Haddenham & Local MEETING: Community Area Forum DATE: 26 June 2013 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm Village Hall, Bridge Road, Ickford, HP18 LOCATION 9HU

Margaret Aston (Bucks County Council), John Brandis (Haddenham Village Society), Judy Brandis ( Vale District Council), Joan Field (Ickford Parish Council), John Hooper (Long Crendon Parish Council), Paul Irwin ( County Council), Present: Brian Rogers (Stone, Bishopstone & Hartwell Parish Council), Penelope Rowe ( Parish Council), Steve Sharp (Haddenham Parish Council) and Richard Thurbon (Long Crendon Parish Council) Karen Adamson, Jenny Asher, Ken Birkby, Tim Fowler, Carole Fryer, Steve Hawkins, In Attendance: John Horn, Katy MacDonald, Eliza McIntyre, Colin Minton, Bryn Scott, Andrew Small, David R Smith, Marcia Smith, Matt Whincup and Valerie Young David Cherry, James Davies, Michael Edmonds, Paul Hodson, Angela Macpherson, Apologies: John Mole, Nick Morgan and David Munson



County Councillor Margaret Aston was confirmed as the Haddenham and Long Crendon Local Community Forum Chairman for the ensuing year.


The Chairman invited nominations for Vice-Chairman. As there were no nominations the Chairman suggested the item be re-considered at the next meeting of the Forum.


Apologies of absence were received from Nick Morgan, Paul Hodson (BCC), Angela Macpherson (BCC), James Davies (TVP), Andrew Jackson (Brill PC), David Munson (Brill PC), Michael Edmonds (AVDC), Michael Rand (AVDC), Mr Mole (Oakley PC) and D Cherry (Oakley PC).


There were no declarations of interest.


The notes from the meeting held on 13 March 2013 were confirmed subject to the following amendments to Item 9, Local Priorities.

Colin Minton, representative for Dinton with Ford & Upton Parish Council asked that the paragraph for his item be amended to the following:

“A representative from Dinton with Ford & Upton Parish Council referred to the pilot scheme which they took part in and commented that, on balance, their MVAS had worked well. The software was part of the cost but without a laptop the MVAS might not give full value for money as, whilst it would flash at cars and store information concerning vehicle volumes and speed, the stored data would not be available for interrogation or analysis. The data showed the time slots and the vehicle speeds.”


The Chairman highlighted that the NAG meeting would no longer be held before the LAF meeting and that officers would be trialling including the Neighbourhood Police Update within the LAF meeting.

Bryn Scott gave the following Neighbourhood Policing Update:-

• The Neighbourhood Policing Team for the LAF area remains the same with Dean, Sue and Denise.

• PC Matt Spencely is moving to another job. The advertisement to fill the vacant post will be published shortly.

Crime Figures • Upto 31 April 2013 all crime is up by 2%, which equates to 9 crimes

• Theft of motor vehicle is up from 9-14 incidents

• Theft from motor vehicle is up from 35-68 incidents

• Burglary from dwellings is down from 25-20 incidents

• Burglary from non dwellings is up from 53-61 incidents

st • This year from April to May 31 all crime is up by 49% which equates to 88 incidents from 59. This is compounded by the fact that at the same time last year the figures were very low

• Main areas of concern are:-

o Theft from motor vehicle

o Theft of motor vehicle

o Burglary non dwellings

• Residents are asked to consider the crime prevention message:- do not leave valuables on display (which includes in the home and vehicles), also ensure all out buildings are locked.

• To push the crime prevention message, members are reminded of initiatives such as:-

o Farm Watch o Country Watch

Smart water can be supplied. If anyone would like any further information – contact the Neighbourhood Policing Team.

• There has been a lot of ongoing intelligence work and since the crime figures were published, the number of offences has been dropping.

• The Neighbourhood Policing Team have been working the late rather than the day shift and have been focusing on Haddenham, Long Crendon and Ickford areas.

Sue then advised on the following:- • A lot of work has been carried out following the number of shed break ins recently

• Residents are encouraged to mark property to ensure it is recoverable

• There has been a push to encourage residents to sign up to police alert message.

• Encouragement to mark tools has been very good.

• It is the time of year where there are numerous fetes etc which provides the Neighbourhood team with the opportunity to meet and talk to many people. The team are trying to attend as many of the fetes as they can.

• Long Crendon has had issues recently with Anti-social behaviour, particularly as the new playing field, which they had not had problems with previously. The culprits have been caught and the graffiti removed.

• Year 6 will be leaving shortly. The Neighbourhood team are going into schools to talk about drugs and the law. Schools have being inviting Addaction (young people’s drug awareness counsellors) and the idea is to following up that session with the police aspect. The message being all about prevention.

• Sue and Denise have been mobile and ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) trained. The intention is to carry out some semi covert surveillance particularly on days when events etc are being held in the area, where people from outside the area might be entering the area. It is an opportunity to gain intelligence should any incidents occur during this period.

Sue advised that Dean Kingham, who is the Police Wildlife Officer covering the Calvert Incinerator had provided a written update on issues and progress to date. Sue read out the following:-

“The last thing the LAF would have been told was that there was a Judicial Review and Natural

Englandth had cancelled the current licences on the site. There was a period between late February and 13 March where there wasn’t a Great Crested Newt (GCN) licence but there wasn’t any real concern as this species actually hibernates causing no issues in trapping as they wouldn’t be moving about.

th On 13 March Natural issued the current GCN licence which is now in place until 2015, the scrub clearance activity and re-establishment of the GCN fence continued, there was a small amount of damage from Badgers through the winter. th On 18 April the ecologists set the pitfall traps and started to catch the GCN amongst other animals moving them to the safe area, the spring weather was poor and cold which had delayed some of this work.

th Between 20-30 May the re-translocation of the GCN had been completed with a total of 245 newts moved from the railway, there was also a final hand search of the area before it has been signed off to start work.

th On 17 May there has been an appeal filed with the court challenging the judgement handed down in respect of the planning judicial review, Natural England have been issue a ‘letter before action’ in regard to the European Protected Species Licence and there may be a postponement in works albeit the GCN have been removed from the area at this time”


Colin Minton from Dinton enquired about traffic markings outside the primary School. In response County Councillor Paul Irwin advised that he would be visiting all Parishes within his division to find out what their issues are and obtain an update on where these are.


There were no Petitions.


Tim Fowler, TfB Customer Service Manager and Matt Whincup, Local Area Technician were welcomed to the meeting.

Members had received the TfB and Tim highlighted the following key points from the report:- • There are two Jet Patcher machines working across the County. They are a fairly innovative practice as there is no cutting out but compressed air.

• They are not a permanent solution but do make the highway safe and remove defects.

• There are two grass cutting regimes across the County. Rural is anything outside villages, which will be cut twice a year – this is down from 3 cuts per year previously. The first cut is just being finished now.

• Issues with visibility have been highlighted in some areas. If anyone has any concerns with vision splays contact TfB on 0845 2302882 or via the BCC website.

• Urban grass cutting has been reduced from 12 to 10 cuts a year.

• BCC was previously tied in with a contract with AVDC. The contract has now been taken back in house and TfB have got their own supply chain contractor. They had a late start in the season and the work programme slipped and there were issues with the quality of the work. TfB are working closely with the supply chain partner and weekly meetings are being held - TfB believe things are getting better. The Chairman highlighted that this week was the first cut Haddenham had received. She said that the grass along the pathway from Long Crendon to Thame was approximately 1 metre high and that following the cut the cuttings were left all over the pathway and had not been collected. Tim advised that this was due to the late start and said that he would look into the issues. Paul Irwin advised that Westcott had a similar experience as Haddenham and asked who was keeping an eye on the contractor to ensure that what the Council was paying for was actually being carried out and if it wasn’t whether the contractor would be required to reimburse the Council.

Another Member commented that she thought the grass was cut badly and as it had been cut late it impacted on villages entered into the Best Kept Village competition. She said she believed it was the worst cutting she had seen. The Chairman commented that previously edges around posts etc had been strimmed but that she had not seen any strimmers and the grass around posts etc had not been cut. Tim said that the contractor should be using blowers for paths and asked Members if they had seen the blowers used. Members advised that they had not seen the contractors using blowers. Tim said this would be addressed with the contractor.

Tim was advised that Dinton had raised concern about their visability splays. The Member said that Dinton had originally been informed the splays would be cleared within 24 hours and then informed it would be 2/3 weeks. Matt said that the call had originally been reported as a a24 hour call and that officers were working behind the scenes to put pressure on the contractors. Tim said he fully recognised that there were issues with the new service and that they would be working closely with contractors to rectify any issues.

In relation to Gully and Drainage Cleansing A,B and C roads and known flood areas will be prioritised. The areas will also be cleansed much earlier in the season. The idea is to have a dig out gang who follow the gully crews to dig out gullies which could not be cleaned in a reasonable time. The crew will also carry out any repairs identified ie stuck gratings.

A Member asked the officer to ensure that any materials dug out were removed, commenting that this material has previously been left by the edge of the gully and that following rain the material ends up straight back in the gully.

Members were informed that in addition to the previous £30m of investment, the Leader of the Council has announced a further £25m over the next two years for the Councils ‘We’re working on it’ project.

Tim highlighted that previous County Councillors were asked to identify their top 5 priorities. He said that there has been some added complications following the County Council elections as there were now new Councillors in place and there had been changes in the electoral boundaries. Officers were now going through a process of asking new County Councillors for their schemes. Tim advised that Margaret Aston’s priority had been Scotsgrove Hill to Haddenham Junction and that Michael Edmonds priority had been Chearlsey Road to Chilton. He advised that County Councillors Margaret Aston and Paul Irwin were being invited to put forward another priority in addition to those above.

Members were informed that information regarding changes to speed limits was included in the TfB report and that the information was also available on the County Council website.

In response a Member said that it seemed that changes to speed limits were being discouraged as a charge of £450 was being introduced. The Member said that when speed limits were reviewed across the County it was agreed that they would be re-looked at after 2 years. He asked if this was still going to happen. Tim said that he did not believe they would be re-looked at.

A Member said that he had been informed that there was only one vehicle and driver for the white lining machine. He said that he had been informed that the driver had been off sick and that now the lorry had broken down. The Member asked what happens now and what were the contingency plans in place. Matt Winlock said that he acknowledged that the white lining in question needed to be refreshed. He said the lorry was now repaired and was out on the roads again. He said that there was a backlist of jobs from when the vehicle was off the road and there is only one self- delivery crew which covers all LAF areas but that the work was on the job list.

A Member referred to email correspondence between TfB and Sedrup Parish Council and said that Sedrup were happy to do the road. Mr Fowler said that residents have been advised that plainings are available for them at Dinton dump.


Valerie Young, Community Links Officer provided an overview of the role of the Community Links Officer. Members were advised that the project was funded for three years in order to help the vulnerable adults and especially the aging population and aims to increase access and capacity of services to people with some degree of vulnerability before they lose their independence. Examples included lunch clubs, and utilisation of community groups and events.

Valerie said she was interested in knowing about any groups, clubs etc including events such as coffee mornings. She asked that Members let her know the details of any event that people attend and have a better quality of life because they go there. She also commented that if anyone was involved in a group it would be very useful if they put it on Bucks Connect.

Valerie said that she had been visiting Day Centres and that the Long Crendon and Haddenham centres were struggling to find clients. She commented that they offer a great service and that it would be a shame if they were lost. Valerie said that she had arranged for the day centre co- ordinators within this LAF to meet with Paul Hodson to discuss the possibility of potential joint bid for LAF funding.

Valerie said that the project is called ‘Prevention Matters’ and that they will also have some funding available for groups but they would need to demonstrate that they are thriving. Bids need to be co- ordinated with the Community LINKS Officer.

Members were invited to ask questions and the following points were raised:

• It is difficult to target people who need help but don’t know that they need help or some may not even want help • Valerie said that the Community Practice Worker is a vital role and said that they will go into GP surgeries. Day centres can also refer people • ‘Prevention Matters’ are having a huge launch to promote the service and it is hoped to build on this launch. • Day centres should have more interesting activities etc, this may encourage people to attend. • How are you promoting the project? – will you be including an item in Parish newsletters? • Valerie said they are using local radio, local papers and attending events but she recognised they promotion needs to be on-going. • A member asked if an item could be included on Village websites? • A Member asked who they should contact with queries and Valerie said the list of Community Links Officers and their contact details were included in the presentation and that if the query was for this LAF area it would be her – 01296383570 [email protected] • One of the biggest issues for residents is transport to get to clubs, day centres etc have you considered this? • Valerie said that it was recognised that transport is an issue and that officers would be meeting to try and address this


Steve Hawkins was welcomed to the meeting and informed Members that he had been in post for a few weeks.

Steve provided the following update:

“Buckinghamshire & Milton Keynes Fire Authority welcomed seven new members from Buckinghamshire County Council at its latest meeting on Wednesday 12th June 2013 for the first time since the May elections. The new members replace six who didn't stand for re-election to Buckinghamshire County Council - Councillors Mary Baldwin, Michael Brand, Hedley Cadd, Richard Pushman, Paul Rogerson and former Chairman David Rowlands - and Councillor Mohammad Bhatti, who left the Fire Authority in January. The new members are Councillors Bill Bendyshe-Brown, John Chilver, Netta Glover, Phil Gomm, Andy Huxley, Steven Lambert and Wendy Mallen.

Local government Minister Brandon Lewis has recently recognised Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Fire Authority as his Champion Council for being the only Combined Fire Authority which were able to take a significant increase in council tax (due to their being lower quartile) but, putting their citizens first, chose to continue to maintain the freeze in their council tax for another year.

The Authority is in the upper quartile of Value for Money performance as measured by the Audit Commission and it has delivered managed underspends of between 4 and 6% in the last 2 years. This year, we will report a further managed underspend of around 2% of the revenue budget for 12/13.

The Authority now has one of the lowest council tax rates of any Combined Fire Authority in England, but has improved the outcomes for their community year on year and has managed a significant reduction in budgets without detriment to emergency response levels. As a result, the citizens of Bucks and Milton Keynes enjoy high quality safety service at a low cost.

Staff have been into more than 17,000 homes in the last 18 months giving advice and fitting free smoke detectors resulting in a reduction in the number of fire injuries.

The safety themes for the next few months are:

June -Escape routes July – Outdoor Fire Safety August - Cooking

Crews will be attending a number of fetes and shows in the area during the summer months.

If people require further safety advice, information on current events or enquiries about home safety checks, they can visit our website at or contact their local Prevention & Response Manager (Station Manager Steve Hawkins on 07919290056 or by email at [email protected].)”


Members had received the AVDC report and Andrew Small, AVDC Lead Officer talked Members through the report.

13 LAF REPORT 2012/13

Members noted the report.


Members had received the Local Priorities Proposals for 2013/14 report. Following the departure of a member of staff, Locality Manager were having to cover additional LAFs and Members were informed that Paul Hodson, Localities Manager was not able to attend the meeting as Paul was attending another LAF meeting in South Bucks.

A representative from Long Crendon commented that Long Crendon had not had their MVAS installed yet as they were awaiting for the Local Area Technician to assess the site.

A representative from Long Crendon advised that they had made an application for funding for a defibrillator. In response it was suggested that Paul Hodson be asked for an update.

Action: Paul Hodson

Members discussed the new proposals for funding. Members agreed with the recommendation to decline the following schemes:

• Dinton and Stone Church Community Facilities • Haddenham Youth Café

They discussed the Air – tightness testing equipment scheme and it was the consenus of the LAF that more information was needed. It was also highlighted that ‘Affordable Warmth’ offered a similar scheme.

A question was raised whether if the air-tightness equipment identified areas where air was escaping whether there were any resources available for draft proofing properties. It was suggested that this item be deferred so that Paul Hodson could respond to queries.

Action: Paul Hodson


The Chairman advised that it was proposed that a refresh of the LAF Priorities be held in the Autumn 2013. She asked Members if they would like to hold a separate LAF workshop or if they would prefer to have this as part of the LAF meeting. Members agreed that they would like to have the workshop as a separate event.


The next meeting is to be held on 18 September 2013, 7.00pm, Cuddington Village Hall, HP18 0AP

Dates of Future Meetings 2013:

4 December 2013, 7pm, Haddenham Village Hall.

Minute Item 10

Community Links Officers: Our Role in the Community

Valerie Young Community Links Officer North


Prevention Matters is a partnership programme between: • Buckinghamshire County Council • NHS • District Councils • Voluntary & Community Sector

11 THE PREVENTATIVE MODEL: Why is it needed?

Main drivers • Ageing population • Reduced budgets • Changes in the social fabric of communities

“The options are to raise the eligibility threshold significantly or develop a more sustainable model with a greater emphasis on prevention, independence and resilience.”


Aims to support vulnerable adults including… • Older people • People with disabilities (learning, physical or sensory) • People with chronic health needs • People with poor mental health

“The greatest impact will be achieved by keeping those with moderate needs independent and healthy for longer and by supporting those with substantial needs to regain their independence.”

12 INTRODUCTION: What is the challenge? The cohort


Key areas for Maximum Impact • Reducing isolation and increasing social networks • Increasing quantity, value and experience of volunteering and neighbourliness • Promoting independence • Increasing low Rlevel support

“Prevention Matters is not a quick fix. It is about building community capacity and increasing the effectiveness of the system to signpost between formal and informal services.”

13 THE PREVENTATIVE MODEL: How does it work? Key principles


The new system has 4 elements:

1. 2: 3: 4: Community Community Intelligence Volunteer Links Officer Practice Hub Hub Worker

14 THE PREVENTATIVE MODEL: How does it work?

Community Links Officer Based in the community and linked up to community Collecting and organisations. Aligned with analysing data on district councils the availability and effectiveness of Coordinating groups and activities allocation of in the locality pooled grant funding and holding a grant Linking the informal with the formal fund Convening meetings and events for Informing professionals and commissioning community groups and grant provision Promoting the prevention agenda

Developing and Local knowledge hub for facilitating Community Practice groups and Workers activities

THE PREVENTATIVE MODEL: How does it work? Bucks Connect !!"#$$%%%&'()*+),--.)!&,/0&(*$

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