THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. Staff Coverage of Washington Area Scholastic Football Games Forty-Niner-Steeler MiVluATiUOTQIIII 20, 1004 ** A-15 IV Game Tonight Weak Offenses Matched Armstrong Must Win Cardinals Six-Point ’ Battle of Cripples Favorites 3 Games in 11 Days lyIhi AutdcMl rim Over Improving PITTSBURGH, Nov. 20. Redskin Tearn Two anemic Three weeks ago the Pittsburgh offenses, which to too scene of his first pro For Division II Title rival camps believe are due to coaching venture two yean ago, INTEHHIOH CDIV. H) STANDINGS Steelers -Ban Francisco -Forty- believes Washington eleven L explode, will be on exhibition toe Splnaarn __ 2V T Phelps j Niners is ready for good try. Th* Armstron* _j 11 12i^0 a Dunbar game shaped up as the battle tomorrow when the improved Redskins upset toe dissension- of champions. But tonight It Redskins meet the Cardinals at torn last r By Sid Sussmon Chicago. Sunday. 17-14, without toe help will be a battle of aches and eight Armstrong suddenly In games there isn’t of the veteran Harry Gilmer or has pains. emerged as a threat to win its much to choose between the two. rookie Vic Janowicx, both of fourth consecutive Interhigh Di- The injured player personnel The Redskins have scored 107 whom should be ready for offen- vision IIfootball championship, on both teams could easily fill a points to 299 for the opposition, sive duty tomorrow. With them, but it’s going to take a lot of couple of small hospital wards. while the Cardinals have earned Kuharich hopes to see * better doing. Nine Bteelers are sidelined and 101 and held their rivals to 245. attack. Yesterday at Brooks Stadium 13 Forty-Niners are in the sick The Cardinals, nevertheless, are The Redskins fared badly on ~ bay. six-point favorites. their last excursion to the Mid- the Generals won only their first .. . .'