Alphaserver SC: Scalable Supercomputing Alphaserver SC: Scalable Supercomputing
Compaq High Performance Technical Computing AlphaServer SC: Scalable Supercomputing AlphaServer SC: Scalable Supercomputing Notice The information in this publication is subject to CompaqCare (design), Aero, SmartStation, change without notice and is provided “AS IS” WITH- MiniStation, and PaqRap, registered United States OUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE Patent and Trademark Office. RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS Netelligent, Armada, Cruiser, Concerto, QuickChoice, INFORMATION REMAINS WITH RECIPIENT. IN ProSignia, Systempro/XL, Net1, LTE Elite, Vocalyst, NO EVENT SHALL COMPAQ BE LIABLE FOR PageMate, SoftPaq, FirstPaq, SolutionPaq, EasyPoint, ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, EZ Help, MaxLight, MultiLock, QuickBlank, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR OTHER DAMAGES QuickLock, UltraView, Innovate logo, Wonder Tools WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITA- logo in black/white and color, and Compaq PC Card TION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS Solution logo are trademarks and/or service marks of PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR LOSS Compaq Computer Corporation. OF BUSINESS INFORMATION), EVEN IF COM- PAQ HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Windows NT OF SUCH DAMAGES. Server and Workstation, Microsoft SQL Server for Windows NT are trademarks and/or registered trade- The limited warranties for Compaq products are marks of Microsoft Corporation. exclusively set forth in the documentation accompany- ing such products. Nothing herein should be construed NetWare and Novell are registered trademarks and as constituting a further or additional warranty. intraNetWare, NDS, and Novell Directory Services are trademarks of Novell, Inc. This publication does not constitute an endorsement of the product or products that were tested. The configu- Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. ration or configurations tested or described may or may not be the only available solution.
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