Analysis for Kebumen Geopark: an effort to preserve geological heritage and increase local prosperity

ASTIN NURDIANA1, ARIS TRISTIANTO WIBOWO2, AFY SYAHIDAN ACHMAD1, AND BUDI BRAHMANTYO1 - 1. Geological Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology, ¶ 2. Petroleum Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Ganesha Street No.10, Bandung, 40132

Kebumen, one of the regencies in Central Province, Indonesia, Southeast Asia, has various geological heritages as geotourism objects, for instance Karangsambung Melange Complex and Karangbolong Karst Complex. Karangsambung Melange Complex consists of various exceptional outcrops that refer to the oldest rock in the Java Island, Indonesia. Besides that, these outcrops are evidence for Cretaceous- Tersier Subduction of the Eurasian Plate and Indo-Australian Plate. Today, fresh outcrops are on the wane because of intensive weathering and erosion in a tropical zone, and hazards from local communities. Hence, it is needed to preserve these geological heritages. Besides geological heritages, Kebumen has also cultural heritages, for example Gamelan, Tari Lawet, and Batik Tanuraksan. On the other hand, Kebumen is fifth rank of the poorest in Province. To solve this problem, it is required to manage geotourism and cultural potential as a productive and sustainable source of local prosperity. A Geopark, as a system from UNESCO to integrate the preservation of significant examples of geological heritage in a strategy for regional sustainable socio-economic, environment, and cultural development, is recommended for Kebumen. A Geopark represents global tourism quality for local geological and cultural heritages. Being able to achieve high quality geopark guidelines for Kebumen would increase local prosperity, and preservation of geological heritages, by increasing visitors. This prosperity is measured from increasing enterprises, improving human living condition, and improving education about geological heritages. It is noteworthy that a big effort is required for realizing Kebumen Geopark because assessment of geological heritages have not carried out for geopark, and not all of communities have known about the geopark. But, with cooperation, preparation, and working together, Kebumen Geopark could be realized.

Presented in Theme 4

Atlantic Geology, 2014, Volume 50, Number 1 6th International UNESCO Conference on Global Geoparks 2014 Abstracts doi: 10.4138/atlgeol.2014015 Copyright © 2017 Atlantic Geology