Ruth Gilligan | 336 pages | 07 Jul 2016 | ATLANTIC BOOKS | 9781782398578 | English | London, United Kingdom Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan by Ruth Gilligan | World Literature Today

Or even white with terror up on the shul balcony the day of my bar mitzvah—the day I stopped speaking and this whole mess began. Each night I savored the image, the single thing that kept me going these days. Only, the longer I stared at it the less it looked like my Ima at all, the face distorted with time and doubt and fear until, really, it was nothing more than an approximation, an estimate. I had never really been the outdoorsy type—my hands much too far away to coordinate with my eyes—so the sweat of the crawl alone was a killer. But with the added terror of being caught, my chest was relentless—needed a few blanks of my own to calm the bloody thing down. I paused to pant. The stones were digging into my kneecaps, a vicious impale like a gnashy set of teeth. But I carried on despite myself, dragging my body under the ledge, my face so close to the dirt my nose might scrape a rut that looked like the trail of a snail. Or like an un-bar mitzvah-ed mute off to meet an old Jewish cripple for Tuesday afternoon story time? I rolled my eyes but they saw only mud. I remembered Alf once told me it was better to be buried on your front, to make sure you were a gonner, like. Of course, Alf himself never seemed to bother with any of this cloak-and-dagger shite; always just wheeled into our meetings from round the front of the house, casual as you like, as if the whole thing were above board. To be honest, I half suspected Sister Frances just sneaked him out, then covered up his tracks, the pretty nun still caught on some daft bit of softness for the grouch. We had managed a couple of get-togethers a week out here in a forgotten part of the garden—about all that was feasible, given the constant vigilance of the place. And apart from the hectic schedule, there was the added restriction that Alf refused to meet on Friday evenings or Saturdays, always surprisingly strict in that regard. When I arrived I wiped the clumps off my knees and began to yank at the rocks in the corner until, finally, I had uncovered the Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan I needed. The jotter was the same as the ones we had had at school. A dull, piss-yellow color; a sketch of a Martello Tower on the front, as if to encourage every gobshite in the country to become the next James bloody Joyce. I opened the book and took out the pen that had been wedged in against the spine. The ink was already running low—Alf would have Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan nick us another one soon. Or how about getting one of those quills like that Rabbi Loew lad we learned about in cheder? Apparently he would just dip the nib of it in ink, close his eyes, and let the words come down from above; Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan out predictions about the massacre of the Jews until, unbelievably, the things came true. And maybe if I had that quill I could do the opposite now—write down what I saw and somehow make it untrue again, and then speak. His regulation shirt had been buttoned the wrong way up, his slacks at least two sizes too big so that his leg stumps were absolutely swimming in them. Or maybe it should have been drowning. From what I could gauge the Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan ran out just at the knee, which was kind of ironic given my own slacks had been lopped off exactly there, my shins permanently exposed to the world. It had been four days ago, that smear of poetry. Four days and how many years? How many lifetimes? I just wanted. With one palm beneath the jotter I clenched my fingers round the pen. Muck dropped from my nails, little pips like a fall of extra punctuation. Or, really, like a dot dot dot for everything I knew was about to come. The story itself was just a love story, once you got to grips with it, though that was easier said than done. It had all started on Clanbrassil Street in Apparently the country had been absolutely ravaged by fuel shortages courtesy of the war going on in Europe. But there was something. Made me feel. And he told me about how they had clicked instantly, himself and herself, working side by side in the trenches of peat. And she had a fine way with the spade, let me tell you, Shmendrick. Not exactly spring chickens the pair of us, but we made decent progress so we did, going deeper and deeper into the dirt. Because to be honest, I had never heard love quite like it; never known it could exist between a man and a woman. No, I thought that kind of infatuation was reserved only for mothers and sons; for Imas and Shems. The day was already fading around us, a decent gust getting up that set the weeds to dance. Smashing stuff, like. By the end of each session Alf tended to be knackered, his memory a muscle overused, but before we headed back he would shut his own eyes and hold out his hands for the book. I would pass it over, then watch as he clasped it to his chest and rocked from side to side. And when Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan handed it back the jotter would still be warm as I stashed it beneath the bricks of the ruined shed, piling them high before I moved away, slowly. Though I always went in reverse; always careful not to turn my back; a reverence and a respect for the words. Once inside Montague House again, it was business as usual. As merciless. To be Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan, if anything Alf had become even more cruel than before, using the humiliation to cover up any whiff of our cahoots:. While Sister Monica smiled on in sinister approval. In the comfort of that silence I could have sworn something different had begun to form between us, a fresh reek Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan the pantry air. So for a while, the new bond was almost enough—the unfurl of the story and the secret routine brightening the dull of the days. Every installment was a new distraction, a bit of unlikely warmth to keep me going, like the fuzz that had started growing back on the top of my slappy little head. My Ima. Or more precisely, I could almost trick my mind into other things—divert it down to other bogs—whereas my body refused to have any of it, the separation turning physical now as well. My bowels were in bits, a rainbow Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan squirts every time I grazed the toilet bowl. My appetite was annihilated. So instead I would find myself just sitting there in the canteen, hunching over my plate, remembering. The echo of her voice would fill me, the gorgeous countryside lilt. I knew she had grown up on a farm, though she never really liked to talk about it. The other women all craved cheese when they were expecting, or sometimes even pickles. I remembered it now word for word, one of her favorite boasts, massaging both our egos with her spindly little hands. But me, oh no, I was different—I was after getting Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan cravings! Word pangs! Every time I Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan one I would have to find a rhyme. And I knew then, pet, that you would be a different kind of baby. A very special kind. Other times I would remember the year I had gone through a strict phase of only eating my food in alphabetical order:. Spelled out on a plate that only she and I understood. We would giggle like gobshites, gone on it for hours, until Abba would bang his fist down on the table and scream at us to stop. Or there was this one time, a year after my bar mitzvah, when I caught my mother crying in the kitchen. But it only seemed to make her blub even harder, the joke somehow lost in the telling. Ruth Gilligan is a novelist, journalist, and academic from Ireland, currently living in London. Skip to content Created with Sketch. Created with Sketch. Search for:. Facebook Twitter Instagram. Sign up for our newsletter Enter Email. Privacy Policy. I love you. I strongly like you. I, strongly similar to you. I, with large muscles. So close to being lost altogether. And get out of here. And see my Ima. I tilted the Martello Tower so he could see: From the first time I saw her I plied her with questions, needing to know every bit. Until they needed fuel; needed volunteers to come and dig turf from a bog. And this time round, he had taken me with him. Like a pair of wings tucked in. I stared at the ground. It almost felt as if I was intruding on a moment. I knew you were special from the moment I was pregnant. Back in Montague House I stared Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan at my dinner. Getting thinner. I stirred my soup. Research Notes: Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan - Necessary Fiction

Ruth Gilligan born is an Irish writer, journalist and university lecturer, born in DublinIreland. Gilligan's father was an accountant and her mother a speech therapist. Her brother David is ten years her senior, and the family hail from Blackrockwhere she grew up. Gilligan studied acting at the Betty Ann Norton Theatre School in from the age of six, and later secured theatre, TV commercial and short film roles. Her first professional role was at the Gaiety Theatre in Dublinat the age of At second level, Gilligan attended St. Andrew's College, Booterstown Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan, and while there, from age 12 to age 16, she played Laura Halpin in the Irish soap opera [1] and wrote her first novel, Forget [3] [4] [5] as a Transition Year secondary school project. In JanuaryGilligan was announced as the youngest ever recipient of an O'Reilly Foundation Scholarship to pursue advanced studies in English literature. Dublin in Augustfollowing which she discussed her work, scholarship and GB Olympic fencing boyfriend Alex O'Connellto whom the book is dedicated, in a live TV interview. Gilligan has mentioned work on a follow-up book with links to the Beef Tribunal, [1] and in her new novel, The Butcherswas published. Gilligan took up a post as a lecturer in creative writing at the [13] and as ofis a senior lecturer there. She also works with Colum McCann 's storytelling charity Narrative 4 - an international organisation devoted to fostering radical empathy amongst diverse teens - for whom she has organised a number of projects. They met inbecame engaged inand married in County Wicklow Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan They now live in HighburyLondon. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ruth Gilligan. The Sunday Times of London. News International. Retrieved 7 August Ruth Gilligan - Author, Journalist, Lecturer. Retrieved 31 December Dublin: Hodder Headline Ireland. The Sunday Times. Retrieved Irish Independent. August 7, Archived from the original on Irish Times. University of Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan. Retrieved 19 September Der Sommer deines Lebens. Hachette Books Ireland. Somewhere In Between. Can You See Me? Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan. Atlantic Books. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Novelistactress. Literary fiction ; historical fiction. Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan | Hopeless but not serious

This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness. The wikiHow Video Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work. This article has been viewed 23, times. Learn more In the Japanese art of origami, paper swans are one of the most popular pieces to make. And you don't have to be an expert folder to create one yourself. With a little patience and practice, you can fold a pretty paper swan to use as a whimsical decoration in your home or even as a party favor. To make a paper swan, start by grabbing a square piece of paper and folding it in half diagonally, then opening it back up. From there, bring the 2 corners in towards the center crease to create a shape that Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan like a kite. Next, flip the paper over and fold the 2 corners into the center crease again. Then, flip the paper over and fold it in half vertically. Finally, pull the neck and beak away from the body and pinch the fold to secure everything in place. For more tips, like how to display your paper swan in fun ways, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No. Please help us continue to provide you with our trusted how-to guides and videos for free by whitelisting wikiHow on your ad blocker. Log in Facebook. No account yet? Create an account. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Explore Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan Article methods. Things You'll Need. Related Articles. Article Summary. Method 1 of Fold a square piece of paper in half diagonally, then open it back up. Bring 1 Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan over to the opposite corner, lining up the edges. Make a crease by running your finger or fingernail firmly along the fold. Open the paper so it lies flat after you fold it. If you're using patterned paper, start with the blank side facing up. You can use any type of paper you'd like. However, origami paper is recommended, especially for beginners, because it's thin and easy to fold cleanly. Bring the 2 corners in towards the center crease, forming a kite. Take Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan 2 corners that are on either side of the crease. Fold them into the center so that the Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan line up along the crease. Try to align the edges so that they touch. Flip the paper over and fold the 2 corners into the center crease again. Bring the 2 corners on either side of the original crease line towards the center. Line up the edges with the crease. This is the same fold you just made, but on the opposite side of the paper. You should now have a smaller kite shape. Fold the kite in half, bringing the bottom of the tail up to meet the top. Make sure the points of the corners line up perfectly to ensure the paper is folded exactly in half. Crease the fold. The wider bottom layer will be the body of the swan and the thinner top layer will be the neck. Fold down the tip of the top layer to create the beak. Take the top point and bring it down towards the bottom. Crease it so it stays in place. However, it should be smaller than the neck and body to look proportionate. Flip the swan over and fold it in half vertically. Press firmly along the fold to crease it. The beak and neck should be exposed. Make sure the beak and neck are folded in half, too. Pull the neck and beak away from the body, pinching the fold to secure it. The neck should be at a 90 degree angle from the body. Instead, squeeze it with your fingers to hold the Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan in place. You can pull the beak away from the neck if you want, too. Use the same pinching method. Method 2 of Display paper swans around your house for decor on a budget. Why spend a lot of money on decorations when you can make them yourself with just a few pieces of Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan Set a swan on a bookshelf or end table, for example. Or make a bunch of swans in different sizes and group them together for an interesting coffee table arrangement. Homemade decor personalizes and warms up any space. String swans together if you want to make a garland or mobile. Attach your paper swans to a long piece of string or twine with tape or glue. Then drape the garland on a mantel or doorway for a whimsical accent piece. Or make multiple strands and tie them to an embroidery hoop for a beautiful mobile. Fold your swan with a napkin to use it as a place setting. Since most paper napkins are squares, they make for the perfect origami paper. Set your napkin swan on top of a plate to really impress your guests. Plus, they can use the napkins during the meal. Let your guests take home the swans if they don't use them as a creative party favor. Attach a hanger to the swan if you want to make a Christmas ornament. Loop string around the neck or Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan a piece of wire to the head so you can hang your swan on the tree around the holidays. Use paper in holiday colors, like red, green, or gold, for an extra festive touch. Probably the crane but it really depends on your skills with origami. There are also different ways to fold in order to make it easier, so have a look at various patterns. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 4. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Related wikiHows. About This Article. Co-authored by:. Co-authors: 9. Updated: March 5, Categories: Bird Origami. Article Summary X To make a paper swan, start by grabbing a square piece of paper and folding it in half diagonally, then opening it back up. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 23, times. 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