated that the windaws in Coffey Hall had been replaced by double glazed windows. Regent Krenik requested the cost of replacing the windows in that building. Student Representative Bugbee inquired about energy conservation with respect to the Sophie DuFrense Concourse at Duluth. Mr. Hewitt advised that this mtker was discussed at the last camittee meeting but that he would be glad to show him the project. , ;* * v Duluth Tree Nursery Assistant Vice President Hewitt reviewed a plan whereby the University of Minnesota, Duluth and the city of Duluth would enter into an agreement for a Joint Tree ~ursery/Non-~ndigenousTree Study at the University Eqxriment Station at Duluth. The initial contract would be for five years with an option for an additional five years. The City of Duluth would provide funds in the amount of $15,000 per year for the purchase of stock, materials, and supplies. The trees would be used for landscaping, street planting, and other municipal and university purposes. Deputy Vice President Hueg expressed real concern about the types of trees and shrubs that wouldbeused so that the species would not endanger a ten-year rust experimental project. He was assured that university personnel would be consulted so that the experimental project would not be jeopardized. Construction Contract Awards The following construction contract awards were reported for informa- tion : A. Alterations to Lauderdale Cquter Center/MECC Office and Camputer Facility B. Alterations for Wm,Biem Field Athletic Building, Minneapolis

.a C. Alterations to Roan 1111 Powell Hall, Medical Center Cquter Roan, Minneapolis

D. Alterations to Rm138, Gould Building, 2630 University Avenue, S.E., Minneapolis

The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. 1

'?DUANE A. WILSON, Secretary Faculty, Staff and Public Relationships Cmittee

March 13, 1975

A meeting of the Faculty, Staff and Public Relationships Cmittee of the Board of Regents was held on Thursday, March 13, 1975, at 3:30 p.m. in the Regents' Room, 238 Morrill Hall.

Regents present: Regent Moore, presiding; Regents Andersen, Malkerson and Yngve.

Staff present: Vice President Linck; Messrs. Richardson, Tall and Tierney; Dr. Shirley Clark, Mrs. Lillian Williams, and Mrs. Nancy Groves.

Student Representative present: Barbara-Ann March.


After discussion, the ccannittee voted unanimously to approve the personnel items as presented to the cannittee and subnit them to the Board of Regents for final approval.

Dr. Linck presented a lengthy list of noncmpus service requests, stating that the quantity was due to the annual reporting of non- campus service requests. He informed the mittee that consideration is being given to calling for the inventory during the sumner with a deadline early in the fall, inasnuch as myof the consulting activities are started at the beginning of the academic year rather than at the beginning of a calendar year.

Dr. Lkkfurther requested that the noncampus service request for Dr. George King be renove3. from the list for consideration.

After discussion, the cornnittee voted unanimously to approve the list of noncamps service requests, excluding the request for Dr. George King, and subnit the list to the Board of Regents for final approval.


After discussion, the cammittee voted unanimously to approve a single quarter leave application for Professor Sheldon C. Reed for leave during spring quarter 1974-75. C0L;LECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT, UNIVERSITY PHARMACISTS *

.&. , ;% . * Dr. Richardson advised the camittee that an agreement had been reached between the University of Minnesota Hospitals and the Professional Rnployees Phanmcists of Minnesota. The agreement covers thirteen pharmacists employed by the University of Minnesota Hospitals and provides for the retention of Civil Sewice provisions except for the issue of wages. The negotiated wage settlement was consistent with contractual agreements with pharmacists in the Twin Cities area.

A mtion was mde, seconded and unanimously passed approving the following resolution:

"Resolved that the Board of Regents approve a two-year collective bargaining agrement between University of Minnesota Hospitals and the Professional Employees Pharmacists of Minnesota, and authorize appropriate officials to sign the contractual agremat on their behalf. "


Dr. Richardson reprted that a short-term contract between Teamsters Local 320 and the University Health Services was r- mended for approval. This agreement covers 24 aployees in the Health Services Hospitals and muld expire July 1, 1975, when the contract will be subject to renegotiation.

After discussion, the camittee voted unanimously to approve the following resolution and sulmit it for final appfoval to the Board of Regents:

"Resolved that the Board of Regents approve the collective bargaining agreement between the University Health Services bargaining unit and Teamsters Local 320 as negotiated for the four-mnth period ending July 1, 1975."


After discussion, the carnnittee voted unanhusly to approve the following floating holidays for 1975-76:

Friday, NOV- 28, 1975--Day after Thanksgiving Friday, Decanber 26, 1975--Day after Christmas Monday, February 16, 197 6--President ' s Day Voted to adjourn at 3:55 p.m.

WANE A. WILSON, Secretary Year 1974-75




A meeting of the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota was held on Friday, March 14, 1975, in the Regents' Roam, 238 bbrrill Hall.

Regents present: Regents Andersen, Krenik, Lee, Malkerson, Moore, Rauenhorst, Sherbume, Thrane, Utz, and Yngve. President Magrath presided.

Staff present: Vice Presidents Brinkerhoff, Bruning, French, Linck, Kegler, and Wilderson, and Deputy Vice President Hueg; Messrs. Brawn, Carlson, Frederick, Imholte, Cdeqard, Preston, Sahlstrcm, Tall, Tiemey, and Wilson; Dr. Clark, Mrs. Groves and Mrs. Williams.


Voted to approve the minutes of the following meetings:

Drafts of Minutes

Cannittee of the Whole - February 14, 1975 Board of Regents Meeting - February 14,1975


August 9, 1974, Gladys L. MacCarthy Assistant Professor School of Nursing leave without salary September 1, 1974 to June 15, 1975 to read September 1, 1974 to March 15, 1975 (change in plans) January 10, 1975, Richard N. Blue Assistant Professor Political Science leave without salary for 1974-75 to join the Agency for International Development in connection with a new Institute for International Research and Training which is nw being established in the Agency to be cancelled effective February 5, 1975 (to work on research)


Voted to approve the follming personnel items: TERMINATIONS Robert A. Noreen Skior Scientist Aerospace Engineering and , ,., , Wchanics effective February 14, 1975 Richard J. Sheehan University News Service Manager University Relations effective February 28, 1975

Keith A. Huston as Director Agricultural Experirrent Station and Professor of Animal Science winning April 1, 1975 at the rate of $32,400 Term AP and the rate of $3,600 Term AT administrative augmentation Per M. Lindstrom as Visiting Professor Philosophy Elarch 16 to June 15, 1975 at $7,500 Term CT ($22,500 B rate) Harding A Orren as Adjunct Professor Law School December 16, 1974 to March 15, 1975 at $1,000 Term CTH20 ($15,000 B rate) David B. Marcotte as Associate Professor Psychiatry January 16 to June 30, 1975 at the rate of $26,000 plus camnutation allowance in lieu of professional fees Term AT Mark E. Miss as Senior Applications Programner Administrative Data Processing February 3 to June 30, 1975 at the rate of $14,472 Term AS

Robert F. Legget as Visiting Adjunct Professor Civil and Mineral Engineering without salary September 16, 1974 to June 15, 1975 (70 years of age)

PROMYI'IONS AND TRANSFERS Andrew F. Whitman Professor College of Business Administration at $20,050 Term BP to serve in addition as Professor Law School for 39% of tim without change in salary rate or term for the spring quarter of 1974-75 John W. Boyer frm Associate Professor and Coordinator Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Program Business Administration Duluth at $17,275 Term BP and $200 Term BT administrative augrrrenta- tion to Associate Professor and Acting Head Business Mmhistration School of Business and EconCgnics Duluth without change in salary rate or term December 16, 1974 to June 15, 1975 Philip L. Friest frm Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Bachelor of Accounting Degree Program Business Ackinistration Duluth at $16,860 Term BP and $200 Term BT administrative augmnta- tion to Associate Professor and Acting Head Accounting School of Business and EconQnics Duluth without change in salary rate or term December 16, 1974 to June 15, 1975 Andrew F. Ftutherford frm Lecturer Criminal Justice Studies at $18,000 Term BT to Visiting Associate Professor at the rate of $21,000 Term BT Dec&r 16, 1974 to June 15, 1975 Louise B. Wsser Clinical Associate Professor School of Dentistry at $16,000 TermATH67 ($24,000 A rate) frm TmATH67 to Term APH67 beginning February 1, 1975 Norma L. Hovden from Assistant Professor and Acting Head Reference Services Library at $16,800 Term AP and $1,000 Term AT administrative au-tation to Assistant Professor at the rate of $16,800 Term AP beginning February 1, 1975 Rudolph Johnson from Assistant Professor Librarian and Acting Director Library Duluth at $17,000 Term @ to Assistant Professor and Librarian without change in salary rate or term beginning February 1, 1975 Lester L. Metz Director Printing and Graphic Arts Support Services and Operations at the rate of $25,900 Term AS July 1 to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $27,040 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 to serve in addition as Manager of Transportation Services for 7% of tirrre without change in salary rate or term September 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975 Richard J. Sheehan from News Editor University Relations from the rate of $13,860 Term AS July 1 to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $14,472 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 to University News Service Manager at the rate of $15,000 Term AS September 1 to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $15,660 Term AS January 1 to February 28, 1975 (resigned) Kevin C. Matthews from Principal Computer Progrmr University Computer Center at the rate of $15,000 Term AS July 1 to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $15,660 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 to Principal Applications Progrannner at the rate of $16,224 Term AS September 1to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $16,932 Term AS January 1to June 30, 1975 Shih Pau Yen from Principal Camputer Programr University Camputer Center at the rate of $16,224 Term AS July 16 to Decenber 31, 1974 and the rate of $16,932 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 to Principal Applications Programner without change in salary rate or term November 16, 1974 to June 30, 1975 Steven F. Johnson from Senior Systems Analysg Special Health Sciences Programs at the rate of $16,224 Term AS July 1 to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $16,932 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 to Health Science Information Systems Coordinator (Provisional) at the rate of $17,544 Term AS October 1 to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $18,312 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 Wilbert D. Becker from Principal Computer Programner University of Minnesota Hospitals from $17,616 Term AS to Principal Applications Progrmr at the rate of $19,044 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 Wayne W. Daley frm Administrative Officer and Instructor School of Medicine Duluth at the rate of $17,544 Term AS October 1 to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $18,312 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 to Administrative Director and Instructor at the rate of $18,240 Term AS Nweniber 1 to Decahr 31, 1974 and the rate of $19,044 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 Donald G. Cain frm Supervisor Products Sales (Head Marketing) Audio Visual Library Service at $16,824 Term AS for 1973-74 to Supervisor of Visual Products Sales at the rate of $17,833 Term AS July 1 to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $18,613 Term AS January 1to June 30, 1975 Helen M. Brechbiel from Administrative Officer Agricultural Experirrent Station at the rate of $15,600 Term AS July 1 to December 31, 1974 and the rate zf $16,284 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 .&. ,;*' to Fiscal Officer at the rate of $16,224 Term AS November 1 to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $16,932 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 Neale L. Roth from Coordinator Student Activities and Instructor Student Affairs Jhluth at $17,616 Term AS to Coordinator Student Activities and Instructor Physical Education Student Affairs and Physical Education without change in salary rate or term January 1 to June 30, 1975 Donald C. McCullough frm Principal Computer Programner University Ccmputer Center at the rate of $18,960 Term AS October 1 to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $19,800 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 to Senior Systems Software Programner without change in salary rate or term November 16, 1974 to June 30, 1975 John J. Eikun from Senior Cquter Programrrer University Cquter Center at the rate of $13,344 Term AS July 1to December 31, 1974 and the rate of $13,930 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 to Senior Systems Software Prograrm'ler at the rate of $15,000 Term AS December 1-31, 1974 and the rate of $15,660 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975


Clifford C. Sormrer Vice President University of Minnesota Foundation Office of Development and University of Minnesota Foundation from $13,600 Term AE to the rate of $14,100 Term AE January 1 to June 30, 1975. James N. Butcher Professor Psychology fr~n$25,850 Term AP to the rate of $29,000 Term AP beginning September 16, 1974 Manuel E. Kaplan Professor Medicine fran $31,200 plus cmtation allmance in lieu of professional fees Term AP to the rate of $4,024 Term APH13 ($31,200 A rate) beginning January 1,-2975 Wbert J. Gumnit Professor Neurology from $31,897 ($30,000 Term AT $1,897 Term AT) to the rate of $35,087 ($30,000 Term AT $5,087 Term AT) January 1to June 30, 1975 Robert H. Monahan Clinical Professor Ophthalrnolcgy from $2,000 Term ATH7 ($28,000 A rate) to without salary February 1 to June 30, 1975 George T. Wier Clinical Professor Anesthesiology from $31,897 ($25,000 Term AT $6,897 Term AT) to the rate of $35,087 ($25,000 Term AT $10,087 Term AT) January 1 to June 30, 1975 Harold W. Young Associate Professor Horticultural Science and Landscape Architecture and International Agricultural Programs frm $22,500 Term AT to the rate of $22,500 plus 10%overseas incentive December 8, 1974 to June 30, 1975 Bruce J. Bart Clinical Associate Professor Dermatology Hennepin County General Hospital fran $18,510 Term ATH5O ($27,000 Term AT $10,020 Term AT) to the rate of $20,388 Term ATH50 ($27,000 Term AT $13,776 Term AT) January 1 to June 30, 1975 Harry I, Katz Clinical Associate Professor Dermatology St. Paul Ramsey Hospital frm $18,375 TermATH75 ($24,500 A rate) to the rate of $20,213 TermATH75 ($26,951 A rate) January 1 to June 30, 1975 Luigi Taddeini Associate Professor -Micine St. Paul Ramsey Hospital from $28&62 ($26,000 Term AT $2,662 Term AT) to the rate of $31,528 ($26,000 Term AT $5,528 Term AT) January 1 to June 30, 1975 W. Fbbert Anderson Associate Professor Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Hennepin County General ~ospitarfrom $4 7,2 5 6 ($20,750 Term AT $26,506 Term AT) to the rate of $52,044 ($20,750 Term AT $31,294 Term AT) January 1to June 30, 1975 Erick Y. Hakanson Associate Professor Obstetrics and Gynecology St. Paul Ramsey Hospital frm $31,897 ($21,000 Term AT $10,897 Term AT) to the rate of $35,087 ($21,000 Term AT $14,087 Term AT) January 1 to June 30, 1975 Lawrence R. Boies Jr. Associate Professor Otolaryngology St. Paul Ramsey Hospital from $31,897 ($20,000 Term AT $11,897 Term AT) to the rate of $35,087 ($20,000 Term AT $15,087 Term AT) January 1 to June 30, 1975 Robert H. Mathog Associate Professor Otolaryngology Hennepin County General Hospital from $44,596 ($20,000 Tern AT $24,596 Term AT) to the rate of $44,679 ($20,000 Term AT $24,679 Term AT) January 1 to June 30, 1975 Vicente B. Tauson Associate Professor Psychiatry St. Paul Ramsey Hospital from $30,670 Term AT to the rate of $35,087 Term AT January 1 to June 30, 1975 Frank Quattlebaum Associate Professor Surgery St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital from $43,000 ($30,000 Term AT $13,000 Term AT) to the rate of $47,300 ($30,000 Term AT $17,300 Term AT) January 1 to June 30, 1975 Shih Hao Tsai Associate Professor Radiology Hennepin County General Hospital from $56,076 ($25,000 Term AT $31,076 Term AT) to the rate of $61,752 ($25,000 Term AT $36,752 Term AT) January 1 to June 30, 1975 Thws H. Comfort Associate Professor Orthopedic Surgery from $31,897 ($22,000 Term AT $9,897 Term AT) to we rate of $35,087 ($22,000 Tern AT $13,087 Term AT) January 1 to June 30, 1975 Roger G. Young Assistant Professor Director Independent Study from $19,100 Term AP plus $1,280 Tern AT administrative augrrrentation to the rate of $19,720 Term AP and the rate of $1,280 Term AT administrative augmentation beginning Noverdxr 1, 1974 Margaret E. Hayes Assistant Director Office of ~dmissionand Records frm $16,284 Term AS to the rate of $17,616 Term AS February 16 to June 30, 1975 The follming Lieutenants Department of Police from $16,512 Term AS to the rate of $18,756 Term AS January 1toJune 30, 1975 Wayne M. Roysen Arthur G. Kirby, Sr. Ralph C. Burbach Darrold E. Telle Earl S. Jensen Donald L. Wiebe Francis J. Gemandt Lieutenant Departmnt of Police from $16,212 Term AS to the rate of $18,456 Term AS January 1toJune 30, 1975 Hugh A. Pettyqrave Lieutenant Department of Police from the rate of $16,121 Term AS July 1, 1974 to January 15, 1975 and the rate of $16,721 Term AS January 16 to June 30, 1975 to the rate of $18,161 Term AS January 1-15, 1975 and the rate of $18,965 Term AS January 16 to June 30, 1975 William G. Herrick Assistant Director Operations Analysis University of Minnesota Hospitals fram $20,580 Tern AS to the rate of $22,272 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 Peter Borchert Senior Scientist Laboratory Medicine and Pathology from $17,616 Tern AS to the rate of $18,312 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 Y , Thamas C. Buss Data Processing Operations Manager University of Minnesota Hospitals from $15,060 Term AS to the rate of $15,660 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 Everett H. Janssen Assistant Director Operations Analysis University of Minnesota Hospitals from $20,580 Term AS to the rate of $21,420 Term AS January 1 to June, 1975 Gregory B. Kujawa Principal Systems Analyst University of Minnesota Hospitals fran $17,616 Term AS to the rate of $18,312 Tern AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 Leland L. Larson Principal Systems Analyst University of Minnesota Hospitals from $19,800 Term AS to the rate of $20,580 Term AS January 1 to June 30, 1975 Dennis B. Moll Principal Systems Analyst University of Minnesota Hospitals frcen $15,660 Term AS to the rate of $16,932 Term AS January 1to June 30, 1975 LEAVES OF ABSENCE

0. Elden Johnson Professor and Chairman Anthropology sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to write a manograph on Eastern Sioux archaeology based on six years of field research in central Minnesota with tirrre to be spent in the Twin Cities Chester G. Anderson Professor mglish sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to complete essays on Sylvia Plath and Richard Wright and to complete a book on Jams Joyce with time to be spent in Dublin and Crete Robert E. Moore Professor English sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 for study and writing in the general field of the relationships between literature and the other arts Martin Steinmann Jr. Professor mglish sabbaticdl furlough for 1975-76 to bring together the basic research in rhetoric linguistics and the psychology of language relevant to what makes writing more or less effective and to hm writing skill is acquired and developed and to formulate criteria and methods for evaluating programs in writing with tinu3 to be spent in Minneapolis and London Robert L. Scott Professor and Chainnan Speech Cmication sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to work on a series of papers and to work toward a book relating rhetorical criticism to hum intentionality frm the standpoint of phenomnological thinking with time to be spent at Pennsylvania State University. Peter W. Lock Professor French and Italian sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to continue research and writing on Honor& de Balzac whose fiction is being studied from a psychoanalytical perspective-- a perspective which will lead to a substantial re-evaluation of sexuality and madness in the Cdiehumaine with time to be spent in France and mbert J. Ames Professor Humanities Program sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to organize materials and notes gathered from previous travels in the South Pacific with mst of the time to be spent in the lVin Cities M. Virginia Fredricks Professor Theatre Arts and Associate Dean College of Liberal,,Arts sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to study current poetic and dramatic literature and criticism as well as performance aspects of oral interpretation of literature with time to be spent in Europe Gopinath Kallianpur Professor School of hthematics leave without salary March 16 to June 15, 1975 to serve as Visiting Professor jointly at the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Systems Science (School of Engineering) at the University of , Los Angeles Wentmrth Quast Professor Psychiatry sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to stdy specific needs and applications in a seven county rural area which will have direct relevance to teaching in an innovative University training program Mary Corcoran Professor Social Psychological and Philosophical Foundations of Education sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to conduct a series of field studies of graduate programs in education in selected University Schools and Colleges of Education and prepara- tion of analytic reports on the distinguishing characteristics of their programs with time to be spent in Minneapolis and San Francisco Jay Y. Roshal Professor Division of Science and Mathematics Morris sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 for study and research with time to be spent at the biological laboratories of Harvard Univer- sity and Kettering Institute and the libraries at Stanford and the University of Hawaii Stephen F. Gudeman Associate Professor Anthropology sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to ccknplete a book on ecmomics and change in a Panamanian camunity with time to be spent in Minneapolis Edward M. Griffin Associate Professor English sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to complete a biography of Charles Chauncy and to write five or six essays on the uses made of early Arnerican history and literature by important twentieth century American writers with time to be spent in New England and the ?t\rinCities John S. Adams Associate Professor Geography leave without salary Sept-r 16 to Dechr 15, 1975 to accept a Fulbright-Hays Lecturing Award at the Interdisciplinary Department for Urban and Regional Studies Vienna Institute of Cmrce Jartles E. Jernberg Associate Professor School of Public Affairs sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 for study and research with tkto be spent in Minneapolis Paul P. D'Andrea Associate Professor and Chairman Humanities sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to work on a research project in interdisciplinary studies in the humanities with three mnths to be spent in Munich Hans M. Gregersen Associate Professor College of Forestry leave without salary March 10-14, 1975, to advise the Inter-Amrican Develomt Bank and the World Bank of the United Nations on their lending program in Guatemala in the area of forestry and land use developnt Chiung Puh Lee Associate Professor Physiology leave without salary March 1 to August 31, 1975 for travel and research in France and England Ronald E. LaBelle Clinical Associate Professor School of Dentistry leave without salary February 1 to June 15, 1975 for personal reasons David J. McLaughlin Associate Professor Botany sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 for research on fungal ultrastructure to acquire new techniques for this work and to gain new experience in cell biology , of lower plants with thto be spent at the University of Colorado, Boulder Kenneth R. Hmey Associate Professor Curriculum and Instruction College of Education sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 for critical analysis of experimental teacher training programs and teacher train- ing materials with travel in the United States and study in Washington D.C. Frances E. Skinner Associate Professor School of Social Developrrrent Duluth sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 for study and research with time to be spent in Tennessee, Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania Robert H. Evans Associate Professor Philosophy Duluth sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to study American Realism frm 1868tothe present withtine to be spent in Minnesota and Ohio George Kliger Assistant Professor Humanities Program sabbatical furlough for 1975-76 to do research toward and engage in writing a book on the way in which an integrated study of the humnities particularly of literature, the arts, and existential, humanistic, and depth psychologies contributes to the education of the whole person with time to be spent in Minneapolis and the west coast MINNESOTA PUBLIC INTEREST RESIWXH GROUP FEE ISSUE President Magrath called on Vice President Wilderson to discuss the administrative re-dations of changing the Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (MPIRG) designation and information on the student fee statement. Vice President Wilderson also suggested that the University continue to collect the fees for MPIRG for at least one year during which time he proposed an assessmnt by the University to determine present student relationships with MPIRG and a review of the possibilities of including MPZRG in the regular student fee collection structure. President Magrath presented a statement on the MPIRG issue in which he generally recmded continuing the present method of fee collection for one year with som evaluation of that mthod to be conducted during the year and a report to be made to the Board of Regents prior to the contract renewal date of June 30, 1976. Regent Utz moved the recatmmdation of President Magrath and offered the following resolution: "Resolved, That upon the recomdation of the President the appropriate University officers are authorized to revim the fee collection contract with the Minnesota Public Interest Research Group (MPIRG) for a period of one year camnencing July 1, 1975 and with the following stipulations: 1. That MPIRG be advised that the one year renewal is probationary and that MPIRG relationships to the student body and the degree of student sq- port are in som respects questionable. 2. That the voluntary and refundable aspects of the fee for WIRG be further clarified to registering students, and including a box on the fee statmt for the student to check if the student desires not to pay the MPIRG fee.

3. That the Vice President for Student Affairs be directed to undertake a thorough study of student support for the fee collection mthod and support of MPIRG

4. That the Vice President for Student Affairs in consultation with MPIFG and established campus- wide govemmnt groups determine whether MPIRG can be structured more efficiently through the established student government and student fees cdttee.

5. That the results of the survey and consultations be reported to the Board of Regents by March, 1976."

Regent Moore seconded the motion.

Regent Lee moved to amend the motion by inserting the recamendations mde by the Student Representatives in lieu of the President's recomndation (this reccarmendation would have required students to indicate on a separate card, and by a yes or no vote, their support for MPIRG) . Regent Malkerson seconded the amenCin~~~t.After discussion, the question was called forandthe arrenhtwas defeated by a 6-4 vote.

Regent Malkerson moved to amend Regent Utz ' s 'mtion by printing language an the fee statanent giving students the option to vote yes or no via the fee staterrent to indicate their support for MPIRG. Regent Lee seconded the rrrotion. After discussion, the question was called for and the m&mtwas defeated on a 5-5 vote.

After further discussion, the vote on the original motion was taken and resulted in its passage by a 7-3 vote. Regents Thrane, Krenik and Malkerson cast negative votes.

REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE cmm Regent Andersen, Chairman of the cdttee mde the following statelrent:

"As Chairman of the mecutive Ccxnnittee, I have examined and signed the Report of the Vice Presi- dent for Finance and have reviewed the transactions involving requisitions, journal vouchers, and transfers of funds.

"I have review& and signed the Report covering changes in Civil Service classifications and ranges as recom- mded by the Director of Personnel. "I have reviewed the Report of the President who has approved pe'rsonnel actions for nontenured acadmic staff at a salaryYlevel belaw $15,058 and Civil Service staff through Range 39. There were no exceptions to the general personnel policies in his report.

"The foregoing reports are submitted for approval by the Board of Regents."

A mtion was made, seconded and unanhusly passed approving the reports. Documentation filed supplement to the minutes, No. 21,114.


After discussion, the Board voted unanimously to approve the recmndations of the University Honors Carranittee. Documentation filed supplmnt to the minutes, No. 21,115.


After discussion,the Board of Regents voted unanimously to accept the list of gifts totalling $1,111,015 of which the follow- ing are major gifts:


Donor Estate of Junita J. Wrtensen Almunt $64,586.18 Fund rvlortensen Fund for Heart Research ($32,293.09) rvlortensen Fund Research in General Psychology ($32,293.09)

Donor Estate of Herbert A. Collins ,) Amount $12,121.33 Fund Kidney Research


Donor The Bush Foundation Amount $300,000.00 Fund Bush Foundation Graduate Fellawships

Donor Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Foundation &t-ount $5,000.00 Fund 3M Lectureship in Chemistry ($1,500.00) 3M Fellmship in Chemistry ($3,500.00)

Donor University of Minnesota Foundation Amount $15,000.00 Fund Paul F. Dwan Chair in Education of Pediatric Cardiology

Donor Minnesota Arboretum Foundation munt $10,000.00 Fund Minnesota Arboretum Operations Donor Estate of Jean McCormick Nesbitt' m~nt $9 ,goo. 00 Fund Jean Nesbitt Chair in Micine Donor Masonic Memrial Hospital Fund, Inc. Anmunt $8,500.00 Fund Masonic Professorship in Cancer Donor University of Minnesota Foundation munt $6,250.00 Fund Dwan ChildrenS Health Center Donor University of Minnesota Foundation 2b~mlnt $6,140.77 Fund Hartig Service Fund Total $436,598.28 Vice President Linck presented a listing of contract and grant awards and applications for contracts and grants. He requested that item #22 in the application list be withdrawn fran consideration. a. Approval of Contract and Grant Awards, filed supplement to the minutes, No. 21,116. b. Approval of Applications for Contracts and Grants, filed supplement to the minutes, No. 21,117. A motion was made, seconded and unanb~uslypassed approving the list of contracts and grants and applications for contracts and grants.

Regent Andersen, Chairman of the camittee, reported that discussions on the MPIRG fee issue had begun in the Comnittee of the Whole on Thursday mrning and continued on Thursday afternoon where it was placed on the agenda for the Board of Regents Meeting. Five legis- lators appeared before the Cornnittee to express their support for MPIRG and the present fee collection mthcd. The camnittee also heard a report from Vice President Brinkerhoff relative to the audit perforrned by the auditing firm of Ernst & Emst. The armittee recamended approval of the follming resolu- tion: "Resolved that the Board of Regents accept the Emst & Emst audit report, and upon the recmmndation of Vice President Brinkerhoff, authorize the continuation of audits by the Ernst C Ernst firm in accordance with plans developed by the Vice President for Finance." A mtion was made, seconded and unanbusly passed approving the resolution. He further reported that Dean Carl Auerbach advised the Camittee of the admissions polisies and procedures for students who apply to enter the University of Minnesota Law School, and further discussion , ir. had been held on the Mission Statement for the University. Discussions will be continued at the April meetings on the Mission Statement.


Regent Sherbume, Chairman of the ccmnittee, reported that the camittee had received a nunher of curriculum proposals, saw of which were placed in a new format giving the Regents a briefer description of the proposal in a way much easier to understand. Three of these proposals were acted upon, and he requested approval by the Fioard of Regents of the follwing:

a. Interdepartmntal Program in Classical Civilization, Twin Cities

b. Major in Islamic Studies, Twin Cities

c. Master of Industrial Safety Degree, Duluth

The Board of Regents voted unanhusly to approve the curriculum proposals.

Regent Sherbume further advised the Board of Regents that President Magrath advised that negotiations were ccanpleted and recomded approval of the resolution to execute contracts with the University of Nebraska Board of Regents and the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education to provide forthe enrollrrt3nt of a specified n-r of Nebraska and North Dakota residents in the College of Veterinary Medicine.

The camittee reccmrended approval by the Bod of Regents of the follawing resolution:

"RESOLVED, that the President is authorized and directed to complete negotiations and to execute and/or amend all necessary agreerents with the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska and the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education to allw for the enrollment of a specified rider of Nebraska and North Dakota residents in the College of Veterinary mdicine; and

"m,that said agreement (s) shall preseme to the appropriate agency within the University of Minnesota, the final determination of eligibility and standing within the College; and

"FURTHER, that any such contract (s) shall provide for the full rehbursmnt of our costs over and above any tui- tion paymmts by the student(s) and any Federal capitation kunding received for these students."

A motion was made, seconded and unanhusly passed approving the resolution. He also reported that discussion was held in the cannittee meting relative to 'the mtinuation of the special laboratory fee of $4.00 for certain courses involving laboratory equiprent and materials for the 1975-76 academic year with the understanding that fees so collected will be returned to the college or cartpus of origin. The cormittee recmded approval of this reest, and a mtion was made, seconded and unanimously passed by the Board of Regents approving such request.


Regent Utz, Chaim of the camnittee reported that two items were presented to the carrenittee for action. The first item involved the approval of the SmrSession Fees for the Twin Cities Campus. He reported that these student services fees were approved by the Student Services Fees Camittee and the Twin Cities Student Assembly and totalled $23.50 per quarter and did not recmnd continued student funding of the Consolidated Athletic Building Fund. The administra- tion recmnded an increase of $.90 in the fee for a total of $24.40 to provide continued student support of the Consolidated Athletic Building Fund. The cannittee requested further information relative to the payment schedule for the building with an indication of the sources of all funds used for retiring the Bierman Building debt for the next meeting. It was the cornnittee's recomrvtndation that the Board of Regents approve the SmrSession Fees for the Twin Cities Campus in the munt of $24.40. A mtion was made, seconded and unanimously passed approving this reccmnendation.

The second item for action in the cormittee was the UMD Smr Session Student Fee Schedule. After discussion, a mtion was made, seconded and unanhusly passed approving a fee for sumr session at UMD in the amount of $15.25.

He further reported that a student in Dental Hygiene, Miss Karen Olson, appeared before the comnittee regarding the configuration of the health services fee. She was advised to discuss her grievance with the student fee camittee on the Twin Cities Campus with a follaw-up to the camittee at a later date.


Regent Moore, in the absence of Regent Cina, presented the following items and resolutions for approval:

a. Personnel items as presented to the cormittee;

b. Noncampus service requests as presented to the conmittee as follclws:

Institute of Agriculture, Forestry and HOE Economics

Pauline S. Berry, Assistant Professor, Family Social Science -- Consultant services for College of St. Thomas. Frcnn February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimted time involved: 2 days per year off campus and the equivalent of 1/2 day per year on the campus. Patrick J. Borich, Professor, Agricultural Extension -- Consultant services for Journal of Extension. From July 1, 1973 to July 1, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 3 days per month on the campus, 1 day per ( , v month off the campus. Bruce A. Brown, Professor, Forest Resources -- Consultant services for Arrmhead Regional Developrent C&ssion,(ARDC). From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1976. Estimated tk involved: 1/2 day per month on the campus, 1 day per mnth off the campus. Harold A. Cloud, Professor, Agricultural Engineering -- Consultant services for Crystal Chippers, Inc. From March 1975 to December 1975. Estimated thinvolved: a total of 5 to 10 days during this period off the campus. Jams E. Connolly, Professor, Rhetoric -- Consultant services for Bechtel Corporation. Frm February 1975 to September 1975. Estimated tirtle involved: 3 days per mnth off the campus. Reynold P. Dahl, Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics -- Consultant services for Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. From January 15, 1975 to April 30, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 3 days per mnth on the campus. Paul V. Ellefson, Associate Professor, Forest Resources -- Consultant services for mrican Forestry Association. Fram February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Paul V. Ellefson, Associate Professor, Forest Resources -- Consultant services for Minnesota Chapter, The Nature Conservancy. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tirtle involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Roxana Ford, Associate Dean and Professor, Vocational-Technical Education and Achhistration -- Consultant services for State Depamnt of Education, Vocational Unit, Horn Economics. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 1/4 day per mnth off the campus and minimal tire on the campus. Arnold M. Flikke, Professor and Head, Agricultural Ehgineering -- Consultant services for Minnesota State Prison Industries - State of Minnesota. From March 1, 1975 to indefinite. Estimated th involved: meetings to be called when necessary. Earl I. Fuller, Professor and Extension Economist, Farm Management, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Agricultural Extension Service -- Consultant services for University of Nebraskafiational Science Foundation. Froan January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimted tkinvolved: 4 days total off the campus. Richard D. Goodrich, Professor, Animal Science -- Consultant services for Waubun Cattle Ccmpany. From January 31, 1975 to open. Estimated tbinvolved: 1/3 day per mnth off the campus. Warren Y. Gore, Instructor, Rhetoric -- Consultant services for Hamline University. From September 22, 1975 to October 14, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: a total of 12 hours on the Hamline Univer- sity campus. Gordon W. Gullion, Research Associate, Entomology, Fisheries and Wildlife -- Consultant services for Grafton-Barrett Project (Windham Foundation). From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: about 5 days per year off the campus. Alvin R. Hallgren, Associate Professor, Forest Resources -- Consultant services for Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Continuing Assignmnt with annual renewal since 1965. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. Alvin R. Hallgren, Associate Professor, Forest Resources -- Consultant services for St. Paul Water Department. Continuing Assignment with annual renewal since 1967. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Wayne H. Hanson, Professor, Agricultural Extenion Service -- Consultant services for Minnesota State Fair. From August 21, 1975 to August 28, 1975. Estimated time involved: 6 1/2 days off the campus. Diane Phyllis Hedin, Instructor, Center for Youtlh Developmnt & Research -- Consultant services for National Student Volunteer Program (ACTION). From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: a total of 15 days per year off the campus. Richard H. Hey, Professor, Family Social. Science -- Consultant services for Judson Ikmrial Baptist Church; Private practice Marriage & Family Counseling. Fran July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 1/4 days per mth on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. Robert F. Johnson, Professor, Textiles and Clothing -- Consultant services for various product liability legal firms primarily in Minnesota and Texas. From January 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per mnth on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. Sagar V. Krupa, Assistant Professor, Plant Pathology -- Consultant services for Tmship of Eagen, Minnesota. From January 1975 to March 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus and 3 days per mth off the campus. Roger E. Mad-uwier, Professor, Agricultural Engineering -- Consultant services for Resource Engineering. Fran January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the campus and 1 1/2 days per mnth off the campus. James J. McDonough, Jr., Instructor, Center for Youth Develop-at and Research -- Consultant services for Mental Health Consultants, Ltd. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 3 days per mth off the campus. James J. McDonough, Jr., Instructor, Center for Youth Developmnt and Research -- Consultant services for Alfred Adler Institute of Minnesota Fran February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. C. A. Mohn, Associate Professor, Forest Resources -- Consultant services for Lake States Tree Imp. Camnittee. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per year on the campus and 2 days per year off the campus. C. A. I%h,Associate Professor, Forest Resources -- Consultant services for Wilderness Research Center. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per year off the campus James A. Moore, Instructor, Agricultural Engineering -- Consultant services for Resources Engineering. Fran January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the campus and 1 1/2 days per mnth off the campus. Gerhard Neubeck, Professor, Family Social Science -- Consultant services for Private ;ractice, Marriage Counseling and Psychotherapy. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tirrre involved: . ;*. * 4-6 hours per week off the campus. Thomas E. Pearsall, Professor, Rhetoric -- Consultant services for Minnesota Highway Departmnt. Frm February 1975 to September 1975. Estimated tbinvolved: 3 or 4 days per month off the campus. Evelyn P. Quesenberry, Professor and Program Director, Agricultural Extension Service -- Consultant services for the Proctor & Gamble Company. Frm January 1, 1975 to December 30, 1975. Estimated tbinvolved: 1 to 2 days per year on the campus and 2 or 3 days three times during the year off the campus. Paul C. Rosenblatt, Professor, Family Social Science -- Consultant services for Behavioral Science Research. Frm January 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 1/4 day per month on the campus. Eugene H. Sander, Associate Professor, Food, Science and Nutrition -- Consultant services for Hercules, Inc. From January 1975 to April 1, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per month off the campus. L. David Schuelke, Professor, Rhetoric -- Consultant services for USDA Graduate School. From March 1975 to June 1975. Estimated tk involved: 2 days in March and 2 days in June off the campus. L. David Schuelke, Professor, Rhetoric -- Consultant services for Donaldson Company, Inc. Frm February 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 to 2 days per month off the campus. L. David Schuelke, Professor, Rhetoric -- Consultant services for Minnesota Public ESnploymmt Relations Board. From February 1975 to September 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per month (if called) off the campus. Miriam B. Seltzer, Instructor, Center for Youth Developnt & Research -- Consultant services for Federal Extension Service -- National Curriculum Cornnittee. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 3 days per mnth on the' campus and 6 days per year off the campus. Larry J. Smith, Assistant Professor, Northwest Experhent Station -- Consultant services for Northwest Minnesota Crops and Soils Associa- tion. Frm January 23, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Lloyd L. Smith, Jr., Professor, Entmlogy, Fisheries, and Wildlife -- Consultant services for Lake Michigan Task Force (Wisconsin Departroent of Natural Resources). From February 1975 to April 1975. Estimated tire involved: 1 day per month off the campus. Marvin E. Smith, Associate Professor, Forest Resources, Extension -- Consultant services for Minnesota Christmas Tree Gorwers Association. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the campus and 1/2 day per month off the campus. Lym K. Steil, Assistant Professor Rhetoric -- Consultant services for Deparhrent of Health, Education, Welfare -- Indian Dental Health Services. From February 24, 1975 to February 24, 1976. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Lyman K. Steil, Assistant Professor, Rhetoric -- Consultant services for University of California -- "Programs in Business & Organizational Managerrent. Fram March 14, 1975 to March 18, 1975. Estimated tirre involved: 4 days off the campus. Ward C. Stienstra, Assistant Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist, Plant.Pathology and Agriculture Extension Service -- Consultant services for Mallinkrodt Chemical kbrks. From February 1975 to April 1975. Estimated tire involved: .6 day per mnth on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. Ward C. Stienstra, Assistant Professor ahd Extension Plant Pathologist, Plant Pathology and Agricultural Extension Service -- Consultant services for W.A. Cleary Corporation. From February 1975 to April 1975. Estimated tkinvolved: .6 day per month on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. John J. Waelti, Associate Professor and Extension Economist, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Agricultural Extension Service -- Consultant services for City of Faimnt, Minnesota. From January 1, 1975 (continuation) to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per mnth off the campus. Francis A. W, Professor and Department Head, Plant Pathology -- Consultant services for Chestnut Ridge Pmer Center (Penelec). From January 1975 to December 1975. Estimated tim involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Richard J. Zeyen, Assistant Professor, De-t of Plant Pathology Consultant services for City of Eagan-&ad Deposition on Plants. From January 1, 1975 to February 1975. Estimated tire involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus and 1 day per month off ~e campus.

Institute of Technology

Rutherford Aris, Professor, and Materials Science -- Consultant services for Amxx, Oil Company. Frm January 1, 1975 to Decerbr 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 5/12 day per mnth off the carrpus. Gust Bitsianes, Professor, Civil & Mineral Engineering -- Con- sultant services for U.S. Bureau of Mines. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per week on the campus and 1/2 day per week off the canpus. Perry L. Blackshear, Professor, Mechanical Engineering -- Consultant services for National Institute of Health. Frm January 31, 1975 to Decesnber 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 7 days per year off the campus. Perry L. Blackshear, Jr., Professor, Mechanical Engineering -- Consultant services for Pkdtronic Inc. From January 31, 1975 to Dec&r 31, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the canpus. Perry L. Blackshear, Jr., Professor, Mechanical Engineering -- Consultant services for IBM. From January 31, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 4 days per year off the campus. Richard F. Borch, Associate Professor, Chemistry -- Consultant services for Riker Laboratories, Inc., a subsidiary of the 3PI Coanpany. Fram April 1, 1975 to March 31, 1977. Estimated time involved: 2 days per year on the campus and 10 days per year off the cqus. Kenneth M. Brawn, Associate Professor, Computer, Informtion and Control Sciences -- Consultant services for Argonne National Laboratory ( Division) . From February 1, 1975 to January 31, 1976. Estimated time involved: 1 day per month off the campus. Robert W. Carr, Jr. Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant services for mrican Chemical Society. From Feb- 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: .&. , approximately 3 to 4 days per mnth on the cqus. R. J. Collins, Professor, Electrical Engineering -- Consultant services for Office of Secretary of Defense, Pentagon, Washington, D.C. From January 1975 to 1977. Estimated tixe involved: 2 days every 4 mnths off the campus. Howard T. Davis, Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant services for Argonne National Laboratory. Frm January 1, 1975, to December 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/3 day per mnth off the campus. Arthur Guy Erdman, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering -- Consultant services for Zero-Max. Fran January 30, 1975 to January 30, 1976. Estimated time involved: 3 days per mnth off the cqus. Rqer L. Fosdick, Professor, Aerospace Engineering & kchanics -- Consultant services for Society for National Philosophy. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tixe involved: 1 day per month on the campus. Roger I,. Fosdick, Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics -- Consultant services for Journal of Elasticity. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per mnth on the campus. Darrell A. Frohrib, Professor, Mechanical Engineering -- Consultant services for Univac Division, Sperry Rand Corporation. From January 29, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 4 days per mnth off the campus. William L. Garrard, Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Pkchanics -- Consultant services for Romunt Inc. From January 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tkinvolved: 1 day per mnth on the campus and 1/2 day per month off the campus. W. R. Gentry, Assistant Professor, Chemistry*-- Consultant services for Beam Dynamics. From March 1, 1975 to June 15; 1975. Estimated tine involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. William W. Gerberich, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Cmsultant services for Lakehead Pipeline Company. From February 1975 to March 1975. Estimated the involved: 3/4 day per mnth on the campus. ThmE. Hutchinson, Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant services for Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Thomas E. Hutchinson, Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant services for International Business Machines. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Esthted time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Herbert S. Isbin, Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant services for Nuclear Regulatory Comnission. From February 1975 (continuation) to February 1979. Estimated tk involved: 1 day per week off the campus. Stacy G. Langton, Assistant Professor, School of Mathamtics -- Consultant services for Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading, Mass. Fran February, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tixe involved: average of 1 to 2 days per mnth off the campus. Jams E. Lawver, Professor and Director, Mineral Resources Research Center ---Consultant services for Arthur G. McKee & wy. Frm January 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 8 days per year off the campus. Jms E. Lawver, Professor and Director,,Mineral Resources Research Center -- Consultant services for Companhia Mineira Do Lobito. From January 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 8 days per year off the campus. Jams E. Lawver, Professor and Director, Mineral Resources Research Center -- Consultant services for General Electric Campany- TEMPO. Fram January 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 10 days per year off the campus. Jams E. Lawver, Professor and Director, Mineral Resources &search Center -- Consultant services for Sala Magnetics, Inc. From January 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 6 days per year off the campus. Richard C. Jordan, Professor and Head, Pkchanical Engineering -- Consultant services for National Science Foundation. From January 29, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 4 days per year off the campus. T. S. Lee, Associate Professor, Electrical mgineering -- Consultant services for Lightning and Transient Research Inst., St. Paul, Minnesota. From February, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 0-1 days per mnth off the campus. Christopher W. Macosko, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant services for Rheomtrics, Inc. Frcan April 1975 to March 31, 1976. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. Christopher W. Macosko, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant services for General Mills Chemicals, Inc. From February 1975 to August 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Christopher W. Macosko, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant services for 3M Company. From February 15, 1975 to February 15, 1976. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Willard Miller, Jr., Professor, Mathemtics -- Consultant services for SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. Frm January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1977. Estimated time involved: 2 days per mnth on the campus and 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Edward P. Ney, Regents' Professor, Astronomy -- Consultant services for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. From January 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/6 day per mnth off the campus. Edward P. Ney, Regents' Professor, Astroncgny -- Consultant services for National Science Foundation. Fram February 1975 to November 1977. Estimated time involved: 1/3 day per mnth off the campus. Alfred 0. C. Nier, Regents' Professor, School of Physics and Astronceny -- Consultant services for Central Research Laboratories. From 1956 (continuing) to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per year off the campus. John Overend, Professor, Chemistry -- Consultant services for AM: LQS Alms Scientizic Laboratory. From February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated tk involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the **. , " ' ' campus. Suhas V. Patankar, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering -- Consultant services for Atcmic Energy of Canada, Ltd. From February 6, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 2 days per mnth on the campus and 2 days per year off the campus. Robert Plunkett, Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics -- Consultant services for Donaldson Co. Fram January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1976. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Ibbert Plunkett, Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Wchanics -- Consultant services for American Society of Mechanical Engineers. From February, 1975 to June 15, 1976. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the carpus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. William E. Ranz, Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant services for Phillips Petroleum Ccanpany. From February 1975 to July 31, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 5 days per year off the campus. Otto H. Schmitt, Professor, Biophysics (Electrical Engineering) -- Consultant services for Dr. Gerald R. &tad and Dr. Stephen Silva. From July 1, 1975 to July 1977. Estimated tire involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the campus and 1/2 day per mnth off the canpus. Otto H. Sdmitt, Professor, Biophysics (Electrical Engineering) -- Consultant services for V.A. Hospital. Frm July 1, 1975 to June 15, 1976. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the canpus and 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Otto H. Schitt, Professor, Biophysics (Electrical Engineering) -- Consultant services for Mount Sinai Hospital. From December 19, 1974 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tkinvolved: 1 day per mnth on the campus and 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. L. E. Scriven, Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant services for 3M Company. From April 15, 1974 (continuing) to April 14, 1975. Estimated tirru; involved: 1-2 hours per year on the cqus and 1/3 day per mnth off the campus. L. E. Scriven, Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant servioes for Mobil Research and Developrent Corporation. From February 1975 to October 31, 1975. Estimated tiroe involved: 2 days during academic year, 2 days in sumner off the campus. Ephraim M. Sparrow, Professor, Mechanical Engineering - Consultant services for Borg-Warner Corporation, &search Laboratory. From January 30, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 3 days per year off the campus. Richard A. Swalin, Dean and Professor, Institute of Technology Administration -- Consultant services for Midwest Research Institute. From May 15, 1975 to open. Estimated time involved: 1 day per year off the campus. Edwin L. Thcanas, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- Consultant services for Technical Advisory Service Attorneys. From January 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. ~stimated tiroe involved: 1 day per manth on the campus. Iauis E. Toth, Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science -- consultant services for Pittsburgh Plate Glass. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 6 days per year off the campus. A. Tuszynski, Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering -- Consultant services for Naval Electronics bratories Center. From December 15, 1974 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: maxim of 20 days per nine mnths off the campus. G. K. Wehner, Professor, Electrical Engineering -- Consultant services for Arrrerican Vacuum Society. Frm January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1976. Estimated tk involved: 1 day per year on the campus and 4 days per year off the campus. Hans F. Weinberger, Professor, School of Mathematics -- Consultant services for Society for Industrial and Applied Math-tics. From February 1975 to indefinite. Estimated time involved: 1/10 day per mnth off the campus.

College of Biological Sciences

V. Elving Anderson, Professor, Genetics and Cell Biology -- Consultant services for Institute for Advanced Christian Studies. From February 1975 to December 1977. Estimated tbinvolved: 2 days per year off the campus. V. Elving Anderson, Professor, Genetics and Cell Biology -- Consultant services for Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society of North America. From February 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 6 days per year off the carpus. Robert C. Bright, Associate Professor and Curator of Paleontology -- Consultant services for Reserve Mining Co. From 1970 (continuing) to June 30, 1975. Estimated tine involved: 1/6 day per month on the campus and 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. A total of 3-5 days per year. Eville Gorham, Professor, Ecology & Behavioral Biology -- Consultant services for National Academy of Sciences. Frm January 1975 to completion of evaluation. Estimated time involved: 1-2 days on 3-6 separate occasions on the campus and 1-2 days on 3-6 occasions off the campus. Charles W. Hwer, Associate Professor and Curator of Fishes -- Consultant services for City of St. Paul. Frm February 1975 to April 15, 1975. Estir~tedtime involved: 2 days per mnth on the campus. Robert G. McKinnell, Professor, Zoology -- Consultant services for National Academy of Sciences, Advisory Council, ILAR. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tim2 involved: 2-3 days per year off the campus. Murray D. Rosenberg, Professor, Genetics and Cell Biology -- Consultant services for West Side Peoples Health Clinic. From February 1975 to June 1976. Estimated tbinvolved: 1 1/2 days per month off the canpus. Murray D. Rosenberg, Professor, Genetics and Cell Biology -- Consultant services for Drug Rehabilitation Center. From February 1975 to June 1976. Estimated tk involved: 1 1/3 days per mnth off the campus. Irwin Rubenstein, Professor, Genetics and Cell Biology -- Consultant services for Field mterprises Educational Corporation. From 1970 (continuing) to June 15, 1975. Estimated tbinvolved: 5 days , * per year off the campus. Donald B. Siniff, Associate Professor, Ecology & Behavioral Biology -- Consultant services for Marine Mamrdl Cafmissipn. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per month on the campus and 3/4 day per month off the campus. John R. Tester, Professor, Acting Head, Ecology and Behavioral Biology -- Consultant servioes for Bather, Ringrose & Wolsfeld, Inc. Frm April 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mth on the campus and 1.5 to 2 days per mnth off the campus- Dwain W. Warner, Professor & Curator of Birds, Bell Museum of Natural History -- Consultant services for Minnehaha Creek Water- shed District. From January 15, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 3 days per mnth off the campus (maximum total of 15 days) . College of Business Administration

John W. Boyer, Jr. Associate Professor and Acting Head, Business and Economics -- Consultant services for Bureau of Mediation Services for the State of Minnesota. Frm January 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Richard N. Cardozo, Professor, Marketing -- Consultant services for ADC - Magnetic Controls Co. Fram January 1975 to August 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Richard N. Cardozo, Professor, Marketing -- Consultant services for Jostens, Inc. From January 1975 to April 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the caqus. Philip L. F'riest, Associate Professor, Acting Head, Accounting -- Consultant services for Public and Private Organizations. From February 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Jack Gray, Professor, Accounting -- Consultant services for Minnesota United Methodist Federal Credit Union. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 1/8 day per mnth off the campus. J. Stephen Heinen, Assistant Professor, Management and transportation -- Consultant services for Cargill. Fran January 27, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1-2 days per mnth off the campus. Hyung K. Kim, Professor, and Acting Dean, Business Administration -- Consultant services for private and public organizations. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Charles R. Purdy, Associate Professor, Accounting -- Consulting services for Northstar Chapter of N.A.A. Frm February 1975 to May 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the campus and 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Peter Rosko, Associate Professor, Finance and Insurance -- Consultant services for Honeywell, Inc. Total period 2 days in March 1975. Estimated tire involved: 2 days off the carpus. C. Arthur Williams, Jr., Professor and Dean, Business Mistration -- Consultant servicesfor Puerto Rican Comnission on A Camprehensive, Integrated System of Social Security. Fram January 1975 to Decenber 1976. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the campus and 2 days every two mnths off the canpus. Robert K. Zkr, Professor, Accounting :-Consultant services for Big Stone Canning Co. From January 1, 1975 to January 1, 1976. Estimated tire involved: 2 days per mnth off the campus.

Continuing ducati ion and Extension

Dale Huffington, Director, Assistant Professor, Continuing Education in the Arts/Theater Departmnt -- Consultant services for Arrrerican College Theater Festival (program of American Theater Association. From Winter 1975 to Winter 1976. Estimated tk involved: 1/20 day per mnth on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. Gwendolyn Cline Perun, Assistant Professor, Piano Coordinator, Assistant Director, MacPhail Center -- Consultant services for Music Teachers National Association. Fram January 1975 to Septarber 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per manth on the campus and 2 days per year off the campus. Donald Z. Woods, Professor, Administration -- Consultant services for various advertising and pmtion ccsnpanies, such as Sptts International, Rabert Meyers Associates, etc. Fram February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 1 day per mnth off the campus College of Education

John F. Alexander, Professor and Division Head, School of Physical Education, Recreation and School Health Education -- Consultant services for Three public schools associated with the Minnesota State High School League, Anoka, Minnesota. From February 1975 to April 2, 1976. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mth off the campus. John R. Alexander, Professor and Division Head, School of Physical Education, Recreation and School Health Education -- Consultant services for Minnesota Association of HPER. From February 1975 to June 1976. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Alan R. Anderson, Associate Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Each Institute of Family and Cormity Process. From January 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 2-4 days per mnth off the canpus. !lark W. A~lls,Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for State Wide assesmt. Frm January 1975 to May 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. Bruce Balm, Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Governor's Developntal Disabilities Planning and Advisory Council. F'rm February 1975 to June 30, 1977. Estimated the involved: 1 day per mnth off the carpus. Bruce Balm, Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Bureau of Education for the Handicapped USOE. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 .&. , ;* * day per mnth off the campus. Bruce Balm, Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Leadership Training Institute of the University of Minnesota. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved : 1 day per mnth off the campus. Donald H. Blocher, Professor of Educational Psychology -- Consultant services for Veterans Administration, V.A. Hospital, Minneapolis. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Robert L. Borg, Associate Professor, Music Education - C and I -- Consultant services for Schubert Club. From February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated tk involved: 12 hours per mnth off the cqus. Laura J. Burger, Research Fellm, Vocational Technical Education (RCU) -- Consultant services for North St. Paul -- FJlaplewood Schools. Frm February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 4 days per mnth off the campus. William R. Charlesworth, Professor, Institute of Child Developat -- Consultant services for Editorial Board, Society for Research in Child Developrent, Child Development. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tkinvolved: .5 day per month on the campus. John J. Cogan, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Minneapolis Public Schools. Fram January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per month off the campus. Raymnd 0. Collier, Professor, SPPFE (PsyF) -- Consultant services for V.A. Hospital, Psychology Service. From February 1975 to June 15, ( 1975. Esthted time involved: 1/6 day per mnth off the capus in St. Cloud and 1/18 day per mnth off campus in Minneapolis. Willard Andrew Collins, Assistant Professor, Institute of Child Development -- Consultant services for Division on Developmtal Psychology, Atwrican Psychological Association. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tk involved: .5 day per mnth on the canpus and .5 day per month off the canpus. Willard Andrew Collins, Assistant Professor, Institute of Child Developrrrent -- Consultant services for Society for &search in Child Developmnt. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tk involved: .5 day per mnth on the campus and .5 day per mnth off the campus. Harlan G. Copeland, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Independent Study Program for Trustees. From February 1975 to October 1977. Estimated time hlved: .25 day per mnth on the campus. Harlan G. Copeland, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for James A. Farmer, Jr. Frm February 1975 to July 1976. Estimated tire involved: 2-3 days per year off the campus. Harlan G. Copeland, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Minnesota Adult Education Association. Fram February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 3 days per year off the campus. Harlan G. Copeland, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Laubach Literacy, Inc. From January 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated the involved: 4 days per year off the campus. Harlan G. Copeland, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Conmission of Professors of Adult Education. From February 1975 to November 1975. Estimated tims involved: 3 days per year off the campus. Stanley L. Deno, Associate Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Leadership Training Institute (U.S.O.E.). From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Daniel Dobbert, Research Associate, Educational Administration -- Consultant services for Northside Residents Redevelopmnt Council. Fram February 1975 to March 1976. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Robert Dykstra, Professor and Chairman, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Conmission for Teacher Licensing and Preparation. From February 1975 to September 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the campus and 1/4 day per mnth off the campus. Merrie A. Fidler, Instructor, IM Coordinator, Physical Education, Intramurals -- Consultant services for North American Society for Sport History. Frm January 1975 to June 1980. Estimated tine involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus. Ema Fishhaut, Instructor, Institute of Child Developmnt -- Consultant services for Social Dynamics, Inc. From February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated tinu! involved: .25 day per mnth off the campus Erna Fishhaut, Instructor, Institute of Child Develop-rent -- Consultant services for Tonka Corporation. From February 1975 to De&r 1975. Estimated time involved: .65 day per mnth off the camp- John H. Flavell, Professor, Institute of Child Developnt -- Consultant services for Coqnitive Psycholoqy, Contemporary PsYc~o~o~~, Human Development. Fram February 1975 to June~15,1975. Estimated time involved: .5 day per mnth on the campus. John H. Flavell , ~r6fessor,Institute of Child Developnt -- Consultant services for Educational Testing Service. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: -25 day per mnth off the campus. Allen D. Glenn, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for State Department of Education, Statewide Assessmnt. From January 15, 1975 to June 1975. Estimated tim involved: 1 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Michael F. Graves, Associate Professor, Curruculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for White Bear Lake Schools. From February 1975 to May 1975. Estimated tk involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Urraine S. Hansen, Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Educational Testing Service. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated tire involved: 4 days per year off the campus. Urraine S. Hansen, Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Camprehensive Career Guidance Project, Mesa, Arizona. From February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated tine involved: 3-4 days per year off the campus. Willard W. Hartup, Professor and Director, Institute of Child Development -- Cbnsultant* services for five professional journals: (1) child Developnt, (2) Joumal of E2qerimental Child Psycholoqy, .*. , * ' (3) Journal of Genetic Psycholoyy, (4) Genetic Psychology Monographs, (5) Human Developmnt. Frm February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: .5 day per mnth on ;the campus. Clifford Hooker, Professor, Education Adtrninistration -- Consultant services for Danforth Foundation. From Febl?lary 1975 to June 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per month on the campus and 2 days per month off the campus. Kenneth R. Hmey, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for National Institute of Education. From February 1975 to March 1975. Estimated tine involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus and 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Alan Hqhreys, Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Romunt Independent School District. From January 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the campus and 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Eloise M. Jaeger, Professor and Director, School of Physical Education, Recreation and School Health Education -- Consultant services for Burgess Publishing Company. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tkinvolved: no set nurrber of days (on campus) . Thomas Paul Jandris, Instructor, School of Physical Education, Recreation and School Health Education -- Consultant services for South Minneapolis Christian Social Services Clinic. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 1/2 days per mnth off the campus. Thms Paul Jandris, Instructor, School of Physical Education, Recreation and School Health Education -- Consultant services for T. M. Hendrickson and Associates. Frm February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 1 1/2 days per mnth off the cqus. Nadine Marie Jette, Assistant Professor, Physical Education -- Consultant services for Dance Lab Center. Frm January 1975 to January 1977. Estimated tbinvolved: 4 days per mnth off the campus* David C. Johnson, Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Scott, Forem Co. From February 1975 to May 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Helen L. Forstad, Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Minnesota Council of Teachers of Foreign Language. From October 1974 to October 1976. Estimated time involved: 1 day per month off the carpus. Robert J. Keller, Professor, Educational Administration -- Consultant services for North Central Association of Secondary Schools and Colleges. Frm February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated the involved: 1/4 day per mnth on the campus and 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Mary K. Klaurens, Professor, Vocational and Technical Education -- Consultant services for Charles E. Wrrill Publishing Company. From January 1, 1975 to January 1, 1976. Estimated tirtle involved: 1 day per month off the campus. Jean Marie Kmrow, Instructor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Red Wing Public Schools. Frm February 5, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tine involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Jams A. Mackey, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for South Washington School, Cottage Grove, Minnesota. From February 1975 to May 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. John C. Manning, Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Scott, Foreman, and Capany.' Fram February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Michael P. Maratsos, Assistant Professor, Institute of Child Developnt -- Consultant services for bbnoqraphs, Society for Research in Child Development. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/3 day per mnth on the campus. John C. Masters, Associate Professor, Institute of Child Developmnt -- Consultant services for Society for Research in Child Developmnt. From February 1975 to December 1976. Estimated time involved: 2 days per mnth on the campus. John C. Masters, Associate Professor, Institute of Child Developmt -- Consultant services for Veterads Administration. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tiroe involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Gary N. IWLean, Associate Professor, Vocational and Technical Education -- Consultant services for 3M Coqany Education Division, St. Paul, Minnesota. FmJanuary 1, 1975 to January 1, 1976. Estimated tire involved: daily during the last week of August and first two weeks of September, approximately 1 day per mnth in addi- tion off the campus. Jack C. Wrwin, Dean and Professor, Education -- Administration -- Consultant services for Minnesota State Departrent of Education Technical Advisory Cormittee. Frm February 1975 to July 1977. Estimated time involved: 2 days per year on the campus and 6 days per year off the canpus. Jack C. Merwin, Dean and Professor, Educatiop -- Administration -- Consultant services for Minnesota State Departrrrent of Education Title I11 Advisory Council. From February 1975 to July 1977. Estimated tire involved: 8 days per year off the campus and 2 days per year on the campus. Shirley G. Moore, Professor, Institute of Child Developwnt -- Consultant services for ERIC Clearinghouse for Early Childhood Education. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated th involved: .50 day per mnth off the campus. Shirley G. Wre, Professor, Institute of Child Developmt -- Consultantservicesfor State Departrrrent of Education - Preschool Consultant title I office. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: .25 day per mnth off the campus. Shirley G. Moore, Professor, Institute of Child Develomnt -- Consultant services for State Department of Education - Field Reader, Title IV Office. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved : .25 day per mnth off the campus. Shirley G. Moore, Professor, Institute of Child Developrent -- Consultant services for Parent and Child Center OM) Program, Northside Target Area, Minneapolis. Frm February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tine involved: 1.5 days per mnth off the campus. Van D. Mueller, Professor and Chairman, Educational Administration -- Consultant services for State of Minnesota. Fram February 1975 to January 1977. Estifhted time involved: 2 days per mnth off the .*. i CaK&lUS. Neal C. Nickerson, Jr. Professor, Educational Admhistration -- Consultant services for Minnesota State Comnittee of the North Central Association of Colleges. From January 1, 1975 to January 1, 1976. Estimated tk involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Neal C. Nickerson, Jr., Professor, Educational Administration -- Consultant services for Minnesota Association of Secondary School Principals. Fram January 1, 1975 to January 1, 1976. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Neal C. Nickerson, Jr., Professor, Educational Ahinistration -- Consultant services for Danforth Foundation. From February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated tkinvolved: 2 days per mnth off the campus. bsemrie L. Park, Assistant Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for State Department of Education. From December 30, 1974 to May 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Clyde A. Parker, Professor, PEd Studies and SPPFE -- Consultant services for Leadership Training Institute. From February 15, 1975 to June 15, 1975. sth hated time involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. P. David Pearson, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for State Deparhmt of Education - Statewide Assesant, c/o John Adams. Fram January 15, 1975 to August 15, 1975. ~stimatedtime involved: two to four days per mnth off the campus. Herbert L. Pick, Jr. Professor, Institute of Child Developrent -- Consultant services for Journal of Experkntal Child Psycholq. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tk involved: .5 day per mnth on the cqus. Herbert L. Pick, Jr. Professor, Institute of Child Develogmnt -- Consultant services for Carranittee on Cognition, Social Science Research Council. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated the involved: .5 day per mnth on the campus and .5 day per mnth off the campus. Jeralyn J. Plack, Associate Professor, Physical Education -- Consultant services for Molly Lynn. Frm February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus. Thamas R. Post, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Fran February 1975 to May 1976. Estimated time involved: 1/8 day per mnth on the campus and 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. bbert R. Randleman, Associate Professor, Department of Vocational and Technical Education -- Consultant services for Alternative Behaviors Association. From February 1975 to January 1, 1976. Estimated time involved: 2-4 days per mnth off the campus. John E. Rynders, Associate Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Metropolitan Council and DPW, Day Activity Center Section. From 1972 (continuation) to June 15, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. John E. Rynders, Associate Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for State Depwtof Education Task Force in Early Childhood Education and UNISTAPS. From 1972 (continuation) to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Philip Salapatek, Associate Professor, Institute of Child Developrrrent -- Consultant services for Minneapolis Public Schools. Frm February 1975 to indefinite. Estimated time involved: .5 day per mnth on the campus and .5 day per mnth off the campus. Sandra Scarr-Salapatek, Professor, Institute of Child Developnt -- Cmsultant services for American Psychological Association. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tirrre involved: .5 day per mnth off the campus. Sandra Scarr-Salapatek, Professor, Institute of Child Developnt -- Consultant services for Society for Research in Child Developrrrent. Frm February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tine involved: .5 day per mnth on the campus. Sandra Scarr-Salapatek, Professor, Institute of Child Developmt -- Consultant services for Behavior Genetics Association. From February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated tbinvolved: .5 day per mnth on the campus. Warren F. Shaffer, Associate Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Veterans Administration Hospital. Frm January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 1/6 day per mnth off the campus. Jacqueline Shick, Associate Professor, Physical Education -- Consultant services for Research Quarterly of the AAHPER. From 1970 (continued) to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 3/4 day per mnth on the campus. Jacqueline Shick, Associate Professor, Physical Education -- Consultant services for Minnesota Board of LWren Officials. From February 1975 to June 1976. Estimated time involved: 1/8 day per mnth on the campus. Jacqueline Shick, Associate Professor, Physical Education -- Consultant services for NAGWS. From February 1975 to June 1, 1976. Estimated tirrre involved: 1 1/2 days per month on the campus. Jacqueline Shick, Associate Professor, Physical Education -- Consultant services for Title 111: Dance in the Elementary Schools, mlly Lynn, Director. Frm February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated tine involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Bruce D. Sillers, Associate Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Dr. Daniel Mjolsness, Red Wing Public Schools. Frm January 23, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimatedtime involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. John E. Stecklein, Professor, SPPFE (Psych. Foundations) -- Consultant services for North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Frm February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: .1 day per mnth on the campus and .5 day per month off the carpus. John E. Stecklein, Professor,SPPFE (Psych. Foundations) -- Consultant services for United Presbyterian Church, Presbyteries Coop. Cm. on Examinations. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tbinvolved: .33 day per mnth off the campus. Allen R. Sullivan, Associate Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Minnesota State Department of Education - Advisory Board for Special Education. From February 1975 to June ,;*' ' 1976. Estimated time involved: .25 days per mnth off the campus. ( Allen R. Sullivan, Associate Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Collaborative Perinatal Study NIH. From February 1975 to June 1976. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus. Allen R. Sullivan, Associate Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Minneapolis Public Schools Desegregation Project. F'rm February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated tim involved: .25 day per mnth off the canpus. Gordon I. Swanson, Professor, Vocational Education -- Consultant services for National Academy of Science, Chairrran - Cormcittee on Department of Labor R & D. From May 1973 (continuing) to May 1975. Estimted th involved: 2 1/2 day per mnth off the canpus. Gordon I. Swanson, Professor, Vocational Education -- Consultant services for National Academy of Science - Menber - Cormittee on Vocational Education R & D. Fram May 1974 (continuing) to May 1976. Estimated time involved : 2 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. June muin Tapp, Professor, Institute of Child Developrent and Criminal Justice Studies -- Consultant services for Law and Society Association. From January 1975 to December 1975. Estimated tim2 involved: .2 day per month on the campus and .2 day per mnth off the canpus. June Louin Tapp, Professor, Institute of Child Developtent and Criminal Justice Studies -- Consultant services for Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (APA, Div. 9). From January 1975 to September 1975. Estimated tim involved: .5 day per mnth on the campus and .5 day per month off the campus. June Louin Tapp, Professor, Institute of Child Development and Criminal Justice Studies -- Consultant sewices for Arrrerican Psychology - Law Society. From August 1974 to A21gust 1977. Estimated tire involved: .16 day per mnth on the campus and .16 day per mnth off the campus. June Louin Tapp, Professor, Institute of Child Development and Criminal Justice Studies -- Consultant services for Minnesota Task Force on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals. From September 1974 to June 1975. Esthted time involved: 1.25 days per month on the campus and 1.25 days per mnth off the campus. June Louin Tapp, Professor, Institute af Child Develownt and Criminal Justice Studies -- Consultant services for International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Fram September 1974 to September 1975. Estimated tire involved: .08 day per mnth on the campus and .08 day per mnth off the campus. Robert D. Tennyson, Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction -- Consultant services for St. Paul Public Schools. From January 1975 to May 1975. Estimated tk involved: 5 days per year off the campus. Jams E. Turnure, Professor, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for St. Paul Open School. Frm 1972 (continued) to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Caroline R. Weiss, Assistant Professor, Recreation, Park and leisure Studies -- Consultant services for Therapeutic Section of Minnesota Recreation and Park Association. Frm December 1974 to November 1975. Estimated tirrre involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Merlin J. Williams, Coordinator, Project STAIRS -- Consultant services for Urban Indian Center. Frm February 13', 1975 to December 31, 1978. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Judith M. Wolf, Research Fellow, Psychoeducational Studies (RD&D) -- Consultant services for St. Paul Public School System. From February 3, 1975 to July 1, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Frank H. Wd, Professor and Coordinator, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for SLBP Advisory C&ttee, Wls. Public Schools. F'rm February 1975 to August 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Frank H. Wood, Professor and Coordinator, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Minn. Directors of Special Education Train- ing Programs. Frm February 1975 to August 1975. Estimated tine involved: 1/4 day per mnth on the campus and 1/4 day per month off the campus. Frank H. Wood, Professor and Coordinator, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Bureau of Education for the Handicapped (USOE) BEH. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: .25 day per mnth on the campus and -25 day per mnth off the campus. Frank H. Wcd, Professor and Coordinator, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Council for Children with Behavior Disorders (CE). From February 1975 to August 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/4 day per mnth on the canpus and 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Frank H. Wood, Professor and Coordinator, Psychoeducational Studies -- Consultant services for Education Cananittee, Minnesota Comnission for the Handicapped. Frm February 1975 to August 1975. Estimated th involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus.

General College

Henry Barm, Professor, Division of Social & Behavioral Sciences -- Consultant services for Bureau of Hearings and Appals, Social Security Mmhistration, HEW. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off campus. Roger A. Larson, Professor, Science, Business & Mathematics -- Consultant services for Amercian Bar Association. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tim involved: approximtely 3 days per mnth off campus.

Graduate School

Andrew J. Hein, Assistant Dean, Graduate School -- Consultant services for Council of Graduate Schools, in U.S., Graduate Record Examination Editorial Board. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: approximately 4 days per calendar year off the campus. Health Sciences

John D. Allison, AssCkriate Professor, Physical Medicine & , Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Minnesota Blue Cross. Frm May 8, 1972 (continuing appoin-nt) to an undetermined tire. Estimated tinu3 involved: 1-1/2 hours per one day per month off the campus. John D. Allison, Associate Professor, Physical Wdicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Minnesota State Board of Medical Ekdmhers. From a continuing appintmnt from 1962 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Thomas P. Anderson, Associate Professor, Physical Wdicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Physical Therapy Cormittee of Minnesota State Board of Medical Examiners. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tin-e involved: 1/4 day per mnth off the canpus. Thomas P. Anderson, Associate Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Board of Governors, Arnerican Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. From February 1975 to 1980. Estimated time involved: 1/4 day per mnth off the campus. Dennis A. Armstrong, Instructor, Chemical Dependency Counseling, School of Public Health -- Consultant services for State Alcohol and Drug Authority. From March 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tirre involved: 2 days per mnth off the campus. Essam A. Awad, Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Rehabilitation Technology, Inc. From continuing appintrrrent of November 15, 1973 to an undetermined time. Estimted tk involved: 1/2 hour per month off the campus. t Giovanni F. Ayala, Professor, Neurology -- Consultant services for Area Health Education Center. Frm February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tine involved: 1 day per month off the campus. A. B. Baker, Regents' Professor and Head, Neurology -- Consultant services for Mt. Siani Hospital. From July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976. Estimated tk involved: 3 days per month off the campus. A. B. Baker, &gents' Professor and Head, Neurology -- Consultant services for Amrican Heart Association. From January 31, 1975 to December 31, 1976. Estimated tim involved: 2 days per year off the campus. Donald E. Barber, Professor, Enviromtal Health, School of Public Health -- Consultant services for Nuclear Programs, Medtronic, Inc. From January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. Ellis S. Benson, Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology -- Consultant services for Amrican Society of Clinical Pathologists. Fran a continuing corrunitmnt in 1974 to.1977. Estimated tine involved: 1/2 day per mnth on and off the campus. F. H. VanBergen, Professor and Head, Anesthesiology -- Consultant services for Veterans Administration Hospital. From a continuing cadtrrrent July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 visits per year off the campus. Max D. Bozarth, Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology -- Consultant services for Minnesota Society of Crippled Children & Adults. From a continuing corrmitmnt September 1, 1974 to August 31, 1975. Estimated tire involved: 1 to 2 days per mnth off the campus. Max D. Bozarth, Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology -- Consultant services for Minnesota Comnission for Handicapped. From a continuing cananitment October 1, 1973 to September 30, 1977. Estimated tim involved: 1 day per mth off the campus. Doris C. Brooker, Instructor, Laboratory &cine and Pathology -- Consultant services for Clinical Laboratory Services, Veterans Adhninistration Hospitals. Fram February 7, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 4 days per month off the campus. Richard D. Brunning, Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology -- Consultant services for Honeywell Corporation. From January 2, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated tire involved: 1/2 day per month on the campus. Joseph J. Buckley, Professor, Anesthesiology -- Consultant services for 3M. From a continuing ccarmitrrent frm July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 6 days per year off the campus. Joseph J. Buckley, Professor, Anesthesiology -- Consultant services for Veterans Administration Hospital. Frm a continuing comnitment July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estbted tbinvolved: 3 days per year off the campus. Theodore J. Busebier, Assistant Professor, Pkdicine and Surgery -- Consultant services for Bentley Laboratories. F'rm February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Julius C. Butler, Associate Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology -- Consultant services for Association of Planned Parenthood Physicians. Fram a continuing comnitxent April 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per month off the campus. Joseph M. Cardamne, Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine -- Consultant services for Modem Medicine. From a continuing comritment frm 1973 to present. Estimated th involved: 2 hours per month off the campus. H. Wad Cavert, Associate Dean and Professor, Medical School -- Consultant services for Minnesota Medical Foundation. From a continuing cormnitmnt from July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: approximtely 1 day per year off the carqus. Ward W. Ciriacy, Professor and Head, Family Practice & Comnunity Health -- Consultant services for Modern Medicine Publications. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: once or twice per year off the campus. Ward W. Ciriacy, Professor and Head, Family Practice & Camunity Health -- Consultant services for American Academy of Family Physicians. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days every 4 mnths off the campus. Edward W. Ciriacy, Professor and Head, Family Practice & Cmunity Health -- Consultant services for Arnerican Board of Family Practice, as (1) Board &r, (2) research and ~~~~~~t comnittee, and (3) recertification examination cormnittee. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: (1) 2 days per every three mnths off the campus; (2) 2 days every 4 mnths off the canpus, and (3) 2 days every four rrronths off the campus. Shelley N. Chou, Professor and Head, Neurosurgery -- Consultant services for American Board of Neurological Surgery. From February 1975 to continuous. Estimated thinvolved: 8 days per year off the cqus. Jams C. Clinite, Instructor, Professional Practice, Pharmacy -- Consultant services for Minnesota Comity College System. From February 1975 to June*30, 1975. Estimated tkinvolved: 1/4 - 1/3 I , i day per mnth off the campus. Jay N. Cohn, Professor, Medicine -- Consultant services for Veterans Administration Hospital. From January 12, 1975 to indefinitely. Estimated time involved: 4 days per mnth off the campus. Theodore M. Cole, Professor, Physical Medicine and &habilitation -- Consultant services for Amrican Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Fran February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 1 day per year off the carpus. Theodore M. Cole, Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Amxican Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per year off the campus. Theodore M. Cole, Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Advisory Board, Program in Human Sexuality. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 6 evenings per year off the -us. Theodore M. Cole, Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Board of Directors - Am3rican Spinal Injury Association. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 6 evenings per year off the campus. Theodore M. Cole, Professor, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Wdical Advisory Cornnittee of National Paraplegia Foundation. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 1 day per year off the campus. Joseph P. Connolly, Associate Professor, Family Practice & Cmity Health -- Consultant services for City of South St. Paul, Health Ccarmissioner. From January 1, 1975 to December 31,1975. Estimated time involved: 1 or less Saturdays per mnth off the cqus. Jams F. Cumning, Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology/Pharmacology -- Consultant services for Veterans Administration Hospital. From a continuing camitrent July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 8 visitspryear off the campus. Mark V. Dahl, Assistant Professor, Demtoloqy -- Consultant services for 3M Company. From January 1, 1975-to indefinite. Estimated tinu3 involved: less than 1 day per year on the campus, and about 1 day per year off the campus. Helen M. Dahlstram, Associate ~rofessor,Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association. From February 1975 to April 1975. Estimated tire involved: 1/4 day per mnth off the campus. Albert K. Dawson, Instructor, Lab. of Physiological Hygiene, School of Public Health -- Consultant services for YMCA, Minneapolis. From February 15, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 5 hours per week off the campus. Mary E. Dempsey, Professor, Biochemistry -- Consultant services for Minnesota Heart Association. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 2-3 days per year off the campus. Mary E. Dempsey, Professor, Biochemistry -- Consultant services for Amrican Heart Association. Ram February 1975 to March 1976. Estimated tire involved: 2-3 days per year off the campus. Roger L. DeFbos, Assistant Professor, ~viromtalHealth, School of Public Health -- Consultant services for Office of Principal Science Advisor of the U.S. mviromtal Protection Agency. From February 1975 to April 29, 1975. Estimated tiroe involved: 3 days per year off the campus. Roger L. DeRms, Assistant Professor, ~nviromtalHealth, School of Public Health -- Consultant services for Bureau of Corn mity Health Services. From February 1975 to August 25, 1975. Estimated the involved: 4 days per year off the campus. Donald J. Doughroan, Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology -- Consultant services for Veterans Pdministration. From a continuing camnitrent July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 2 hours per week off the carpus. E. Wayne Drehml, Assistant Dean and Director, Medical Admin- istration -- Consultant services for Association of American Med- ical Colleges. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tiroe involved: approximately 8 days per year or an average of 2/3 day per mnth off the campus. Arndt J. Duvall, Professor, Otolaryngology -- Consultant services for AJbert Lea-Austin Clinic. Frcmn a continuing camnimt July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tbinvolved: 1 day per month off the campus. Arndt J. Duvall, Professor, Otolaryngology -- Consultant services for Veterans Administration Hospital. From continuing comnitmnt July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 2 days per month off the campus. Grace M. Ederer, Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine & Patholcgy -- Consultant services for Minnesota Plining and Manufacturing Cchnpany. Frm February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 1 hour per mnth off the campus. David E. Eifrig, Associate Professor, Ophthahmlogy -- Consultant services for Veterans Administration Hospital., Frm a continuing comnitmnt July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 4, 2 hour periods off the campus. Marian L. Eliason, Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association. From a continuing &mt 1972 to June 30, 1975. Estimatedtimeinvolved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Marian L. Eliason, Assistant Professor, Physical edicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for American Occupational Therapy Association. From a continuing c&tment 1972 to June 1975. Estimated tire involved: 1 day per mnth off the cqus. Marian L. Eliason, Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Minn-Dak Council. From a continuing camidnt 1956 to an indefinite period. Estimated time involved: 1/8 day per month on and off the campus. Anna L. Ellington, Assistant Professor, Neurology -- Consultant services for VA OPD. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tirne involved: 1/2 to 1 day per mnth off the campus. Eric Errickson, Research Associate, Psychiatry -- Consultant services for Outreach Cormunity Center. Fram March 1, 1975 to July 1, 1975. Estimated tbinvolved: 1-2 days per mnth off the campus. Milton G. Ettinger, Professor, Neurology -- Consultant services for Elizabeth Kenney Institute. Frm a continuing camnitmnt 1962 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time Involved: 2 days per mnth off the campus. r , i* v Milton G. Ettinger, Professor, Neurology -- Consultant services for Modern Medicine Publications. From a continuing comnitmnt 1972 to present. Estimated time involved: 2 ,days per month off the campus. Alfred M. Fenstad, Assistant Professor, Anatomy -- Consultant services for SELF. Frm January 1, 1975 to January 1, 1976. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per week practice off the campus. William C. Gentry, Assistant Professor, Dermatology -- Consultant services for Minnesota Dermatological Society. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1978. Estimated tiroe involved: 1 day annually on the campus, and 4 days annually off the campus. Nelson D. Goldberg, Professor, Pharmacology and Lab. Micine and Pathology -- Consultant services for Merck Sharp and Dohm Research Institute. From December 1, 1974 to December 31, 1975. Estimated time inmlved: approximately 1 hour per mnth by phone on the campus and approximately 1 day every three mnths off the campus. Robert W. Goltz, Professor and Head, Dermatology -- Consultant services for Dermatology Foundation. From December 1974 to December 1979. Estimated time involved: 1 visit per yearoff the campus. Robert W. Goltz, Professor and Head, Dermatology -- Consultant services for Amrican Board of Medical Specialties. From December 1974 to 1978. Estimated time involved: 4 days per year off the campus as a representative to the American Board of Dermatology, and 3 days per year off the campus as a mmber on the Comnittee on Study of Evaluation Pmedures. { John R. Gordon, Professor, Anesthesiology -- Consultant services for Veterans Pdministration Hospital. From a continuing comnitmnt from July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 8 visits per year off the campus. Is Beulah H. Gray, Associate Professor, Microbiology -- Consultant services for Midwest immunology Conference. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1977. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per quarter on the campus, and 2 days per year off the campus. Beulah H. Gray, Associate Professor, Microbiology -- Consultant services for Arrerican Society for Microbiology. From a continuing camnitmnt January 1, 1974 to December 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per mnth on the campus. Glenn Gullickson, Professor, Physical Wdicine and Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Goodwill Industries of Minneapolis. From February 1975 to February 1978. Estimated time involved: 4 days per year off the campus. A. Jack Hafner, Professor, Psychiatry -- Consultant services for Minnesota Psychological Association. Fram January 6, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per month off the campus. Franz Halberg, Professor, Laboratory Fkdicine & Pathology -- Consultant services for New Britain General Hospital. From January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: approximately 4 to 6 days during the year off the campus. Edward C. Hanisch, Associate Professor, Anesthesiology -- Consultant services for Veterans Administration Hospital. From a continuing comnitmnt July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 4 visits per year off the campus. John E. Harris, Professor and Head, Ophthalmology -- Consultant services for Minnesota Pre-School Medical Suwey of Vision and Hearing. From a dbntinuing camnitmnt frm 1969 to indefinite. Estimated time involved: 1 day per month off the campus. John E. Harris, Professor and Head, Ophthalmology -- Consultant services for National Society for the Prevention of Blindness. Fram a continuing comnimt £ram 1968 to indefinite. Esthted tkinvolved: 1 day per month off the canpus. John E. Harris, Professor and Head, Ophthalmlogy -- Consultant services for Minnesota Society for the Prevention of Blindness, Board of Directors. From a continuing comnitment from 1966 to indefinite. Estimated thinvolved: 1 day per month off the ==Fus M. Isabel Harris, Dean and Professor, School of Nursing -- Consultant services for Division of Nursing, U.S. Departrent of Health, Education & Welfare. Frm a continuing comnitment from November 1973, to June, 1977. Estimated time involved: 1 day per month off the campus. Lucille J. Hoilund, Assistant Professor, Anatcany -- Consultant services for Medical Institute of Minnesota. From January 1, 1975 to January 1, 1976. Esthted time involved: 1 day per week off the campus. A. Joy Huss, Assistant Professor, Physical Wdicine -- Consultant services for Occupational Therapy Program, College of St. Catherine. Fram February 3, 1975 to February 28, 1975. Estimated time involved: 3 days total over a 4 week period off the campus. A. Joy Huss, Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine -- Consultant services for Minneapolis Veterans Administration Hospital. From a continuing camnitrent £ram 1974 to June 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per month off the campus. Russell C. Johnson, Professor, Microbiology -- Consultant services for BumsBiotec Laboratories. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated tire involved: 1/2 day per hnth on the campus and 1 day per quarter off the campus. Russell C. Johnson, Professor, Microbiology -- Consultant services for Anrour Pharmaceutical Company, Owha, Nebraska. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth on the campus. Charles R. Jorgensen, Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine -- Consultant services for Wtronic, Inc. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/6 day per mnth off the cqus. Faiz M. Khan, Associate Professor, Therapeutic Radiology -- Consultant services for Veterans Administration Hospital. From a continuing c&tment from July 1, 1971 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 4 days per mnth off the campus. Carl M. Kjellstrand, Professor, Medicine and Surgery -- Consultant services for NIH (Chronic Uremia - Artificial Kidney Program). From January 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 7-10 days per year off the canpus. Diane K. Kjervik, Instructor, School of Nursing -- Consultant services for Neighborhood Involvement Program. From February 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimted tim2 involved: 2 hours per week off the canpus. Frederic J. Kottke, Professor and Head, Physical Medicine and &habilitation -- C~ns~ultantservices for Sister Kenny Institute. From a continuing comnitmmt from July 1974 to June 1975. Estimated , * ' time involved: 2 hours per mnth off the campus. Frederic J. Kottke, Professor, and Head, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Modern Medicine. From a continuing camnitrent from July 1974 to June 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per year off the campus. Frederic J. Kottke, Professor and Head, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. From a continuing comni-nt July 1974 to June 1975. Estimated time involved: 2-1/2 days per year off and on the campus. Frederic J. Kottke, Professor and Head, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Interstudy. From a continuing cormnitrent from July 1974 to June 1975. Estimated time involved: 1-2 hours per mnth off the campus. Frederic J. Kottke, Professor and Head, Physical Micine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for American Rehabilitation Foundation. From a continuing c&mt July 1974 to June 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per year off the campus. William G. Kubicek, Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Surcom, Inc. From a continuing comnitmnt January 1, 1973 to indefinite. Estimated tirrre involved: 1/2 day per mnth both on and off the campus. Frank M. Lassman, Professor, Otolaryngology -- Consultant services for Camnittee on Prosthetics Research and Developnt, National Research Council. Continuing consulting frm Smmr 1973 to indefinite. Estimated time involved: 1/4 day per mnth off the campus. Frank M. Lassman, Professor, Physical Wicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Cormittee on Prosthetics Research and Devel- opnt, National Research Council. From a continuing c&tmnt from Suner of 1973 to indefinite. Estimated time involved: 1/4 day per mnth off the campus. Arthur S. Leon, Associate Professor, Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene, School of Public Health and Medicine -- Consultant services for Ramsey County Hospital. From a continuing comnitmnt September 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2-3 hours per week off the canpus. Arthur S. Leon, Associate Professor, Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene, School of Public Health and Medicine -- Consultant services for Minneapolis YMCA. From January 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estbted tinae involved: 1 evening per week plus two Saturday mrning per mnth off the campus. Arthur S. Leon, Associate Professor, Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene, School of Public Health and Medicine -- Consultant services for U.S. Army Hospital. From a continuing cdtmnt from July 1, 1973 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 weekend per month plus two weeks smr camp off the campus. Robert D. Letson, Associate Professor, Ophthalrmlogy -- Consultant services as liaison between University and Veterans Hospital, Hennepin County General, and St. Paul-Ramsey Hospitals. From a continuing cadtmnt from July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 1 hour per week off the campus. Ji-Chia Liao, Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology -- Consultant services for VetmsAdministration Hospital. From a continuing comnittrmt July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 8 visits per year off the campus. Mark W. Mahowald, Instructor, Neurology,-- Consultant services for Veterans Adnhistration Hospital. From February 1975 to July 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Gilbert J. Mannering, Professor, Phamacology -- Consultant services for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association. From December 1974 to indefinite. Estimated time involved: 2-4 days per year off the campus. Robert H. Matbg, Associate Professor, Otolaryngology -- Consultant services for Public Welfare - Crippled Childrer,. From a continuing ccfmnitrrrent July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Robert H. Mathog, Associate Professor, Otolaryngology -- Consultant services for Albert Lea-Austin Clinic. From a continuing cdtmnt July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 1 day per mnth off the carpus. Robert H. Mathog, Associate Professor, Otolaryngology -- Consultant services for Video Wical Education System. From a continuing comnitmnt July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 1/2 day per month on the campus and 1/2 day per month off the campus. Edward G. Pkads, Instructor, Chemical Dependency Counseling, School of Public Health -- Consultant services for Minnesota Chemical Dependency Association. From January 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated tine involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Charles F. McKhann, Professor, Surgery and Microbiology -- Consultant services for American Cancer Society. From a continuing co&trm-~t 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 1/3 day per mnth on the carnpus and 1/12 day per month off the campus. Charles F. PlcKhann, Professor, Surgery and $rLicrobiology -- Consultant services for Journal of Surqical Research. From a continuing comnitmnt 1974 to J~ 30, 1975. Estimated tk in- volved: 1/3 day per mnth on the campus. Charles F. McKhann, Professor, Surgery and Microbiology -- Consultant services for Clinical Inmunology and Imnunopathology. From a continuing cdtment 1974 to indefinite. Estimated time involved: 1/3 day per month on the campus. Ali Turkyilmaz Ozel, Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Sister Kenny Institute. From February 1975 to July 1, 1975. Estimatedth involved: up to 8 hours per mnth off the campus. Robert P. Patterson, Research Fellow, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Rehabilitation Technology, Inc. Fram a continuing comnitmnt November 15, 1973 to indefinite. Estimated tire involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Evelyn T. Peterson, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing -- Consultant services for Gustavus Adolphus College, Departrrrent of Nursing. From February 1, 1975 to June 1, 1975. Estimated tk involved: at most 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Sue Petzel, Assistant Professor, Psychiatry -- Consultant services for Marshall-University High School. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 2 days per mnth off the campus. James F. Pohtilla, Associate Professor, Physical -cine and Rehabilitation - Consultant services for Minnesota Chapter Arrrerican Physical Therapy Assodation. From February 1975 to June 1, 1975. , . Estimated th involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Richard E. Poppele, Associate Professor, Physiology -- Consultant services for First South East Corporation. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated tim involved: evenings and weekends only; 6 hours a mnth. Mary Price, Assistant Professor, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Sister Kenny Institute. Fram February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated tire involved: 1/4 plus 1/10 days per mnth off the campus. Barbara Klug F&dman, Associate Dean and Professor, School of Nursing -- Consultant services for National Institute of Health. From January 1975 to 1977. Estimated tine involved: 1/2 day per month off the canp?us. Barbara Klug F&dmn, Associate Dean and Professor, School of Nursing -- Consultant services for Minnesota Board of Nursing. From January 1975 to 1979. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Joseph A. Resch, Professor, Assistant Vice President for Health Sciences -- Consultant services for Medical Foundation, Minneapolis Clinic of Psychiatry and Neurology. Frm a continuing comnitrrrent since 1962 to indefinitely. Estimated tire involved: 1 to 2 evenings per year off the campus. Alan H. Fbberts, Professor, Physical Micine and Rehabilitation -- Consultant services for Departrrrent of Public Welfare, State Hospital Review Board. From a continuing comnitrrent since August 1, 1972 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 4-6 days per year off the cwus. Pearl P. Rosenberg, Assistant Dean;Medical School -- Consultant services for W, mmber of the Group on Student Affairs, Policy Determination. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated th-e involved: 3 days per year off the campus. Pearl P. Rosenberg, Assistant Dean, Medical School -- Consultant services for SAMA Health Team Curriculum. Frm February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 4 days a year off the campus. Leon D. Sabath, Professor, Medicine -- Consultant services for Amrican Society for Microbiology. Fram a continuing comnitmnt to the end of 1976. Estimated time involved: less than 1 day per month off the campus. Win L. Schnidt, Professor, Microbiology and Soil Science, Medical School and Agriculture -- Consultant services for Eugene A. Hickok & Associates. From February 1975 to May 1976. Estimated the involved: 1/4 days per mnth off and on the campus. Robert W. Schwanke, Assistant Professor and Assistant Dean, School of Public Health -- Cmsultant services for Laurel Day Activity Center, Inc. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated th involved: 1 day per year on the campus and 2 days per year off the campus. Alan D. Serposs, Instructor, Psychiatry -- Consultant services for Hazelden Rehabilitation Center. Frm January 1975 to December 1975. Estimated time involved: 2, 4-hour evenings per mnth, off the canpus. ( Frederick E. Shideman, Professor and Head, Pharmacology -- Consultant services for Natignal Research Council. Fram a continuing ccffccrcimnt July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1976. Estimated time involved: 6 days per year off the campus. Richard L. S-s, Professor, Surgery -- Consultant services for University of Rochester Cancer Center. Frm February 1975 to indefinite. Estimated tine involved: 1 meting per year con- sisting of 1.5 days off the campus. Leon Singer, Professor, Biochemistry -- Consultant services for Barnangens Vademecum, Inc. Frcan January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: less than 1 hour per mnth both on the campus and off the campus. David G. Smith, Assistant Professor, Therapeutic Radiology -- Consultant services for Veterans Administration Hospital. From a continuing comnitrwnt July 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tkinvolved: 2 days per month, 3 hours per day off the campus. Lee D. Stauffer, Dean, School of Public Health -- Consultant services for Council on Education for Public Health. From January 1975 to December 1976. Esthted time involved: 3/4 days per mnth off the campus. Larraine G. Stewart, Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology -- Consultant services for Amrican Society for Medical Technology. From July 1974 to June 1977. Estimated tine involved: average no mre than 3-4 hours per mnth on the campus. Ruth Edna Stief, Associate Professor, Public Health Nutrition -- Consultant services for Minneapolis Public Schools Nutrition Advisory Council. From February 1975 to indefinite. Estimated tire involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Akira E. Takmri, Professor, Pharmacology -- Consultant services for Society for Experhmtal Biology and !Micine. From a continuing comnibwnt from January 1974 to December 1976. Estimated tine involved: 3 days per year off and on the campus. Fbby C. Thompson, Professor and Chaim, Orthopedic Surgery -- Consultant services for ZhrMedical Advisory Board. From a con- tinuing comnimnt from 1974 to continuing. Estimated tim involved: 3 days per year off the campus. Travis Thcknpson, Professor, Psychiatry -- Consultant services for Opportunity Workshop, Inc. From December 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Joan M. Tuberty, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing -- Consultant services for Fort Meade Veterans Administration Hospital. Fran May 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tinu3 involved: 2 days, twice a year off the campus. Joan M. Tuberty, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing -- Consultant services for St. Cloud Veterans Administration Hospital. Fram a continuing cdmtfrcan 1973 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Eva Anderson Vraspir, Assistant Professor, Public Health Nursing -- Consultant services for Ferqus Falls State Hospital. Fram February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2-3 days per month off the campus. George E. Williams, Assistant Dean, Medical School -- Consultant services for Twin Cities International Program. Fram February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 2 roeetings per year off the campus. George E. Williams, Assistant Dean, edical School -- Consultant services for Catholic Charities of Winona. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. ~sthtedtime involved: 2 days a year off the campus. George E. Williams, Assistant Dean, Wdical School -- Consultant services for Minnesota State Medical Association -- Cormittee on Wntal Health and Carrsnittee on Public Health. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tbinvolved: 5 days per year off the campus. George E. Williams, Assistant Dean, Wdical School -- Consultant services for AAW. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Esthted tbinvolved: 6 days per year off the campus. George E. Williams, Assistant Dean, Medical School -- Consultant services for American Psychiatric Association. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tinu3 involved: 3 days per year off the campus. George E. Williams, Assistant Dean, Medical School -- Consultant services for St. Paul Society of Psychiatry and Neurology. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 5 days per year off the campus. George E. Williams, Assistant Dean, Medical School -- Consultant services for Adult/Geriatric Advisory Cormnittee - School of Public Health. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tire involved: 4 days per year off the campus. David A. Witsoe, Research Fellm, Physical Medicine and Rehabilita- tion -- Consultant services for Rehabilitation Technology, Inc. From January 1975 to undetermined. Estimated thinvolved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Ben G. Zkrman, Professor, Pharmacology -- Consultant services for American Heart Association. From a continuing comnitmnt September 1973 to September 1976. Estimated tire involved: 3 days per year off the campus. Ben G. Zirrpnerman, Professor, Pharmacology -- Conbultant services for Blood Vessels (Journal) Karger Press, Switzerland. Fma continuing carrsnitmnt April 1974 to indefinite. Estimated time involved: 4 hours per month on the campus.

Law School

Melvin B. Goldberg, Associate Professor, Legal Assistance to Minnesota Prisoners -- Consultant services for Legal Assistance to Minnesota. Frm January 1975 to January 1978. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the cartpus. Roger Cook Park, Associate Professor, Law -- Consultant services for Wade Data Central, Inc. From February 23, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2-3 days per mnth on the campus, possibly 1 day per year off the campus.

University Libraries

Paul D. Berrisford, Associate Professor, Technical Services Deparimmt -- Consultant services for American Library Association - Resources and Technical Services Division. Fram a continuing ~~t from June 1974 to July 1975. Estimated the involved: 2 days per ( month on the campus. Donald Vincent Osier, Instructor-Librarian, Technical Services- Acquisitions -- Cogsultant services for CSC & Associates. From January 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 0-2 days per mnth off the campus Alice M. Stahl, Assistant Professor, Technical Services -- Consultant services for Minnesota Library Association. From January 1, 1975 to Decenher 31, 1975. Estimated tkinvolved: 1/2 day per month both on and off the campus. Mariann Tiblin, Assistant Professor, Technical Services -- Consultant services for the American Swedish Institute. From a continuing commitmnt March 1974 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tire involved: less than 1 day per mnth off the campus. Robert A. De Young, Instructor-Librarian, Library -- Consultant services for Maharishi International University. Froan February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 4 days per mnth off the campus.

College of Liberal Arts

Ronald E. Anderson, Assistant Professor, Sociology -- Consultant services for Minnesota Systems Research. From January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per mnth on the campus and 1 day per mnth off the campus. Phipps Arabie, Assistant Professor, Psychology -- Consultant services for Mathematical Models of Social Structure and Process. From January 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth on the campus. MuhamMd A. R. Barker, Professor and Chairman, South Asian Studies -- Consultant services for Amrican Institute of Pakistan Stdies. From February 1975 to June 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per year off the campus. Frank A. Bencriscutto, Professor, Music -- pnsultant services for Minnesota Concert Winds and Percussion. From'~ebruary1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tim involved: 2 days per mnth off the campus. Ernest G. Bormann, Professor, Speech-Camnication -- Consultant services for Quarterly Journal of Speech. Fran February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per month. 0. H. Brawnlee, Professor, Economics -- Consultant services for U.S. Departrent of the Treasury. Frm January 24, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day in January; perhaps 4 or 5 days per year at mst off the campus. 0. H. Brawnlee, Professor, Economics -- Consultant services for G. C. Searle and Company. From February 1,1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 1 day per mnth on the campus,perhaps 2 or 3 days per year off the campus. Peter Chomie, Associate Professor, School of Social Work -- Consultant services for Alpha House, Inc. Fran January 1, 1975 to July 1, 1975. Estimated tine involved: 1-1/2 days per mnth off the campus. David coo^, Professor, Sociology -- Consultant services for Cedar-Riverside Associates. F'rm February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: no mre than 4 days per mnth off the campus. Paul Philip D'Andrea, Associate Professor, Humanities -- Consultant services for Minnesota Humanities Corrrmission. From continuing comnitment 1973 to ~un"e15, 1975. Estimated tbinvolved: 1 day , per mnth off the campus. Paul Philip D'Andrea, Associate Professor, Humanities -- Consultant services for Jerome Foundation. From a continuing corrunitment since 1973 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the canpus. Stephen E. Fienberg, Chairman and Associate Professor, Applied Statistics -- Consultant services for Chief Statistician of Canada. From January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tine involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Robert Fulton, Professor, Sociology -- Consultant services for Insight Productions, Inc. From January 1975 to indefinite. Estimated time involved: 2 days per mnth off the campus. Irving I. Gottesman, Professor, Psychology -- Consultant services for New York State Psychiatric Institute-Medical Genetics. From February 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tbinvolved: 1 day per mnth on the canpus. Irving I. Gottesman, Professor, Psychology -- Consultant services for Behavior Genetics Association. From March 20, 1975 to March 19, 1977. Estimated thinvolved: 1/4 day per mnth on the campus. Irving I. Gottesman, Professor, Psychology -- Consultant services for New School for Social Research, New York City. From February 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tk involved: 1/4 day per mnth on the campus. Samuel K. Haroldson, Assistant Professor, Communication Disorders -- Consultant services for Veterans Fdministration Hospital. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per mnth off the campus. Reuben Hill, Regents' Professor of Family Sociology -- Consultant services for U.S. Navy Medical Neuropsychiatric Research Unit, San Diego, California. From January 1, 1975 to Decen&r 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2-4 days per year on the campus, and 4-6 days per year off the campus. William Hoffman, Professor, Continuing Education and Extension -- Consultant services for Macalester College. From January 1975 to June 1975. Estimated time involved: 4-5 hours per week off the campus. George D. King, Professor, Afro-American Studies -- Consultant services for Upper Tri-Racial General Assistance Center. From January 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per mnth both on and off the campus. Fbbert C. Kiste, Associate Professor, Anthropology -- Consultant services for Society for Applied Anthropology. Frm a continuing comnitrrent from 1972 to indefinite. Estimated tine involved: less than 1 day per mnth off the campus. Robert C. Kiste, Associate Professor, Anthropology -- Consultant services for Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania. From February 1975 to August 1976. Estimated time involved: less than 1 day per mnth off the campus. Robert T. Kudrle, Assistant Professor, School of Public Affairs -- Consultant services for Public Interest Economics Center, Washington, D.C. From January 25, 1975 to March 7, 1975. Estimated time involved: 5 days total off the campus. ( Patrick Lauderdale, Assistant Professor, Sociology -- Consultant services for Amriaan Indian Culture Center. From January 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per mnth on the campus and one day per mnth off the campus Archibald I. Leyasn~yer,Associate Professor, English -- Consultant services for Guthrie Theatre Foundation. Fram an annual renewal since 1973 to September 1976. Estimated time involved: 1/4 day per mnth off the campus. Archibald I. Leyasmeyer, Associate Professor, English -- Consultant services for Denmark Township, Washington County, Minnesota. From February 1971 (annual renewal) to February 1977. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Kenneth MacCorqucdale, Professor, Psychology -- Consultant services for John Wiley and Sons, Inc., editorial consultant. From February 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1-1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Carl P. Malrquist, Professor, Criminal Justice Studies -- Consultant services for Hennepin Court System. Fram January 12, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 4 days per mnth off the campus. George Wrrison, Professor, Studio Arts -- Consultant services for College of St. Catherine. Fran February 1, 1975 to May 31, 1975. Estimated tim involved: every thursday of the mnth during the period off the campus. Mayo Newhouse, Professor, School of Social Wrk -- Consultant services for private practice. Froan a continuing comnitrrent to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 3 to 4 days per mth off the campus. Ira L. Reiss, Professor, Sociology -- Consultant services for The Life Cycle Center of Kimberly Clark Corporation. From an annual renewal since 1973 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tinu3 involved: 2 days per year off the campus. Ira L. Reiss, Professor, Sociology -- Consultant services for Center for Population Research, U.S. Deparhnent of Health, Education and Welfare. From 1972 (annual renewal) to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2-3 days per year off the campus. Gerald M. Siegel, Professor, Cmication Disorders -- Consultant services for National Institute of Child Health and Hman Develo-nt. Fram February 1975 to June 30, 1977. Esthtedtb involved: a maxi- mum of 9 days at metings at Bethesda; several site visits to applying institutions, (perhaps 4 per year), 3 days each off the campus. Richard H. Skaggs, Associate Professor, Geography -- Consultant services for McGraw-Hill Book Cqany. From February 1975 to December 1976. Estimated tire involved: approximately 1 day per mnth off the campus. Robert F. Spencer, Professor, Anthropology -- Consultant services for Amrican Ethnological Society. Fram Fall 1969 (continuing cmmitrru3nt) to indefinite. Estimated time involved: 3-4 hours per week on the campus. W. Dixon Ward, Professor, Cmication Disorders -- Consultant services for Air Transport Association of America. From February 1975 to November 30, 1975. Esthated time involved: 1 day per month both on and off the campus. University College

Donna Jones, Instructor, Dean's Office -- Consultant services , , . for Urban League Legislative Reading Group. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per quarter off the campus. Donna Jones, Instructor, Dean's Office -- Consultant services for Education Camnittee - Minneapolis Caranission on Human Relations. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Donna Jmes, Instructor, Dean's Office -- Consultant services for North Ccxmnmity High Advisory Board. From January 1975 to June 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Barbara Knudson, Dean -- Consultant services for National Associa- tion of Banking Wornen, Educational Foundation. From January 1975 to January 1976. Estimated thinvolved: approximately 1 day per quarter off the campus.

College of Veterinary Medicine

Ththy H. Brasmr, Professor and Associate Dean, Veterinary Medical Services -- Consultant services for Lubra Corporation. From January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: occasional telephone conversations Stanley L. Diesch, Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences -- Consultant services for Apache Animal Hospital. From January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tkinvolved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Jerry D. Hilgren, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Clinical Sciences -- ( Consultant services for Apache Animal Hospital. From January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated th involved: 1 day per mnth off the campus. Harold J. Kurtz, Professor, Veterinary Biology -- Consultant services for Northwestern College of Chiropractic. From January 1975 to May 15, 1975. Estimated tire involved: 1 night per week during period off the campus. Glen H. Nelson, Professor, Veterinary Clinical Science -- Consultant services for Minnesota Veterinary Examining Board. From July 1, 1974 (continuing comnitment) to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 3 days per year on the campus. Benjamin S. Pomroy, Professor, Veterinary Biology -- Consultant services for Minnesota Turkey Growers Association. From January 1, 1975 to December 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 days per year off the campus.

Sumer Session

Willard L. Thompson, Director -- Consultant services for North Central Conference on SmrSchools. Fran April 6, 1975 to April 6, 1976. Estimated tkinvolved: 1 day per mnth on the campus, 1/2 day per mnth off the campus. Office of the Vice President for Administration * William C. ThomasI Assistant Director for mloyee Relations, Office of the Director of Personnel -- Consultant services for Abbott-Northwestern Hospitals Inc. From May 1974 (continuing ccmnibrmt) to May 1975. Estimated time hvolved: 1 day per mnth off the campus.

Office for Student Affairs

John Richard Fuwler, Assistant Professor, Student Counseling Bureau -- Consultant services for Judson Family Center. Frm February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated time involved: 4 days per mnth off the campus. John Richard Fwler, Assistant Professor, Student Counseling Bureau -- Consultant services for Bl&ngton Public Schools. From February 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated thinvolved: 10 hours per year off the campus. Roger D. Harrold, Assistant Professor of Education, Student Activities Center -- Consultant services for College Union Evaluation Systems. Frm January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated th involved: less than 1 day per month off the carpus. Samuel R. Lewis, Director, Office of Student Financial Aid -- Consultant services for Minnesota Association of Financial Aid ~strators.From January 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimated tire involved: average of one day per mnth both on and off the campus. David M. Wark, Professor of Psychology, Student Counseling Bureau -- Consultant services for Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, Training Division. Frm February 1975 to March 31, 1975. Estimated tint? involved: 16 hours off the campus.

,2 University of Minnesota, Duluth

Fbbert E. Carter, Professor, Biology and Microbiology, College of Letters and Science and School of Medicine -- Consultant services for Saint Luke's Hospital and the Duluth Clinic. Frm January 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 4 days per mnth off the campus. Wayne W. Daley, Adrn. Director and Instructor, Administration and School of Medicine -- Consultant services for Northeast Minnesota Lung Association. Fran February 1975 to April 1975. Estimated time involved: 20 days per year off the campus. Ajit K. Das, Assistant Professor, Psychology -- Consultant services for St. Louis County Welfare Department. From January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1 day per month off the carrpus. Donald M. Davidson, Associate Professor, Geology -- Consultant services for WON Corporation. Frm January 1, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 1/2 day per month off the campus. William A. Fleischman, Assistant Professor, Sociology-Anthropology -- Consultant services for Chapan College Residence Education Center - Duluth AFB. Frm January 7, 1975 to March 12, 1975. Estimated tint? involved: 2 days per mnth off the campus. Pacy Friedman, Associate Professor, Cmicative Disorders -- Consultant services for Professional Standards &view Organization in the State of Minneata. Frm Novmher 1, 1974 to Nownker 1975. , ;,. P Estimated tine involved: 1 evening meting per mnth off the campus. Daniel H. Johnson, Instructor, Speech-Cmunication -- Consultant services for Wisconsin Public Schools, District #8. From April 14, 1975 ONLY. Estimated th involved: 1 day total off the campus. Odin M. Langsjoen, Associate Professor, and Director, Dental Hygiene Program -- Consultant services for Minnesota Dental Associa- tion. From April 1975 to April 1978. Estimated time involved: 1 day per month off the campus. J. Clark Laundergan, Associate Professor and Head, Sociology- Anthropology -- Consultant services for Hazelden Foundation. From March 16, 1975 to June 30, 1975. Estimatedtimeinvolved: 2 days per mnth off the campus. Robert F. Pierce, Professor and Head, Cmicative Disorders -- Consultant services for Professional Standards Review Organization in the State of Minnesota. Fran November 1, 1974 to November 1975. Estimated tinre involved: 1 evening meting per mnth off the campus. Robert E. Pwless, Director, American Indian Studies -- Consultant services for University of Wisconsin-Madison, Departrent of Education Administration. From December 1, 1974 to May 1, 1975. Estimated tinre involved: 1 day per mth off the campus. Wayland R. Swain, Assistant Professor, Lake Superior Basin Studies Center -- Consultant services for International Association for Great Lakes Research. From January 1975 to indefinite. Estimated time involved: 2 days per year on the campus. University of Minnesota, mrris Jooinn Lee, Professor, Division of the Social Sciences -- Consultant services for Minnesota Humanities Ccnrmission and the Minnesota Political Science Association. From February 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated tim2 involved: 1/2 day per month for both consultantships off the campus.

University of Minnesota Technical College, Waseca

Raymnd A. Bymes, Instructor, Related Education -- Consultant services for area businesses. From February 5, 1975 to June 15, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2-3 hours per week off the campus. Stanley Dicus Nelson, Instructor, Biology -- Consultant services for International Audio-Tutorial Congress. From November 1974 to Novenber 1975. Estimated tinre involved: less than 1 day per mnth both on and off the campus. Robert R. Pickert, Instructor, Physical Education -- Consultant services for Waseca Cable TV. From December 1, 1974 to February 28, 1975. Estimated time involved: 2 hours per week during the period. Lloyd D. Wilson, Instructor, Physical Education -- Consultant services for area high schools. From De&r 1974 to March 1975. Estimated tine involved: 3 evenings per mnth off the campus. c. Single quarter leave application for Professor Sheldon C. Reed for leave during spring quarter 1974-75; "

d. Approve the follming resolution:

"Resolved that the Board of Regents approve a tm- year collective bargaining agr-nt between Univer- sity of Minnesota Hospitals and the Professional Enployees Pharmacists of Minnesota, and authorize appropriate officials to sign the contractual agree- mt on their behalf. " ;

e. Approve the following resolution:

"Resolved that the Board of Regents approve the col- lective bargaining agreemmt between the University Health Services bargaining unit and Teamsters Imal 320 as negotiated for the four-mnth period ending July 1, 1975.";

f . Approve the folluwing resolution : "Resolved that Friday, November 28, 1975; Friday December 26, 1975; and PYbnday, February 16, 1976, be approved as the Civil Service Floating holidays for the 1975-76 fiscal year."

A mtion was made, seconded and unanbusly passed approving the recmdations of the Faculty, Staff & Public Relationships Cormittee.

REPOFT OF THE PHYSICAL PLANT & INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE , > Regent Thrane, Chairman of the amnittee, reported the follwing item for action:

Approve the report of the Securities Transactions in Endowrent Funds, the Group Incam3 Pool, and the Temporary Investxents Pool for January 1975.

A mtion was made, seconded and unan~uslypassed approving the transaction reports. Documentation is filed supplement to the minutes, No. 21,118.

She further reported that discussion had been held on several items, including an agreemnt between the University of Minnesota, Duluth and the city of Duluth to enter into an agreerent for a joint tree nursery/non-indigenous tree study at the University Experkt Station at Duluth, and construction contract awards. No action was taken on these discussions. RESOLUTIONS FOR DEPAl?TING RM;ENTS

President Magrath suggested and Regent Krenik mved that appropriate , resolution denoting the appreciation of the University of Minnesota for the services of Regents Andersen, Cina, Vahder Kooi and Yngve be drafted and submitted to the Board of Regents for consideration at the April meting.

Voted to adjourn.