SWISS ALPINE CLUB (Established 1909)

President: W. M. ROBERTS, ESQ., O.B.E. Vice-Presidents: H. G. Pulling. C. T. Lehmann. A. E. W. Mason. Dr. H. L. R. Dent. Brigadier-General The Hon. C. G. Bruce, C.B., M.V.O.

CONTENTS: Committee and Officers. Report, Accounts and Balance Sheet for 1931. How to belong to Swiss Alpine Club, &c. Club Notes. Annual Dinner. Catalogue of Books in the Library. Objects and Rules of Association. List of Members of Association and Addresses. List of Hon. Members. Kindred Clubs and some Sections of S.A.C.

Hon. Treasurer: C. T. LEHMANN 28, Monument Street, E.C.3 Hon. Secretaries: M. N. CLARKE and F. W. CAVEY. Club Room: Room No. 121, Hotel Great Central, N.W.l. 1932 Association of British Members of the

Swiss Alpine Club 1932 Officers: ' mm President; W. M. Roberts, O.B.E., ‘AC.’ (Oberhasli). Vice-Presidents: H. G. Pulling, ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets) 1914. A. E. W. Mason, ‘AC.’ (Geneva) V.P., 1923 (President), 1912-1922). C. T. Lehmann, ‘AC.’ (Diablerets) 1926. Dr. H. L. R. Dent, ‘AC.’ (Diablerets), President, 1923-1926, Y.P., 1913-1922, and 1927. Brigadier-General The Hon. C. G. Bruce, C.B., M.V.O., ‘AC.’ (Monte Rosa), President, 1927-1930, V.P., 1922-1926 and 1931. Committee: A. G. N. Green (Geneva) 1930 John Poole ‘AC.’ (Geneva) 1931 E. C. Mengel (Diablerets) 1930 G. Anderson (Diablerets) 1932 F. H. Slingsby ‘AC.’ V. O. Cohen (Engelberg) 1932 (Oberhasli) 1930 J. W. Healy (Geneva) 1932 C. J. Tipping, ‘ AC.’ (Monte J. A. Marsden-Neye Rosa) 1930 (Geneva) 1932 Wing-Commander E. B. Beauman, A. Duruz (Diablerets) 1929 ‘ AC.’ (Geneva) 1931 Co-opted. H. E. G. Burls (Oberhasli) 1931 G. Seligman (Geneva) 1931 W. E. Herbert ‘AC.’ Co-opted. (Geneva) 1931 G. R. Speaker, ‘AC.’ Co-opted. (Diablerets) 1932

Hon. Librarian; A. N. Andrews, ‘ AC.’ (Grindelwald), 1929. Hon, Solicitor: E. R. Taylor, ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets). Hon. Auditor: F. OuGHTON (St. Gall). -

s■ Hon. Secretaries: M. N. Clarke, ‘AC.’ (Monte Rosa), 48, Cranley Gardens, S.W.7. F. W. Cavey (Geneva), 23, Aubrey House, Maida Hill West, W.2. Hon. Treasurer: . C. T. Lehmann ‘AC.’ (Diablerets), 28, Monument Street, E.C.3. Bankers: Barclay & Co., City Office, 170, Fenchurch Street, E.C.3. Association Clubroom: ROOM No. 121, HOTEL GREAT CENTRAL, N.W.l ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH MEMBERS



The Annual Report, Accounts and Balance Sheet for 1931.

THE OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION, &c. The Association of British Members of the Swiss Alpine Club was founded in 1909, with the main object of encourag­ ing climbers and walkers in this country to join that Club. The S.A.C. (to give it its usual abbreviation) is nearly as old as the Alpine Club itself, and for over half a century has gone on steadily with its work of making the Alps accessible to climbers and others, in particular by building the 90 or more Club Huts which now exist. Before this Association came into being there had been many British members of the Club. But these were the exceptions rather than the rule, pardy because the average British climber had no idea how to join, and partly because it did not occur to him that there was any point in doing so. But among those who were members, there were some who felt that such a state of affairs ought not to continue; that if our climbers used the huts, they should do something to help to maintain them, and that by some means it should be made easy to join the S.A.C. The energy of the late Mr. J. A. B. Bruce created a strong Committee, which undertook this matter and brought this Association into being under the late Mr. T. Clinton Dent as President. Within two years of the start there were 300 members and their number has continued to grow. The result of our activities is that the proportion of our countrymen who climb in the Alps and are now members of the S.A.C. is very large, and most of them are also members of this Association. At the same time it was felt that there was need for a rallying point over here for these “ clubists,” and as it is not possible, by the rules of the S.A.C., for a section to be 2 formed outside , as was the case with the D.Oe.A.V. (which had a section at Manchester at one time), the Association acquired a room in which its members could meet together, and took upon itself something of the functions of a Club. All these arrangements were only undertaken after consultation with the Central Committee of the S.A.C., and the latter cordially welcomed the enter­ prise. In addition, as it was felt that we British climbers owed Switzerland something for past remissness, the fund to build the Britannia Hut was started and the building successfully carried through by 1912. The Association has been able, in many ways, to co­ operate with our Swiss colleagues, and at times to repre­ sent to them our views on mountaineering matters. On the other hand, the Central Committee has always looked on us with the greatest favour and has dealt very cordially with anything we have put before it. The number of members is now 610, and in size is, with the exception of the Alpine Club, probably the largest club interested mainly in mountaineering in these islands. An analysis of the list of members shows their distri­ bution among the various sections to be as follows: —

Altels 10 Grindelwald ... 27 Berne 10 Interlaken 8 Diablerets °5 Monte Rosa ... 40 Geneva 299 Oberhasli 26 Other Sections ... 39 The membership of the Swiss Alpine Club itself is now approaching 25,000 in about 80 sections.


42 new members have joined during the past year, but 87 have resigned or died. It is hoped that members will make every effort to secure new candidates for the S.A.C. and the Association. 3 The members are now : — December 31st, 1931 ...... 697 Less Resignations, Deaths, &c., during 1931 ... 87

Total, January 1st, 1932...... 610

Of these, 189 are Life Members, 13 Honorary Members, 385 Ordinary Members, and 23 on the Retired List.

PROGRESS OF THE ASSOCIATION. June, I9°9 Members 26 Dec. 31st, 1909 55 120

55 1910 5) 250 55 1911 55 33° 55 1912 55 386

55 55 426 451 (War) 55 *9*4 55 55 1915 55 44° » 5> 1916 » 423 >> 1917 5 J 410 „ 1918 408 „ 1919 » 412 „ 1920 » 423 1921 441 >> 1922 454 >> t923 5> 496 J924 » 531 >» J925 » 582 55 1926 55 620 >5 1927 55 644 >5 1928 55 643 673 55 1929 55 55 1930 55 702 55 1931 55 697 4


Quite apart from the sentimental feeling that a member of the S.A.C. is helping mountaineers in the country in which he is a guest to add to the amenities of the sport, the definite material advantages are set out below.

Rights in the S.A.C. Huts. Members of the Club, together with their wives, have priority of right to the sleeping places and in many huts there is a room for members only; next after members comes the ladies’ Swiss Club, and then the kindred clubs, such as the French A.C. Anyone else is really in a club hut on sufferance. In addititon a member pays, in most huts, only i franc per night, and a non-member 3 francs. Those who intend to climb have priority over others in the same category. A member may introduce his wife and children (under 20 years of age) on the same terms as himself. It is worth remembering, in connection with projected visits to huts that while a Section may reserve a hut for its members to the extent of three-quarters of its capacity only, one-quarter is always available for others of the S.A.C. It is generally worth the trouble before going to a hut to ascertain from a local hotel-keeper whether a hut is so reserved, and if it is, to go up there early in the day. As a rule these reservations may not be made on Saturdays and Sundays. It is when one comes down to a hut on a day when it has been reserved, that the advantages of membership are most precious. A few of the huts in Switzerland do not belong to the S.A.C., but as a rule these are run in close alliance with that Club and the special regulations make little difference to members of the S.A.C.

Reductions on Railways. But the matter which, perhaps, makes the greatest appeal to many people is the advantages due to the large 5 reductions made to members on the mountain railways (except in the Engadine). In taking a holiday in some districts a member saves, in these reductions, considerably more than his subscription to the Club. For convenience we publish the official list of the reductions, somewhat abbreviated, from “ Die Alpen, 1 ■> February, 1931. These reductions, as a rule, apply only to a member, and do not include his wife and children. 50% Aigle-Leysin; Aigle-Sepey-Diablerets; Arth-Rigi (includes wife and children); Brunnen-Morschach- Axenstein; Chantarella-Corviglia; Furka-Oberalp; Gerschni-alp; Gornergrat; Interlaken-Harder; Inter- laken-Heimwehfluh; Montreux-Glion, Territet-Glion, and Glion-Rochers de Naye; Oberalp (see Furka); llitom; Stanserhorn; Visp-Zermatt. 40% Bex-Gryon-Villars and Villars Chesieres-Bretaye (Chamossaire); Sierre-Montana-Vermala. 30% Jungrau; Leukerbad; Martigny-Chatelard; Monthey- Champery-Morgins; Nyon-St. Cergues’-Morez; Schol- lenen. 25% Berner Oberland; Chamonix-Montanvers; Lauterbrun- nen-Miirren; Muottas-Muraigl; Refchtsufrige Lake of Thun Railway (for the complete circuit Thun-Inter- laken); Schynige Platte; Solothurn-Zollikofen-Bern (for groups of three); Wengernalp. 20% Braunwald; Martigny-Orsieres; Stansstad-Engelberg; Lake of Thun to Beatenberg. 15% Niesen. 10% Mont Blanc (St. Gervais to Glacier de Bionnassay). There are also minor reductions in connection with motor­ cars in one or two places. To obtain these reductions it is absolutely necessary to present the card of membership when booking. It is worth noting that the reductions' are mostly available to members of the corresponding Ladies’ Swiss 6 Alpine Club, so that the old feminine grievance that only the men got any reductions is now a thing of the past, if ladies will join their Swiss Club. In this connection, the Hon. Secretaries may be able to advise members how their friends of the other sex may join the ladies’ club, which does not seem to be so well known as it might be. We may add that the badge of the ladies’ club is a particularly attractive one.


It is often thought by non-members that some qualifi­ cation is necessary to join the S.A.C. This is not the case. Anyone can join who can find a proposer and a seconder. The following is the procedure for anyone who wishes to join: — Write to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. C. T. Lehmann, 28, Monument Street, E.C.3, or to one of the Hon. Secretaries (letters should be marked S.A.C. on the envelope); in this letter the writer should state whether he wishes to join a French, German, or Italian-speaking section. Arrangements will then be made for the joining of a particular section, and an entrance form will be sent. If the aspirant has no one to propose or second him, suitable arrangements will be made to obviate this difficulty. The entrance fdrm, when filled in, must be returned in all cases to Mr. Lehmann, together with a small photograph, pass­ port size, and the necessary subscription and entrance fee. For the benefit of those who leave things until the last moment, we would point out that arrangements have been made whereby members of the Geneva and the Diablerets Secdons (both of which are French-speaking Sections) can be enrolled at this end. This takes a week or ten days. Normally it takes about two months, as in the case of all other sections it is necessary to communicate with the local Committees. 7 A list of the principal sections, together with their sub­ scriptions, will be found at the end of this report. In addition, the subscription to the Association is £1 for Town members and ios. for Country members. A Country member is defined under the Rule.; as being a member who resides outside a radius of 50 miles of Charing Cross. There is no entrance fee. Anyone who joins the Association may pay through Mr. Lehmann by sending him a Banker’s Order, which is the most convenient way, or by remitting him each January the necessary subscription. The Association is willing to arrange for anyone to join the S.A.C., but only continues the remittances to Switzer­ land for those who join the Association as well. Life membership of the Association costs £8 8s. for Town mem­ bers and £q 4s. for Country members.


The Swiss Alpine Club Membership Card (the buff card with the member’s photograph inside) is usually issued every three years, but the new Central Committee has ■decided that the old cards shall continue to be available until further notice, provided the gummed slip with the signature of the President of the Central Committee, which has just been issued, is affixed to the lower half of the inside ■cover. It is very necessary for all members to be careful about this. The membership card is evidence of the bearer having joined the S.A.C., but the benefits of membership are only available to those who have paid the current year’s sub­ scription, and this is proved by the annual receipt which which must be shown with the membership card. For 1932 the membership card itself is sufficient evidence of payment ■of subscription, except in the case of members of the •Grindelwald and Interlaken Sections who will have to pro­ duce respectively a green or brown card as well.

Loss of Membership Card or Badge.—It is inevitable that someone or other should lose his card or badge, and this » is most likely to be discovered at holiday times. If such a loss occurs, it is best for the member concerned to write direct to his Section Treasurer, as our own officials are quite likely to be away at such a time, and in any case can only refer the matter to Switzerland. To avoid delay a photograph should be sent at the same time if it is the membership card that has been lost. Members of the Geneva and Diablerets Sections, however, can obtain new membership cards and badges straight away from the Hon. Treasurer’s office. The price of a new badge is 2s.

OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE. All the officers were re-elected. Sir R. Leonard Powell, however, having subsequently resigned from the Swiss Alpine Club, has been placed on the Retired List and ceases to hold office as Vice-President in accordance with Rule 15. The following members of the Committee retired, having com­ pleted their term of office: Captain E. Gueterbock, Messrs. B. C. Harward, J. J. Hoddinott, and S. de Vesselitsky. The resulting vacancies were filled by the election of Messrs. G. Anderson (Diablerets), V. O. Cohen (Engelberg), J. W. Healy (Geneva), and J. A. Marsden-Neye (Geneva).

FINANCE. The accounts for 1931 have been audited and certified by Mr. R. H. Sennett in the unavoidable absence through illness of Mr. F. Oughton, the Hon. Auditor. The balance of revenue account for the year 1931 amounts to the gratifying sum of £107 16s. iod., which added to the accumulated revenue of previous years, viz.: .£368 12s. 6d., brings the total to £476 9s. 4d. The Life Membership Fund which stood at £708 3s. od. has been increased by new Life Memberships to the extent of 7(13 13s. od., making a total of £721, 16s. od. As against this we have investments in Government stocks which cost us ££&i os. 2d., are of a nominal value of £i,\oor and the value at the time of going to press amounts to ^985. The financial situation at the close of 1931 is therefore excellent; but the prospects for 1932 are not so good owing 9 to the large number of resignations which brings our income dangerously near our expenditure. Finally, the Hon. Treasurer wishes to thank the many members who replied so promptly to his request for early payment, and thereby greatly facilitated the work of remit­ ting to Sections in face of the difficult Exchange position.

ANNUAL DONATION FROM GENEVA SECTION The Geneva Section has contributed £20 towards the expenses of the Association so that members of the S.A.C. resident in this country may obtain, out of the subscriptions paid by them, some of the advantages which their Swiss colleagues enjoy, but from which we are debarred by living in this country.

THE HONORARY SECRETARIES. The addresses of the Hon. Secretaries will be found inside the cover. All communications concerning the Associa­ tion Meetings should be sent to Mr. M. N. Clarke ; other communications may be made to either Secretary.

THE HONORARY TREASURER. All communications concerning subscrip­ tions should be sent to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. C. T. Lehmann, 28, Monument Street, E.C.3. Telephone : Royal 2100.

THE WORK OF THE ASSOCIATION. The necessary qualification for membership of the Association is membership of the Swiss Alpine Club, but life members of the Association who have retired from the S.A.C. may remain as members of the Association, but they may not hold office or vote at meetings. 10 SUBSCRIPTIONS. The Association undertakes to collect and forward members’ subscriptions to Switzerland, but it is a very great convenience and saving of trouble to the Honorary Treasurer if members give him a Banker’s Order for what­ ever is due to their section, Those who do not do so should take care to send their subscriptions in promptly on January ist, as the sections expect early payment and are apt to strike late payers out of their lists early in the year.

THE CLUB ROOM AND LIBRARY. The Library and Club Room are now at Room 121 at the Hotel Great Central. This room, which is avail­ able at all times, is on the first floor, and is best reached by the entrance from Marylebone Station. The key may be obtained on application to the Reception Office. Members are particularly requested not to forget to return the key to the Reception Office before they leave the Hotel. A list of books in the Library is printed elsewhere in this Report, and the Hon. Librarian will be glad of suggestions as to additions. Books may be borrowed and any borrower should enter his name in the book provided for the purpose. Guide books and Maps, how­ ever, are not to be taken away.

LIST OF MEETINGS DURING 1932. Informal Dinners will be held on the undermentioned dates, being the fourth Wednesday in each month, at the Hotel Great Central at 7.30 p.m. Morning Dress. Price 5s. 6d., collected at table. Members intending to dine must notify M. N. Clarke, 48, Cranley Gardens, S.W.7, at least two days before each dinner. January 27th, March 23rd, April 27th, Mav 25th, July 27th, October 26th. Informal Dinners to which ladies may be invited will be held on February 24th, June 22nd and Sep­ tember 28th. Further details will be announced later. 11 The Annual Dinner in November will also be the subject of a special notice. Informal Discussions will be held in the Club Room at 8.30 p.m. on the undermentioned dates, being the first Wednesday in December and the second Wednesday in every other month. January 13th, February 10th, March 9th, April 13th, June 8th, October 12th, November gth, December 7th. On the evenings of these Discussions a table will be reserved in the Hotel Dining Room for members, and a special 4-course dinner will be served at a charge of 4s. 6d. per head. No notice of intention to dine need be given on these occasions. The subjects for these Discussions will be announced from time to time, and suggestions will be always welcomed by the Committee. It is proposed to hold a “ Meet ” in North Wales at Easter. It is also proposed to try and arrange a joint meeting with the Ski Club of Great Britain during the spring. Further details of these two fixtures will be announced later. J2

CLUB NOTES The New Year finds this country facing a crisis compared with which the troubles of each individual seem small. But the difficulty of the country at large is but the sum of the difficulties of the individuals which compose it. Our own affairs may be small, but they are excessively interesting to us as individuals. The new year finds members of this Association asking themselves—What of Swiss holidays in the future ?—Shall we see the Alps in the coming summer ? And in this matter those of us who mountaineer in the summer are to some extent more fortunate than those who ski in the winter. For most of the latter the question of their winter holiday has been already setded—in many cases by a mere question of means through the depreciation of the pound, quite apart from the question as to whether their sense of patriotism would allow them to go. Moun­ taineers have not yet had to face either the question of means or duty; they were fortunate last “ summer ” in that most of them had already finished their holiday when the crash came. Many of us live in hope that in the next six or seven months the pound may have improved suffici­ ently to enable us to afford to go to the Alps again, while the balance of trade may be so much better that our con­ sciences will be easy over the matter of spending money abroad. But the future, as always, lies unknown before us, and in due course the mountaineer may have to make the same decision as the ski-er, and no doubt he will make it with equal fortitude. The Association itself has its difficulties before it and close at hand. The new year begins with the demand for the new year’s subscription, and there is the hard fact before us that our subscriptions to our Sections will be nearly fifty per cent, more than usual. Some members will feel this more than they can spare and we are faced with a possible heavy loss of members, as a lapse of the subscription to the Sections is by our rules a bar to membership of the Associa­ tion. At the moment, it is not possible to say how the Asso­ ciation will be affected; but the Committee are prepared to take all the necessary steps to preserve its strength. In times like this, when every country in the world is faced with difficulties of all sorts which are everywhere loosening the 13 bonds between individual nations, any institution which, like our own Association, links two countries together is a power for mutual understanding and good. It will be a great pity if circumstances cause any weakening of the good feeling between this country and Switzerland. It is hoped that members will think twice before giving up their S.A.C. subscriptions. Certain Sections of the S.A.C. have already been sounded as to the possibility of the subscriptions being accepted at their old value in sterling; but so far no concession has been obtained. Until it is known clearly how much the Associa­ tion will be affected such negotiations will not produce any result.

A good selection of Siegfried maps is now available in the Library, and it is hoped gradually to make up a com­ plete set. Once more we remind members that the Associa­ tion will be glad to receive gifts of maps of the Alps, whether Swiss, French, Austrian or Italian. A certain number of guide-books has also been added to the Library during the' past year.

The monthly discussions which were started in October, 1930, were continued throughout the past year and were well attended. All except the first were illustrated by lantern slides. A detailed list is set out below: Jan. 14—“ Activities of the Association ” (General) Feb. 11—“Climbs in the Val d’Isere ” (The President) March 11—“Switzerland in October ” (General Bruce) May 13—“ Mountaineering for Boys ” (W. A. Drury) June 10—“ Some lesser known Climbing Centres in Switzerland ” (A. N. Andrews) Oct. 14—“ The High Tatra ” (Dr. H. Roger-Smith) Nov. 11—“ The Engadine as a Climbing Centre ” (M. N. Clarke) Dec. 2—“ Climbing in Britain ” (John Poole) The discussion on “ Mountaineering for Boys ” was attended by delegates of the Assistant Masters’ Association. They were very much impressed by what Mr. Drury had to say, and it is hoped that they may have been able to do some useful propaganda in their respective schools. 14 Once again we would like to remind members that suggestions for future discussions will always be welcomed by the Committee.

The attention of members is drawn to the List of Meetings for 1932, which was issued at the end of November and is reprinted elsewhere in this Report.

The chief innovation during the year was the Easter Meet at Dolgelley. About 25 members and their friends fore­ gathered at the Lion Hotel, where, in spite of the old rhyme, there was always “ plenty to put into one’s ‘ bethly ’ and someone to answer the bell.” The majority of the party arrived on the Thursday before Easter and remained until the following Tuesday, while a few of them stayed on until the end of the week. The weather, although not very good, was better than it was in most other parts of the country. Some of the party explored the glorious hill walks with which Dolgelley abounds, other scaled the rocky side of Cader Idris, while the more venturous spirits attacked the Milestone Buttress on Tryfan. On Easter Tuesday General Bruce celebrated his 65th birthday by leading all the remaining members of the party up to the summit of Rhinog Fawr, and in the evening a special birthday feast was provided by the Hotel. The Meet was such a success that it is proposed to repeat the experiment again this year.

Another innovation was the joint Meeting with the Ski Club of Great Britain on April 29th. Such a meeting had often been mooted in the past, but it was not until last year that it was found possible to bring it off. Through the kind­ ness of the Committee of the Alpine Club we were able to hold it in the Alpine Gallery, and 200 people turned up. The members of the Ski Club turned up in great force; the attendance of our Members was a little disappointing, but then it must be remembered that the Ski Club has a far larger membership than the Association. The subject was “ Ski-ing and Mountaineering ” and this was illustrated by lantern slides. The Speakers were General Bruce, Mr. Arnold Lunn and Mr. N. E. Odell. The meeting proved so popular that it is proposed to hold another one 15 this year at about the same time. The subject will be “ Winter Mountaineering,” and is one which should be of great interest to members of the Association.

On the occasion of the Ladies Night Dinner in September, Mr. F. S. Smythe gave us an extremely interesting account of the expedition to Kamet, illustrated by lantern slides. Unfortunately we only knew three days before the date of the Dinner that Mr. Smythe would be able to be present, with the result that it was impossible to notify members specially and only about too turned up to hear him.

An Association Dinner was held at on August 13th at the Hotel Schweizerhof. General Bruce was in the Chair, and nearly 30 members and guests were present. The guests of the Association were Dr. W. Berger and Dr. H. Steffen, the President and Vice-President of the Altels Section. At the close of the Dinner Dr. Berger (acting on behalf of the Bern Section) presented the Veterans Badge of the S.A.C. to Sir William Ellis. Thanks to the kind offices of Herr Trog (the Manager of the Hotel Schweizerhof) we all spent an exceedingly pleasant evening. The dinner was followed by an excellent concert and subsequently by dancing until well after mid­ night.

The Committee have felt for some considerable time that the Association ought to have some form of Memorial to commemorate those of its members who gave their lives during the Great War. Up to 1930 the Committee were faced by the difficulty that the Association had no proper room of its own. When we acquired our own room, however, at the Hotel Great Central, the Committee felt that it would be very wrong to delay action in the matter any further. A Sub-Committee was appointed to consider the question, and, as a result of their deliberations, it was decided that the most suitable form of memorial would be a plain oak shield with the names of the Fallen engraved in letters of gold. This in due course was procured, and it 16 was unveiled by the President in a touching little speech on May nth. On Armistice Day a laurel wreath was placed over the Memorial.

Mr. Reginald Graham has been made an Honorary Member of the Association. He was Hon. Auditor up to 1923 and he served on the Committee as a co-opted member from 1924 up to the end of last year, when he was forced to resign owing to ill health. He has rendered invaluable services to the Association and served on numerous Sub- Committees. The Committee desire to place on record their deepest appreciation of all that he has done for them in the past and to wish him a speedy return to health.

During the past year the Rules have been thoroughly revised and brought up to date. The new set of Rules is published with this Report.

During the “ Summer ” we received an invitation from the Magyar Turista Szoveteg to send delegates to the Congress International de Tourisme, which was to be held at Budapest from September 7th to September 13th. The Committee invited Mr. H. Simon and Dr. D. G. Macdonald to attend as representatives of the Association, but unfor­ tunately Mr. Simon was unavoidably prevented from attending at the last moment. Dr. Macdonald, however, represented the Association, and we are much indebted to him for the following account of the Congress and the events leading up to it. “ It is interesting to find that as soon as the well-known Alpine Clubs became firmly established, a series of Con­ ferences were held at whicn such international aspects of mountaineering as the training and duties of guides, the exchange of club privileges, and so forth were discussed. “ All Europe save Holland and Turkey took part at one time or another, so in fact did America, and the series culminated in the Sixth International Congress held by the C.A.F. in connection with the Great Exhibition of 1900. Thirty years later the Societe Polonaise de Tatra organised a Conference at Zakopane. Amongst the matters discussed were frontier difficulties connected with passports, visas, 17 and lack of free access to the mountains; the protection of Nature amongst the mountains; the tendency of definitely non-mountaineering interests to invade the Alps with funiculars and hotels and over-crowd the existing huts; the unfortunate contemporary habit of seeking mountaineering records of various types; and lastly the question of more perfect collaboration between existing clubs. “ It was unanimously decided that only an international organisation could hope to cope wth such problems, and a committee was formed to examine the possible forms that such an organisation could take. In the meantime the net was cast as widely as possible and a large number of moun­ taineering clubs were invited to send representatives to the 1931 Congress at Budapest to discuss the question in com­ pany with the representatives of organised ‘ Tourisme,’ whose international activities are in a fairly advanced state. “ This Congress was held at Budapest from September 7th to September 13 th under the direction of the Magyar Turista Szoveteg, and it was presided over by Dr. Tibor de Zsitvay, the Minister of Justice. “ The earlier sessions of the Congress were devoted to expounding afresh the historical material and previous pro­ ceedings that we have just described. But unfortunately only three stricdy mountaineering clubs apart from those participating in the previous Conference were able to send representatives to Budapest. These were D.CE.A.V.; The Hauptverband der Deutschen Gebirgs und Wandervereine in der C.S.R.; and our own Association. It was therefore found impossible to carry the matter as far as had at first been hoped. “ The Congress ultimately expressed its agreement with the Committee previously set up at Zakopane. A resolution was passed by the Congress to prepare for a Secretarial Bureau to be set up in Budapest to meet the needs of both Tourism and Alpinism. In addition, Monsieur Escarra was empowered to form a small workable committee to prepare definite agenda for the next Congress. This com­ mittee is to be composed of representatives selected both from those alpine clubs that were and that were not repre­ sented at Budapest, and copies of the proposed agenda will be sent to those clubs that have already expressed their IS sympathy with the Congress. It was decided that an invi­ tation to attend the next Congress International de Tourisme should accompany the agenda, and an invitation from the C.A.F. to arrange the next Congress at Chamonix early in September, 1932, was accepted. “ But it is impossible to conclude an account of the Budapest Congress without placing on record the extremely pleasant care given by Dr. Vigyazo to the entertainment of his visitors. Despite the difficulties of the Hungarian language, he was able to put his guests into pretty direct contact with most of the interesting features of Budapest and its immediate surroundings. In so doing he brilliantly achieved the avowed aim of the Magyar Turista Szoveteg, and when we mention that our activities covered a wide territory extending from an interest in Hungarian history and political problems, to a more materialistic investigation of the State Wine Cellars, it becomes clear that one cannot thank him adequately for the very delightful time we all had.” SUMMER HOLIDAYS, 1932. The Hon. Secretaries will be glad to hear from any members who wish for help in making up parties for the Alps or elsewhere. It is not possible for the Association officials to organise parties, but they are quite prepared to put members in touch with one another when they can, and this has often been done in the past. The monthly dinners for those who can attend them are of course an admirable opportunity for making summer arrangements, and if members who are short of climbing companions will ac­ quaint the Secretaries beforehand, something can often be done in the way of introductions at one of the dinners. It is desirable that communications on this • subject should be sent early, not later than the first half of July, as the Secretaries may themselves be away. It is hoped that beginners in particular will avail themselves of the help of the officials of the Association in any matters connected with holiday plans; we have often been able in the past to give advice about guides or districts to en­ quirers, and to suggest plans. Sunday Walks.—If members are desirous of arranging a training walk at any time, the Hon. Secretaries will always J9 be very glad to put them in touch with others similarly inclined, whenever possible. Such members should com­ municate with one of the Hon. Secretaries not later than the previous Wednesday. INSURANCE AGAINST ACCIDENTS. As most people have by now realised, every member of the S.A.C. is insured against accidents, an addition having been made to the annual subscription for this purpose. In 1929 the procedure was changed. The sum payable at death was formerly 10,000 francs. This sum has now been altered and is different for some sections. Seventeen sections agreed to pay an extra five francs per annum to secure 10,000 francs, but the other sections were only willing to raise the levy by one franc. The latter sections are consequently only insured up to 8,000 francs. By special arrangement with the Central Committee, members of the Association are now insured against accidents while climbing in England, Scotland and Wales in the same manner as when they are climbing in the Alps. THE ANNUAL DINNER. The Annual Dinner was held on Wednesday, November 25th, 1931, at the Hotel Great Central. The President was in the Chair and 92 members and guests were present. The guests of the Association were His Excellency The Swiss Minister (Monsieur C. R. Paravicini), the Councillor to the Swiss Legation (Monsieur de Jenner), the Hon. Secretary of the Alpine Club (Mr. Sidney Spencer), Mr. E. H. F. Bradby, Sir Francis Yourighusband, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., Professor Ernest Barker, D.Litt., LL.D., and the Vice-President of the City Swiss Club (Monsieur Jobin). The Toast List was as follows: “The King”; “The Swiss Confederation,” proposed by Mr. R. V. Vernon and replied to by the Swiss Minister; “ The Alpine Club and Kindred Societies,” proposed by the Hon. Treasurer and replied to by Mr. E. H. F. Bradby; “The Guests,” proposed by the President and replied to by Sir Francis Younghusband; and “ The Chairman,” proposed by Professor Ernest Barker and replied to by the President, ‘-’0


Above the Snow Line (presented by J. A. B. Bruce) G. T. Dent Adventures on the Roof of the World Mrs. Aubrey Le Blond Alpine Flowers and Gardens ...... G. Alpine Memories ...... Emile Javelle Alpine Studies ...... IF. A. B. Coolidge Alps from End to End ...... Sir M. Conway Alps and How to See Them ...... Muddocl• Alps, The ...... Arnold Lunn Alps, The ...... Sir M. Conway Alps, The ...... Umlauft Alpine Congress at Monaco Alpine Journal (complete set) Vols. 1-30, also 129-136, 138, 144-8, 150, 214-235 Ditto Index American Alpine Club (By-Laws and Register, 1919) Annals of Mt. Blanc C. E. Matthews Annual of the Mountain Club of South Africa (1917-1924) Around K angchen-Junga ...... D. TF. Freshfield Art and Sport of Alpine Photography Ascent of Mont Blanc (1837) Ascent of Mt. St. Elias ...... Duke of Abruzzi Ascent to the Summit of Mt. Blanc ...... Auldjo Association of British Members of the Swiss Alpine Club (bound copies of Reports since foundation) *Au Kangchinjunga . Dr. J. Jacot Guillarmod Au Pays de la Mort ...... B. Vallotton Badminton Library (Mountaineering), 2 copies Ball’s Hints and Notes to Travellers in the Alps, 1899 Below the Snow Line ...... D IP. Freshfield British Mountaineering (2 copies) ...... C. E. Benson British Mountain Climbs ...... G. D. Abraham *Building of the Alps ...... T. G. Bonney Climbing in the British Isles (Wales and Ireland) IF. P. Haskett-Smith Climbing in the Himalaya ...... Sir M. Conway Climbs in the New Zealand Alps ...... Fitzgerald Climbing on the Himalaya and other Mountain Ranges Collie Climbs from the Cougar Yalley Munroe Thoringtnn Climbs and Ski Runs ...... F. S. Smyth e Climbers’ Club Journals: Yol. 1, parts 1, 2, 4 Vol. 2, part 7 Vols. 3-13, complete Years 1912-13-14-15 Club Hut Album of the S.A.C., 1911 Club Hut Album of the S.A.C., 1927 Complete Mountaineer ...... G. D. Abraham Coxe’s Travels 1789 (3 Vols.) 21

Cult of Alpine Plants ...... IF. A. Clark Derniers Voyages en Zigzag (2 Vols) ...... Toppfer Die Alpen (Vols. 1 and 2 and remainder unbound) S.A.C. Descriptions des Alpes (2 Vols.) ...... liourrit Der Alpenfreund ‘Disenchantment ...... C. E. Montague Dauphine Days ...... J. Monroe Tliorington Defence of the against the proposed Railway to its Summit ...... F. IF. Bourdillon Dolomite Strongholds ...... J. Sanger Davies Dolomites ...... Bcginald Farrer Doldenhorn and Weisse Frau Englishman in the Alps ...... Arnold Lunn Early Mountaineers ...... Francis Gribble English Lakes, The ...... Bradley Estes’ Journey Fell and Rock Climbers’ Club Journal, Nos. 18, 19, Vols. 1-14 complete First Aid to the Injured ...... Dr. 0. Bernard Five Months in the Hiinalays ...... 4. B. Mumm Geneva Section S.A.C. Annual Reports, 1909, 1912 Girl in the Carpathians ...... If. Muriel Norman Glaciers of the Alps ...... Tyndall Here and There Among the Alps ...Don. E. Plunkett High Alps Without Guides ...... Girdlestone Highest Andes ...... Fitzgerald High Pvrenees ...... Becket Williams ‘History of “ A ” Battery .Major D. F. Grant Hotel des Neuchatelois ...... Gos How to Use the Aneroid Barometer ...... Ed. Whymper Hours of Exercise in the Alps ...... Tyndall Inscriptions from Swiss Chalets ...... harden In Praise of Switzerland ...... Harold Spender In the Heart of the Canadian Rockies ... Outram Inauguration of the Cabane Britannia Italian Valleys ...... King Jahrbiich des S.A.C., Vols. 1-54 Joy of Tyrol ...... J. M. Blake Julius Payers Bergfahrten ...... : ...... Lehner Ladies’ Alpine Club Annual Report, 1925 La Montagne, the Journal of the C.A.F. Les Fastes du Mont Blanc ...... S. D’Arve Les Cincjuante Premieres Annees du Club Alpin Suisse Ditto Supplement, 1-44 Le Conseiller de l’Ascensionniste ...... M. Hans Koenig L’Evolution Belliqueuse de Guillaume ...... Dr. II. Dubi Life of Man in the High Alps ...... A. Mosso G. L. Mallory ...... Eye Making of a Mountaineer ...... Finch Matterhorn, The ...... Guido Bey Melchoir Anderegg, 1817-1914 ...... Dr. H. Dulii 22

Mountaineering ...... Claude Wilson Midsummer Rambles in the Dolomites ...... A. II. Edwards *Moors, Crags and Caves of High Peak ...... E. A. Bakei Mountain Climbing ...... F. A. Collins Mountains of Snowdonia ...... H. C. Carr Mount Everest Reconnaissance ...... Col. Howard Bury Mountain Ascents ...... ■J. Barrow, F.C.S. Mountains of Piedmont ...... Gilley Mountain Adventures ...... Mrs. Main Mountaineering Art ...... Raeburn Mountain Craft ...... G. W. Young Mountain Adventures at Home and Abroad G. D. Abraham Mountaineer, Recollections of an Old ...... Larden Mountaineering in the Land of the Midnight Sun Mrs. Main Mountaineering Pamphlets (Vol. 1) My Alpine Jubilee ...... Frederick Harrison My Climbs in the Alps and Caucasus ...... Mummery My Home in the Alps ...... Mrs. Main Mountain Adventures New Zealand Alpine Club Journal, Vols. 1 and 2 (presented by Rev. H. E. Newton) Nature in the Alps ...... Tschudi Nature in Alps and Appenines .Callow Nos Montagnes, Nos. 40-54 ...... C.SF.A. Journal Nos Alpes Vaudoises ...... L. Seylar Notes from a Knapsack ...... G. Wherry Norske Turistforening Aarbok (1911) Oberland and its Glaciers ...... H. B. George Offizielle Literatur der Kriegfuhrenden in den Jahren (1914 to 1918) Oxford and Cambridge Mountaineering, 1924 Passes of the Alps Peaks, Passes and Glaciers, 1859 Ditto 1862 Peasant Art in Switzerland Pioneers of the Alps ...... Cunningham and Abmey Piedmont and Italy ...... Costello Plant Life in Alpine Switzerland ...... Arber Physician’s Holiday in 1848 ...... Forbes Physical Geology and Geography of Great Britain Ramsey Pictures in Tyrol Playground of Europe (First Ed.) Leslie Stephen Report of Special Committee on Equipment for Moun­ taineers Report of Special Committee on Ropes, Axes and Alpen­ stocks Rambles in High Savoy Rock Climbing in English Lake District ...... 0. G. Jones Rock Climbing in North Wales ...... G. D. Abraham Rock Climbing in Skye ...... A. P. Abraham 2J

Rucksack Club Journal, 1921, 1925 Ruwenzori ...... D. Vilippi Scrambles Amongst the Alps ...... Ed. XVhympcr Scrambles in the East Graians ...... G. Yeld Scenery of Switzerland ...... Sir John Lubbock *Six Mois dans PHimalaya ...... Dr. J. Jacot Guillarmod Ski Rhinner ...... E. C. Richardson Ski Runs in the High Alps ...... Roget Story of Alpine Climbing ...... Francis Gribble Story of Mt. Blano ...... Albert Smith Story of the Hills ...... Rev. II. N. Hutchinson Songs of the Mountaineers ...... Hirst Swiss Pictures ...... Rev. S. Manning Shilling Ski Runner ...... Richardson Summer Holidays in the Alps ...... XV. E. Durham Stammer Months Amongst the Alps Hinchliff S.A.C. .Jubilee Number Switzerland ...... XV. Beattie, M.D. Switzerland in Winter ...... Cadby Tour of Mt. Blanc (1840) ...... Forbes True Tales of Mountain Adventure Mrs. Aubrey Le Blond Travels Amongst the Great Andes of the Equator Wliymper Travels Through the Alps ...... Forbes Two Seasons in Switzerland Herbert Marsh Tyrol, the Land in the Mountains XV. A. Baillie Grohmann Unknown Switzerland ...... V. Tissot Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys Amelia B. Edwards Upper Engardine ...... Caviezel Vacation Tourist and Notes on Travels ...... Francis Galton Views in Wales ...... North Walks and Scrambles in the Highlands ...... Baylcy Wayfarer in the Pyrenees ...... E. L. Robson Wanderings Among the High Alps (1858) ...... Wills Winter Sports Annual (1912-1913) Winter Sports in Europe ...... Bechet Williams Was Switzerland Pro-German? ...... Sutton Croft Western Thibet and the British Borderland G. A. Shewing Work and Play of a Government Inspector H. P. Thomas Yorkshire Ramblers’ Club Journal (1926) Zermatt and its Valley ...... F. Gos Zermatt and the Matterhorn ...... XV. B. *K indly presented by Authors.

GUIDE BOOKS Baedeker: Eastern Alps Norway and Sweden Switzerland Tyrol 24

Ball’s Alpine Guide: Central Alps (2 Vols.) Introduction, 1875 Pennine Alps, 1873 Western Alps East Switzerland, 1876 Chamonix and Mt. Blanc ...... Whymver Climbers’ Guide to the Todi Range ...... Coolidge

33 33 ,, ,, Cogne Range ...... Coolidge

33 33 ,, ,, Pennine Range ...... Coolidge

33 33 ,, ,, Lepontine Range ...... Coolidge

33 33 ,, ,, Chain of Mt. Blanc ...... Coolidge ,, ,, ,, ,, Dauphiny Central Alps Coolidge Guide des Alpes Valaisannes, Vols. 1-4 Guide to the High Tatra, 4 Vols. International Hotel Guide Handbook of Switzerland, 1839 ...... Murray Do. Savoy 1879 .Murray Pontresina Ludwig Scottish Mountaineering Club Guide, Skye S.A.C. Guide (Glarner Alpen) Do. (Biindner Alpen) Skifuhrer durch die Oetztaler Alpen Walks and Climbs Round Arolla ...... harden Zermatt and the Matterhorn ...... Whymper

LIST OP MAPS MAPS Alpine Club of Switzerland (4 parts), 1874 Chain of Mont Blanc, 1896 ...... Barbey Carte de la Suisse (Sion-Vevev) 17 (2 copies) ...Du four ....Dufour 1) } > (Briez-Airolo) 18 (2 copies) 3 > )} (Sondrio-Bormo) 20 ,...... Dufour !> (Aoste-Martigny) 22 ...... Dufour ,, ,, (Arona-Domodossola) 23 .. ...Dufour Mont Blanc, Paris, 1865 Tyrol (Oetzthaler-Ferner) Ileymann FRENCH MAPS: Stanford’s 1-100.000 (Moutiers-Modane)

J 3 5 3 (Les Houehes-Moutiers) 3 3 33 (Briancon) (Mont Tliabor) 3 » 3 3 3 3 3 3 (La Grave) 3 3 3 3 (La Berarde) ITALIAN MAPS: Aosta Gt. St. Bernard Antronapiana Monte Rosa Bannio Monte Bianco Chatillon V altournanche Gressoney 2o

SWISS MAPS: Gri nisei ...... Siegfried Meiringen-Triftgletcher ...... Siegfried Titlis-Sustenhorn ...... Siegfried Bernina Pass ...... Siegfried Visp-tal ...... Siegfried Lotschherggebiet ...... Siegfried Sclieidegg ...... Siegfried Finsteraarliorngebiet ...... Siegfried Gadmen-Bietschorn ...... Siegfried Col. du Grand St. Bernard .Siegfried Theodulpass ...... Siegfried Interlaken-Gsteig ...... Siegfried

LIST OF BOOKS ADDED TO LIBRARY, 1931. Zermatt ...... Emile Yung Mont Rosa and Gressoney ... V. Sella and de Across East African Glaciers ...... Dr. Mans Meyer Zigzag (2 vols.) Album of Fete de Vignerons Climbing in the Dolomites ... L. Sinigaglia Itinera Alpina ...... Scheuchzer Voice of the Mountains ...... E. A. Baker Thorough Guides (4 vols.) Baedekers (3 vols.) Guides Diamont ...... P. Joanne A Fortnight in Switzerland ...... Lamp veil Tracks on Norway How to Visit Italy ...... Lunn Switzerland and the Mediterranean ...... J. B. Winter Rambles in the Far North ...... ]!. M. Ferguson Switzerland (2 vols.) ...... B. d’Auvergne Journey to the Glaciers Central Alps ...... Coolidge Climbing in the British Isles ...... Smith Foresters’ Norway ...... Tyndall Swiss Mountain Climbs Arolla (5 vols.) Grindelwald ...... Rhodes A.B.M. (4 vols.) Swiss Charm ...... James Tyrol ...... McCrackan Swiss Democracy ...... Hobson Trans Caucasia ...... Bryce High Alps in Winter ...... Mrs. Burnaby Tyrol and the Tyrolese ...... Grohman Mont Blanc ...... Albert Smith Oxford Mountaineering Essays ...... Sadler Alps and Pyrenees ...... Victor Hugo 26 Unto the Hills ...... Douglas Freshfield Dolomite Strongholds ...... Davies Northern Travel ...... Taylor Hambies in Alpine Valleys ...... Tutt Our Life in the Swiss Highlands ...... Symonds A Climber in New Zealand ...... Malcorn Boss Hints on Alpine Sports ...... F. E. Boget Alpine Ascents ...... Wilson From a Holiday Journal ...... Mrs. E. T. Cook Scientific Guide to Switzerland ...... Morell Mountaineers’ Recollections ...... Walter Lardcn Cycling in the Alps ...... Freeston Voyages dans les Alpes ...... 11. B. dc Saussure Switzerland ...... Macmillan Alpine Profile Road Book Winter Life in Switzerland Alpenstock ...... Charles Joseph Latrobe The Epic of Mount Everest ...... Sir Francis Y(runghusband Chamonix ...... Pictured by G. Flemwell The Building of the Alps ...... T. G. Bonny The Artist in the Himalayas ...... A I>. McCormack True Tales of Mountain Adventures ...Mrs. Aubrey le Blond Italian Alps ...... Fresh field Swiss Travel and Guide ...... Coolidge Alpine Studies ...... Coolidge Switzerland and its People ...... Clarence Book Land of Midnight Sun (2 vols.) ...... Due Chaillu The Alpenstock Alpine Flowers and Gardens ...... G. Flemwell The Climbs of Norman-Neruda ...... Norman-Neruda On Alpine Heights and British Crags ...George D. Abraham With Axe and Rope in New Zealand Alps ...... Mannering Mont Blanc ...... Boger Tisset The Alps and Sanctuarys ...... Samuel Butler Mont Blanc ...... Violet-le-Duc The Ascent of Mont Blanc ...... Avldjo How to Become an Alpinist ...... Burlingham Social Switzerland ...... W. E. Dawson Swiss Letters ...... Francis Ridley Havergal Alpine Ascents and Adventures ...... Wilson Swiss Travel and Guide ...... Coolidge Ice Work ...... Bonny The Eagles’ Nests ...... Alfred Wills Teneriffe and its Six Satellites ...... Olivia M. Stone My Climbing Adventures in Four Continents Samuel Turner Gates of the Dolomites...... Tj. Marion Davison Verses and Versicles ...... Sir George Radford Alpine Notes and the Climbing Foot ...... George Wherry Alpine Byways ...... A Lady The Simplon Route ...... Julian Grande Chateau d’Oex ...... E. D. Lampcn 27

Inauguration of the Cabane Brittania The Testimony of the Hocks ...... Hugh Mille The Road Books and Itineraries of Gt. Britain Sir Hubert G. Fordham Aimer’s Fuhrerbuch Cunningham, and Abney Two Years in Switzerland and Italy ..Bremer Men, Women and Mountains ...... Schuster

GUIDE BOOKS. Climbers Guides. Eastern Pennines Conway

A. N. ANDREWS, Hon. Librarian, 3, Montpelier Row, Knightsbridge, S.W.7.

Members who borrow books are requested to enter their names in the book provided for the purpose and to eetukn them as soon as possible. '28

Association of British Members


REVENUE. 1930 Sections Association Totals £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought ford, from 1930 .. £40 1 8 756 6 2 756 6 2 716 11 11 Collected, 1931 .. 716 4 6 Brought ford, from 1930 .. £21 0 0 > 308 10 0 308 10 0 295 4 9 Collected, 1931 .. 287 10 0 > 134 11 0 Life Members 13 13 0 13 13 0 Dividends, net .. £33 12 11 > 34 2 9 29 12 2 Interest on Dep. .. 9 10 17 0 Sale of Albums, etc. 1 13 0 20 0 0 Donation from Geneva .. 20 0 0 64 15 9 Received for Postages 5 0 0 Geneva .. £500 ) 9 0 0 2 0 0 Diablerets .. £400 13 8 Sale of Badges .. 17 2 17 2 61 1 8 Subscriptions in advance 10 5 8 4 0 6 14 6 2 15 0 0 Non-recurrent, 1930 .. 1,281 12 2 767 9 0 390 19 3 1,158 8 3 Balances up to 31/12/31 368 12 6 368 12 6

£767 9 0 £759 11 9 £1,527 0 9

CHAS. LEHMANN, Hon. Treasurer. 29

of the Swiss Alpine Club


EXPENDITURE. 1930 Sections Association Totals £ s• d. £ s. d. £ s- d. £ s‘ d” 706 7 3 Remittances to Sections 744 8 0 744 8 C 5 9 0 Subscriptions refunded . 110 10 0 1 11 0 100 10 0 Rent of Club Room 102 11 2 56 5 6 Printing 67 6 10 37 4 2 Postages .. 26 3 11 27 15 0 Clerical Assistance 27 15 0 15 18 7 Entertainment Expenses 11 4 2 16 1 5 Library Account 11 5 10 '276 13 3 11 10 0 Lantern A/c 4 4 0 9 11 Insurance .. 1 6 0 War Memorial Shield . 8 8 0 Framing Pictures, etc. . 2 15 6 Ski Club Meeting 3 17 6 30 4 2 Sundry Expenses 9 15 4

1,007 15 0 745 9 0 277 3 3 1,022 12 3 134 11 0 Life Membership Fund . 13 13 0 13 13 0 290 8 0 Accumulated Revenue .. 368 12 6 368 12 6 61 1 8 Subscriptions in advance 10 5 8 4 0 6 14 6 2 78 4 6 Balance Revenue, 1931.. 107 16 10 107 16 10 £755 14 8 £771 6 1 £1,527 0 9

Certified Correct, R. H. SENNETT, 26/A January, 1932. Association of British Members of the Swiss Alpine Club, 1931. LIFE MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNT lsi Jan., 1931. £ s• d. 31 st Dec., 1931. £ 5- Balance from 1930 ... 708 3 0 To Life Membership Account ...... 13 13 0 Received during 1931 ... 13 13 0 — Balance from 1930 ...... 708 3 0 £721 16 0 £721 16 0

BALANCE SHEET for year ended December 31st, 1931 LIABILITIES. ASSETS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Life Membership Account ... 708 3 0 Net Bank Balance ...... 231 3 10 ,, Received in 1931 ... 13 13 0 Cash in hand ... 0 7 6 721 16 0 231 11 4 o Accumulated Balances on Revenue Investments at cost (as at Account ... 368 12 6 31/12/30) ... 866 1 1 Subscriptions in advance, 1932 ... 14 6 2 ♦Purchases during year ... 114 19 1 Balance Revenue Account, 1931 ... 107 16 10 981 0 2 £1,212 11 6 £1,212 11 6 ♦Investments, as certified by Barclay’s Bank for Account of A.B.M.S.A.C. : £400 Conversion Stock, 3|% £450 5% £250 Victory Bonds 4%

CHAS. LEHMANN, Certified Correct, R. H. SENNETT, Hon. Treasurer. 26th Jan., 1932. 31




1. NAME. The name of the Association shall be “The Association op British Members op the Swiss Alpine Club.” 2. OBJECTS. The objects of the Association shall he:— (а) To encourage British Alpinists to support the Swiss Alpine Club in all its work by becoming members of a Section of that body. (б) To collect funds for the building or maintenance of S.A.C. Huts, and for such other purposes as the Com­ mittee may from time to time determine. (c) To form a body able to present a collective opinion to the S.A.C. on any question of Alpine interest. (d) To promote among British climbers a spirit of soci­ ability, and in particular to provide a common meeting ground in or elsewhere. (e) To initiate and co-operate in any movement that may tend to increase the membership of the S.A.C. and of this Association. 3. CONSTITUTION. The Association shall consist of (1) Ordinary Members and (2) Honorary Members. Ordinary Members shall be divided into two classes (a) Town and (b) Country. Town Members shall be those who reside within a radius of 50 miles of Charing Cross. Country Members shall be those who reside outside that radius. The qualification for ordinary membership shall be membership of some section of the S.A.C. The election of Ordinary Members shall be absolutely under the control of the Committee. Honorary Members shall be elected by the Committee at their discretion, 32

4. SUBSCRIPTION. The subscription to the Asssociation shall be £1 per annum for Town Members and 10/- per annum for Country Members, the first subscription to be payable at election and subsequent subscriptions on the 1st January in each year. Any Member whose subscription shall not have been paid on or before the 1st March shall cease to be a Member of the Association but may be reinstated on payment of arrears at the discretion of the Committee. Any Member joining after the 1st November shall not be required to pay his subscription for the ensuing year. The payment of £8 8s. Od. in the case of Town Members and £4 4s. Od. in the case of Country Members shall constitute Life Membership. For those elected before 1921 it shall be optional whether they pay 5/-, 10/- or £1 subscription, or £2 2s. Od., £4 4s. Od. or £8 8s. Od. for Life Membership. For those elected after 31st December, 1920, but before the 1st of January, 1930, it shall be optional whether they pay 10/- or £1 subscription or £4 4s. Od. or £8 8s. Od. for Life Membership. 5. MEETINGS. (a) An Annual General Meeting and Dinner shall be held in November or December. Other meetings may be held as the Committee think fit. (b) The Committee, on the requisition of twelve members, shall at any time call a Special General Meeting, pro­ vided that seven clear days’ notice be given to all Members of such a Special General Meeting, together with full information as to the place, time, and busi­ ness to be transacted. 6. COMMITTEE. The Management of the Association shall be vested in a Committee to be elected at the Annual General Meeting and to hold office from the 1st January following. The Committee shall consist of ex-officio Members, Ordinary Members, and such extra Members, not exceeding three, as may be co-opted in the manner hereinafter provided. (a) The ex-officio Members shall be the officers of the Association for the time being, viz.: President. Vice-Presidents, Two Hon. Secretaries. Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Librarian, Hon. Solicitor; • who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting, provided that the President shall not serve for longer than three years in succession. 33

(b) The Ordinary Members of the Committee shall he 12 in number. One-third of them shall retire annually, and shall not be eligible for re-election until after one year has elapsed. The Committee may co-opt not more than three additional Members, one of whom must retire yearly; the mode of election and manner of re­ tirement to rest with the Committee. Five Members shall constitute a quorum. The Committee may suggest names for Officers and Committee, but this is not to be taken as precluding any two Members from nomin­ ating candidates, whose consent, however, must be previously obtained. At least three weeks’ notice of the Annual Meeting shall be given to every Member; and nominations for Officers and Committee must be sent in to the Secre­ taries at least ten days before the Annual Meeting. In the went of more candidates being nominated than there are vacancies the election shall be by ballot. 7. POWERS OF THE COMMITTEE. (a) The Committee may, by a two-thirds majority of those present, remove the name of any Member from the list of Members if they consider his conduct to be incom­ patible with membership of the Association; but such person shall have the right of appeal to the next Annual or Special General Meeting, which shall have the power of annulling, by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting, the decision of the Committee. (b) The Committee shall have power to submit any pro­ posal affecting the Association to an Annual or Special General Meeting of the Members of the Association. (c) The Committee shall have power to increase the number of Officers by two. 3. ACCOUNTS. The Accounts of the Association shall be audited in January and presented by the Hon. Treasurer at the next General Meeting of the Association, and shall be a jiublished with the Annual Report. 9. CASUAL VACANCIES. The Committee shall have power to fill up casual vacancies amongst the Officers or Committee; and and those chosen shall serve for the unexpired period of office for which the Members whom they succeed w'ere respectively elected.

19. ROOM FOR MEETINGS AND LIBRARY. The Committee shall have power to hire premises for the purposes of the Association. 34 11. PUBLICATIONS. The Committee shall have power to publish an Annual Report and other publications. 12. ALTERATIONS OF RULES. A General Meeting shall have power, by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the Members present and voting, to alter or add to the existing Rules of the Association.

13. REGULATIONS. The Committee shall have power to make such regu­ lations, not being inconsistent with these Rules, as they think to be for the well-being of the Association. 14. THE CHAIRMAN. The Chair, whether at a General Meeting or at a Meeting of the Committee, shall be taken by the President of the Association, or in his absence by one of the Vice-Presidents. In the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents, the Meeting shall elect a Chair­ man from among the Members present, The Chair- man shall, in case of an equality of votes have a second or casting vote. 15. RETIRED LIFE MEMBERS. Life Members of the Association who have ceased to be Members of the Swiss Alpine Club may enjoy the privileges of the Association except that they shall not be eligible to fill any office of the Association or to serve on the Committee or to vote at any of the meetings. 35

LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE Association of British Members

OF THE Swiss Alpine Club (Corrected up to Janurary 20, 1932.)

’Indicates Life Member. Italics, Hon. Member; ‘ A.C.’ Alpine Club. Sections of S.A.C. in brackets.

Adams, W. (Geneva), Orchard House, Saffron Walden. Ahern, John H. {Monte ltosa), 9, Market Place, Oxford Circus, W.l. Aitchison, Irvine G. (Prattigan), Messrs. Dollond & Aitcliison, Ltd., 192, Tottenham Court Road, W.l. "Allen, B. M., ‘ AC.’ c/o, Barclay’s Bank, High Street, Hampstead, N.W.3. (Retired'last). Allen, D. G. (Diablerets), 13, Pollards Hill West, Norbury, S.W.16. Anderson, G. (Diablerets), 32, Victoria Street, S.W.i. ’Anderson, J. G. (Geneva), , S.W.l. Andrews, A. N., ‘AC.’ (Grindelwald) 3, Montpelier Row, Knightsbridge, S.W.7 [Hon. Sec., 1912-1928], (Ron. Librarian). Anstie, E. L. (Geneva), Shore House, Edington, Westbury, Wilts. Ashby, R. C., ‘AG.’ ('Diablerets), 16, Northlands Road, Southampton. Askwith, The Rev. Dr. E. H. (Altels), 29, Storey’s Way, Cambridge. Bacharaeh, A. L. (Geneva), 26, Willow Road, Hampstead Heath, N.W.3. Bacon, E. V., m.b.Ev (Diablerets), London Metal Exchange, Whittington Avenue, E.C.3. *Baer, J. (Jarnan), 3, Rue Michel Chauvet, Geneva. Baird, D. E. (Monte Rosa), 1, Roxburgh Street, Hillhead, Glasgow. Baird, Douglas (Geneva), Halidon, Esher, Surrey.. Baker, A. (Oberhasli), Yews, New Barn, Longfield, Kent. ’Barker, A. E., ‘AC.’ 81, Fountaine Road, Edgbaston (Retired List). ’Barnard, W. (Interlaken), 9, Old Square, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C.2. Barnett, H. (Diablerets), 77, Cornhill, E C.3. 36

* Barrow, Harrison (Geneva), 40, Weoley Park Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham. Bartholomew, L. St. C. (Geneva), 14, Ramsay Gardens, Edinburgh. Bax, C. E. O. (Diablerets), Orchard House, Walton-on- Thames, Surrey. Bax, O. N., ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), Bradfield College, Berks. Beauman, Wing-Commander, E. B., r.a.f., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), , Pall Mall, S.W.l. Beck, W. A. G., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), 31, Eton Court, Eton Avenue, N.W.3. *Bell, Rev. Canon G. M., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), The Rectory Worthen, Shropshire. Bell, Rev. J. A. H., ‘AC.’ (Monte Bosa), Gumley Rectory, Market Harborough. Bell, Hr. T. (Geneva), Brooklyn, Shepsted, Loughborough. Bellows, Wm., ‘ AG.’ (Geneva), Tuft’ley Lawn, Gloucester. Benson, Robert (Geneva), Shanagarry, Milltown, Co. Dublin. Besant, A. D. (Geneva), 9, Hampstead Hill Gardens, N.W.3. *Bezencenet, M. Steinmann (Geneva), 110, Cannon Street, E.C.4. Bibby, Rupert B. H., ‘AC.’ (Monte Bosa), Garston, Liver­ pool. Bickerton, Dr. —. (Diablerets), Croxteth Lodge, Ullet * Road, Liverpool. Bieknell, Claud (Geneva), 1, Westfield Grove, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Bird, Major L. W., d.s.o., ‘ AC.’ (Monte Bosa), Cowslips, Mickleham, Surrey. *Blackden, Brig.-Gen. L. S., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), The Jewell House, Marden, Kent (Life Member Geneva). *Blakeney, T. S., ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), 67, St. George’s Road, S.W.l. Blandy, Edward, ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Westwood, Southcote Road, Reading. Bloch, Olaf, ‘ A.CA (Geneva), 3, Gilbert House, Princeton Street, W.C.l. ’’Blunt, Lt.-Col. AV. S-, r.e., m.c., ‘AC.’ (Monte Bosa), c/o Cox & Co., 16, Charing Cross, S.W.l. Bon Anton (Bernina), St. Agnes Court, 6, Porcliester Terrace, W.2. Booth, C. E. (Geneva), Elmhurst, Aigburth, Liverpool. *Bourdillon, Lt.-Col. R. B., m.c., a.f.o., 22, Frogual Lane, Hampstead, N.W.3 (Betired List). Bourne-Paterson, R.A. (Grindelwald), 6, Villa Jocelyn, Square Lamartine, Paris (16). 3*

*Bowdoin, H. W. C., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), c/o Messrs. Baring, & Son, Bishopsgate Street, E.C.2. Boys, E. A. F. (Geneva), 17, Carlisle Street, Soho Square,

Bradley, A. H. (Geneva), 335, Humberstone Road, Leicester. Bradley, M. G., ‘ AC.’ (Interlaken), Public Schools Club, 61, Ourzon Street, W.l. Brant. R. W. c.m.g., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), 55, Chatsworth lload, Croydon (Life Geneva). *Brigg, J. J., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Kildwick Hall, Keighley (Life Geneva). *Brocklehurst, Professor R. J. m.d., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 7, Rylestone Grove, Stoke Bishop, Bristol. Brooke, Rev. H. S., ‘ AC.’ (Grindelwald), St. Mark’s House, Broadwater Down, Tunbridge Wells. Brooke, W. M. (Geneva), Gorsemoor, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells. “Brown, Eric (Lagern), Baden, Switzerland. Brown, Alan W. (Geneva), Waltaire, Croydon Road, Bed- dington, Surrey. Brown, Professor T. Graham, f.e.s., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Physiology Institute, Newport Road, Cardiff. Browne, G. E. (Moleson), Sandy Nook, Maybury Common, Woking. Bruce, Brig.-General Hon. C. G., c.b., m.v.o.. ‘AC.’ ((Monte Rosa), 17, Kensington Crescent, London, W.14 (Hon. Member, Geneva) [President 1927-1930, Vice-President 1922-1926 & 1931]. Brunner, Sir Felix (Monte Rosa), 49, Wilton Crescent, S.W.l. Bulkeley, G. (Geneva), Dawson Place Mansions Hotel, Pembridge Square, W.2. Bull, W. S. (Monte Rosa), Risedean, Newport Pagnell, Bucks. Bunn, E. J. (Interlaken), 125, Grove Lane, Camberwell, S.E.5. Burls, H. E. G. (Oberliasli), Board of Trade, Great George Street, S.W.l. *Burnett, T. R.,, ph.d. (Uto), County Buildings, Dumfries, N.B. *Burr, Allston, ‘AC.’ (Grindelwald), 60, State Street, Boston, U.S.A. Burstal, E. W. (Geneva), Laleham Lodge, 46, Lansdowne • Road, Bournemouth. *Buxton, Sir T. Fowell, Bart., ‘AC.’ (Grindelwald), Put- tendge, Bury, Luton. Campbell, Claud B. D. (Geneva), 41, Oxford Mansions, W.l. 3S

‘Carpe, A., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Room 1121 195, Broadway, New York City, TJ.S.A. (Life Geneva). Carr, J. (Diableret.s), 22a, Donegall Street, Belfast. *Carr-Saunders, A. M., ‘ AG.’ (Geneva), 26, Abercromby Square, Liverpool. ‘Carter, Lt.-Col. H. (Oberliasli), 39, Richmond Road, Wimbledon, S.W.20. Cassell, Captain Sir Felix, Bart., k.c., 1 AG.’ (Monte Rosa), 25, Bryanston Square, W.l. Castello, S. Magnus (Geneva), 5, Drapers Gardens, Throg­ morton Avenue, E.C.2. Cavey, F. W. (Geneva), 23, Aubrey House, Maida Hill West, W.2. (Hon. Secretary.) Champneys,' F. C. (Geneva), The Jolly Waterman, 51, Rotherhithe St., S.E.16. ‘Christison, McC. (Geneva), Dulwich College, S.E.21. ‘Clarke, A. E., ‘AC.’ (Viablerets), 13, Ferncroft Avenue, Hampstead, N.W.3. Clarke, L. W., ‘AG.’ (Interlaben), Sydenham’s, Bisley, Gloucestershire. *Clarke, M. N., ‘ AC.’ (Monte Rosa), 48, Cranley Gardens, S.W.7. (Hon. Secretary). Cleave, E. R. (Grindelwald), Haslemere, Trescobeas Road, Falmouth. Cobham, Rev. J. O. (Geneva), Westcott House. Cambridge. Coddington, E.. ‘AG.’ (JHablerets), St. John’s School, Leatlierhead. . Cohen, Y. 0. (Engelberg), 80, Oxford Terrace, Hyde Park, W.2. Collar, Frank m.k.c.s. (Grindelwald), 7, Glen Eyre Way, Bassett, Southampton. ‘Collier. Hon. Eric (Geneva), Travellers’ Club, Pall Mall, S.W.l, and 39, Montague Road, Richmond. Conway of Alington, The (Right Hon. Lord, ‘AC.’, Alington Castle, Maidstone. (Hon. Member.) Correvon, H. (Ex-President of Geneva Section), Floraire, Chene, Bourg, Geneva (Hon. Member). Corrv. Robert, ‘ AG.’ (Monte Rosa), Bedholme, Walton-on- the-Hill, Surrey. Couchman, A. E. (Geneva). 21, Manor Road North, Hinch- lev Wood, Thames Ditton. ‘Courtney, H. G., ‘AG.’ CDiablerets), Marlfield, St. James Road, Winchester. Coverlev-Price. A. Y. (Geneva), British Legation, Mexico City, Mexico. Cox, H. E. CDiablerets), 11, Billiter Sqtiare, E.C.3. Crepin, F. R. (GenevaV Zauion, Dollis Avenue, N.3. Crocker. Captain R. IV. (Geneva), Queen Anne Cottage, Wood Green, Salisbury. 39 Grossman, C. S. (Oberhasli), Buckhurst Hill House, Buck- liurst Hill, Essex. *Culverwell, Captain E. It. {Geneva), e/o Lloyds Bank (R. Section), 6, Pall Mall, S.W.l. *Cushen, C. 0. {Geneva), Down Cottage, Cliff End, Purley, Surrey. ‘Cutfortli, A. E., ‘ AC.’ {Geneva), Rowney Bury, Harlow, Essex. Dainty, A. J. {Geneva), Park House, Windsor. Dalton, Eev. Prebendary A. E. {Geneva), Feering Vicar­ age, Kelveden, Essex. Daniell, P. A. {Altels), The Rookery, Downe, Kent. *Daniell, Col. R. (Grindelwald), 9, Ormonde Gate, Chelsea, S.W.3. D'Arcis, F. (Geneva), 12, Rue Michel Chauvet, Geneva (Hon. Member). *Davison, H. E. (Geneva), c/o Dalgetty and Co., Leaden- hall Street, E.C.3. Davidson, Col. Gilbert, d.s.o., ‘ AG.’ ((Diablerets), 20, Mallord Street, Chelsea, S.W.3. Davies, Major Idwal (Monte Bosa), Redlands, Tonbridge, Kent. Davies, T. H. (Geneva), Down House, Stoke Bishop, Bristol. D’Arcy, Captain John (Geneva), R.A. Mess, Razmak, Wazaristan, India. de Fonblanq.ue, A. F., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 14, Greville Place, N.W.6. *Dehn, Harold, Malvern Cottage, Withington, Manchester (Retired List). *Dent, Dr. H. L. R., ‘AC.’ (Diablerets), 29, St. Mary Abbots Terrace, Kensington, W.14 (President, 1923- 1926, F.P., 1913-1922 and 1927). *Dent, Dr. J. Y., ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), 46, Warwick Gardens, W.14. Desborough, The Lord,, g.c.v.o., ‘ AC.’, Taplow Court, Maidenhead (Hon. Member). Dibdin, L. G. (Piz Lvcendro), 48, Stanford Road, W.8. Dibdin, R. J. (Piz Lucendro), Ridge Cottage, Wolding- ham, Surrey. *Dixon, it. R. (Monte Bosa), Quarriston, Heighougliton, Co. Durham. *Dixon, W. S., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Hillbrow School, Overs- lade. Rugby. Dodd, H. M. F., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 62, Bolingbroke Road, W. 14. Dodd. Arthur (Geneva), Midland Bank, Winchester House, Old Broad Street. E.C.2. Dodd, F. Lawson (Geneva), 12 Park Crescent, Portland Place, W.l. 40

Doncaster, J. H., ‘AC.’ (Bern), Wag Wood, Dore, Sheffield. Douie, C. 0. G. (Diablerets), 23, Taviton Street, W.C.l. Dowbiggin, H. L. (Oberhasli), Inspector General of Police, Colombo, Ceylon. Draper, W. P. (Diablerets), c/o J. A. Bucher, Guaranty Trust Company of New York, 524, Fifth Avenue, New York City, U.S.A. ‘Drummond, J. W., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Westerlands, Stirling (Life, Geneva). Drury, W. A. (Diablerets), Ludgrove, Cockfosters, Herts. Dubi, Dr., ‘ AC.’ (Bern), Rabbentalstrasse, 49, Bern (Hon. Member)) ‘Dundee, Colonel (Geneva), Landi Kotal, Roseville Street, St. Heliers, Jersey, Ch. Islands. Dunn, R. C. (Geneva), c/o R. W. Gordon, Esq., Dtunar- non, Belfast. Dunscombe, W. M. (Geneva), Zermatt, 169, Drove Road, Swindon, Wilts. Dunsheath, Percy (Diablerets), Hesket, Church Avenue, Sidcup, Kent. Durpz, A. (Diablerets), Swiss Federal Railways, 11b, Regent Street, S.W.l. Duruz, S. (JJrtterengadin), Swiss Federal Railways, 11b, Regent Street, S.W.l. Eales, C. M. D. ‘AC.’ (Monte (Rosa), 13, Lansdowne Road, Wimbledon, S.W. 20. ‘Earle, L. M., ‘AC.’ (Interlaken), Castle Mount, East­ bourne. Eddison, E. R., c.b., c.m.g. (Diablerets), 71, Bedford Gardens, Campden Hill, W.8. Edwards, A. D. M. (Diablerets), 46, Old Steine, Brighton. Elgar, E. (Monte Itosa), The Homestead, Birchington, Kent. ‘Ellis, F. N., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Debdale Hall, Mansfield (Life Geneva). ‘Ellis, Sir W., g.b.e., ‘ AC.’ (Bern), Weetwood, Eccleshall, Sheffield. ‘Ellison, George (Bwrgdorf), Flint Green House, Acocks Green, Birmingham. ‘Ellwood, T. Ashcroft, m.d. (Neurhatel), 164, Harold Road, Hastings. ‘Ellwood, Victor T., f.k.c.s., m.d., ‘AG.’ (Grindelwald), 88, Harley Street, W.l. ‘Evans, R. Du B. (Geneva), (Life Geneva). Fanshawe, R.A., AC.’ (Geneva), 76, King’s Road, Richmond, Surrey. ‘Farmer, Professor Sir .1. B., f.r.s., ‘AC.’, Shirley Home. South Park, Gerards Cross, Btacks (Retired List). 41

Farrer, S. J. (Geneva), Clapham, via Lancaster. Faussett, Captain (Geneva), c/o Cox & Co., Charing

*Finzi, N. S., m.b., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), 107, Harley Street, W.l. Fletcher, Clement (Geneva), Atherton Hall, Leigh, Lancs. *Foa, Edgar, ‘AC.’ (Bregaglia), 34, de Vere Gardens, W.8. Forbes, J. W. F., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Christ’s Hospital, West Horsham. *Forbes, T. Lawrence (Geneva), King William Street House, Arthur Street, E.C.4. Foster, J. E. A. (Geneva), 111, Sydney Street, Chelsea, S.W.3. Foster, W. J. (Grindelwald), Steps End, Hillerest Road, Loughton. *Fothergill, l)r. C. F., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Hensol, Chorley- wood, Herts. *Fowler, G. W. T., ‘ AC.’ (Oberliasli), c/o Messrs. Lithgow & Pepper, 41, Wimpole Street, W.l. Franklin, W. (Diablerets), Sheafdale, Lemsford Road, St. Albans. Franks, Norman (Geneva), Harold’s Hill, Churt, Farn- ham. *Fraser, Lt.-Col. A. H., r.a. (Oberliasli), 13, Hillcrest Road, Sydenham, S.E.26. Freese-Pennefather, H. W. (Geneva), British Embassy, Washington (D.C.), U.S.A. Freshfield, Douglas, W., d.c.l., ‘ AC.’ (Honorary Geneva), Wych Cross Place, Forest Row, Sussex (Hon. Member). Frith, W. (Oberhasli), 7, Westland Road, Watford, Herts. ^Fuller, F. E., m.r.c.s., 28, Old Steine, Brighton (Betirea List). ‘Furneaux, L. R., ‘AC.’ (Diablerets), Rossall, Wormlev, Godaiming. Fyffe, A. H. (Geneva), Wickselm, Berkeley, Gloucester­ shire. Gairdner, Dr. A. C. (Diablerets), London Hospital, E.l. Gairdner, J. O. (Diablerets), Ochterloney, Ashington, Northumberland. Gait, H. J., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Platts Lodge, 3, Platts Lane, Hampstead, N.W.3. Gait, J. C., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva),22, Aldermanbury, E.C.2. *Galbraith, W. (Geneva), 16, Castle Street, Edinburgh. Galloway, A. A. (Monte Rosa), 20, Cowper Road, Worthing. Galpin. R. W. (Geneva), Kandersteg, Wells Road, Folkestone. 42

Garnett, T. Maxwell, c.b.e. (Geneva), 21, Well Walk, N.W.3. Garry, Major Ricliard, it.A. (Diablerets), Coombe, Yatten- don, Berks. *Gask, S., ‘ AC'.’, Bidborough Grange, Tunbridge Wells (lletired List). Gaze, H. P. (Diablerets), 36, St. John’s Wood Road, N.W.8. Glauser, H. A. (Jaman), 66, Beckwith Road, Herne Hill, S.E.24. ’Gooch, H. M., o.b.e. {Geneva), 12, Sunray Avenue. Herne Hill, S.E.24. ’Goodchild, G. F. (Geneva), University of London, South Kensington, S.W. Goode, G. E. (Diablerets). Gaunts, Alvecliurcli, Nr. Bir­ mingham. *G ordon, R. {Geneva), Woodfield, The Glade, Shirley, Croydon. Gotch, M. S. (Eiablerets), Lindisfarne College, Westcliff- on-Sea. Gourlay, G. B. (Grindelwald), c/o Perry’s Eng., Ltd., P. Box 208, Calcutta. Gower, H. J. (Alt-els), Mansfield Woodhouse, Mansfield. * Graham, Iteginald, ‘AO.’ (Geneva), 5, Hanover Terrace, .Ladbroke Square, W.ll (Hon. Auditor to 1923). (Eon. Member). Grant, Major D. F., M.c. (Geneva), Dairy Farm, Wink- field, Windsor *Greaves, A.. ‘AC.’ (Liablerets), School Cottage, Baslow, Bakewell, Derbyshire. Green, A. G. N. (Geneva), Ruskin Manor, 163, Denmark Hill. S.E.5. Green, C. P. (Geneva), c/o R. AY. Gordon, Esq., Dunarnon, Belfast. ’Green. Walter (Geneva), c/o Elliott & Co., 104, Great Saffron Hill, E.C.l. Greeves, Dr. P. R. CDiahlerets). 23. Wimpole Street. W. 1. Greg. Robert (Oberhasli), Les Gobelins, Cambridge Road, Hale, Cheshire. ’Grenfell. Captain F. H.. n.s.o.. b.n. (Geneva), The , Pall Mall. S.W.l. Griffiths. Sir W. B. (Monte Itosa), 56, Russell Square. AV.C.l. Grimthorpe. The Lord (Geneva), 14, Hvde Park Gardens, AY.2. Grindon. Rev. H. (Geneva), Brompton Consumption Hospital, S.W.3. Grist, W. R. (Monte Ttosa), The University, Leeds. ’Gueterbock. Captain Ernest, be.. ‘AO.’ (Geneva), c/o Lloyds Bank, Ltd. (Cox A Kings Branch),1 Hornlni Road, Bombay, India. 43

*Gueterbock, Paul {Geneva), Ivywell, Stoke Bishop, Bristol. Guggenheim, E. A. (Geneva), Pendyke, Lewes, Sussex. Guggenheim, 0. A. (Geneva), c/o E. Spinner & Co., P.0. Box 502, Manchester. Hackett, A., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), 42, Weoley Park Boad, Selly Oak, Birmingham. Haines, H. C. (Geneva), 2, Bedeliffe Square, S.W.10. Hall. B. K. B. (Montreux), Chillon College, Villeneuve (Vaud), Switzerland. Hannah, J. S. (Geneva), c/o Messrs. Grindlay, 64, Parlia­ ment Street, S.W., and Midnapur, W. Bengal, India. Hardy, H. H.. ‘AG.’ (Geneva), The College, Cheltenham. Harlow, E. (Oberhasli). 76, St. George’s Boad, S.W.l. Harris, B. K. (Monte Rosa), Haileybury College, Hertford. *Harris, E. B., ‘ AC.’ (Uto), 14, Butland House. Clieniston Gardens, Kensington, W.8 (Hon. Sec. 1912-19). Harris, B. E. (Diablerets), Athrolys, Bangor, North Wales. Harrison, Alex (Geneva), 19. Moray Place, Edinburgh. Harrison, E. D. K. (Oberhasli), 29, Seymour Eoad, South- fields, S.W.18. *Harrison, F., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Overdene, Godaiming, Surrey. Harrison. M. (Diablerets), 16, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W.3. Harrison, B. K. (Diablerets), 29, Seymour Boad, South- fields, S.W.18. Hartnell, C. H. B. (Oberhasli), 56, Mandrake Boad, Upper Tooting, S.W.17. *Harward, B. C. (Diablerets), 8, Manley Terrace, Liskeard, Cornwall. Haslcett-Smith, W. V., ‘ AC.’, 34, Bussell Boad, W.14 (Hon. Member). Hathornthwaite, Major J. C. (Geneva), Copp Cottage, Beacon Hill, Hindhead, Surrey. Hawkins, Lt.-Col., n.s.o., c/o Thornton & Co., Bue Sclireibe, Paris (Retired S.A.C.). Hazard, .1. V., M.c. (Alt-els), c/o Brown, Shipley & Co., Founders Court, E.C.2. *Heald, Stephen A. (Grindelwald), Broughton, Wentworth, Virginia Water. Healy, ,T. IV., m.b. (Geneva), South-Western Hospital, Landor Boad, Stockwell, S.W.9. Heckford, H. M. (Geneva), 19, Leys Avenue, Letchworth, Herts. Hephurn, M.L., r.R.c.s., ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), 111 Harley Street, W.l. Herbert, A. (Geneva), Essendene, Chobham Boad, Woking. 44

Herbert, Edwin S., ‘ AC.’ {Geneva), 17, Prince of Wales Terrace, W.8, and Alder House, Aldersgate Street, E.C.l. Herbert, H. R., 1 AC.’ (Geneva), The Warren, Fairway, Merrow, Guildford. Herbert, Walter, m.r.c.s., l.d.s., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), The Warren, Fairway, Merrow, Guildford. Higginbotham, Rev. W. H. S. (Wildstrubel), 28, Linden Grove, S.E.15. Highton, C. J. (Diablerets), 7, Brunswick Square, W.C.l. Hill, F. E. (Viablerets), Aldro School, Eastbourne. Hill, F W., ‘ AC.’ (Interlaken), 107, Enys Road, East­ bourne. Hill, R. A. (Diablerets), Newlands, Weston Green, Thames Ditton. Hiltermann, E. (Wildstrubel), 40, Queen’s Gate, S.W.7. Hitchman, S. L. (Diablerets), 16, Prospect Hill, Waltham­ stow, E.17. *Hobson, G. D. (Geneva), 1, Bedford Square, W.C.l. Hoddinott J. J. (Diablerets), Windley House, Beacons- field. Holdsworth, R. L., ‘AC.’ (Diablerets), Lincoln House, Harrow. “Holland, C. Thurston, ‘AG.’ (Geneva), 43, Rodney Street, Liverpool. “Hollingsworth, J. H., d.s.c., ‘AC.’ (Diablerets), The Knoll, Harrow-on-the-Hill. “Hordern, Lt.-Col. C. (Bhaetia), Armv & Navy Club, Pall Mall, S.W.l. “Horne, Alex. B. (Monte (Rosa), Glebehurst, Kilmacolm, Renfrew. Hornsby, F. W. N. (Oberhasli), Public Schools Club, 61, Curzon Street, W.l. Hossley, B. (Geneva), c/o Bruce Dawson & Co., 70, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.2. “Houghton, R. E. C. (Grindelwald), St. Peter’s House, Oxford. How, C. S. (Geneva). Sunnydown, Hog’s Back, Guildford. Howard, Geoffrey E., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 32, Brompton Square, S.W.3. Howard, J. C. (Geneva), Elmfield, Biekley, Kent. “Howell, G. C. L. (Montrcux), Lloyds Bank, 9, Pall Mall, and Les Tillehls, Chateau D’Oex, Switzerland. Hoyle, J. (Diablerets), Holly Bank, Newchurch-in-Rossen- dale, Lancs. Hunt, H. C. J. (Oberhasli), 29, The Avenue, Eastbourne. “Hurst, L. H., ‘ AC.’ (Monte Rosa), H.B.M. Consulate, Port Said, Egypt. 45

*Hutchinson, Rev. C. (Geneva), Sunbury, 51, Bristol Road, Weston-super-Mare (life Geneva). Hutchinson, Rev. T. E. M. (Geneva), e/o National Provincial Bank, Horfield, Bristol. *Hutton, H. L., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 5, Alleyn Road, Dulwich, S.E.21 (life Geneva). Hutzli, H. (Bern), Gstaad, Switzerland. *Irisli, H. J. H., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 43, Pall Mall, S.W.l. Irvine, Kenneth N., ‘AC.’ (Monte (Rosa), 5, Waldorf House, 50, Hogarth Road, S.W.5. Hrwin, Rev. G. F. (Geneva), Wandsworth Vicarage, 51, West Hill, S.W.18. 'Isaac, Rev. B. W. (Geneva), 6, Raymond Road, Wimble­ don, S.W.19. Isherwood, R. H., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Hulwood, Windsor Road, Clayton Bridge, Manchester. Jackson, A. H. (Diablerets), Boughton, Northampton. Jackson, E. Montague, ‘ A 6'.’ (Geneva), Mistley Place, Nr. Manningtree, Essex. Jackson, G. M. (Geneva), Mistley Place, near Manning- tree, Essex. Jackson, James (Geneva), 6, St. Giles’ Street, Northamp­ ton. 'Jackson, W. S., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), c/o Dominion Bank, 3, King William Street, E.C.4 (life Geneva). James, judge J. F. W. (Geneva), East India United Service Club, S.W.l. 'James, N. Brett, Ridgeway House, Mill Hill, N.W.7 (Retired List). * James, W. W., f.r.c.s., ‘AC.’ (Altels), 2, Park Crescent, Portland Place, W.l. 'Jenkins, H. C., ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), Oldbury Grange, Lower Broadheath, Worcester. Johnson, P. P. (Monte Rosa), 147, Ribblesdale Road, Streatham, S.W.16. Johnson, R. V. (Geneva), 81, Teddington Park Road, Ted- diugton. Johnson, Stanley (Blumisalp), Solicitor’s Department, General Post Office, E.C.l. Johnstone, Lt.-Col., o.d.e., t.d., (Grindelwald), 4, Linwood Gardens, Stranraer, Scotland. Jordan, W. (Diablerets), 69, Argyle Crescent, Portobello, N.B. . 'Joseland, IT. L., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Wendover, Victoria Road. Wilmslow, Cheshire. Joyce, Bobert D. (Geneva), 73, Merrion Square, Dublin. Julius, A. D. (Geneva), 49, Moorgate, E.C.2. *Kay, Richard, f.r.g.s., 1 AC.’ (Monte Rosa), 119, Portland Street, Manchester. 46

Keiller, Alex. (Bernina), 4, Charles Street, W.l. Kenyon, Arnold (Geneva), Holly Bank, Ourrier Lane, Ashton-under-Lyne. *Kirkpatrick, W. T., 1 AC.’ (Bern), Donacomper, Celbridge, Ireland. Kirkwood, j. T. (Geneva), Moorings, West End, Chob- ham, Surrey. Klugh, Professor H. (Geneva), 22, Elm Park Mansions, Chelsea, S.W.10. Krone, F. O. (Biablerets), 98, South End, Croydon. Kuttner, C. (Biablerets), 93, Corringham Road, N.W.ll. *Ladd, Dr. W. Sargent, ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), 254th Street, and Independence Avenue, New York. *Lamb, Charles (Interlaken), 72, Bedford Gardens, Ken­ sington, W.8. Lancaster, Rev. G. H., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), The Vicarage, Wincmnore Hill, N.21. Langmead, F. (Monte Rosa), 46b, Lindfield Gardens, Hampstead, N.W.3. Latter, Eric A. (Biablerets), Harbourne, Hawks Hill, Leatherhead. Lawford, B., ‘AC.’ (Biablerets), Downhills, Cobham, Surrey. *Leach, G. S. (Monte Rosa), The Wick, Hove, Sussex. Ledger, A. P. (Geneva), 128, , W.l. Lee, Rev. H. J. Barton (Geneva), The Manse, Redhill. *Lehmann, C. T. ‘AC.’ (Biablerets), 28, Monument Street, E.C. (Hon. Treasurer), V.P. Lewin, W. H. (Geneva), Authors Club, 2, Whitehall Court, S.W.l. Leys, Kenneth K. M. (Monte Rosa), University College, Oxford. *Lindley, T. H. (Bern). Elmhurst, Limpsfield Common, Surrey (Life, Bern). "''Lindsay, C. Scott ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Nutwood, Gatton, Reigate, Surrey. Linnell, Maurice (Biablerets), 20, Hooley Range, Heaton Moor, Stockport. Lisle Carr, R. W. (Biablerets), The Palace, Hereford. Lister, George A., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 82, Stvvechale Avenue, Coventry. Mister, Sir W. T., k.c.m.g., m.b., f.r.c.s., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 24, Devonshire Place, W.l. *Lloyd, G. W.. ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Stockton Hall, York. Lloyd, Capt. L. (Grindelwald), 2nd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, c/o G.P.O., London. Lonergan, F. D. (Biablerets), Orchard Bungalow, Marlow, Bucks. Longstaff, Dr. T. G.. ‘AC.’ (Biablerets), Picket Hill, Ringwood, Hants. 47

*Loivrv, E. W. (Oberliasli), Thatched Cottage, Westward Ho! North Devon. *Lunn, Arnold (Grindelwald), 5, Endsleigh Gardens, W.C.l. *Lunn, H. K., 5, Endsleigh Gardens, W.C.l. (Retired List.) *Lunn, Sir H. S., 5, Endsleigh Gardens, W.C.l (Retired List). Macdonald, D. G. (Diablerets), Holmcroft, Alexandra Hoad, Epsom. Macfarlane, A. G. (Geneva), Ambrook Villa, Carshalton Hoad, Sutton, Surrey. Mackinnon, Graham (Geneva), Lloyds, E.C.3. Macplierson, W., Dugakl, ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Park Farm, Knockholt, Kent. Mahony, J. (Ticino), Patrick Street, Listowel, Co. Cork. *Manser. F. B., r.a.m.c. (Geneva), 19, Calverley Park, Tun­ bridge Wells. March, C. H. H. (Diablerets), 5, Bedford Avenue, High Barnet. Markbreiter, C. G., c.b.e., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 15, Downside Crescent, N.W.3. •Marriott, Captain (Grindelwald), Eaubrink, Vallance Gardens, Hove. Marsden-Neye, J. A. (Geneva), Cotswold, Bellfield Avenue, Harrow Weald, Middlesex. Marsh. Duncan (Bernina), Oaklands, Hartford, Cheshire. Martin, ,T. A. K. (Diablerets), 34, High Street, Harrow- on-tlie-Hill. •Martin, Rupert (Interlaken), The High House, Brook Green, W.6. •Mason. A. E. W., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), , Garrick Street, W.C.2, and New Grove, Tillington Hill, Pet- worth, Sussex, V.P.. 1923 (President, 1912-1922). Mathews, A. Guest (Diablerets), 12, New Square, Lincoln’s Inn, W.C.2. MaJurice-Smith, K. S.. m.r.c.s. (Geneva), Ethelreda House, St. Mary Street, Ely, Cambs. May, Douglas (Geneva), Elm Lawn, Pinner, Middlesex. May. AVallace (Geneva), Hillcote, Paradise Lane, Hall Green, Birmingham. McNauglit, W.. ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 21a, Southampton Buildings. Chancery Lane, W.C.2. Meade-King, M. G. (I)iablerets), 45, Canyage Ed., Clifton, Bristol. Meakin. Walter, ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Chase View, Coppen- liall, Staffordshire. Mears. R. P., m.inst.c.e.. ‘AC.’ (Geneva), c/o Lloyds Bank, Ltd., (G2). 6. Pall Mall, S.W.l. Medley, Rev. J. F., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), St. Mark’s Vicarage, Cambridge. 48

Medlycott, T. A. H. ‘AG.’ (Diablerets), Sandford Orcas, Sherborne. Mengel, Eric C. (Diablerets), 2, Woodville Gardens, Ealing, W.5. *Mentendorff, Stanley, 16, Palmeira Court, Hove, Sussex (Retired List). "Merriman, Commander, C. A., r.n. (Grindelicald), The Cottage, King’s Worthy, Hants. Merriman, S. de V., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 9, Surbiton Hill Park, Surbiton, Surrey. *Middleditcli, Capt. R. M. (Geneva), Tamwortli House, Duffield, Derbyshire. Middlemore, W. H. (Geneva), Bell’s Castle, Kennerton, Tewkesbury. Miers, Captain P. R. P., b.a., ‘AC.’ (Oberhasli), c/o Lloyds Bank (R. Section), 6, Pall Mall, S.W.l. Millar, R. C. H. (Geneva), Craig, Montrose. Mills, F. R., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), 91a, Linden Gardens, W.2. ‘Mitchell, Brigadier-General C. H., c.b., c.m.g. (Geneva), 35, North Sherborne Street, Toronto, Canada (Life, Geneva). Mitchell, G. (Oberhasli), 43, Ebury Street, S.W.l. Mitchell, J. T. (Geneva), Strawberry Field, Wootton, Liverpool. *Monro, Rev. C. G., m.b. (Cliaux de Fonds), 22, 'West­ minster Terrace, Glasgow. Monro, Rev. W. D. (Diablerets), Culverlea, Winchester. *Montagnier, H. F., ‘AC1.’ (Geneva), Chalet Beau Reveil, Champery, , Switzerland. Montgomrey, J. E., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Hazelcombe, Betch- worth, Surrey. Moore, A. W. (Diablerets), Holmwood, Leicester Road, Loughborough. Moore, H. M. (Geneva), Glebe Lodge, Sonning, Berks. Moore, Rev. H. (Geneva), Acton Vicarage, Nantwich Cheshire. *Moore, W. A. M. (Geneva), 12, Liverpool and London Chambers, Liverpool. Mordey, W. (Geneva), Fernliill, Llantarman, Newport, Monmouth. Morison, J. M. (Geneva). Newmiln, Perth, Scotland. ‘Morland, J. C., ‘ AC.’ (Bern), Ynyswytryn, Glastonbury. Morley, Lt.-Com. William r.n. (retired) (Altels), Foth- ersb3r, Hawkhurst, Kent. Morrish, H. G. (Geneva), Grays, Haslemere, Surrey. Morrish, Reginald (Geneva), Mulroy, Linden Gardens, Leatherhead. Morrish, Ralph S., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Uplands, Cobham, Surrey. 49

Morrow, Rev. Canon W. E. {Geneva), Guy Harlings, Chelmsford, Essex. Mounsey, W. A., ‘ AC.’ {Geneva), West Hendon House, Sunderland. ’'Muir, Dr. J. C., ‘.46’.’ Whipps Cross Hospital, Leyton- stone, E.ll. (Betired List). Murray, Rev. A. E., ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), Wardley, Chisle- hurst, Kent. “"Murray, G. W., ‘ AC.’ {Geneva), 37, Sharia Falaki, Cairo, Egypt. Murray, N. R. (Viablerets), 86, Fordhook Avenue, Ealing Common, W.5. ""Myers, C. S., m.c., ‘AC.’ {Geneva), 5k, Montagu Man­ sions, W.l. Nalder, K. N. {Geneva), 84, Cumberland Road, Short- lands, Kent. "Nettleton, C. W., ‘ AC.’ Burnside, Sandhurst Road, Tun­ bridge Wells, Kent. (Retired List.) Neve, W. R. {Geneva), Pallion, Wolsey Road, East Molesey, Surrey. "'Newton, Rev. Canon H. E., ‘ AC.’ {Geneva), The Vicarage, Helmsley, Yorks. Nichols, P. B. B. {Geneva), Foreign lOffice, S.W.l. Nicholls, J. B. {Monte Bosa), 266, Cowley Road, Uxbridge. Nicholson, G. {Geneva), 32, Cadogan Square, S.W.l. Nicholson, R. C. (Diablerets), Lee on the Solent, Hants. ""Nicholson, AV. F. {Basel), 4, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.4. O'Brien, Colonel E., d.s.o.. ‘AC.’ {Diablerets), Mount Eagle, Killiney, Co. Dublin. Odell, Noel Ewart, a.r.s.m., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 64, The Drive, Golders Green, N.W.ll. (Hon. Secretary, 1920-22.) Oldham, J.B. (Grindelwald), The Schools, Shrewsbury. ■"Oliver, E. G., ‘AC.’ {Bern), 3, Great AVinchester Street, E C 2 Ormond, C. {Diablerets), 15, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea. S.W.3. ""Ormond. E. B., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), The Croft, Wantage, Berks. ■"Osborne, His Honour Judge R.E., K.c., ‘AC.’ (Grindel­ wald), Ashlea, Londonderry. Ougliton, F. (St. Gall), Alpine Club, 23, Savile Row, AV.l (Hon. Auditor). ■"Overton, M. R. C., 14, Old Square, Lincoln’s Inn, AAUC.2. (Betired List). Paddison. R. O. P., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Bownham, Stroud. Paget, Humphrey {Piz Lucendro), Lane End, Gerrard’s Cross, Bucks. Paget-Tomlinson, Dr. E. E., ‘ A.C’ (Geneva), Manor House, Horncastle. 50

Paravicini, His Excellency Monsieur G. It., The Swiss Minister, Hon. Member ‘AC.’, 32, Queen Anne’s Street, W.l (Hon. Member). Paul, Louis (Geneva), Kirkley, Wliyteleafe Road, Cater- ham, Surrey. Peacocke, T. A. (Viablerets), Casa Blanca, Wellington College Station, Berks. Peaker, G. F., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Bed Thon, Brood Lane, Coventry. Pearce, Rev. J., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Monks Grove, Compton, near Guildford. Pearce, S. L., c.b.e., 1 AC.’ (Diablercts), 8, Park Hill, Bicklev, Kent. *Pearce, W. Juxon (Geneva), Willoughby House, Riugby. Peech, S. B., ‘AC.’ (Monte Rosa), Twyford Lodge, near Winchester. Phelps, D. V. (Monte llosa), 10, Belvidere Road, Princes Park, Liverpool. Phillips, Rev. Basil (Oberhasli), 26, Little Gaddesden, Berkliamsted. “Pickard, Colonel Ransom, e.a.m.c., c.b., c.m.g., m.d., ‘ AC.’ (Hern), 31, East Southernliay, Exeter. Pilditch, Sir P. E., Bart., m.p. (Geneva), Bartropps, Weybridge, Surrey. Pilditch, P. H., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), “ Innisfallen,” Pembroke Road, Maybury, Woking. “Pilkington, D. F., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), The Haven, Irlams o’ the Height, Manchester (Life, Geneva). Poole, Geoffrey (Geneva), 3, Birches Head Road, Hanley, Staffs. Poole, John, ‘AC.’ (Genera), ldvval, Norton Road, Uxbridge. * Porte n. Von der (Oberhasli), Vallefort, La Rosiaz, Lausanne, Switzerland. “Porter, C. R., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Boxvvell House, Great instead “Potter-Kirby, Captain G. A. (Chaux cle Fonds), 8, St. George’s Place, York. Potter-Kirby, J. W., Grey Russett, Cookham, Berks (Retired List). “Powell, Legh S., ‘ AC.’ (St. Gotliard), St. John’s, Swing- field, Dover. ’Powell, Sir R. Leonard, Flowers Hill, Pangbourne, Berks. (Retired List). “Poyser, A. (Geneva), 22, Clarkson Avenue, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire. “Prestige, H. H. C., ‘AC.’ (Monte Rosa), Home Office, S.W.l. 51

Price, J. Rea (Geneva), 28/29, St. Swithin’s Lane, E.C.4. ~*Price, S. J., ‘AC.’ (Grindelwald), Westbury, Creswick Road, Acton, W.3. Price-Hughes, H. A. (Geneva), 6, Bilton Road, Rugby. ‘Prior, Samuel (Geneva), 128, Halifax Old Road, Hudders­ field. Pulling, H. G., ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), Holly Tree House, Cholderton, Salisbury (V.P.). *Purbrick, E. S., The Chateau Tabilk, Victoria, Australia (Retired List). Ragg, The Rev. Canon Lonsdale (Geneva), 15, Stratton Street, Piccadilly, W.l. Raikes, Major-General G. L., D.s.c., B..M. (Geneva), Mills- wood, South Brent, Devon. Raisin, C. (Geneva), Meadow Cottage, Foots Cray Lane, Sidcup, Kent. *Read, Norman H., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Manchester, Mass., U.S.A. (Life, Geneva). Reeve, E. A. F., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Royal Air Force Base, Calafrana, Malta. Hlehder, E.A. (Geneva), 29, Mincing Lane, E.C.3, and Melrose, College Road, Dulwich, S.E.21. ‘Reid. Sir Hugh, bart. (Geneva), Belmont, Springburn, Glasgow. Reid, S. G. (Altels), St. Kilda, Cranes Park, Surbiton. Renaud-Bovy-Lysberg, J. L. (Geneva), 3, Rue Pierre Fatio, Geneva (Hon. Member). ^Richards, R. C. (Geneva), 161, Rosendale Road, Dulwich, S.E.21. Richardson, W. S. (Geneva), Melbury, Christchurch Road, Boscombe. *Rickman, T. A., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Courland, Addlestone. Roberts, E. E., ‘ AC.’ (Oberhasli), 6, Sholebroke Avenue, Leeds. Roberts, W. M., o.b.e., ‘AC.’ (Oberhasli), 22, Westmount Road, Eltham, S.E.9 (President of Association of British Members of the Swiss Alpine Club). Robertson, A. M. (Geneva), King’s Farm, Binstead, Hants. Robertson, R. B. (Grindelwald), 43, Alwyne Road, Wimbledon. Robinson, A. M., ‘AC.’ (Diablerets), Burgford, 1, King’s Road, Higher Bebington, Cheshire. *Rodgers, Stanley (Geneva), Artillery Mansions, Victoria Street, S.W.l. Rodwell, R. W. (Geneva), Wingfield, Lutterworth Road, Leicester. 52

Rogers, Dr. Alford, ‘ AC.’ {Geneva), 27, Castle Avenue, Highams Park, Chingford, E.4. Roger-Smitli, Dr. H. R., ‘AC.’ (Monte Rosa), Flowerwood, Capel, Surrey. Roget, Professor F. F., Le Manoret Yandoeuvre, Geneva {Hon. Member). *Roles, Dr. Francis C., (Diablerets), 61, Springfield Road, St. John’s Wood, N.W.8. Rolleston, P. W. {Diablerets), Windrush, Headington, Oxford. Room, H. Reginald (Diablerets), 10, Edward Road, Bromley, Kent. *Roos, H., ‘AC.’ {Bern), Chalet Oettli, Yers chez les Blancs, sur Lausanne. “Ross, A. H. H. {Monte Rosa), The Lodge, Thornton-le- Dale, Pickering, Yorkshire. “Rowley-Morris, R. M. {Grindelviald), 6, Pall Mall, Lon­ don, S.W.l. “Rudolf, M. E. S., ‘ AC.’ {Geneva), 85, Fountain Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Rundall, Capt. J. W., ‘ AC.’ {Geneva), 1st K.G.O. Gurkha Rifles, attached to the 31st Assam Rifles, Kohima, Naga Hill, Assam, India. *Runge, A. J. Rudolph, ‘AC.’ {Altels), 26, Albert Hall Mansions, S.W.7. “Runge, Harry, ‘AC.’ (Uto), c/'o A. Runge & Co., 120, Fenchurch Street, E.C.3, and 26, Albert Hall Man­ sions, S.W.7. Rusk, A. J., ‘ AC.’ {Geneva), Clinton House, Whitehorse Loan, Edinburgh. Russell, A. E., 1 AC.’ (Geneva), 13, Abingdon Court, Ken­ sington, W.8. Russell, W. E. (Diablerets), 3, Hohvood Road, Bromley, Kent. Rutherford, E. (Montreux), 23, Cumberland Terrace, Regent’s Park, N.W.l. Ruttledge, Hugh, i.e.s., 1 AC.’ (Geneva), 4, Alexandra Road, South Farnborough, Hants. Sadler, Dr. W. (Geneva), Herselieil Lodge, Slough. . Sale, E. H. (Diablerets), Thorpe House, Norton-on-Tees, Durham. “Salwey, Rev. Canon J. (Geneva), St. John’s Vicarage, Meads, Eastbourne. Sasse, Claude (Geneva), The Pin Close, Pinner. Scherpenberg, Dr. A. N. van, ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 8, Carlton House Terrace, S.W.l. 53

Schuster, Sir Felix O., Bart., ‘AO.’ (Basel), 48, Cadogan Place, S.W.l. *Scott, H. E., ‘AC.’ (Grindelwald), 4, Irton Road, South- port. Scott, R. Cox (Geneva), 10, Springfield Avenue, Muswell Hill, N.10. Scrannz, R. (Geneva), 28a, Devonshire Street, W.l. Sedgwick, H. J., ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), Horsley Burn, 7, Foxley Hill Road, P’urley. Sedgwick, Walter, ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), 11, More’s Garden, Chelsea, S.W.3. Seligman, G. (Geneva), Westhay, East Sheen, Surrey. Sennett, R. H. (Geneva), c/o Sennett Brothers, Castle Yard Factory, Holland Street, Southwark, S.E.l, and 58, Fitz-James Avenue, London, W.14. Seymour, Dr. H. F. B., r.n.c.s., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), 17, 1st Avenue, Hove, Brighton. Sharp, H. F. B., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Hill of Tarvit, Cupar, Fife. *Sharpe, Capt. R. L. (Diablerets), Ewart House, Tamarind Lane, Bombay, India. *Sharpe, W. S., ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), 12, New Court, Carey Street, W.C.2. Sheldon, J. H. (Diablerets), Airedale, Regis Road, Tetten- hall, near Wolverhampton. Siegfried, Th. (Diablerets), Wingfield, Pinewood Grove, New Haw, Weybridge. Silver, H. S. (Geneva), Hopelands, Tilehurst, Reading. *Simmons, E. (Geneva), Sandamore, Letchwortli, Herts. Simon, H. (Lindenburg), IV Theresianumgasse, 11, Vienna, Austria. *Simond, C. F. c.b.e. (Diablerets), 1, Petyt Place, Chelsea, S.W.3. *Simpson, A. Carson (Geneva), 5854, Drexel Road, Phila­ delphia, U.S.A., and 1421, Chestnut Street, Philadel­ phia, TJ.S.A. (Life, Geneva). *Slagg, J.P. (Grindelwald), Mount View, Battle, Sussex. *Slater, Charles, m.b., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), 9, Hungersall Park, Tunbridge Wells. *Slater, E. V., 1 AC.’ (Geneva), The Timbralls, , Windsor. *Sleeman, C. M., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Queen’s College, Cam­ bridge. *Slingsby, F. H., m.c. ‘AC.’ (Ob.erhasli), Oakwood House, Ashstead, Surrey. Smith, D. A., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 6, Weymouth Street, W.l. Smith, Gervaise E. (Geneva), 36, Chandos Avenue, Whet­ stone, N.20. 54

Smith, H. W. Llewellyn (Geneva), o, The Grove, Highgate, N.6. Smith, Marshall K., o.b.e., ‘AG.’ (Geneva), 8, Victoria Mansions, West Hampstead, N.W.6. Smvthe, F. S., ‘ AG.’ (Grindelwald), 149, King Henry’s Road, N.W.3. Speaker, G. R., ‘ AC.’, (Diablerets), Abbotsmead, Popes Avenue, Twickenham. Spence, G. A. R. (Diablerets), Helmslea, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. Spence, James A. (Diablerets), 151, Barton Road, Stret­ ford, Manchester. Spencer, A. C. (Geneva), Southfield, Old Knighton, Leicester. Squirrell, F. (Oberliasli), 08, Victoria Street, S.W.l. Steel, Gerald, c.b. (Geneva), 24, Carlton Hill, St. John’s Wood, N.W.8 (Hon. Sec. 1909-10). *Steeple, E. W. (Geneva), Fors Cottage, Bittel Lane, Barnt Green, near Birmingham. Stevens, E. H., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Lee Place, West Byfleet, Surrey. *Stewart, Lieut. W. Gordon (Uto)-, P.W.D. Seremban, Federated Malay States. Stilliard, J. E. (Diablerets), Barclay’s Bank, Ltd., Eton. *Stobart, R. F., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Gadlys, Cemens Bay, Anglesey. *Straehan, P. (Diablerets), 18, Darenth Road, N.16. Sturdy, Dr. H. Carlyle (Geneva), 91, Bolingbroke Road, Wandsworth Common, S.W.ll. *Sully, Francis, Lord Mayor’s Court, Guildhall, E.C.2 (Retired List). 'Summers, Geoffrey (Geneva), Hadlow "Wood, Willaston, near Birkenhead. Swann, E. G. (Diablerets), Lawrence College, 36-42, Cor­ poration Street, Birmingham. Sweetman, G. D. (Oberhasli), 24, Frewin Road, Wands­ worth Common, S.W.18. Swiss Alpine Club, The President of (ex officio). Tanner, P. E. (Geneva), Bramley Dene, 33, Wimborne Road, Bournmouth. *Tattersall, E. S. ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 34, Rutland Court, S.W.7 (Life, Geneva). *Tattersall, Wm. (Montreux), Lunsford House, Lunsford, near Bexhill. 55

""Taylor, E. R., ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), Norfolk House, Norfolk Street, W.C.2 (Hon. Solicitor). Taylor, J. Knox (Diallerets), 9, Glenloch Road, N.W.3. Thomas, Eustace, ‘ AG.’ (Geneva), Lyme Grove, Marsland Road, Brooklands, Cheshire. Thompson, C. M.,, ‘AC.’ (Geneva), 38, Park Place, Cardiff (Life, Geneva). Thompson, T., 61, Meldon Terrace, Heaton, Newcastle-on- Tyne (Retired List.). Thomson, A. R., ‘ AC.’ (Bern), Lonning Garth, Portins- cale, Keswick. Thomson, J. D. (Monte Rosa), 28, Bernard Street, Leith. *Thorington, Dr. J. M., ‘ AG.’ (Geneva), 2031, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, U.S.A. (Life, Geneva). Thrower, H. (Altels), 20, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate Circus, E.C.4. Tindal-Atkinson, Rev. W. G. (Geneva), Nitlisdale, Burgess Hill, Sussex. Tipping, C. J., ‘ A6V (Monte Rosa), 11, Haydn Avenue, Purley, Surrey. Tombazi, N., ‘ AC.’ (Piz Terri), c/o Mdme. Ch. Diaman- topulo, 42, R/ue Marathon, Kefissia (pres Athenes), Greece. Toplis, Rev. H. F. (Geneva), Bitteswell Vicarage, Rugby. Topham, Denis B. (Geneva), The Guards Club, 41, Brook Street, W.l. ""Townshend, E. V. ‘AC.’ (Diablerets), 9, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. *Trenck, Lt.-Col. B. F., b.m., ‘ AG.’ (Geneva), 144, Clarence Gate Gardens, N.W.l. "Trey, A. de (Diablerets), Moorside, Somerset Road, 'Ealing, W.5. Tucker, G. D. R. ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), British Museum, W.C.l, and Romaney Rest, Gipsy Lane, Barnes, S.W.15 Turner, A. K. (Geneva), 12, Bisham Gardens, Highgate, N.6. *Turner, Professor \V. E. S. (Monte Rosa), The University, Sheffield. ""Tyson, Henry A. M. (Geneva), 34, Palace Mansions, W.14. ""Tyson, Thomas (Geneva), 14, Holland Villas Road, W.14. *Unna, P. J., ‘ AG.’ (Geneva), 10, Phillimore Gardens, W.8 (Life, Geneva). ""Vandeleur, Cecil R. (Geneva), 17, Addington Road, East bourne. Veazey, Rev. Canon H. G. (Geneva), St. Mark’s Vicarage, 103, Coburg Road, Camberwell, S.E.5. 56

Yeazey, H. C. H. (Wildstrubel), Keble College, Oxford. Venner, Cecil {Geneva), The Red House, The Drive, Belmont, Surrey. 'Vernon, R. V., c.b., ‘ AC.’ (Diablerets), Lawn House, 12, Hampstead Square, N.W.3. Verschoyle, R. P. (Monte Bosa), The University, Edmund Street, Birmingham. *Vincent, Dr. William, South Yorkshire Mental Hospital, Sheffield (Retired List). Vyvyan, J. M. K. (Geneva), South Lodge, Canon Place, Hampstead. Wace, G. G. (Geneva), Fieidside, London Road, Shrews­ bury. Walker, Rev. J. C., AC.’ (Grindelwald), Averliam Rectory, Newark-on-Trent. 'Walker, J. 0., ‘ AC.' (Diablerets), Ivy House, Highgate, N.6. 'Walker, W. G. (Diablerets), 11, Wharncliffe Road, Sheffield. Walmsley, S. (Diablerets), The Hay, Freshfield, Lancs. Ward, Eric D. (Geneva), Wych Cross, Reigate Road, Reigate. Warren, C. B. M. ‘AC.’ (Geneva), The Lawn, Upper Red­ lands Road, Reading. " Waterlow, Adrian, 21a, Heath Street, Hampstead, N.W.3. (Betirecl List.) Waterwortli, G. E. (Diablerets), 4, Weld Road, Elundell- sands, Lancs. Watson, H. M. D., ‘ AC.’ (Montreux), Chambers, 5, Coates Crescent, Edinburgh. 'Watson, N. J. (Geneva), R.A.F. Club, 128, Piccadilly, W.l. Wedderburn, E. A. M. (Diablerets), 6, Succoth Gardens, Edinburgh, W. Wenham, C. H., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), Witley Manor, Witley, Surrey. 'Western, A. E.,, ‘AC.’ (Monte Bosa), 35, Essex Street, W.C.2, and 44, Lansdowne Crescent, W.ll. Western, Dr. G. T., ‘ AC.’ (Monte Bosa), 29, Nottingham Place, W.l. 'Western, 0. (Monte Bosa), 35, Essex Street, Strand, W.C.2. 'Weston, Rev. W., ‘ AC.’ (Interlaken), 57, Iverna Court, Kensington, W.8. Wheeler, Rev. R. (Geneva), The Vicarage, Belmoni, Surrey. White, Peter (Abelboden), 7, Highlands Avenue, Leather- head, Surrey. 57

“White, R. M. (Geneva), 20, Caprera Terrace, Plymouth. Whitting, A. G., ‘ AC.’ (Geneva), 4, Cheyne Gardens, Chelsea, S.W.3. “Wilberforce, Professor L. R., 1 AC.’ (Geneva), 5, Ashfield Road, Aigburth, Liverpool. Wilkins, Cecil V. (Monte Itosa), Bourton-on-Water, Gloucestershire. * Wilkin, W. (Geneva), 87, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.l. “Willcocks, R. E. (Geneva), Homefield, Warlingham, Surrey. ‘‘Williams, H. R., ‘AC.’ (Diablerets), 59, Duke Street, Grosvenor Square, W.l. Williamson, A. D. (Geneva), The School House, Shrews­ bury Road, Birkenhead. ‘Williamson, Professor O. K., ‘AC.’ (Bern), Univer­ sity of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, S. Africa. (V.P. 1909-21.) Williamson, R. M. (Geneva), 22, Rubislaw Den South, Aberdeen. WiUink, II. G., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Hill Fields, Burghfield, Mortimer, Berks (Hon. Member). “Wilson, Dr. Claude, 1 AC.’ (Geneva), Ashton Lodge, Tun­ bridge Wells. Wilson, Guthlac (Geneva), c/o Braitliwaite & Co. (India) Ltd., P.O. Box 427, Calcutta. Wilson, M. H., ‘AC.’ (Viablerets), Elmsfield, Selly Oak, Birmingham. Wilson, Major-General R. C., D.s.o., M.C., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Mercantile Bank of India, 15, Gracechurch Street, E.C.3. Workman, Major R., ‘ AC. (Geneva), Craigdarragli, Helen’s Bay, Co. Down. “Wyatt-Smith, Dr. F. (Geneva), c/o Barclays Foreign Branch, 168, Fenchurch Street, E.C.3. Wybergh, C. H., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), c/o The Manager, Westminster Bank, York. Wynn, R. W. (Geneva), Dehden, Guildown, Guildford. Wynne, Rev. G. A. (Diablerets), Ingoldsthorpe Rectory, King’s Lynn, Norfolk. *Yeames, J. L., ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Craigdarragli Cottage, Helen’s Bay, Co. Down. “Young, Sidney, 1 AC.’ (Geneva), Redmile, Serpentine Road, Sevenoaks. * Indicates Life Member. Italics—Hon. Member. ‘AC.’—Alpine Club. 610 Members, of whom 189 are Life Members, 13 Honorary Members, 23 on Retired List and 385 Ordinary Members. 58

I!ON. MEMBERS. (Included in List of Members.)

The President of the Swiss Alpine Club (ex-officio). Conwav of Alington, The Right Hon. Lord (Ex-President, A.C.). Correvon, H. (.Ex-President Geneva Section S.A.C.). D’Arcis, Egmond. Desborough, The Lord, k.g., g.c.v.o., ‘ AC.’ Dttbi, Dr., late Editor of Jahrbuch. Freshfield, Douglas W. (Ex-President ‘ AC.’ and Ex-Presi­ dent Royal Geographical Society). Graham, Reginald, ‘AC.’ (Geneva), Hon. Auditor to 1923. Haskett-Smith, W. P., ‘ AC.’ Paravicini, His Excellency Monsieur, the Swiss Minister Renaud-Bovy-Lysberg, J. L. Roget, Professor F. F., Geneva University. Willink, H. G., Vice-President Alpine Club, 1899-1901.

KINDRED CLUBS. The Alpine Club, 23, Savile Row, W.l. Alpine Ski Club, President, Frank Elliott, c.B., New Scot­ land Yard, London, S.W.l. Ladies’ Alpine Club, Hon. Sec., Miss B. McAndrew, Great Central Hotel, Marylebone, London, N.W.l. Cambridge University Mountaineering Club, President, E. H. L. Wigram, Trinity College, Cambridge. Climbers’ Club, Hon. Sec., E. N. Bowman, 16, Frognal Mansions, Frognal, N.W.3. Fell and Rock Climbing Club, J. C. Appleyard, Torver, Coniston, Lancs. Fell and Rock Climbing Club (London Section), G. R. Speaker, Abbotsmead, Twickenham, Middlesex. Midland Association of Mountaineers, C. E. A. Andrews 29, Greenhill Road, Moseley, Birmingham. 59

Oxford University Mountaineering Club, President, j{. W. Schofield, Oriel College, Oxford. Rucksack Club, Hon. Sec., A. E. Burns, 7, Chandos Road South, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. Ski Club of Great Britain, Hon. Sec., V. Lavington Evans, 14, Great Smith Street, Victoria Street, S.W.l. Yorkshire Ramblers Cluh, D. Burrow, 75, Shaftesbury Avenue, Roundhay, Leeds. Scottish Mountaineering Cluh, 3, Forres Street, Edinburgh. South Africa, Mountain Club of, P.O. Box 164, Cape Town South Africa. Wayfarers’ Club, B. C. Alferoff, 201, North Hill Street Liverpool. Ladies’ Scottish Climbing Club, 17, George Square, Edin burgh. Ladies’ Swiss Alpine Club, Hon. Secretary, Mdlle. Morel, 2. Rue d’ltalie, Vevey. Himalayan Club, Hon. Sec., Sir G. L. Corbett, k.h.e.. Simla.


Altels Section, S.A.C., Hans Buehser, Kandersteg; sub­ scription 24 francs. Bern Section S.A.C. Hans Jacklin, Sulgeneckstr 22, Bern ; subscription 33 francs. Diablerets Section, G. Wanner Roussy, 9, Place St. Fran­ cois, Lausanne; subscription 27 francs. Geneva Section, S.A.C., Treasurer, John Graff, 10, Place de la Madelaine, Geneva; subscription 28 francs. Grindelwald Section S.A.C., Kassier, Robert Freigurliaus, Grindelwald; subscription 24 francs. Interlaken Section S.A.C., Kassier, W. Lanz, Interlaken; subscription 23 francs. Monte Rosa Section S.A.C., Joseph Morend, St. Maurice, Valais; subscription 26 francs. Montreux Section S.A.C., A. Griesser, Banque Populaire Suisse, Montreux; subscription 28 francs. 60

Neuchatel Section S.A.C., Caisser, A. Wacker, Neuchatel; subcription 26.50 francs. Oberhasli Section S.A.C., Walter Imbaumgarten, Meirin- gen; subscription 26 francs. (Tto Section, Quaestor, Ernst Muller, Buclienstrasse, 20, Zurich; subscription 30 francs. Swiss Alpine Club Central Committee, Secretary, Eduard Kaysel, Kaufmann, Staadliof, Baden.

The Swiss Observer, 21, Garlick Hill, London, E.C. Price 3d.